Duke of Edinburgh is Open House For Home And School Evening pe | The March mee of thelthey had studied and several mice of rie hcg ed and|leaf collections which had been School Association was in the made by the cHildren last fall. roxy. yee sain Following the visit to the Editor Dial 728-3474 form of "Open ere pi etiges classrooms, a short business ckle, Women's itor a were welcomed at the door by| meeting was conducted by Mrs. Jo Aldwin |\Mr. Kelvin James, principal, Kuch, during which a nomina- and Mrs. Walter Kuch, presi-\ting committee was chosen. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, March 21,1963 7 | dent. Parents were permitted to) The April meeting will be on LD, visit the various classrooms "Safety" and will be convened IE from 7.45 p.m. to 8.45 p.m. and| py Mr. W. R. Richardson. UNITS GR " ithe teachers were also present! Refreshments were served by J i sent eae ; haaltt® mothers of me pupils. had hf | any of the classrooms had|Fietcher's and Mrs. Finlay's was chosen to be the Oshawa year's curriculum outlined|Grade V classes. PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY | Freel CITY-WIDE PICK-UP & DELIVERY OPEN NIGHTLY TILL 9 P.M. For Fast Service Call Us To-Day MITCHELL'S DRUG SHAW oy LIMITED 9 SIMCOE or. N HOUSEHOLD HINT ¥ you can't stand the odor lof fresh paint, try keeping a TELEPHONE 723-3431 2nd PARENTS COMMITTEE : al the Holding the first meeting of] candidate for the Order of Merit) (tie 'hiackboard thus inform- the National Congress at . 1963, members of the 2nd Pi na ea nia ana Mrs vran "Gilbert| 98 the parents what their child ents Committee noticed a grea ei |would be studying that year. Calls Youth Centres layout of Guide House. Mrs.| represent the Oshawa section at) crafts including an art exhibit, * . ee ; 4 Ge cama rein, pte ere, gt Mt clay modeling weg empicr,| 100 Antiseptic e m : jpaper weavin an scarves| | at Guide House recently. Mrs.! The members decided to havelyaven on nae looms. Other) TORONTO, (CP) -- Canadian) EASTER WEDDING IN COURTICE Ps i 'heh aud * eg secretary's report and the trea-/for the members and their! «ample of the children's writ- described as sterile, unimagin- the wedding day of Miss bridegroom, son of Mr. a0d'\sary en Friday, March $3, 1968 aurer, Mrs. Dougias Kirkland,friends, ing and a story written b y each|ative and antisep.1¢ by social Myrna Peterson and Mr, Paul Mrs, Irvin J. McCullough, of |Sinee Mr. Froud is convalescing gave the financial hap rhe t to) Mrs. Benjamin Michaud, re-\of the pupils in a room under} MO een ari enjoy win-| R. McCullough whose engage- Newcastle, Ontario, graduated |in Oshawa General Hospital, the Announcements of interest '9) gional president of Toronto, willlexactly the same heading. ee | ment is announced today. The from Peterborough Teachers' |couple hopes to receive their the Giant Guide-Brownie Paper) yy. "john Cardinal is inistudies and science, exhibits|!" swimming poois and gymns,/ +47, Oshawa General Hospi- staff of Harriett Todd Public drive. Paper truck ie Py le charge. were displayed that had been ge goa National, t@! School of Nursing last year School, Orillia. The ceremony 'Guide House between Saarch Reverend Father N. J.brought by the children and] ¢ Tr yg seh Wo : | is the daughter of Mr, and is to be held in Ebenezer 10.30 a.m. on Saturday, Marc ouncil of Jewish Women: Mrs. Gerald A. Peterson of United Church, Courtice. Mie : ; d spoke about the adoption|various explorers and times} divisional meeting will be held |°" . i Bdsaroiuemind hs | ed abnorial. If all the) | ' at Guide House on March 19 eid Leg Bie ge aoa v key chains Canadian children|Programs today prepare youth| Mr. Farina, staff member ot room on pets is "bane and a tentative May date has) "there is a large number of! HOUSEHOLD HINT made in arts and craft classes|for an idealized life . . . the|the University. of Toronto School| ao... been set for a spring rummage cutting|were piled up, we'd be the first/sort their parents want forjof Social Work, was speaking on| - = ta-|home, he said. |'hrough sandpaper. A , ¢ ist m pts | A proposed visit to TV stan. meeting closed with|sandpaper glued to a ruier also| "There is little room for thejhonest rebellion in our -young)meet the needs of youth in its -- hit» - wae ee tae prayers. lmakes a good knife shaipener.!nonconformist in our society.|people." lagencies. or May w ; ti daced Calder, Mrs. Frank Ball and €herney's difference in the appearance and|was chosen to be delegate t0 qe. were also exhibits of William Arnold presented thea communion breakfast May 5|points of interest were a typical|"ecreational youth agencies are) sturday, April 13, will be Courtice, The proapective wedding committee members included| be the guest speaker. In connection with social|e? activities, yet we put them) b./4¢ to - be who graduated College and is on the teaching friends at'a later date. 23, to pick up paper. The annual Gignac gave a spiritual address|which were connected with the} Any child. at ai treative ts sale, children waiting to have a good) | Scissors, Gna bs strip of|country to get to the moon."/them. We must make room for how the community attempts to| Mrs. Cornelius in charge of ar-| rangements. o Because kitchen facili- ties have not yet been opened, a picnic air presided for the social hour following adjourn- ment of the meeting. Dougnuts and tea were served by the; president assisted by Mrs. John) Kitchen in the absence of the) social convener, Mrs. Gordon) Barker. KING STREET UCW The March meeting of King Street United Church Women was held in the Centennial Hall March 14 with a good attend- ance. Mrs. Douglas Redpath wel- comed all present and read a poem 'What Kind of Member Are You?" Mrs. Norman Wirsching read the minutes. The correspon- dence was read by Mrs. H. Wil- ton. Many thank-you cards were received. Mrs. Douglas Redpath reported on activities, new members to get membership cards for 1963; continue to save labels to purchase a coffee urn; a new name for the ladies lounge to be considered, any member to send in a suitable name. The Delmar Hat show is to be held April 3. Mrs. Wilbur Rus- nell reported on the bale to be First Church of Christ in Jer-| The following took part: Miss Effie Wright, Mrs. Cecil Tin- dall, Mrs. Earl Luke, Mrs. Mackie, Mrs. Robert Bland and Mrs. Leslie Hall. Mrs. Frank Train sang two solos with Mrs. Theodore Wil- kins at the piano. The devotion was closed by Mrs. Ernest Brown with prayer. Mrs. Wilfred Harris reported on the progress being made in educating retarded children. She also reported on the budget. The Fellowship Unit, Mrs. Frank Burrows in charge, held a bake sale. The Cheerful Givers Unit (7), Mrs. Clarence Scott leader, served refreshments. The next meeting is to be held April 11. ALBERT STREET UCW NO. 1 The monthly meeting of Unit 1 of Albert Street United Church was held in the Friendship Room with Mrs. Wilfred Alex- ander presiding, and Miss Ber- nice Quinn at the piano. Mrs. Wilfred Alexander opened the meeting by reading a poem on Easter. Hymn No. 86 was sung followed by prayer. The mem- bers were reminded of the fol- lowing dates: May 2, spring bazaar; May 16, Bale; June 20, trip to Niagara Falls; July 13, family picnic. Get well cards were sent to Mrs. Elizabeth Graham, Mrs. Ross Clark and Mrs. Percy Clark, Miss Cora Harvey was in charge of devotions, in the absence of Mrs. Herman Lax- ton, and her theme was the Len- ten season, The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Earl Adams. Mrs. Mervin Morrison continued her talk on Korea, from the mis- sionary study book, \"'On Asia's) Rim", | served by ts. Roger TI CANADIENNES - FRANCAISES The Federation des Femmes Canadiennes Francaises held its regular meeting in St Mary of the People auditorium with Mrs, Lucien Chamberland presiding. Mrs. Yvan Gilbert read the minutes and Mrs. Alcide Lecler gave the finan- cial report. Mrs, Roland Lacroix report- ed that she sent a congratula- tion card to the president, who! gave birth to her ninth child) last month. Mrs. Yvon Leger, welfare convener, reported that) she had sent $10 to the foreign) mission collected from pen-! nies saved by the members d February. She also re- po. a letter of thanks from the missions, explaining the value of each dollar and the great need of the unfortunate people. It was decided that some children will participate in the UNICEF to represent the French-Canadians. The pro- gtam will be held in the West- minster Church to aid UNICEF. Mrs. Lucien Chamberland @ FURNITURE | wo RLpD floorcovering | { heavy quality .-- all wool... hardtwist in 9' 12' and 15' widths . sq. yd. size sale 100% virgin wool boadloom closely 6x 9 66.66 woven and loomed to stand up to tough- est wear! Take your choice of 6 outstand- ¥x 12' 128.82 Ingly beautiful decorator shades. Thick, 7 xis 159.90 dense pile broadloom that puts sheer luxury under-foot in your home at a 9 x 18' 190.98 new, low price! 12' x 12' 170.76 | wall-to-wall 12' x 15° 213.20 | 5 complete with 40 oz. mothproof felt cushion'and completely tackless installa- THOR, 3 4 30 sq. yds. 382:°° 40 sq, yds. 510° 50 sq. yds. 638° 9' x 12' axminster bordered rugs Here's real savings on good quality rugs Wide ronge of handsome decorator 50 shades and designs. Brighten your home at a minimum of cost. ONLY bissell carpet sweepers famous bissell carpet sweepers for a con- 7* multi-color mats ever-popular and oh, so practical multi-color mats that brighten any room and give extra long life to floors. Now at a special 94 low price only while stock lasts! ... . better hurry! .ccceccccesceesss 1 sr eeeeenere venient, once-over carpet cleaning job. Buy now, during our pre-spring floor covering sale and enjoy the big savings! viscose hall runners Bn TOS. fet... 995 1B" .ccceee e 144" occccce e top quality viscose hall runners with foam back te give extra long life and to prevent slipping! Choice of attractive patterns and colors. hall carpet beautiful, spics tweed hall carpet in the standard 27-inch width. Add new richness, longer life to your halls . . . and at a big saving, too! Shop and compare . . . see your- 49 self what an outstanding value this car- pet really is! yd. scsccecesedeveccvesees hall and stair carpet rich and beautiful axminster hall and stair carpet in a choice of grey floral, green floral or luxurious wine oriental. Just the hall 44 and stair carpet you've been wanting at 4 the price you want to pay! 27" wide. yd. quality viscose tweed rugs choice of rich shades of green or turquoise! oe DEMS ye: Q G92 see 79.20 €~herney's 80 KING ST. first with ...selection...service . . . satisfaction g. OSHAWA | | SPORTSWEAR Lid. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE WE'RE ALL READY FOR YOU TOMORROW AND SATURDAY 'COME IN AND SEE "THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF ey Wie b IN OSHAWA NEW AND BREATH-TAKING SUITS COATS DRESSES 2 and 3-pc. KNITS SWEATERS SKIRTS SLIMS BLOUSES JACKETS Co-ordinates ALL AT TINY PRICES MIX AND MATCH THEM TO YOUR HEARTS CONTENT. SHORTS -- POP-TOPS -- BERMUDAS JAMACAS -- SKIRTS -- DECK PANTS -- SLIMS -- SHIFTS -- SHIRTS A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE SEIGNEUR'