VoW YOR PERCE Personal Conviction First Signpost On Path To International Respect "As the history of man's to!-lanother may think unimportant,)fending: one's own position, erance and understanding has|and we shall have to undergo but finding a better way around progressed through the ages|the discipline A ee the cold war whirlpool. from family to tribe, tribe to|The heart m' se g HUMANITY'S SAKE country pos | country to nation,/enough for mistakes and for- 7 substantiate A idealistic so now, historians tell us, we|giveness and growing. address Mrs, Tucker put for- are entering the international! "We must also realize that| ward twelve program ideas for age of mankind, Each transition|our own values are no univer-|international co-oper ation has been a challenge, fraught|sal and to participate in inter-lRroadly they included a world with sacrifice, but on us restsinational co-operation me®MShiiiteracy campaign; world fam- the responsibility of living to-|finding out and respecting oth-li1, jamboree; residential ex- gether as neighbors, in peace,|ers' values. It is imperative that) .hanges for children: twinning or, the end of our civilization." |we think nc we act. pepe of cities; international univer- Thus : Tucker,|ma' speeches, accusations * cong Mom hogge ag Sb In-jand belittling widen the abyss pont a vrs Ey ternational Liaison Committee|of misunderstanding and break!throughout the world; freedom for International Co-operation|down efforts of real communica-|o¢ hunger campaign through Year, opened her address to an tion. United Nations and an interna- appreciative audience in the} 'Let us be careful not to lumpjtional broadcasting commission McLaughlin Public Library on|people into set and cementedito provide unslanted and un- Tuesday evening. |policies wr ge ey but tojbiased news dissemination. NEW APPROACHES . el gooey sie gg go area ae uae py The year 1065, the half-way|,orson Basic to negotiation islefforts of the local group of mark of the Decade of Develop-|tne acceptance of change. Co-|Voice of Women, She was in- oe, On ans tock operation means, not just de-|troduced by Mrs, G. D. Conant designated "ICY" and Voice of : io who spoke of the many fields of White-Collar Girl Cone tacks te ee diplomatic relations in which Doesn't Mind Dirt MONS monvy,~ ewe CHE. --we 1) looked around for a job." The job she found was mo. delling for couturiers in Paris, and when she returned to Lon- don she showed' clothes for Hardy Amies in his fashionable salon in Mayfair, STILL HAS FIGURE As a model she wears mostly suits and afternoon dresses. "I don't look good in bikinis any more," she says with a laugh. She hastens to add that her figure, even after 13 children, hasn't changed all that much. "I've never really been skinny. Now my doctor likes to keep me between 130 and 137 oe In London I weighed By Systematic Plan Mother of 13 Finds Time For Modelling TORONTO (CP)--Judy Coch- rane can be excused if she won- ders why some housewives com- rig about having too much to nisihiren taming Henna tk Her "'system" contains no se- SETTLE SUIT rets. LOS ANGELES (AP) --A "A big family is no morelplagiarism suit for $1,500,000 trouble than a small one. The) against the late showman Mike first half-dozen were the hard-/7, n ed an est. Now the big ones help with phen Bend gard -- Se! ior the youngest." Court was told Wi Leo She plans meals at least one/Mantin, 69, a former vaudeville day ahead, prepares breakfast,| performer, alleged that the title lunch and dinner, then lets the|song for Todd's movie Around rest of the family take over. {the World in 80 Days was taken "My husband and the girls|from a 1022 composition by serve dinner. The children have} Mantin. a roster for doing dishes and I never have to touch them at night.... "Every woman could do it if she wanted to. I could never go rattling through life day by day without some sort of be a mental: wreck." SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Gas Decler in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) Mrs. Cochrane, who works during the day as a part-time model, goes home each night to a brood of 13 children, And she has her whole day organized-- in advance, Her explanation is that she has a system, and enthusiasm is part of the answer. "My children are wonderful, and my husband, well, he's just marvellous," Originally from England, she met her husband while she was serving with the Women's Aux. iliary Air Force in the Second World War. Frank Cochrane, then with the RCAF, took his wife home to Brantford, Ont., and eventually to Toronto. In Canada, Mrs. Cochrane saw no reason to' give up mo- delling which she had taken up in 1938 after running out of money in France. ' "My father had told me I'd have to swim the Channel be- OSHAWA'S CARPET CENTRE at Nu-Way, carpet and broad- loom hes been a specialty for 18 years . , . with thousands of yards on display to select from, PHONE 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO, LTD. 174 MARY ST. Since Mrs. Cochrane, now 42, is five-foot-seven, she's hardly overweight. Her family comes first with her, she says, but she feels a woman should have an outside interest. "I'm not a clubwoman and I'm not a joiner, but I find modelling is fun." Commercial end industria! Sites the speaker had played a lead- women everywhere to join them ; in a "'VoW" for peace, she said. ing part, After a brisk question and . New approaches to peace is Te aeenee Darien en Bae timer Brown thanked Mrs. begs MARRIED RECENTLY Pictured ga ier -- riage recently in the resi- dence of Monsignor Philip Coffey are Mr, and Mrs, Paul Parker. The bride, the former Anna Maria Bycok, is the the goal for ICY. Tucker. "We all know that to go to cei TORONTO (CP) -- "Getting 52% Simeoe N, 728-9474 fore he would send me any down to work'"' is an expression that has an unusual meaning for Tora Van Rooyen. For two months it meant descending into a dank hole un- der the corner of downtown King Street and University Avenue. Miss Van Rooyen, a blonde South African, works as a draftsman for Ed Bennett who was resident engineer on the war again, this time in a nuclear world, would be complete mad- ness. In the past, people, like animals have responded to fear and hostility in the two ways they knew. They could fight or they could run away. Today, we know we can't fight and we have nowhere to run. "The women's answer to this dilemma is simple: let us have peace. Our hearts and our com- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bycok and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Parker, all of Oshawa. --Hornsby Studio ANN LANDERS Now It's Too Late She Wants Her Sons ..Dear Ann Landers: I married too young like a big fool and had two boys before I was 19. My husband (if you can call him that) started to chase with an older woman. After three years of running around he asked for a divorce. I was sick of his cheating and lying, and was happy to be rid of him. I had a wonderful opportunity to take a road job but it meant boarding out my boys. Mom and dad told me they would take the boys but only if they could adopt them legally. I agreed, seeing no other way out. Two years have passed and I'm through with the road job and am now settled in town. My eons, I'm sorry to say, are Mike a pair of sav. southern section of Toronto's new University Avenue subway. "The noise was awful," she said, "And the dirt; instead of washing my hair once a week I had to do it every night." Miss Van Rooyen had to climb down a ladder every morning to get to her make- shift office. And, like the male workers, she wore a safety hel- met. "The boys had a great deal of respect for me though oc- casionally the odd hot word would come out." Her underground job finished before the Feb. 28 opening of the subway and now she and her boss are working on the east- west Bloor Street Jine. mon sense tell us that we should have life and have it more abundantly, so we are rejecting the obsolete image of war, the monster that burns and blinds. If there be virtue and valor we shall find it as we feed the hun- gry, teacht he illiterate, love the lonely and find loyalty in the family. WOMAN TO WOMAN "The 'International Liaison Committee represents East, West and non-aligned countries and proposes to cross the poli- tical and ideological barriers of a cold-war world. We shall re- late to each other as women re- sponsible for the world family. "We shall try to accept the fact that what one emphasizes rebellious over this. I say' sisterly love is more important than any invitation and that Ginger should not go where Debbie is not invited. We want your opinion.--REF- : This is no way to encourage sisterly love, mother, You are creating re- sentment between these sisters which may well last forever. Insist that Debbie make her own friends. Ginger should not be placed in the unattractive position of begging for an invi- tation for her sister. You are Dear Referee PATTE'S PAINT & WALLPAPER Presents NEW DECORATING IDEAS FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. i dans ect al mages ris, Dear Ann Landers: I see by jour newspaper that you chal featuring talk back to every-/ body and have no manners whatever. When I correct mourning . You say it serves SAVING SPREE TERRIFIC VALUES IN BOYS' WEAR | amie no useful purpose and long-time my father says: "Shut up. These boys are mine." What can I do?--HEART- ACHES --Dear Heartaches: Very little. When you allowed your parents to adopt the children you signed @way your rights as a mother. Try to get the point across to your father that the boys need discipline and must learn to respect others or they will be a problem to themselves and to everyone else. If you can enlist your clergyman's help, I heart- ily recommend it. Dear Ann Landers: We have four children--two boys and two girls. The boys (18 and 17) have never caused us any trouble. They go with the same group of teen-agers and get along well together. The girls are 16 and 15. They got along fairly well (though not @s well as the boys) until about is really "self-pity turned inside out." You usually make pretty good sense. I agree in this case that you are right. Now, I would like to know your views on prolonged courtship? What do you think about couples who go together for years and some- how never seem to get around to marriage? I know of a couple who have been dating for 15 years. Is this unhealthy? My initials are the same as yours.A.L. --Dear A.L.: It all depends on the couple. I've said it before and I'll say it again--marriage is not for everyone. Some couples 'go together" like salami and rye bread--but they are unable (for a variety of reasons) to function within the framework of marriage. For them--marriage is a dis- aster--and they are better off "going together," SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER Thurs. od Fri. a Sat. Mar. 21 - 22 - 28 ® Come in,discuss your decorating problems with this qualified consultant, @ See for yourself how easy it is to hang the new SUNWORTHY Ready-Pasted Wallpaper. @ Learn how SUNWORTHY Wallpapers can make your home more MRS. LILLA TILLSON beautiful, two years ago. Ginger who is 16 és full of fun and has a great naany friends. Debbie does bet- ter in school but she's some- what unsuccessful socially. It is ironic that Debbie is much better looking than her older sister but not nearly so popular with either boys or girls. Ginger has always received @ great many more invitations than Debbie. I've insisted that she arrange to have Debbie invited or she must stay home, FEWER DIED Infant mortality dropped to a record low in Norway in 1961, when of each 1,000 live births 19.9 died in their first year, Be sure to attend this special event. You may win a FREE $10: GIFT CERTIFICATE SUNWORTHY 00. Big Savings! CLEARANCE OF BOYS' SUITS SALE PRICE 14.88 Tailored just like dad's in worsted mot- erial. In shades of blue, grey and brown, In single breasted style with 3-button zon centre vent in back. Sizes 8, 10, Also sizes 14-16-18 Sizes 14-16-18 SESE BILE AT OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT LOOK! BOYS' SPORT JACKETS Wool tweeds in neat 3 button style with 34 rayon lining padded shoulders, Olive brown and grey tweed. Tones in sizes 8 - 10 - 12. SALE PRICE 9.49 sees Vee YOUR CREDIT! Boys' TO Ansus-G. PATTE'S Ne beby sitter, no cor fare Mr. Bernard Experienced Hair Stylist Of Leading 'Toronto Salone FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS 725-6854 CARPET COMPANY 282 King "we 728-9581 RUG & CHESTERFIELD CLEANING Our experts will clean your carpets in your me or in our plont Paint & Wallpaper Over 92 Years at 85 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 725-3529 FREE PARKING AT REAR OF STORE tractive checks Here's how you can eliminate the Cold spots in your home or office! monizing shade blue and green. The Chromalox quolity line of Electric Heating Units mokes it possible for e modern comfort heating -- electrically ! new homes . . . when remodel! ploce of business. ling... of et your ee cesta "No-lron" SHIRTS Long sleeve sport. shirts in at- signs. Suitable for all occasions, needs no ironing, neat perma stay collars. Patterned in har- SALE PRICE Cotton and heraldic de- Ideal Spring s of gold, beige, Sizes 8 to 16. Ts green. BOYS' CORD WIND- BREAKERS{ for those warm Days ahead. Fully washable, knitted collars, cuffs and bottom with lining. Brown, Sizes 8 to 16. SALE PRICE 3.95 BOYS' COTTON SLACKS OF RANDOM CORD Woshoble cotton slacks of popular ran- dom cord, styled with regular and con- tinental waist, all round .belt loops and full cuffs. In charcoal, entelope and olive. Sizes 8 to 16. SALE PRICE 2.99 Visit our showroom at the address below -- 36 KING Consumer Division RUDDY ELECTRIC Wholesale Limited 222 BOND STREET WEST 2 LOCATIONS! IN "DOWNTOWN OSHAWA" AND OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ST. E. UNN MEN'S ano BOYS' WEAR: "Where Smart Men Shop"