-- Rap echt nggiectir hy AN NONE EC ie eC nnn dae anit cine efiteaieiien ny inet atiiaad et at din th die ont Adie & ee. THE OSHAWA 'TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 20, 1963 25... TELEVISION LOG ----ageeeees-- nae -- 2: CHCH-TV Channel 1l--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WEKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel $--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie WEDNESDAY EVE. The Capt'n Andy 7--American Bandstand 5:00 P.M. Show 6-3--Searlett Hill 9:00 A.M. 4Secret Storm 1l--Romper Room 4:30 P.M, 9--Kiddo M--Annie &--Raeta Programs So re Wibinivad T~--My little 8--Bozo -- Popeye 4--Popeye's Playhouse | 7--Jungle Jay Show 2--Operation Alphabet | 6--I love Lucy 9:30 A.M. Edge of 9--Domino 7--Jack LaLanne Show 2~Leave It To The Girls 9--Exchange 8-2--Play Your Huncb 7--Day in 4--I Love Lucy 3--Studio Party 10:45 A.M. «sauesa ns be oe Se 6~Metro News Li--Destination ei ge Ahead 9--Free and Easy "6:15 P M $-2--Price Is Ri cS Fm. 7--Jane Wyman 8! 6--Thursday Club 4--The McCoys 6:30 P. 3--Romper Room 11-9-8-4-3-2--News: Wea- 11:30 A.M, ther, Sports 8-2--Concentration %-Divorce Co 7--Yours For A Song 6:45 P.M. P.M. 4--Pete en Gladys pe dk Theatre : eon | 12:00 NOON 9-6--News : SiAndy Willams Show) 11 storytime With Bill| ¢3Huntley Brinkley 7--Wagoa 'Train . | Lawrence 700 P.M. @--Political Telecast $-2--Your First Leave It zo, Reaves | Hf an i i f i ee ne 8, f oF, g2 3f g> i 12:15 P.M 4--Speaker of the 3 % : House 730 P.M, { 7 Scot. 1] N : 12:30 P.M, ; iL = DIAL! Aas 8:30 P.M. 9--Kiddo @--Medicine In The 60's | with ad. Sis) $--Have Gun Will 82-- Truth or coin . Travel Consequences 7--Going My Way 7--Father Knows Best 6-3--Parade 6--Movie Matinee 4--Dobie Gillis 4--Search For Te 300 P.M. 3~--Popeye and Pais : i fk a Py sl 9: a 3 Noonds: Report 1--Surfside Six ida irs Se NHL Hockey 12:45 P.M 6-2--Perry 4--Guiding Light €3--Ben Casey | 1:00 P.M. 4--Beverly Hillbillies (11--Mid-Day Matinee :30 P.M. House %~Our Man Higgins &--Divorce Coutt 4--The Dick VanDyke| 7--Afternoon Show Show ba the Millers 10:00 P.M. aE ded ad 2~Mid-day Matinee 1i--Toronto Tonight | 1:30 P.M. 7~--Naked City 9--People In Conflict €3--Pre-Biection 4~As Che World furts 2:00 P.M. 9--Theatre 8-2--Merv Griffin Show| 8@--Hazel pt eed Helene 7~McHale's Navy assword 10:00 P.M. 2:15 P.M. 82--Andy Williams ¢--Nursery School 7--Premiere With Freé 2:30 P.M. Anaize fin dgtzleti i by i : i bupice ewe hour li--It's A Great 'Life cmenpetnt | aS eNetona shoo Naren 11:20 P.M Telocaste 3--The Untouchables L--Sports Scoreboard | 'Linkletter'e House Pg tae [eiiate Sew 3:00 P.M. oNews li--Bugs Bunny 11:00 P.M. 8-6-3-2--Loretta Young | 11-8-7-6.43-2--News Sports 7--Queen For A Day 4--To Tell 'the Truth Burtea eek ek. mee 9--Here's Loo at * tad king 11:20 P.M. 'Tarkate Stor t ; [ [ ary a fi Eagle gersese ¥ HI : i gk ie 3 g? i i : i z i | ¥ ; i i ... the Need Is URGENT! ... _ BUY and USE EASTER SEALS two out of my last year's euit." RINKER'S CLEANERS. 'THE BEST IN TOWN' " | Now Better Than Ever Better Cleaning : PHONE 725-1191 PLANNING A BANQUET? - GENOSHA HOTEL 723-4641 ie DONALD DUCK 1s YOUR GLOTHES BEST FRIEND . "The Nicest Cleaning in Town" Phone 726-3665 Sos ANY MAKE OR MODEL > ON CARS AND TRUCKS. + - wg - BY LICENSED MECHANICS" ROBINSON | MOTORS "4 874 Ritson Rd. 5, 725-6518, Soret ST eS ee ee ey ee ee ee ee ee ee ew : etre Tee