¥ ow we ' « eee deiindg nggnin§elp % rs ' EE ig CE ERAN GM lt OG SOOO ONG pt egy GO MR A GAD TO EGO GEG OED 5 < yee ry OD PPPOE I OE ' f ~ vive iw ere wai eh: . « ¥ ¥ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Merch 20, 1963 27 Problem To Feed |Plan : | 7 a For L Canadians Seen Expropriation have CP)---A forecast| Centuries. General Cass introduced legis- on cs Che's ood consumption PROBLEM NOT PRESSING lation Tuesday incorporating will increase by two-thirds by| It was also recognized that|seyeral recommendations of the 1080 and that less farm acreage|*ircumstances are less' pressing] jegislature's select committee be in production then was|in countries such as Canadalon land expropriation. today by S. C. Barry, fed-|where new food pradictie! 'The act would require all ex- minister of agricul-techniques have rest iy |propriating authorities taking most explosive pont gg land under statutory authority de this projection--|*ilty to Produce food. to register a plan of the land the assumption that "J fave no concern about thelin the registry or land titles economic growth and|ability of agriculture to meet] office before the title can be standards continue to/the ag ang ot per claimed by the authority. ith the population reach-/Coum gy eaten It the land is to be required "000,000 'by 1980--at the(still maintain its proportion ofltor = short time only, the plan a Canadian Food -- pH on gd induce- filed must indicate the time here. 4 limit of expropriating si- The deputy agriculture min-lthority's title. 2 i afte Hs ae He sideration being dealt with 1s)ciety was prepared to devote to that, where no agreement as to the ability of the world's food-|jt, price is made with the expro- producing sources to provide} Asked whether he considers priated owner, the expropriat-| the food needed for the proper|the encroachment on farmlands|ing authority shall serve aa erence is being held|:ter added, however, that \ \ \ Freedom From Hun-|-chably not more than 25 or Another section of the amend- Week and is designed a8 8/39 per cent of Canadian farm- ment provides that where a ude to the World Food Con- filed plan "purports to have * ' nutrition of not only present|by new factories and highways official offer of full payment H & cxonsored. by the Food|" have yet begun to make full : a : | x population but of the greater|a matter of concern, Dr. Barry|the owner within six months sa me : be Ud , use of available technologies|Peen signed" by the authority, -- expected in the fu-|caid it is a problem that is part after registration of the expro- @ y . of the development of society.|priation plan, "We recognize that in areas| He noted that over the years} However, the expropriating which are now deficient in this|great concern had been ex- authority may within the six- respect, massive changes will|pressed over the possible ef-|month period apply to a judge be required from the present|fects of loss of agricultural land and Agriculture Organization of ' regardiess of whether a signa- the United Nations, in Washing-|(O",, STeatt Prt ony vinr(ture or stamp of the authority for an order extending the time techniques, which in manylin the Niagara Peninsula. for serving the offer. 7 ; ie te "| $15" WORTH CASH--__~ REGISTER TAPES 4xD PLASTIC SURFACE TUBULAR STEEL LEGS a -"- Sold elsewhere at 99" A SPECIAL! 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