so cectesienda inci tat anions. alintiinn, Min. slg Aiite- ia tinene ett dtl dl il ite an ead ere ye eer eee 4 ---- -- hs eee OE PG POPES SST by | [= oe Se Se ew ew ee Sr eee vuyrrquusyrrves See ee eee ee weer twry ee isla ch Maen din Sicha Ming Tes BE RE ABA, | » " QQ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Merch 20, 1963 Patronage Denied In Sale Of Land TORONTO (CP) -- PubliciFriday by Leo Troy (L--Nipis- ! » Works Minister Connell = de-|sing) as Sag tor grea : ee --_ ps the ne ae a, ' pled there was any patronage) Mr. Troy last wee! mber involved in the purchase of land "patronage of the worst kind" ture said Tuesday night. The for a provincial police detach-|was involved in the purchase/*"F ie. sopha (L--Sudbury) " ry eof Sellaiar at Sturgeon oe ee, Gs * asta said during debate of the treas- branded charges ury department estimates, un- Mr. Connell The land was part of about|/aer which the racing commis- levelled in the legislature last|/40 acres ofiand bought by R. A.|<ion is financed, there was Vaillancourt, a Sturgeon Falls|sno justification" for $17,202.86 car dealer, for $800 a year eaf|charged to the commission's Robarts Sa Ss lier, Mr, Troy said Friday, Mr. travelling expenses in the fiscal y' Vaillancourt was "a wardivear 1961-62, heeler of the Conservative!" Referring to the public ac- Roach Erred party." counts of 1961-62, Mr, Sopha : Mr., Connell replied that he/said W. J. Reiswick, supervisor had been informed Mr. Vaillan-jof racing for the ORC, had On Constables court bought the land in 1947,|$1,382.45 in travelling expenses, and 'had had it under cultiva- 7 hile ee ries INTO ows tion for nearly 10 years before|Lamb spen "ao said Bb fay po: the government bougth the par-| The Liberal member asked commission report of Mr. Jus-|¢el. why Mr. Reiswick, who might) tice Wilfred D./ Roach erred| Real estate men from thejbe expected to spend more in public works department 'hadjhis administrative duties, spent when it said constables in the provincial police are appointed established in October, - less than Mr, Lamb, through the government. that the value of land | The reason, Mr. Sopha sald, Co: impression left Sturgeon Falls area, we oe was that "when the arctic mon rhighen. Foy eee On.(North Bay, was then between|soon sweeps down" to southern by. the i had sha " Mr,|#40 and $50 a foot-front, the|Ontario "Charles Lamb and the tarlo, enor 1 " het. minister said. other commissioners are off to in a in reeds The 400- by -400-foot parcel|/the land of the crocodiles, to, Be fy Lad pat 'tee lice mi purchased from Mr. Vaillan-|Florida, where the horse racing) t ble Sch vig gmt py| court by the department cost|starts Jan. 1." It was "an an- stal chi ies eggs ncon ion ($10,215, or about $25 a foot-jnual junket." the. Civil sia te OMMISSsION.|+ ont, Mr. Connell said. The op-| He charged that Mr. Lamb, The Public Service Act, in-jtion was taken out Oct. 31, 1956.)a former Liberal, had been troduced last. year, placed re-| Referring to charges that Mr.|"'persuaded to stand down" for cruitment and appointment ofjvailiancourt also had sold theja federal nomination some civil servants entirely in the)government 9,560 cubic yards|years ago "and as a result he hands of the commission, he/of ill to make a foundation for|was given a seat on the Ontario said. the police building, Mr. Connel!|Racing Commission." "What we achieved by -™ said tenders had been called| Provincial Treasurer Allan year's legislation removed thejand Mr. Vaillancourt's bid hadidenied the charges that the FLORIDA NO. 1 FRESH GREEN very thing that now seems to been one of the two lowest out/commissioners visit Florida at CE S N be the cause for complaint." 'of six received. government expense. NO. 1 CALIFORNIA--NEW CROP--TENDER ASPARAGUS Sopha Claims ORC Travels On Government TORONTO (CP)--Members of the Ontario Racing Commission "go annually-to Florida at the Fruit and Vegetables! The word "Fresh" best describes the fruft and vegetables at Dominion! Oh it's crisp, alright .. . even tender, with lots of sunny flavour and colour and peppy taste. Above all, the wonderful spring variety you'll find on Dominion's produce counters is F-R-E-S-H as the day it left the growers' farms and groves. Dominion wouldn't have it any 'other way! Get your family's spring diet off to a flying start. Be sure you select a tempting variety of good "greens"...fancy fruit and favourite vegetables this week at Dominion. And...isn't it grand to know freshness costs no more at Dominion! 29¢ C LARGE tb NEVADA NEW CROP NEW CROP NEVADA NO, 1 U.S, FRESH-- CROP NO. 1 U.S, RED CRISP GREEN ONIONS 3 onicinaL 19c RADISHES kosesup 33 oti LIPTON'S Chicken Noodle, Tomato Veg. FLORIDA FIRM WELL SHAPED THICK FLESHED GREEN PEPPERS 3 ONTARIO NO. 1 HOTHOUSE CUCUMBERS JUMBO SIZE 18's LARGE SIZE 23: 33: : 23 NO. 1 ary QUEENS SPECIAL! AYLMER AYLMER CHOICE TOMATO CATSUP. CHEF BOYARDES Plain Spoghett! SAUCE 'tw 25° me. 2O° SOUPS 2 *x«" 25° BRISLING---CROSSED FISH SARDINES 2:::57* 11-0Z. BTL, 19: SPECIAL! 15-0Z. STARLAC INSTANT BEAVER BLANCHED TINS 15-0Z, TINS SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 89- NABOB -- 7c OFF 1-LB. 24-0Z. PKGS. TIN SEVEN GOOD REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD FINANCE YOUR CAR WITH SCOTIA PLAN i ee in ree ene Orel models of every make of car. You can arrange your Scotia Plan 2 Loan before you shop for your Car «oe choose any dealer you please. Scotia Plan rates are low. There are no hidden "extras." 4 Scotia Plan Loans are fife-Insured for the full amount outstanding at no extra cost to you, Scotia Plan Loans are available for 5 any worthwhile purpose. Scotia Plan provides a low-cost way & to consolidate and pay off debts-- One loan and one payment per month. Scotiabank is the only Canadian bank 7 that offers you Scotia Plan Cheque- Credit, a low-cost "revolving credit" plan 15-0Z. 1-LB. PKGS. BAG PER MONTH 'YOUREPAYS $26.50 $60.39 $69.75 $76.00 $81.11 1-LB. PACKS CASH PRIZE WINNERS ~ WEEK ENDING MAR. 2 $1000°° WINNER) 5," "aun 234 Queen St., Midland $700 WIMMER MARS. L.WYCISK = 920 Onington Ave, TORONTO $100 WINMER MARS. B. MCLACHLAN 383 Keowote Ave, TORONTO $00 WINER PAISS A. RITCHELL §=-- £7 Redpath Ave, TORONTO $700 WIMMER MARS. B. BAKER 39 Pictott S., NIAGARA on the LAKE 9-OZ. JARS SCOTIA PLAN--CANADA'S MOST ~COMPREHENSIVE CONSUMER GREDIT SERVICE--AVAILABLE ONLY AT THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA MONDAY TO FRIDAY * | * Fruit Cocktail 2 49. SKIM MILK * 85+ | PEANUTS. 'sz 39° JAVEX. RICHMELLO WHITE SLICED ao GRAVY SPECIAL! BLEACH en 49° BREAD 24.08. 21°. DOG FOOD 3 39 SIMONIZ VISTA FLOOR RICHMELLO--FRESH SCONE CLEANER 's63* |ROLLS ™':"27* s CHOICE & MEATY BONELESS BRISKET FRESH PORK LOIN SALE |fevees. | 45. 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