Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Mar 1963, p. 4

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tucsdey, Merch 19, 1963 RURAL ROUNDUP . Durham County Farm Calendar -- The fol-| April 11, 10.30 a.m. -- Seaway lowing list of events of intsrest|Hotel, Toronto. Ontario Beef to Durham County farmers was|improvement Association an- released today by the Ontariojnual meeting. Agricultural office in Bowman-} April 13 -- Memorial Centre, ville. Peterborough -- Sale of beéf Thursday, March 21 -- 10.30 -/¢alves, 1.30 p.m. am. -- Zone 2 Safety Council]. April 17, 7.30 p.m, -- Organ- meeting, Dept. of Agriculture, |ization of all Durham 4-H Clubs, Bowmanville, : Odd Fellows Hall; Orono. Thursday, March 21, 2.00) April 22, 7.30 p.m, -- Welcome p.m, -- Ganaraska Region Con- United Church basement, servation Authority meeting, To ay ce Hope Township Town Hall, Port Hope. 4-H Calf Club. All young people Friday, March 22, 7.00 p.m.--|12-20 welcome. Contact Roy Durham County Junior Farm-|McHolm, for enrolment forms. ers Annual meeting and ban-| May 3, 7.30 p.m. --_ Arena quet. Guest speaker -- Dean|Orono Fair grounds, Durham Richards from the OAC Lions|Junior Coaching night. Centre, Bowmanville. May 4-- Durham County 4H Monday, March 25, 10.30 a.m.|Homemaking Club Achievement --Durham Soil and Crop Im-|Day for project '"'What Shall I Folk Dancing Displayed At H-S Meeting By MRS, MARY WILLIAMS BAY RIDGES -- A _ recent meeting of the Bayview Heights Home and School Association was held in the school auditor- ium, with a lange attendance. A display of folk dancing ¥ the girls of Grades 7 and 8, composed of Irish, Russian, German, .and English dances taught by Miss Pickell, added to the evening. A panel discussion was held on the merits of sight reading vs phonics, Spécial guest for the. pane] was Mrs, Carol Wynne of Etobicoke, Mrs, Wynne is a former teacher. She was on the program 701 discussing the same sub- ject recently. Rev. Dr. McKay of Dunbar- ton United acted as moderator, and was introduced by Mrs. John Boyd. Dr. McKay intro- duced é¢ach member of the panel, as follows--Mrs, Wynne, New Wheat | Book Awards ' Strain Presented At Produced | <edren Chureh KEDRON -- At the regular jmornng church service, By RUSSELL ELMAN Ontario County Farm Calendar UXBRIDGE -- The following calendar of events of interest to farmers in Ontario County was released today by the Ontario Agricultural office in Uxbridge: Tuesday, March 19, 6.15 p.m. ~--Toronto -- Riverdale Kiwanis; entertain executive of Uxbridge --visit farm George McLaugh- lin, Beaverton at 1.00 p.m, and the farm of Irvine Fisher, RR 2, Woodville at 2.30 p.m. Tuesday, March 26, 8.00 p.m. Brooklin Township Hall -- or- ganization meeting for Oshawa book . awards were presented to mem- OTTAWA (CP)--A 36-year-old bers of the Junior Congregation Conedine scientist described |>Y Mrs. Wee ree, Goin londay how he successfully : 4H Dairy and Oshawa 4-I1|reversed the prectes of OVO ie Were unde cena .|Grain Clubs; 8.30 p.m. Port|tion in common bread wheat} a Junior. Farmers. $30 Pim C0-|perry High School, March meet-(0. produce a new improved) sundays in the past year. Brian School March meeting of" for the Port Perry Junior/durum-like strain of wheat. (Reocie Davis, tinda' "aren Béaverton Junior Farmets, 8,30) /"atmers. Dr. E. R. Kerber, plant cytol-/and» Sandra" Hopkins, Patt p.m. Myrtle -- Half-way House Wednesday, March 27, 7.00 ogist at the federal agriculture | Cathy and Jimmy Rosnak and March meeting for Directors of|>-™. Beaverton Town Hall, An-/Tesearch station, Winnipeg, told Svivia Wood also received Ontario County Federation of|0Ual Beaverton Fair Banquet; |the annual meeting of the) nooks, Agticulture 8.00 p.m. Cannington Brock Dis-|Génetics Society of Canada of 4j1. members, Wedn asey March 20, 1.80 trict High School -- Organiza-/his 'findings, which may eventu- new members re p.m. Uxbridge -- Dept. of Agri- tio meeting for Beaverton 4-H) culture Board Room Meeting of veel poe bs ys ee = Holstein Club Directors; 9.00|°¢e! and Dairy Calf Clubs. p.m, Uxbridge -- Dept, of Agri- Thursday, March 28, 11.00 culture Board Room, Organiza- ae' ier -- Guuut" Gade ae, Moceng ir the brig hy Cattle Breeders Associetion, | syreagi of wheat were success-|tion as a whole. Grain Club and Scott 4H Potato! Saturday, March 30, 9.00 a.m.,| ully concluded last summer. Sympathy is expressed to Mrs. chs | --Beaverton Town Hall, Annual|, Dt. Kerber, a native of Sas-| Walter Davis and her family on ubs, Ontario County Seed Fair and|Satoon whose special field of the death of her mother, Mrs, : has ine Maren * 10.30) Hay Show. study is plant cells, said that|J. H. Cookson, of Maple Grove, .m. Bowmanville -- Dept. of Agriculture Board Room, Farm tiene A four Med ceived attract- ally have significant value for|iye foid ft " growers of commercial Garay |'ve,folderamas pedonaig th ge. wheat, : Ae Rev. Ronald Love expressed He said in an interview five) to the boys and girls how much |years of genetics experiménts|their regular attendance at jinvolving the hereditary com-|church meant to the. congrega- -- Durham Soil and Crop Im- provement Assoc, Regional Corn Land Day County Com- |mittee. Also Grain Corn Compe- tition Committee meeting, Dept. of Agriculture, 14 Frank street, Bowmanville. Tuesday, March 26, 1.30 p.m. -- Farm of Gerald Brown, Bow- manville, "Pruning Demonstra- tion,"" Paul Roy, Quebec. Wednesday, March 27, 1.30| p.m. -- Durham DHIA Annual) meeting, Dept. of Agriculture, Board Room, Bowmanville. Mr. A. M. Pearson, CAC, guest speaker. | Thursday, March 28 -- Dui- ham County 4H Homemaking Club Garden Training Sohool, Board Room, Dept. of Agricul- ture, Bowmanville. | Thursday, March 28, 2.00 p.m. | --- Durham 500 Bushel Club An- nual meeting, Bethany Hall. Thursday, March 28, 6.45 p.m, -- Masonic Hall, Port Hope. Durham Vegetable Growers banquet and dance.. Speaker Mrs. M. Sabia, Vice-Pres., Business Women of Canada. Saturday, March 30, 9.00 a.m. -- Durham Seed Judging Com- petition, Dept. of Agric., 14 Frank. Street, Bowmanville. All Junior Farmer and 4-H Club members welcome. | Saturday, March 30, 11.00 a.m, -- Organization Durham 4-H Grain, Grain Corn, and 'Sil- age Corn Clubs. Tuesday, April 2 -- Durham Shorthorn Club Annual Sale, 1.30 p.m. at the Farm of Fred Trewin, Blackstock. Tuesday, April 2, 8.00 p.m. -- Local 78, Ontario Farmers Union, Home of L. J. Wood. Tuesday, April 2, 7.30 pm, -- Fruit Growers Spray Calendar meeting. Place to be announced. Wednesday, April 3, 9.00 a.m. - Royal York Hotel, Toronto-- Annual Convention and annual meeting, of members of Ontario Poultry Producers Assoc. April 4, 5 -- Short Course! "Health Education" by Solina| Women's Institute. April 5 -- Beef Improvement Association bus trip to Mark- ham - Stouffville area. April 9 -- Leadership School, Durham Federation of Agricul- ture. Entries to Donald Welsh by April 3, April 10 -- Annual meeting, Ontario Farm Radio Forum, King Edward Hotel, Toronto. wheat complex is genetically|are spending a few weeks with than durum|their daughter Mrs, Jim Pen- gelly of Brooklin. DONATION TO HOSPITAL Alex King of the Ajax Odd- Ajax-Pickering General Hospi- tal building fund. Construc- beewy <Coniney ates =), tion of the four storey build- presents a $205 donation to ing is expected to begin early R. D. Thompson (left), of the this spring. Group Schedules Cultural Corner By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- The president, Mrs. Kenneth Holliday, chaired the general meeting of Brooklin United Ohurch Women, held in the Christian Education Hall. Mrs. Norman Alves was ap- pointed secretary for March meeting and minutes and correspondence. An im- pressive 'Lenten Service" was conducted by two representa- tives from ABC Unit. Mrs. C. S. Thompson, read Psalm 121, followed by an ar- ticle on "Lent" by Mrs. D. E. Hamer. Mrs. Neil Petty, convener of Community Friendship and Visiting, in charge of the pro- gram, presented a Skit entitled "Who Cares". Members of the Faithful Workers Unit, assisting Mrs. N. Petty included Mrs. John Batty, Miss Doris Batty, Mrs. Lance Beath, Mrs. A. G. Stocks and Mrs. William Young. Representatives from each six units reported meetings held, attendance, calls made and ac- tivities daring. February. Official representatives from Brooklin UCW to the Oshawa Presbyterial Rally held recently at Bowmanville, Mrs. W. Young and Mrs. Jack Patterson, pre- sented a resume of various ses- sions held during the day stress- ing highlights of addresses by special speakers. Mrs. C. 8. Thompson, repre- Clarke Council OKs Transfer Of Land By MRS, KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- The Council of the Township of Clarke met in the | sentative of UCW to the Offi- cial Board of Brooklin United QGhurch reported on curtains and suggested they be purchased for windows in Christian Edu- eation Hall, : The Brooklin Horticultural So- ciety will meet on Monday, March 25, at 8 p.m. in the Chris- tian Education Hall. Official delegates to the 57th annual convention of OHA to be held on March 21 and 22 at King Edward Sheraton Hotel, Toronto, will submit reports. A new venture entitled "Cul- tural Corner" will be convened by Mrs, Sydney Lockyer. Rules -- Bring your choicest house plants for display, show your own name and name of specimen exhibited, with list of cultural hints. Limit -- 5 entries to each exhibitor, points award- ed, display only, no prizes given. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Green will show colored slides of '"'Horticul- tural Interest" to conclude pro- gram. Brooklin Bull Superior Sire TORONTO -- The Jersey Bull, Shalomar Royal Prince 2nd, Very Good, has been designated a Superior Sire by the Canadian Jersey Cattle Club. The rating which qualified him for this honor is an aver- age m.e. production on 38 tested daughters of 8,740 Ibs. of milk, 476 lbs. of fat, 5.44 per cent, 32 classified daughters have an ee ag of Pe, per ory alomar Roya nce 2nd, "April 10 -- Durham Sh was bred by W. D. Thomson, of orthorn | Brooklin, Goinite, and was own! banquet, Blackstock, 6.30 p.m. | led and proven in the herd of R.| P. Stenger and Son, Enniskillen, | oe is a we « Carus. Pride's Record Year Posted By Orono Co-Op duction he has sired many noted By MRS, KEN GAMSBY HOME OF 19 | Canada's Government House,| Rideau Hall, has been the home| of 19 governors-general. IN ALL OF MANKIND'S DAYS ON EARTH ...NO SIN OR SPECTACLE TO EQUAL IT! PAGAN Released by 207m CENTURY-FOX FEATURE SHOWING DAILY AT... 1:30-4:05-6:40-9:20 OSHAWA CHAPTER S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A.'S: 12th ANNUAL NIGHT of HARMONY SATURDAY, MARCH 23rd 8 P.M. AT THE R. S. MeLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE Stephenson Road North, Oshawe FEATURING * QUARTET FR The AVRE-MALES « cusrrsr From. cay 9 Academy Award Nominations INCLUDING BEST ACTOR & BEST ACTRESS BEST DIRECTOR & SUPPORTING ACTOR & ACTRESS prize winners at important shows in Canada. iy provement Association. Pasture] Wear," Solina Hall. ' in his experiments, 'I have re- Mrs. Cookson has been in hos- f " Tuesday, April 2, 8.00 p.m. Monday, March 25, 1.30 p.m,| May 14-- Durham East Wom- Mrs, Myrtle Squires, représent en's Institute district annual. / |more Mr. John Tickle; principal of|trict Warble Fly Inspectors' he Clubs; 10.00 a.m. -- Ux-| wheat ies ' _|Umbridge Dept. of Agriculture} May 22-30 --Scottish Overseas the. school, ae ee me Uae n jtract its component properties} ling sion 'of the merits of each| Friday, March 22, 1.90 p.m,|_ 'poreseay: APnLS, 10.30 a.m. [Robert Fi. Sc8em, Srarvae st Weed | ing" and "'backcrossing" the) ing starting in kindergarten|Spray Meeting. } nearly 3 ten ot enpwees, Wee Orono Chamber Farmers. durum wheat might produce a! \Ject from then on. |Stone, Blackwater at 11.00 a.m. wate Tiel ferent CHINESE FOODS ORONO--The Orono Chamber : jheld its general meeting in the tremely beneficial in harvest-' : FOR FINEST IN the Chamber were present for | OTTAWA -- An Ashburn Ayr- ° ; ENNISKILLEN -- A double, Mrs. Clarence Werry, Mrs. out with the aim of making) sentation of hockey trophies at b more. The award is given in free within city limits Hall to honor two couples. Mrs. Alice Sinclair introduced materials from wild strains) after 4:00 p.m. awarded to the champions of " ow| cows qualify for Gold Seal Cer- summer home at Caesarea, also| 'he new study might be carried the Express Traffic Service in 1 Certificate for Cairncroft Cor- --_. The committee -- Miss K.|Fashion Show, to be held at The letter was in reply to one teen lactations. She has been an were in charge. modelled, and later placed on tion in Newcastle to Orono was and her thirteenth at 15 years Ray Ashton as accompanist and Dales. Theré will be a pot luck tar days at 12 years. She is classi- Mrs. C, Avery. Miss M. Saun- On a motion of S B. Ruther- j ford and W. H. Carman, the|the bridegroom, read an ad- Dane Found presented a pro-|farewell message in poetry to position to the Chamber that/Mr. and Mrs. William Ashton. viding funds for the Chamber.|the immediate members of the | Mr, Found has purchased the|families of David and Carol 'on possible arrangements 'a! matchi ir of table lamps to ; committee of H. Partner, P. M./mr. por nial D. Fieeunee : to report to a special meeing wan | e a wool blanket from Mr. of the Chamber which will be and Mrs. J. Jurko, former interested in locating in Orono and brought before the Chamber Committee meeting, Dept. of| May 11, 8.30 a.m. -- Durham Agriculture, Board Room, 14|County Livestock judging com- ; ,. |versed the course of evolution." pital for more than a year, ing the teaching stall, Mrs. rd Mage Bad soy arn meting for Sunde. He explained that common' Mr. and Mrs, Foster Snowden May 16 Durham West|iaty Beaman, an ex-teacher,/1.30 p.m. Ux' e-- . Ol Women's Institute annual, Sol- : In essence, what he did was ; A |Board Room. Summary Day for A 4 Dr. McKay guided the panel|Dept. of Agriculture Board), 8™ % : ; \to break down the genetic prop- we tet Wise cee through an interesting, and at|Room, Ontario County mr i Institute Project | STUDY SEAWEED |which are similar to durum : : : ; load of Peterborough! F ; ;_joceanography at the University Fal 28--Darham County ana) yd unten, Perea, Brolin Towne Hal, Weed fapers ting terme Oe cnine Mean 2.2% Bsn Columb, reared use and soil judging competi- é ' ' | Thursday, April 4, 8.30 p.m. --|two wheat varieties | : | + ' and continued in Grade 1 'com-| saturday, March 23, 11.00 a.m, | Rronsia Townebip Hall. April) Further crossing of the aon eoebiie: sears dt ake "ss bined with phonics, and phonics) Annual Holstein Club Tour -- to : new improved commercial va-| Que ries Miles | hb riety of durum in another four) sobs Ashburn Cow To Newcastle | Enniskillen | CCW Schedules -- ee pico See | s mature jays to two weeks Dessert Lunch | Wins Gold jearlier and have stalks the NOW OPEN ouples | same size as ordinary wheat, sie new Management, of Commerce met recently for | t KEN S810, Propeteter their regular monthly dinner church recently. The service ling. was opened by quiet music play- The scientist said new experi- the meeting. shire cow has recently qualified CHINESE FOODS L. Aslett, president of the|feature was the attraction when|Lauretta Crossman and Mrs.\for Gold Seal Certificates by|common bread wheat. mature on AGE ow the friends, neighbors and rela-|Cliff Hopkins took part in pre- earlier. Some of these tests in-| the Orono Pee Wee hockey Tour. recognition of meritorious life- nament. The Chamber sponsor.| Honored were Mr. and Mrs. the new study book "The Word/time production. There have|found in the Middle East. William Ashton, who are soon|2"d the Way", and made some PHONE the tousnament and to the con. n tificates, 728-1676 solation winners. Mr. and Mrs. David Ferguson|°Ut in the group. G. M. Brawley, Ashburn, Ont. (nee Carol Jordan, Janetville)| The Spring project of the UCW connection with providing Orono r oge agg one Sey oy Frye with express service into the ag win - ae 1.30 p.m. on Saturday, April 6, s, milk, 5, Ss. fat, 4.08 per Miss : ; ,| Ladies' hats and pyjamas, and sent by the Chamber in which extremely regular breeder and the Chamber had stated that| Young musicians provided producer. She commenced her numbers. Miss Sheryl Ashton, | sale. Unit I is planning a quilting|68 days. Her individual lacta- only 5.3 miles rather than the H seven miles as stated by the Ex-|Robert Slemon, a piano solo. Hons included 12,017 Ibs. milk, Humorous readings were tunes, aod any other ladies who can help out on this project for|fied Very Good and is the dam The recent letter from the i \ of two Very Good daughters. Service still claimed the dis-jders danced the Highland Fling and Sword Dance. | matter is to be referred to the/dress for the newly weds David| Canadian Chamber of Com.!and Carol Ferguson. | they purchase a Merry-Go-| In attendance were Mr. and Round. Such equipment would|Mrs. Ashton's three daughters Merry-Go-Round from the Rose| Ferguson. neath Fair Board. The gifts from the Commun- | Lunn, L .Aslett and L. Lowery ps ; A bronze colored card table | was formed to investigate the and chair set were presented to held on March 25. ; : W. H, Carman reported to the| "c@mbors_of the Ashtons. a scheme whereby industrial land could be obtained for both Frank street, Bowmanville. petition. Place to be announced. : read tepresénting the parents, and|Agriculture Board Room, Dis-|/@0d 4-H Dairy and Brock 4-H ina Hall. bal hf +» | \erties of common wheat to ex-| A hsaGuaks' hale eee times, argumentative discus-| Farmers Executive Meetipg. Hints for the Home Nurse". VANCOUVER (CP) -- Dr. ! : : P.M. | tan, jentific manipulation of "cross- "| tion. "Milbrook arta, in Bayview Heights, sight read-|Brechin Tiwnship Hall, |tario ich ya from the laden Oosen Wen meeting for Brooklin Junior/durum-like strain and normal! are taught as a separate sub-|start at the farm of William er" s {or, five years. Ricksha By MRS. KEN GAMSBY R KEDRON -- The Kedron UCW) a factor that would prove ex- Seal Dining Room Service meeting. Foutteen members of Honored od by Mrs. B Geati y Mrs. Bruce searie. ments also are being carried Chamber, reported on the pre- f k producing 100,000 Ibs. of milk or HOME DELIVERY tives gathered at the Community| Senting the worship service. cluded intreducing new genetic] ed the trophies which were ; now been 654 Canadian Ayrshire to move to their winterized|h@lpful suggestions as to how | 42 KING ST. WEST A letter was received from has been awarded a Gold Seal who were married recently. |will be a Dessert Luncheon, a Village. cent in 3,905 days during thir- Neil Yeo and David Stainton J |Playclothes for children will be the distance from the CNR sta- first lactation at 3 years 41 days a vocal solo with her uncle, on April 3rd at Mrs. Bob . press Service in a former. i#t- 506 Ibs. fat, 4.21 per cent in 305 given by Mrs. K. McGill and the sale will be welcome. tance to be seven miles. David Stainton, class mate of merce for their assistance. Mrs. W. Crawford gave a| |be operated as a means of pro-| Wilma, Helen and Ruth also After considerable discussion|ity were a floor lamp with a | , 7 | proposition. This committee is Mr. and Mes, W. Ashton as Chamber that an industry was| this industry and further indus- ORDER YOUR TICKETS NOW ae A GREAT COMEDY | ORONO -- Around 125 people Council Chambers recently with all members present for the meeting. Council gave its approval of a transfer of land from Francis as to raft og toga Law- . ps rence Sherwin. 5 will now go T C to the Department of Municipal! win ounties -- for vend wou a ' | ' sconce bow To Strike R reeve Stone and Councillor Fos- 0 e ate 24M pow ve was P ais to the Clarke Cemetery b Tod for the year 1963, This will be Co. ourg ay used in connection with aban- doned cemeteries within the) COBOURG -- The United township. |Counties council is holding a In two separate resolutions,|one-day meeting today in: Co- the council gave its approval|bourg to bring down the budget for agreements drawn up be-|for the year. tween the municipalities of Dar-| Normally this meeting would lington and Manvers in connec-\be confined to the end of the tion with the maintenance of|month when the session would boundary roads between these/last three days but requests two municipalities and the|from urban municipalities were Township of Clarke. such that the council decided, Charles Stapleton was ap-jlast year, to hold the special cone Township Weed Inspec-|one-day meet so that the town r. and villages could Te their . Transfer of lands from the individual budgets' before the Department of Highways to the|end of the month. Township of Clarke were ac- pn ge i # pong fots 27 els land are pai s P H and 28 in Concession 5 and parts ort ope of lots 1, 16 and 17 in Conces- so" Young Grits uthorization was given to the Finance Committee to advertise g for a caretaker for the Town- s ship Hall in Orono. Wm. Wat- Elect Officers son, Lon sang 4 caretaker, has resigned from this position, PORT HOPE -- A meeting 's The sur: assessment for the) attended by about 25 enthusias- Linge g or the year based on|tic members of the Port Hope e 1962 assessment is $3,906,- Young Liberal Association re- 988.45. : cently elected officers for the The mill rate for this year is ensuing year. gg eb agp a5 last) Those elected were Stanley Th Phot pie ip purposes.| Gauthier, president; M. A. Har- a Af final yet. A deficit graft, first vice-president; Bev- 000 exists from roads injerjey Lingard, second vice-pres- wae and is to be made up thislident; Patricia Palmer, secre- ( tary and Alfred Bone, treasurer. _ The Department of Highways door Kirkpatrick, of Port - aoe for an expenditure! Hone, vice-president and re- of $40,000 for road construction! search chairman of the Durham and $45,000 for road main-| Riding Liberal Association, de- clared the responsibility for the failure of the Diefenbaker gov- tenance in the Township of Clarke for 1963. The Clarke Township Recrea- tion Commission budget for 1063 was submitted to council andithe Progressive Conservative filed. workers at the riding level. 4 ernment nrust be shared not) only by the cabinet but also by|ings was 15.3 per cent which) venture in Haliburton last sum- attended the annual meeting of the Durham County Farmers' Co-operative recently. The meeting was held in the Orono Oddfellow's Hall where the ladies of the Kirby United Church served a turkey dinner at noon. | During the afternoon enter- tainment was provided by the | musical group of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Virtue and their son Barry. |Mr. and Mrs. Virtue played electric guitars while their son |played the drums. The guest of the afternoon was Alf Allin who showed slides of his trip through New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong and Japan. The slides outlined the | agricultural farms and ranches jin New Zealand and Australia as well as other interesting tour- | ist 'attractions in these two coun- | ries. | Slides of Hong Kong and | seen were also shown as |M | ese places were visited by r. Allin on his return to Caz- | ada. | In the election of three direc. \tors for the Co-operative for a \three-year period, John W.Stone was re-elected to the board. Bob Morton and Everett Cry- derman were also elected to the Board of directors, The meeting recommended a three percent patronage divi- dent to be credited to the mem- bers of their business of 1962. It was also recommended that the 1958 patronage loans be paid to the members in cash. The Co-operative set a sales total for the year of $320,766 which is a record amount over the past five years. The net sav- ings of $13,784 also set a record for the same period. The percentage of the net sav- was lower than some recent years. try which may locate in Orono. The Industrial Committee was given authority to spend a maximum of $250 to take up an option of the available land providing they found it feasiby. The Orono Chamber of Com. ship in the Pine Ridge Tourist Association which is an organ- ization promoting tourism in this area. It has completed a pubylication which is now dis- tributed in an effort to increase interest in the Pine Ridge area. | \Kedron Scouts. To Take Part - In Fund Drive KEDRON -- The Scout and Cub Mother's held their last re- gular meeting in the Lower Hall of Kedron Church, with Mrs. Nelson Wright, the Vice - Presi- dent, in the chair. It was reported that 110 bus- hels of apples were sold in the last drive. The Mothers provided refresh- ments for the Scout skating party, which was held recently at the North Oshawa Arena, The Scouts and Cubs will be taking part in the Drive for Crippled Civilians. Bags will be distributed on March 23rd, for the collection of used clothing and other items which can be sold by the Crippled Civilians. The bags will be pcked up the following week. i The Mothers were asked to save used stamps, which can be turned into cash for Scout work. Bob Comeal showed pictures the local boys at Camp Ad- | of mere and at the Camporee at Camp Sam ac, merce is to take out member- ié Tas | | | | See: girls « pagea rye "diving champs» Aqua © comedians © animal antics starring in the fabulous Aue BILTMOR the. Miracle ws: worker =" STARRING ANNE BANCROFT AND INTRODUCING PATTY DUKE AOW PAYING WITH OSHAWA'S OWN SPORTSMEN QUARTET THE FOUR-IN-ACCORD ALSO THE OSHAWA CHAPTER CHORUS 1962 ONTARIO DISTRICT CHAMPIONS ADMISION 1.50 TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM Edgar's Paint Shop -- 34 King St. W. Dovers Men's Wear--Oshawa Shopping Centre or PHONE 728-2394, HELD OVER 2nd WEEK WA PAA CVA DIRECT FROM MIAMI BEACH featured at the sensational 16th ANNUAL CANADIAN NATIONAL SPORTSMEN'S SHOW EXHIBITION PARK -- TORONTO MARCH 16th - 23rd (emept Sunday) SEE NORTH AMERICA'S FINEST SPRINGTIME EXHIBITION OF HUNT- ING, FISHING, BOATING, TRAVEL, CAMPING, COTTAGE AND AUTO EXHIBITS. Performances twice dail (except Sunday) 2:15 -- 8:15 p.m. Prices -- E and afternoons spreatconiinaton tickets Rés. Seats $1.75 Boxes $2.25 (includ- ing admission to the buildings) less for Children, ew! wee! matinee (except Sa urdey) us ---- Adults 75¢ -- Children (Plus Admission to a) - mission to bulidings only, at all times wubiton 9 J say Comat Binder) n 6) from 11 in to ipa. ORDER YOUR TICKETS NOW Write (enclosing cheque or money order) te The Canadian National Sportsmen's Shew EXHIBITION PARK, TORONTO | BRING THIS SPECIAL 12 PRICE PASS To the Friday, Mar. 22 KINSMEN SUPER CAR ~ BINGO -- At The PETERBOROUGH MEMORIALCENTRE OVER $6 ,400 IN PRIZES INCLUDING 1963 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF or $2,000 Cash. $1,000 Hi-Lo Game. $900 Big Snowball (51 nos.) Special game for an All Expense Paid Trip to Sun- ny Florida for 2 plus $600 regular games. $450 special games. FREE DOOR PRIZES Don't forget to buy the economy pack for value and seve money. netted ja. tue heart end-heppiness of the sway hitt e NOMINATED' @ 2 Acavimy AWARDS AMERVYN LEROY prooucnon «ast ups oa py "Opn = Doce end Canopy doom dusic by Jule Styne + Lyrics by Staphon Sondheim + Directed by Mernyn LePoy = Strnonpiay by Leonard Bpigelgans Book by Arthut Leurents + Based upon the Mercirm of Gypey Rose Lee TECHNICOLOX® TECHNIRAMA® From WARNER BROS. Be SHOW TIMES -- 1:45 - 4:10 - 6:40 - 9:00

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