Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Mar 1963, p. 15

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27--Real Estate For Sale wil: ag CR hitby. or exchange. Write Post Office box 382, Oshawa. 559,900 FULL PE rer for this four-year- old eight-plex, rented, (27----Real Estate tor Sale TAG. saan sey Argyl ", oft he way - 12, ppc Telephone eaags, 668-4194. NEW HOMES For a compl8te choice of new homes in 4 top subdivisions "DOWNSVIEW PARK" "GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS" "BELLA VISTA GARDENS" | "GREENWOOD HEIGHTS" . With down payments' as low os $595.00. CALL LLOYD METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King Street East, 728-4678 28--Real Estate Wanted FIVE-ROOM bungalow wanted in north- ern district of Oshawa. Have cash. No dealers, please. Telephone 728-2520. Selling Your Home A MUST ? List With GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Call Now 728-1653 AFTER HOURS 27--Real Estate for Sale $12,735 is the full for a new bun- galow to be built in Grandview Gardens "/Only a limited number to be sold at this price. Call Bob Stevenson, S. D. Hyman Real Estate Ltd., 728-6286. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER FOUR BEDROOMS Lovely 2 storey home in im- maculate condition through- out Centrally located with deep lot, asphalt drive ond garage, oil heated, Only $2,600.00 down, Call Bill Johnston now at 728-5123 or 728-1066. MODERN BUNGALOW Large lot, 27--Real Estate for Sale NORTH. near four pny 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent 32--Articles for Sale cect chee ee oe building, all fi ities, close apps Soo git hg gg ble April 1. Brook- a ae Gicereom bachelor apart- ment. Ideal for couple, Plenty of park- ing, $70 nonthly, refrigerator, stove in- cluded, Call 723-4245. NEWLY DECORATED two-bedroom epartment in apartment building. Pri- vate entrance. All conveniences, Imme- diate aaa -- babies welcome. 9----Automobiles For Sale 1937 CHEVROLET en, g00d peo ng New ae radio, whitewalls. Telephone) cheerful "= Meddling Cited "®In Social Club ced Must sell. Tele- 2-2838. TORONTO (CP) -- Municipal, political interference in pro- }ceedings involving a social club jat Niagara Falls was criticized today by Mr. Justice W. D. Roach in his royal commission} report to the legislature on On- tario crime. Mr. Justice Roach was criti- cal of the action of Mayor Franklin J. Miller in interven- ing on behalf of the Italian Ni- agara Frontier Club, suspected by police of being owned by blers, when it wanted to change its address in 1960. ng Sagi bg noted that a ar application by the eatin wane|elub in 1952 had been refused 444 Simcoe street/by the provincial secretary) when the OPP and Niagara *|\Falls police opposed it. In early 1960, another applica- tion was refused> after both forces opposed it, the city po- lice declaring the premises at 1693 Victoria Avenue would "only be used as anothér gam- bling establishment " When a further application was. made in July, 1960, for a PSL BRICK HOME 5 room, 4 piece both, Pro- pane Gas Heating. 3% acres, 3 miles West of Brooklyn, Asking Price $11,500 WITH TERMS. . | shift, plates, 725-9807, 1960 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, a 48 Best motor, radio, power equipped. offer. Apply 130 Warren Avenue. Pri- vate. ue OLDSMOBILE sion, new plates a battery. in good running ville 623-5756. 1956 BUICK new tires, battery, clutch, solonoid, fuel pump, transmission, Me- chanically sound, Telephone 723-9705. 1960 CORVAIR, sedan, two tone auto- matic, whitewalls, poeta lights, top aaa Telephone 725-8464. 98. 'Wileon's Street. BOAT, 15' ee $125 or best offer. RIFLF, Savage 222, Varmiter, oy sling, ammunition, $50, Two Lionel 027 electric trains, ago FRog 4 big lay- out, $50. Telephone 7: PORTABLE eater -- player, with radio, twin complete modern, green, swivel rocking Graetz polka German radio. ham Street near Shopping 16-FOOT house trailer "Biltrite", sleeps hood, Limited. _Reaitors. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED down eventually also, bum Mayor Miller meanwhile tele- valet Pes ae dine: oo udney saying he had no objection to the club, 'moving to the new address, When the deputy asked for Police views, the OPP again op- Posed it but Chief Constable, Cecil Pay of the Niagara Falle- department -- since retired on Pension--wrote that since the* mayor did not object, neither bts "That was a ver ge my for the chief to take," nde: commented. "Perhaps re é not. So strange or more accurately. not so unusual, "It. demonstrates an evil of |which we have heard consider. ably in recent years, namely,' Political. interference or = dling at the municipal level elected municipal officials wi the police in the exercise by the latter of their police duties," °* The commissioner recalled" evidence by Sgt. John Ander:* son of the OPP that Chief had approached him about the: move-to 1039 Centre St., a Club and said he was going td' Police bodies again opposed it,\4 Something about it because® the OPP noting that a club in one of the persons behind it was: <aq\C™porator, Antonio Bilotta, was Politically active. The judge' a known gambler and the. pre-|Said he was not prepared to de- 31 \mises were known as a gam- \cide on the truth of that. service, bling centre. The move was. The present situation, he said, iiree estimi rentals. turned down. jis that pose Rd Pe to em : ee) |going around with this charter ed' peetiogs eae: cn, Soa GENDRON baby carriage, powder bie.|MADE ANOTHER ATTEMPT |in his inside pocket looking for ais Wechalas Sana oon [daah. | Complete seth getial, | $59.95. | good condition, $27. Telephone Bow-| In September of the samela place where he can put it to Ratio, reiie walls feed, condition, [Domini Manville 623-2030, lyear, the club tried again, this|an unauthorized use. He seems $1050, 0 tab BISA Goes a ns | vacuum, __cleanee iaeaire all makes. |time seeking a move to 1027\to think that this piece of paper [él PONTIAC Laurentian sedan. Low|top V8 automatic tinted glass, five new| brushes, hoses, guaraneced rebuilt mma, /Cemtre St. is all he needs to set himself mileage, automatic. Radio, V8 $1795, This application was turned! up in business." Cee ntoeeds iasaiae |S Trade considered, 888 or bem one |ohe Rentals Waacs,Ytewwm Ser. Bonn Ambassador i e Mystery Cited | 728-0558. 1931 CHEVROLET coupe, hot rod, Olds-| 7 CHEVROLET sedan By HAROLD MORRISON mobile powered $625. Will accept trade. Telephone 725-8752. seat belts, eee lights, 2 pial hye paper (uews print) for only red Ap | 1954 VOLKSWAGEN bus, new motor, | miles. 725-8316. tt Ben bg Pi boos gg wo Whitby | clutch, exhaust, good condition. Tele- 1956 CHEVROLET Tr Phone 725-0285 after 5 p.m. _ | standard transmission, Must ry pBabey eit | WE buy, sell and exchange used fur- 1961 NSU Prinz automobile. Very good|be appreciated. $695, Mike's BA Service |Miture or anything you have. The City |sondition. Full price $350. New Heence|Station, Raglan. 655-3528. | Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street [Plates. Telephone Bowmanville 623-2539. i956 BUICK har --| South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. WASHINGTON (CP)--An air of mystery surrounds the ap- pointment of George C. McGhee as the new U.S. ambassador to Bonn. Why should an official hold- ___|ing the third most powerful post ~ehairs|in the state department sud- green WANTED: 1951 to 1953 Chevrolet, g good matic. 2|GUN Cold Iso. old midenly desire a transfer into the ee $100. cartridges. _ Telephone Oshawa 725-8183. field, especially at a time when MAKE OFFER! Seven-room cottage to television ,|the White House is reported to , blofid cabinet $39; DREW Street, 48, two furnished room: on 3rd floor. Sink, TV antenna. yee between 5 and 8 evenings. see! ASAX AREA -- Main floor, four large room apar newly ample parking, hot water heating, $65 pe ad OSHAWA pd Three-room base- Siephens, heat, lights. After 6 p.m., telephone 728-0376, ix' NEW NaWOARTLS j -- heated, one-bed- » private bathroom, beavy any wiring, cupboards, sink, $50 monthly. Bowmanville 623-5589. THREE - ROOM Fg guy ag Match 15. One wel- come, $70 monthly, 'Telephone 2 728-1855. chair, 114 Dur- Centre. Telephone Brooklin 655-4829 METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. 'DIAL 728-4678 NORTH EAST Large, very smart ranch bungalow on ravine lot, walk- out basement - will be new- ly decorated to your choice of colours ---- Price. . . $14,- 200,00 with reasonable down apyment --- You'll wont to buy this house --- See it today. cog agg hp aio bein igs oo Special $59. Hiljtop Au ee, "Sing | our, custom } 'it, enaved Street Wate 1 room, many extras. $900. Telephone 1961 CORVAIR, aainiaatee transmis- | 725-0832. sion, radio, One owner car, Best rea- al te McCLARY electric range, 24", sonable offer, Telephone 723-1713. Apply United ah 1960 V.W. deluxe, A-1, heat- er. fan, radio, ete. $1,000 cash or best 852-6619, after 5. 'hak for: JiDt, over Fa 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, A-1 condition, new|blues. Excellent "|phone 725-7909. "\SPRING and fall top coat, bréwn Shiffer - Hillman. winter coat. blue, 1954 PONTIAC four gd sedan, snow|Crombie. Size 40 - 42. Like new, 728- tires, wheel discs Block bape skirts. 80) 5181 after 7. pet cent Bote oa "Bent 'ter, 725-3260] Sy AND SELL, good 937 DODGE, Regent sedan, automatic|/and appliances, One rect original 41,000 miles. New whitewalls; like new, inside and out. $190 down. 728-6094, SEDAN delivery, 1952 Chevrolet, mech- anically good. $100 or best offer. Tele- phone 725-8133 anytime. 19%i STUDEBAKER Hawk, HOME & INCOME $12,900 -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow with fireplace ond lovely 3 room apt. down- stoirs with separate entrance. Don't be too late for this one. Inspect today and make your offer. good Manse, 655-4940, Brook- c lin, or 1 rhythm and ition, $30. Tele- dining room sep- orote from kitchen. Yes this home hos recreation room plus other extras. Only $2,000.00 down. Call Bill Johnston at 8-5123. CLOSE TO ST. CHRISTOPHER'S SCHOOL $13,200 FULL PRICE © $2,500 DOWN 3 bedroom, brick bungalow close to McLaughlin High School. Carries for $95.00 interest, principal and taxes. Hurry call Ed. Drumm at 728- 5123 or 725-9345, CADILLAC AVE, $1,700 DOWN Five room 6% N.H.A, RESALE --- 3 bedroom brick ranch bunga- low, just listed for quick sale. Asking $11,900, Call today for full particulors. Oshawa's Finest: Park Lane Apts. 10 min. from Downtown Pretty's Furaiture, Swath. 723-3271. CENTRAL --- EXECUTIVE 6 ROOM BRICK HOME with double garage, only 3 yrs. old, well planned living room with cozy log - burn- ing fireplace with dining room plus nice modern kit- chen with dining area, plus a -- large beautiful rec. room with natural fireplace, washer and dryer, twin set, deluxe model, $185. Inglis suds saver, automatic washer, $95. Guaran- teed. Chester's Service, Blackstock, 986-4926, MIRROR, large size; beds, springs and fone % size), suitable for 'cottage; home canned fruit,' $0c per jar. 160 Brock East, GE VACUUM cleaner, cylinder type, almost new, in gee condition, Make offer. T 723-2883. GIRL'S 'bicycle, in excellent 28" wheels, parcel carrier, power packel V8, four speed, ail extras, one owner, TX 623-5589. 1959 VOLVO, one owner, good condi- tion, vee Any reasonable offer con- sidered, Ajax 942-2874. "Attractive two-bedroom suites. METCALF MASTER BARGAINS $11,300.00 $1100.00 down. Fully decorated brick ranch bungolow - loaded with extras - one N:H.A. mort- gage. $11,000.00 --- 2 bedroom bungalow - suburban loca- tion --- Home in top -condi- tion and ready to sell at $1500.00 down payment. $12,500.00 -- new brick bungalow --- must be sold now -- only $800.00 down see it today. Spacious grounds Prestige location Private balconies 1954 7 week two-door, hard top. Motor. cecilia ania: and body good shape, Radio, power condition, steering. Transmission defective. Best $25. Tele- offer sells. 668-5126. Phone Whitby 668-5220, 1961 CORVAIR sedan, white, ved NEW gas water heater, Rudd, 90 gal- terior, automatic transmission, radio, lons. Apply 292 King Street West. BILL COLLINS 668-8716 wheel discs, new 1963 licence plates; ONE Electrolux Vacuum "he ee | food condition $1750. Telephone Orono cum cleaner | bil F Ss l " three brush Electrolux polisher alnast '29--Automobi or Sale (15 jnew for sale. Please call 728-3121. 1962 PONTIAC Pari ne, 6 cylinder, | {3960 PONTIAC convertible, '63 plates, AWNINGS, can . Prompt Black with red 1s 950. T Chair, table two door, hardtop, fully p interior, whitewall tires, 14,000 original) 412 Simeoe North. miles. New car condition, $2,600. Tele-\CAR RADIOS, special, ----__-- phone Bowmanville 623-; 3854, Elevator service | 3-BEDROOM BRICK BUNG- ALOW -- in excellent condi- 'tion with private drive and garage. Asking $11,500. Pro- perty clear. Owner will hold one mortgage at $80 per month, Controlled entrances Garages brick bungalow. Partially finished recreation room. Fenced lot, paved drive. Very clean home and close to separate ond pub- lic schools. Asking price just $11,900.00. Hurry call Irwin Cruikshanks ot 728- $123 .or 728-5205 Paved parking Don Howe Evenings 723-9692 Howe and Peters Realtors | 26--Rooms For Rent | ----| ADELAIDE EAST -- clean, furnished edroom, $7 weekly; also eat ee apartment, private bath, kitchen boards, stove, $10 weekly. 723-7797. FURNISHED kitchen and bed sitting » Stove and refrigerator, close to hospital and . Girl preferred. Telephone 723-7100, ALBERT STREET, 497 -- Two furnish- ed bedrooms, newly decorated, private shower, in private adult home, bus. Telephone 728-3323 TWO or three unfurnished rooms, heavy wiring, TV outlet. Apply evenings after 5 p.m. 597 King Street East. FERNHILL boulevard 107, housekeep- ing rooms, furnished, parking facilities, close to bus and shopping. Telephone 725-4373. WESTMOUNT STREET -- Single room in quiet home, near bus and Shopping Centre. nt only, $8, Telephone Brooklin 655-4955. APPLE HILL district, large house- 4 keeping room, near bus. Suit two or Howard McCabe three. Private bath. Telephone 728-3814. OLIVE Avenue, 573, light ping | V.L.A toom, bus at door, parking, TV privil-| Sates § eges. Telephone 723-1832. | JOHN A. J. $1,000 down, tastefully de- large '12 x 15 modern kit- OSHAWA motel, King Street East,| corated bungalow on 12 acre chen, oil furnace, large lot weekly rates, rooms, single and double,| : . | ca |free estimates, 5-SUITE APARTMENT Good rental area, All stoves and fridges included. Com- pletely rented. Owner will trade for bungaldw in Osh- awa or outskirts. This is your opportunity. Act now and call for appointment. MANY MANY MORE> TO OSE FROM CALL | RIGHT NOW -- WE HAVE | THE HOME YOU NEED TO BUY OR BUILD YOUR | BRAND NEW HOME YOU REALLY HAVEN'T FAR TO ROAM NORTH OR SOUTH OR EAST OR WEST METCALF LISTS AND SELLS THE VERY BEST OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Jack Osborne Dick Borriage Joe Mago Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario OPEN EVERY EVENING Ss. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 KING STREET WEST 728-6286 $1,000 DOWN Buys this. home located near the shopping centre. This Property is only three years old and comes equipped with all storms and screens, call o |STUDENTS A super value, os | automatic, mately 630 sheets of letter size typing RAVINE outside leaving RANCHER SETTING Just city. limits. Owner country --- must be sold. This honie has three bed- rooms, separate dining and nice kitchen, less thon one yeor old. This is an excellent buy, Asking $16,500. owner will hold mortgage. ON near te a T , | 668-4285 any time. | 723-4462. ________| 1957 PLYMOUTH V8, automatic, cu: | 1961 BISC AYNE Chevrolet, four door,|tom radio. All accessories. |6 cylinder, standard, radio, clock,|Telephone 668-3285. |washers, back-up lights. White with|i9q; CHEVROLET Impala Ve two-door green, bad 750 cash. 725-3223. |hardtop, radio, white walls. Many other jextras, Private 725-6971 after 6. NEW ADDRESS _ 1958 OLDSMOBILE, two door hardtop, OF rev in excellent tion, 40,000 original WILSON BATTERY |miles. Bowmanville 623-3736. SALES AND SERVICE |1954 BUICK, defective body, motor and 641 Cromwe!l Ave. (Corner Park Rd. & Bloor St.) transmission good, $60. Telephone | 725-1606. DIAL 723-3512 condition, No dealers cus- Bést offer. be dismantied, situated Whitby. Apply Vickery Real Estate. TWIN beds, white leather headboards, $75 per pair, Almost new. co ee case, $20. Telephone 725-01 TYPEWRITERS, one Portable, bassador about mid-February, shortly after the Canada-U.S. nuclear flare-up. McGhee's link with the de- partment's Jan. 30 public state. ment taking issue with Cana-, dian government nuclear policy: has never been clear. But as undersecretary of state for po-. litical affairs he undoubtedly. would have a policy position to play in any political issue afe one ve "one adding machine, cash regi- ster, electric caieulator, scale, cheque- writer, Will sell very reasonably, Tele-| phone 723-4434. DINNETTE suite, 4 ROOM HOME -- in good condition reduced for quick sale, see this now. Ken Honn John Kemp Lloyd Metcalf table, four $8,500. FULL PRICE for this room frame home with |195% HARLEY 74, rebuilt motor and all jextras. $400 or best offer. Telephone | between 3 and 4, 723-2783. RE-CONDITIONED ines MORRIS ¢ General Electric 21", ~ original hot water heated, television. Telephone} 723-9761. BOLAHOOD ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH 27--Real Estate For Sale FOUR - ROOM bungalow, Pickering Beach, nine miles from Oshawa. $70 Reliable tenant only. Tele- phone 723-3186 after 6 P.m. EULALIE Avenue, 302: Bungalow, four rooms and bath, finished recreation room, phone 725-7126, PRIVATE. $500 down, full price $9,000. One mortgage, buys 6 room home, on 100 ft. lot. Tile gad oil heat, garage. | No agents. 725-33 FOR $2, 800 EACH 26 Ye ACRE LOTS In the City of Oshawa, ex- cellent opportunity for build- er or wor veteran. Terms can be arranged. See Bill Millar 725-1186. W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. TWO BUNGALOWS LEFT FOR $700 DOWN $700 On Cartier and Perry Cres- cent, very ottroctive inside, phone Bill Millar 725-1186. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. oil heated. $2,500 down. Tele-| Realtors Ltd. Insurance 167 SIMCOE ST. S. Office Hrs. (9 A.M. to 9 P.M.) MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought & Sold V.LA. Veteran's Rood, attractive 4 room bungalow, modern kit- chen, ' finished recreation room, paved drive. Call Mr. Yeo at 725-6544. FOUR YEARS OLD Stone front 'brick bungalow, 5 rooms with 4 pc. bath and 3 rooms and bath in base- ment. Large garage, oi! fur- nace, cleon, well built home located at Bloor and Wilson Road, being a bargain at only $12,900.00 with just $1,500.00 down. To see this speciol coll Mr. Ran- kine ot 725-6544, FOR TWO FAMILIES Need that extra income to pay the home . expenses? Then don't miss this change. Live in one port, rent the other. Two kitchens ond two bathrooms. Separate entrance and quite modern. To see call Mr. Ratcliffe at 725-6544, | DUPLEX NEAR HOSPITAL Clean, large two family bldg. $12,900 income $145.00 per month. Located at Adelaide St. west neor hospital, Three room apartment with kitchen and bath. ond four room apartment with kitchen and bath. Garage included. Must sell at once. Call Mr. Ap- pleby at 725-6544 or 723- 3398. lot located in city limits, com- pleted recreation room in bosement, call Bob Steven- son. with depth of 293 ft. See this attractive home now. SUBURBAN 6 ROOM RANCH BUNGALOW with attoched garage, cus- tom built with double Pier- son Windows, custom 'built cupboards, and lots of ex- tras, house size 1320 sq. ft. Must be sold, owner leaving the city. Call now to! inspect. Good financing with N.H.A, $4,000. down required. RAVINE LOTS ~ Overlooking the City of Oshawa, completely serviced with depths of over 200 feet. Have the home of your choice built. Call Glen Mac- Kinnon. $11,990 That is the full price for this five room bungalow that car- ries for only $87.00 per month. Call Harold Segal. $7,900 Full price for this centrally located bungalow in good condition, paved drive, new oil furnace, call Lorne Hort- ford. BEAU VALLEY -- N.HA. RESALE -- Top value in this popular area of fine homes. Brick and stone bungolow. Reception. hall. leads to an attractive living. room with natural stohe fireplace, din- ing room, eye catching dream kitchen, Three excellent bed- rooms with double closets. Wrought iron railings on stairs to 26 ft. recreation room finished in. mahogany. Large den or extra bedroom off rec, room, Al| doors, bi- fold and louvred. Aluminum storms and screens. TV Tow- er, attractively decorated. At- tached garage. Fenced yard |} Only 1 year old. Must be seen to be oppreciated. Phone now to see, we have the key | For tull particulars call 723-1121 KINGSMERE GARDENS Split-level bungalows and two stories some with electric heating. Down Payments fs low os $1,275. Call Doug Bullied LOTS, LOTS, LOTS Over two hundred lots in six different subdivisions to choose from, Call today. WANT TO TRADE? We ore now in a position | to take your present home or lot in as a down payment on | a new home. Call today for more information | Schotield-Aker LIMITED Open daily 9 a.m .to 9 p.m. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. RENAULT- PEUGEOUT-AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM B.A. SERVICE RITSON ROAD AND' KING 723-4733 and 723-7712 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS 409 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY--668-4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always Top Quality ie Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 668-4741 and 668-4025 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 ~ TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 a 14 Albert St. _| very good \tttte body work, Telephone 728-6094, sedan, inish; mechanically very good. Needs Victor 21", console, walnut, $49; Mar- coni 21" with doors, $45. Meagher's, 5 |30--Automobiles Wanted | 1956 OR 1957 Chevrolet or Pontiac, will |pay ie 9 cash. Good condition, Tele- phone 725. +2879. |LAKESHORE Au Auto Wreckers want cars * insmenremnenciamen Highest prices paid. | TYPEWRITERS, ners, cashiers, .du- \for _ wrecking. | 220 Wentworth East. -_725- -1181. King Street West, 723-3425. | REFRIGERATOR -freezer, 2 door; pop jcooler; 3 spindle milk shaker; execu- fore desk; sump pump; lawn rapier jracing bicycle; trailer; bedroom suite; |water softener, 137 Brock South, Whit. by, before 6. | $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or | down. Liens paid off, | NICOLS MOTORS LTD. | 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY | 668-8001 | pilcators, it hundred new "and used, We buy, a rent, service. Hamilton Office | Bestecsest_ 137_Brock South, Whitby, HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appli- | ances, Name brands at biggest dis- counts anywhere. We carry Restonic and Beverley mattress furniture lines. | Your authorized GE dealer. Contact, | Honest Cal's, on King Street East at Varcoe's Road. Open 12 hours daily, 30 - 9.30. Telephone 728-9191, ~~ |31 --Automobile Repair /COAT, | lady's 1 light } blue "spring wool, |new short sleeve, full back, size 10-12, | 00d condition, $i5. Telephone 728-5076. HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR --TUNE-UP, AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 | AMAZING 'deals on health juice extrac jtors. Many makes to choose from. | Trades also accepted. The Carmic Co. Poksee coves 723-7688, BU UYING or selling furniture or appli-| ances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or| 263-2695. LING furniture or appliances? Wer li buy it for top cash. Telephone Cal Blake's Furniture and Appliance Store, 24 Prince Street. 728-9191. 32--Articles for Sale CHILDREN GROW UP OURS HAVE! The following items are in condition, just outgrown. PRAM (Lloyd) Crib and Mattress Youth Bed and Mattress $20 For further details call 668-8273 Whitby 'DRAPES Modern Designs Abstract, Colonial, Provincial and Floral Patterns. Custom Made Expertly Installed ~| vision, _ Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. B. F. GOODRICH | Stores -- Tires, Bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- |HAVE 3 you furniture or appliances for |sale? We buy, sell and exchange. Mc- Keen's Used Furniture, 426 Simcoe South, 725- 5181 or or 725-6457. What's My Line? Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances. For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store _16¥2 Bond W TELEVISIONS Rebuilt sets, all makes Guar- anteed. One year warranty on picture tube. We also rent and buy. McKeen"s Used Furniture 426 Simcoe S. "725-5181 or 725-6457 jand Windsor, be dissatisfied with department operations The department insists that the 51-year-old career diplomat, a one-time Rhodes Scholar who in oil, asked for a transfer and Presi- dent Kennedy says be is sending McGhee to Bonn because of the importancé of German-Ameri- later made a fortune can relations. But a German source says he first heard the McGhee name mentioned as a possible am- fecting Canada or other count' tries. On Feb. 1 State Secretary. Dean Rusk publicly apelogized. for the tone but not the content, of the statement and on Feb, 4 Rusk took over from M¢eGhes the job of defending the depart- ment's actions before. a closed+ door Senate foreign relations* subcommittee investigation, The matter might have rested: there but fort he Canadian elecé' Bomb Scare Clears Plane LONDON, Ont. (CP) airport Saturday night. "As far as we are concerned, there was no bomb on board," said a provincial police officer who headed a search of the plane. The RCA reservations office at Windsor received an anony- mous telephone call at 8:58 p.m. stating there would be a bomb on the next plane scheduled to! land at Windsor, The plane was over Dresden, | between London hen the call was received. The passengers con- about half wa tinued to Windsor by bus. A Trans-Canada Air Lines Vis- count aircraft which police were informed might have a bomb on board was cleared of 31 passen- gers after landing at London tion and a reporter's request on March 8 for comment by Rusk on Prime Minister Diefenbaks jer's statement that Canada-U.S, negotiations to provide Canas |dian troops with nuclear war- heads are being maintained on la continuous and intermittent | basis. " Rusk replied at a press con-* ference that, as indicated north, of the border, the negotiations are continuing "intermittently"*' and that he expects the discus- sion "will go forward. | But two days later McGhee- said in a taped- Rochester, N. h . television program the depart. ment doesn't want to discuss the, issue any more with Canada be-. cause of the election campaign which, he figured, would solidify Canadian opinion as to when and whether Canada should ob: tain nuclear warheads. McGhee said: "Now, we don't wish to con«, jtinue this discussion largely bes» cause the Canadians are in the midst of having an election and we don't want to be accused of. 35--Swap and Barter WILL TRADE focus, skin diving equipment in good tion. Telephone 725-4920. 10-second, adjusting Polaroid camera, case, etc., for condi intervening again, But I assure you we feel that the matters under discussion are entirely matters that the Canadians should decide." The following day a state de 36--Legal partment spokesman said the' undersecretary was referring ta" WHITBY CLASSIFIED , FOR SALE -- 10-foot home-made house ltradler, with 10-foot dining tent. Both articles cash sale, $200. Phone Ajax WH | 2-3422. Over A Quarter Century Of Reliable Service M and C DRY GOODS 74 CELINA STREET att not be responsible for any|the "public discussion" such as contr: 'nal | after this date March 16, 1963, without|"2at which took place on Jans, |my written consent. 30, that there was no conflict': between the remarks of Rusk» and McGhee and that the nego- Vacuum Cleaners FILTER QUEEN New & Used Machines Filters 12 for $1.50-- YOUR VOLVO DEALER JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIRS and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE GOING TO BUY a new home this year? Then be sure to see Beau Valley. We feel confident if you will just compare all aspects of location, services prices, etc., you too will want to join over 100 new homeowners this | --T. A. Harvey. lf will not be responsible for any debts |contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, March 14, 1963, Expansion: Sale ¢ Used Motors One-Year-Warranty 3 H.P. 1962 Gole....$115 5 H.P. 1959 Gale....$125 5 H.P. 1960 Gale $135 5 H.P. 1962 Gole $190 7% HP. 1959 Scott. .$150 15°H.P. 1962 Gole...$315 25 H.P. Electric 1962 $495. 40 HP. Electric 1962 $550 Used Boats ft Cedar Strip Boat $150 ft. fiberglas runabout equipped $ ft. moulded plywood runabout equipped $395 ft. moulded plywood equipped USED BOAT TRAILERS Tent Trailers, Camping Equipment Garden Tillers ond Lawn Mowers WILDE RENTAL Service & Sales 1415 Dundes East 595 -- Bachelor apartment, | drapes, stove, refrigerator, washing fa | cilities im modern apartment house | Phone 666-4940. |FOR RENT -- One - bedroom self |contained apartment, heated, $55. Ap- | Bly Mr. Say, 209 Brock Street South | 668-9047. FOR RENT |20-FOOT plastic awning in A-i condi-| jtion, complete with side curtains and }all necessary metal brackets. Suitable for store front or summer cottage. Mer- cantile Dept, Store. 321 Brock Street South, Whitby, Plaza, FOR RENT -- Bungalow in new sub-| division. bshocivnend to couple without children. Telephone 668-5167 after 4 p.m. MODERN two-bedroom unfurnished, self - contained (upstairs) apartment, paved parking. Free use of dryer, $85 monthly. Adults preferred. Telephone| 728-2633. | FOR RENT Three rooms, central Heat and water supplied. Suitable for) DRESSMAKING: * alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting 2 specialty. Mrs, Toms. 868-2372. BUY, sell or exchange u used 1 furniture | and appliances, what have you" Goold Used Furniture, 215 Dundas East, Whit- by. 668-5481. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt serv-| ice on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut | Street _West Whitby 668- 8-2563. For Modern People There Is One Modern Way Whitby 668-3226 To Advertise already in Beau Valley. Give office a call -- no obilgation. 596 CRERAR AVE. -- Go to the outside and have 0 look at this lovely bark brick home with gorage. Then give us; a call. We will be glad to show you the interior of this fine home, Priced to sell ot $12,900, wtih reasonable down payment. SPACIOUS --- MODERN -- 6 room ranch bunga- low, located on the edge of the city. Living room 15 x 21, stone fireplace. Good sized dining room. Kitchen 12 x 12 in size. The completed basement could be used as an apartment or for entetain- ing. Extra features --- 2 washrooms --- 2 cor gar- age -- double glazed windows with screens, $5,000 down. NORTH-WEST ---~ 7 room brick 2 storey home situated on large treed lot. 22 ft. living room with French Doors leading to rear lawn, separate dining room, large modern Litchen, and 2-pc. washroom complete main floor, Beautiful oak staircase takes you to 2nd floor which feautrés 4 large bedrooms with 4 pc. tiled bath. Oil heated. Reasonable Tox- es. Radio and Intercom system throughout. List price $16,500 with terms. 2 ORDER YOUR NEW HOME NOW -- To be built by H. Kassinger in the East end (Grandview Vil- loge), Low prices --- $13,400 and up. Low down payment (oround $1,000). Plans of homes ore at our office. For Full Details, Call 723-2265 -- Open 9 to 9, Sat. 9 to 5. After 9 P.M. Call STEVE MACKO REG. AKER 728-5868 HENRY STINSON 725-0243 725-0201 LES HALL 728-5513 BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 360 King St. W Free Parking | 449 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa | 728-0921 BUYING OR SELLING (_ TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. --- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 IN LOVE WITH A CERTAIN NEW CAR? BUY IT NOW WITHA LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED XX HXK ARK XXXX X . i oe $§ soo god fs LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA xx xx x XX XXXX xxx i XXXX XXX PHONE 723-7827 \ COOK'S TRAILER SALES GLENDALES 13-14-16 - 17 ft. Parts --- Hitches ----- Awnings HIGHWAY 2 COURTICE or LANSDOWNE TEXACO _ Simcoe North (City Limits) OPEN EVENINGS 723-9534 DON'T BUY A CARRIAGE Until You Have Seen The exciting new 1963 THISTLE CARRIAGES at Wilson's This Week's Bonus FREE MATTRESS PLAY PENS STROLLERS veae HIGH CHAIRS .... SPRING FILLED, CRIB MATTRESS . $5.88 $7.88 $6.88 Lowest prices in town WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH STREET = 30 for $3.50 Repairs at low factory rates. Nylon Hose, Old Fittings $9.95 FILTER QUEEN SALES (Oshawa) A2s Kino Strant Vast An Oe oe BOATS, MOTORS ON DISPLAY Grew Cruisers, Traveler, Ma- son, O.M.C, and Larson Boats. Evinrude, Volvo-Pento and O.M.C, 88 Motors. Open Until 8 p.m. MARINE Storage & Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 CLASSIFIED ADS May be small, but they ore giants, powerful too, when it comes to getting things done. Let one of them sell your no longer need household items. See for yourself. Telephone Now 723-3492 jeut my written consent, heatieds 94 Cadillac Avenue North, Osh-) "NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ROBERT EDWARD NETTLE, Manager, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Robert Edward Nettle, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Mana- ger, deceased, who died on or about the 13th doy of Sune, 1962, are hereby. no- tified to send in to the under- signed Pérsonal Représenta- tives of the said deceased on or before the 12th day of April, 1963, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the Per- s@al Representatives distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which they sholl then have notice. Dated at. Oshawa this day of March, 1963. ANN MARGARET NETTLE & FRANCIS JOHN CANZI Executors, 8th their solicitors, McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Borristers & Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA -- ONTARIO will with-|"ations were continuing "inter- Fergus E.| mittently,"" Bishop | Suffers . From Nervous | System Disease NEW YORK (AP)--Rt. Rev. Arthur Lichtenbérger, 63, pre- siding bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church, says he must limit his official activities be- cause he is suffering from Parkinson's disease, which af- fects the nervous system. "There 1s no way of predict- ing how rapidly the disability will increase or whether it will remain as it is at present,' the leader of 3,500,000 Episcopalians wrote bishops in a letter dis-, closed Sunday. i He said he is assigning corn- secrations to other bishops and cancelling speaking engage- ments, at least for the next few months. Bishop Lichtenberger said he can continue his pastoral re- sponsibilities and 'preside over the church's interim policy- making naticnal council and the House of Bishops: "T believe that I should carry on until the general convéntion of 1964 when a successor could be elected in the usual way," Bishop Lichtenberger said.

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