Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Mar 1963, p. 8

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pi eR NA et CREEPER IESE LIES YE EEE BS BO He OI Member of Fire Department Speaks on Cause of Tragedies meeting being treet é and|Mrs. Wilitcd Hamil resented| Unit 3 of Simcoe Street United; YWCA, the guest speaker will Bnd pres ne 28 ey ceasar the treasurer's report. Church UCW held its, "@-~-h|be Crown Attorney Bruce with M It was decided to name the|meeting at the home of Mre.|Affleck, speaking on The "oy ogy oredlens, trophy to be presented to the|Robert Aitchison, Park rvuu| Rights of the Individual. best all round student eachjnorth. Mrs. Edgar Bradley pre- residing. Mrs. Reginald EVELYN GOODWIN UNIT 3 Boma: Cima 'Yr iha" tac, eet Homes ocd. on| Tee Eten Coon Unk evening, 'introduced Captain W.|""2 on, Count was taken an|attending a meeting of the soolail®! centre Street United Church R. Murray of the Fire Depart- 2 8 met in the 'chapel for its ment, Captain Murray spoke the banners were presented 10jcommittee of the UCW\when|yarch meeting after attending on fire prevention, citing many} M88 greg Ora for the/plans were made for a sMor-lthe Lenten prayer service. of the instances which cause the en ee Tenibes Duren's ogee yi itn on pg "Spring" was the theme of! tragedies of fires in the home,|" ne president announced that ts e part in this) qeyotion taken by Mrs. George which so 6ften result in the loss P : Project é Dennis. A number of Irish of children's lives. His remarks there would be a bake sale at} The next meeting will be held duets were sung by Mrs. Percy 7.30 p.m. prior to the Aprillin the afternoon of April 26 in- fm ented "Fireman at Your/Ueeucg, and that the Homestead of April's, al the howelpriton accompanied by Mis quot teegped gre men held at the Royal York Hote!,|mine crescent: "ee ghee BA mg Earl & question ang answer period. iroronto, April 17 and 18. : poems we y Mrs. Bar Mrs. Mansell Gerrow thanked! Refreshments were served by BETA SIGMA PHI Hann, "The Moody Month of Captain Murray on behalf of|the mothers of Miss Fern Led- (Phi Phi Chapfer) -- and "Easter is Com- the group. The regular meeting of Beta| ing. - gett's room with grade moth- Sigma Phi, Phi Phi Chapter Mrs. Aubrey Hircock, the sec-jers, Mrs. Claude Halleran and ara held at: the home of fiirs PMA CLUB : ling in j 7 retary, read the minutes and!Mrs. Kenneth Tilling in charge. Margaret Ruseell, Conneught The Pleasant Monday After. street. noon Club held its weekly meet- ie menu emi wy Wh. Sie Bese president, Miss Margaret Rus- A special prayer was given . ie Bem ae were read 7 by Mrs. James Scott. Mrs. George Glassford of the| Mr. Manfred Zanger was in Miss Ganesk Goaneeteed pte The outing to take place in Oshawa Diabetic Association|Oshawa on Wednesday to visit spoke to members of the Portinis former employers, Mr. John Perry Chapter of the Order of/xessier and Mr .Hans Haag- the' Eastern Star on Thursday|mans, Mr. Zanger returned last 5 June was discussed and London the treasurer's report. ? It was decided that Phi PhijOntatio and Gananoque were evening when the film ."Living -and-a-| with Diabetes' was shown. Mr. baa vty 'nail' an Gee two places suggested. A deci- Chapter would send a cheque 9, to the Oshawa General Hospital| *!M willbe made at next week's Albert Rose, president of the sight-seeing in Japan, Formosa, Oshawa Branch, and Miss Flora|China, India, Egypt, Greece ing. for a eye machine, meet Miss Joan. Elliott gave a re- President Mrs. Elwood Brad- Purdy also atiended the meet-|and Europe. ing. UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES COE STREET UCW (Unit 3) Next week at the rus) held at ne (coment Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, Morch 16, 1963 SMART AND FUNCTIONAL A new look in handbags is of chamois or black or bone evident in this handsome car- calfskin. Though the lines are rier that is neither too big slim, in accord with the latest nor too small. Made of anim- trends, the handbag has a ported heather spun fabric the copious interior that will hold bag is luxuriously trimmed in all the usual necessities, contrasting leather in a choice --By Tracy Adrian ley is a patient in the Oshawa Led adicra ela Wait Monten General Hospital. Mrs. George The cultural program on| Whitbread was reported ill at "Growing Socially" was given by Miss Maureen Comerford and Mrs. Lynne Beare. e. Mrs. George Hall closed the meeting with prayer. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Douglas Coulson and Mrs. F. A. Morphy. RITSON H-S8 ASSOC. A large gathering of parents was welcomed by Mrs. Eric Cooper, president of the Ritson Dr. Roy Rowsell will address Preferred customers were en-|the general meeting of the Osh- tertained by Mr. Avi Rosen at alawa General Hospital Alumnae fashion show and coffee party|Association at McLaughlin Hall on Thursday evening. Mrs. Wil-jon his recent trip to Russia. liam Blight commented for the informal showing which was co-| The Knights of Columbus are ordinated by Mrs. Charles Bol-jcelebrating St. Patrick's Day ton. Acting as models were|with a dance and entertainment Mrs, Kenneth Knott, Mrs. Verna|tonight in the K of C Hall. KING STREET CHURCH (Unit 2) The March meeting of Unit 2 of King Street United Church was opened with a poem, "If I could make a Friend Today." Mrs. Wellington Trainer presid- Following the play the audience took part in a lively discus- sion. In Dr. Jackson's summary he defined that children can be made to conform to reasonable behavior without force or brib- A HAPPY LITTLE GIRL Sandra Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Les- sard, Philip Murray avenue. Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Almond Lessard, Oshawa, and Mrs. Edward Burnett, Flinton, ture. --<Aldsworth Photography Home and School Association at) ¢ and Miss Joy Knott. Mr. Rosen entertained nurses from Osh- awa General Hospital at a sim-' Gow, Mrs. John K. Campbell|Chairing the event is Mr. E. J. McAree with Mr. Frank Ma- guire acting as master of cere- Robert Nicol's Ontario. Sandra was 10 months old when she posed for this pic- ilar party on Wednesday. Building at Hampton. party will include the Honor- Others who have reserved iables include Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Power, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony wieringer, Mr. and able Michael Starr and Mrs.|§ The Oshawa Chapter of Sweet|Starr and Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Adelines entertained the Hamp-|Walker. ton Women's Institute on Tues- day in the Christian Education its March meeting. Mrs, William Kashul, mental health convener, introduced Dr. C. H. Jackson, psychologist for the Mental Health Clinic. Dr. Jackson introduced the playlet, "Fresh Variable Winds," pre- sented by the Oshawa Little Theatre. Members of the cast included Marjorie Robertson, Catherine Robertson, Gwen :|O'Regan, Ted Farrow and Geof- 'br. Jackson was thanked by Mrs. Howard Shaw. Mrs. Eric Cooper presided for the business meeting. The min- utes were read by Mrs. William|a Milne, and the treasurer's re- port was given by Mrs. Frank Zarowny. Mr. A. S. Winter, principal, asked the parents to unite in a combined effort with the school to impress upon the chil- ed. Mrs. John Coleman was in charge of the devotional period with Mrs. James. Frost and Mrs. Leonard Kellett taking! ro_ 30% OFF thix JELLED PAINTS Miss Keitha Mosier, lieuten- a eae bmg pe ».jant of the 2nd Oshawa GirljMrs. P. J. McAdam, Mr. a vig guests, also LL PNG'S Guide Company, will give a|Mrs. Steven Foley, Mr. and e@ lodge. i travelogue of her trip to Ice-|Mrs. Edward Drumm and Mr. VG Sister Ada Tonkin gaveljand at the annual meeting ofjand Mrs, Ronald Tandy. SOCIETIES sick members report. the Girl Guide Association next ; PNG Sister Alice pre = week, Miss Mosier was chosen gt pg se _ pressed thanks on beha' to represent Central Ontariojon "Taxation in Canada" to DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA \Cp7 Night af Cards committee|area at the international Girl|members of the Business and The monthly meeting of Theis, assistance from the mem-|Guide Camp in Iceland last|Prof 1 Women's Club at Daughters gg mae -- bers. summer. She is the daughter|its -- meeting. ». Riehl recently at St. Gregory's Audi- .|of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mosier,|received his degree of Register- torium. The Regent, Mrs, Wil- poy Poties pho Ni -- King street west. ed Industrial Accountant in liam Eyre, presided over the Carta' at. Glenholin Schaal oa 1959 and in 1960 wrote-a treatise meeting and Mrs. Frank Cope- vil 30. Siste ri Mitchell "Incorporation and Income Tax land opened with prayer. Ap Sister E i fi in Canada" which has gone into The main topic of business|and Sister Evelyn Fickes are three editions. The B and PW was the planning of the Social/ticket goog) T Clubs across Canada are mak- Bingo on March 28 at 8 p.m.| PNG Sister Nelda Thompson ing a study of taxation especial- at St. Gregory's Hall. Conven-jread the thank you notes from ly in the income, gift, estate ers will be Mrs, Frank Cope-|the shut-ins. and succession duty areas and land and Mrs. Helen Adams. The secretary read the letters the Oshawa club is anticipating Final arrangements for thejof acceptance to the birthday this opportunity to hear from retreat at Mount Cenecle in|party on April 24. Sister Ann an authority im this field, Hamilton were made. Holt offered to be convener. | "Mrs. Steve Bonforte, spititual] DDP Sister Flossie Ball re- convener, thanked the members| minded the members of the dis- for their response to the com-/trict meeting in the lodge room munion breakfast held recently. dren the need to respect public property on the way to and from school, Roll. call was taken by Mrs. William Milne and the parents attendance count was won by Mrs. Edith Williams' ciass. Refreshments were served by the mothers of the Grade class. frey Crooks. The play was under the direction of Mrs. John Crooks and portrayed a domestic scene involving two children from different homes, each with a different disciplin- ary problem. One child with an over indulgent parent, the other with a strict parent. It also pointed out the need for a firm father - son relationship. FETE ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. John Weiss M.H. from Oshawa will be presenting the new Spring Style "CHICO" along with a team of master Hairdressers from the Canadian Guild of Hair Design, : {/ Sunday Evening, Merch 17th, 8 p.m., at the O'Keefe Centre, Tor- onto, This showing will be open to the public. For those interested, tickets will 'be available ot the O'Keefe Ticket Office. Advt. CLEARANCE. OF DISCONTINUED LINES Your choice of 18 colours in. Flot, ond Semi-Gloss finish. FREE DELIVERY. UPTON'S 25 BOND EAST LODGES AND PAINT AND WALLPAPER STORE PHONE 723-2977 TO SPEAK One of the busiest women in Canada, Mrs. Helen Tuck- er is coming to Oshawa Tues- day evening to address a meeting arranged 'by the Oshawa group of the Voice of Women. Mrs. Tucker has led numerous travel missions for the United Nations and as a director of the Canadian Peace Research Institute will speak on the International Co-op- eration Year for which she is chairman of the Women's In- ternational Liaison Committee and has recently returned from a tour of European capi- tals and Moscow contacting key women. She will speak in the McLaughlin Public Li- brary auditorium. bd VW, DB Teas, birthdays, parties, wed- dings, anniversaries, comings and goings of guests are always on the afternoon for April 10. of interest in this column. Father Wall from Toronto} It was decided to hold an auc-| Paint spots will come off your] Write, telephone or visit the so- spoke to the group. tion sale after the lodge meet-|Shoes easily if you dip a kitchen|cial department with your item The Reverend John Myersjing on April 10. match in cold water and apply|of news for which there is no ---. to the group about aj] A defree practice will be held|it to the paint. charge. Telephone 723-3474. point program: To do alllafter the March 27 meeting and SAVE DOLLARS ON PAINT NOW! things well, with a smile in-la full practice on April 5. Sis- stead of a frown; accept alliter Muriel Buttan was appointed DECORATING SUPPLIES a tna pie att nae MARCH SALE 20% OF Celebrating 3rd Anniversary | OFF ON ALL 0)* COLP WAVES RING MONTH OF MARCH The Mayfair Salon (OSHAWA) LIMITED 27 CELINA ST. 19 BOND WEST on us from our church; make! PNG Sister Alice Hayton and 723-4922 eng Lent as if it may be our|ner committee served refresh- ments in the St. Patrick spirit. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ! ! Any Moke or Model @ Reasonable' Service WARNER WILLIAMS SERVICE CENTRE 17-B BOND & -- 725-3531 REBEKAH LODGE Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. 3 held its regular meeting on Wednesday evening in the lodge room. Noble Grand Sister Anne Cook presided assisted by Vice Grand Sister Ada Tonkin. DDP Sister Flossie Ball and Lillian Endicott of Lind- ON ALL TONE-CRAFT PAINTS 728-0662 728-0662 "What will your new home be worth 10 years from now?" 66 Houses nowadays become obsolete just like cars. That's why I moved into a Medallion all- electric home with flameless electric heating. There are so many better-living ideas built right in, it will still be up to date years from now. Let me tell you about them.99 se 667 guess my wife should tell you about the hot water. We have one of those new super-fast electric water heaters. I'm no expert but if we turned the place into a hotel I'm sure we'd still have enough hot-water for everyone--at the lowest cost, too.99 66 Take concealed and decorative lighting ... I always thought that would be a bit rich for us. Not on your life--it was already built-in. You know, it really gives the rooms character and we have lighting in places like the kitchen counter-top and in all the closets.99

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