Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Mar 1963, p. 17

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A in -- BS Jesus Shows His Authority ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Scripture--Mark 11:1--12:12. sent two disciples to a neighboring rode ing but leaves; there was not even drove them out angrily, overturning demned them in a parable, in which By N, SPEER JONES The events of this week's les- son span the time from the Fri- day before Christ's crucifixion to the Tuesday morning before. As we have seen, Christ and His followers are on their way to Jerusalem for the Passover. They leave Jericho on Friday morning and atrive that eve- ning at Bethany, where they 'stay at the home of Lazarus, 'Mary and Martha. There, too, 'they spend the Sabbath, which pronouncement against the fig tree, an enigmatical passage in the Bible, about which much has been written. The incident appears to be a symbolic pic- turization of the barrenness of Israel. Late in March the leaves of the fig trees begin to appear, and with them, if the tree is to bear figs, an early fruit--a crop. of small knobs the size of green almonds, which are often eaten by the peasants. Not even this GOLDEN TEXT "Why do! you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and not do what I tell you?"'--Luke 6:46. 'of course, for the Jews was (and is) on Saturday. Saturday night, Matthew tells us (26:6) Christ went to the "home of Simon the Leper for 'supper, where he was anointed 'by Mary. John tells us (12:9-11) that many of the Jews of Jeru- salem went out to see Him at 'Lazarus' home, thus rousing 'more jealousy in the chief 'priests, who called a meeting of the Council to discuss put- «ting Him to death. : Bethany (meaning "the house 'of dates") and its neighboring 'village of Bethphage ('the «house of unripe figs') are about 'a mile and two miles outside of Jerusalem. On Sunday morn- 'ing (April 2, A.D. 30) Jesus 'sends two of His disciples to »Bethphage to procure the ass 'on which He rides into Jeru- 'ealem. : Why does the Lord ride upon '(an ass? He is not tired, for it 'is morning and he is known to . be a vigorous walker. He meant 'instead, to give special sym- ; bolic significance to His entry + into the Jewish capital. Through "out the Old Testament the ' horse is a symbol of war, ' luxury and rapine. The ass, on } the other hand, is symbolic of peace, humility and quiet--the ' very virtues which Christ wants . established in the capital of His kingdom. On Monday Christ made His "taqsh," this second-rate fruit, could be found by the hunger- ing Christ. on this barren, use- less tree. TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- The former wife of the shah, Prin- cess Soraya, will be deprived of her royal title if she becomes an actress, a government source said Friday night. The Iranian people and court respect art and' artists, the source said, but playing certain roles in movies would contra- dict Iranian traditions, After the shah divorced Sor- aya, the Iranian royal court conferred on her the royal title of princess--a step down from empress but apparently a cut above movie queen. Soraya has been unofficially reported receiving a regular $4,000-a-month allowance. The source declined to say whether the allowance would be wut off oO ad it had ever been paid. Mark 11:15-19 records the sec-| ond of two cleansings of the temple by Christ during His ministry. The other had oc-| curred at the beginning of 'His ministry (John 2:13-22); this one marks the close. The money - changers made change for the foreign Jews, who were supposed to give noth- ing but Jewish coins in the tem- ple. The doves were sold as sac- rifices, especially to the poor. It is not too surprising con- sidering the condition of the temple, that the chief priests did not recognize Jesus as the Messiah, for even the temple had ceased to be holy under their rule. The three groups of religious leaders--chief priests, scribes and elders--now find cause to challenge openly Jesus' author. ity, which they do when He re- turns to the temple on Tues- day. He was not of the priestly binical training, etc. question, by which the so-called authorities find themselves trapped. They could not say John's authority was from men, for all Jews revered him as a leading prophet; nor could they tribe of Levi, He had had no rab- Christ's answer is another GRACE PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 40! Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister "SPIRITUALISTS" THE | Orange Temple, 11 Bruce St. || The green - eyed ex-empress signed a_ contract Thursday night with Italian producer Dino say it was from God, for they would have to accredit Christ; Then Christ condemns these authorities in parables. Mat- thew (21:33 -- 22:14) records three, but Mark includes here only one. Here He tells Israel's leaders symbolically that He knows of their plots to kill Him, and warns them of the conse- quences--for it is Christ, of course, who represents the Son of the Master of the vineyard. Patients Use Of Hospitals Curb Urged TORONTO (CP)--An official of the Ontario Hospital Services Commission said Friday the only way to prevent a growing number of people from going the number, they are filled with patients, One reaches the dis- quieting conclusion that if any effective control is to be exer- cised on the use of hospitals, the control must be on the pro- vision of hospital beds and fa- cilities." HOPPY SPEAKS SWAHILI Local color and customs often flavor television imported by overseas countries -- in Kenya Hopalong Cassidy speaks Swa- to hospital may be to restrict hili. S Pastor: REV. G, A, CARROLL Hebron Christian Reformed Church One bieck north of highway 2 on Thickson Rd, and you see the chureh! every Sunday, 9:15 p.m., CKLB SUNDAY, MARCH 17 Church of the "Back te God Hour" |! 10:00 A.M. | REV, JOHN VAN HARMELEN 7:00 P.M, REV. JOHN VAN HARMELEN |! 11:00 A:M, "THE NIGHT COMETH." 7:00 P.M. "SEVEN WONDERFUL "BLESSINGS." Wednesday 8 P.M, Mid-Week Fellowship. Friday 8 P.M. Alliance Youth. 45 A UNDAY SCHOOL By R. BARCLAY WARREN True Repentance And Restitution bean: wl tens ot Merch 16, 1963 LL them, He was ashamed of it cat 'hs < tte ot tee ae ministered the stripes in the name of the state. The jailer amends) It was taught by the prophets, | @ 20 Students -- Under Arrest Alter Rally about 60 staged an unauthor' separatist 'demonstration in _ younger than 17 years were re leased on $15 bond, police said, Others are to be afraigned Monday on charges of disturb-~ ing the peace. The students were identiited"> One of the most dramatic ex- tt as members of La Jeunesse Ré-." periences in Paul's life took/tiity for it Tt wae Uke to|_ TROIS-RIVIERES, Que. (CP)! publicaine du Quebec, student: place at Philippi. He was im- peor 3 was likely the BF a 20 students were ; e: prisoned when, in the name of|?° ag get se Fened Pridey when a group of|¥Ns © the Quebec Republican party. The party is a provincial, political party founded last Dee' pplied for permission to organ- my a march, but this had been > SUNDAY : 5:30 TO 6:00 P.M, = Jesus Christ, He also knew that in justice had been done to as himself, wants to ciser kior self before men. In so far as it 230 GIBBONS GIBBONS STREET BAPTIST CHURCH STREET NORTH 11:00 A.M. 9:45. A.M, -- SUNDAY SCHOOL & 7:00 P.M. REV. ROBERT REID Missionary Elect from West New Guinea BYNG AVE. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH TELEPHONE 728-2426 7:00 P.M.--EVANG MESSAGE: ELISTIC RALLY "WHAT MUST 1 DO TO BE SAVED? Byng Avenue Young Ladies Trio. 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL A CLASS FOR ALL' AGES 11:00 A.M.--PRAISE AND WORSHIP. "\F GOD BE FOR US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US?" MON. THURS, -- 6:45 P.M, -- 7:00 P.M, -- W.M.C. for All Ladies. TUES, -- 7:30 P.M, -- C.A, SERV WED, -- 7:45 P.M. -- Bible Study and Prayer ICE -- Busy Bee Bible Club | SAT. 7:45 P.M. -- Youth Rally at Whitby Pentecostal Church Speaker: Miss Donna Piper. - REV, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH gto AT GLENWOOD FRANK vp 4 teat tert B. Miss! JUDITH DAVIBON, B, MUS. nie 11:00_A.M. WITH PETER IN TH (3) THE APRON OF HUMILITY oo OF CHRIST 7:00. P.M. THE CROSS OF E (3) THE INITIATIVE OF LOVE OUR LORD JR. CHURCH AND NURSERY AT 11.A.M, FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL AT 9:45 Affiliated with the Fi "Catvarny Baprisr. CENTRE AND Jr STREETS in Assistant Pastor: } ------ none | kine st. PENTECOSTAL cnurcn 611 KING ST. WEST Rev. J. M. MacKnight--Pastor 7;00 P.M, REV. MacKNIGHT'S SUBJ ECT 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES ~~ BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO -- conale Rev. Ernest Winter ist Church 11:00 A.M. "THE_DAY OF CREATIVE CONTROVERSY" 2:00 P.M, FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL Thursday, 7:30 P.M, "FELLOWSHIP HOUR" Ts 11:00 A.M. KINDERGARTEN AND TINY TOTS 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP A Hearty Welcome To All + Beaten and fastened in the|W@mted to make what jowntown business section Oflcember to promote indepen" he could. In tenderness and|this unity 90 miles north- | stocks, he and Barnabas prayed| io. ead comm: - dence for Quebec. | and sang praises to God. There|/°Ve he washed the stripes. | east of Montreal. was an earthquake. The jailer| When anyone truly repents of| Police said most of the dem- i b asked how he might be saved.|his sin, he wants to undo the|°strators, who. carried pla- LISTEN TO a, | ' ' cards 'bearing separatist slo- 'fe Christ lowers day, Monday of Holy Week, Coming to the temple in Jerusalem, Christ refused to tell them, for they |Paul replied, "Believe on the|wrong he has done as much as THE FAMILY BIBLE [| ; Jeagnies por ad pas Fee, te Corian, muneees vent to ye tree Christ entered and found it full of refused to tell Him what they thought |Lord Jesus Christ, and thou/he can. Restitation was clear- nearby winican The aes -- a | 0 for sustenance, "fie found on it nothe merchants and money-changers. He of John the Baptist. Then He con- | Shalt be saved, and house."| ly set forth in the law of Moses, | town to get an ass, on which He 6 lov tho of the Lord|E 1 said, "If the : i crow h 1 early fruit. He con- their tables and saying that they had the vineyard Owner sent His Son to word ie Lo: zekiel the wicked re- : ] ve ly all ee sae i om pn baby iis tre8, whieh was sym- made His house of pense a a of Cuaet yg yer os Be Racy $o Sie Jones, one Sone beg oe pledge, nd gente --. arrested who were|| CKLB -- DIAL 1350 | } path, and heralded His arrivalas the bolic of the spiritual barrenness of robbers. The priests demande! to ed ti n.--Mar :29--12: ca i ands cues Pg fall. Totus Gf tae, Wms lee -- j Saviour.--Mark 11:1-10. Israel.--Mark 11:12-14. know Jesus' authority--Mark 11: GOLDEN TEXT: Luke 6:46. "He ifcor ther ie A eet mittn . iniquity ae aah ane a re ee } | | . ; " hour e night, and washed| ly live, shall not die. None a | || BIBLE LESSON de Laurent, who sid," am| th growth i Rosita faites thee tripe, ae) was bapl|of,h'slo that he bath come|wch aoa me] HARMONY | 1 | raya y fog he -- at a great new star Di oc oxgery m pete sion, |° wi he and all his, straight- eit shall be mentioned: unto UNITED CHURCH | 'i | | e Pe oe is é press coetonnene se es oan Health Forum "5 Betore thé ciiilor: piaiead ost bea ny J hwnd BLOOR STREET "+ iAS f LJ ay ome whether she espite an improvemen' law does not always Rev. . Holmes, . a \ | " Ch rist Prey ye | I eS Lose Title had sought the shah's permis: peperel heoith and ie expect, hn toe Ms yp Keven 4 ~~ seaure 'oie, Serving a seats eran i a sion to become an actress, Sor-|tancy, e new gs a prison e sometimes Ross j bs be : : ee x ef ESS: "a SARE" a na aso debt to wocisy bat ete a BAPTIST CHURCH || "swsos'ssinnir™ } Mu "T am a free woman. doj|pital beds an 'a es are 'aul an to society. But is a ' - } { For Final Days If Actress not need to ask anybody's per- being requested. Barnabas. Naturally, he was|law of conscience, The person -- pag ty "a 10:00 A.M. + f } mission for what I want to do."| "Wherever hospital beds are|Stateful te oon these men who had|who has come to love God with SUNDAY SCHOOL f | provided, almost irrespective of|!¢d him to the joy of faith in|zil his heart, and his nei 4 ¥ Orgonist-Choirleader: Mrs, C, A, Albert Street United {Church rt St. and Olive A' ace A.T.C.M==R.M.T. CENTRE STREET SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1963 11:00 A.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP The Minister Will Preach LITTLE CHILDREN CARED FOR IN NURSERY. ae A.M--Junlor, Intermediate, Senior Church School 18 5 A.M.--Beginners, Pre-Kindergarten, Kings sot SN REV. WARREN G, DICKSON, B.A., MINISTER Mr, R. K. Kellington, Orgenist-Choirmaster Miss Jonet Kerr A.R.C.T., R.M.T. Interim-Orgenist UNITED CHURCH Lenten Proyer Service Gost onl REV. JOHN R, 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL A CLASS FOR ALL AGES 10:15 A.M.--CONFIRMATION CLASS 11:00 A.M. ay! WORDS OF LENT Repentance. (Luke 13:3) THe pia g ha, CHOIR WILL SiN 'Wednesdey ot EVERYBODY. WELCOME. St, Andrew's United Church SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS :30 PM. .A., B.D., D.D.% i ey HARE "The 'ante MONDER. AM, -- LUTH ER AN PSYCHIC SCIENCE é 725-1661 Residence Church 728-5371 11.00 A.M. -- MORNING WORSHIP Pi weed svat SAR CHURCH | 7:00 P.M.--THE LOVE OF GOD" Mr. Rivodia-V Williams Choir Director ip» Sa 7 00 AM PG tg Neen t og 4 P.M.--Church Mecabeie .M, eee i EVENING WORSHIP IN ST. EW'S CHAPEL, Lerten foee (2) BEYOND CHILDISHNESS" Senior, Intermediate and Junior Sundey School A.M. -- Nursery, Beginners ond ia at Sunday --_ KING ST. UNITED CHURCH Christion" AU YOUTH DEPARTMENT BABY CRECHE, NURSERY AND THORITY™ e Vny Coe em hae TO SERVE Gop! | 10:00 AM. CHURCH SCHOOL, 11:00 AM. ica SUNDAY, MARCH 17 | "SOMETHING MISSING" Wednesday, 7:45 P.M, -- Bible Study ond Prayer, 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICES 2:30 P.M. een seis | SAT. 8:00 P.M.--PRAYER sabia THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT | ; Clairvoyance Service ' Bright Congregational Singing--Personal Testimonies "w yi | Pe ne i i oa ROLL CALL SUNDAY Special Vocal Variety \. PILGRIMAGE | SUNDAY SCHOO oa ~ - eae (heb. Aacaeatnn ween HILLSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Hebrews 12:1-16 ; lew Friends ai quirers OPEN AIR 4 oe ; NOW MEETING IN The Sacroment of Holy Baptism, . 11:00 A.M. Welcome. 1 A SO ee DR. C. F. CANNON PUBLIC SCHOOL Male Quartet: "NEARER MY GOD TO THEE® (Mason) - DIVINE WORSHIP Sin Coty, Tak eth 'anchiee ree Supervised Nursery -- Tiny Tots Church -- Ample Off-Street Parking 9:45 --- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 -- WORSHIP Anthert: pid $0 LOVED THE WORLD" a » t (Steiner) THE CHURCH OF SUNDAY NIGHT EVANGELISM REV. ERNEST WINTER CONFIRMATION CLASSES: JUNIOR AT 2:00 NOR AT, 7:00 PAM. 2:00 P.M. | v Always A Welcome (For All At The Friendly FREE METHODIST CHURCH 4 ial, 11:00 A.M.--Subject: 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES "THE TRANSFIGURATION" 7:00 P.M.--Subject: 'THE WAY BACK TO GOD." TUESDAY, 2:30 P.M. HOME LEAGUE | SIMGQ§ PENTECOSTAL CHURCH AGES | SUNDAY , 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY. SCHOOL CLASSES FOR CHURCH ort CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH OODSWAN TEL, 72 ce TEL, 728-8251 8:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.M.--MORNING PRAYER 17 Erie St. Rev. W. A. McMillan, Pastor Dial 725-3872 6:15 P.M, ! | ANGLICAN ORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH : , ; " | ona 245 Simcoe St. S Pastor: REV. R. A. BOMBAY Ne ae gaelic tet AR as N R N Ce ae 9:00 A.M.--'The Light And Life. Hour" -- 900 on your |} 7:00 P.M, + 'astor: oR A, RECTOR: THE NAN. D, CLEVERDON -- PHONE 725-5795 (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST, AND ae RD) Radio | SALVATION MEETING sh ASSISTANT THE ARV. G 18-0732 MINISTER -- yet ORGANIST -- MR, DEACONESS--MI: 8 H, A. MELLOW B R, ROBERTSON ane CT, SHIRLEY M, MeKEE CHURCH nid. antiggeegrr --R. Pierce ALSO AT 1042 ROSSLAND RD. W, 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--WORSHIP SERVICE EVERYONE WILL BE WARMLY WELCOMED 2 | The Baha'i World Faith| The spirit brething through the Holy Scrip- tures is food for all who hunger. God Who has given the revelation to His Prophets will surely give of His abundance daily bread to all those who ask Him faithfully. For further information write: OSHAWA BAHA'I COMMUNITY WEDNESDAY, 8:00 P.M. BIBLE STUDY "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT THE ARMY" Holy Communion (1st Sunday in Month) 9.30 Ay nee s Nursery Care at 11:00 a.m, Service, 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER Church Schools 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Wednesday 10:30 a.m.--Holy Communion ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND CENTRE STS, REV. F. G. ONGLEY M.A. -- Rector SUNDAY, MARCH 17th--LENT 3 9:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION--Corporate Westmount roup 11:00 A.M.--MORNING PRAYER "The Christian Faith and A Personal Testimony" 2 year and over, Juner 11:00 A.M. "JOYFUL GIVING" 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Specials by the Choir ALL ARE INVITED 11:00 A.M. "AFTER THE WIND, THE WHIRLWIND" Baby-Sitter Service by Come Double Club. 6:30 P.M.---CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS In Chapel. Major & Mrs, Fred Lewis 7:00 P.M.--SERVICE IN. THE CHURCH PARLOR 9:50 P.M, -- FRIENDLY CHAT OVER CKLB ' THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX ST. LUKE'S ST. PAUL'S SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH | The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. ' SECRETARY, 29 GLADSTONE Ph. 725-7578 SIMCOE ST. NORTH CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Four blocks from King) Minister: The Rev. Robert 68. Milroy, M.A., Rossland Rd. W. at Nipigon Minister REV. D. R. SINCLAIR, B.A. akiNG rue E, & WILSON » Fe alien, MA. T.C.D 445 Pend -- 728-6014 Rev. L. Wore 'The Source of 7:00 P.M. Bi hn PRAYER Belief"--Rev. F. G. Ongley NURSERY : FACILITIES AVAILABLE AT THE 11.00 A.M. SERVICE MINISTER: REV, JOHN K, MOFFAT, B.A. se Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M, 11:00 A.M.--Lenten Theme: "SQ RICH A CROWN." 10, 1 T years) Primory U4, 8 11:00 A.M--Primary (6, 7, 8 years). Beginners (3, 4, 8 years), 7 ! | } i Mr, Frank Walter, ' "e : Musical Director Choir Director: Mr. Fred Upshaw Onguntst tral Chaleniater MONDAY, MARCH 18th--Confirmation Classes--Boys & Girls- (2) "THE CROWN OF JOY" ; 1 qTIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST plea Suds does aed ei Planiet: Miss Joon Welr " Sait 4:30-5:20 -- Adults 7:30-8:30 Anthem: THUS SAITH THE LORD® Noble .| : Branch o! Mether Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist aig 3 -M. 3 Lech Garrow es f in Boston, Mossachuset, Ot SRM 9:45 Church Schoo! 9:30 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL iw Soler "HAVE. MERCY ON ME" a : Bible Class and Adult Study Group CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. 7:30 P.M.--Devotion--"At Prayer on the Mountain"--Recfor Robert Henry ae ard SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. 12:15 P.M.--CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS. MORNING WORSHIP : 11:00 A.M. a . THURSDAY, MARCH 21st-10:00 a.m.--Holy Communion SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP Pisce ainydir 7:00 P.M. -- JOINT SERVICE IN ST. ANDREW'S CHAPEL! ' " " lurset "SUBSTANCE" ee ane veka HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Oe. in Le. A Bt jationa leeting lowing ¥ yp) Bf Simcoe South to Olive--East on Olive to Court--North 2 blocks to Barrie. 7:00 P.M. ie Service to elect Managers YOUNG PEOPLE'S REV. L. WARE, -- 72g-7093 All departments at the usuol times . WED. SERVICE (includes Testimonies) 8 P.M. READING ROOM HOURS * Tesndev ond Trureday 12 Noon to 3:00 | Excepting Holidays "! is MARCH 31, 3 P.M, Dedication Service of Our New Church by East Toronto Presbytery. "THE SOURCE OF WISDOM" A Church Where You Will Be Warmly Welcomed "Small children will be cared for during the Church Service at 695 Glengrove St." All Cordially invited. -- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 -- PM--Study and Prayer P.M.--Mid-Week Laren Se In the Chapel, Film: "Jesus heals the mon born blind."* SUNDAY, MARCH 17th--LENT 3 SERVICES--11:00 A.M., 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20th--8:00 P.M,

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