Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Mar 1963, p. 16

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Se ae aa be sia Se ie Tk alk dead let A hire Hila eee 16, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Merch 16, 1963 J BIRTHS IN MEMORIAM ) KINS -- In loving memory of @ ARP -- a ges a en iad nor and father Percy Hop- was a member of Port Perry United Church. Miss Stovin is survived by two sisters, Mrs, A. Ewen (Flor- ae of Uxbridge, and Mrs. A, Suddard (Olive), of Osh- pr She is also survived by one brother, William Stovin, of | Oshawa. The memorial service will be held at the MeDermott-Pana- baker Funeral Chapel, Port Perry, Monday, Mar, 18, at 2,30 p.m, Interment will be in Bethel Cemetery, Greenbank. Church, the Knights of Colum- bus, and the Holy Name Society. He was predeceased by his wife on May 20, 1945. Mr. Wiley is survived by three daughters, Mre, B. Reynolds (Gloria), of Paris Gold Market Shows Small Burst PARIS (Reuters) + Small but U.S, BUSINESS REVIEW See Unemployment Top U.S. Problem By JACK LEFLER AP Business News Writer NEW YORK (AP) -- Unem- ployment was pin-pointed this week as the No. 1 economic problem in the United States. It was so described by Presi- OBITUARIES WILLIAM ALBERT LEAVENS|and past worthy mistress of} William. Albert Leavens, 343) Victory LOBA No, 583. road "featherbedding" j evaporated when management union negotiations foundered im- mediately after getting under way. The railroads said they would act swiftly to eliminate what ident Kennedy in a message to|they consider 65,00 wunneces- \Congress in which he plugged/sary jobs costing $600,000,000 a lagain for his tax reduction-re-jyear. The unions threatened to |form program as a solution. strike. The unemployment rate for| EXPECT INTERVENTION the last five years has been 5.5, The White House is expected per cent or more of the labor|to intervene by appointing a 'force. In February it rose to 6.1|fact-finding board that would per cent. Kennedy said that at/have the effect of putting off a the rate the economy is going|strike for 90 days. unemployment will increase 4o' A government survey turned seven per cent by 1967. up the good news that U.S. in- In a speech to the advertising/dustry and business plan to 'council in Washington, Kennedy|spend a record $39,100,000 this said the country would fall into|year on new plants and equip- recession unless congress re-jment. This would he a five-per- jduces taxes, refrains from cut-|cent increase of 1962 but would held at 2 p.m, Monday, Marchjting the budget and lifts the|fall short of 1962's rise of nine 18, at the MclIntosh-Anderson/debt ceiling. |per cent over 1961, Funeral Home. The Venerable; George Meany, president of; The survey also indicated rec- Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon,|the AFL-CIO, voiced to Congressjord sales with manufacturers, rector of Christ Me morialjhis approval of a tax cut but/wholesalers and retailers ex- Church, wili conduct the ser-jcalled for an immediate $10,-|pecting a four-per-cent gain and vices. Temporary entombment/000,000,000 slash instead of Ken-jutilities five-per-cent. | will be in the Oshawa Union|nedy's proposal for $3,000,000,000! Retail sales in February ad- Cemetery Mausoleum. Inter-|this year, Meany's plan stresses|vanced 0.2 per cent to a record ment in St. Andrew's Cemetery,|relief for low-income taxpayers. [s20, 291,000,000 from January's Orillia, will be at a later date.' total of $20,241,000.000 Gail 18 028., on March 7, 1963, at om, result of car accident. Oshawa General Hospital. | all the world we shall not find ry seat so wonderfully kind, SEAGER -- Ray and Norma (nee! So soft a voice, so sweet a smile, Barker) wish to announce the safe ar- | Inspiration so worth while; rival of their son, David Thomas, 5 lbs.| A sympathy so sure, so deep, 14 ozs., on- Monday, March Li, 1963, ai| A love 'so beautiful to keep. wite! SMITH -- In loving' memory |dear son-in-aw. Donald W. Smith are|passed away March 16, 1960. We cannot halt the hands of time Or live in the past, But in our hearts our memories Hopes of a solution to the rail- NAMFS are important: Choosing | eed mame for your child should be a real) Pleasure end others willwant to Lire poor may think the wound ie your choice, Name your child as quic! ly as possible and use the individual But they little know the mest name in an Oshawa Times Birth An-| Lies within our hearts concealed nouncement. Just call our Classified|--Gadly missed by Dad and Mother,| Department, give the facts, including) the name, and we will publish a Birth Notice in the next edition. Just dial 723-3492. DEATHS percent be Rosalie Entered into rest in the nrg 9 MF Hospital, on Friday, March 15, 1 ? widow of William LILLIAN M. STOVIN The death of Lillian M. Sto- vin, of Port Perry, occurred at the Community Hospital, Port She CHURCH GROUPS __ SERVICE CLUBS SOCIAL GROUPS "YOUNG PEOPLE'S CLUBS, ETC. ~ RIMAR MEMORIALS MONUMENTS ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOWROOM Complete Monument and Inscription Service. 152 SIMCOE SOUTH Phone 723-1002 CARD OF THANKS PRATT -- I wish to convey my sin- cere thanks and appreciation to all those who sent cards, flowers, fruit, ete, during my recént stay in the father of Mrs, Rev. C. Nelson (Mur-|Oshawa General Hospital. Special fel) of Oshawa, dear fea of Mrp, | thanks to Dr. Sturgis and Dr. Halam- H. Maicoim (Eva), and Frederick both! Andres and nursing staff on 4F of Toronto. Mr, Le&vens is resting at, --Mrs. Victor the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street West, service im the Chapel ol WILKINS -- In wish to express my Monday, March 16, 2 p.m. then to the sincere thanks to relatives, neighbors May Funeral Home, Owen Sound for| and friends for cards, gifte and flowers, pervice Wednesday, 2 p.m. Interment) also visits during my stay in hospital. Greenwood Cemetery, Owen Sound. a special thanks to Doctors Siemon, | Rowsell, a McDONNELL, James Burton Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville for Guddenly at his family residence, 315) their kindness and care. Mary Street East, Whitby, on Saturday,| --Mrs, Rhea Wilkins March 16, 1963, James Burton see nell, beloved husband of Lag ey short - lived bursts of activity Centre street, died in the To-| An ardent hockey and base- Dundas,' Mrs. B. Jones (Rose are happy to a \dear 1961. we d-|idms, who passed away March 16, : : =, Allan Leonard, 7 lbs, 10 ozs., We a oe ee awa, and one son. Patrick; Operators paid ppt ork patie love, the voice, the smile| jyear an Mrs. Norton was predacedsed| Wiley of West Hill. There are|to the London gold price fixing baby gn tine, ae a Dr. Halane| rg nee whe poop \health for some time. 'by her husband, Harry Norton, y Doreen, in 1940. of Oshawa, and three brothers,|Week's levels. ; tt eae, ae oe mee | goer, nar, 'Donsld 'Woodrow, Si My lat Ot te proneconsta wie avert She is survived by. a_ son, |Vincent, of Gananoque. Hugo of, Most of the coins ended the baby doing fine. Thanks to Dr. Kimmer-| And secret tears sti! How G { West Hill and al 7 Gt ke «s/19 grandchildren. finished at 5550 What i meant to lose you Mr. Leav (Gerry) of West Hi The death of Mrs. Rosali¢/+? & e inished a ----- | Lay tbe Pgh po Leavens was ish Percy Barrett of Osh-|Gardner, 71, occurred at the| Mr. Wiley is at the yah then And everything goes wrong. e's Me Nota Charies, | lbs. 12 o7s.,| We seem to hear you whisper MARKET PRICES Monday, March and Missionary Alliance Church, Norton, both of Oshawa. !poor health for. the past six/Church, Monday, March 18, at; 2 relia Lo gn age a" in Oshawa The memorial service will be|years. 10 a.m., by Rev. N, J. Gignac. : NELSON -- Graham aay Ber and Jane! - ery, 'seen ' : an at Oshawa General |and families. (Muriel) of Oshawa; a sister,|p-m. Rev. S, C. H. Atkinson ofjdaughter of the late Mr. and} Knights of Columbus will hold|Laurids Nielsen of the Danish LeRoy aod (nee| SMITH -- In loving memory wi oa (Mrs. H. Malcolm (Eva) of To-| Toronto and formerly minister|Mrs. William Trueman. ja rosary at the funeral home|freighter Thora Dan received dren. ment will be in Oshawa Union|years, coming here from St.|MRS, W. STANLEY HUTSON|Dan arrived in Montreal Tues-, The body is at the Gerrow| Cemetery. Catharines, She came to Can-| Seriously ill for severa]|day from Hamburg to open, the FUNERAL OF ' V. Freeman, pastor of the Chris-} WILLIAM CHARLES JUDD Mrs, Gardner was predeceas-|died at the Oshawa General! Tar om Derek pp oid fot Geamtnere, "Hisine tian and Missionary Alliance ed by her late husband, Wil-|Hospital Friday, March 15. oo end Miss Morgan RN and 4th| -- Home, Friday, Mar. 15, at 2 Mr. Leavens will then be re-l, m4 for William Charles Judd,|held at the Armstrong' Funeral|the deceased was. born at Oril- bpoey te announce the Mirth "of, thale| moved to the, May Funeral Home, Monday, Mar, 18, at I1}lia and was marred there Oct. ar, 13, Rev. A. Woolcock, for Mr, and Mrs, John Barker of Osh-/--Ever remembered by Mr. and Mrs. March 20. Interment will be in} 'a.|Church i t the ser- 4 . | Richard Fowl iN) padre of Branch 43, Royal Ca-|Church, will conduct the ser-| Mrs, Hutson was a member Stel, "Kinsale, Ont. Special thanks to) Greenwood Cemetery, Owen/h vices. Interment will be in Osh-jof Christ Memorial Anglican a dear oy hee ag pte Tag! ai 4 Dah u {who passed away Marc , Cc 7 |so jiers' plot in Oshawa Union ~ MRS. LEVANCHA MARIE |Cemetery. 'women's work of the church./ The death of Charles Joseph|Prior to joining Christ Memor-| sd Wiley, 190 Meadow road, occur- |Marie (Blanche) Norton occur-|-7 Malloy, D, Townsend and R ' 'red, suddenly, at the family | Hayward. Anglican Church. . had been in poor health for the] Predeceased by her husband) | jpast six months. PeTmough his 'oe ofr, forever, | Born April 4, 1905, in Cedar-| Mrs, Michael E. Wiley, he was|Mrs. Henry Hawke (Laura), | Of the one we loved so much. born Sept. 1, 1900, in Gananoque. Orillia; Mrs James Scott (Jes-| His memory is our keepsake Barrett. She married the late P Frid March 15. Harry Norton, June 10, 1925), FY, *riday, Marc We have him in our hearts jque, Dec. 4, 1924. jand a brother, Dr. George Dan- He was a resident of Oshawaj|ton, Newark Valley, N.Y. ater Fone, | A former member of Albert|of the late William and Hanna Street United Church, she sang|Stovin, She spent her earlier that length of time. Mr. Wiley|Orillia and a brother, John, of; was a member of St. Mary's of|Hamilton. A were apparent on the Paris gold ronto General Hospital Friday, | ball fan, Mrs. Norton was also Marie), of Oshawa, and Mrs. J. mesday, March 13, 1963, at Oshawa The rolting stream of life rolls on, tr i ' iss. Vi Wi but fluctuations were generally Andres and staff on 4th floor. --Aiways remembered by wile and! The deceased was born in the) warch 8, 1962, and a daughter, wo sisters, Miss Veda Wiley on Wednesday, March 13, 1963, at|who passed away March 16, 1960." 12 yeats age. {Howard Norton of Oshawa; a |Gananoque, and Rev. Harold R.jweek with fractional losses, in+ No one will ever know. PRRs -- Bence sad ieee suet until his retirement in 1943, He @Wa@. Also surviving are two|Oshawa General Hospital, Fri-|Funeral Home. High ll, 1963, at Port| 'Cheer up and carry on" happy to announce the birth We'll meet again some He is survived by one daugh-|held at the Armstrong Funeral, Born Aug. 3, 1891, at Rich- Interment will be in St, Greg-} OPENS SHIPPING ane y 2 Viekery) are happy to announce the|dear husband and father, Donald Wood) 94 215 brother Fred of|of Albert Street United Church} Mrs. Gardner has been a resi-|Sunday, at 8 p.m. the port of Montreal's 1963 gold- birth Funeral Chapel for service Mon- ada from England, 56 years}months Mary: Frances Danton,|Port's summer season officially. 'The memorial service was|e {Church will conduct the service, liam Gardner, July 17, 1956. | A daughter of the late Ben- floor 81, who died at the Sunnybrook : : t ob Friday, March 15, 1963, at the Osh- | |Home, Owen Sound, for a second a.m, Rev. J. K. Moffat, minis-|11, 1927, She had been a resi- 59 Kinsale, Ont, Special thanks to/ jnadian Legion, conducted the ! 1 2 awa Union Cemetery, Church and the Business Girls 960. more each day we mies] (Blanche) NORTON | The pallbearers were H. Blan-| F ial Church, she had been an} red at the Oshawa General Hos- 2 | SPENCER -- In loving memory of|residence, 150 Simcoe street) A | | E N | | C) N jin September, 1959, Mrs. Hut-} ° A son of the Asd his hand we cannot touch, dale, she was a daughter of the} Mr. Wiley married the former|sie), Brechin and Mrs. Doug-| With which we'll never part, and had spent her entire life in| Was | in her 92nd year. for the past 37 years, and an; She was predeceased by al in the choir and taught Sunday}years in Greenbank, and had the People Roman Catholic' The funeral service will be| Monday, March 18, at 1! a.m. ment Oshawa Union Cemetery. HUTSON, Mary Frances In Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, March 15, 1963, Mary Frances Danton, beloved wife of the late William Stanley Hutson (79 McLaughlin Blvd.), loving ister of Mrs. Henry Hawke (Laura), Orillia, Mrs. James Scott (Jessie), Brechin, Dr. George Danton, Newark Valley, New York, Mrs. Douglas Stiver (Bertha) of Uxbridge. The late Mrs. Hutson is resting at McIntosh Anderson Funeral Home. Service in the chapel Monday, March 18 at 2 p.m. Temporary Union Ci y Mauso- Teum. Interment St. Andrew's Ceme- tery, Orillia at a later date. LEAVENS, William Albert At the Toronto General Hospital on Friday, March 15, 1963, William Albert beloved ¢ 'market during the week. March 15, He was in his 82nd/a bowling enthusiast. Larmond (Margaret), of Osh = tal, A brother for Mi-| But still the vacant chair |daughter Sandra. lOwen Souné area and in 1910 and Miss Margaret Wiley, both|marrow around the previous! KORY -- Dennis and Jacqueline (nee va General Hospital. Mother and| Our hearts still ache with sadness, He hed fived ih Dalawn the| sister, Mrs. C. W. Goodwin} MRS. ROSALIE GARDNER Wiley, of Cardinal, There are cluding the gold' ingot which When the days are sad and lonely | e the arrival! ; Requie was a member of the Christian| 8Pandchildren, Gary and Larry/day, Mar. 15. She had been in|Mass will be sung at St. Mary's §| Pury Hospital. | Fach time we see your ye ura Mary, Friday, vaarch | Sealy missed by brothers 5 Neil, Glen ter, Mrs, Rev. C, R. Nelson|Home, Monday, March 18 at 2)mond, England, she was ajory's Cemetery, MONTREAL ° (CP). -- Capt. Hospita d he '6. : : a pong pg ge ee giro aad Toronto; also four grandchil-| will conduct the services, Inter-jdent of Oshawa for the past 18 |headed cane Friday. The Thora day, March 18, at 2 p.m, Rev. ago. jwidow of W, Stanley Hutson,; . A brother|--Lovingly remembered by his and held at the Armstrong Funeral f : ! o Siassisted by Rev. W. J, Newell. A memorial service will bejjamin and Catherine Danton, STELL =, Gord and Donna Hospital, Toronto, Wednesday, . " 1 'awa General Hospital, First grandchild! Will forever last iservice at 2 p.m.: Wednesday, ter of Simcoe Street United!dent of Oshawa for 36 years. eo f wait, ee eal "Neer son, Downla Woodrow Smith, fn, [Sound jservices. Interment was in the} WA, She was also active in the CHARLES JOSEPH WILEY | ; The death of Mrs, Levancha| ohard. D. Hamblyn, E. Kitchen, : a i active worker at St. George's; pital, Saturday, March 16. He our dear brother, John eAibert, who! south, Friday, March 15. late Mr. andjson is survived by three sisters, | Sul we ave so. many memorer 'liate Mr. and Mrs. -Robert God has him in His keeping, Mildred Mary Stone in Ganano-|las Stiver (Bertha), Uxbridge) --Sadly missed by brother Richard and! Qchawa. Miss Stovin was a daughter employee of General Motors for|sister, Mrs, Robert Monahan, of| School in the church for many|lived for several years in Port years. She was also a member'Perry. She never married. She Be Sure To Advertise Your Activities In Pratt. The Oshawa Times COMING EVENTS COLUMN If your organization is holding a bazaar, bingo, turkey NORTON, PB agetous go Marie (Blanche) Entered into rest in the family resi- shoot, dance, rummage sale, business meeting, fair, tea, bridge, euchre, fashion show, or in fact any event Oshawa Union Cemetery. CAN'T REACH HIM... They call him a problem child. "Can't reach him," which you wish to let the general public as well as your O'NEILL, Baby Mary Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen erai Hospital on Friday, March 15, 1963, Baby Mary O'Neill. infant daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank O'Neifl (295 Malaga Road, Oshawa) aged two days. Funeral from the Armstrong Fu- peral Home, Saturday, March 16, 'lag Interment St. Gregory's Ceme- _members know the date, place and time, etc... « YOUR QUICKEST, MOST ECONOMICAL AND EFFICIENT WAY IS TQ HAVE THE OSHAWA TIMES PUBLISH YOUR MESSAGE IN THE Donnell (Mary) Enfield, N.S., Leo, Ed- mond, Martin, Frederick, Raymond, of awa. Rosary 7.30 p.m. Monday. Friends gains in blast furnace perform- fay call at 2 p.m. Sunday afternoon. jance resulting from improved Canada Limited shareholders in the annual report Friday. fining process. Construction of a large pel-| STOVIN, Lillian M, Buckingham, Quebec, Lawrence of Ot- methdds and quality of raw An industry record for tons} jletizing, plant is planned at Wa-! At the Community Hospital, Port buspZbake mine in Labrador, | pone gptiaeed yen gg, hs of David, » James, William eas sine Sue See S| Blast Furnace tawa. Resting at the W. C. Town Fu- meral Chapel, Whitby for Requiem Mass materials have . deferred the need for constructing a fifth }of steel produced per hour in an open hearth furnace was set Perry, on Friday, March 15, 1963, Lal-|j; ic 7 5 i lien 34. Stevia, Aeacty 'beloved "sister i ar gt | owns a substan-| dear son of icDonnell, in St. John The Evangelist Church on Tue furnace at the cost of millions by Stelco's new 500-ton furnace of Florence (Mrs. A. Ewen), of Ux- Iron ore concen- | Quebec, dear. eos ot Mrs, E. Kear-| man (Frances) Whitby, Mrs. H. Mac- Nwcgpen dd es crt Thioa, Comalers, tans| HAMILTON (CP)--Significant | - of dollars, V. W. Scully, presi- dent, told Steel Company of|f --aem in which oxygen was introduced last year to accelerate the re-| bridge, Olive (Mrs. H. A. Suddard) and Wilbur Stovin, both of Oshawa, in her Perry, | for service on Monday, at 2.30 p.m. Interment Bethel Ceme' G bank. wer WILEY, Charies Joseph Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital] on Saturday, March i6, 1963, Charles Joseph Wiley, beloved husband of the late Mildred Mary Stone and father of Mrs. B. Reynolds (Gloria) of Dundas, Mrs. B. Jones (Rose Marie) of Oshawa, Mrs, J. Larmond (Mar- garet). of Oshawa and Patrick Wiley of West Hill, in his 63rd year, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with High Requiem Mass in St. Mary's 'of the Peopie Church on Monday, March|T' 18 at 10 a.m. Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery, Oshawa. Prayers in the Fu- neral Home Sunday evening, 9 p.m Knights of Columbus will hold the Rosary in the funeral home Sunday evening, 8 p.m. LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for oll occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING 0 CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 IN MEMORIAM CARTER -- In loving memory of a) tear busband, Jim Carter, who passed mway March 16, 1959. You were a loving husband, A pal so good and true; A better husband never lived, Your equals are but few; Sadly missed by wife, Eva. DICK -- In loving memory of Mat- - A ye who passed away March --Always remembered by wife Ethel and family. HOPKINS -- in loving memory of a| dear case and grandfather, Percy R. who passed away March 16, emory still death has left a loneliness world can never fill missed and ever remembered Rae, adughter-in-law. Sheila 'endeon, Sean. trates will start moving from Wabush Lake to Hamilton early | in 1965. On top of the $67,036,302 which | |Stelco invested in new plant) jand mining properties in 1962, $67,000,000 will be required to! complete capital projects ap-| proved at the year's end. These include completion of | the new 80-inch, four-stand cold} rolling mill, together with] equipment for shearing and slit-| ting cold rolled coils and sheets. | he mill is scheduled to go met operation this spring. Stelco's, results with 1961 com- | parisons bracketed: Sales, $332,204,817; ($288,356,082); Net | Profit, $30,299,185 equal to 9.1) per cent of sales; ($27,378,341, | 9.5 per cent); Average number | employed, 15,692; (14,432), Throughout 1962, employment | Was maintained at the highest | jlevels in Stelco's history but! _jemployment costs, reflecting ; pay increases and improved | |benefits also were greater than | jany other year; 1962 employ- | {ment costs were up 12 per cent. | | THIRD GIRL FOR ANNE HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Ac \tress Anne Baxter gave birth |Monday to her third daughter. The girl weighed eight pounds, Six ounces and is unnamed as) yet. Miss Baxter and her hus- band, Randolph Galt, plan to re- turn to their Australian ranch | in a month, FEAR BUBONIC PLAGUE SAN' FRANCISCO (AP)--City public health officials say they | will begin an immediate inten- Sive anti-rat campaign in an! area where a dead rat carrying | bubonic plague germs was found last month. The discov- | ery was the first evidence of bu- bonic plague in San Francisco. 723-7242 MA 3-3553 in more than 20 years, officials | taid, | say some. "He won't respond," echo others. Young as he is, he's already been in troutic with the police. Why? There are lots of words, lots of phrases, to describe youngsters like this. The papers are full of them every day. 'There are lots of excuses given--for him, and for society. Are they valid? This boy has parents. Why can't they reach him? Is it, perhaps, because they can't really reach themselves? Because they've never found themselves? Self-discovery takes courage. It doesn't come easily. It takes help. It demands faith. The starting point for a quest of this kind is in the Church. This boy needs the Church. So do his parents. So, for that matter, do we alll THE CHURCH FOR ALL..- ALL FOR THE CHURCH GENOSHA COFFEE SHOP 70 King St. &. ROY W. NICHOLS G.M. SALES & SERVICE 668-3552 318 Dundas St, E., Courtice Bowmanville ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Read The Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Services and Religious Activities STAFFORD BROTHERS CEMETERY MEMORIALS Whitby BROWN'S LUMBER AND THIS FEATURE !$ CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS 725-4704 JOHN BURTINSKY FLORIST 668-5285 124 Dundas W., Res i and . They are: (1) For his is Community and nation. of the Church itself, which SUPPLIES, LTD. 463 Ritson Rd. N. Store 668-3334 Whitby COMING EVENTS COLUMN YOUR COMING EVENTS NOTICE REACHES OVER 19,000 HOMES DAILY Just Phone 723-3492 And Ask For An Adwriter

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