Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Mar 1963, p. 15

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25----Apt. & Flats For Rent (25--Apt. & Flats Por Rent 27--Real Estate for Sele |27--Real Estote for Sale SOND STREET EAST, 7 -- Three-|SIMCOR NoRTH -- Three - room | BULALIE Avenue, 302; Bungalow, four -- lig i Me age soraesye room, heated apartment. Private. Third bath, finished recreation| "hve * thee eam. bath, Private 60° floor, Apply above, Apt, No. 1 after- , Telephone) room, Ce wy trance. Og poe 6 p.m -- Pee: : PRIVATE sale, two scsaiiaat pease Aven es MS Lowty. desersted. 'reasenab eevee west see tan ate ae x 330° ea sah wih lke frnte| 2 Pg "oa oil heat, garage.!or house, Telephone w|i ACRES of pdt Mogg, Wein tt|clectste semipereate wa: J 4 $4000 4 .. Write Post|room facilities. 'Telephone 728-4955, ly 100 x 200 off ee ry SECOND two-bedryora| , way 12, one ae aeen of Bo pump, c pl MT TB, 2%, Vi ¥ vate wn etiens, ka oe tame Madea memshar (0 be seid af INSUL BRICK itee CORVAIR, sedan, ats: siette teins, ccensories for bia 1ay-| phone diate possession. Small babes welcome, if . D. egg > Bago top | outlet, 'avaliable, Available im-| 723-2086. : , HOME dining room suite, oa hae 4 chalra, $80 $50. , 1, oo Fi gedan, mediately, Private entrance. Abstain- 0 Ses Oen i ae Fy Petpet ren ie ag c a Grey fur. ome sis. rt ut i "3 : Modern People _ New Offices raat ee ee ected, ie Apply above, gone Gos teoting. C14 acres, ig SoRVinG, stomata ral condition Apply United ' Th | In Medical Ceriter | moter 4 me AJAX AREA -- Mai ae conte : t es ma i oe sion, radio, One owner ag, Best Tes-| in aaa ' ere Is One a mae imple mot water" hosting, B88 -| Asking Price $11, ee fiberglass car recer, Disy -- reet S, sEMGOR NORTH = Three rooms, oat | monthly ale Oates. souoen ; San, redie, ete. 668-0761 any time. i an Sireicos st " pete igor li 4 i NORTH OSHAWA -- Threeroom baee- WITH TERMS. Gueedge, este asics bak ~ 15 Set REGoR: RDS ee Sree TS © a gain ce Modern Way ° Tele- ive VOLE WAGER, 1 Sno. sw |i Available July 1963 | stove 'in kitchen. No tlenbone. eat iste, Aner' 8 p.m LIMITED - Telephone Brooklin tartan, battery ana tires, S470 or 'pear-| 22008 Paso To Advertise Con be finished to suit | ZEACUER weil oe apatiaect "fie |e NEWCARTLE -- tana, saa PELE Waited easted| LOVELY HOME -- In most 655-4829 Tophon Prd i to tt a2, Mangas' i Early Tenonts. . "Me-T0ET|moom spartshent, | ject oan Mags --_ ' Fh | . Whithy Tokina ee sells ena 20 p.m. ? Peupooards, vik & room family > 4 top coat, brown | fim PHONE 725-5132 totar- (8% 623-5608. rooms, 2 bathrooms. Living LLOYD REALT Y + Hillman, bine, Bree spreads through nished hot rs pert | THREE ~ ROOM get avaliable! room with stone fireplace, Like . Tag] PeCiNg Oshawa's Market FOR RENT BOO Oe Aor 1, 30. Oshaws . Tie-i0ss.| cis ning room with becomes LIST WITH LLOYD call Speedily ee a eceeinecimnnnein ceiling, each opening oo} THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 728-6004, and appliances, One CEMENT BLOCK =| firmae-noom apartment, largo, clean,|26---Rooms For Rent patios and lovely treed yard, egestas --_ nee : ond does @ BUILDING 70' x 32 modern, private bath, a small den with fireplace, DUPLEX anically . $100 or \ Complete ished or unfurnished. Washer Gryer.| ADELAIDE EAST -- clean, furnished f YF ote 3 car garage and $15 oF $80, oa bedroom, $7_ weekly: also. two-room ot --h n" canoe : s19,e da 133 anytime, NonGr ache 2 ' bee Job ap '4 » kitchen cup- yg . deluxe f cl 'i ont to . paew Pires eink, i, ee heey ASey boards, stove, $10 per 723-7797, and appointment to inspect, Nine room brick with double |D&ckel V8, four al r teed. Chester's ashen, 8 Biackstock, " at one low eost. ene Oe eee between 5 and 8 evenings. FURNISHED kitchen bed sitting) call now gorage, 2 meters, paved > 906-4926, i Dial, 723 2563 SIMCOE North, close to four cornere,|Foom, hygie and reineerata close "4 drive, you can live in one MIRROR, large size, and Thy ftment, also bachelor| hospital downtown. .| SOUTHEAST ---- We offer LET, standard, our authorised . 'Wanted To Rent aparimsnt, reiriseraios an cave, thie 'Telephone 723-7100. is neat two bedroom apartment ot $45.00 per cotta, fruit, WHAT 1S IT? , bath. Private entrance, 725-1992 offer, Telephone 723-3744, per month including taxes, Hur: to rent .0F sere selon p.m, ee SERBRS, 0 -- Two baraiety bene low, with new FHA. call Ed Drumm ot 725-934 -- wanted GE VACUUM cleaner, cylinder type. ve good barn new d, private! umace. Alum, storms GE VACUUM cylinder ' SS Ge ore in oe raQihEsozom, I wa er ayer ge hme | and Careers, TV. Aa | 72888 Sr Ryle arta lane ese Naeem, nee HO owes tee| Oshawa Times ent, couple, Plen' pai - . EO SON Seaerees, stove in-|tWO or ae manana foome, --_ opnae, Yon 61s SACRIFICE pe aes top, power | Gris bicyele, in excellent condition, a ae es mene NN. Cl assified Ads cluded, Call 723-4245, body, . y whee! reel carrier, $25, Tele- +. epring ira ron ar Ring, Shee pad 5 Og time J, Mansville siding. oe tinal eon aaa steering. Transmission c Ties Whitby 668-5220. head board te tla al rg J J . wicker bassinette, $5; quan: Two page ng Ss tae KINGS COURT io oer boulevard 107, nua: Priced at $9,950. dining room off the lorge |isei CORVAIR sedan, white, nd i ona New int oy wines bg yf ra of paint rush, $23 kidney: of Course furnished, kitchen, Recreation room |terior, image endl oie Aduit family. Telephone 725-9786. close to bus and shopping. Telephone) SNACK BAR AND VARIETY ey a 4 Hewes r one Bleetroly v cere oeurte 'one child desire apartment, APARTMENTS pelted STORE --~ on Simcoe St. N. plus on office 4 prietionel oe condition in. Teiethoe es new fe rash Ragan ou her timon alin DIAL TODAY @r similar accommodations, furniture WESTMOUNT STREET -- Single room| with 5 room oportment. Bus- room or study in basement, new fo Pier "sale, Please call 726-9121, |LARGE sixe, 6" Denver table saw, ex- Abstainers. Willing to 'assist AJAX Jin quiet home, near bus and Shopping iness fully equipped, Asking Only $2,000 down to one 00 Fo convertible, "63 plates, THREE self. serve meat counters,|tension table, moulding cutters, othen| with bousehold duties or baby sitting if g Comite: Absteiner only, $8, Telephone) - 0-1 ¢6 900. full price. Good open mortg me ~ Bill n lo, full dou! " 2 . One self- sioremetta, ¢ oe) glass show case. 723 a 3492 - oO ropert ohnston ot 1, Telephone 668-3006. je meat | lephone ELDERLY lady wants unfurnished veil: No Lease Required AFELE ate Garicl, Targe Noten paca side buuabel Llovd Realty (Oshawa) Limited | Cat pRABIOB, 'special, 168s, Chevrolet Me Ts, 1 ae eis tra, Aa deals oe hath ules Gxiree- anes Le tomttows. Tasreel be- Agpremieoainy 10 miles three. Private bath. Telephone 728-2614.) POOL ROOM WITH NO ox Y inside tl Novaya agbi erga Pm eas the te ; " AWNING a P i fyeen 10 a.m. and noon. rom Oshawa OLIVE Avenue, 873, light housekeeping) COMPETITION -- Old est- 101 Simcoe Street North Dominion 'fire' Stsre, 48° Bon 'weet mates, Chait, tale Wirdresadbves room, bus at door, parking, TV privi| ablished business, 5 large Oshawa, Ontario. ee, Cleve Tox, 412 Simeoe North, jon Tire Store, 48 Bond West, |free estimates. Chair, table Tomas Telephone 72+ Guild Lead GMALL house or four-room 'apartment A . nec ine lt 7 RRB OE Lhe ¥y olla furniture or 'appl With all conveniences, furnished to re-| Opposite large Shopping Centre |eges, Telephone 723-1832, tables and all chattels. Rea- PONTIAC Giuxe four-door GENDRON bat Baby carriage, powder blue, 'all Elmer, Hampton 03-2294 or ers parties, Write Box 535 Oshawa] near schools, churches, etc. |PARK Roal South, 27, light housekeep-| sonable rent on 5 yeor lease, OPEN EVERY EVENING we \s panies ivy, esta tet pthc new|eluminum, will convert into stroller, Pins ing room, main floor, furnished or un-| Cal! today for full particulars. ease whiten, Very aber: gniulcn, TT Bow- furniture as appliances? A T furnished. $8 ly, BN | manville . 24--Houses For Rent Be Large One Bedroom $73 | phone 728-0129, ile senaedtitias RANCH BUNGALOW--with WHITBY 128-0658, vacuum Cleaner repairs, all makes. oe Biake's Furn: % gree 0 ir E-ROOM house, why lecorated, Two Bed 'oom $79 HAWA m K! re East, fare" re Appliance (is f pre otel, King Street East.) ottoched garage only steps 1961 CHEVROLET 2 ton sae truck, Parte; Store, 24 Prince Street, 728-9191, lf you have no children or animals, j s weekly rates, rooms, single and double, rf gorag y , The | of the house will be [five thousand original miles, fete hoses, guaranteed rebuilt ma-|j5- a ® s this place Is for you, 713 Green hot water heated, television. Telephone| {fom Simeoe Street--6 large sold om she sees the large |txits also new tarpaulin. chines. 'Rentals, Wallace Vacuum Set-|trnies, "Ropmicn, anes aware Bet er id Street, Whitby. 668-6223. TELEPHONE 723-9761, --, cin eta a cheery Hollywood kitchen ond '783-4790. See ae Yee avin i imo vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4343, Wis Eanes tases near Bianie Grows ---- STA AP Tw, ema recreation 4 FIVE-HOOM house, near Maple Grove, ATTRACTIVELY in bosemrant, Asking $17,500 separate dining room in this feat belts, backup fights; STE ae atete a wien vine naa |HAYE you turatire or appilances ml NEW YORK (AP) -- lel AJAX WH 2-200! | FURNISHED ROOMS | 'Frosty clear. Owner ~ six room bungalow, aso these. (eee are Lap Seete, s Paper, chews past for oly oO "ap |gtle?, We, buy. sell and exchange, Mo-| | Shop; Centre, vt : edrooms, large liv room, | miles. 720-8316. Mi a Times Whitby | south, ; 'simeoe # re eee mae yy G : hold mortgoge. ottached 'garage. Full price |isee CHEVROLET, twotoos blue, redio,| 1_Dundas_Street_Weet. decided by a one-vote margin Se woler in kitehen, chemisal cloeet| overnor Available in private home +-SEDROOMS -- So $14,600 standard transmission, Must be seen to|WE buy, sell and exchange used tur|35----Swap and Barter to recommend that their aoe $45. Evenings, 725-0860. Call between 5 ond 7 p.m 4 ee S ---- So conven- be appreciated. $695. Mike's BA Service| niture or anything you have, The City bership accept a publisher' 5 . lent to down town but in a Station, Raglan. 635-2628. Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street|WILL TRADE 10-second, proposal aimed at Warr -- Avainbie May i Tee) Mansions Apts. 82 PARK RD. fine residential area a two OSHAWA int FONTIAC Parisienne, 6 cylinder, | South tod 31 Bond Sires Bat. Hi I67, {ocus, Polaroid camera, ease, ete. for newspaper strike "hich started furnace, Titchen wien range} storey solid brick home in tip door, red nipmeat "in good 'cond on pore ephone "608-5645." 110 PARK RD.N NORTH top condition throughout. $8,000, full price for this |istertor, whitewall. tires, 000 on What's My Line? ton, 'Telephone, 725-400, here 99 days ago. GLOON Street East, 212, seven-room 0 RD. 27--Reel Estote For Sale Large modern kitchen, forced two storey brick home. Lorge 4 . $8,000. Buvina end ealling used fur |26----begel The 9-to-8 vote Friday fer house, Possession immediately. Tele] We believe thot Governor | air oll heating, garage and kichen ond living room Li, SUING Oe. Selling. i vored a $4.18-a-week wage bor cone Oct. HOUSE for sale, five rooms and bath, niture and appliances, For . Mansions .are the most lux- [$1000 down. $75 month. Telephone 728- ved drive, A quality built downstairs, three bedrooms nus to be & Flots For Rent 0976 you should make sure ond four piece bath upstairs; | i your needs phone. NOTICE tract wage scales, + 'or Ren i n6. ould, ' 3 . ; : SSA A ets] anne ne. |ESEE ROOM iy rag] rte treed $2900 | NE Soret, oct "k |S BOGE te SOUR S| Yoystlot seu ote woe oe ee oa Kitchen with sink and cu rds and! x ach, e miles from Oshawa. o ' 0 q ' 44 or call ot store peeing sine a I. tures in the City of Oshawo, |monthly. Reliable tenant only. Tele-| 1. 99500 => 18 oe agai for the growing : 16% Bond W TO CREDITORS coincides with that of other: newspaper unions, 6 room, family home ; FOR INFORMATION Oshawa's Finest with garage, 3 pe. bathroom | S10 ft. frontage on King St. ; 5 COOK'S AND OTHERS Individual AFL - ClO Guilé and | pe. second floor pres- West. 4.7 acres land with ' 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. ently rented. Owner onxious five room house. Sremrecees| 9AM t09 PM | bark Lane Apts. | Eeetigetee a ee ee TRAILER SALES | citon ond stn non y on claims against the estate of trence, laundry facilities. parking. 72% : make on offer. GUARANTY ix eneeeat" commen" 0.008 | GLENDALES ROBERT ALLEN PRITCHARD [Hin the eDabichers setaee the curs. at ae Schofield-Ak 10 min. from Downtown |. EXECUTIVE HOME -- On mutes. ville 625-3736. 13-14- 16- Nd ft. | tote of the City of Oshawa, "Kachelor Apartment | Schofield-Aker | 4.1. ssn bedroom site King St. Eos, Asking $15, TRUST Parts -- Hitches om saisned to nd All por: | Ma penal a Brasorived LIMITED home pay 2h ft. "Wee aot COMPANY OF CANADA 5 HIGHWAY 2 COUNTIC ticulars of such cleirns to the [national Avoilable fe April Ist. Apply Spacious grounds with fireplace, Lorge sepor- Bill Collins -- 728-1653 a : a pends 1 AB ene pe mer any Solicitor for the wiih he 213 MONTRAVE AVE, 723-2265 Proton. Jeootien ae a i a reer : OPEN EVENINGS the 13th day of Apr, 1960, |e Sauls own voluntary MODERN Private balconies boards, Thee ood vined bed: 26--Real E Weed latt ue et . 23-7594 = after which dote the Estate's erecet one: on a separate set rooms wi c - ti 728-6004. CALL "98: 7273 ' | Elevator service clothes covets 4 pe. both |FiViEROGM Waar vase RSE! -- SPOT CASH FISHERMEN Nava tagerd ahiy claims' [aeeelaeee" wekiee" lak ak ae APARTMENTS Controlled entrances recreation room, Hot woter | |$ Sik m. PAID FOR Buy ae: Comer, sie that have been received. complete. But Guild member- ry THE DIPLOMAT ! Ga cit heating, paved drive, Selling Your Home 4 Comper, eps 4, ship acceptance of a common rages ; sae Newseeian g Yo Good clean cars. Trade up fits on back of half-ton truck, ERNEST MARKS, Q.C., | contract expiration date 'plud WHITBY'S | Quiet Paved parking A MUST ? or down. Liens pold off, Propane cooking and heating, Solicitor, |the wage bonus, was a 4 Residentic! Street ASKING $12,500. FULL | : i DODD MOTOR R SALES The most versctile home on 17k ? th an » seen as: DELUXE APTS. | PRICE -- 3 bedrooms split List With ' "314 PARK RD, SOUTH wheels, ing St, Cent, - |the male soe SS eee - Convenient To Don Howe level, Large picture. window GUARANT 723-9421 Volue! $1,000 Oshawa, Ontario, ae ee ee Feotu wv ti ' , . to imming Poo! PR Pe | Evenings 723-9692 walk-out basement to patio. JARANTY =X will trade fi Sw ng : | ig) sel] or trade for 19 ft. All Electric Heoting and: King St. West Move right in, owner has TRUST trailer. " | Howe and Peters Realtors left town, | OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS HI-FI REASONABLE si tall aaa ase COMPANY OF CANADA CAR AND TRUCK | Phone Orono 1642 : French Provincial Decor . RENTS porticulors coll 723-1121 | RENTALS Furnished Lobby NEW HOMES Open Daily 9 a.m. to 9 pm, Call Now es | Vacuum Cleaners 1-2-3 bedroom opts. For Information For a complete choice of new After 9 p.m. Call 728-1653 i m vig ety pine | FILTER QUEEN DUNLOP STREET W. and PARKWOOD MANOR homes In 4 top subdivisions Steve urbe 728-0569 AFTER HOURS ' 14 Albert St. New & Used Machines REEDAIRE COURT APARTMENTS Rony eigen Irene Brown 725-3867 | __BILL-COLLINS 668-8716 OAKE & BILL'S. dap vi hp ame TELEPHONE 668-5601 725-7272 ° |e Siecck ---Jascases |29----Automobiles For Sale GARAGE Repairs at low factory rates. Open for Inspection 728-9217 | BELLA VISTA GARDENS L itlus 725. 1954 VOLKSWAGEN bus, new motor, GENERAL REPAIRS and Nylon Hose, Old Fittings $9.95 pe | eon Manitius 25-8068 clutch, exhaust, go _ "GREENWOOD HEIGHTS" | Phyllis Jubb 72 pee Ter] _ AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE FILTER QUEEN SALES 22--Storage Space '22--Storage Spoce sane meee phone 725-0285 after 5 p.m. 449 Ritson Rd. S Osha With down payments os fw | Jean Peacock 725-4330 | iii NSU Prinz automobile. Very good Bieler', bis (Oshawa) and Garages | and Garages -- $595.00, Loyd Corson 729.5857" |Setce wuuceies Rereavin Ganaen. 728-0921 323 King Street West 728-7552 CALL Dick Young 723-7183 |WANTED: 1951.to 1953 Chevrolet, good BUYING OR SELLING LLOYD METCALE | Ws fret, 2540 ee al TED CAMPIN sy Se pe ARE YOU IN NEED OF GUIDE. REALTY LIMITED ive "BISCAYNE Chevrolet, four door, ON DISPLAY Real Estate Limited 5 Avg apenas = ad | , : Realtors; 16 "Simcoe $t. S. washers, back-up lights, White with MOTORS Grew Cruisers, Traveler, Ma- 9 40 King Street East, 728-4678 green. $1,750 cash. 725-3223, 607 KING ST. --- OSHAWA son, O.M.C. and Larson A MODERN OFFICE' | | NEW ADDRESS Uust East of Wilken Road | nd". 88 Motors | WHEN CRAFTSMANSHIP IS APPRECIATED OF 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 ee en eer WILSON BATTERY |30--Automobiles Wanted ee CONSULT SALES AND SERVICE ine OR nT Chevrole Poane, wil MARINE We have available a suite of 641 Cromwell Ave. phone 725-2879. Storage & Supply Ltd. (Corner Park Rd. & Bloor $t.) Br ' . 655+ offices totalling approximately J AMES O'MALLEY DIAL 723-3512 tee Semen Higher "trices. paid. Boklin, Ont. SSA st, 725-1181, 1000 square feet . . . Air condit- CONSTRUCTION LIMITED | -_ RENAULT- $ ALL CASH $ reac ae ioned, bright and served by ele- 723-7122 aa Complete line of vator in The Times Building Parts and Service { oe ane he we ny - or "WERE 'sewict STATHAM jown. Liens paid off. i 5 We are giso specialists in rs NICOLS MOTORS LTD. | wana ' : A. SERVICE 5 | 1270 SIMCOE ST. N. home, office and store remodelling | RITSON ROAD: AND KING 12. OROEK SF, N., WHITRY (West Side) for Oshawa and District | __723-4733 and 723-7712 668-8001 728-4688 31--Automobile Repair TELEVISION 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN S OPEN HOUSE Good condition $495 HOUSTON'S GARAGE Rebuilt sets, all makes Guor- | teed. O THE OSHAWA TIMES This Weekend a nl MCE ure | ERSEIVICR STATION | Senge Wr a ASK FOR T. L. WILSON { |1955 OLDS FOUR-DOOR SEDAN] PLETE BRAKE SERVICE bol ade Want Y i McKeen's ROTH CONSTRUCTION | Sees Peete Cie or | TE iis | Une fans 026 Silene 5, © GENERAL REPAIRS 725-5101 67 KING ST, wer 725-5181 or 725-6457 Model Homes For 1963 | acta DON'T BUY A WHITBY CLASSIFIED ge Pleasingly Different and Loéated in Prestige USED CARS CHESTERFIELD suite, three piece Northwest Area. Perinat Wer prem Lod ype on og mee me You Have Seen PRINTED PATTERN M460 SIZES 10-1 YOR RENT -- Small threecoom wil-/FOR RENT pleasant apartment, living) 1, | Cor Rousht tnd acid efor z e exciting new Qotained apartment, hest and water bedroom, Kitchen, Directions; Follow Rossland Road West ond turn 2 blocks North ies Rouse trailer "Rairte", seeps The spare, beautiful princess) mer -- in jewel-bright colors, in BepRiied. #800 monthiy. Avalide nom. ee Pte eitaas a petee| on Giencain Stiest, tum one aa vce we een eo | Liens paid off caech, "eaee eam batiga-en._ceaves 1963 THISTLE is shaped by a master hand in| cotton, linen, shantung, Dacron, home, $75, Adults only, 668-2004. oie tare } Trade up or down -- Printed Pattern M460 -- the|pique, lacy silk-and-wool tex- aia beatin te ls ee ae Geen es) Atwars Top Say CARRIAGES hand of: Stella Sloat, winner of] ture. % at Wilson's many awards for superb sports-| printed Pattern M460 is avail-. CONTACT Sch eches ee ee OPEN 1:30 UNTIL 8 P.M. DRAPES CkaS Guasch wae wat : The Home Of a wear. There's a beautiful fin-| able in Misses? Sizes 10, 12, 1 Private, estrance, bath. $70.00 a a JOSEPH BOSCO, Realtor | Good Used Cars Madirn Casidhe This Week's Bonus esse of fit to Sloat's design -- al1g and 18. Size 16 requires 3 it and water supplied. Suitable for Ab x |, pics curved bosom, ease through) yards 35-inch fabric. AVON a \apeninatelicmect TELEPHONE: 728-7377 Before You Buy "and lvl Retna. Herre on. (Ctamiaeit iti hipline, Ths)" ee Before Y Custom Made PLAYPENS .....++ $8:88 [is the body-consclous look at its| , Send ONE DOmLAR for Fete Need i iately, ladies jemeetona ae --_ drapes "Pit pinta Give Bill A Try Expertly Installed is STROLLERS ...... $5.88 [best -- a look that does Times, Pattern Depart- HIGH CHAIRS $788 |most flattering things for all|¥® in the Rural area with Re ae ' SPRING FILLED ment, Oshawa, Ont, Ontario ambition to tarn money. |so0 Cheetmut Street "Wort Telephone OPEN ALL WEEKEND | BILL WHITTICK M and C CRIB MATTRESS . $6.88 gel | ae top sching residents add 3c. Good income part time. str. wail o srchange_ weed fraiiog| TAYLOR & FAREWELL AVENUE, our homes fecture space sav- MOTORS LTD. DRY GOODS Lowest prices in town psy gy ee om yee ol ith Ueda Forsiters, 313 been, Wen, Oane iF prsnser oe Ste Lote well deniared, basenary sore 146 BROCK ST. N. WILSON'S ing in emerald green imported STYLE NUMBER and SIZE. 3481 scteens. Co ixtures, vonities, vinyl asbestos tile, oi WHITBY | 74 CELINA STREET FURNITURE linen. Make your version--and| Next Week -- Watch for @ do make several, for this is the| Prominent Designer Pattern F. 668-4741 ena 668-4028 | PHONE 723-7827 | -- 20 cnurcn streer shape that can make. your Sum-| Harmay. i soermresrnaes ann nnn | hegt, plus mony other extras. You should take the time to in SEPTIC TA' ice on A I Fon Chetan spect os our Lata ¥ 'are the lowest in town. John A, J. Bolahood j Street West. Whilby 668-2563. Exclusive Agent, 725-6544. |

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