| @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, AJAX MAYOR STARTS EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN Mayor William Parish of Ajax kicked off the Easter Seal campaign in Ajax with a personal donation. Members March 15, 1963 of the Ajax Rotary Club have 'been working on the cam- paign for some weeks, stuff- ing envelopes and developing $490,000 ESTIMATE Village Studies Cost Of PICKERING (Staff) -- Vil- lage Council recently sent a letter to a Toronto Engineering firm inquiring about the cost of installing sewers in the village. The firm replied in a letter to council stating an estimated price of $491,000, Council learned the esti- mated price included the cost of forced mains, pumping sta- tions, and the sewage plant PS ged of handling a town of residents. "The price however does not include the cost of hooking up the houses to the main. COUNCIL THANKED The problem of mineral-based detergents in water came to light again at Pickering Vii- lage Council recently. A letter acknowledging Pick- ering Village's support of a resolution to ban the use of) mineral-based detergents, origi- nated by Wentworth County, was received from the office of Premier J, P. Robarts. Pickering Village voted to Sewers lution to ban detergent several weeks ago, BUY GARAGE Pickering Village Council learned. the purchase of the garage on the south-east corner of Highway 2 and Station road has been completed by the vil- lage. The garage was purchased from the Department of High- ways and will be used as a service and storage centre for the Village Works Department. RECEIVE SUBSIDY The Village of Pickering re- ceived a subsidy of $5,479.43 from the Department of High- ways, council learned. The sttbsidy was paid on work done on village roads by the Village Works Department during 1962. DOGS DESTROYED George Gerrigs, Dog Control Officer, told Pickering Village Council picked up four dogs, destroyed three of them {back Wentworth County's reso- a campaign policy, Mayor to right: George Simpson, Parrish, seated receives his George Robinson, Graham | seals from a group of local Pinkney, Hugh Hustler, Matt Rotarians. They are from left Miller and Earl Robinson. Education Topic RS STUDIED SCHOOLS, TEACHE | At Men's Meeting BOWMANVILLE (Staff) The Bowmanville Men's Cana- |dian Club will hold their spring meeting at St; Paul's United |Church, March 21 at 6.30 p.m. Board Fee Pressure Of School Board Hears Confidential Report BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A confidential report from school inspector E. J. D. Webster to the Public School Board was passed to the board's manage- ment committee last' night. Said Supervising Principal A. M. Thompson: "He wouldn't want any part of that publish- ed." The board was told the re- port contained observations on the condition of the schools and reports of talks with all teach- ers. WILL EXPLAIN TAX HIKE A brochure explaining why the Public: School Board wants $31,000 more in taxes than last year will be presented to town council shortly. Secretary - treasurer 5. R. James told the board last night the idea was taken from the High School Board who present- ed a detailed budget to council. He said a copy will also be supplied to The Oshawa Times. THREE TEACHERS RESIGN Resignations by three teach-| ers at Vincent Massey School were accepted by the Public Top Old Pros, Principal Says BOWMANVILLE | (Staff) Students straight out of teach- ers colleges are preferable to experienced people who move from job to job, Supervising Principal A. M. Thompson told the Public School Board here last night. He said experienced people who move around are unlikely to get jobs on schools in the town because "their standards } "Young people out of teach- ers college are cracking good people," he said, "and the peo- ple we took on last year are cracking good." j He made his remarks during i dren until they are of age, the Public School last night. ed in a letter to school inspec-|hore jast night. tor E, J. D. Webster from the lg ga provincial government, the letter. who built Ontario street school Passes " will visit it this month to see if}STOUP_ admission to Old Fort any deficiencies are discovered, the Public School Board was told last night. ed any who are free will go along with representatives of John B. Parkin Associates from Toronto when they check the school, will be one year old. Freethy reported to the Public School Board last night that he visited only one home regard- Atom Threat BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Parents "'rose in righteous in- April," 25 per cent in August,|dignation" when their children and the balance in Decembert.|brought home evacuation no- \tices at the time of the Cuban HYDRO LAUDS SCHOOLS crisis, Public School Supervis- A letter from the Ontario Hy- i Principai A. M. Thompson jdro Union commending schools oJ 4 School Board here last bree] "Away to greener pastures?"| asked Dr. I. J, Woolsey when! told Miss Jane Galbraith, Mrs.| Carol Fulton and Mrs. Joan Coverly planned to leave the Guest speaker at the meeting will be J. Howard Moebus, B. Comm., Co-Ordinator of Guid- ance Services for the Peterbor- ough Board of Education. His topic will be "A Changing Society -- A Challenge to Edu- cation". The April meeting of Cana- dian Club will be Ladies Night, a release stated. and returned one, in his month- ly report read at a recent coun- F Toronto; , 90 lbs. calf pel- by N. J, Woods; , 100 tbs. calf pel- lets donated by Vanstone's Flour and Feeds, Another feature of the after- noon was a hag (ey demonstra- tion given, by in Codlin. Sun Ray | Charlie bag cattle mineral, donated by and tied for second, G. f Rise 'Comin one gallon anti- freeze, donated by Cowan ag eg and Carl Sargent, two es Of milk filters, don- ated by W. H. Brown. Winners of the three-year-old class: Juniors, Doug. Batty, and 2nd, Boyd Jewell, -- but as these two were previous win- ners, the prize went to 3rd place Jim McBain, a grease gun don- ated by S. §. Morton and Son, Jersey Club Holds Meeting At Enniskillen ENNISKILLEN -- The On- tario and Durham Coun'y Jer- sey Club held its barn meeting at the farm of Rudolph Stenger and Son, Enniskillen and were host to the Peterborough Jersey Club recently. Fifty-two members guests were present. Dudley Oliver represented the Ontario Jersey Club and offi- ciated the judging of two classes. Winners of mature cow class were as follows: Juniors, Doug. Batty, grease gun, dona'ed by A. H, Sturrock and Sons, and Boyd Jewell, a pumper oil can, donated by A. J, Hoar. Seniors, Bruce Sargent, one TRicksha CHINESE FOODS. Under new Management, KEN SETO, Proprietor Dining Room Service FOR FINEST IN CHINESE FOODS BRIGHTEN CHURCH PETERBOROUGH, * Englané (CP) -- §&t. Mark's Anglican Seniors, Bruce Sargent (pre-;church here has been bright- vious winner); winners tied forjened with geranium red, pom- second, Harry Young, 50 Ibs,|padour blue and dove grey milk replacer donated by Sun ene on the walls. Rev, Geo: Ray Feeds, Toronto; Harry|Price says he hag fought Gaynor, 50 lbs, milk replacer,|against dull brown all his lile. AL tHe heart end happiness of the sway hit! #eeee OCRSHCEOEERZECe manner and cil meeting. Kg) annie ERA EXPLODES , OM THE ny f as posting pa bream said last night. in pos ydiro n He was discussing emergency school at the end of June. © | iultetin boards was filed by the| school measures in case of nu-| QUEEN CURBS NAMES Public School Board here last!jear war with members of the| Queen Elizabeth -- oe |Public School Board, meeting at that no schools or lic build- : -- Vincent Massey school. i SHOW NO INTEREST aa ; ngs be named after her chil- A letter from Niagara Parks| Reaction to the letters the \Commission about free admis-| Children took home. was Be | ei : ing)ilent," he said. | sion for students to historical) "They just rose in righteous!| i jattractions in the area didn't in-|,_.. : The information was contain-|terest the Public School Board|™ianation because we scared their chiidren,"' he added. "If you're going to give direc-| \tions, you've got to put it on | paper and send it out," he told/ \the group. said the hampered with } Board learned The last time Bowmanville ¥ \students went to Niagara was There was no discussion 0M! 'couple of years ago when a |Grade 8 class journeyed to Buf- falo, the board was told. They filed the Commission's letter offering free stud schools the were little amount of time they had for |preparations during the crisis jat the end of October. | Mr. Thompson said that in the event of any future crisis, some group should be ready to handle publicity of the school WILL CHECK SCHOOL Representatives of the men Erie, Fort George, and the Nav- al Hall. TO CONSIDER EXTENSION Lord Elgin school needs no land across the street, but may|Plans for evacuation. be in the market for adjacent| He blamed the parents' rise land, the Public School Board|n 'public apathy.' decided. |. "The newspapers The Board will send a letter|Port these things accurately," In two months time the school|to W. D. Carruthers telling him|Said Dr. I. J. Woolsey, "with jhe is free to go ahead with a|their glaring headlines." |planned subdivision across the! street from the school. The letter will also say the board will consider the "'exten- -_ . a vig we adja- Baweton Hell Cambride cent to Lord Elgin School" on|Sawston Hall, near Cambridge, ing truancy last month. the suggestion of Dr. I, J. Wool-| England. | He said children of the fam-|sey, --- SHORGAS ily concerned attended the On-| "The kids should have lots of | tario street school. room to play,"' Dr. Woolsey told) NEW GRANT system |'"¢_Doard. __ HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and A new system of paying pro- ------ vincial grants is designed to help) RESULTS COUNT! Commercial The established, reliable Gas out schools which may run into debt, the Public School Board! was told last night. Sec. Treas. S. R. James told| the board the old system of| Dealer in your area. geting grants in two payments MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE] 91 CELINA ST meant some schools had to bor-| Conslt © Member sf the | " papel orner o 0} Members of the board decid-| ONE TRUANCY CASE MGNARCH W. Attendance officer Kaye) vu ROTE IT Tape recordings of lute mu- sic composed by Henry VIII are played to visitors at historic He said the new way will help | Real Estate Board don't re-| ACADIAN CLEANERS Odourless Cleaning Shirt Specialists © Pick-up and Delivery Service © Same Day Service Vaults on Premises PHONE 728-5141 299 BLOOR Ww. OSHAWA'S ORIGINAL CARPET CENTRE at Nu-Way, carpet and broad- loom has been a specialty for 18 years . . . with thousands of yards on display to select from. PHONE 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. | | Kid \ SAT. MATINEE ONLY E BOWERY | BOYS DANCE Some Fine Irish Numbers row money between payments.| Oshawa & District 728-9441 to wipe out school orowi The grants will be paid in four discussion of a teachers' salary notice. installments, he said, 10 per cent in February, 40 per cent in TEENSVILLE 3 BOWMANVI HIT BY HEALTH OFFICIAL BOWMANVILLE (Staff) 8 Health officials visited the town's four public schools recently and only one was , given a clean bill, the Pub- lic School Board was' told last night. Only Lord Elgin school was found to be in tip-top shape when T. H, Walters of the Northumberland - Durham Health Unit made his study, the board was told. He said the school was found to be "well . equipped and maintained" and made no recommendations for improvement. But for the other three schools, particularly Cen- tral Public School, Walters made several recommenda- tions in his report, a copy of which goes to the On- tario Department of Health. He recommends that the board improve heating con- ditions in the Central gym- presents BIG BAND BASH featuring THE KING BLUES COMBO FRI., MAR. 15th, 8 p.m. with a gala ST. PATRICK'S DAY DANCE Recreation Centre @ PRIZES e@ REFRESHMENTS DRESS CASUAL ree Attraction Extraordinary LITTLE CAESAR | and the CONSULS Plus: The Top Records LLE SCHOOLS nasium, renovate the base- ment toilets, eliminate a boys' lunchroom. adjacent to the toilets, . refinish blis- tered wooden floors, fix leaky fixtures, and add enough wash basins to make five for each sex. Said trustee Joan Phil- lips: "If we had $100,000 we could do all that," For Vincent Massey school, Walters recom- mends that water near the west entrance be diverted, blackboards be better illum- ' inated, and defective screws in the girls' washroom floor drain be replaced. "In general," a_ letter from the health unit 'said, "the | school is well-equip- "aN 100 GIBB ST. Ontario street school needs better _ blackboard illumination and regular re- moval of debris from en- trance gratings, Walters' report said Coming Fri. Mar. 22nd DYNAMIC Magistrate Cuts Speeding Charge AJAX (Staff) Ivan B Grose of 86 Hurley road, Ajax was fined $5 and costs for , im Ajax Mazgistrate's Bourt Th ursday. Mr. Grose appeared before Magistrate C. W. Guest charged with speeding 40 miles per hour in a 30 mph zone. KAY TAYLOR and the REGENTS Ajax Police Constable Robson told the court he followed Grose at 40 mph on Feb, 16. i Grose argued on his own be- half and admitted doing 35 but said the charge of 49 was only an estimate. He said he looked at his speedmeter when he noticed the cruiser behind him and it read 35. Magistrate Guest fined Grose/ $5 and costs on a reduced charge of speeding at 35 .1 a 30 mph zone, CH srntmweown ~-- oyal Canadian Legion | FEATURING 90 CENTRE STREET, OSHAWA aturday, March 16th DOUG WEEKS BAND Dancing 9 - 12 p.m. 2.00 Per Couple @ DOOR PRIZES @ SPOT DANCES e Direct from the Sportsman Show in Toronto The "CHANTECLAIRS" AT THE "GET" APPEARANC E TIME 10:30 Dress: Casual-No Slecks or Jeans or Leather Jackets AGES: 15 to 21 see you there... me FOP uw HOME DELIVERY free within city limits after 4:00 p.m. PHONE 728-1676 42 KING ST. WEST "the Hol Double AMERVYN' LEROY eRc0UCTON + sud ute sep «Brad sn omtpaphs ts eB + ph Si Sada te tee Leg bonnet tee ieee (ook by Artur Laurenta » Based apon the Memcirs ot Gypey Roos Lee TECHMICOLOR® TECHRMA® From WARNER BROS. SHOW TIMES -- 1:45 - 4:10 - 6:40 - 9:00 Hillbillies ina -Batrelled Musical Hoe-Down ! TECHNICOLOR® All those } crazy Dogpatch | characters J | and | those stupe- fying gals! ' A jumpin' jamboree of the lively fun and music that's sweepin' the country | EXTRA! SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY J "FOLLOW THE LEADER" Plus--3 CARTOONS--in Color rin rErey BILTMORE IN ALL OF MANKIND'S DAYS ON EARTH «NO SIN OR SPECTACLE TO EQUAL IT! ' F i é Ee. ' "a TER oie EN erage PAGAN PLEASURES OF THE SODOM COURT! THE EMBRACE OF DEATH! THE FLAMING VENGEANCE OF THE LORO? @arring STEWART GRANGER + PIER ANGELI + STANLEY BAKER + ROSSANA PODESTA + RIK BATTAGLIA A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRe Rivest ty DES DENTUREFOR FEATURE DAILY AT: 1:30 - 4:05 - 6:40 - 9:20 G "aul