Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Mar 1963, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 13, 1963 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN HAROLD BRADLEY HERE ON THURSDAY 'Far-Reaching' Change In Compensation Act SPECIAL MEMO TO ALL PC's: The City of Oshawa Progressive-Conservative Association will hold its monthly dinner meeting in the Piccadilly Room of the Hotel Genosha, tomorrow night -- Thursday -- at 6 mn. . The special speaker for the occasion will be Mr. Harold Bradley, MP Northumberland, who is genérally regarded as one of the finest speakers in the PC Party today, with the exception cf Senator Grattan O'Leary who performed hére two weeks ago at 'Mike' Starr's nomination meeting in St. Gregory's Auditorium. Mr. Bradley won a surprise victory in 1962 over Dr. Pauline Jewett, a Liberal, who had campaigned for more than a year prior to the June vote. ANGLICANS PREPARE FOR WORLD CONGRESS Did you know that the 1963 Anglican World Congress is to be held in Toronto next August ? Anglican churches in Osh- awa and district are already preparing for the ~ event, which is to be attended by church leaders from many lands. St. George's | Anglican Church on Centre _ street, for instance,, will start the ball rolling at a_ special meeting tonight in the Par- ish Hall --. the highlight of this get-together will be a film presentation of the 1954 Anglican Congress in Minne- apolis. Rey. F. G. Ongley, the pas- tor, will attend and a meet- Delores Taylor and her seven children escaped un- ESCAPE UNHURT FROM BLAZE downtown Windsor home. TORONTO (CP) -- Increased workmen's compensation behe- fits and higher pensions for orphans and children of work- ers killed in industrial acci- dents were contained in legisla- tion introduced Tuesday by La- bor Minister Rowntree. In what he termed the "most far reaching revision" of the Workmen's Compensation Act in the last decade, Mr. Rown- tree presented amendments broadening grounds for com- pensation claims by redefining the definition of accident. The legislature sat late Tues- day night after a heavy agenda and an interruption to the morning session when members evacuated the chambers after a workman's blowtorch acciden- tally touched off a_ sensitive automatic fire alarm switch. Mr. Rowntree said durin first reading of the amend- ments the- maximum = annual earning capacity cn which com- pensation is based will be in- creased to $6,000 from $5,000 be- cause the present maximum "is no longer realistic." This would mean an injured worker would be able to re- ceive up to $4,500 compensation \in any one year compared with .|hagards and is more likely to Mr. f£apable of outlining po'icies and employees 1 'ier the act, where which has had four ministers in the board employs new teach-lits six-year existence, is not @ ers. . |"transport department hecaiise However, "the teacher who isjno minister has had time to running a one-room school injbuckle down and make it nto some of our rural School areas|a department," is probably subject to more| Education Minister Davis in- troduced legislation removin the Ryerson Institute of lech- nology in Toronto from control of the Educatic * partment, under which it has Operated for 15 years, and es- tablishing a hoard of governors for the school: He said the name of the in- stitute would he ¢ ware ta Ry- erson Polytechnical Institute. Mr. Bryden introduced suffer an accident than some of the teachers in our larger schools." : The varied duties of rural teachers -- 'the football team coscning, the hockey team. coaching, the stoking of the wood stoye'--make it neces sary that they be given "the same protection that is received automatically by their con- pib- freres in the urban areas." |lic bill aimed at forcing the Ca- : Peaetruntite Gs allway lige sees National Commission to © ccnnect the Ontario North-|open board meetings to the pub- land Railway at North Bay with! lic. Hee nd A private bill introduced on a Georgian Bay port and co- ordination of private airlines in|/hehalf of the city af Toronto was defeated in @ free vote-- Northern Ontario were sug- without party hi em last gure by Lib ral Leader John intermeyer during discussion|week after advice that it was il- legal for the city to seek 'egis- on transport department esti- lation dealing with the CNE mates. Advocating co - ordination of bio both are separate corpor- ations. all railway, highway, water and air transportation in Ontario COMBS PUZZLE THEM KATIKATI, New Zealand Wintermeyer said the transport department should be injured Tuesday night when a flash fire ripped through her --(CP Wirephoto) | | U.S. Programs | On Information .. INCREASE PENSIONS |the present maximum of $3,750. Another amendment proposed nsions paid on behalf of chil- dren of workmen killed in in- not be merely "an administra-/(CP) -- Archeologists are puz- tive Ray st of other govern-|zled at the continued discovery ment departments. f Kenneth Bryden (NDP--Tor-|%! ancient wooden combs in a onto-Woodbine) said the depart- Swamp near New Zealand's ment was a "combination |li-/east coast. They are of a kind ee Meee ing of the special committees will follow the film-showing-- some of the distinguished visitors at the Toronto Con- gress will be invited to speak in local churches. Oshawa and district Angli- cans will take an active part in the August Congress and several of these details will be ironed out at tonight's meeting. REV. F. G. ONGLEY THESE "FRILLS" NOT IMAGINARY, MR, D.! George K. Drynan, QC, chairman of the Board. of Edu- cation, talks publicly like a man who seriously believes that there are no costly 'frills' in Oshawa's Education set-up. Mr. Drynan, an ardent disciple of the "There's-Nothing- Too-Good-For-Education-No-Matter-The-Cost" philosophy so widely expounded in certain rarefied Board atmospheres, has invited City Council and the public to personally inspect the Adelaide McLaughlin and Dr. C. F,. Cannon Public Schools to dispel such beliefs which are, to him,. fallacious. .. Prizes a |monthly high score. FERNHILL PARK POT LUCK SUPPER Followed By Election of Officers TONIGHT 6.30 P.M, At The Clubhouse |Support Neighborhood Recreation! BINGO Wed., Mar, 13th, 7:30 p.m ST. MARY'S HALL 2:20, FM. Sic STEVENSON'S RD. N. TORONTO (CP)--The council TO ° NIGH 16 Games of $8 of Metropolitan Toronto Tues- 1 day night authorized completion LIONS BINGO under auspices of U.C.W. - Unit No, 5 March 14, 1963 game each -- $10, $20, $30, $40 Snowball 58 Nos. $170 $20 Con. Forecasts issued by the Tor-|St. Thomas ...... onto weather office at 4:30 a.m.|London seeeeeeeee Synopsis: In Northern On-|Kitchener .. tario, cold weather holds sway,|Wingham ... lwith temperatures ranging|Mount Forest .... |down to 30 below zero. Tues-|Hamilton ...... |day's mild weather in southern|St. Catharines'. \C.itario is on its' way out aS|Toronto jnortherly winds bring colder|Peterborough . jweather southward. Cold,/Trenton jpartly cloudy weather is fore-|Killaloe .. least for most sections Thurs-| Muskoka day. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Ni- agara, southern Lake Huron, DOUGLAS DUE HERE FRIDAY FOR BIG DATE When Tommy Douglas rolls into Oshawa next Friday to do some campaign drum-beating for the New Democratic Party, a task for which he is admirably suited vocally and otherwise, his tight schedule will allow for the usual full- time political address (at the OCCI Auditorium, starting at 8 p.m.), but little else. The reason is simple -- Tommy today is without a peer on the coast-to-coast hustings circuit as a crowd-pleasing word-spellbinder, if he doesn't always fare so well personally at the ballot box; and the Party must utilize his time to the [Foxe 'Ontario regions, Windsor, utmost in spot-check assignments, not allowing for too much London, Hamilton, Toronto: time in one place if his oratory is to help the over-all picture. |Gradually turning colder this Local Party members will pick him up at the Malton Air- fe bse gong Pome as pA port Friday in time to get him here by 8 p.m., but there will {Cloudy and colder with - be no time after his ph st for real Lar Ha because SAG: SOR EREE SS, SANG COFh 7 to northeast 10 to 20- he will barely have time to get back to Malton to catch an- Foire Lcke Huron, Georg- other plane out. : a : ian Bay, Haliburton, Algoma regions, Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy and colder with occasional snow to- jday, tapering off to an occa- \sional flurry tonight. Thursday | partly cloudy and cold. . Winds North Bay .ooeese Sudbury Earlton .... ar Kapuskasing ..... White River ...... Moosonee . Timmins Sault Ste. Marie .. Observed Temperatures Low overnight, Dawson Victoria . Edmonton . Rogina ..... Winnipeg ....... Lakehead ........ -14 G8. Matid vciiess. fl MONSIGNOR TO MARK ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY The March 8, 1949, edition of The Oshawa Times-Gazette (on page one) mentioned that a new pastor had taken over the previous Sunday at the Church of St. Gregory The Great, largest Roman Catholic Church in Oshawa. 'north to northeast 10 to 20. The pastor was Rev. Paul | Timmins, Cochrane, White) Dwyer, (now Rt, Rev. and jRiver regions: Mostly clear - i jand cold today and Thursday. she ayy al Winds light. t is interesting to note ' Forecast Temperatures that he still holds that post, Low tonight, High Thursday also that an important date (Windsor ... 30 is upcoming for him next | aaameanaaiaea Sunday, March 17 -- the 40th. i | NEED page ad lg elevation | FUEL OIL eee PERRY Such an occasion calls for DAY OR NIGHT 723-3443 APPLIANCES BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12-2 P.M, Industrial and Hotel Lancaster Commercial The established, reliable Ges Deoler in your area. 31 CELINA ST. - (Corner of Athol) | j s R Urging INTERPRETING THE NEWS | + dustrial accidents he increased | | y : cence and safety bureau". Al- | e Will Be Prob jto $40 a months from $25 andithough both functions are a bee " pgp sito -- s Trade Pact | U.S. Holds Big Sakae eats 'he"ineeatealtmagl, a Tuneons are im Sning atthe white mah Be 5 J government's information plans! 'phe Jegislation will also ex-| d - fae! hd plses=eseniy cre peate'paymonofcompense"ansfaratin poll for O.|many mor, tae, previous s e as an attempt to manage neWS|tionn by making an injured] Hl a he 4 a | ry it ana a Arms toc pl e |--will be examined at a con-|workman eligible for benefits; "© £:- Ceperrmeat,) Rene Ry HAROLD MORRISON a F sae tb sale and 21. ve fable to work for three days, in-| ssian trade delegation is y KROL pub ja good case for a treaty, bas Announcement of the sessions|stead of the present five-day! et Cae eh credaae as Canadian Press Staff Writer|on the estimate that the pres-/prought cancellation of a 'sim-| wait, dian government on renewal of|George Bundy, President Ken-|far superior to that of the Rus-/House Press Secretary Pierrejrural school boards previously|prnco, bathe Park at Fulalie Avenue,/RADIO Park, Grenfell Avenue, Euchre the current trade agreement/nedy's security adviser, re-|sians. Salinger planned to participate.|exempted, under compulsory les Thursday at 2 p.m, Euchre onj¢vety Wednesday night, § p.m. Admis- between the two countries. cently disclosed that the United The House government opera-|sections of the act; soa Se. refreshments. $6 day night and was met by alof thousands" of nuclear weap-| beng : grad yes 7" #, 4) operations and government in-|sation board the power to CHICKEN PATTIE TEA group of Canadian trade andions and that "we make thou- ree way we g sae ration) formation, headed by Represen-|award costs on hearings which AND foreign affairs officials. sands more each year." stands firm on demanding at)tatiye John E. Moss (Dem.|the board must adjudicate. | HOME BAKING SALE discussions ill. be renegotia-jduction is big business in the|®f Soviet territory annually as) Salinger, who had set up alwintermever whether the defi- CHURCH -- East Unit tions of a_ trade agreement | United States. A lot of opposi-\the prime price for a treaty) give.and-take conference with| nition of accident under the act} MARCH 14th, 2:30 P.M. originally signed in 1956 and ex-|tion would develop -- as indi-|Particularly in view of State|snokesmen of major news|would include certain "nervous 50c or After 5 p.m. 75c There were preliminary explor-|some scientists, military au-|*hat the U.S. has many clande-| 4p>i] 5 and 6, sent out telegrams'|the changes would "take care of z atory talks in Moscow last No-|thorities, politicans and ae as well as open means Of/Tyesday night telling those in-|some of those cases." : ates yo : ; | vember. ium mine operators if the U.S./detecting Soviet nuclear explo-| vited the session now seems un- THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 nan's invitation, especially Council; .if they do, we trust that , ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL Mr. Drynan will also afford them an equal opportunity of |have expressed concern that!tjnion on a nuclear test ban|U%derground. a : ple were to participate in the| Referring to the rural school (Albert and Jackson Sts.) visiting some of the Board's more glittering showplaces, such |C@m@da has not bought more|:.sty and presented such The U.S. administration has) subcommittee hearings. |board amendment, Mr. Rown- M ' from the Soviet Union. The|,. se nati : jbeen bitterly attacked by Re-) «w i nj . tree said some rural schoo! ay be doubled or tripled jtreaty for ratification by the e have decided to call off $190 IN JACKPOTS elegant design and and costly interior furnishings, this build- {quirement for Canadian. put-|" pit while the use of uranium|rats in Congress for having/peing." the telegrams said,|f{rom compulsory coverage of] -- Door Prize $15 ing would be hard to beat, but it is questionable if the aver- |chasers and the Canadian gov- in bomb production: might slow|Stadually watered down Ameri-|'nending completion and re- age taxpayer will agree that it is necessary for the Board jernment has reminded Russia aa igag ag Sten are not ex. /can deepnade ie treaty gg a ports of the hearings." ast est Line At righ i ploded in tests, production for|40NS While the Russians have) Moss said representatives of - R REET atmosphere. Hundreds today classify it as "an unnecessary be eset es $24,275,./0n-the-shelf inventory is likely done little to escalate their own| major news organizations have ALBE Tate FED frill." It is just one of many in the local set-up. : dH ; pag i th u wa i | 'use to allow more than three|sion March 19 on information sales dropped sharply last year|ment agreement is reached. in cae is } For S b y oft-heard stories of costly local school "frills" are pure fig- |t0 $3,296,596 mainly as the re- _ eek Baca ge) homnhis ea't foo erg i gh A tions. Cosy wil be asked oon ments of the imagination, wild allegations unfounded on fact, |S¥!t of Russian cutbacks in)an sa tan Wad chs <4" Wf laxem : but such is not the case unfortunately. , ; the West. | handli ministration feels it can make} ; 2 _,| banding. chases. | Rusk and his associates tried; On March 21 government wit- of it has bee i i ; h , n contained herein during the past few months. WEATHER FORECAST Congress, without breaching se-|with Arthur Sylvester, assistant There is no desire to pick scapegoat groups in regard to M curity, that the U.S. has ample|secretary of defence for public the $206,533,000 east - west means of telling, within a rela-|affairs, and Robert Manning, poi "~é ae by 1088. da year group in the local set-up (Council, PUC or the Board) has i, he eWay y i M been without fault. ever ssians explode a nu-/public affairs. 43 4 8.00 P " neater at an additional cost of $3,000, . MM, clear device of any significant] It was Sylvester who touched |? it Com- What is needed now {s a spirit of reasonable compromise size. This is possible through|of much of the criticism of |°0® '0 the Toronto Transit JUBILEE Share-the-Wealth e | ' Austerity Program can be implemented without unnecesary W th S S japparatus as well as other in-|stating last fall that the govern- i 50 Extra 2 Cards 25c ; . : : 7 streets will fuss and furore . The sooner this is done the better, unless ] ome NTLOW [irene ttncrine means. ment had managed and wied [ca notenioted werwonk Keele we would hasten that day of bankruptcy for the City. Council - news during the Cuban crisis/s in the west to Woodbine 20 | CONCLUSIVE PROOF as a weapon to help force the rede 0 by that date. EXTRA BUSES ISS! Why, then, the need of seven/Soviet Union to withdraw offen ge re ete ead yet feign a FREE ADMISSION " | Metro council also authorized FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUS SERVICE 'appears, to produce conclusive] Cyba |Munici - ? 3 A : pal Board for approval proof to the »world that cheat-) -- lof a $73,680,000 expressway OSHAWA JAYCEES pet lrypa attempt a series of} {Avenue from Bloor Street to sneak tests. : a |Wilson Avenue in North York, It can be predicted authorita-| $21,000,000 Sales |with an additional $1,000,000 for 20 GAMES AT $20 --- 5 GAMES AT $30 ! | 'nterchange and bridge struc- oa might be willing to reduce the| MONTREAL (CP) -- New Sree hat : 1 -- $150 JACKPOT lyowctlons which compares|C0St Canadian newsprint pro- rapid transit facilities. $20 PER LINE PLUS $50. PER FULL CARD \with 20-a-year originally pro-|ucers more than $21,000,000 in |posed--if Russia is ready to ne- 10st sales, the Canadian Pulp JACKPOT NOS. 53 - 58 | eC: liwesday, 'The association. said $10 PER LINE PLUS $200. PER FULL CARD_IN 53, 58 jtion procedure and to establish | vow York dailies normally oon- NUMBERS THIS WEEK PLUS $25. CONSOLATION PRIZE \Clearly the size of the area bout 10 tof aii lavailable for inspection, jee Seo sei regalo ts EARLY BIRD GAME newsprint production in ea) EXTRA BUSES Red B Osh ADMISSION | ada. outlook for a treaty is dim. But |oo | ¢ arn, snawa $1.00 High Tuesday some American authorities are| AR SPA TG SRO 2 at HEAT WITH OIL WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO tiations has not been opened) and that the Russians may) a make some further move when) DIX N jent unsettled state of affairs in WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13th : 'Asia and Furope. . saaaarsicatg senvine Gea Wa OVER EARLY BIRD GAMES---SHARE-THE-WEALTH SHORGAS || GOOD FOOD 50 YEARS | Walmsley & Magill) BUS LEAVES OSHAWA 25¢ RETURN 24-HOUR SERVICE OFFICE EQUIP. LTD. 313 ALBERT ST. | 725-3506 | $20 EACH HORIZONTAL LINE $100 FULL CARD = $350 ADDED IF WON IN 57 NOS. OR LESS 5 GAMES AT $30 -- 20 GAMES AT $20 Ist 58 No, 2nd--No, 53--$30 Consolation $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD Door Prizes Children Under 16 Not Admitted WASHINGTON (AP) -- The|tg $50 a month from $35. thing is to develop coherent|far some 150 have been found |gressional hearing here March|from the first day if he is un r Russian trade delegation 1s COMING EVENTS soon as possible with the Cana-| In a little noted speech,/ent U.S. nuclear inventory is|jlar meeting in which White! Provide for inclusion of some| UE opr a Saturday at 8 p.m. The delegation arrived Tues-|States has an inventory of "tens SEVEN INSPECTIONS tions subcommittee on foreign) Give the workmen's compen Objective of the closed-door, Clearly, nuclear bomb pro-|least seven on-site inspections) Calif) will conduct the inquiry.| Asked by Liberal Leader Jotn| CENTRE STREET UNITED tended in 1960 for three years.|cated in the U.S. Congress--by|Secretary Rusk's statement/media at Warrenton, Va., for|disorders."' Mr. Rowntree said \ p.m. NOVEL BINGO It is our belief that few will take advantage of Mr. Dry- ni In the past, the Russians) ddenly agreed with the Soviet|Sions--in the atmosphere and/necessary since the same peo-/ GIVES RURAL COVERAGE Game $6, $12, $20 as its posh Administration Building in the northwest. For |; 54. agreement makes No re-|ty\¢ conate. |publicans and right-wing Demo-|the conference for the time|boards have been exempted ST. PATRICK'S TEA and its executive officials to administer in such a luxurious |it cannot compel Canadian 644 worth of goods in 1961 but(to continue unti! some disarma-|Concessions. The Russians re-|heen invited to a panel discus- Mr. Drynan would have one and all believe that these " ' | s wheat and nickel ingot pur-(many more that the U.S. ad. until this offer is accepted by|examples of government news| Authorized The evidence to the contrary is overwhelming, and much to get the message across to|nesses are to appear, beginning municipal waste and spending in recent years b no Cl e ] tive degree of accuracy, when-| assistant secretary of state for| shead of the present schedule, oudy » WO der by all municipal parties concerned so that Mayor Gifford's jimproved long - range seismic} government news handling by The 6%-mile subway along PAVILION Or 10 for $1.00 must tighten the purse strings as well as the Board. jon-site inspections? Mainly, it| sive missiles and bombers from an application to the Ontario ing has taken place if the Rus-| . . larolect 6 idtown Spadina Strike Cost Firms [rciect on, midtown . Sp Monster BINGO Thursday, Mar. 14 |tively that the U.S. in fact salen ddaeed a laeen ie York's 91-day newspaper strike tures and provision for future 2 -- $250. JACKPOTS \gotiate detailed on-site inspec-|8%4 Paper Association said $150 TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAMES So far, Rusk has stated, the| aq DOOR PRIZES -2 convinced the last door on nego- | CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY |the dust settles over the pres-| HEATING & Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner | 9 KING ST. E. OSHAWA cs . ' TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES BEST HEATING SERVICE IN TOWN! rejoicing -- there will be an Irish concert and Parish re- ception in St. Gregory's Au- ditorium, starting at 3 p.m., and a dinner later for the clergy. Monsignor Dwyer was) or- dained at the Basilica of St. John Lateran, Rome, in March 17 in 1923, He is more than a parish pastor -- he is also the spiritual leader of his Church in Ontario County. He was born in Par- ry Sound and served as an RCAF chaplain in Canada and England in the Second World War. Whenever you are in need of Heating | 728-0441 | Service .. . call 725-3581, You can rely on' H AWA il Lander-Stark expert technicians and their | courteous attention. Our Service Trucks gg ia Td | are Radio Controlled for time- 14 DAYS saving promptness and our Low 18 years . . . with thousands §) es Service Department is on duty 24-hours every day and night throughout : 3° 485.10 of yards on display to select |] INCLUDES: oir transportation and the entire heating season. \] first vas Oe (based on double OO. 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA SEE THEM! HEAR THEM! MEET THEM! Tommy Douglas, Federal Leader NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY Central Collegiate, Simcoe St. S. 8 P.M.-FRIDAY-MARCH 15th ALSO AILEEN HALL New Democratic Candidate in Ontario Riding EVERYONE WELCOME OSHAWA --725-8731 -- WHITBY -- 668-5329 AJAX -- 942-5411 Look for Lander-Stark's Yellow and Green trucks; symbols of reliable service. OSHAWA'S ORIGINAL CARPET CENTRE at Nu-Way, carpet and broad- | loom hes been a specialty for MSGR. DWYER | slightly extra, | BOOK NOW | Four Seasons; Howard | Travel' 'Travel OSHAWA Hints PHONE 668-316) 728-6201 942-6690 PHONE 728-4681 TERS IN RALLY will be Mike Kerry of Toronto, TORONTO (CP) -- Olivier|Who ¢o-drove in last year's a : crossCanada rally with the *gendebien, four-time winner of hate Petee Ryan and twice navi- the Le Mans, France, sports| cated for Erie Jackson of Eng- car endurance race will com-jjand in the Canadian winter pete in this year's six~-dayjrally. The cross-Canada rally cross-Canada rally, it was an-|staris at Vancouver April nounced Tuesday: His eo-driverland ende at Montrea} April 26. RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. PHONE 725-3581

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