PPE OAPI VO EA / / Man Awa rd ed / THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Wednesday, Merch 72,1963 17 Dr. jusret Parl aand Dr. G, B. EXHIBITIONS SET 15 080 F Magween, doth of St. Cathar-| MONTREAL (CP) -- Calgary 5 ¢ - Ing cat "Gatario aisteibutors|Sampeders, Edmonton Esk ] bs of/the intravenous feeding ap-|mos and Hamilton Tiger-Cats ara ysis ratus, were dismissed with- prog on the he ges ds nnounc! TORONTO (CP)--A St.' Cath- t costs. on game schedule announce Under the settlement, the hos- today by Montreal Alouettes of pines Ply Denes all ital and Deseret. Pharmaceu-|the Eastern Football Confer- tical Company of Utah, manu-/ence. The games, which will be POLYETHYLEN: ¢ eee a Tt facturer of the apparatus, will]played here at night, are: Cal- " hospital and the manutactus|% oPposing parties, in an On-\EOF}, a A, Solon ON MEASURING CUP company will seek a court . sion on who is responsible. decide which is liable to Mr. Ceubeihed a Murphy, | tabl A settlement filed Tue ay aaeiita, ale before Mr. Justice Georgy A v SHORGAS } ly Gale of the Ontario Suyeme WILLIAMS WINS HEATING & Court makes the award / Wil-| MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP)--jf- liam Murphy, 42, a St/Cath-ipowering Cleveland Williams APPLIANCES punched and jabbed his way to Industrial and was a patient at St. Oftharines|@ 10-round de ision over Billy General Hospital two gears ago,| Daniels in a bruising battle of Commercial ] ); a section of apparafis broke.|peayyweights Saturday night,|] The esteblished, reliable Gos of ' lodging nh left) ait of Bs Williams, weighing 212 and oe me een ores | , causing partial paras' R arm and fingers. / fighting out of Houston, Tex., 31 CELINA ST. | --_------ s -- . 1 An operation a/week later|started slowly but mever took a (Corner of Athol) ae VX See how lucky your pennies are: Your 5 failed to recover tlé piece, that|backward step as he whacked } was said to be sti in his body |Daniels' face with stinging 728-9441 4 KIDDIES' penny buys a useful premium when you SEL : Z ER Mr. Murphy's ations against! lefts. CLOTHES HANGERS - purchase a popular everyday need. Fast, pleasant relief from Upset Stomach, | JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER p Headaches, Edgy Nerves, | i i Hurry... our Lucky Penny Sale | esuuy size: | \ ends this Saturday, March 16 Extra c this THURS.-FRI.-SAT. ONLY at a | : SPECIAL ONE STOP | ae i om Ruto S " Cent 89¢ DOUBLE-DUTY PRO Y POLYETHYLENE uto service Ventre | KING ST. WEST AT STEVENSON ROAD TOOT H BRUSH - AP DISH te \\ | ' when you buy when you buy 6 cakes MUFFLERS < | er a See y 7 Nu Sa -- BEAUTIFUL, TERRYCLOTH ¢ To fit most 1955 to 1962 A F q WASH CLOTH u buy CHEVROLETS, PONTIACS, BRECK SHAMPOO ith tree BRECKSET FORDS, li 1,60 value--1.00 | BOIL-PROOF, UNBREAKABLE a GAKE ICER-SCRAPER when you buy |-pound tin yl : a 1.D.A. MOTH KILLER Goodaire for fast relief of pain, headache, common cold 59 "! arthritic and rheumatic pain l\ AIR DEODORANT While it y bway ele. Nae | | 60 TABLET Cleans the air you breathe. SIZE CB Sprays away germs. EXTRA SPECIAL 7. HANDY, SLIM FLORAL 2 spice | PLASTIC MOTOR TUNE-UP |i | "orn" MON aa Nissin te CLIP... xs 79: For smoother, when you buy SPECIAL safer motoring. a ¥ 5 | ast BRYLCREEM HAIR DRESSING ae ® KEY INCLUDING | CASE CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS when you buy Gillette's new giant FOAMY SHAVE CREAM FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ON ALL REPAIR JOBS | and SUPER BLUE BLADES OFFER EXT | i 1.98 value--1.50 FEVER ' me BONUS 5% ALL PURCHASES | THERMOMETE ese PURSE Save Handy Andy Discount Coupons when you buy when yo! | LYSOL DISINFECTANT LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC AUTOMATIC S WILLIAMS ICE BLUE i 45¢ 98e CAR WASH <==; |/ | AQUA VELVA Keep your car looking fresh : =SE a : Easi-Closs leis... that detonn: | after-shave lotion DEE-TEE BRAND 4 s 'ae CS A marin fe | ay | FLOOR WAX shawa's Most Modern | | Extra SPECIAL , Se to A ae AUTOMATIC CAR WASH |/ : OU TABLETS oe 58 one-pound tin. OPEN 8:30 A.M. TILL 6 P.M. | SZ 5-grain ork 53° 299° 6 DAYS A WEEK = ASK ABOUT OUR YEARLY CAR WASH CONTRACTS strength BU | This price effective until March 16 500 a 88° in purse or pocket pack MOTH DGET on aut pants & | : TERMS ACCESSORIES | Only CRYSTALS | Economy Brand PENNIES Positive protection. Works DELUXE 1 WECE : Snow White well in vacuum cleaner HANDY ANDY |] BATH EPSOM SSUES er CAR "MATS - DUROLENE OIL |} : io 2-pound bag G7 F x Compact Cans | ca QQ || ' rront mar... ».. 49 : SIF Bag full of RUBBER ear a ite Noo... 'TOILET SOAP 88¢ --Guoves compere ser. ....0,95 : Qt. 29 | <-- § Ss Sais, Aer vole 15 cakes--assorted shapes 200 2-pl aren Ee Slightly substandard 79¢ and Fits purse or sino cca mie Save on 1|.D.A. Brand 98c gloves. Available ia FULLY GUARANTEED PARTS & ta bores RAE Small, Medium, Large. DISCOUNT 2 gi ph Seaechiaaitel | tran -aeee. a = 33 TOILET TISSUE 3 * 83° 49° pair y] for 93° SHE HAIR BRUSH & COMB OVER 500 STORES IN ONTARIO TO SERVE YOU LL _ HANDY ANDY | Handle of comb forms brush handle. JAMIESON'S LAW McCORDICK'S ONE STOP AUTO} Only pavuiies at ee ra wayne eh tae SERVICE CENTRE LTD. Po KARN'S POWELL'S | MITCHELL'S 520 KING ST. WEST PHONE 728-9421 | 28 ge de "EAST 35% pr Fe N. 9 a eat N,