THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Merch 11, 1963 5 = VON B h their winning ways taking two|points from Mercantile, J. Pat- : ranc es points from Hillcrest Dairy |terson bowled 767 with Jack For the winners it was Doug|Scott's 707 paved the way for} WIN FOURTH CROWN |here for the fourth consecutiv. 'oh i Try Weekend Rowden's 743, Marty Jordan/the florists. For the Mercan-| TORONTO (CP)--Dave Pem-jyear, The Montreal pair de" with 709 and Bob Murphy with|tiles Bill Jordan was the only|berton Smith and Lorne Main,|feated Ontario champions Don. Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West 708, Sel Himes made a 783 score|man to break 780 roiling a 798/of Montreal Sunday won the|Leggat of Hamilton and Barney 5 for Hillcrest. top, Jack Brown had a 322 and|Canadian amateur squash|Lawrence of Kitchener 15-10," Manager: Rae Hopkins Tel.-MO. 8-3703 Amalgamation Burtinsky's Florists took twolEd Wilson a 270 single game. |racquets doubles championship|15-9, 15-11. x ! Oshawa and Whitby VONi{ 9 ween GURE SKATERS HOLD CARNIVAL DRESS REHEARSALS branches have just camped] PORT WHITBY | YOUR - . YOU SCORE MERCURY FI ine. first inaith of 0 sie nioath ' PANTS - SLACKS - SKIRTS AUTO BODY trial plan of week night and TEXACO cl FREE EVERY TIME weekend amalgamation, Ruth eaned COLLISION -CUSTOM Bowring, Whitby VON nurse in Pete Hubers, Prop. with a minimum of $3.00' WITH : oDY wo charge, said ln week, is FREE PICK-UP worth of cleaning ' BOD RK In her monthly report, Miss i a livery in Bowring pointed out VON & DELIVERY ree Weer ad A TIMES rigaetiet eons nurses from both Oshawa and| Surrounding Areas ~ COURTESY & SE ARNT OP Whitby will- be on call' in both) General Repairs PH. 668-2582 CLASSIFIED areas, alternating weekends to| Dunlop Tires insure a more comprebansive for @ driver to call AD, 324 ASH ST, dents at both commaniies, | 668-3471 | DANDY CLEANERS PH, 668-8522 VON visits in Whithy last] 100 VICTORIA W. (et Brock) | Blair Park Plaze-Whitby PH. 668-3703 24.HR. ROAD SERVICE month, Miss Bowring said,! . totalled 105 Of these, she add-| ed, 79 were for general nursing) care and the remaining 26| W. CG. TOWN YOUR CALENDAR npc prenatal and _ postnatal) FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. : pest Funeral & Ambulance WHITBY Service Weekly Events! BOWLING NEWS You don't have te ae ine This Programme Presented By The Local WHITBY MEN'S MAJOR @ good sport Seaway Motors lowered the} 110 Dundas St. E., Whitby Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! boom on Brown's Electric for| M CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! three points. Both teams were 668-3410 ; : really putting on a display of | aye as it gg Fy od ' owever it was el ripp's| ' WHITE S B P three big games of 351, 317 and) Good SPORTS THIS WEEK'S ole 326 for a 994 that made the dif- upport home town sports, ference. It is the highest triple) HOME TOWN SPORTS 616 Brock St. N. pee 1 the WEIOY IE BTC TE coors dis Mael mation oF RTS EVENTS Whitby 668.8241 League. Congratulations to| PP a} PUPA erS OF |Mel. FUELS and Teammate John Wartten BUILDING SUPPLIES HOCKEY GENERAL REPAIRS en a a ef for Brown's 4 il. Burhet Saevies an itkey McMaster made a 2 ' Licensed Mechenie 720 score. Ron Swartz made a SAWDONS' Metropolitan Jr. A' League Playoff Hockey = and Bert Newett contributed poh Boys be Tuesday, March 12 at 8:30 p.m. Snow Ploughing and 266 single games. itby : . VERY White's Insurance managed to 244 BROCK ST,$ Teronto Marlboros vs Whitby Dunlops FREE PICK-UP & DELIVE! gain one point from Bassett's.|| DIAL 668-3524 wigher, ONT at Whitby Arena OPEN 7:30 A.M. -- 10 P.M, B. Jordan's 795 and C. Hutch-| This is the fourth game in. the best of seven series which eon's 731 were the pick of the ts now being led three games to none by Marlboros. Insurance men. For Bassett's, | D B fe Sunday, March 17, at 1:30 p.m., if necessary, Whitby FOR THE BEST aay, een Ree. 198 Dick} Dunlops vs. Toronto Marlboros at Maple Leaf Gardens, This Adams, 752, Mel Meulmeester| IN NEWS game will be ployed provided Dunlops come up with a win made 708 and Wilf Hobbard| Tusdiay night et Whitty Avene tossed a 275 sing] i Jordan bretiars ge ee Brothers Lid. Whitby Mercantile League Playoff Hockey While Ie ls News cree eee in | ' Sunday, March 7, 1:30 p.m. £ HAVE THE Monuments Durno's Garagemen vs Fleming's Shell OSHAWA TIMES or your junane cleaned free his is the second game in the best of five WMHL champe winters If, you purchase "White + + « Of Distinction tran tinal" Burne'sfaoa the seas 'one game. to one, DELIVERED Rose" unified fuel oil from Wester: Oil Co, us | CURLING DIAL 725-1212 668-3552 Whitby Saturdey, Mafch 16, Whitby Curling Club Mixed Open 668-3703 Bonspiel at Whitby Curling Ciub, Draws at 9 and 11 a.m, HOOKER & SONS LTD. George H. Harding | meerrimearenre ee PETESESTAUL ERLE GENERAL ELECTRIC GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of Brooklin Construction Co. Ltd, 1961 MERCURY COMET Automatic and radio General Contractors . SALES & SERVICE |] °°. cd beens | General Motors Dealer For And Builders Authorized Fina Centre Dealer mie ene & Accessories CHEVROLET---OLDSMOBILE 411 Fairview Drive, Whitby @ FREE Pi @ FREE peweRy PICK-UP & DELIVERY CH EVROLET TRUCKS 668-3566 Independent Sales | 668-4232 CORVAIR: TRENCHING AND COMPLETE (Whitby) Ltd, SEPTIC TANK SERVICE urno's Take Lead x PHONE Goe-a081 | 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY BROOKLIN 655-4811 In WMHL Finals By DON TEBBL:: j (Lundmark) Al W A j I iH Y Durno's Garagemen Sunday 8.00 Durno's--Mendyk afternoon defeated Fleming's A ALS ES AE RETAR Shall 108 Slats = 15.25 Shell--Lundmark She '8 in a high scoring, free-wheeling hockey game, un- __ _ (Fawestt) 2 . s ® tesetnd CW RO, o> mca 11 The Red Cross serves in time of disaster and need... 'imal a piyet iecer"" "| One-Stop tributes j me maeverteCeraenes! DeeonaTing || coltributes importantly to community health, safety |WMHL finals. The two teams meet again at 1.30 p.m. next SHOP {Sunday at Whitby Arena. , . z Elmer Tran paced Durno's In time of disaster, your Red Cross to the win, scoring four times Custom Draperies | and credited with three assists. Broadioom and Rugs i j H ; Mike Gray tallied four times Wallpaper and Murals " there, bringing aid and comfort, for the winners and Al Mac- LL. Pai i : . . Donald and Ted Mendyk, each ae a ee helping to save lives, through its with singles, completed the iq Durno's scoring. DODD & SOUTER miracles of mercy. The Red Cross is Four Fleming players, Mac Rowland, Harvey Roberts, Bill Decor Cent ther i it' Bi tgs ge a ere, too, withhelp where it's needed each scored twice for the Whitby Figure Skating Club row and Brenda Meredith losers. Phone 668-5862 o stor veterans, members of our is currently holding dress re- , --Oshawa Times Photo! Durno's led 4-3 at the end of | ; ae the first period. They increased gumueueeeeeemeeee armed forces and their dependents .. . hearsals for its. 10th annual . 'their lead in the second, out- ' ° . winter carnival to be held Brid e Club scoring the Fleming boys four; : k * for children... for invalids and March 25 at Whitby Arena. | g Feo gg two in the second! UT pays to The Red C bled Among the 325 club mem- | | peri convalescents. e ros bers and guest stars wh» will | High Scores | The trailing Fleming squad e s 00 perform are, top photos, The came to life in the final period, i j A Irish Girls, left to right, back DUPLICATE BRIDGE outscoring Durno's 3-2 but program, first aid and home nursing row: Maureen Graham, Mar- Following are the results and Were unable to save the day. programs give vital assistance in beth Adams, Terry Mowatt, 'high scores in the games play- ; ' ac . FIRST PERIOD ae. -- and pas ed last week by members of 8 $6 Durac's-Tran soraatinis Wealth ie ais pson. Front row, left to the Whitby Duplicate Bridge 646 Durnd p g in our co u y right: Janet Sheehan, Naacy | Club: rno's--Gray m (Williams, Tran) : i : Lawson, Debra Gadyk 2nd ont AND SOUTH a6 her Kinin Safety servicesand water programs are ; Mr. and Mrs. Winter, 6614; Lundmark, Fawcett) ': Tae te rant: Rathast gia, (Mrs. Pirie and Mrs, McCutch- 15.10 Shell--Rowland ( >) among the many worthwhile nett, 6, Patty Kortekaas, 6, ¢0, 60; Mrs, Spratt and Mrs.) (Luke, Christie) oe ; Cheryl-Anne Borg, 5 and Wilson, 56%; Mr. and Mrs./18.25 Duruo's--Tran | YOUR CAR ENGINE 1S LIKE YOUR activities that benefit all. Laurie Stewart. Front row: | Baker, 5643. (A. MacDonald) HEART--IT NEEDS CARE AND Susan Croxall, 4, Jackie |EAST AND WEST 11 4e perno'e--Gray (Tran) -- | PERIODIC CHECKUPS. Just one Kalar, 5 and Diane Rudni-| Mrs. Chubb and Mrs. Maun- ren ~~ tend' | earbon-coated spark plug can rob ski, 5. Lower photo, The jdrell, 54; Mrs. Bovay and Miss, ristie, Rowland) | even a 4-cylinder engine of 25% of Candy Floss Girls, back row: |Bovay, 47%; Mrs. Butt and SECOND PERIOD | its power. It also wastes gas and Janet Lay and Connie Simp- Mrs. Baron, 4644; Mrs. Whale 1.14 Durno's--Tran | brings undue strain on other engine son, Front row: Patty Mor- jand Mrs, Cunliffe, 44. (Tremblay) components. So have your car en- | 6.31 Durno's--A, MacDonald gine checked regularly .. . it really *" awdon) Days. Andi lo pays to chack the In your hand and in your heart is the answer to continued BROCK mires | aere - Ben . gg 7.30,Durno's--Gray (Tran) better mileage you'll (trie ist Complete ot 8: at 2B Sell--Roperts (uake) | ena mans | | humanitarian services by the Whitby Red Cross. Take advantage N THEIR HANDS sing Ravens, Christie | Gall me today! of the opportunity to help your fellow man, to show compas- 4% B jurno's--Gray THEY HOLD nk a | sion for the afflicted . . . help yourself and your community. LIFE AND DEATH } 9s baeene EEMNOD | iy marseene | Give to the Whitby Red Cross. (Lundmark) ; | Volunteer Canvassers Will 2.45 Shell--F; Shell--Fawcett TC | : | {INCOME TAX RETURNS KARL GERHARDT MARCH IS Start Calling... 'ALSO -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION Phone 668-8252 | Whitby -- Phone 668.3762 RED CROSS Ti ae STATE FA : Womnmiponemane -- |}708 Newman Co. | mewricrcerte | "OLY MONDAY, MARCH ttt Starts 6:55 and 10:05 | Whitby CNDN. HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, ONT. & Dscceeeeeninn a ieuies an