Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Mar 1963, p. 2

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oR nam an "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Merch 11, 1963 v : ; ee : say |Nomination Day Most Marking Time ) ae emf Ay a3 In North Areas In E lection Cc ampaign By THE CANADIAN PRESS Two weeks ahead of the rest of the country, today is Nomina- ne oat gy be ee 8 soteen election in 21 northem constitu- « RESS encies, Avie most - gs cl ernment would bring chaos.|end was T. C, Douglas of the Sisihtives. candidites have jmarked time in the campaign|""He should know, the poor)New Democrats. He capped a been named and by the time for the April 8 federal election,|naive man, that there's chaos|four-day tour of Saskatchewan nominations close at 2 p.m, lo-| Most of the cendidates have 'there were these developments|already in the country," Mr.|Saturday night with a speech cal time close to 70 are ex-|been officially named and fil- jn, Quebec Sunday: Caouette told a crowd of 1,500)in Saskatoon in which he at; pected officially to enter the|ing of nominations papers will °4 Minister Balce rat Rimouski. tacked the Liberals and race. Named so far: Progres-|be a formality. A repetition of "as cay at Ste, Scholastique Defence ---- Le ye = web casa of nu- sive Conservatives 18, Liberals|the incident in Skeena in last ' sal lew : Sam it Pgh peste gh" a Sunny orgnauance in| Mr, Balcer, addressing 300 Sit eetone family allowances to|the West are working with the|persons at Ste, Scholastique, 'cover school-age children up to|Conservatives to "make the/said that legislation to extend 8. the 1961 election, a record 1,016 were in the field, The 21 ridings involved today are big and sparsely populated, stretching from Newfoundland to the Yukon, and two extra weeks are allowed for delivery of election supplies. stating that a Social Credit gov-jcampaigyning during the week- 20, New Democratic Party 15) year's election is unlikely. Then, Liberals bite the dust." .|family allowances beyond the and Social Credit 10. the Liberal- candidate in that Nominations for the other 242|British Columbia | riding was Iso a political speech] present age limit of 16 will be on aie Poh use introduced at the next session constituencies -- two are two-|tuled 'neligible at the last min- member ridings--close Monday,|Ute because of a technicality. March 25. By this weekend, 97/|Hi® papers were not, in onder. ACCUSES SOCREDS % rarlement XM the govers: candidates had been nominated! cminsted by this weekend In h F .|ment is returned. or country as a whole, In di as we know it" eset Pant Herta Tork South The decision had been taken met ' : : "would. disappear. in the last Parliament, accused ge yerer res bere Ba: pa " Deputy Social Credit Leader|Socyial Credit of harboring anti- ' ; seven of the 21 ridings with two- Socred Chief's : about 400 persons at Ayersville, e e $ Real Caouette again went after| Semitic elements and of dema- Que., gogue' « Lionel Chevrier, veteran Lib- 'eral MP and former transport cminister, said if the Social Credit party gained power or three-way contests shaping up in the others. But in e- bec's Chapleau to Sunday, only characterized Social] one had been named. He is "Eric Kierans, president of the "Montreal stock exchange, for guery. : The only party leader publicly Credit as '"'anti."' "It is against unions; tt Is against the right to strike; it is Resignation Gerard Laprise who held the Social Credit. seat in the last Parliament for - against Jews; it is against) ij the nationalization (expropria- tion) of electricity." "The ascendance to power of the Social Credit party would mean the disappearance of One of the ridings involved is Prince Albert where Prime Min- ister Diefenbaker is see! re- election. He is opposed by three TORONTO (CP)--Philip T.|/opponents--H. J. Fraser, Lib- Kelly, former Ontario Progres-jeral, Harry Apps, NDP, and sive Conservative cabinet min-|Ken Solheim, Social-Credit. ord who was elected Ontario me it rr ae ee sates Walking Fad Fades During Weekend EIGHT DIE IN SUNDAY FIRE Announced community of Portersville, tween the barn and the chil- young nephew died in the rag- where eight died in a fire dren's play area, Rosenber- ing fire which left only one Sunday, is a smoking pit be- ger, six of his children and a_ wall standing. Election Expected To Clarify Canada-US. Arms Dispute WASHINGTON (CP)--George McGhee, undersecretary of state for political affairs says he is sure the Canadian-U.S. nuclear controversy will be clar- ified by public opinion in the April 8 Canadian election, Meanwhile, the U.S. doesn't want to continue its nuclear dis. cussion with Canada, "'largely because the Canadians are in the midst of having an election and we don't want to be ac- cused of intervening again," added McGhee, who leaves shortly for an ambassadorial | post in Bonn. | McGhee's reference to this| point of "'we don't wish to con- tinue this discussion" contrasted with State Secretary Dean Rusk's statement last Friday All that remains of the Paul Rosenberger home near the western Pennsylvania 'Winter Is Weapon 'In Mine Strikes eme.j."einr't? PARIS (AP)--Europe's hard; Workers Confederation was one real Laurier. > winter has put France's strik-|of the leaders in calling the ATTACK CAQUETTE ing coal miners in a position| walkout March 1 and maintain-| Yjncent Drouin, Liberal mem- of strength as they knuckle|ing a solid front. Priests and|ber of the last Parliament for -down for a fight to the finish|bishops have spoken from the| Argenteuil - Deux - Montagnes, against President de Gaulle's|pulpit in backing the demands)/and Gaston Binet, legislature government for more pay andjof the "gueules noirs" (black)member for the same constitu- shorter hours. faces). ; ency, joined in the attack on For years the miners had no| The Communistled General| Social Credit, comparing the chance to win a strike because|©onfederation of Labor has)methods of Mr. Caouette to mild winters left too much coal stayed in the background. The) those of Hitler. above ground to give them a|Communists usually are the) Mr, Caouette, speaking at Ri- bargaining weapon, But this|Most militant strikers, This) miouski following earlier year's big chill left France time they seem to feel more/speeches at Amqui and Ma- urgently needing coal, and the will be gained if politics are|tane, blamed French-Canadians miners say they won't dig any|/eft aside. equal to their proportion of the until negotiations start on heir} The miners are asking an 11-|Canadian population, " demands, per-cent wage increase. The} "If we haven't produced more The miners' plight has at-/Sovernment says it cannot goj| leaders in the hierarchy of the tracted sympathy throughout beyond its offer of 5.7 per cent,| county, it's not the fault of the the country. The Christian spread over the next year. English - speaking Canadians he Average pay of the 170,000) but of us French-Canadians," coal miners now is about $5.80; Mr. Caouette again expressed a day--less than $35 for a six-/his opposition to nuclear arms, day, 46-hour week. saying: "It's not nuclear arms Jean Vogel, a 17-year veteran|but food that will enable us to of the mines, claims: "I havejresist communism in the . il Kingston Pilot ¥ t had ise in :fiv ; a," _ Dead In Crash |e. tds ise te ret oct am : - Que. (CP) --|Say that? Everyone is getting|rally at St. Louis de Lotbiniere . Pag ggg Hig Sinnece more money these days--farm-|in his home riding of Lotbi- "pilot, died Saturday when his|¢"S. government workers, sales-intere, said he is categorically = single engine Norseman crashed|™en. Why shouldn't coal opposed to nuclear weapons on , "while attempting to 'and on the miners get some of the gravy?" Canadian soil as long as there! that the Canadian-U.S. nuclear =Gult of St. Lawrence ice 40| Vogel said he averages about/is no immediate danger of war.| negotiations "are continuing in- "miles north of this Magadalen|$44 a week. He lives with his His remark about NDP or- termittently and we expect that : Islands centre. wife and seven-year-old daugh-|ganizers working with Conser-|these discussions will go for- The body was recovered from|ter in a three-room house pro-|vatives to make the Liberals ward. ' the wreckage Sunday. vided by the company near|"bite the dust" came as he pre-| McGhee, who figured in a He was employed to transport|Merlebach, 'a dreary town that dicted the defeat of Hazen Ar-|Senate investigation of the Ca- seal pelts gathered in piles on|Straddies the German border. ps Rape of the NDF now nadian - U.S. issue, speared back base here. Company figures dispute Vo- ection as a Liberal|/ with congressman Fran Hor-| 7 é | : ~ "sean pecan said|gel's Claim that be heen"t had|!0. Saskatchewan's Assiniboialton, New York Republican, in Sn ee Giant mee, Now Denes. »:Watson apparently became|an increase in five years, The riding. a television program prepared | Me oe summon Geeakeiee yo Ase dig 3,024 caught in a blinding snow squall commen, Hans there wes an in-/'§OCREDS ANTI-SEMITIC' for screening Sunday in Ro- | Cane a all os corel pe boner gn arold Splett, Social su "comuntth cited te teelpay' Jon 1, thet, cod one Crodie of eet get! since confederation. | Mr. Bell's majority of 6,016 same company disappeared last|four per cent May 1, 1960. Inlelements while tddre fee ' F t Cl ims No other constituency caniwas his smallest in three elec- ')) Wednesday on a 30-mile flight|1961, there was a boost of three|labor-Zionist meeti '4 ia, Shs as or al match that record of loyalty to|tions. He first took Carleton-- in Newfoundiand's Notre Dame/per cent on Feb, 1 and another|onto. He charged t at Ss hd a single pary. Its former MPSlincluding most of Ottawa's "Bay area. Five aircraft, in-|2.5 per cent Sept. 1. This was|Credit has had anti-Semitic in- M al Code include three party leaders: /end as well as rural Carleon luding three RCAF planes, |followed by two per cent Jan.|clinations since its earliest days or Sir John A. Macdonald, Sit |County--by 12,567 votes in 1987 tinued the search Sunday for|1, 1962. and "has always attracted un- Robert Borden. and George/and won by 18,000 in 1036, he plane and its lone occupant,| Coal still provides about two-| democratic elements," Outdated |Drew. - | He says his cabinet post is a Robert Thurston, 31, of Fruit-|thirds of France's energy| The previous night, Mr | Each of the four political bes Taxed blessing. It adds prestige piand, Ont. needs. [ripped into Liberal chieftan| LONDON (AP)--A Church of|{ies has the same candidate as|ut much time is needed during : AR Sa Pearson, saying he would be|England pastor Sunday chal-|i 1962. Last year's winner was|the campaign for departmental 1 *.. WEATHER FORECAST A oe F i . Bell, 49 - year - old remembered for two things:|lenged religious taboos against|*chard A ' : Bringing honor to. Canada bylextra-marital sex and homosex-|!#WYer named to the cabinet as ' Rainy Tonight | ainy Tonight, _ Cloudy Tuesd wixning the Nobel Peace Prize: ; ; jimmigration minister last Au- { ft eel Wringian @ishenee Go cs gt gl trom|2ust. He got 32,125 votes, Run- = in Cartoon, he says. party by failing to prevent its|the pulpit of Southwark Cathe-|nerup was Liberal Lioyd Fran-| re ae ing sure of it. conversion into a satellite party|qral in London, Canon D. A.|<i: former civil servant ne tian r, Francis, head of a real for United States interests. Thel|Rhymes declared the tradi-|'™ his second two-year term on| estate firm and holder of a doc- Forecasts issued by the Tor-;morning, clouding over this) onto weather office at 4:30 a.m.| afternoon, Wet snow or rain to- Synopsis: Clear, crisp/night and Tuesday morning, be- weather over Ontario will give|coming partly cloudy Tuesday way rapidly to thickening cloud] afternoon. Milder, Winds light, Liberal stand for acquisition of|¢ional moral code implied that tenets in economics, aise hes 19 Workers Dead followed by snow and rain with| becoming easterly 20 to 30 late | i nuclear weapons was "'deter- sex is unavoidably tainted. added prestige. He polled 66,000 . ane apy ares : board of control last Decem- aching in' the attitude o ber, the highest vote ever re- Christ," he said. In German Blast \ceived by a civic elecion can- "He does not exalt virginity ARNSBERG, West Germany | 'idee. over marriage or marriage/(,py_Aan explosion in a drop| His confidence equals the over virginity--He merely says forging plant at the Ruhr Val-| minister's, He says Mr. Bell's the approach of a storm centre|today and shifting to northwest mined by one man in the dark.|°°* 1 : |votes in winning re-election to on the basis of Pentagon ru. Yet there is no trace of this in one place that some havelj, h vote hasn't varied much in t : ease y town of Belecke near here' 3 in two delibera , ; 7 atur-| elections | tely chosen virginity to|yijted at least 19 workers Satur i. ections--between 32,000 and Is THE TIME from the southwestern United|/20 to 30 Tuesday afternoon. States. The storm is expected) Timagami, Algoma, Coch- To have that carpet or chest- mors." Social Credit leave them free for the work!qay and injured 49. | 33,000 each time--while the Lib-; of the kingdom. The blast, assumed by police |eral vote in 1962 was almost to produce mostly rain in the|rane, western James Bay re- erfield cleaned professionally in extreme southern part of the! gions, North Bay, Setury: Oshawa's Original Carpet Charged With D "Nor does Christ ever sug-|to have been caused by a burst-|"ouble its 15,652 votes in 1958, emagoguery gest that sexuality as such is\ing compressed air pipe, dam-|"We're getting practically all os 4 areas| i i leaning Centre . . . where province and snow in |Sunny, clouding over this after- fully guaranteed satisfaction is undesirable or that marriage is|aged five other halls at the|the new voters," he says, Four from Georgian Bay northward./noon. 'Occasional snow tonight|, .CRONTO (CP) -- A promi- assured chester, N.Y. Both McGhee and|North American Air Defence Horton are natives of Texas, |headquarters at Colorado McGhee was called to give|Springs, Colo., and heard a Ca- evidence on the controversy at|nadian air marshal speak "very a Feb, 4 closed-door hearing of| strongly in support of the posi- a Senate foreign relations sub-|tion that America has taken; committee. But a few hours be-|namely, that these planes that fore the hearing started, Rusk| are part of the continenal pro- switched signals and took overjection should be armed with the state department's defence|these nuclear warheads." himself. McGhee accompanied) 'This appeared to be a refer- the secretary but remained in ence to Air Marshal C. Roy the background, Horton, rookie congressman|Slemon, deputy NORAD com- mander, who is reported to with keen interest in Canadian h have spoken to a number of vis- itors of his views in support of nuclear warheads. McGhee said the question of arming Canadian forces with nuclear weapons goes to the core of the Canadian-U.S. argu- ment. But this was a matter for Canadjans to decide. "The election now being con- ducted in Canada will, I'm sure, serve to clarify this issue and Canadian public opinion." McGhee denied that the state department's Jan. 30 public statement taking issue with Prime Miniser Diefenbaker's government policy on nuclear weapons resulted in dissolution of Parliament. He said the is- sue had been raised in Parlia- ment before the statement was made, affairs, said he recently visited ELECTION SPOTLIGHT Carleton Tops Loyalty Record OTTAWA (CP) --Native-son,Ottawa board of control. Conservative and Liberal can-|polled 26,109. work, cabinet conferences and out-of-town speaking trips. "But that won't affect the out- night he resigned last Septem- ber because he had been un- able to change the party's po- sition on economic matters. There was no explanation why the resignation did not be- ge By THE CANADIAN PRESS Mr, Kelly said in an inter-| ¥Y. view he had told the meeting|,The sound of tramping, blis- which elected him that he was|'ered feet faded slightly at the not completely in accord with|¢"4 of the weekend as people some Social Credit policies, but in Canada--at least those who had hoped to encourage 'sup- tried--grew weary of the 50- and a "basic principle of get- Ever since President Ken- ting the heat off the little ph ig nedy suggested Americans However, he had not succeeded|W@'& their way to health, and and had resigned, his brother, U.S, Attorney-Gen, =. Kelly, who quit the mines pg a ee fan Lea Fro Sucing's Neg tes hundreds of | American ; to. beat that record, 1957, said he has no plans to|" : Tun as a candidate in the April eave fee aad . ~ regen? 8 election. estern Ontario student, made the distance in seven hours Sat- urday, but traditionalist pedes- trians frowned at his time be- red Renews cause he "cheated" and ran In all, 65 Western Ontario stu- ttac dents started walking this week the U.S, official's ime, Five. of : Ki the U.S, al's e, Five o the students were women, Northern Iraqis erans Only 12 walked the distance. RIMOUSKI, Que. (CP)--Real|None of them were co-eds. by a Kitchener television sta- He|_ BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP)--The| ager Of the Social' Credit/ iin" ended with a bundle of Kurds of northern Iraq seem|P@rty, has renewed his attack | "phy on Eric Ki blisters on cameraman Peter to have won by negotiation a oC Mlerans, President of Wenzell's feet after he plodded demand for self-rule that eluded|'"¢ Montreal Stock Exchange.| 55°C." rom 'arthur, Ont, {0 them in centuries of sporadic] Referring to Mr. Kierans' re-| Kitchener in 13 hours and five rebellion. cent speech in Calgary in which| minute Iraq's new revolutionary gov-\"e stock exchange president dents, Bill Hahn, 16, and Terry night it has agreed to "the prin-|8°vernment would lead to| Gilmour, 18, started a hike but ciple of decentralization of gov-|h@0s, Mr. Caouette said Sun-|only Hahn finished the 50 miles. ernment" for the tribesmen, |4@Y night: who were among foes of the) "He should know, the poor ' ' late dictator Abdel Karim Kas-|naive man, that there's chaos 25 Rebel Guards sem. already in the country." ' The brief statement, broad-| Mr. Caouette spoke to 1,500 Confined To Camp President Abdel Salam Moham-|®@St of Quebec City after ear-| PIRBRIGHT, England (Reut. med Aref's regime will adopt v4 org sl gs in Amquijers) -- Twenty-five "rebel this principle, It stressed broth-| 7. blamed French-speaking| barracks here Friday to draw erhood between Iraqi Kurds, a/Canadians for failing to gain|attention to their grievances, restive minority making up per-|positions equal to their propor-|Spent the weekend confined to haps 25 per cent of this coun-|tion of the Canadian popula-|C@mp. try's 7,000,000 people, and the They are to appear before "If we hayen't produced more|their commanding officer to- leaders in the hierarchy of the|4@y- country, it's not the fault of the English - speaking Canadians,|bright by late Saturday night, but of us French-Canadians,"|expect to be charged with being he said. absent without leave, Mr. Caouette agai The guards walked out of bar- aga waproene racks a few hours before they saying "'those who wish to de-|Were due to go on guard duty fend the country should first de-|at Windsor Castle. Later they fend Canada against the blood- suckers of high finance." "It's not nuclear arms but food that will enable us to resist communism in the world." come public until this week- port of more equitable taxation| Mile hike fad. Ontario pipeline scandal mie canadians have been 'ry- most of the way. Win Self-Rule Caouette, deputy national) Another walkathon sponsored 8. Be" 'Two Almonte high 'school stu- ernment announced Saturday|Charged that a Social Credit cast by Radio Baghdad, said|in this centre 175 miles north- Scots Guards, who left their tion. dominant Arabs. The guards, all back at Pir- his opposition to nuclear arms, said they did it as a protest against poor food, round-the- clock guard duties at tha castle every few days, curtailment of weekend leave passes and sud- den kit inspections. should be based on natural law "But what is natural and what is unnatural? Much of the prejudice against homosexual- ity is on the ground thar it is unnatural -- but unnatural for whom? Certainly not for the homosexual himself. It is very doubtful whether nature offers any guidance on morality," Canon Rhymes said the mora! code of today is being ignored because it is outdated. i any expression of, physical re-|shook the little town of 5,000,|iding since June. | brisk westerly winds and par-ling partly cloudy Tuesday af-|!@St Parliament accused the ; | | NEED | rica, the world's largest dyna-/ FUEL OIL eee NU-WAY peace Ga a Street, Tuesday: Social Credit lationship," Fire broke out following ha tal clearing Tuesday. |ternoon. Milder. Winds light,|°C# redit party Sunday) Canon Rh ia i blast but was put out quickly. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,|becoming southeast 15 to 25chig/%ht of harboring anti-semitic wanes sid it hae mite factory blew up with four/}-cait mighty blasts, killing a woman.) PERRY | RUGCO.LTD. reported low. DAY OR NIGHT 723-3443 | Mbalvineall ode Windsor, London: Clouding Tuesday David Lewis, deputy leader over this morning with a mix- Whi at Sr ._|0f the New Democratic Party ture of wet snow and rain be-| ite River region: Clouding) and previous member for York ginning about noon, changing to hy this haa re, snow today|South, said assurances from rain this afternoon and cont'nu-| Bg +B At. artly cloudy) social Credit leaders that the ing tonight. Partly cloudy Tus-| uesday, Milder today, Winds|are opposed to anti-semitism day. Milder. Winds easterly a a 15 to 25 today, north-lare no guarantee agains. fur- to 30 today, northwest 20 Tues-|&™'Y b Tuesday, ther anti-semitic outbursts by day. Forecast Temperatures he party's members. Western Take Ontario, Niag-| Low tonight, High Tuesday | Referring to Neil Carmichael ara regions, Toronto, Hamilton:| Windsor ....,.. ++ 85 38 |Social Credit candidate in Tor. Increasing cloudiness this|St, Thomas . onto St. Paul's, he said: "Car- cast this afternoon. Snow and|London ...... |michael is only a symptom rain beginning this afternoon,|Kitchener .... The disease goes much changing quickly to rain with) Wingham ........ deeper." milder temperatures and con-|Hamilton ......+. . Carmichael said last| tinuing tonight. Rain ending|St. Catharines ... week that Baron de Rothschild was attempting to buy up Ca- ---- BINGO Specials for Mon. - Tues. - Wed. early Tuesday, becom partly enced odes " cloudy by noon. Winds increas-| Peterborough nadian mining interests through a non-Jewish agent, Mr. Car- CRA Halil, Gibb|/SOCIAL , March 12 at 1,30 p.m./St, John's Sponsored by Southmead Ladies Aux. VICTORY LOBA Euchre, Orange Hall, Monday, March 11, 8 p.m. Admission 50c. Lunch, prizes. -- Se a a o =----|8T, PATRICK'S Tea at Albert Street United Church. Under of UCW. | Re Unit No. 5, March 14, 1963, 2.30 p.m.) io and Home Baking fall, 31 Bloor Street Tuesday, March 12, 8 p.m, ments served. BINGO Eastview P: o'clock,, Euchre, clock. Hig Sale East. ark Tuesday twe Wednesday 8.15 0'- h monthly score $5, Prizes, ; the only possible occasion of|large Siepmann works and|thousand have moved into the The storm will be followed by|and Tuesday morning, becom-\"emt Jewish member of the anaet COMING EVENTS i been ar 4 In Johannesburg, South Af-| southern Lake Huron regions,|stiernoon, northeast 15 to 25\°!@ments and of goguery. gued that morality Casualties at the factory were A company announcement) said the explosions at Modder- fontein, 16 miles from Johan- nesburg, killed one white worker and left four or five Ne- groes missing. It said 27 per-| tons were injured. The cause} was unknown. Police ruled out sabotage. White River , Moosonee ....... Sault Ste. Marie . Mount Forest ... Timmins .,.. Agusimaisamomesne No Charge For Admission B | N G 0 Free Coffee and Cookies AT ESDAY. 8 O'CLOCK | DNIPRO HALL TUESDAY, 8 O'CLOCK 681 Edith Street (off Bloor E.) FREE ADMISSION TONIGHT -- 7:30 P.M. EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos, 53 and 57 20 Regular Games Jackpot 55-$200. EARLY BIRD GAMES KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE $20 CON. PRIZE SHARE-THE-WEALTH 109 COLBORNE ST. W. (No Children Under 16 Years) 20 to 30 today, shifting to north- west 20 to 30 Tuesday. Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali- burton regions: Sunny. this ONLY TO SELL WE SPOT CASH OR TERMS LIST | "KINDNESS BEYOND PRICE, YET WITHIN | REACH OF ALL" || (' ERROW | UNERAL CHAPEL 390 King W. 728-6226 FROM 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M, ST. PATRICK'S TEA t ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH COMMUNITY CONTRE S d ' t. Gertrude's BINGO Auditorium TONIGHT -- 8 P.M. RED BARN AT BPM. Gey tare ee ts Rens NOTIC E | MARCH 11, 12, 13 ee 690 Bek ig E, : michael later denied he is anti- | \@ FULL FLAVORED, SLICED AND Snowball Jackpot $210.36 Nos. Northern Lake Huron, Georg-| North Bay pedal BAKE SALE ian Bay regions: Clouding over|S : be ecknet hg oes, $100 times with rain beginning this RINDLESS, A 2 to 4:30 -- 7 to 9 PM. afternoon, continuing tonight. : ¢€ Simcoe St. United Church par owty i I8e aterooos rou ia the late Florence Park BREAKFAST BACON ».59 ¢ " WILL BE OPEN OR STEAKS u 89 stow AB5.10 MAXWELL HOUSE ] ently exire. YOUR CHOICE gle had CIGARETTES «3.09 Travel Travel yoy MARGARINE -..::5 us. 1.00 For the purpose of customers to pick up any Sing along with the happy folks who have discovered what a Want Ad can do. LAHOOD | |] REAL ESTATE -- MORTGAGES | 725-6544 Nos. 51 and 52 TO - NIGHT EXTRA BUSES 20 Tuesday. Muskoka . eae a Hees a . ¢ jation by noon today: Snow. mixed at HAWAII The Paint Store of COOKED HAM LB. 89: aa at des or Tuesday cloudy with occasional | : Free Admission Free Memorial Hall, Bagot St., der tonight. Winds easterly WING, SIRLOIN OR T BONE 14 DAYS sae ceysie|] TUESDAY, MARCH 12 || COFFEE » 69° | FourSeasons Howard Li BO DELMAR PHONE under auspices of U.C.W, - Unit No, 5 March 14, 1963 2:30 P.M, 50c esenint materials that may be on order. 728-6201 942-6690 5 PLP EE SO SNES Lata ea SRE A OT

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