28--Real Estate Wanted IN Garrard Road district, three room Lag Have ae down payment. Write Box 15, Oshawa Times. Selling Your Home A' MUST ? List With GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Call Now '27--Real Estate for Sale WALTER FRANK REALTOR 177 Church St. Bowmanville 623-3393 600 acre stock farm, Peter- boro area. 4 houses, 3 large barns, automatic feeding sys- tem, Presently feeding 300. cattle. Asking only $65,000. Terms. 29--Automobiles For Sale bed- 1956, CHEVROLET half-ton panel truck. In good condition, tea Apply 311 Ade- 32--Articles for Sale BABY carviage, yellow and white, $10. Good condition. Apply at 350 Baldwis in bby fos et tg ong mg oy extrac- Many makes to from. Trades .also rattan the Cort Carmic Co. 27--Real Estate For Sale BOUSe tov sale, five rooms' and es | saachescesosissmsuite 25.-Apt. & Flats For Rent |\27--Real Estate For Sale one- and two - bedroom MODERN, PRIVATE SALE -- save real estate » wall to wall broadioom,|fees, on this, four-year-old, six-room stove, refrigerator, laundry facilities, |r; . r i im storms and. sereens, '128-5282. MAIN FLOOR -- One bedroom apart-|- ment, furnished or unfurnished, private le_Avenue FIVE-ROOM insul-brick house, full ce two acres of land, neat No. school, church and bus. Teleplone Manilla 7R5. FOUR - ROOM bungalow, Beach, nine miles from monthly. Reliable tenant only. Phone 723-3166 after 6 p.m. 40 ACR of jand, wilderness, 2000 feet on Taatnes 12, 20 miles north of Whitby. $4000 or exchange. Write Post Office box 382, Oshawa. WHITBY -- fourteen-room, ya aging ey me! 'SIX acres, five-room house, three-piece bath, attached garage. Barn 26' x 40', Small stream, near school and store, ple anxious to sell. Give us an offer, m payment. Peter Feddema Realtor, Bowmanville 623-3644. URGENT, MUST BE SOLD -- two- storey brick, seven large rooms, only |$900 down, one mi age for bal- ance. igor a a 'eo, at 725-6544, John A, J. Bolahood Lid i956 BUICK, new peso mechanical sound, and garage. Possess'o, im- entrance Pickeri: mediately, Telephone 725.40%5 after 5 ickering evenings. wa, $70 Tele- SIMCOE North, near three room apartment, refrigerator, stove, three-piece bath, private en' trance, 725-1932 until 6. p.m, pec toy a suitable four corners, condition. preciated. Mike's MSA ae aecvine 'Btation, Raglan, °5-3528. SCOOTER, ene Telephone after THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendy, Merch 11, 1963 x ee Tor acta a See on Court Rule May battery, fas Televbowe 723-|21" aavduoun ie sleriaoas 1950 %-ton € Ford truck; garden tractor, § bp moter, So ee ee Kill 65,000 Jobs $695. Chev AWNINGS, canvas. pt » +] free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe an By JACK LEFLER THREATEN STRIKE BUYING or selling furni appli-| AP Business News Writer | The five operating unions tak cea tance, anens, Call Eimer, Hampton 260298 or NEW YORK (AP)--The U.S,|have threatened to go on strike couple. Townline North, Supreme Court gave the green brick in- by -r 7 model MARY MAXIM sweater, size 42, "Wolf » 723 1086. All day Sat- $65. Beck as ami hydro included. Tele- 728-7680. phone JOHN A, J. RESON Road North, 343, two 'tarnish. Fh crap teers St » one or ladies gentlemen, Telephone or BOLAHOOD NORTH, 74 -- Three - room Suitable Telephone ALBFRT Street, $39, main floor, three- room apartment, private entrance and bath, parking, laundry facilities. Tele- phone 728-6070, Realtors Ltd. Insurance 167 SIMCOE ST.,S, Office Hrs. (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought and Sold. 26--Rooms For Rent ONE OR TWO furnished bedrooms, Wil- son Road South. Bus at door. gt weekly. or two ladies or gentlemen. $6. '728-9780. FURNISHED 'some in vate jadies preferred. N x noxplal PRs aed facilities. Telephone 728-185 EASTLAWN The owner has been tronsfer- red and must sell this imma- culote 5 room brick and stone bungalow to some fortunote buyer. Large modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, . heavy duty wiring, oil heated immediate OSHAWA motel (formerly 'Tremedian Motel) weekly rates, rooms, single and water heated. Television. 23-9761. double, Hot Telephone 7: DEAN Avenue, off Wilson Road South, shed room, light house- crore if desired. Suit one or two la- " 4597, Spacious furni: Telephone 728-4597 0 ELGIN STREET EAST -- furnish- bedroom and kitchen. Re- sink. preferred. Park- ed rooms, » built-in ds, Suit couple, Adults ing, #. Apply above address. ~ ATTRACTIVELY -- FURNISHED ROOMS Available in' private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m 82 PARK RD. NORTH re ession. To see coll Mr. Rankine at 725-6544, 'DUPLEX $12,900.00 Adelaide Street West near hospital. 2 family brick home, spotless, 2 kitchens and 2 bathrooms. Two hydro meters, garage; ond 3 and 4 room apartment. Asking only $2,500.00 down, |, will be glad to show you, 'this duplex, phone Mr. Appleby at 725-6544 or 723-3398. STOP! Paying rent when $1,500.00 down will put you in. this spotless income home. Re- liable tenont in upstoirs opartment, poy $65.00 a 27--Real Estate for Sale a large lot. Ron Drapak, Howe and Peters 53000 OFF, $59) DOWN for three-bed- reom house in Bay Ridges Paid $)2,795, will sacrifice for $10,995. Apply 833 Bem Drive. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE -- new three- or four-bedroom homes being built by H. Kassinger in this beautiful location. Give us a-call or drop in to our office the plans. Prices from $13,400 Real- Oshawa. and see with NHA financing. Cari Olsen, tor, 299 King Street West, 723-1133. S405. DOWN, $10,700. brick bungalow, 725-5253, month, Downstairs completley modernized. Hurry for this one. Cal Mr. Yeo at 725- 6544. : TWO-FAMILY TWO-STOREY Wenting .that extra income to help carry the home ex- penses and still have living quorters for your family? This is the chance you should snap up. This 2 storey, 7 room brick with two kitchens $11,600 - $11,600 Bungalow on Cartier $1,000 down buys this well kept home, payments ore less than $99 monthly in- cluding your taxes. No qual- ifying necessary. Telephone Bill Millar 725-1186 W. T.: Lamson Real Estate Ltd. and two paige, suti both families, Best of al] -- this home can be purchased for only $1,000.00 down. Let me show you this home, call 725-6544 and ask for Mr, Retcliffe to take ad- vantage of this baragin. LOOK WHAT WE FOUND And only $12,000.00 with with $1,500.00 down, 6 rooms 2. storey with attic, waiting to be finished. En- joy carefree living in upstairs and let tenents pay the taxes, hydro and heat. Two bathrooms, gorage and oil heat. Spacious rooms, twe kitchens. Low monthly poy- ments. Call Mr. Gower ot 725-6544. S._D. HYMAN Real Estate Limited 323 KING STREET WEST, 728-6286 NEW HOMES (NEARING COMPLETION) NIPIGON STREET GATINEAU STREET GATINEAU STREET POPLAR STREET LABRADOR DRIVE GATINEAU STREET GLENRUSH STREET $12,800 $13,825 $13,850 $14,200 $14,600 $14,700 $15,850 $16,552 $16,990 RESALES STACEY STREET VETERAN'S ROAD WAVERLEY STREET SHARON STREET MINDEN STREET ROSSMOUNT AVENUE GLENGROVE STREET PARKVIEW STREET VACANT LAND 20 Caged CITY LOT $ 4,500 $ 1,800 $1,900 BUILDING LOTS $60.00 A FOOT TRADES Our builders are looking for older houses and are willing te "poy all cosh for your equity. Coll to-day for more infermation, DOUG BULLIED LORNE HARTFORD GLEN MacKINNON HOWARD McCABE HAROLD SEGAL BOB STEVENSON 728-6286 WHITBY CLASSIFIED Expansion Sale Used Motors One-Year Warranty .$115 $125 $135 $190 3 H.P. 1962 Gale... . 1959 Gale.... . 1960 Gole... P. 1962 Gole Yo W.P, 1959 Scott. .$150 . 1962 Gale.. $315 '62 Gale $495 H.-P. Elec. 62 Gale $550 Used Boats ft. Aluminum punt $120 ft, fiberglas C-T.. .$115 ft, "Aluminum C-T $135 ft. fiberglos runabout equipped. 5 ft. moulded plywood runabout equipped $395 ft. moulded plywood equipped $29 _ Used Boat Trailers Tent Trailers, Camping Equipment, Gorden Tillers and Lawn Mowers WILDE RENTAL Service & Sales 1415 Dundos East . Whitby 668-3226 LARGE three-room unfurnished apart- ment, Private entrance, bath. $70.00 | monthly. Telephone 668-3735. | FURNISHED r room for rent, sult gen-| tleman. Clean, quiet, adult home Quite | |central, ,117 Cedar Street. 668-2388. |FOUR woom unfurnished ap plus recreation room. Meat, cluded. Children weleome. Teleprone Whitby, 648-3176. FOB BENT ~. Three-bedream brick bungalow im quiet residentis] area Available April 1. $120 monthly. Tele- phone 668-5444. | $65. ONE bedroom, panelled basement apartment, warm and imeludes Wty eae heat, shadee, tiled piece bath. FOR RENT two-room apartment, sven able April 1, $45.00 meraly. Apply 66 Chureh Street, Pickering THREE - room sail-coniained ment. Private entrance. Avahabia' ios im- mediately. Apply 225 Green Street iy. LOST -- Brown hound dog, some white. Male, Between 401 and No 2, East Whitby. Fi Phone 668-4496. Reward. DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a specialty, Mrs, Toms. 668-2372. SEPTIC (inks cleaned. Walter Ward. Fa se Street West. Telephone ph sell ment, reasonable down payment come home, nine years old, good inven 'or appointment, telephone Whitby 668-811¢ gas heated. or Ajax, sett, , 942,2324. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED BEVERLY STREET -- Very desirable location, 6° room 1% _ storey family home. Large kitchen, living room ond seporate dining room. H. W,. Oil heating. Finished room in basement. All in tip. top condition. Phone us to inspect. COUNTRY RANCHER Three bedroom brick bunga- low with attached gorage. Very large lot. Only $16,- 500 with $3,000 down will put you in this almost new ranch bungalow. Excellent terms for the balance. $1,800 FULL PRICE -- For this 1 acre lot with 28 ft. well, Lot completely fenced situated, on a_ height of land just outside the City. For the buy of the month. Call and inspect today. FOR RENT -- 1 storey frame workshop 21 x 72 -- Commercially zoned will ac- cept «month to month te- nancy $40.00 a month. Lo- cation North West of Osh- awe. Just outside City LI- mits, Whitby Township. GLIDDON AVENUE ---- You will find real comfort and pleasant living at a mode- rote price in this 2% stor- ey, seven room home with taxes of only $174. The large kitchen is well equipped with cupboards a good sized living room and dining room, hard- wood floors, oil - heating. House in excellent condition. $2,000.00 Down and the bolance on one open mort- gage, NORTH WEST AREA -- IM- MEDIATE POSSESSION--6 room brick bungalow 4 years old, excellent condition, nice- ly decorated, good terms 6% mortgage, with pay- ments of $74.00 a month. PRICED TO SELL -- $7,- 800 FULL PRICE for this 4 room home in quiet area. Cosy and lots of extras. MASSON STREET -- EXCEP- TIONAL VALUE -- in this full 2 storey brick. One of the newer homes in this ex- clusive areo, with generous sized rooms. New forced air oil heating. Nicely treed yord, with a depth of 143 ft. A GIVE AWAY PRICE OF ONLY $12,900. If its a fam- ily h you want this one can't beat. MUST BE SOLD -- 6 room brick bungalow with 2 acres of land. 200 ft. frontage on highway. Good V,L.A. pro- perty. Open to offer. CENTRALLY LOCATED -- Attractive 6 room ranch with double attached garage, well planned living room with cosy log burning fireplace. L shaped dining room. 0- dern kitchen' with dining oreo. A large beatifully fin- ished rec. room with natural fireplace. BEAU VALLEY -- N.H.A. RESALE ---- Top value in this popular orea of fine homes. Brick and stone bungalow. Reception hall leads to oan attractive living room with stone wood burning fire- place, dining room, eye cat- ching dream kitchen, Three excellent bedrooms with double closets. Wrought iron railings on stairs to 26 ft. recreation room finished in * mahogany. Large den or ex- tra bedroom off rec. room. All doors, bifold and louvred. Aluminum storms and screens; 1.V. Tower, attrac- tively decorated. Attached garage. Fenced yord. Only 1 year old. Must be seen to be appreciated. Phone now to see, we have the key, RANCH BUNGALOW NORTH WEST AREA Separate dining room, Holly- wood kitchen, large living room, 3 nice sized bedrooms, finished basement, 4 pc. bathroom and 3 nice sized bedrooms, Double paved drive. Attached garoge, im- mediate possession, IN | For full perticulars call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. After 9 p.m. -- call 725-3867 725-3454 728-0569 725-4362 725-8068 723-3240 725-4330 723-2537 ¢ « 723-7183 Lucas Peacock .. 725-4330 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors 16 Simcoe St. S, Irene Brown ... Roy Flintoff ... Steve Zurbo ... Tony Siblock .. Leon Monitius .. Phyllis Jubb ... MUST sell. White clapboard four room house, full basement. All conveniences, $1,100 down, take over pay- ments. For further information 725-7937 248 acre dairy farm at Newcastle: All workable land. Excellent brick house, large modern dairy barn, 1,320 Ibs. daily quota. : Val- uable road frontage -- 2 728-1653 . #TER: HOURS BILL COLLINS 668-8716 pattern", Never worn, $22.50. Telephone| urday, 725-9390, 10957 ~ PONTIAC convertible, Chief, Lage steering, brakes, seat,|w; windows, f top and aerial, white- walls, Whee! egg og new tires, Air con- a 295. '725-8398, 1956 CADILLAC Coupe ae Ville, A-1 con- Star|SELLING furniture or We'll buy i for top cash, Cal Blake's Furniture and Appliance Store, 24 Prince Street. 9191. FREEZER Continental cubie foot. One year old. $150. 'Telephone '728-2190. spplltnoes? Telephone streams, Included are 80 Holstein cattle, full line of 29--Automobiles For Sale~ dition, $795. Telephone 728-0472 before 5 p.m. 637 Albert Street, 1958 LAMBRETTA Scooter 175CC, In good $200. 623- 1934 CHEVROLET, good running order, good body, new tires, Custom Apply 361 Verdun Road. 1951 PREFEOT, tires modern power equipment, $105,000. Terms, 120 acre doiry farm, 6 Good! miles from Oshawa, ee cere 728-1200 after 6 p.m, heater Best offer. radio. | hi mechanically sound. 3118, B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, Bat- 8, Posted Ri Ss gala ni tele- 'hrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. | 1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air two door, ardtop, radio, automatic, white walls 12,000 miles. 725-1347, 1959 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, 6 eyl- inder standard, radio, A-1 condition, 728-6575 or 97 Durham Street, HAVE you furniture or Ferrer for sale? ae a sell and exchange. Mc- Fi Sim: buildings, stream, pond, $40,000. Terms. 50 acres level land -- of Courtice. Corner _ property with barn, pig $15, 000 os er 4,30. best offer. 1960 RENAULT, Aegan, fully equipped. ¢ . New plates and clutch, 668-2340/ 5S; 1958 CHEVROLET panei truck, good) 1960 "CHEVROLET? 1 iapala tires, boingat directional signals, $125 or|fully powered. Perfect ane Best | Sou 623-2068. 728-5972, Keen's 'urniture, South, 75.5181 or 725-6457. BUY AND SELL, oh used furniture and : location oaly,| arog F 4 ba Simcoe Street! 723-3271, Ray 1953 CHEVROLET sedan, gopd runner, peciai $52, Hilltop Auto Sales, King |Street West, 728-1238. joffer, After 7 p.m, $5,000 + 75 acres with excellent brick house, good barns, 2 silos, Valuable paved road frontage 3 miles North of Bowman- ' ville. $32,000. Terms. 125 acres on Loke Newcastle. Excellent soil, room house. $21,000 $5,000 down. 65 ACRES WITH STREAM, NEAR TYRONE, $6,500 TERMS 1954 BUICK two-door hardtop, body, good shape. Radio, steering, transmission defective. offer sells. 668-5126. RENAULT- PEUGEOUT-AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM B.A. SERVICE RITSON ROAD AND KING 723-4733 and 723-7712 __ TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH fae 723-9421 YOUR VOLVO DEALER JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE, GENERAL REPAIRS and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE | 449 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa 728-0921 ~ BUYING OR SELLING __ TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 shore, 5 Call 623-3393 After Hours JACK RICARD 623-3154 ANDY McGILL Orono 1407 JOE BARNOSK! Clarke 2202 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER SUBURBAN $14,500. HAVE YOU SMALL CHILDREN? This beautifully landscaped, fenced, three bedroom home is ideally located on a dead end street. Patio and wonder- ful area, for outdoor enter- taining. Partially finished recreation room and. play room. For information or appointment to inspect call Irwin Cruikshanks at 728- 5205 or 728-5123. NOBODY WANTS ME 1 am a good house and have 4 bedrooms just waiting for a family to look after me. | am in a-good area, the owner says sell with a low down payment and terms to suit the family man. Hurry osk Bill Horner to show you now at 728-5123. 5 BEDROOMS vi' § bye PRICE $3,500 DOWN ~ KELLY DISNEY -- USED CARS 409 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY--668-4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always Top Quality motor 1955 PONTIAC 1. Power | good condition throughout, new battery, Best|Must be soid. -Apply 1229 Meadowvale ~ |1961 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, aulo- iioncal 725-6511 ponsinnE television, 17" Spartan, tew condition, $100, Small refrigerator good, quiet motor $25. Apply 210 Trent Street t West, Whitby, DESK and ag $15; Coffee table, $8; squirrel jacket, $15; blue party dress, size 14, any man's navy blue topcoat, 42; floo: polisher. Apply 59 McLaughlin Bivd, TWO brand new imported Oriental rugs aurentian, 6 § cylinder, | dew Crescent, matic, radio, V8. Will take trade and can be ed. T 725-8132. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, like new. Many extras. $975. Telephone after 5.30 P.m. 728-9100, jivory and red, size x 12', 4%" x 6', 1957 "GMO 14 ton stake truck. Good Very reasonable, 725.7550 jcondition, Apply 246 Bruce Street, |RANGETTE, Grahamette Blectilc, like 1960 PONTIAC le, ©, V8, ful a ew, special burners, ideal for cottage. preadle tp convertible fully Cont $110, Belling, $40. 'Telephone 725. after 6 p.m. Whitby 668-3006, 7142, coer unusually quiet week on the | business scene. if the railroads eliminate the jobs of 40,000 firemen and 25, 000 other train and yard works" ers. But a union spokesman said the railroads have agreed to re. open negotiations March 13 on how and when the. work rules. chances are to be put into ef. fect, Kennedy, at his press confere ence, tried to make it clear that he still wants tax reforms along with a cut. Earlier re. marks had been interpreted as meaning he would be willing to take the reduction without re- visions which would make up $3,300,000,000 of the projected. $13,600,000,000 loss of revenue. Reform along with reduction is "the fairest and most equit. able program and the most fis. cally responsible program," Kennedy said. * Car production and sales con- tinued to zoom, out-stepping all: light this week for the settle- ment of the railroad industry's long and bitter batle over feather-bedding. Its decision left U.S. rail. roads free to change their work rules with the result that 65,- 000 jobs costing $600,000,000 a year may be eliminated. This was the major action in In other developments, Pres- ident Kennedy 'renewed his call for tax reforms to accompany a proposed tax reduction and the auto-mobile and steel indus- tries turned in good perform- ances. The court decision was hailed by the railroads as a victory in their four-year fight to re- duce jobs which they consider unnecessary. However, the track ahead was far from clear. 36--Legal 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, green,|NEW 3 Kelvinator electric range, 30" | automatic, power steering, radio, white- ep 'burner, only used ig month, $170, |walls, other extras, Eleven th : | miles, 725-4867. | TELEVISION, 21", Phillips table mode) 1960 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe in excel-|With legs, excellent working order, $100, lent condition throughoyt. $1,000 cash, | Teleptione after 6, 723-4966. All day Sat- pre Pickering. 942-4206. jurday. i 058 OLDSMOBILE 88, two-door hard.|STUDENTS A Fas power steering and brakes, auto-|™ately 630 sheets of letter size matic, radio, super value, ree « int) f ly $1.00, AP Paper (news prin lor only Pp new plates, Tmimaculatel ety Omawe Times Oftice, Whitby }111 Dundas Street West |USED Admiral 21" TV, ai 3 new. Bar- gain for quick sale. App!y 194 King 608. 1960 PONTIAC sedan, excellent "condi- tion, white walls, snow tires. See any-| time. $1,800. 'Telephone 725-6265. | 1959 VAUXHALL & d oad uper sedan, one|-------- owner, block heater, snow tires. $595. |BABY carriage, mata) body, | Teleptione 728-9396. eee and white, good conlition, $15; | Pl ypen, $5; Knit King knitting ma- CAR RADIOS, special, 1063 ¢ Chevrolet | chine, $40; Singer treadle sewing ma- and Pontiac, push-button custom in a chine, $5, Whitby, 668-3268. dash. Complete with aerial, $59.9! t |Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond West Thistle, 15% FT, Peterborough Royal cedar | strip boat; 1956 Johnson 50 hp outboard) | motor, boat trailer, Excellent condition.' ten) Whitby 668-2553. ar-| = |1962 MONZA coupe, fully equipped, | housand miles. Terms can be |! WE bi rT ; ran w 25 | uy, sell and exchange used fur cod. 92-29. bitby, 06.5008, ----. |hiture or anything you have. The City 1954 BUICK, new automatic mis-|Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street sion, rebuilt motor, newly painted. $300, | South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671, |Days, Bowmanville 623-3781; evenings,| si 725-4327, berry UTELY free! A brand new floor | polisher or vacuum cleaner with the | purchase of a famous new Elna sewing [pare from your exclusive Elna deal- Oshawa Sewing Centre, 329 Sisncoe ISouth" 728-2381. Offer ends March 16. SUMP' pumps, $20; 3 piece bath sets, » sinks, space heaters, boats, motors, ice Soe bot aa Chinn's, Hillsi Pari THREE ai serve meat counters, double deckers, 12 feet each, One self- ry Y sebve meat counter, single deck, 12 foot. Car Dealer and "SAVE"' Apply 75 Richmond ® Street West, TED CAMPIN MOTORS | |72#7331. Ask for Mr. Cyr _723-4494___Res. 725-5574 _|Pree, estimator" Phte ae ~$ ALL CASH $ | For clean cars we deal up or '30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars| jfor wrecking. Highest prices paid, |725-1181 ~~ 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to-Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New brushes, hoses, guaranteed rebuilt: ma- chines, Rentals, Wallace Vacuum Ser- vice. Call anytime. 728-0591, TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, du- other segments' of the econ- omy. Output this week was esti- mated at 151,000 units, up from 148,860 last week and 130,851 a year ago, Passenger car one in February were at a near. record rate of 527,074 domestie models against 456,850 a year earlier, PRODUCTION UP Steel production last week moved up for the fifth straight week .and held at the highest level in more than 10 months, Mills turned out 2,130,000 tons, a gain of 2.1 per cent over the 2,086,000 tons of the previous week, Mills were operating at about' ihe bs of capacity. U.S, SteeNennounced six open. hearth steel-making furnaces will be put back into operation imme- diately at its works in Brad. dock, Pa., because of an in crease in orders. The unemployment picture darkened with the rate rising in February to 6.1 per cent of the work force from 5.8 pér cent in January. This was the highest in 14 months. Youth Pulled Free From Burning Car NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ROBERT EDWARD NETTLE, Monager, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Robert Edward Nettle, late of the Town. of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Mana- ger, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of June, 1962, are hereby no- tified to send in to the under- signed Personal Representa- tives of the said deceased on or before the 12th day of April, 1963, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after the said date the Per- sonal Representotives -- will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated ot Oshawa this 8th doy of March, 1963. ANN MARGARET NETTLE & FRANCIS JOHN CANZI Executors, their splicltars, MeGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers & Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA -- ONTARIO | Aaviegyeed chequi three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office Equipment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD, Modern ra construction, large family kitchen, broad- loom, Twindow, oil heat, walk-out basement. Not a penny to spend here. You owe it to yourself to see this extra good value. Carries for $75.00 per month interest and principal "bn one open mortgage. Call Ed Drumm ot 728-5123 or 725-9345. NHA RESALE 6% One open mortgage, 3 bed- room bungalew. Close to St. Christopher's end McLaugh- lin schools. Payments $95.00 monthly including taxes, Call Bill Johnston at 8-5123, WHITBY NEAR Henry St. High School, 3 bedroom, 'Yarge recreotion room, laundry\yoom, e Back yard all fei i This home is immaculate, $2,900. down NHA mortgage for bal- ance. Call Bill Johnston at 728-5123, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario. The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N, WHITBY 668-4741 and 668-4025 WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! BUY IT NOW WITHA LOWCOST LIFE-INSURED Round the Clock or appliances, what nave 3 of Goold Used Furniture, 215 Dundas East, Whit- by. 668-5481. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt serv- ice on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestaut Street West. Whitby 668-2563. Unfurnished,» Land apartment, bey 4 monthly. 300 High Street. Children wel- at Telephone 668-2336 or Ajax 942 THREE R00m apartment, large bal. beautifully landscaped. Want Ads hold the key to Extra Cash 'ently Tooated, Fireplace, stove, erator, washer, Pi Sk Saar aye OPEN EVERY EVENING mx XMXX yx Xxx 1 eae hel xxx i bea RiTiR xxx ie LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA serene x meee ce = a 2K KOE if i seep READY TO BUY PROSPECTS Read Times Want Ads 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 688-8001 31--Automobile Repair HOUSTON'S GARAGE | and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST DINING room suite, » Mahogany, break- glass-topped server,g buffet and | table' with extensions, two "arm peat jfour straight chairs, fabric upholste: | Excellent condition, Apply 485 Sindee | Street North. |HONEST | Cal's Furniture and - Appli- ances. Name brands at biggest dis-| jcounts anywhere, We carry Restonic| and Beverley mattress furniture lines.| Your authorized GE dealer. Contact [Honest Cal's, on King Street East at Varcoe's Road. Open 12 ag daily, 9.30 9.30. Telephone 728-919) MOBILE HOME | hunters Took i in Classi- 723-7 |fied everyday. If you have a trailer for | 822 jsale reach these buyers fast with a low | cost Oshawa Times Classified Ad, Dial '32LAnicles for Sale oad 'Also GUN (old antique)wanted. J old | ATS cartridges. Telephone Oshawa 725-8183. | BOATS Boats; -Grew-Cruisers, Tra- BED, maple, single "size, "good. | spring | veler, Mason, O.M.C., Lersen ttress, $20,; cedar hope chest, wal-| nut finish, $25; rug, Congoleum, 9 x 12,| Motors; Evinrude, --_- Volvo- enta. jlike new, pink multi color, $10; dress- MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY jing table, kidney shape, dressing table, skirt, $12; bookcase, double Flass| doors, $7. Telephone 725: it ee DRAPES \ Modern Designs Abstract, Colonial, Besvtaciat and Floral Patterns, Custom Made Expertly Installed M and C DRY GOODS 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723- -7827 PARKWAY TELEVISION iand R.C.A. VICTOR OFFER THE MOST ____Brooklin, an 655- 3641 What's My Line? Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances. For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Z3 Bond Ww TELEVISIONS Rebuilt sets, all makes Guor- onteed. One yeor warranty on picture tube. We also tent ond buy. McKeen's Used Furniture 426 Simcoe S. 725-5181 or 725-6457 ~ McCULLOUGH _ LUMBER CO. LTD. Complete line of Building Materials "WHERE SERVICE COMES FIRST" 1270 SIMCOE ST. N. SCHOFIELD - AKER Over A Querter Century Of Reliable Service 27--Real Estate for Sale ATTENTION APARTMENT DWELLERS ---- Why pay rent when et con have your very own home for as little as $1,000 down. Built by H. Kassinger im the East end (Grandview Village): 3 and 4 bedroom homes priced from, $13 400. LOOKING FOR AN N.H.A. RESALE with reasonable monthly payments. This 3 yeor old S-room rug brick bungalow with garage may be the one you are looking for. Completely decor- ated in soft pastel shades inside, ond nicely eerie outside. REDUCED $3,000 -- Long Low Ranch Bungalow -- Living room 15 x 12 with CEILING TO FLOOR STONE "FIRE. PLACE, lorge seporate dining orea -- kitehen 12 x 12 with eat- ing area -- 2 washrooms --~ circular drive to 2-car attached gorage. Lot size 110 x 150. Owner anxious to sell os they hove other plans. SPACIOUS MODERN LIVING -- 2 years old -- 7 room brick 2-storey home --- located in North section. A wonderful fom- ily home complete in every deatil inside and out, Features in- clude extra large kitchen, L-shaped living. and dining rooms, 4 bedrooms with double closets, 2 washrooms, 2-car attached gorage. For Full Details Call 723-2265 Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. -- Sat. 9 to 5 After 9 P.M, Call" STEVE MACKQ 728-5867 HENRY STINSON 725-0243 REG. AKER .... 725-0201 LES HALL BILL McFEETERS . 725-1726 360 King St. W. Free Parking SENSATIONAL DEAL EVER IN STEREOS 20 watt AM and FM START AT $249.95 Plus $50°Worth Of STEREO RECORDS FREE One Yeor Free Service en New Stereos and T.V.s 918 SIMCOE ST. N. 723-3043. Shepherd Boat Inboard 18 ft., two years old, 215 h.p. interceptor, like new, about 40 hours runn- ing; twin trumpet horns, spotlights, Raytheon gos de- tector and blowers, electric bilge pump, convertible top, side curtaing, rear mooring covers, cockfit cover, tarp to cover complete boat for win- ter storage, special stainless steel shaft and strut; many other extras, (West Side) ____ 728-4688 SPECIAL 1963 SCOTT ALUMINUM BOAT 12 ft Car Top Medel. 71% h.p. fishing Seott Motor, COMPLETE $499 OSHAWA MARINE AND SERVICE 1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 ___|34----Lost and Found CAT, orange, male, part Persian, 8 months dren's pet, lost March 3 vicinity Cadillac, Olive district. Tele- phone 72°-624 's gold | Eigin watoh, black band, vicinity of north plant gate 13 or Southlawn Avenue. Reward. Telephone 725-7086. CLASSIFIED ADS May be small, but they are giants, powerful too, when it comes to getting things done. Let one of them sell your no longer need household items. See. for yourself, Telephone Now 723-3492 PRICED TO SELL SMITH SPORTS 353 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 723-9311 AYLMER, Ont. (OP)--Glenn. Jennings, 19, of Port Bruce, Ont., was pulled free from a burning car by two friends Sun- day after it slid sideways for 60 feet, then flipped over and skidded another 200 fest on its roof into a ditch about two miles south of here.; "We got him out just in time," said Peter Fauls, 18, of London, Ont., driver of the car, Jennings, who suffered minor. facial cuts, was trapped in the rear Seat of the car. Faulds and David Rutherford, 19, also of London, managed to release him just before the car was en- tirely enveloped in flames. eee ee COUNTY OF ONTARIO TENDER Rental of Road Construction Equipment Sealed Tenders clearly mark- ed as to contents, will be re- ceived by the undersigned until 10:00 o.m. Wednesday, March 20, 1963 for the rental of construction equipment to be used primer. ily for rood excavation. The anticipated work involves ap- proximately 25,000 eu. yds. of excavation on Road 19 (Mara Township), 30,000 cu. yds. on Road 11 (Scott Township) and 30,000 cu. yds. on Road 8 (Uxbridge Township.) Tenders must be submitted on forms which may be ob- tained from the office of the County Engineer, : DRAPERY REQUIREMENTS SCHOOL OF NURSING ONTARIO HOSPITAL WHITBY, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM TEND- ERS properly endorsed, on forms supplied by the Deport- ment, will be received by the Tenders Secretay, Room 6630, East Block, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, until 3:15 p.m, (E.S.T.) on THURS., MARCH 28th, 1963 for the supply and installation of Drepery, Track, Fitments, Etc. at the School of Nursing, Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Ontario. Plans, Specifi, '-ns, Tender Forms and Tender envelopes may be obtained from, or viewed at Room 6527, De- partment of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto 2, Ontario. A_ $1,250.00 Bid Bond and 100% Performance Bond will be required as specified, 2 Tenders will not be consider- ed unless made on forms sup- plied by the Department of Public Works, Ontario, in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth therein, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, March 7th, 1963. J. D, MILLAR, Deputy Minister, Peportment of Public Works, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. E. Sims, P, Eng., County sas basa" hr ae Ont. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT TRUSTEE'S SALE BY TENDER G. SIMPSONS HOME IMPROVEMENTS LIMITED AJAX, ONTARIO Sealed tenders will be, recieved by the undersigned Trustee until 12:00 noon on Monday, March 18, 1963 for the purchase of the following assets, either 'en bloc' or in parcels: Parcel 1--Paint and Wallpaper, estimated retail value $3,000.00 Parcel 2--Toys, estimated retail value $1,150.00 see eesene Parcel 3--Hardware and Miscellaneous, estimated retail value - $10,900.00 Tenders must be accompanied by a certified se payoble to the Trustee for 20% of the amount of the tender, which deposit will be returned if the tender is not accepted or fortified to the Trustee as liquidated damages if tender is accepted and sale not completed by the purchaser, Balance of purchase price to be paid and purchases completed within five days of acceptance. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Offers subject to acceptance by the Inspectors of the estate. Premises at Ajax Shopping Plaza will be open for inspection of assets on Thursday, 7 ea 14, 1963, between the hours. of 1:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M " Gordon W. Riehl, C.A. RIA, Trustee, Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co. Chartered Accountents, 135 Shncoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontoria,