NDP OPENS AJAX HEADQUARTERS New Democratic Party can- Bidate for Ontario Riding, Ai- feen Hall, officially opened the party's campaign head- ping Centre office. The Fed- eral election will be held on April 8, --Oshawa Times Photo quarters in Ajax, Thursday. Riding NDP organizer, Sam- uel Blower, stands with Miss Hall outside their Ajax Shop- FINED $25 1000 Foot Skid Ends In PICKERING (Staff) -- A West Hiit.man who told the Magis- trate he couldn't bring his car to a halt:in a distance of one- 'Spring Floods Not Problem In Darlington' HAMPTON (Staff) -- Spring floods haven't been a problem! in Darlington Township since |1@89 and probably wouldn't be \this spring, Township council- jlors confidently predicted yes- | lerday. Court accident and they had return- ed to the scene together, Horace Smith of 87 Exeter road, Ajax, told the court he) * |year-old Highland Creek youth j\two youths were taken to the Off-Duty Constable Nabs Speeder PICKERING (Staff) -- a 19- who was seen racing with an- other car by an off-duty police- man was fined $75 and ensts and had his licence suspended for 30 days, in Pickering Magistrate's Court, Thursday, Brian Edward McManaman appeared in Magistrate's Court on a charge of racing on the highway laid against him by Const. Grover Hutchinson of the Pickering Township Police Department. Const. Hutchinson told the court that on Feb. 18 he was parked on the Baseline road when he observed two. cars heading*east at "'a high rate of speed," He said that about 10° min- utes later he saw the same two vehicles coming west on the same road and that twice they slowed down, paired up and proceeded to speed away. After giving chase, the two drivers were apprehended when they pulled into a gas station lot, Const. Hutchinson said. The officer told the court the Pickering Township Police sta- tion where they made a written statement about the iacident, The court was informed of three previous speeding charges laid against McManaman. Darlington Supports Road Repair Bid Pickering Village Driver Fined $25 PICKERING (Staff) A Pickering Village man, Murray Baldson, pleaded guilty to mak- ing an improper left turn and was fined $25 and costs in Pick- ering Magistrate's Court Thurs- day. Constable C. Daniels of the Pickering Police Department said he investigated an acci- dent on Feb. 1 at the intersec- tion of the Brock road and No. 2 Highway. He sais the accused had made an improper turn into the No, 2, colliding with another car, Sliding Scale For Tomatoes Suggested HARROW, Ont. (CP)--A slid-| ing price scale for tomatoes was suggested Thursday night by Lorne B, Clark, precifoe of Clark Foods Ltd., Montreal- based food processors. Addressing a dinner of Clark) tomato growers from Essex and) Kent counties, Mr. Clark said Canadian sugar beet producers 1 solely by the value main as buoyant as at present, the federal agriculture depart- ment says, No support pay- ments may be made, statement Thursday ¢laborating on basis w the relation over the last years of the average declared beet growers from processors. $17.79 9 ae ee These payments will consist of 1,28 cents on éach pound of refined beet sg 4g for évery cent of deeline the average wmport price below 4.29 cents, The department said in the current high - price situation, producers should attempt to get the best possible contracts from Sugar Beet Price Returns Remain High OTTAWA (CP)--Returns to n 1963 may he grvhompe raw sugar if world prices re- to the average over the last 10 ext returns, If world sugar prices stay high, the terms of these con- tracts may decide all the sugar beet income bécause no support cone would be made, it said, Enniskillen Farm Wins Cattle Prize The department issued a the announcement made Wednesday night by Prime Min- ister Diefenbaker that the 1963 beet oper price on a national ll remain unchanged from 10962, The support will be based on 10 value -- free on board -- of imported raw sugar and the prices received by Canadian and Son, Enniskillen Jerseys, The. support level for beet growers will continue to be/cessive Constructive' Breeders' ctondard ton, /Award of the Canadian Jersey This means that if the aver- Cattle Club, age 12-monu vaiue of imported| They won it for the high ay- raw sugar falls below 4.29 cents|erage production and type a pound, payments will be made! classification of their herd, hav- processors--at least comparable years, This would énsuré high- TORONTO -- R. P. Stenger Enniskillen, won their third sue- at the same time develop- oF at Superior Sire, Brampton B. P., Servant, now in the east- ern Breeders Inc, A.J, Unit at Belléville. Their herd of 33 tested cows has an average ME produc- cent, 511 Ibs, fat, and 36 clasei- fied average 88.89 per cent. developed and proven a Super- jor Sire in their hérd, has 28 daughters that average 9.053 Ibs. milk, 5,32 per cent, 482 Ibs, fat and 35 classified an aver- age 87.70 per cont, He was Sen- lor and Grand Champion at the Canadian National Exhibition in 1055 and 1956, Who Killed Romance? What's happened to old- fathionéd "love? Read in March Réader's Digest how factual social scientists and lurid writers have taken the mystery and joy out of our tenderest emotions, Get your copy of Reader's Digest today --A8 articles of lasting interest, tion of 9,771 Ibs, milk, 5.23 per '}man Brampton BP Servant, a bull SPECIALIZE IN BURNS EAST GRINSTEAD, England (CP) -- The Queen. Victoria Hospital here is building @ $480,000 centré which will spé- cialize in fg Mageye Bon oo ' persons, It will to Sir Archibald Melndoé, Plastic surgeon who treated : y Second World War sérv- c ; " Meet and Hear THE HONORABLE ALVIN HAMILTON Minister of Agriculture Monday, March 11 2:30 P.M, Orono Town Hall ELECT GARNET RICKARD IN DURHAM Association growers in this southwestern! Ontario area, who account for the greater part of Canadian tomato production, hold the key) which would stop vertical inte- gration in the tomato industry for years to come. Under vertical integration, processing firms own their own) growing facilities instead of buying from individual farmers. Mr. Clark said his firm has no desire to go into vertical in- tegration, but added that tomato processors have no alternative but to seek some price relief if the industry is to expand and) compete in world markets. | The solution, he stated, lies} In 'ta negotiated reduction in| "40 Pounds --_ tes The "LINCOLNAIRES" Plus: The Top Records Coming Fri., Mar. 15th Little Caesar Her Till SATURDAY Only | THE ENTIRE FAMILY A PICTURE FOR P ; --_ Oshawa Loves That Little of Trouble" Are Keeping and The Consuls quarter of a mile because of jce/had been proceeding west on) HAMPTON (Staff) -- Darling.|the price of tomatoes to a level| | They filed a@ letter from the} was fined $25 and costs in Pick- ering Magistrate's Court Thurs Norman Arthur Randal) ap- peared in court facing two charges, one for failing to come to a full stop at a through road and the other for failing to re- port a motor vehicle accident. The charge of failing to re- port the accident, whicn took place on the Base Line road at the intersection of Church street on Nov. 28, was disthissed by| the Baseline on the morning of the accident. He said his car was struck by a vehicle which appeared to be unable to come| : ing| ton Township Council has back- provinelal government warning| ; on municipal councils of spring/*4 UP Bowmanville in asking flood. hazards and suggesting| DUtham County repair County agencies for help, |road 57, known as Scugog road. t t Church street be-| "Cer; pA Hf the isy soodifien act carmen wine ; jcouncil the government would the road. jlet stricken areas know where Randall appeared in his OWN) sandbags could be obtained and defence and told the court he suggested that the had been proceeding south on|Measnres Organizati Chureh street on his way to/Cangdian Army could be called work, jin the event of bad flooding: The road started to get slip-| Je then told council there had pery about a quarter of a milelbeen no "emergency" flood con- \from the corner and I started! ditions in Darlington since 1939. on or the | A resolution was passed by |council here yesterday calling jfor the road to be resurfaced as soon as possible. It was Emergency|moved by Deputy Reeve Harold| |Muir, and seconded by Council- lor Mary Budai. Reeve Arthur Blanchard said the road had been in poor con- dition for years, and was which return the grower a good profit, yet makes it possible for the processor to reduce his sell-| ing price." | Mr. Clark said revised prices would make it possible to re-| place imported tomato products with domestic production. This in itself would require an addi-| tional 6,500 acres of tomatoes, a 33-per-cent increase, Dancing... 9 to 1 a.m, 4 +,ht C= SAME STE Cam 1a PO) NE AL Lees} 6 TN TP. gemovennne® NOW PLAYING PLUS COLOR CARTOON PHONE 723-2048 FEATURE TIMES; 1:30-3:30-5; Note: STARTING SUNDAY -- "GYPSY" eceeesseepeaeocemmmmmemmmmmmmmmnnciemcmnccennnanacancd + Pandy SAM ARE, | ~ Dai Sens 30-7:30 -- Lost Show 9:20 p.m. Magistrate C. W. Guest. o apply my brakes and gear rough" for drivers." it Constable Thomas Holmes ofthe car down," he explained, the Pickering Township Police} | Department told the court Savers actos te Sie and moe investigated an accident on the| Gea into the car driven by| {Smith on the Baseline. ' 4 Baseline, Nov, 28. Const. Holmes said the driver) « | of the other car involved in the! on cata ig the court) accident had contacted him in|', atop fue oar io 8 the police cruiser about peter fest on, ioe, Maglio; jtrate Guest asked, miles from the scene of the) Randall sa:d he understood| bee icuae ee i Mr. Smith was going to xeport| Ag. Minister [ow 'srivers nad to report" Will Speak At Orono Monday PORT HOPE -- Durham Rid- img farmers have a chance to hear more ¢élection pledges) when Agricultural Minister! Alvin Hamilton speaks at the! Orono Community Hall, Mon-| day at 2.30 p.m. Hon. Mr. Hamilton will be! speaking in support of Garnet Rickard, PC candidate for. the riding. The Agricultural Minister was leader of the Progressive Conservative party in Saskat- Tonight! ROCK HUDSON MARTHA HYER DAN DURYEA "BATTLE HYMN" in Technicolor we ee ALL-STAR m. AORR, ER. SR: SHOW! a & ff} OSHAWA WELCOMES Visiting Hairstylists And Barbers! ONTARIO PRELIMINARY CHAMPIONSHIPS In Men's Hairstyling. and. Barbering TONY CURTIS JANET LEIGH in "BLACK SHIELD OF FALWORTH" in Technicolor HIT THE TRAIL In--1909 @ 70-year-old man| walked from New York to Cali fornia and back in 182 days, '§ DOORS OPEN ALL-COLOR 6:30 P.M. PROGRAM! True story! eee) <* ~ Merrill's Marauders REFORM SCHOOL GIRLY 3 BIG HITS! echewan from 1949 to 1957, ORDER YOUR TI See: girls « pageantry stage and pool a mega # diving champs * Aqua © comedians © animal antics starring In the fabulous DIRECT FROM MIAMI BEACH featured at the sensational 16th ANNUAL CANADIAN NATIONAL SPORTSMEN'S SHOW EXHIBITION PARK -- TORONTO MARCH 15th - 23rd (except Sunday) SEE WORTH AMERICA'S FINEST SPRINGTIME EXHIBITION OF HUNT- ING, FISHING, BOATING, TRAVEL, CAMPING, COTTAGE AND AUTO EXHIBITS, Performances twice dal Concept Sunday) 2:15 --8:15 p.m. Prices -- Evenings and Saturday Special combination tickets Seats $1.75 Boxes $2.25 (includ~ admission to the buildings) less 25¢ for Children, Bargain weekday matinee (except Saturday) Rush seats -- Adults 75¢ -- Children 25¢ (Plus Admission to buildings) Ad- mission to buildings only, at all times -- Adults o ony Guat eo Boo hibition ally (except Sunda: fom ll am.to il psn. " ORDER YOUR TICKETS NOW 'Write (enclosing cheque of money otder) to The Canadian National Sportsmen's Show EXHIBITION PARK, TORONTO 5 CKETS HOW MAR FEATURE * 1H IN CY Ga a A FAM( 2:00 - 3:55 - 5:55 - 7:55-9:50 has come to the screen... and the world isa happier place to live in! SHOWN DAILY AT AFTER GIGANT The Public is invited to ettend (after 5 p.m.) FREE 0} stylists ond berbers, demonstrations end styles will be shown, by Conade's most competent heir FOR THE FIRST TIME IN OSHAWA'S HISTORY WILL TAKE PLACE Sunday March 10 GENOSHA HOTEL F CHARGE, Interesting FEATURING: @ Razor Cutting @ Blow Waving @ Hair Coloring @ Hair Pieces INDIVIDUAL HAIRSTYLING @ Men's Fantasy Hair Styles ADMISSION FREE AFTE IC MEN'S FASHIO R 5 P.M. CONVENTION CHAIRMAN AFTER SHOW RUDY of OSHAWA JUS PLAYERS THEATRE 364 Wilson Rd. 728-7021 .- ===> Rudy's Exclusive Hairstyling for Men White's Hair Goods 10 Terauley St., Toronto 368-1285 S. John Prestons Men's Wear 201 Simcoe St, S. 725-1551 EE LL eR ern Sen eee Seen -qemmmeee Genosha Hotel 70 King St. E. 723-4641