32---Articles for Sale 1958 LAMBRETTA Scooter .173CC. In good condition, $200, Telephone 623-3119. GUN (old antique)wanted. Also old cartridges. Telephone Osha' 725-8183. TAPE recorder, Webcor, excellent con- dition, $100, Telephone 728-5336. ae |B, F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, Bat- eine Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- Articles F Sal vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. 32--Articles For Sale panes a |HONEST Cal's Furniture Phe Page ted Thist ,jances, Name brands at biggest dis- presi ala auition; $19; oounts cr haga hy Poa a eee : -jand Beverley mattress fu es, aes ee en oti ane thorized GE dealer. Contact e ; Singer treadle sewing ma-|Your aut! i E . o : chine, Honest Cal's, on King Street East a boeasct Bee, Mere. varengts R Open 12 hours dally, DESK and chair, $15; Coffee table, $8: |9.30 - 9.30. e 728:9191 squirrel jacket, $15; blue party dress,) ~~ A otto Adan BAW RO size 14, $10; man's navy blue topcoat,! WESTINGHOUSE automatic overcoat, size 42; floor: polisher. Apply|iaundromat, washer and clothes dryer. 50 McLaughlin Bivd. |Both for $175. Apply 684 Glencairn iiss PE. Peterborough Royal cedar| Street, Brookside Acres, strip boat; 1958 Johinson 50 hp gndition, | TELEVISION, 21", Phillips table model motor, boat trailer. Excellent condition.|yitn jegs, excellent working order, $100. Whitby 666-2553. fe ABSOLUTELY free! A brand new floor polisher or vacuum cleaner with the purchase of a famous new Elna sewing machine from your exclusive Elna deal- Sewing Centre, 329 Simcoe 1. Offer ends March 16. 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, March 8, 1963 BIRTHS CLASSIFIED PAL -- Mr, and Mrs, Tibor Pal are ADVERTISING the birth of a daugh- (Continued from Page 15) 36--Legal FOR SALE by TENDER Tenders will be received by the Council of the Village of Pickering, until P.M, March 22, 1963. For one only: 1960 Dodge Coach, Serial No. 4109132- 135. OBITUARIES | Photo Bounced JOSEPH PHILIP FINNEGAN The death of Joseph Philip Finnegan, 178 Arthur street, occurred at the Oshawa Gener- al Hospital , Thursday, Mar. 7. Mr. Finnegan had been in fail- ing health the past year and resided with -his daughter and son-in-law at the Arthur street address. Born Dec. 27, 1877 in Richi- bouctou, N.B., he was a son of| the late Philip and Marcel Fin-| negan. | He married the former Mary Helen Doucette at Chelsea, Today's Stock TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--March 8 Quotations in cents unless marked $. Off Satellite To 3 Centres tv ieee NEW YORK (AP)--The Asso. !"0™ previous board4ot closing sale. ciated Press bounced a news photograph today off Relay 1| INDUSTRIALS f j ' see ae hing heap on moe Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Rome and brought it back Un+| Abit' ae der the Atlantic into AP's New) Alta Dist York office--all in 11 minutes,| Alta Dis vt It was the first demonstration Alta Nat in which the three European| (umm capitals received a picture si-| Analog : Mass., April 20, 1900 and was! multaneously. Argus predeceased by her on July 28) The picture. signal was re- Dt. 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 305% HY 64% --1% 860% 69% 69% 235 0 80 CS 38% 8% 654% 54 $16% 16% 1942 $30 8630 1025 $14% 14% 459 $19% 19% Stock Bank Mont 312 Bank NS 349 Bok NS rte 1908 Beatty n 110 Bell Phone 773 Biltmore pr 7100 BA Oil BC Forest BC Pow BC Phone Brockville Burns Cabol Cal Pow Can Cem Sales Market 11 Net Stock Sales High Low Close Ch'ge | Asamera 500 110 110 110 | Bailey S A 8% | Camerina 54% -- %/C Oil Las 16% 'CS Pete 'Cdn Dev 30 \Cent Del happy to announce ter, Judith (6 lbs. 13 ozs.) on Tuesday, March 5, 1963 at Oshawa General Hos- pital. Mother and bavy both well. > +8 PRITCHARD, Bryan George, bern Tuesday, March 5, 8 lbs. 14 ogs., at Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for Claude. Grandparents in Oshawa and Gmithdale, Mississippi. Father and Daby doing fine. +8 4 |Com Pete +2 150 33% 53% + %/C Mic Mac "40 Ss 20 88% 84 8% | Dev-Pal +a 200 $8% 8% 8% -- | Duvan CRS Ske 300 58 (85S Glacier 12% 12% 124 +8 500 $21% 21% \Gr Plains $12% 12% 124 $36! 3 3 3 $12% 12% 1 36% + %/Gridoil 2% |Home A 2M $12% 12% 1%4--% 235 235 19% ---% SHEEHEY --- Donald and Doreen) (mee Hobden) thank God for the safe) arrival of their son, Brian Lioyd, on) Thursday, March 7, 1963, 8 lbs, 9 ozs.,| at Oshawa General Hospital. A wee brother for Rickey and Wendy, Special thanks to Dr, Beckett, Dr, R. C. Ross and nurses on 4th floor, f Arrangements to see this ve- hicle may be made by call- ing Pickering, 942-2930. This has been a Police De- partment vehicle. $28) 6 --v $18% 18% 18% $23.4 23% 23% --Y%|Can Cem pr 73 $22% 22% | 22% C) Fndry 160 160 160 C Pack A $9% 9% 94 -- %/CSL 351% 51% $158 + %|CAE Be BM is C Brew 5I"%+% 00 237 $22% 22% 22% |Home B | Medal Mill City Northeal 60 534 8% 10% 52 1% --8 12 21% 85% 330 | 8% + Ms) 9 Highest or any tender not fier 6, 723-4966. All day Sat- ' siete: necessarily accepted. PROUD parents: The news of your Blessed Event can be announced to your friends and relatives in The Osh-} awa Times for only $1.50. iY oe Ww: a Birthier. Oshawa. South, 728- z lurday. |12-FOOT aluminum car-top boat, good | condition, $140. Call after 4 p.m. 728-) 2623. BEES | Bh sreradianenna occ NEW Kelvinator went pos a7 SUMP pumps, $20; 3 piece bath sets,|four-burner, only used one month, 5 ae Igen oui wes 4 Finks, Bowmanville 623-2998, space heaters, boats, motors, trailers, eee ieee ligarse refrigerator. Chinn's, Hillside-| | Sis OE C Brew pr CBal Aw Cdn Can A 00 $12 12 C Cel 1 pr 240 $21% 21% Chem 575 8% Chem w 900 330 320 $84 8% Collieries 500 91 = 8% 8% 2 «(42 400 56% 6% 6 64 69% 9% $14 14 $268 26 $1l% 11% $16%. 16% $277 350. 16 5% 00 140 $17% 17% ne 723-3492--A courteous eat assist you in writing DEATHS DILLON, Mrs. Edward George tered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- a Hospital on Thursday, March 7, 1063, Sarah Jane Coe, beloved wife of ma Cc Cc Stanwell U Canso vt Un Oils NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF CLARENCE AYLMER VANZANT, DECEASED. ALL persons having claims, against the estate of the said Clarence Aylmer VanZant, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Guard, deceased, who died on or about the 2nd day of Jan- uary, 1963, are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned solicitors for the Executor of the estate of the said deceased on or be- | fore the 15th day of March, juice extrae-| 1963, after which date the My Shee eet said Executor will proceed to | distribute the said estate, | having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice WE buy, sell and Langan ee ae Sout! niture or anything you have. | City ttl naomi |Peading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street THREE | self - serve meat counters, | south and 31 Bond Street Kast. 723-1671, double feet self-| ---- Ss serve or eee sande dock, 13 foot.| HAVE you furniture or appliances for Apply 75 Richmond Street West,|sale? We buy, sell and exchange. Mc- Tae 7331 Ask for Mr, Cyr. | Keen's a: x ture, 426 Simcoe pea pene- e IN USE 725-6181 or sty see SAY ~|south VACUUM cleaner repairs, all make: ee itimat Parts, hi: aie i 42 --%! % i Advocate | Agnico | Amacon 5 Ya |A Arcadia 21000 1% + Y!A Arcd Bw 1400 16s | Atl © Cop 200 27) -- Ye Aunor 1800 350° +5 | Bory Expl 16 6+ % Bibis Black Bay }Cable « Camp Chib © Astoria | Candore | Cassiar © Imp Bk C 220 C Ind Gas = 500 ciL 7100 CPR 1020 Cdn Pet pr 1000 CWN Gpr 210 64 m+ 14 year, Resting at the Armstrong Funer- 'al Home, Oshawa, with High Mass in St. Mary's of The People Church, Saturday, March 9 at 10 a.m. St.. Gregory's Cemetery. r Friday evening Catholic Women's League and Knights of Colum- bus 7.30 p.m. i100 EACH platters, vegetab owls,| Buy| 4 {soup bowls, 20 Melmac settings. brushes. hoses, guaranteed rebuilt ma-) i quantity, ° cost price. 'Telephone| chines. Rentals, Wallace Vacuum Ser- Gargeants', 795-3338 eee a See ------- |BUY AND SELL, good used furniture BOUSESOLD d vmatiresses, (20d appliances, One location only; three dressers, beds and mattre: '\Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe Street (clean) large Frigidaire, prom dint | South. 723-3271 room set (eight pieces), s condi-|-- we matinee tion, vented "anette set (six pieces), DRAPE rose, lined, One pair 1% kitchen cabinet etc. 160 Brock East, width each. One pair one width 'each. lisvne FP hens 6 \Alse one venetian blind 74 inches wide. Puicators, chequewriters,'complometers, 725 3800 ue reo hundred new and. used. We buy.|PORTABLE television, 17" Spartan, | sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office/new condition, $100. Small refrigerator) Equipment, 137 Brock South, Whitby |good, quiet motor $25. Apply 210 Trent} Saat eaiaumeuoe = oo promaeaams ~|Street West, Whitby. BOATS . |AMAZING deals on heaith Boots; Grew-Cruisers, Tro- alte makes {Prades @ veler, Mason, ge eo corten Telephone 723.7688 ce Mela EUINUGS) .:NGIVO: aiawe calae," ban" aad white, in od condition. Simpso: Happ MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY ' LTD. 350 $16 5 + $5% 500 11000 12500 650 6300 107000 375 Arg B pr Arg C P pr : jlayed from New York to Euro-|4s 260. pr Bruce A. Hogarth, Clerk Mr. Finnegan was a resident)pean cities -- and simultane-| Att a Village of Pickering of Oshawa for the past 10 years| ously back to New York--during| Atlas SH 160 $97.40 97.40. 37.40 5 Box 190, and before coming to Oshawa'the 11-minute transmission ne-|Autofab B 1300 $130 130 130 Pickering, Ontario, jhe lived at Brockville, Shawini-|riod. AP's New York receiving jgan Falls, Pag ~ Dal |machine was recording the in- = housie, N.B. Extremely welllcoming signal while the trans- F ] d B ts {read, Mr. Finnegan travelled|mitter some 12 feet away. was in an ea jextensively during his life. \sending the outbound signal. He is survived by five daugh-) The picture--of Mrs, Betty Weak U S ters: Mrs-. H, Arsenault, (Eve-|Miller of Santa Monica, Calif., atc lyn), age ee rg ' Noel, who is going to pilot a vrivate (Leona), Oshawa; Mrs. B. Cal-|plane for delivery to its owaer Hock y T laghan aoe ise), Monireal in Sydney, Australia -- moved e eam Mrs, - Carsen (Claudia)./from the AP building at Rocke-; ~ ; Montreal and Mrs. A. Perreault/feller Center to the Interna-| STOCKHOLM (CP) -- Fin-|¢ .. (Rose), Chicoutimi and two/tional Telephone and Telegraph|land trounced one of the weak-| ; : oe jsons, Lionel, of Oshawa andifederal laboratories at Nutley,jest United States' entries in jRaymond, of Quebec City. Also/N.J.,. where it was beamed tojyears 11-3 today in the worla|© |survivying are 40 grandchildren) Relay I in its 657th orbit, There} cokey championsht Th jand 12 great-grandchildren. --_|the signal was retransmi'ted to|"°CXeY Championships, The con- FINNEGAN, Joseph Philip Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen. eral Hospital on Thursday, March 7, 1963, Joseph Philip Finnegan, beloved husband of the late Mary Helen Dou cette, and father of Mrs. H. Arsenault (Bvelyn), Montreal, Mrs. J. Ni (Leona), Oshawa, Mrs, B. Callaghan (Louise), Montreal, Mrs. H. Carson (Claudia), Montreal, Mrs. A, Perreault (Rose), Chicoutimi, Lionel of Oshawa afid Raymond of Quebec City, in his 86th year, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with High Re- quiem Mass in St, Gregory's Church Monday, March 11, 10 a.m. Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery. Prayers Sun-| day evening 8 p.m. (Friends are asked! not to call at the funeral home before! Saturday afternoon.) The body is resting at the|the three European capitals, |test was marred by a match D | Armstrong Funeral Apme with) ----~|misconduct penalty to U.S. de-! jhigh requiem mass to be sung! ifenceman Jack Kirrane, a mem:| Dee Tar jat St. Gregory's Roman Catho-| Iber lpelcon . }lic Church, Monday, Mar. 11, at! Council Okays eos veveces yeontae agar | oy 10 a.m. by Rt. Rev. Msgr, P.! badbvctspoé Pane | Dwyer. | Debenture Finland, bouncing back from) jie oan Prayers will be held at the| ja 6-1 loss to Russia Thursday) Fraser Armstrong Funeral Home, Sun-) F s . jin the opening i rine diag For Pipeline round of the} Gatineau |day, Mar, 10, at 8 p.m. Inter jeight - country group A cham-/GP Prill ment will be in St. Gregory's P hip classitiust just| G * : Cemetery, Oshawa sey pionship classification, jus | DATED ot Oshawa this 20th i 7 : LONDON, skirt, $13; Jolly jumper, $6. 7 | day of February, A.D. 1963. | Friends have been asked not|coyncil |21 MOTOROLA television; 1950 %4-ton| ito call at the funeral home Fe truck; garden tractor, 5 bp motor, | peenreny e : y P C Ont. (CP) -- Cit¥! about won as it pleased and| ap Thursday night tenta-lhelg a 9-2 margin at the end of ail sttachmsehite. Near eee | pape DRYNAN & ade Saturday afternoon. } % C Mogul C Morrison M Cons Que +36, C Rambir +2 | Craigmt 1 | Cuseo Daering 3000 335 Deer Horn 93200 34M | Denison 303 85 Dome Elder \Giant YK | Grandue | Gunnar | Gwillim |Har-Min +S | Hasaga + % H of Lakes | High-Bell --5 |Hollinger 4. + 'Hud Bay $24% 24% 24% -- YeiHydra Ex 35% 5% 5% Tron Bay $18 18 18 J Waite 964% 645% 645% -- % Jacobus S4B% AB% 48% 1000 500 100 750 16000 150 100 . 200 77 Ve 18% 18% 100 $175 - 8% 9 " +" 300 335. 100 $34% 725 85 335, wy g y| 8&5 Time", $20, Telephone Brooklin 655-3359 | ! 7 |RANGETTE, $20; two three-month size} pt i ofeg in" pram suits, $3 each; baby ba et, | 356 970 970 1500 4 2000 15 500 "14 5000 14% 14 200 275 270 $27% 27% 27% $53% 53% 53% 23 BB a --% 119 116 119 +4 20 20 20 Brooklin, Ont. 655 3641 Bot bf rR et E All Oil Burner Service Free and guaranteed if you purchase 'White Rose" uni- 12% 330 70 +8 4 15 GERROW, Maria Ano At Oshawa General Hospital on Wed- nesday, March 6, 1963, Maria Ann Plat- ten, in her 93rd year, beloved widow of Elijah Henry Gerrow and loving ae | fined f of Mrs, Earle Dingman (Hazel), Mrs. ine urnace oj rom BUYING or sellin, - ay * >, ~ d, furniture or appli Donald Anderson (Edna), Grant, all of | g n ann cr Port Perry and Mansell of Oshawa WESTERN OIL CO. ances. C all Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or Mrs. Gerrow is resting at the Gerrow DIAL 725-1212 j 15 Hardee 160 u Hard C pr 60 § Horne Pf rts 200 H Erie rts 600 Imp Oil 260 Ind Accep 225 Inland Gas = 100 Inland G pr 200 Int Nickel 296 Int Util 110 GN Cap Bw 2100 GW Coal B 72100 e-| 4: ine; \tively approved an $18,000,000) the second period. \debenture issue for construction AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service.) « fron estimates, Chair, table rentals.| > Simcoe Street Oshawa, Ontario, Guar Tr 156 | Kirrane, who was flown over North, Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe North | WILFRED GEORGE sams |°% 2 Lake Huron water pipeline | Sag) ty an The death of Wilfred George} Council also approved a mo-/f1om ae Ss ae Samis, 68, occurred suddenly|tton calling for engincering| forcement to eli the Amer- lat his boarding place, RR 2,|Studies to establish the route) oan team, got a minor enalt 'Newcastle, Thursday, Mar. 7.\4%4 intake point of the pxpeline|/©% 8 Pp y "u +h% 14% +1% 00 275 +8 1125 155 5556 2000 1500 1900 500 Solicitors for Lawrence F. McGovern, MARY MAXIM sweater, size 42, "Wolt| MARY MAX sweater, size olf | Executor of the said Estate. pattern", Never worn, $22.50. Telephone jin the second period for slash- Funeral Chapel; 390 op oa hae Ea etabtlh nalt levcendi ae vice a } ay, ; March 11.2 p.m Taluchion' Pisa Greve! What's My Line? Cemetery. (Service delayed pending ar-} Buying and selling used fur niture and appliances. For your needs phone. rival of daughter Hazel, from Fiorida,) | Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W_ TELEVISIONS -- Rebuilt sets, all makes Guar- anteed. One yeor warranty on picture tube. We also rent ond buy McKeen's MaeMILLAN, Rath E. Gone to be with the Lord after a pro- longed iliness on Thursday, March 7, 1963, Ruth E. Podpollock (owner of Orchards of Ontario, Whitby), wife of Warren A, MacMillan, dear daughter of Mrs. G. Golow, Whitby, Loving sis-|_ ter of David of Cobourg and Peter of Whitby, in her 33rd year. Resting at| the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby) for service in the chapel on Saturday,| March 9 at 2 p.m. Temporary entomb- ment Union Cemetery, Oshawa. Inter ment later in St, John's Cemetery, Port Whitby. Minister, Mr. R. Thomas. Visitors commencing 2 p.m., Friday. ROBINSON, Lillian Elsie Used Furniture 426 Simcoe $. | 725-9390 'REPOSSESSED Elna supermatic sew-| ing machine portable, $150 off. Full warranty. Oshawa Sewing Centre, 329 |Simeoe South, 728-2391 SELLING furniture or appliances? We'll buy it for top cash. Telephone Cal Blake's Furniture and Appliance! Store, 24 Prince Street. 728-9191 | \36--Legal ae 4 NOTICE TO. | CREDITORS AUCTION SALE OF BUILDING FOR REMOVAL /}OR DEMOLITION PROPERTY SALE T-02045 'Mr. Samis had been in poor|@"d 'health for the past five years. Born, Feb, 14, 1895, in New- castle, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Samis. {Since his birth, Mr. Samis had Iresided in the Newcastle area and 'as a boy he attended the jschools in that area. | Mr. Samis was adherent to {the Newcastle United Church jand until his retirement five lyears ago was active in farm- jing, an occupation he had in- therited., | He is survived by a sister, for acquisition of right-of- way, | The approval followed a joint {meeting of council and the Pub- jlic Utilities Commission to dis- jcuss a PUC recommendation that the city borrow $18,000,000| finance. a pipeline. The two bodies mect in Tor- jonto next Wednesday with pro- |Vincial authorities "to secure an jassurance that the city's well jrights will not be prejudiced, jbut, rather, protected." | At the meeting, to be held with Premier Robarts, Munic- ipal Affairs Minister Spooner 'to | jing. Then he started arguing} with the referee, drew a mis- jconduct penalty, and when he jadded a few more comments jon the way to the penalty box, |Kirsane was waved off the ice |for good. | He may run into more trou- ible when the International Ice |Federation's disciplinary com- [mittee discusses the case after jit receives a report from the jreferee. bent inv Syn A z10 Jeff Bw Jockey C Jock wts Kelvinator Labatt 230 Lafarge wts 200 Laura Sec 100 Lau Fin A 250 Lau F 125 225 Leland 300 Levy 725 Levy 2 pr 100 Lob Inc Mass F 1130 Mass F rts 6965 Milt Brick ~- 300 Molson A 50 Mon Knit 100 Mont Loco 25 Moore 250 Nat Drug Nia Wire 100 760 250 150 100 250 $15Y% ie -- Ya Jellicoe | Joliet 10 | Jowsey Keeley-F --l |Kerr Add |Kirk Min }Lab Min L Dufault La Luz + % Latin Am Lencourt + Ye! Lorado | Macassa | Macdon | Majtrans | Maneast U | Maritime +8 | Martin -- Ys| Mattgmi Midrim Mt Wright -- Nama Cr New Cal New Hosco $545 545% 54% 230 230 «240 310 «6310 «310 63 $11% $16 55 $l7% $17 $20% 310% Sig $ll% S9% 9% $135 13% 37 36 390 «(390 $2B% 237 "2 19 $id «18 63 = «63 11% 16 55 17% 16% 20% 10% 16% 11% owls $i4 14 5000 1000 25000 10 2000 600 1100 1000 ' 3000 2000 1600 100 1000 2500 500 5800 2000 100 500 500 3000 1000 1000 ~% =) +3 10 par --1 6 & 49% W4---h 850 850 29 2 29 --% 39% 39% 39% 41% 4 1S 1 14 22%4--% 27 134 | 725-5181 or 725-6457 |Mrs. Vida Fenton, of Oshawa, At Oshawa General Hospital on Thurs-|---- day, March 7, 1963, Lillian Elsie Hud-| son, in her 74th year, beloved widow of} Milton Robinson and loving mother of Mrs. K, Logan (Evelyn) of Florida, Bill and Clifford, Oshawa, Alfred, Sear- ih, Morley and Donald, Oshawa, Murray, Pheonix, Arizona; predeceased by son Albert, RCAF, 1944; dear sister of Mrs. A. G Clifford Hudson; Noranda 223 $33 «33 SES SOMES v 125 $1B% 18% 200 $13% 13% 13 200 $35% 35% 3 Ye | Newlund 1500 New Rouyn 2000 '%|N Senator 600 Y% Nickel MS 2500 Normetal 108 Y% Northgate 150 49 ¥% | O'Brien 2000 |Opemiska 160 }Orchan rt 3900 | Pamour M4) Patino Peerless Pitch-Ore + ¥%| Placer | Preston }Pros Air | Purdex 19 18 64 133 124+ 19 18 7 bid 220 490 48 695 7150 222 6000 4500 28 Royal Bank Salada Sayvette $9% 9% $185 18% $19 18% $154 15% $43.4 4314 $904 904 $61% 61% 900 115 110 $it% 14% $26% 25% $14% 865% $914 $574 83% § MS 115 440440 $58 58 5B $13% 13% 13% $18 13 13 S18% 18% 18% 325325 300 330 310 330 Sherritt {Sigma Silvmaq Y% Sil Miller +10 | Siscoe a -- % | Steep R -- %| Sturgeon | Sullivan -- %| Teck H -- \%|Un Buffad Un Keno 4 -- Me Un Fort +10 | Violam Weedon West Mine -- %|Wr Harg baa bts Bear -- | Young HG 35 on or of NOTICE: A permit is requir- ed to move a building along, across or over a Provincial Highway and/or a Municipal Road or Street, Persons who may be interested in pur chasing this building for the purpose of moving it intact or in sections, to another lo- cation must obtain informa- tion regarding permits from the District Office noted be- low PRIOR TO THE SALE sets 5y 115 440 at ja Oshawa f March Ontario 1963 Lillian Zilinsky A 150 150 25 100 200 225 410 150 100 202 +20 | Safes to 11 a.m.: 719,000. M For further please contact: The Auctioneer, Ken and Clarke Prentice, Markham, Ontario Telephone: 294-316] OR 'Department of Highways, Toronto Regional Office, Downsview, Ontario Telephone; 248-3445, OR Department of Highways, Toronto District Office, Downsview, Ontario. Telephone: 248-3335, | DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO Special Announcement to our Customers From now on, all our Residential Customers will receive an Annual Furnace Cleanout and Tune-up - all inclusive in the price of oil All persons hoving claims | against the Estate of Mikko: | 1 Sorri, late of the. City of | | Oshawa in the County of On- | tario, deceased the 13th of January must file their } | | who died on 1963, claims with opened, too dearly Stock Market | Trade Moderate ee In addition, our own Service. Department will continue to - provide Emergency Service, on a 24-hour basis, at no additional cost. Full details of this new Lander-Stark Home Heating Service will be given to you soon. 3, MORTON -- In loving memor dear brother-in-law and Henry (Harry) Norton, away March 8, 1962. In life -- loved and honored, In death -- remembered ~--Gerry, Bus, Sharon and Ricky NORTON -- In loving memory of my) dear brother, John Henry (Harry) Nor-| ton, who passed away March 8, 1962, | God saw that you were wear . So He did what He thought best, He came and stood beside you And whispered "Come and rest', You wished no one a last farewell, Nor even said goodbye, You had gone before we ane, only God knows why Sadly missed by sister and b: i it-law Jack and Lena. -- ry of a uncle, John McEVERS -- In loving memory of In life--ioved and honored, oward : H for the beautiful flora! tributes, expres who passed jmier, Special my dearest wife, Isabella McEvers, | In death--Remembered CORMIER -- We are deeply grateful boys of sympathy shown me in the loss/ Dwyer, Fat who passed away March 8, 1958. | | CARD OF THANKS' ~Lovingly b | to our relatives, neighbors and friends} my. dear mother, Mrs. Minnie Cor- and mass cards. thanks to Monsignor! Quesnelie for prayers} *Lander-Stark Service and Quality Fuel Oil is your guarantee of heating comfort. ~Irene Cormier. | HIsks -- I wish to thank my many} ives and friends for their lovely flowers, gifts, cards, letters and en-| | Wuries about me during my stay at the} | Ajex-Pickering Hospital Also many {thanks to the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Reed 'for their visits and prayers and a spe | cial thanks to Doctor D. Milis, Doctor| knew it, Fe Meliveen and the nurses in room! Thomson Kernaghan & Go, MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE RATING DIRECT LINE To oO inns - MONTREAL ontario 720-1104 No Stairs Te Climb RES. MGR. ERIC R. HENRY, 725-4308 tnat stee tribute tl gard only to the claims which he then shall have had notice DATED ot Toronto this Sth doy of April 1963. PUBLIC TRUSTEE Osgoode Hall, Toronts ADMINISTRATOR Publie i will --Mra, William Hicks. | Cus TUTTON -- I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all my friends, relatives, girls of Sweet Ade- lines, girls from sewing room at Gen Even until his death in 1922, eral a . for cards, flowers and . j jvisits during my stay in hospital, Spe when asked his Profession, cial thanks to Dr. Ross, Dr. Beckett | ese ga Graham Bell proudly aod nursing staff on Ward 4 of Oshawa eplied "I e General, Hospital for their efficient care | Po ed am a@ teacher of the/ Set kindsoons , --Greme Tution. | | 1 ' and Agriculture Minister Stew-| One storey, 4 room frome j#8d a niece, Mrs. Horst Som- Osaawa A 150 $31%4 31% [ ' province toward the c MONTREAL (CP)--The Ca-) Complete line of | General Motors Employee, situated on the north side |Bowmanville, Saturday, Mar. 9 re ee ol te ; 78 $65-- 65% | * aodirey W. Welter of ; jreview" following the spectac- ; . , ' oronto meeting. i 200 250 West Si against the estate of RAY- perty ot: jices. Interment will be in the 4 % Street West, for service in the chapel (West ide) ter within] Shell O 3320 Ontario, Engineer, 'deceased, ADA MAUD CORN Guddenly at RR 2, Newoastie, on | \8 cheque 'plus $100.06 Parte. have protested that the drill jto the low of 10 cents. The stock/siater Steel 225 12 ft Car Top Model. 714 ore hereby notified to send | Rhee jhas damaged their w ies Vin Foun nn ~ | \Armstrong Funeral Home for! ny Lpret gaol 4 Mrs. m, Oshawa. Resting at| in occardance with O10: jing in the stock was activ = at 2 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville | wold "peceoned pafors \Mar. 5 Trading in eee hoe age Ontario). | Can PL 3663 their. claims. Immediately : |Stock Exchange Thursday. John| 3°, ©" Suddenly on Wednesday, March §./ 1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 conducted the services, Inter-| Fi : : rane es band of Dorothy Wilkins, dear fat of distribute the a of the inds Baby (Béna) | The pallbearers were Wil- : 'ing in view of the 'violent' Petersburg, Mi J Aitcheson shall then have notice Oshawa, Mrs. R. Rogers (Elva), Harry,|@ear husband, Harry Norton, who pass. tuk | ' ae : | oe GRIMS j Pah core : BEE Fora bia 4 te 1-'ests in oil wells in Canada and!wors'4* Smith Funeral Home, Bowmanville.| 4 special place for you, eainistroteie | ad § led from shock; In my memory you are near, 'd ded Th d ia ac i as ecide ursda LOCKE'S FLORIST Borristers & Solicitors | : You are where I cannot see you, OSHAWA SHOPPING | Never sbeent, always near. |Pasolini, Italian left-wing novel-\q ise, death Feb. 19'of Robin| Y y y fh » | } / vi Hf | The one sae od ee CREDITORS {sulting Italy's state religion, Ro-| Mrs. Patricia Park, 20, said) missed by wife Blanche. € GAGNE -- In loving memory of a| NORTON -- In loving memory of al jonly if found guiltycpf the same|forted the girl and later laid her Your happy, carefree ways, He bade no one a Jast farewell, ; ai rebel | } |in the role of a director making|UP a belt off the floor, picked | 7 ee smile, your heart of} We often sit and think of you, the undersigned before the j : * » jcently with the Italian censors'|turning in a few minutes, found | behind You will always be remembered kept, ny } We ept ~Kver remembered Howard and Helen, ing regard only to claims so Ri in the crucifixon scene dies on|infant to hospital, | McEVERS -- In loving memory of! RIMA March 1963. Pasolini testified he had nolof here, said he could fird nol 1 tN God : ing w | Z 'od saw you getting weary | Babee tees | TORONTO (CP)--The stock! : , Ontaric ; associated with shock, fright Nar' oven said goedtee, 'N.OUR SHOWROOM. jupside during moderate trading! | "YOKYO (AP) -- 4 \gainers was Bank of Montreal, WASHINGTON (CP)~--A hi . (AP) -- All foreign 3 . ] j AND OTHERS | | would be. possible to pic Games will enter Japan| jt jfleet of Polaris-carrying mer-| : entry formalities. The use of DECEASED | This officer, who asked not! 1.91 to 595.02, golds 08 to 91.71,| missiles could be tucked away|!°kvo Oly m pic preparatory, above mentioned, late of the 53. Vol-|vessels could be painted differ-| the said Town of Whitby on Hudson Bay Mining led base|the ships could fly flags of dif- proof of same with the un- Falconbridge rose % and} The merchant ships, which }Porcupine jumped "to 51 after/and would take about one-half date the PLAY HOCKEY |participate, the officer said. PROUD OF WORK 's jfrom 12 to 18 don skates eachjhidden so. that the enemy Firm's Sh ' _| AND OTHERS Aa WMS ohares x2" | : , jart, a 16-member city delega-! McCULLOUGH lin the Estate of RAYMOND} house, situated on Part Lot jmer, of Oshawa. tion will attempt to negotiate 31, Concession 6, Township | A funeral service will be held Page Hers 260 $21% 21% 100 87% 7% nadian Stock Exchange says Building Materials of Highway No. 7 about four jat 2 p.m. Rev. E.. C. Woodland Pens ltradi shar ini & : t 2 p.m, . E..C, | The de ; ; trading in shares of Dominion 62 $89.4 8944 "if WHERE SERVICE | Deceased. miles westerly from Brooklin. minister of Newcastle United|ta debenture question was 179 $759 75% both of Toronto, Mrs. Peterborough. Mrs. Robinson is resting \ Under provincial legislation (we? plunge by the stock Thurs- 650 ; MOND ALEXANDER ZILIN- |Bowmanville Cemetery. | in 187 i the | day: oan oe 'Satunda. March 5, a Syteaynd| 728-4688 SKY, late, of the "Clk of 11:00 A.M., LOCAL TIME Passed in 1873, the cit , etary. bap aps er ciara as panning TUESDAY, MARCH. 19th, 19 i ; i in mi SPECIAL 1963 SCOTT SI CH.1 63 a 15-mile radius of the city|o! company dropped in minutes on tou eee Thurs. who died on or about the The memorial i | day, March 7, 1963, Wilf Samis, aged 68 years, yon of the ase! mance Bond to guarentee n8|recovererd to close at 24 cents,|Siat Steel p 2100 h.p. fishing Scott Motor. to th de! d Per- : iply. | the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman-| Mahe sccat Risers ig |Mrs. Ada Maud Corn, 79, who|n*: pect @ at) Texaco 327 regulations. (Cheques made Cemetery. | OSHAWA MARINE | the 22nd doy March, Rev. B. G. Onsley, winietarl the shares was | Tower after the said date the said Van Luven, executive vice-pres-|T: PPL 150 y . +) S-| Trans 1963, Alan Snowden of RR 3, Bow-| jment was in Mount Lawn Ceme- ident of the exchange, aad it} ther Mrs. Wiiliam Davidson (Ruth) of T IN MEMORIAM soid deceased having regard (Mary) of Blan ae ee nd pe witian |market action 6n the tsock, | Vendomat Mary ackstock, Mee. L. Good | ee stuooins, arthur Stubbins, oa Dominion Leaseholds is an) Westcoast David; Sandra and James, all of Bow.|d away March 8, 1962 this Ist a ag _ _ we Aw | laftex ; the United States. |¥ Knit A Funeral service at 2° o'clock, Satur, And try to de my best to live | . . sree a combination of a fall tices ttendedeelah day afternoon. Interment Bowmanville} A% You wou me by her solicitors It ] W t ;Gown stairs and a whi aa F. SWARTZ & | a lan rl er | Loved, remembered, longed k | . Aor information -- } S t T P The jury made no rec D Funeral arrangements ond 2612 King Street East, en 0 rison |dations, Tt listed cantias areal floral requirements for all Your voice I cannot hear, Oshawa, Ontario | t ia Yet I know you walk beside me, CENTRE Instead of side by side, ist and film director, drew beg al Ss. of Mr.) 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE But to all there comes a moment two - month. suspended prison} ty Ph Park of nearby) 728-6555 But you left me beautiful memories | man Catholicism, in a film she was doing housework when | 1 will treasure through the years IN THE ESTATE OF A Rome court ruled that Pa-|She heard Robin fall down. the| MIKKO SORRI, Deceased. Cear son and brother, Robert Kenneth|dear father and grandfather, Harry offence within t next five|/OM & chesterfield. Gagne, who passed away March 8, 1949. \Norton, who passed away March &, "The baby. soiled her diaper," | 'The smile that won you many friends; He said goodbye to none, In those happy bygone days The heavenly gates were |a biblical film. It is one of fourjher up by the heels and hit her | ; separate stories in a picture en-|four or five times." gold, The thi y Always so good, unselfish and kind, | We wou way png td a : 6th of April 1963, after . which date the assets of the oe |approval. : 4 the girl white and with eyes In the film, a starving actorfrolled back A passing truck | loved you to ever) grandsons Gary and Larry. tiled | ned, --Always Son at : the cross from indigestion after Pathologist Dr. Donald Mason| our mother, Isbella McE rh . i i i igi a McEvers, who pass-| LOUIS S. HYMAN, 0.C, intention of offending religion. jobvious natural cause ot doath | So He did what He thought best, MEMORIALS d high . r 10 ei . 'market, supported by gher . And whispered "Come and rest" solicitor for the Executors, Possible To Hide or a combination of both You had gone before we Complete Monument and /Thursday. ry hter | Eleanor, sen-in-law Bob, and grandchil 152 IM | gh- i ffici frei | SIMCOE SOUTH | TO CREDITORS [ahead one point to 66. Imperialjranking U.S. ty | eee ind jofticials _ partici- Shell Oil was also featured as J : | a u asicamouflage a North Atlantic with identification cards instead IN THE ESTATE OF jchant ships to reduce the fleet's| Abitibi dropped 5g and Dupont! | the cards was basically agreed | On index, nidustrials climbed|{o be named, All persons having cloims Vi, : 1 jbase metals -77 to 199.47 andlin the holds out of sight, the|CUNncil meet Wednesday, It will' Town of Whitby in the Coun- jume was 2,470,000 shares com-lent colors so that there would|!Met meeting April 2. the 19th day of December {metals higher, gaining % to/ferent NATO countries. dersigned on or before the brador % to a new high of}would cost less than one-haif it jreaching a new high of 51% inithe time to building, might be proceec jearlier action jmade ready in about two years| ESQUIMALT, B.C. (CP) | The Polaris merchant ships | Esqu' malt has a women's|would be unescorted and their \day and chase pucks at Memor-|scouring the seas. would find it jal Arena. They have a coachidifficult to pick out the right Under Review : naer neview | | ervic for some co i y | LUMBER CO. LTD. | ALEXANDER ZILINSKY, of Whitby, County of Ontario jat the Morris Funeral Home,| ee ee ee $85 4300 $85 BS iC ) bled pendin " Leaseholds Ltd. is 'under close 1270 SIMCOE ST N | All persons having claims Sole to be held on the pro- iChurch, will conduct. the serv-|'p pe & Outcome of the) 380 $9%4 at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King : | y has the) 2 25 i Shares of the Ed: ton-b, Oshawa, in the County of FUNERAL OF right to drill for wa "gs a 320 BAMIS, Wilfred George . *s hi ALUMINUM BOAT TERMS: 'Cosh' 'or certified service was(oundary. Farmers in the area Pyrite fi ety Hooley 12th day of January, 1963, |held Thursday, Mar. 7, at the } e 0 Maria and Jonas G. Samis, brother of thot work will be completed sia *uP*idown 63 cents on the day. Trad. site ord At . 5 ve of th | A - a Vis, Nervice in the Chandi da Gone | COMPLETE $499 sonal: Representative of the jdied at Sutton, Ont., Tuesday, | | 409,300 shares. jZexaco pr payable to the Treosurer of C ' ak i | T Fin A SNOWDEN, Alan AND SERVICE hoe ia ae jof St. George's Anglican Church, | oroner S Jury Prog Mile I gs Shad EY. manville, in his 6ist year, beloved hus-| Personal Representative will A | lu jtery. | was advisable to suspend trad ronto, Mra. H. ageders only to claims of which she Died Of Sh k murphy (Margaret) and S. 1 of} , NORTON -- In loving memory of my ; ' 0c ! amuel o seph Markle and John Bilen- (CP)--a 9,/Alberta company holding inter.| Westeel manville. Resting at the Northeutt and} Within my heart I always keep d--A . Cemetery. As I loved you, so I miss you, jher mother, a R. L. SWARTZ y. red with a love sincere occasions ROME (Reuters)--Pier Paolo|--* Peart stoppage -- as the) Never absent, always near. When the ways of life divide \sentence Thursday night for in-|@"imsby Beach. IN ME --Lovingly remembered and sadly ; S i MORIAM y i. {solini would serve the sentence|Stairs of their home. She com-| We cannot forget your smiling face, | 1962. |Mr: rk i j Orson Welles|Mrs. Park testified, "1 picked} One of the best the world could hold | A loving voice said 'Come' jtitled Rogopag, issued here re-| She left the room and, re- What wonderful memories you left) Without a chance to say goodbye Deep in our hearts your memory is; Until the end of time Estate will be distributed, hav- $ jovea |hired to play the part of a thief|driver drove Mrs. Park and the Pay s. Temembered by Mom, Dads| a eee | amily, | DATED | this i i st. C stuffing himself with food. of St. Catharines, 17 miles east | ed away March 8, 1958. $. iesabiondt 37 King Street East, "| He said cardiac arrest is usuatly He came and stood beside you | uk Wited tes bean tat ace, MONUMENTS ON DISPLAY | banking stocks, returned to the; gre Polaris Carriers | , | } | | Wi Is | 'ised "by your danchtes! Inscription Service. 1 NOTICE One of the chief industrial) LL USE CARDS dren. 7 Navy authority} ' vi Phone 723-1002 j [Bank of Commerce rose lsays it 0] ie te in the 1964 Tokyo Olym.| it rose % to a new 1963 high of! ' | of regular visas to simplify, ANN STEPHENSON ' | Tumerabiiey to enemy attack. | said the Polaris upon by the government at a against the estate of the 2 |western oils .27 to 115 |be formally approved at a cab.| ty of Ontario who, died at |pared with 2,198,000 Wednesday.|be no uniformity for identity and/| i 4 1962, are required to file 15314. I 5th day of April: 1963 03%. Among golds, Mclntyre|the price of atomic submarines | "~~ lif the NATO powers agree to {hockey league. Some 50 girls|defence armament would be jbut play only exhibition games.|ship for attack, 43 King Street West, Oshowa -- Phone 725-3581