: 25--Apt. & Flote For Rent |27--Real Estate For Sale --Real Estate for Sate [Z7--Real Estate for Sale |28---Real Estate Wentea THE OSTAWA TIMES, Pridey, Merch 8, 1963 15 end and do oma N-ROOM on base tine, |WHETBY $10,300 immaculate twobed-|FIVE-ROOM tnaul-brick hous, tl Selling Your Home Marks a0 Diviien Steck" "*|Waty, Went o oop. foie. 'ee:|room bungaloy" Large enced," land basement. owe acres of land. mage No] BY MUST? 29--Automobiles For Sale _|29--Automobiles For Sale WHITBY -- nt part, Doe SEO Near public and, high | schools, D Dewn| Telephone Masuie TAS. 66 GMC 14 ton siake truck." Good pangs of 1969 Chevrolet, for sale, ie 9 and brick in- 246 Bruce Street. ARE YOU IN NEED OF fos a RC a FQRIAC, go nln clo |segorEa. Lamia, al ELGIN STREET, 833 -- west of [or avg . Road, two rpiece bith, separa a ea. facades extras, $33,500 Pe eee GUARANTY fa A MODERN OFFICE? specie "HOWE & PETERS joer cere etceats en = TRUST (a ar oem storey brick, large rooms, Phone 723-3166 after 6 fae iarge' bi, 'Mon Drapek. 138983;| | Realtors --~ 725-4701 __ |fivo down." coe me gags ta, at [pu DUPLEX on siete cl COMPANY OF CANADA a FRE 67 King St. East--725-7732 Some A. J. Bolahood Ltd, 1D, ty ngted, Lower oak owner Call Now AVAILABLE April 5 lower duplex, Private erence. all eat] LIVE RENT FREE SUSY pol Wilke dagbacal 728-1653 ave ea suite of venicoces. Heavy wie, "tetesboes| We have on exception! ep- | HARRY AAILLEN [teas tt pecemest an ; banal ieaeag Fait trom bo £30 evenings. 1251588] portunity for enyone requir. REAL ESTATE ee farther infermation Ts AFTER HOURS offices totalling approximately aa eet Sec Free ae|. 0,82 toni home wits 2 reer hes or Ajax, collect, 942,224, BILL COLLINS 668-8716 1000 square feet . . . Air condit- france, Available now. 'Telephone 74) Coted in' suburbs between 29--Avtomeblies For Sele ee IT eee Peer 'aT id Whi i te toned, bright ond served by ele. (RERMEYEGIOR acter cee] Grey cus Wits? | 995.00 wonTuLY, | GUIDE REALTY |---"Shreeca tae Beta Ree Wa fa "'**| Soe, of the entry ineade | PRIN DG ES |. LIMITED. | TED) CAMPIN : Pe ; nd screens, vator in The Times Building. feel le aga Nea gerage and stone. patio. ferewnit_ Ave. go gehen LR Aer er MOTORS peatmnens room brick bunga- GOODIES. Jus Partita, $00 montniy. "Tetegtane 72:| OUTSTANDING VALUE | fow, cluminum storms and it listed, a. 6 room ranch with -- MODERN DESIGN In fash- screens, fenced -in yord with gorage. Stuffed: with charm 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA THREE-ROOM heated basement 4 fonable east end location. | trees, Asking $13,900.00 and-so mony of the necessi- Qust East of Wilson Road) CONTACT ment, Range, drapes, private bath. a! THis home has o finished with reasonable down 'pay- ties that male. kar eeritents 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 725-4927. te f , split level en t. Loreen Kellett ble family. living, Located Peso. Tae. oe cas A TIMES aes xoowanasearsanca-sap| tree, 'one, patio, vos: | 72319770 for further infer' | ooking' st. Eo'fy aviangs | SPOT CASH (rie: seepmmaatais. tk THE OSHAW mae meee e = 9089. mation, land: d % , coin "Aagng 5908, | Mey toed wh, ste fit cen aes 5 batalla sou. airtel RES DCE ith . down, Make an : Kk in rear. The good- ASK FOR T. L. WILSON DREW STREET, ore -- encom wpa) Ye F086 4701 or 623. IMMEDIATE in von mek ore or down. Lees peld __ | fa OMEVROLET "panel ack, gooa ea nahin | Sale drive, 2 fireplaces, one with DODD MOTOR SALES best elfen éasauee SUPERS aaa lores SALE separcté space for fusl_stor- 314 PARK RD. SOUTH i ee oa lets For Rent Date ne toe ae Immediate Seay age. Glass doors from dining 723-9421 radio 24---Houses For Rent 25--Apt. & Flots For Ren gener ge Br naan, BOLAHOOD Two adjacent stores on main room to a large screened pa- YOUR VOLVO DEALER FRREEDEDROOM house, recreation|SIMCOE STREET sours, Tht -- five-| low mile- five. street, one with 30 day lease, tio which could easily be | JAKE & BILL'S meer 200 Dundas 'W. 5 st eat, Whi, room, private drive and garage, ~ egg lhe. ag roy " iGey chore 26--Rooms For Rent other two years to -expiry. glassed for year round use. mop = oe. Close BE eeoae GARAGE Eoch store has two rented All double glassed windows, 1900 CHE 4 ONE - ROOM apartment, three - plece|ONE OR TWO furnished bedrooms, Wil- Realtors Ltd. Insurance apartments abo: thi 1 fl hi | GENERAL REPAIRS and refinished in a iH me beige, <a i : partments above on monthly iuxury flooring throughout, FWOSTORET, brick house, three Tas |Cor cst wena' tutmeciet Weatin, 8 arian Wadine oe cetlidneas 4h eae, 167 SIMCOE ST. S leases. Investment shows net 2 lamp posts and many other | AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE interior, fnide nad Dearborn, gas furnace, Tele-| Mature wait" preferred, Telephone | 728.9780, phone 728-8493. 723-3078. a P tomatic transmissio: , | 196 os Sima return of $4,000 annually | extras. We have the key, call | 449 Ritson Rd, S., Oshawa BEG" sexwny Bias Me te. 200 D sae cepa KENNETH STREET, ia -- = Furnished| Office Hrs, (9 a.m, to 9 p.m. from present rentals. Parking any time for inspection. | 728-0921 ELGIN EAST -- six-room house, Avall-|MAIN FLOOR -- = Bedroom "apart Hora private -- Quiet, PW soc MORTGAGES space, driveway and three eho nes are SaCNBERoD iacdlen, boantind beautiful | 1 able ee ok Sarees sill cated pol and garage. er anetwe: im; of office. Parking facilities, Telephone] Arronged, Bought and Sold 'garages at rear, Consult us COTTAGE TIME -- $5,500. | KELLY DISNEY ~ {Rabe bine ee rae, seeing Radio, Ab '4 ly, T r 723-2387, PORT PERRY -- 3% miles north,| Vonincs. 'or details. Priced at $31,000 Be the early bird, pick your | bedrooms Ali solutely: immaculate condition, $2,695, ae | FURNISHED rooms 'in private home, HELLO with terms available cottoge fib ia bay eae one White, sen Motors Lid., 200. Dundas West, SIMCOE North. near fou . _N i y tove an ridge ovely OC ' hitby. 668-5893. conveniences. Telephone 125-0379. SIMCOE North, near four, ~ corners, | jadies preferred Near hospital, Jaundry 1 have the home for you, $s SUENA VISTA -- Firatoom bungalow| "Mee "you apartment, retrigcretor, facilities, Telephone 720-1855, LONG BROS. | =! , f large lot 100 x 300, fronting WHITBY--668-429 | i900 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, one owner, | ipa two oedrooms, tiving| Move. aioe un¢ pam "| SIMCOE Street North, large furnished| !Ocoted in the popular north on Monk Lake, only $1,500. Cars bought and sold real clean, For real economy, This ! | le 3 bed- | | e. . » suitable for lady or gentleman,, West oreo. Desirable REALTORS ] ' js f would make $995, Uree eve or a ae ONTARIO Sireet, 77," two furnished Available now Telephone 723-1300, room brick bungalow. Kit- PORT HOPE 285-4501 | down, Balonce on easy pay' ven Lgeegt ad | Seaway Motors Lid, 990 Dundas, West, © pa will Teoma, third floor, | fur |ROOM suitable for one or two gentie-| . chen, that every wife dreams | 0 H us va - Ld moe. Se aay, tae Sal Alwe To > Quallt babe Lad Sal ese Avotable Maree 10" Tele-|Smaploved adults. Foom, second floor, | jmen, modern bungalow, quiet bome.| of. L shaped living room and | | details le aes EE TOD SOY 1961 FALQON two-door. This . hes car phone 728-1492. _|After 6 p.m, Telephone 725-3606. | that has set so many econom: dining room, carport, close Sood FE- it, self-contain- ar} 7 , ' FIVE-ROOM house, near Maple Bi eer Bt or telephone |PARK ROAD SOUTH, #7 -- light house-| to all schools and shopping DO oil ' $10,900. 4 5 i Ove 1593, Seaway Motors|1® . RA ag ---- $y The Home Of Ltd. te pn ay ag eenay Motor need: Soreness, Bot and cold water, NO isa9 g7 laatarmnned. sh weekly' wipasaete, Asking only. $14,500.00. | IT ublic, separate and high pehesed ao Telephone 725-5000. > 'ona bedroom, | Telephone 7! 0429, bstarhy '| Please ask for Mr. Yeo at o e J Good Used Cars 196? GALAXIE, two-door hardtop, 6 NEAR Shopping Centre, | RCRA "Spactment, cae, bedeoess | Telenbene tae 725-6544 school, close to shopping, cylinder, automatic transmission, power (dition, Can Five large rooms, is Mas. Heat aod hyo included. Tele- ROOM in kes home. Fi For 'refined i | NOW This home in good condition | "Before You B , Power brakes, power ' Sa. Ereainas, 72 Tasogn chemical loess) phone 728 |General Motors Company, 725-5860 APARTMENT SITE hg 2 botnreng, many | e ore 'ou uy ete. Ope owner. Low mileage. Beat BUOOR "Street East, 22, sovesream |STTOON naa Not, 3, owe furnlib. py ELGIN STREET EAST -- furalax| BLOOR STREET AT SIMCOE paige cat | Give Bill A Try : na" Went, Possession immediately. Tele-|¢ or 'gentlemen,' Telephone |¢4 rooms, bedroom and kitchen. Re| 6 room older home, zoned 840 DOWN yourself, Call today. Whitby. 666-3893, Dooot 25-0 4817, _|gat couple. "Adults "wreterrea. "Park:| R5, with lot 174 ond 239, BRICK house, good location, available P : cee resceeenetinteenmnscrnie | If COMMERCIAL 49 x 115. | BILL WHITTICK [2&, otDaMosing, two-door, "radio, bow. Suitable for, rest home or two hows Seaas om oaee coin. ave ing. Apply above address could take 45 2 bedroom THREE BEDROOM BRICK This property in good bus! gine rent By we ed in a sharp Dive color $1,095, Sea-|Crescent, families. Two kitchens, two three-piece Gataara 'Times | ALTRACTIVELY, |, Sours as, Presently | BUNGALOWS, LOADED WITH ness area, Inspect this loca | MOTORS LTD. Fila Mee gt 200 Dundas Wer or i FOTN eas pate : T on now and put In your '} oR | Matic, lo, V8, Will take le ad Haass, Taunton. a Ng a isha aai:| FURNISHED ROOMS | &,2 2 storey dwelling, Good | nose offer. Full price $9,900 146 BROCK ST. N. |i OREVROLET est eho a tie,| oun re ance Tetsbone Te NICELY 1 DECORATED five-room brick able for lady. Apply 190 © potential! possiblities, call | 'o-door sports coupe, a ome tla faeeivallable Avril P Sou' st Generai|PREDERICK STREET, 10s --_ "ra Available in privote home. Mr. leby ot 725-6544 | $] 2 800 | Call between 5 and 7 or 723-3398 | $15,000. COUNTRY RAN. WHITBY rhea enater Can be tnane- eden Telephone 728-9715. room unfurnished apartment, upstairs, ) tween 5 an p.m. ba : "LIMITED AMOUNT" | -- with attached gar- s0b-ates ona cane Php TabuG 25--Apt. & Floats For Rent heoplial, Gown town. Apety steve. 82 PARK RD. HARMONY NORTH age. 3 bedrooms, -arae lot, | kb: i951 BUICK two-door hardiop, hasier ta ol : Grandview Gardens $2,500. down, One mort- Shel ody, good shape. Radio, power| i THREE-ROOM main floor apartment, NORTH, Loaking for thot Home in the | | T TWO two bedroom apartments. Private 'entrance and bath. Close to} North East area thet will be | gage for balance. This home | | i offer sells, 668-5126. sas me Bem CALL HOWARD McCABE is in excellent condition, s dd pe sale sana NEW three-room oll heated "apartment. |27--Real Estate for Sale @ 900d buy for you. This is Hurry and make your ap- | 0 S |a seal aaaep' ont." Gale" nts "oes i oe it!' Modern ranch style three 728-6286 | » $75 monthly. H. Glecotf |» Mato floor. Two" outside npertmne A Ange Only $395. Seaway Highway es. PRIV ATE "SALE _ save "Teal estate pointmen 'Oday. 174 Ttson Toad | South, Dial 725.3445. |Private patho, tiled kitchen and bath-!fees, on this four-year-old, stx-room| bedroom brick, newly decor- lis as room, stove, refrigerator, parking, 723-| 4-| ated MODERN, one- and two - bedroom |4345, : jranch bungalow, Professionally tan ond owner says | Motors Lid., 200 Dundas West, Whitby. | ¢ "Just | $12,900. INCOME HOME-- S j | | . "1 : wall to | wall vote | SERA WIRE ae ma stoma and ercreens:| bring me on offer and you'll | Ss. {). HYMAN pecia $ * pn nA radio, 8 room, 2 storey brick only $75.00. 100 CARS WANTED | Telephone 728-6350 after 6 see this house sold', So call 5 mins. from downtown, Low : apartment, Private ie eniesee cipboards | GRANDVIEW" ; Wikacr --_-- oe sited Mr. Roteliffe ot 725-6544. ae Real Estate Limited heating costs. This home hos 1962 FORD an Fomb Feiriane er § syiener, Buying @ New Car? " close to Duplate od bus, 725-3004. lor four-bedroom homes being built. by |------------ a mes Sait 2 bedrooms on main floor, eee Rae some Sell oft your used Car to "Ted CONANT T STREET, | 163°-- three unfur-\H. Kassinger in this beautiful location. GALAXIE --- Full and bath, saisente for |Give ue a call or drop in to our office is that Poy * eT) to | large kitchen and living room, y equipped. ; 'Cash' to the New vision ey | 2 bedrooms up with kitchen 10,000 octual miles, Lid, 200 Cor Dealer and "SAVE oe wt monty "peel otiee SP. |with NEA. financing. ~ BUILDING LOTS | and living room. Ask about | $2295 _|Whithy._seesesa. _| TED CAMPIN MOTORS apariment, 485 wo cree terms today. 723-4494 _Res, 725-5574 phone, heat, lights after 6 p.m. tele. t hail,| Phone' 728-0976 WE HAVE THE GREATEST SELECTION, IN CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN -- ARTHUR sTAEET, home, featuring 21 ft living ane now. Apply LOTS rel OTS co room with fireplace 11 x 14 | $1695 7. pe Peston og For glean re we phe tue ie | iy ok -- UNTRY dining room, three bedrooms » Must sell, » Liens : above: address, LIST WITH LLOYD a at) ' NICOLS MOTORS LTD. MODERN furaioed, honed' apartnent ules] THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | ESTATE LOTS -- V.L.A. LOTS -- LARGE | W'gctdstqlingd closets, 25- 11961 METROPOLITAN! Whitby 668-8371 512 BROCK -$% N., WHITBY a CADILLAC AVE, OR SMALL--WE HAVE THEM ALL. ees ne a rc 3675 RENAULT- 688-8001 APARTMENTS KINGS COURT Tes adam be a WILSON REALTOR craves, FY. Hower, lol 1960 METEOR PEUGEOUT-AUSTIN /31--Automobile Repair located to downtown. Ask. | V8 with automatic STAT HAN HOUSTON'S GARAGE Quiet | "APARTMENTS |. RoC pec oeeae o| ing $17,900 $1295 STATHAM B.A. SERVICE and SERVICE STATION pr seni Hee AJAX | 123% a osote™" st & | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6588 | fi yyCOM BRICK BUNGA- | 1959 CHEVROLET RITSON ROAD AND KING | . BRAEM Le nennened Gog Spe GE ont Hee BELAIR -- One-owner, 723-4733 end 723-712_| }LetE, BRAKE SERVICE Park Rd. North No Lease. Required | A tan LE decorated. "Asking only $7,- | $1395 TILDEN | GENERAL REPAIRS sai uti en Chae $1960 DOWN GRAND OPENING Y emenat a roomen | 1959 CHEVROLET | car AND TRUCK eat tal 1 r old ranch b { H } / REASONABLE essai leas Shiadine ine st be" Bi vices This Weekend HOUSE -- Overlooking the ee door RENTALS |32---Articles for Sale RENTS near schools, churches, etc. Slee 9s a pin. No children Se, pidge ae $1295 ere range, Beach, "large "las For Information mate ee ee | ROTH CONSTRUCTION | al fireplace. Paved drive with An Malas end Sedat ge restioet' ota oH. Teens Ap | barge One Bedroom $73 | Tie Resin ea Demy Model H | Garage. Large landscaped ra- | 1959 MERCURY 14 Albert St r-re. PARKWOOD MANOR Two Bedroom $79 8-5123 or 5-9345. oae omes For 1963 $16, $0b bi bia ft, Asking PARK LANE Fully pow ee 5 : STUDENTS r vi h ed : APARTMENTS TELEPHONE OWNER ANXIOUS Pleasingly Different and Located in Presiiye | Clty hig tie a ~~ $1695 | QUALITY 725-7272 AJAX WH 2-2001 | me etrnat, Owner leaving | Northwest Area. RANCH BUNGALOW _ IN 728-9217 | é } 4l/ : mortgage at 6% only $95.00 Directions: Follow Rossland Road West ond turn Nerth one block NORTH WEST AREA -- Sep- 1959 FORD CARS | DRAPES ' : arate dining room, Hollywood 'Governor Oshawa's Finest ae roel Hp che di gaee on Glencaim Street, turn one block west to Westdole ond you kitchen, large living room, 3 STATION WAGON -- Four 8-5123 or 8-5205, are there. ont sized bedrooms, finished Goer, $] 195 1968 a inag Protes | Ab. Modern | iL Designs. f Mansions Apts. | Park Lane Apts. |. THis House is NoT OPEN 1:30.UNTIL 8 P.M. | end 3 hey ated bed, 1959 | With Any Cor | "ond Flot Paiva 110 PARK RD. N. 10 min. from Downtown RUN DOA ooh ion JOSEPH BOSCO, Realtor betiessi| ond Beara ZEPHYR Bought | Expertly Installed We believe that Governor Attractive two-bedroom suites ball per ree tie TELEPHONE: 728-7377 age, immediate possession, | ' $695 1961 FORD j : M and c Mansions are the most lux- Spacious grounds tion, To 'see call Bill Horner FALCON DELUXE 2 DOOR LOOKING FOR A SMALL FALCON, urlous apartments and offer Oiaslion locditer at 8-5123 or 8-2236, ' e BUSINESS? Here is e tite | 1998 PONTIAC adio -- 12,000 miles only. the most outstanding fea- restige locat | «Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited dondy. A well | established Mn a tl 1961 CHEVROLET DRY DS tures in the City of Oshawa. Private balconies | JO1'Simeos Streat North SCHOFIELD-AKER Snack Bar ond Variety Store $895 4 DOOR STATION WAGON 74 CELINA STREET H Oshawa, Ontario, on Simcoe St. N. Located Excellent condition. El te i r f | 'tment FOR INFORMATION ee Osih ites teccar inka Block: Included'tn ieove're's | 1997 CHEVROLET PHONE 723-7827 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. STATION WAGON -- radio. | 1960 AUSTIN ~ METC ALF LOVELY 6-ROOM RANCH BRICK BUNGALOW Ae rh ll nelly an . 5 ar oo. Garages TELEPHONE books are available for inter- SEDAN -- Radio, One Owner. = with attoched garage, Large bright family kitchen, d cli i Gleaming black, Red interior. 3 good-sized bedrooms, with pe tid clothes vie $00. Can heat te Coe $895 Antiques Schofield-Aker LIMITED To vowing | 1961 CHEVROLET | Biscayne $ ALL CASH $ ba Reergyamen nag LLOYD REALTY | TOWN, OF BUILDING LOTS. RAVINE | fone, ditind'S! gilt | SEDAN -- Ua ty Hg SPECIALISTS, COM- Paved parki ieee 900. Call now f ticu- es ae Reol Estate Limited koe pater sath ulin vanity Nealy la | er "mm | 1957 FORD SON HEMROLET, | GRANDFATHER'S HALL Don Howe 40 King St. East one block to Public and High Schools' Located Ald SIMCOE ST, N. Luxurious cus: -- -- New motor ehlcal COATT good mech- CLOCK 150 kinds of wood, Dial 728-4678 tween Oshawa and Whitby, Bowman Street. Full tom built quality ranch bun- fronamission. : | built In 1914-1915 . $200. Evenings 723-9692 price only $14,300 with low down payment. galow with impressive stone $895 1959 CHEVROLET TABLE, BASSWOOD, DROP- 723-2265 | Howe and Peters Realtors | SHOPPING CENTRE AREA | DREAM HOMES -- ca fon ee : STATION WAGON ---- Radio, LEAF, 'si | rage, lect tomati M | , six legs, Needs some $14,900.00 ond here's what : H. Kassinger, the developer of Beau Valley, for eek; satac Witte 1908. QLbS CPlLE Standard Transmission. | refinishing $25 you get -- six room brick the first. time wil Ibe building in the low price range, = veneer bungalow ---- only 6 $13,400 ond up. Lacation wil be Grandview Vi Sisiin' feta ae ke new. 1958 CHEVROLET | EARLY AMERICAN PINE years old, .and featuring lage, across from Grandview Gardens. -- 3 and 4 room 12.x 17 kitchen with 4 DOOR STATION WAGON. large living room with fires bedroom homes, N.H.A, financed, Low Down Pay- Radio, Automatic. One of the es oe picture window and seeni pond owe long drawers, medium, size place and broadlobns: Built ments, Plans are ot our office. view, 4 pc. tiled vanity mahi 1955 FORD nicest in Oshawa, - $20. in cases -- separate | 3 YEARS OLD -- room, four generous sized DTOP ---- Two door | von as RENT tore belek er = ree Ineot| dining room, large modern 7-room brick, split level with attached gorage in a bedrooms with oodles of clos- with radio. 1958 PONTIAC Venn Las! Ss 'Antiques Available Apel" $120 monthly, Tele-|Private entrance, | Newiy decorated kitchen -- 3 large bed- | very desirable location, Beautiful living room with et space, The house comes $595 COACH -- Radio. "For o phone 666. Hest, hydro gy Ot ae | cooms piges bath, si stone fireplace --. separate dining room -- large complete with broadloom real good car, see this one. Hwy 7 and 12, Greenbank, Ont. THREE - self-contained apart. per month. Stree! on. main floor plus finishe modern kit f i r % alum. storms and screens, af Ng a ra rec rom with bor -- 3 piece fer-top bumer. Goed-ized tomy room, 2-pe, weak. | Seauitullylondscoped" ise | 1953 FORD TRUCK | 1957 CHEVROLET _ | Telephone Port Pery 985-7723 "alee aeet ase Seas: Mau, basen an $28 ygme| bath -- 2 bedrooms, laundry room on main floor, The upper level is comprised with 150 ft. frontage. Home Holf-ton Pickup. SEDAN -- Radio, at a1 ond No | room, seporote furnace room 5. ONE Detecom, pesenea basement | East Whitby. Finder phone 668-4496. ic, of three lorge bri bedrooms all with spacious situated beyond Lansdowne mileage 41,000, driven by a apartment, dry, includes| Reward. then step out to a potio at double closets - -- tiled both with vanity, Bus Shopping Plaza. $295 lady. PARKWAY Pitas: best bent, bare, tiled Spiece bath. | o> cae 7 4 room for gentigmen.| CK, paved drive and ga- service at the door. An excellent buy ot $18,500. location, , in adult home| .fage. What more can you ask Terms. For full particulars call 723-1121 1956 PONTIAC | TELEVISION FOR RENT tworcom apartment, avail-| Telephone Whitby, 668-3976. for. able April 1. $45.00 monthly. Apply 66 Open i AMERICAN 2 DOOR HARD Church Street, Pickering. DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, FIRST TIME OFFERED FOR SALE, sil dated fl oti Extra Special TOP -- V-8 Radio. "A Real and R.C.A. VICTOR SELL YOUR business quickly with a|Mterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting) -- DIVISION STREET Ceeeny wih Maharey, Nerney, This, very valuable | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | 1957 JEEP Dendy". taremaching iexpeosve Oshawa Timeg 2 eee M%. Tome SOE $13,000.00 <-- 54 room | oF lad ond a lrue Bromed Rome which har been | Recltor, 16 Simcoe St. | Four wheel deve with pion | 1955 CHEVROLET | OFFER THE MOST Glasetied Ad. Just dial 723-182 today.|SE PTO wanke, cleaned, Walter, Ward, brick, veneer 'bungalow with carefully maintained and is very attractive,..The-liv- $1,000 DELUXE Ae Ga SENSATIONAL DEAL Whitby' ---- and garage. This home is ing room with fireplace 25 x 13 ft, Dining roam 13 |28--_Real Estate Wanted ae itby's BUY, sell or exchange used furniture . spotless, x 15 ft, Beautiful fomily room 7 x 21 feet with tina aa Saha . Little Car," EVER IN STEREOS Only: Fuel Bastar Gina Fosters, C2 Danke Ge, ae brick fireplace. Modern kitchen, 5 lorge bedrooms, wanted fo reek; OmaWa vicialty, a have goud are' and weler New A Few More FOR A GOOD HONEST DEAL 20 watt AM and FM : plus a den and modern bathroom on second floor |m" fall, Write Osh Times, , 7 Carrying A Complete |i we tt a caser gribodisecto! oe lea bathroom on smn Ror. Mosier becom hes [ea ee OO CARL ond TRUCKS SEE "TED" THIS WEEKEND | cTART AT $249.95 Line of FUEL ice on calle, Walter Ward. 304 'koa 204 Saar bid Brad ls be hal fireplace. Oak and tile floors throughout. Hot woter |IN Garrard Road district, ¢ i To Choose From heat i dou! sonab! room hou if good down c £ Biue coal, various sizes; Bor- jwurr coatemey oe" for only $3,000.00 down for ing with oil. Large ble garage. Reo ble ite Box i, Osh copfenricas TED ( AMPIN Plus $50 Worth Of ---- Write Box 15, Oshawa Times, becue briquettes and char- b the, complete building. Aner, sae 725-22 Sie } STEREO RECORDS coal, Cannel coal, stoker to bus-shopping and schools, For Full Details Call 725-2265 ms dd MO FREE 8 and hydro. $70 ithiy. . < pe py bot Steg THREE ROOM bosied eae cat Oe PR ee a tec Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. -- Sat. 9 to 5 Business Do TORS One Year Free Service on Texoco Fuel ond Stove Oils. be ry eo a, By OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE People 607 KING ST. EAST New Stereos and T.V.s ; AFTER 9 P.M, CALL Sal } SAWDONS' oS ee HENRY STINSON 725-0243 LES HALL 728-55]3 Tina the) Pretane Motor eS OSHAWA 918 SIMCOE ST. N. ' [THREEROOM apartment, large bal.| Jack Osborne Dick Barriage STEVE MACKO 728-5868 BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 of Oshawa (WHITBY) LIMITED Just East of Wil Rood cony, begutifully landscaped. Conven- - REG. AKER 725-0201 314 Park Rd. South | ey *323 494. "fi 723-3043 iy iovated. 7 f Joe Mago Lloyd Metcalf Times Classified 244 Brock Street South Sete, Caine, See ae ares settle. Whitby 668-35: nm Han 723-9421 557 Se ee ee eae eee ag Beorised. Keo Hann 360 KING ST. W. FREE PARKING Ads. Telephone 723-942 Residence 725-5574 | | (Continued from Page 16) ,