fidence motion along straight party lines, 333 to 237. The re- organization plan carried 323 to 7 home of Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Hughes, King street. WH I BY PERS ONA 5 Place Peter Meg od and her . aughter, Annette, have return- Mr. and Mrs, Mervin McCon-\days in Shawinigan, Quebec ed from a two-week flying trip nell, Brock street north, and|where they participated in ajto Holland where they visited Miss Gretta Barker entertained| mixed bonspiel at the Shawini-| members of their family. at a dinner birthday party Sun-|gan Curling Club. They also day in honor of their brother,| visited relatives and friends. of Cooksville. Other guests were Mr, and Mrs.| @ "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Merch 7, 1963 WHITBY And DISTRICT NO SALARY RECOMMENDATIONS Stevenson-Kellogg Report Details Given "=". Town Council this week ac-|named the fire and community | lished at the works department| snd the meal was served by > cepted, forwarded to its finance|services committee and, in ad-| fo: emergencies. \the Kinettes of Whitby. i committee and a committee of/dition to its existing duties, it) 23. A locked stockroom ce The Kinsmen Club holds its|--™ ~ this council as a whole and made|be responsible for rec da |tool crib be provided at the Annual' Ladies' Night on March) public the 33-page Stevenson- tions and for appointments iit building. : . 16. April 5 is scheduled for the| -Kellog report on Whitby's ad-| boards. 24, Housekeeping be intensi-| master Ham Roll to be held in| ministrative appraisal | 4. The streets committee, eee the works building and) ihe Whitby Community Arena. | The $3,300 survey began last) addition to its existing duties,|7")" emb e ted) ' { | 25. General. ledger accounts) hee Fey one ol pig ty ag " tact ar sacinad( reorganized and a finer) WILL STICK WITH BOWER | : segregation made of expense Kinsmen Hold Tories Defeat $25 Dinner For Charity ee. | Patrick Gordon Walker, de- fence spokesman for the oppo sition party, called the reorgan, No-Confidence Vote In U.K. ior'phs cma & LONDON (AP)--Prime Min-/United States cancellation of of Dick) er eae Winkioes faaae ister Macmillan's Conservative|the Skybolt missile program. Arthur Price of Erindale. |Heard are sorry to learn that| corporation's cartoon figure,|government easily defeated @ He suggested building up con- ; | is i 3 | ; ; ; tional forces and ser: of Whitby recently. : |he is in the Oshawa General| should be happy now he has a/no-confidence motion on its de-/V°" The pod plate aul realized John Townsend, 146 Bowman! rospitdl where he underwent|feminine counterpart. Pert,|fence policy Tuesday night. nuclear arms. a profit for the Kinsmen ac-|pvm' th a sy et home| surgery: They wish him ajblue-eyed blond Betty Lou Bog-|Then it won parliamentary ap-| Defence Minister Peter tivities during 1963. The prize fal ps . sabe in POk. OF: speedy recovery 'seth, a cprporation receptionist,|proval of a plan to reorganize|/Thorneycroft replied that a pro- of $1,000 was shared by: Rogerloe ee Cecerenns MnO ' lwas' dufbed 'Transit Terry' Britain's three armed services|per defence policy must be Pye, Fred Hatch, Aime Ros-\ 5°" |. Miss Jeannett Puffer and while acting as hostess for ajinto a unified defence ministry./based on a balance of nuclear Mr. and Mrs, H. F. Hodges, | Miss Ruth Walker, of Toronto,|party of officials at the open-| The House of Commons re-|and conventional forces in Eu- seau, R- Ferguson and Murray) I Hicks. |Cochrane street, spent a fewlwere weekend guests at theling of a new bus route here. ijected the Labor party's no-con-'Tope. TOM HAS PARTNER The many friends ther charitable work in the town was held by the Kinsmen Club A fund-raising dinner to fur other Barker, It contains a list of 34 recom-| 5 phe mendations for changes in the town's administrative structure. However, it would appear the survey did not achieve what it set out to do, When the management - con- sultant's firm survey was order- ed' by council, it was with the understanding it would develop | town property and| |\parks committee, in addition to) lits existing duties, be respon-| d \sible for maintenance of road, equipment, } | 6.°The sanitation committee \be relieved of its responsibility lfor sanitary sewers. 7. A special committee, the) administrations com- }em be accounts. 26, Inventory accounts be established for major materials. | 27, A one-write peg board sys- installed for welfare payments. , 28. Restricted office hours be established for interviewing welfare recipients. 29. Agendae for council meet- TORONTO (CP) -- Johnny| Bower has a fulltime job until) the end of the season in the)' Toronto Maple Leafs' goal, as) long as he can keep healthy and|* rested. Bower and his under- study, Don Simmons, have often waited until sho rtly before game time this season to learn ve 4 ed Mr. Luke, President of Independent Sales (Whitby) Ltd. announced recently that after due consideration and long negotiations, the company has been able to secure a long term lease on their present premises, "aq fair and consistent salary general A e structure for the six senior mu-|'nittee, comprised of the chair-|ings to be in the hands of its which cme would dress, Toronto} nicipal officials, which fall out-/men of the first three commit-/members two or three days be- manager-coach Punch Imlach side of the bargaining unit". tees and chaired by the com-|fore the dae of the meeting. says that Bower, who has Nowhere in the 33 pages mon vice-chairman, be formed, 30. The assessment depart- 2 ae a a (which could be tagged at $100\to handle matters of mutual in-| ment receive formal notification played the last few games and); @ page) is there any mention of|terest to these three commit-|f building and plumbing proj-|looked good, will keep the job or suggestion of municipal offi- tees. ae big the engineering de-|yntil the end of the: season, cials' salaries. 8. A 'special committee, the, P&Amrn It was pointed out at the time general ye cree Nl committee,|., 2: Inspections performed by the firm was engaged it would) co aad ot dhe chalemen: of the engineering department be ; i mprised of ¢ ; confined to minor projects and work with the town to prepare the remaining three committees ' Oh Dee written job descriptions for the ang chaired by the common that outside services be used for six senior positions which fall| vice-chairman, be formed to alr projects, outside the bargaining unit. hand ters of mutual in-|_°2 Future subdivision agree- Th ndle_ matter: ments require the subdivider to hese include the clerkreasur- terest to these three commit- eT ne: see er, assessment commissioner, tees sar * get tia Not tax collector, town engineer, ' : . An. affidavit of perform: works foreman ane Pag tans 9. The chairmen of the: two ance be required of the princi- intendent of the sewage dis- general committees be respon-/pals involved in major building posal system. sible for effecting liaison be-' projects, The firm further pointed out|'Ween standing committees and 34. A list of "standby"' proj- it would rate these jobs, using the departments and for estab-|ects be developed to occupy the a well-tested job evaluation lishing priorities. works department in slack scale thus enabling them to be 10. Chairmen of the two gen- periods. ranked in order of relative:¢tal committees and the mayor, Following the 34 summarized worth. be the members of the person-;recommendations, the report From this information and by nel committee, outlines the six senior positions using meaningful data about gai-| 11. The clerk-reasurer be re- and summarizes the duties of ary levels in Whitby and from|Sponsible for issuing all pur-|the holder of each of these posi- other towns of a comparable|Chase orders for the corpor-|tions. -- mee size, the firm was to have de-| ation. But, M does NOT indicaje any veloped a fair and consistent 12. The clerk-treasurer be re- salary, currently being paid, or salary structure for the six sen- sponsible for all work of an ac- 2?Y Suggested salary revision, 49° positions. counting nature now performed °ither now or in the future. Furthermore, it was to have in the engineering and works de- indicated roposed _salary| Partments. ranges and pile good roles Regarding management for salary administration and to| 'fols: indicate suggested salary ad-| 13. Present budget reports and justments to be made at the| Paylists supplanted by separate present time. reports to each standing com- Furthermore, the firm agreed Mittee incorporating more de- to evaluate any new jobs out-|'@!!. i y y : side the bargaining'unit that de-| 14. The budget be. section- Ree nis sande fo the to velop as a result of the adminis-|alized into the expense budget.| sion. They are E Quantrill, T trate appraisal and show their|the special projects budget and Brandon, I. Hamer, C. Closson salary ranges. the cash budget. , and J. K. Bowes took the vows The report recommended no|_ 15- Items on the special proj-|of dedication and were wel- staff reductions, but did recom-|&¢s budget require prior ap-/comed to the eldership by the mend implementation of organ-|Ptoval of council before their ministers Rev. J, M. Smith and izational proposals included in| U"dertaking. Rev, A. M. Butler, and by Clerk the report. 16. Budget report frequency of Session, E, E. Bond. Following are the recom-|be changed from 12 times a At the same service a set of mendations contained in the S-K Year to six times a year. Sarre Pac eees lates avers report for council's considera-|,. 17. Operating cost controls on dedicated 'To the Glory of God, tion: A jindividual pieces of road equip- Cl Loving Memory of David io |ment be instituted. SHON > ean responsibility and)" Regarding methods and pro-|_ It was announced that the y: 4 : \cedures: |Sacrament of Infant Baptism _ 1. The finance committee be} 18. A new purchase order| Would be observed next Sunday. Telieved of its responsibility for|form be designed to consolidate| ee ica in ea ier cen ae subdivisions. all existing versions. PIPE IN OIL 2. The applications and by-| 19. A system of purchase re-- DAWSON CREEK, B.C. (CP) laws committee be relieved of | quisitioning be instituted. The' Peace River area of Brit its responsibility for applica-| 20, Tendering procedures be|ish Columbia is supplying crude tions, have the responsibility for extended to include all major|0il by pipe line to Vancouver subdivisions added, and be re-| materials. as a Limited Company. Coinciding with this is the appointment of Indepen- dent Sales (Whitby) Ltd. as dealer for world famous "SKLAR" furniture, now manufactured in Whitby. To mark these developments, Independent Sales (Whitby) Ltd. will stage WHITBY'S FIRST: Our warehouse and showroom has been stocked with a complete stock of new furniture, all by famous makers, and G.E. and McClary Easy Appliances. ON THE FINEST USED CARS 1962 OLSMOBILE '88' A smart 2-door hardtop with power steering, power brakes, automatic transmission, radio, white wolls. Beoutiful 2-tone, black with white top. 52995 1962 PONTIAC Porisienne Convertible. Equip- ped with powerful V8 engine, automatic transmission, power brakes, power steering, white walls, wheel discs, and radio. Light blue with matching top, $3450 1962 CORVAIR "700" Sedan High perform- ance engine, radio, white walls refineries at the rate of about and automatic transmission. named the subdivisions and by-| 21. A small inventory of parts|30,000 barrels a day. The oil is} 2tY!ish_ Block with handsome laws committee. jand supplies be established at\drawn from the Boundary Lake | '¢ interior. 3. The protection to persons|the works department. and Beatton fields in the north- $2095 and property committee be re-' 22. A petty cash fund be estab- east part of the province CHEVROLETS Biscaynes & Bel Airs Either standerd transmission or automatic. $1395 © 1956 CHEVROLET 4-Door Bel Air. $695 1955 CHEVROLET 2-door standard with radia, $595 2-1958 BEDFORD VANS Elders Ordained | At St. Mark's The Service of Ordination of Elders was observed im St. Mark's United Church Sunday con- Very drastic price reductions will prevail during this celebration. Note: all merchandise offered during this sale is brand new and in most cases factory crated, INVENTORY INCREASED Only a Short Time Left to Vacate e BARGAINS GALORE e LADIES' | MEN'S | GIRLS' CARCOATS | MEN'S SUITS | 4, Reg. 29.50 LAMINATED Reg. 19.95 NOW 6.95 wi ox to speciet 12.90 now 49.95 JACKETS ONY OG. WOOL SKIRTS | passe pants |rs's . 10.95 Rep. 498 B Reg. 5:95 1 99 Reg. 7.95 to 8.95 - ONLY 2:09 OUR CELEBRATION SPECIAL-- "SKLAR' In our window you'll see the reason why "Sklar" furniture Is famous around the world, Take a good, long look at this magnificent 2 piece chesterfield suite. Those arrogant, sophisticated ITALIAN PROVINCIAL DESIGN lines. The tasteful blending of the wood and upholstery colors, the splendid quality of the Gold Brocaded materials. The obviously comfortable 4 seater, with heavy poly foam arms and cushions. BOYS' SUITS This scientifically designed was built by Sklar engineering experts, from carefully chosen materials, Sklar, "quality control" inspectors checked every detail meticulously. Now, this masterpiece is ready to be the pride of your livingroom. "CLAIRTONE" This masterpiece of electronic engineering looks as if especially designed to blemd in |15.95 Bully, SWEATERS New Only 1.99 avy 29.95) OF Space! sD WOOL SLACKS we 3.95 WORK PANTS All Sizes Reg, 5.95 3.49 NOW ... PYJAMAS Reg. 4.95 ony .. 2049 ONLY 50% OFF All dress shoes, work shoes and Rubberweer. LEOTARDS = LINEN TABLECLOTHS now. 1.69 "COATS All Sizes see. O49 ISPECIAL! CLOTH DRAPES Good Quality. Lined And Unlined, Reg. 8.95 Onty 2.99 @ OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL9P.M. @ Whitby Bargain Centre 118 BROCK ST, NORTH, WHITBY $395 1958 RAMBLER In smart 2-tone arey. 4 Salesmen To Serve You: KEN MORGAN JACK MORGAN JOHN STUTT FRANK LOWRY Your Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Dealer HARRY DONALD LIMITED 300 DUNDAS EAST ~ | WHITBY PHONE 668-3304-5-6 with the chesterfield suite, Its rich walnut adds, atmosphere to any surrounding. The clean straight Antique Italian Provincial Lines are bound to catch the eye. This marvelous piece of furniture houses one of the best Stereo sets ever built. Clair- tone. Its name alone stands for quality. Built in F.M. Stereo. 6 speakers, are just the beginning of the many features. THIS ENTIRE LIVING ROOM GROUP IS PRICED ESPECIALLY FOR OUR FESTIVAL OF VALUES, INCLUDING THE STYLISH ARBORITE TOP TABLES. BROCK ST. S., WHITBY INDEPENDENT SALES..... LTD. | WHITBY PLAZA 668-2081