i SEPARATE SCHOOL NEWS IN BRIEF The Oshawa Separate School) j Board was presented with a caps (one gentleman wore a) notice of motion Tuesday calling bowler with his blue overalls)\for an amendment to the "A Clean Sweep--We'll Do It| wielded brooms and shovels as|/poard's bylaws to the effect Now." they worked their way east-|that every trustee must vote on "Why Wait For Spring?" |ward from the Four Corners' aji issues, unless excused by a "Do It Now -- Support The) along King street. ! motion from the other trustees. Winter Works Campaign." Ice-encrusted snow and pools|If a trustee does not vote, his These were the slightly sar-jof water still lay against the|vote is deemed to be in.the ne- castic sentiments written on|curb on the south side of King) gative. The board will take a placards carried by members of| street. The sun's rays miss this/ vote on this motion at the next the 'Downtown Merchants' -- area because of the height of regular meeting. lic Works. Department" this|the buildings BUDGET DELAYED morning as the small band of if : | [ § willing workers attacked alleged CAN'T WAIT FOR SUN Kelly. rit, finance committee re: city laxity in snow removal and) "That's it," exploded Kelly. ported to the board it will not street cleaning. "They want us to wait for na-|/present its budget until more In the vanguard was Dean|ture. We can't wait. The down-|figures are available. Other Kelly, president of the Osh- i' pie has been in a saga ee Busi , sociation,| for too long: ta) to prepare their estimates awa Businessmen's Associa Just thon a three-man city| 5 soon as possible, whose mercurial, Irish temper i Works crew came along. The bool tclggl gl nln ria shovelling asphalt) PLAN INTERVIEWS 'sepia i men were f : [this winter at wal Mt Concern' into. holes alongside the trainj Parents of Grade 8 pupils will jcalls "the city's lac cepa eee lhave the- opportunity to leam [for ae pope ake nig A Kelly pitched in to help them, | more about the St. Joseph's | "Last Monday," noted Mr. joked that he would demand|Senior Separate School when | Kelly, "city council changed the| Overtime, and threw a sardonic, Sister Mary Sheila, principal of pot the Board of Works De-| 'See you tomorrow, fellows,"|the school will hold interviews partment to the Public Works| after the grinning crew. March 12 and 13. It was felt department. | Shorn of his "hard hat" and|™any parents want answers to "This is more accurate. If the| street cleaning garb, Kelly grew| prmere aged ee ah Dae public doesn't come out and| serious: "All we are trying to do ' Sno Catholic #1, Ms sect pt clean the streets, nothing will be| is instill some civic pride in the . ; ye "8 cit ie pie poling | done, and we are here to prove) citizens, a few city aldermen ni A e city 4 it." and some people at City Hall. _| Stitutes. STUDY MEMBERSHIP Kelly's cohorts, some dressed) "How can we, or anybody, be! in overalls, rubber boots and/ proud of a dirty city?"' he asked. The finance committee was| | ae instructed to study the advis-| | ability of again joining the On-| | 21st Troop Hooded Burglars Business Men _ Stage Clean-Up "Dirt and Snow Has To Go." "Do It Yourself." | | si esis] AUDITOR CHECKS CIRCULATION RECORDS A. R. Marr, field auditor lis, chief clerk in The Oshawa from the Audit Bureau of Cir- Times circulation department. culation, is seen here check- Mr. Marr is making the an- ing over the daily distribution nual audit of the circulation records with Mrs. Eileen Wil- records and has been at The : CAPSULE NEWS Macaulay Had | Oshawa Times since Monday. He reported today that all the records checked were correct | Flanked by security guards, made of 1,000 five-pound hiro was later ayn --_ ss ; . The dress was designed by . notes given the winner a -- mace mere nae Norman Hartnell who has de- nationwide competition. : field arrives at a London, Eng- signed gowns for the Royal --CP Wirephoto from British land, cinema wearing a dress Family. This "'money" dress Information Services) Caouette Defends frynymberians Refusal To Fight es ident of the North- | S.C. Candidate CAMPBELLFORD -- Te over tario Separate School Trustees' Association. Said Trustee Lloyd A. P. Bolahood, finance chair- . | Net About $50,000 man, '"'This is getting rather ex- | i ." The fee Holds Dinner, soxres, cor) -- tire pemive every pear" The te d bal: d | |well-dressed, hooded burglars} : 4 and balanced. ' ive Raenil ; The fathers and sons of the|broke into the expensive | =Oshaws ae taki 2ist Oshawa Troop held their|of wholesale jewelry merchant] s ] a |annual banquet recently at|Harry Fried late Friday night) 1g e come . |Camp Samac. An excellent din-|and stole jewelry estimated io ri F ire ner was catered for 120 boys/be worth between $50,000 and land their fathers by the ladies/$70,000 as well as about $6,500 or oya ty | | auxiliary. jin travellers cheques. : Hits Montreal Wilfred Pascoe of the group| Police said the trio broke into) BRISBANE, Australia (Reut- committee was chairman for the|the Roslyn Avenue home through ers)--Seventy thousand school- MONTREAL (CP)--The most|evening. Head table guests were|the rear entrance and held UP| children gave Queen Elizabeth| costly fire in Montreal this win-| William Werry, scoutmaster and|Mr, Fried, Mrs. Fried and aland Prince Philip a deafening) ter was still smoldering today|sons, Rev. R. H. Love and his|maid at gunpoint. They forced' welcome in 90-degree heat when eart ac after destroying three large ad-|sons, Wilfred Pascoe, group|Mr. Fried to open a wall safelthey arrived at Brisbane sta-| joining storage buildings on the! committee peer ree ied age they egg : : Sanat 5 z ich Waterfront and contents with a'sons, Ted Maidman, ivision 'hey wore stockings Fon gy I of json a food pee orspesd 'ius. at value of more than $2,000,000. |commissioner, skip of a 8th|their heads. mics aad development, appar-|Mysore, India. The Canadian oo <r _ ee te ce: tee. Wal ently had a Slight neart attack| campaign is being supported by|Martel, 77, died when trappe $s rai » ATS. | peed = collapand outside the|the Canadian Institute of Food by flames that destroyed a Son Wright, Hog ce ngge: ol MARKET PRICES doors of the legislature cham-|Technology, the national and north - end Montreal tenement ane bess abe | bers Tuesday, his doctor said|local councils of women and lo-' house. » Ake re ge a a gg ee Wednesday. Earlier reports at-|cal branches of the United Na-| ghortiy after the waterfront a. -- ela 0 | cen ar ee path eee pigeon ee -- blaze was discovered, fixe fire- Gees e Taylor proposed a were reported unchanged today. a | KILLED BY KEG men were injured by an explo iendid toast to the '"'Dads".| The egg market opened GC ; sion that blew out warehouse] y f While|steady with receipts adequate ONTO (CP). Premies| belne rapped supvoded wadnen| Tinos. They were treated on the tal big he Suis 'cleared for a fair demand. . . TORONTO (CP) -- Premier| being tapped exploded Wednes-|the scene. jthe tables John Robarts says the provin-| day in a tavern, killing the bar- 4 isplayed that the, Country dealers are quoted by Another fireman, Joseph Gui-|tms Wyre Gea Siso items|the federal department of agri- mond, suffered minor head and|that the cubs would need on a/culture on Canada grade eggs, facial injuries when he fell 25\camping trip.. Robert Corneal] delivered dag le aol ened ciated municipal electric sys-|tive Anthony Pruncle said the feet from an aerial ladder. and Nelson Wright donated te tae se Ae Moers tems. Mr. Robarts said the/explosion happened when the}. More than 200 firemen fought/Lord Baden-Powell statuette to imine bi government would not impede| men inserted a tube into the|the blaze for seven hours in the|Scoutmaster Wm. Werry, io be Butter prices; "the functional autonomy" of| keg so the beer could be drawn|Greenshields, Hodgson, Racine) presented to the patrol with the rade: a oe the two groups. out under pressure. Company buildings, which con-|most points for camping. |tained linoleum products. Com-| Division Commissioner Ted BREAK VOTE CASE+ FAVORS NUCLEAR ARMS inany officials estimated dam-|Maidman presented badges to| (nominal), MONTREAL (CP) -- Crown iS cial government has no inten-|tender and the co-owner. The tion of placing further controls} victims were John Ghidotti, 61, on Ontario Hydro or its asso-|and Peter Baldassiri, 72. Detec- Canada first tenderable 51- | 52; non-tenderable 5114-51,34 injand appeared sad as she spoke) Montreal. |light trading; western 51% - 52/to the centre's director but her 7 s | LACHUTE, Que. (CP)--Real people of Canada much worse) ial Credit * |dium today on their tour of Aus-| Caouette, deputy national leader|than animals are treated in| flues" Gee Soauley ae jtralia, |of the Social Credit party, said) other countries," he said. \Castleton said here recently that The children had been warned) Wednesday he is not ashamed| Afterwards, he told reporters|the Socreds would hold a nom: beforehand not to stamp Or|of refusing his military call-up|he wanted to correct a state-| ination meeting in the Colborne whistle--so they cheered, and) in 1945. ment he made Tuesday, in| Community Centre, March 13 to could be heard a mile away. | te was commenting on pla-|Hawkesbury, Ont., to the effect/name a candidate to contest 'One -hundred children) caras waved by English-speak-|that he would quit Parliament| Northumberland riding in the were treated for heat exhaus-|ing students from Lachute High|if the Social Credit party voted! April 8 Dominion elections. tion, but 70 of them returned to) ¢chool outside the hall where|for nuclear arms, | Mr. Beaudry, and David Hart- their seats in time to see the|Mr, Caouette addressed a rally) Mr. Caouette said Wednesday|man, a former organizer for royal couple. |for the April 8 federal election./he would resign only as deputy|the Ontario Social Credit or- Earlier the Queen and the! One placard asked: '"Where| national leader of the Soci a 1\ganization, said a meeting would Duke paid an unscheduled visit) were you, Real Caouette, dur-|Credit party in this event and|also be held this Friday night to a centre for spastic children) ing the Second World War?"|would remain in Parliament to HONOR POET jin a Brisbane vig si | Another read: 'Real said Cap-/Ponsnue his fight against. nu-| JERUSALEM, Israeli Sector | | : reha ole ' Pi al cpeomtvestel ree : phy| 208 is not worth fighting for." |¢ gee Be whether he wouta|(AP).--.A Robert Frost exhibl. jotherapist d when he rolle | 4; 42, am not ashamed of what Then form a new party, Mr. Ca-|!0" dedicated to the late Amer- siotherapist, an shad ixing,|@id_ in 1945 and I am not afraid) Or 1 if ad. {ican poet is on show, at the He- over to see who was: speaking;/t, firmly oppose nuclear: arms) Ouclte merely smiled. \brew University library, It con- |she saw a Union Jack crum-|iogay," Mr. Caouette told a ca- jsists of about 50 items includ- pled in his hand. -- . |pacity audience of 400 in this The Queen was tight - lipped/town 60 miles northwest of | 800,000 VISIT RUSSIA ing Frost first editions and au- MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet|tosraphed copies. tourist agency Intourist says turning down a draft call from 800,000 foreign tourists and busi-| t The placards referred to his 'husband joked with the children. WASHINGTON (AP)--Dirk U.!age to the buildings- at about|cubs who had passed their tests} prosecutor Guy Desjardins says|Stikker, secretary - general of/ $590,000 and said at least $1,500,-|recently, Akela Autumn Dale police may have cracked the|the North Atlantic Treaty Or-\999 worth of goods were de-|presented three boys with their case of 4,000 counterfeit voting) Zanization, has firmly endorsed ctroveq. leaping wolf badges, slips seized before last Novem-|the U.S. administration's pro- The evening closed with the ber's Quebec election. Ques-| Posal that NATO be provided | showing of a film of Oshawa tioned by reporters at the court-| 2 nuclear force, He. said Wed- |scouts at the Adventure Base,| house after three men pleaded|esday: 'I am personally very \Haliburton, last summer by guilty in connection with the|™uch in favor, definitely in fa: Robert Corneal, along with Nel- case, he said "I believe we|Vor of it and am hopeful that son Wright artd Ray Robinson know where, how and by whom After long discussions we will who had gone along with the By JAMES DEVLIN the slips were printed." make something of it. boys. Bert Smith showed a film! jew YORK (AP)--Dorothy HAVE NEW LASER | of Church Parade NEW YORK (AP) -- Scien- | CaP O RES tists have announced a new way of making. light perform fantas- tic feats. They produced Wed- nesday a new kind of laser--a device creating a narrow beam of light all of one pure color of frequency. The new laser action is produced inside a piece of clear plastic, cheap to make, in any desired shape, the Radio Corporation of America said. REFUSE TRIP CALGARY (OP) Seven Communist journalists refused a goodwill trip to Westem Canada after a member of their group jcould not obtain a travel permit, it was reported Wed- nesday. A spokesman for Cal- gary Olympic Development As- sociation, which is sponsoring a visit to the Banff, Alta., area by 121 European writers and broadcasters, said the reasons) for the Russians' absence were} revealed by Hans Hausser,| press attache at the West Ger- man embassy in Paris. FACES. FLU OUTBREAK OTTAWA (CP)--Dr. Roger Kennedy, Ottawa's medical offi- cer of health, says that the cap- ital faces an impending major epidemic of influenza. He com-, mended the action of two city hospitals in closing their doors to visitors. Dr. Kennedy said the flu virus is not of the Asian type and quoted federal health officials as saying there has been no cases of Asian flu in Canada this: year. AWAIT AMBASSADORS OTTAWA (CP) -- Although Canada and the Central Amer- ican republics of Nicaragua and Honduras agreed more than two years. ago to establish diplo-| matic relations, the two coun- tries still have not named am-} bassadors to Canada. Panama and Costa Rica entered the agreement at the same time, an external affairs department spokesman said, but only the Panamanian representative has Starr To Join -PM'sCavalcade At Port Hope PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Rt. Honorable John G. Diefenbaker will arrive in Port Hope at 10.30 a.m. Friday, Durham Riding PC officials said today. The prime minister, accom- panied by his wife, will stay unfil 5.40 p.m. During the day, he will visit the senior citizens centre and) BAKWANGA, The Congo) The Post was one of five non- address a rally at the Port Hope|(AP)--The Congolese govern-'struck papers that had closed High School. ment is cracking down on. dia- voluntarily as a sign of publish Hon. Michael Starr, Minister. mond smugglers believed to|ing solidarity when four others of Labor, will introduce the have taken at least $12,000,000 were 'closed by a_ printers' Prime Maister at the rally. |worth of gems and industrial| strike. So, Mrs. Schiff was free Also sitting on the platform|stones out of the country last!to resume publishing independ- will be Durham Ridinglyear. ently any time she wished. PC candidate Garnet Rickard;|) The Belgian-owned company, The evening Post started pub- |Harold Bradley, PC candidate whose Bakwanga mines produce lishing again Monday. for Northumberland; 'Fred Stin- 89 per cent of the world's indus- ae son, Peterborough Riding; Rod|trial diamonds has warned the IS BANKER'S DAUGHTER Webb, Hastings - Frontenac and|government it may have to| Mrs. Schiff is the daughter of Charles Lamb, Victoria - Hali-\close unless the smuggling is\the late Mortimer L. Schiff, burton. stopped. multi - millionaire banker and Senegalese traders who dom-|broker who left her a fortune inate the diamond racket have|estimated variously at from |been expelled from the Bak-|$8,000,000 to $15,000,000. |wanga area, Stricter controls) Married four times, she have been imposed on frontier|adopted her maiden name of points. Dorothy Schiff as her profes- But in The Congo a bribe wil! sional name in 1949, silence many officials, Thou-| She has grey, fiuffy hair, sands of miles of unguarded|bright hazel eyes and a smartly LIFE THREATENED LONDON (AP)--A British woman MP said Wednesday her life was threatened by an anon- ymous telephone caller claim- ing to be a member of the French Secret Army Organiza- tion. Alice Bacon, a Labor MP, told police the caller, speaking in a French accent, said she was on the Secret Army death list and had not long to live Scotland Yard immediately put an all-night guard on Miss Bacon's home, a New York City newspaper, ~| speaks with feminine candor. enough,"' she said last Thurs- Congo Cracks Down On Smuggling jout_ of nine newspapers. | With that, she resigned from the Publishers Association of New York City and announced \that her New York Post would |resume publication. TAKE OVER PATROLS SAIGON (AP) --The young South Vietnamese Navy has taken over patrol of South Viet Nam's coast from the United States 7th fleet, military sources said Wednesday. Viet- namese radar stations have been established along the shore and 30. destroyer - type patrol vessels stand guard against reinforcement by sea of the Communist guerrillas wag- ing war against President Ngo inh Diem's American-backed government. | CITY AND DISTRICT FOUR KILLED HARDIN, Mont, (AP)--Four workmen riding in a cable car 8 AMBULANCE CALLS across the deep Yellowtail Dam) 'The Oshawa Fire Department construction gorge were killed) wednesday handled eight rou- Wednesday when a cable broke! tine ambulance calls. and hurled them halfway down! in Brighton : the canyon wall. One cable on : the = a -like conveyor Snapped, dropping the cart own the deey gorge The men oo mance or -- were thrown from the cart, )0'0'S holidays have been which remained attached to the S1ven as from Monday, July 20 broken cable system. to Monday, Aug. 12, it was an- nounced in the March 7 edit SATCHMO WILL RETIRE (f. The Oshaworker. AUCKLAND, N.Z. (Reuters) | ' ee Jazz trumpeter Louis Arm- EUCHRE strong, 62, here on a New Zea-| Mrs. G. |dreds of unmapped bush tracks. |years. Smugglers have little difficulty.| She was born in New York Kasai is one of the richest/City and attended Brearley diamond regions and since|School and Bryn Mawr College. | GM HOLIDAYS ing has become almost a na-|'reshman year--by request, tional pastime "They told me my grade in to visitors. | A large share of these dia-| said later. WINNERS retire from _ show business| recently at Eastview Park.|takes them to Leopoldville, then| Was radical then." within two years. Other winners and their scores yi i i rj were: Mrs. El'nore Hanna, My Alege Seger Met epee JOB IN 1942 PLAN TWO DISPLAYS __ Elizabeth McDonough, 96; Helen across the Congo River. Brazza.\,. Sh@ Said in TOKYO (AP) -- Japan will Turner, 89; David Smith, 88;/ville is the big centre for indus- spend $1,800,000 for a govern-\T. Gould, 65 and L. Burkhart, trial diamonds seli at about! ment pavilion and about $9,000,-| 54 $2.50 a carat. 000 on a non-government pavil- ~ Woman Publisher Speaks On Strike and the schiff, only woman publisher of "The strike has gone on long |day of the city's lengthy black~ frontier are crossed by hun-| attired figure that belies her 59 Congo independence illicit min-|She left Bryn Mawr after her| In Leopoldville, Elisabethville|Greek was so low it pulled} material for her school anand nearby Luluabourg Africans|down the 'class average to its 10" with diamonds for sale sidle up|!owest . point in history," she "Also they didn't like it be- ; monds goes to the Senegalese|Cause I set up a barber shop} Drinkle won the door traders, distinctive in their flow-|iN my room and bobbed the hair = land tour, said today he will|prize at the euchre party held|ing robes. The diamond trail|0f a lot of girls. Bobbed hair ; 42 after becom- jing a publisher*that "I'm only now beginning to get over the feeling of inferiority-I developed the army in 1945. |nessmen visited the Soviet Un. During the 1962 election cam-|ion last year. The visitors came paign. Mr. Caouette said he had|from 80 countries. The largest decided in 1945 that "I'd mever|SToups were 75,000 Norwegians, fight for a system which gave! 18,000 Swedes and 17,000 Ameri-| jus nothing but the misery of de- Cans. | | | | \pression."" He-said he 'didn't; ---- owe. Canada anything in 1945." | CRITICIZES LIBERALS | NEW HOME SPECIALISTS Wednesday, Mr. Caouette to come back to school." | aimed his main attack on the After her school days, she) Liberal party. travelled widely in Europe and| "The Liberals are a band of Real Estate Ltd. TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King St. W. IS THE TIME To have that carpet or chest- erfield cleaned professionally in Oshowa's Original Carpet Cleaning Centre . . . wheré fully guaranteed satisfaction is assured. Phone 728-4681 |NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. |when Bryn Mawr asked me not) then became active in civic and|deceivers who have treated the social reform work at home, MUSKOKA RESORTS particularly in child welfare. She was married in 1029 to Paignton House, Milford Manor, Delawana' Inn, Fern Cottage. Richard B. W. Hall, a broker. They had two children andi co. information and summer reservations . . were divorced in 1932, The : PHONE: 668-3161 Same year she married George Backer, who became president and editor of The Post in 1939. They had one child. Mrs. Schiff became publisher of the newspaper in 1942 when illness forced Backer to retire. The Backers were divorced and She was married in 1943 to Theodore Olin Thackrey, then editor and general manager of The Post. This marriage also broke up and she married Rudolf Sonne- born, an oil industry executive, in 1953. Mrs, Schiff had hoped to write a daily woman's page column when Backer acquired The Post in 1939 from J. David Stern. Instead she became vice- president and treasurer, so she was no tyro when she became publisher, 'ALL THAT JAZZ' CATCHY PHRASE RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- Representative J. Vaughn Gary (Dem., Va.) received a letter this week from a high school girl asking for some Try TINT it's terrific! TINI is NEW! TINI is WONDERFUL! TINI is SPIRITED! TINI is SURPRISING! TINI is GREAT on the rocks or with any mixer! work. The girl concluded her courteous letter with: "Thank you and all that jazz." HAWAII leave any day YOU wish silable throughout Ontario Flavoured Wines presented his credentials in Ot-| ion at the 1964-65 New York tawa. |World's Fair, fair officials said today. THERE IS A BETTER DEAL for YOU in AUTO INSURANCE well over 1000 New Customers placed thelr car insurance with us in 1962. Why not investigate and save money. SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. COOPER'S TEXACO SERVICE Quality tune-up Auto Electric and General Repairs $56 BRUCE ST. 723-9632 AIM FOR $150,000 : OTTAWA (CP) -- Freedom|? 4% from hunger week will be ob- served in Canada from March 17 to 23 with a campaign ob- FUEL OIL for automatic delivery by our metered trucks Phone DX OIL CO. "KINDNESS BEYOND PRICE, YET WITHIN REACH OF ALL" GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 14 DAYS 3' 485.10 INCLUDES: air transportation and first class hotels. (based on double TINI is different from any other wine T | N | (Say Teeny") THE PARKDALE WINES LIMITED | slightly extra. BOOK NOW Four Seasons Howard Travel Travel OSHAWA AJAX | | 668-3341-42 390 King W. 728-6226 360 King West 723-4663 410 RITSON RD, N. 725-8033 | 723-2265 | PHONE PHONE 668-3161 728-6201 942-6690