Says Society Overselis Romance, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, = 7,1963 9 ws Clouds Practical Side ofMarriage"" "| SOCIAL NOTICES SPRING @ - By PATRICIA RUSAK ~ expect from life in general, she whe added. that the trend to TORONTO (CP)--There's no|said. shorter engagement periods and ae See " cut-and-dried formula for a suc-| "Qur society has oversold young people moving alone to Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Vice MEN'S cessful marriage but a 'realis-|romance frightfully --taken it cities. and becoming engaged,|will be happy to receive their , tic sn the Y grommoeeen out of balance. Marriage takes ee fogs 8 hey gh von relatives, friends and neighbors : responsibilities and necessa " i . natagivents will: help. *Y/work, not romance. young people to recognize the at their home, RR 1, Ennis HANDSOMELY TAILORED his is the feeling of the So- Many. young girls who com-|adjustments necessary in mar- Killen, on Saturday, March 16, t 4 plain they are bored and have} rj from 2.00 to 4.00" F : cil anaing Coun ot Metre on intrest in thor maviac| "ly many pepe know iso p.m: on the eceaton 0 2 Sete sn eperimeial comity ex ihe ori a algia tga] HOE mh wedsng amverary H.-A : eval' enarriage education pro, rene Now (0 WAXito be made, but iey con't a98 ENGAGEMENT floors and make casseroles in: " ram for those "just married" ; : :|them in: terms of themselves. i . "thinking - 7 it." Miss Chisholm has discovered) pr, Kirk L. Martin, a mar- Mr. and Mrs. D, J, Hard'ng Harold C. Knight, in charge through her Work, _|riage counsellor here since 1956, Oshawa, announce the engage p of the program, says he is She also, said "marriage is|says 'too many people who get)ment of her daughter, Angel: 8 amazed at the number of first-|not postponed for economic rea-|married suffer from a lack ofigivham, to Mr. Gerali|} | ! ate year marriages "that go on the|sons the way it once was."|SPititual strength." rocks because people have no\young couples feel they have Without religion, young mar- (Gerry) Carey Murray, son o idea of what they: are gettin ; ried people are like lost sheep|Mrs. William Murray, Upsal j into." y BerenBltg have everything--furniture, --with no spiritual belief and no|quitch, New Srunseisk, and the With Your Choice Of A The six - session course in-\car and aii the other things|belief in each other, he says. |jate Mr. Murray. The wedding is : |eludes discussion by experts of}which make life easy -- right More than 130 people ranging the social changes atfectinglaway, and the pressure from|it age from about 18 t 0 30 at- en ee ee marriage today, the relation- tended the first session of the|Avsust 3, 1963, in Whitby United a ' this feeling often leads to i ship of the family in the com- ; " course last week. "Our aim is|Church. munity, personality, emotions, trouble in early marriage. to reach those not drawn into finances and home. manage-| Mary Jury, a social worker] existing church and agency pro- ment as well as medical knowl-|With Toronto's Family Service sai Kni. ' edge. Association, has found that "be- gig Fenting! alt | y | cause there are so many inter- peg geri reign ade: or CORNED BEEF WITH A BIT OF BLARNEY VULNERABLE PERIOD cultural: religious, and -racial| neni tas nos tee Barbara Chisholm, a Toronto|marriages today, young coupl community wide, non-denomina-) ith So Sa social worker participating injoften cannot use' their' parent na 0 T mi ee i ur uce the program, described the per-'marriage3, no matter how) vinshbiot A does | GET WIDE SCREEN liod before and in the -early sous » PEKING (Reuters) -- Com-|months of marriage as "a very|$~~ "@ Pp Ly Variation On An Irish Theme |munist China's first stereosco-| vulnerable time at which it is'$ St. Lawrence CRUISE REPAIRED! ! ase. CO as |pic widescreen feature film has|mot easy to sit back and coolly|2 Departure Aug. 3rd,, i Ay Aleks 6s ads aa i FOR " i $ | Ma t, r i e jonable § The luck of the Irish has)man breakfast to end them ail pees ee eens ve tt i ha vee aes Sat ie, EI 3 o: Plompt Service phoapioon. worked again -- and this time/Or al . en ag ated | seen the attractively coi-| couple should decide exactly) FOUR SEASONS WARNER WILLIAMS PAINT AND it's produced one of the mostilunch, place slice of le tover|ored "Wondrous Travels of a|what they expect from their| TRAVEL | SERVICE CENTRE WALLPAPER, delectable variations possible on corned beef on toast, top with} Musician" through polaroid|new relationship and hathae ort Tt ei ee that favorite of all favorite Irish|a cheese strip and broil. You|*stereg glasses." lnot this agrees with what they' PHONE: 728-6201 1 Wage f= 725-3531 meals, corned beéf. Today this| don't need a St. Patrick's Day |---- 3 b traditional meat will wear a new | to enjoy corned beef, all you do | dress, a sour sauce as lively|need is a hearty appetite at} and. interestingly-flavored as| breakfast, lunch or dinner any any story of Irish lore. \day of the year. | Corned beef with sour sauce} fs as easy to prepare as the| famous corned beef and cab- Changes In Store bage, but the result is some- thing entirely new and delight- At Wasaga Park ful, To give the meal a spring-| ; time look, and a touch of green,| Visitors to Wasaga Beach we suggest serving with new|Provincial Park next summer potatoes, new peas and fresh|will find some changes in Nan- asparagus. The sauce itself re-|cy Island on which the Nancy quires only what you already | Museum is located. The island have on your shelf. is a sand-site deposition in the Here's how to prepare Corned | Nottawasaga River believed Beef with Sour Sauce: caused by the eT . Heng Nancy during the War 0 af Remove meat from its pro-) : : tective packaging, place in large| Remnants of the ship were sal- ; = a : ss '5©| vaged during the late 1920's and) oo Mele seater te wg ogi a metal building constructed to) duce heat and simmer until ten- house the hull and since im- | Gs Aak ana wt poret s a museums __ Sensationally improved new 1963 un teed at once with Hot resisted erosion until recent 2 years. Heavy: boat traffic on the) . + Sour Sauce east side and wave action from) «1 cup sour cream it has made it necessary for] aT % 2 egg yolks the Department of Lands and ; i 4, cup lemon juice Forests to embark on an ero-| 2 teaspoon salt sion control project. Soil levels \ + ee el | Mix ingredients and _ heat also will be raised at both ends slowly, stirring constantly untf|of the island and general land- sauce has thickened. |scaping undertaken to improve) . 8 This.sour sauce, incidentally,| the appearance and setting of , : still +] s -{¥° equally good on the as-|the museum. year & vey price! i / vd paragus. And what about leftover corn- FAMILY ALLOWANCE ed beef? Quickie meals are) Family allowances were first nearly limitless. For example, | paid in Canada in 1045. They sauteed corned beef with waffles | are payable to all Canadian or scrambled eggs make a he-'children up to 15 years of ace BURNS -- crevir seweners --- Neweah\s | ; "¥; i | ah ; o : a : a "y, we ¥ $ 7 S buys @ British Worsted Cg, 2 : ay ti ae EK ay : beni | styled with Dunn's distinction Headieit & | a ON / | {to tla sr, Mang | that can't be equalled SHOWING now with V-Coll reinforced edge! Dunn"s purchased volume @ Authentic smooth-top ... no hidden tufts | quantities of fine imported or buttons. Sabrics.i Ap i @ Extra-heavy Innerspring construction pro OF: ae of vides firm support, future cost increases. 6 {Atinpedive damask ticking, pre-bullt These suits, today, therefore Matching 'box spring for extra comfort represent the ultimate in and support. clothing value! Fashioned of England's luxurious Mirith fe, Cush ° od worsteds, they are ready- tailored with many costly You expect" MORE value in BLUE- (NM 4, oe ; ' ah / wren ERTA- STURE touches to insure proper fit BIRD diamonds -- and you : % s,s. ; e Sites y f oak hike nee eA lye MAD sa bo nd "hang", And more, nm ese t i k ius Ps 4 Miia a "peat 4 i | ; Ei cateaes SO P DELUXE iv. ATTRESS i you select from every ensembles! Choose ! Xur . ' A 4 k | wanted Dunn's style -- Yours Tomorrow! ( designed for your taste, $ 75 your distinction. EACH Choose yours now, Fol or twin size, Matching dex spring, seme prea, USE Extra length at no extra cost! | YOUR @ High-fashion damask cover previously used | CREDIT! only on the $79.50 Perfect Sleeper" Mattress, } @ 23% more colls, and V-Coll reinforced edge for Remember ! ! extra support, extra comfort, @ Smooth-top sleeping surface cushioned with ' Mirithane-Foam ... Serta's exclusive polyure- You get your choice thane foam, of a FREE Topcoat Cs or Sport Coat with Made by a maker of the $79.50 "Perfect Sleeper"® Mattress the purchase of any AS LITTLE AS 10% DOWN | USE OUR OWN BUDGET TERMS Suit. Priced at 69.50 OPEN FRIDAY BURNS Cfoldéen Sen DUNN'$ 32 KING WEST PHONE 723-7028 | 63 KING ST. EAST 4 SHOWROOM FLOORS 725-3514 96 Sing fa Sb Stern Ocho" ond -- "Oshawa Shopping Centre" EVERY RING GUARANTEED AND INSURED FREE