SOE Ng LY Toren ea egg Pick up a Free "Spell P-O- from your friendly POWER Cashier next time you shop. 4, Winners are required to answer o simple question 1, Te find your lucky letter, place slip in water Gfter presenting: slips to Power Store Manager end your letter will appear in « few moments. 2, Collect all 5 letters te spell the nome POWER. 3. When all 8 slips are collected, one slip will winnings indicate the amount ef your nae ys pen Kiam cena NAME BRAND SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS -E-R Game" Slip 5. Power eligible to enter Seve 10¢ Lb. "58 Y Cry-0-Voe PRESSWOOD GOLDEN VALLEY RINDLESS BACON ~:-- Seve 14¢ Lb. 65: HEADLESS AND DRESSED SCALED CHOICE WHITE FISH Seve 14c¢ Lb. 451. HOPSY' ALL BEEF BREAKFAST SAUSAGE Seve 12¢ Lb. 1-Lb. C corton lb MAPLE LEAF BRAND -- SLICED cooxen Han = DE J AND B BRAND CELLO FRAMS "2 QO @eeeo 0202808800808 HABITANT -- VEG. OR PEA -- SAVE 60 SOUP 2. t= 33¢ @#e0e2e2ee0020880080 0 MARQUETTE STRAWBERRY SAVE 26 JAM 2 4a" 438 AVEMER TOMATO SAVE 36 CATSUP 2 'iz 39 S.0.5. SOAP SAVE Se 2 pkgs _of 10 PADS 45° AYLMER CHOICE SAVE Be Tomatoes 2 "#7 49 MOTHER PARKER'S INSTANT COFFEE a POWER DEEP FILLED @ SAVE 10c @ APPLE PIE Fresh Daily Delivered 39: SUNBEAM RASPBERRY @ SAVE 9c @ SPONGE BAR 35: HAPPY VALE Steck Up and Save et This Low Low Price Save 3¢ ae AE HEINZ FANCY TOMATO TOMATO JUICE Seve 3e 2s: 55° PEACHES Halves in Heavy Syrup Save 6¢ 28-o7z. y] 5 C Tin ae eee 0200808080 PRIMO 'MACARONI OR SAVE 236 Spaghetti 'op 33° @eee @©@@0@2088082080 ROBIN HOOD QUICK OR INSTANTSAVE 8e OATS re tod CHEF-BOY-AR-DEE SPAGHETT! SAUCE Tr 20° GOLDEN DEW SAVE 4¢ Margarine2 ss: 43¢ SWIFT BEEF OR IRISH SAVE 6¢ STEW +r Ae SMITH BLUEBERRY OR CHERRY SAVE lle Pie Filler 2 '2 75¢ RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS Freshness and Pkg Flavor Guaranteed Seve 10¢ 73° of 60 CLOVER LEAF COHOE RED SALMON Save 4s = AT U.S. NO. 1 GRADE TENDER GREEN CABBAGE SIZE HEADS 25° . CRISP TENDER U.S, NO. 1 GRADE CELERY 19: CANADIAN GROWN NO. | GRAD! GUCUMBERvorows: 2 SIZE 24's --s employees and their families ere: not 6. Spell P-O-W-E-R Gome expires two weeks ofter closing date to be announced in Power Ads snug ul te aoe $100 © apie ahaa Oe RN IN FOOD Das You con win $25 -- $50 -- $75 -- er $100 in POWER FOOD CERTIFICATES, which you spend any way you wish et the POWER Market of your choice. EXTRA POWER BONUS After dipping sli; OF ONE SILVER Grand Prize in water, if @ picture of the head of Peter Power appears, you will win @ BONUS LLAR from your POWER Store Manager. lf your slip is not a then write your name and address on the back of the slip and pléce it in the Power Ballot Box in yur Friendly Power Store. At the end of the Gome, Winners will be drawn for @ Grand Prize of $1,000.00 and S Consolation Winners of $100.00 each in POWER Food Certificotes. This is another ef many fabulous Bonus Offers Power brings it's friends end customers. Winner, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 6,1963 39 $1,000 uIN FOOD CERTIFICATE ical s Finest Quality Red and Blue Brand Beef BONELESS ROUND SAVE 22c LB. STEAKS ~~ ROASTS FRESH GOVERNMENT GRADE A TURKEYS POWER SLICED - WHITE - WHOLEWHEAT - CRACKED WHEAT BREAD "= CURN 2 AN 2A AD EEO ETE 2° Snaving sabi STOKELY'S FANCY CREAM STYLE CURN VAN CAMP BEANS WITH PORK WRG SAAB A PLEIN GER! EE BAYER SAVE 20¢ Aspirins 's «738 CR RR: SHAVE MATE Square End Rump ia a al LB. SAVE l6c LB. 4-8 LB. AVERAGE EEE LPL BEAM Contonin « "SAVE 7c. CHECK TH of the 1500 'NUM oy is pital in is a your Hee Sud ahaa 1500 'i: Will be given away ab FREE "~--s POWER ER LUCKY a! THAT'S wei AME MAY M ae 1: 1500 ssid fur Atvaaue i PRIZE re ony You SHOPPING carr his solutely $ : NUMBER ¢ HOPPING given @wey FREE oe ing ON ¥ Winners fe lS "towne week YOUR Carr . it the number on Ph od may be iendly Seen r Shopping mus Offers for You, 24-OZ. LOAVES i) SAVI ge aay SEAM-FREE MICRO-MESH NYLONS 3 15-OZ. TINS 15-OZ. TINS EES Ps Coates | PLASTIC REFRIGERATOR FOOD SAVERS TOP QUALITY, DURABLE PLASTIC SAILY COLOURED TOPS, 4 CONTAINERS ER PACKAGE - ONE JUMBO Ryd 12 OZ, AND THREE REGULAR SIZE 8 OZ. REG. COMP. VALUE 49° WITH $5 PURCHASE | es . GROCERY SPECIALS EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY, _ MARCH 12th, 1963: HIGHLINER COD 65° uss cote tial ticks 2 aor. CN a i GOLDEN RIPE FRESH FROM THE pee BANANAS 0 RS Pe ee ee Se ie 2-35 CRISP JUICY ONT. "FANCY GRADE MACINTOSH a iss S " 'bob iain ase i af oak a8 stb i Be 'E, » 500 ROSSLAND ROAD W. SE EONS EE NE NITES 35: ee a Sa LBS. POLY BAG 3 @ 13-02: Highball Tumbler o 92-0r. Beverage? Tumbler pal Se -02. BEV ROYAL BAR GLASSES e 6¥4-00. Old Fashioned Tumbler @ 5-or. Juice Tumbler ERAGE TUMBLER Only : \ WITH A 5.00 PURCHASE