Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Mar 1963, p. 21

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SU a SS eine pit ieee ian Papacy ce a a AS: I ia eed poy eae) xy: " ress mp yy ey tn OP RG AY OE NER OP RET OPC SS ' ' ; % Oot as OF HR Bo. oe Tete a ee) Se Oy eS ee ae ee we IOP OE EO WE Ew woe yee oe 7 APS AS Se ee We ee ay Se BW Se er Wo SS i Ad Ad ~~ - ediiedind " / 27--Real Estate For Sale (27--Reol Estate ForScle |27--Real Estate for Sale con apt | erg be oop begs $1000,-NICE SMALL bungalow. East IN home, two tour-room x73 oy on large! bree nat " ft y Private. ce iceman. George Koornneet 723-2858. mv dy Easy terms, or trade on, boats 128-9390, Joseph Bosco Realtor 728-7377 in sila. . 2859. | CASTLE HOMES ~~ Fou - Room |27--Real Estate for Sate /Z8---Rea! Estete Wanted Cy Re Oy for cash. + John A. at 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent 24--Houses For Rent oon aa Ge arte eee 9 kitchens, two three-piece ie References. Apply Herman Taunton. s = THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wodnesdey, March 6, 1968 27 29--Automobiles For Sele |29--Automobiles For Sale New , 728-1377. ARE BUILDING BUNGALOWS ON CHOICE LOTS Adelaide, Nipigon, Park $10. | Reed, Durham, Cartier, Seu- 909, Monteith, Exclusive Agerits W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. Telephone 725-1186 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Regitors Ltd, Insurence 167 SIMCOE ST. 5. Office Hrs, (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought and Sold i T, undur- rooms Ai ng le for lady. $30 monthly, Apply after 6 p.m. me> NORTH Oshawa, threerroem base asement apartment, $65 monthly di IMMEDIATE SALE Two adjacent stores on main street, ong with 30 day lease, other two years to expiry, Each store hes two rented apartments above on monthly leases, Investment shows net return. of $4,000 annually from present rentals. Parking space, driveway and three jorages et rear, Consult us po details, Priced at $31,000 with terms ovgilable. LONG BROS. REALTORS PORT HOPE 885-450) le- phone, heat, after 6 p.m. tele- KINGS COURT APARTMENTS AJAX No Lease Required Approximately 10 miles from Oshawa Opposite large Shopping Centre {room near schools, churches, etc. Large One Bedroom $73 Two Bedroom $79 TELEPHONE AJAX WH 2-2001 phone 728-0376. EET, 2% urpished [eee ea, private entrance. Also single rooms, central, parking. 725-0953, $40 MONTHLY -- four-room § apart- ment, . Children welcome, Private entrance. Garden space. RR 2, Bowmanville 623-2818, SIMCOE WORTH, 74 -- Three + room ed eae apartment, Suitable » $76 monthly. Telephone) 1 CENTRALLY LOCATED -- omne- | room apartment in triplex building. refrigerator, washer, dryer, monthly. Telephone 1728- parking, 6990, THREE-ROOM heated basement apart- ment. Range, drapes, private bath, en- trance. Near bus stop. Telephone 725- 5925 after 6 p.m. THREE-ROOM apartment, built-in eup- boards and sink, heavy wiring. Avail- able March 15. Apply after 4.30 p.m. 163 Banting Avenue. Oshawa's Finest Park Lane Apts. e's 10 min. from Downtown Attractive two-bedroom suites. Spacious grounds Prestige location Private balconies Elevator service Controlled entrances Garages Paved parking Don Howe Evenings 723-9692 Howe and Peters Realtors ROSSLYN PLAZA area, Young man to apartment game. Private en- | eee Con home Ter | THREE-ROOM, erie, ment, stove and rigerator, reagon- . Adults only, parking facili- ties. Cail 723-2860. DREW STREET, 59 -- six-room apart- ment. Private entrance. All conveni- ences. Apply above. UPPER DUPLEX, extra large two 'elephone 728-4065 26--Rooms For Rent GIBBONS STREET, 35 -- furnished room, suitable for one or two, handy to Shopping Centre. Day workers only. Telephone 726-3763. OSHAWA motel (formerly Motel), Winter rates, le double $20. Hot water ted, phone 723-9761. single $15, Governor Mansions Apts. 110 PARK RD. N. We believe thot Governor Mansions ere the most lux- urious aportments end offer the most outstanding fea- tures in the City of Oshowa. FOR INFORMATION 9 A.M, to 9 P.M. TELEPHONE Schofield-Aker LIMITED 723-2265 FURNISHED yg in fai gl home, ladies preferred. Near hospital, laundry facilities, Telephone 726-1855. SIMCOE Street North, large furnished room, suitable for lady or gentleman. Available now, Telephone 723-1300. AJAX -- Two clean furnished bed- rooms, central location, girls preferred. 87 bag Ma Telephone after 5 p.m. Ajax 2-3404. in clean, quiet home. Suit refined person, Apply side door. Telephone 728-1901. OSHAWA motel (formerly Tremeddan | Motel). Rates, rooms, single $15, double $20 weekly, Hot water heated, television, Telephone 723-9761. ROOM guitable for one or two gentle- men, modern bungalow, quiet home. After 6 p.m. Telephone 725-3606. |PARK ROAD SOUTH, 27 -- light house- keeping room, main floor, furnished or unf hed, $8 weekly. Abstainers. Telephone 728-0429. ROOM in private home, For « refined gentleman. Quiet. Five minutes from General Motors Company. 725-5860. L. S. SNELGROVE co. LTD. REALTORS 723-9810 -- 725-8761 43 Park Road South BUNGALOW SPECIALS 2. to choose from, economical 2 bedroom homes, Lrick cone struction, nice location, Grierson St. and Highland Ave., oll furnace, storms and screens, TV antenna, lands scoped lot with garage, one price reduced for the cash buyer, other $2,000. down and one mortgage for the balance. Call Mr. Wilson 725-8761. $6500 FULL PRICE $1,500 down, comfortable family home of six rooms, all conveniences, forced air, oll furnace, hot and cold water, 3 piece bath, modern kite chen, double lot with garage, nice location in Port ae call Sid Martyn 723-9810, 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOWS Tennyson Av., large 6 room brick, many extras include, notural fireplace. and base ment apartment, only $2,000 down, call Sid Martyn 723- 9810. Ave. clean and well cared for 5 rooms, large well planned kitchen and living room, partial recrear tion room, osking $12,900, with terms, call Mr. Wilson 725-8761. , Shakespeare Ave, clean fam- ily home of 5 rooms, 3 bed- rooms, $1,200. down gives possession, first come, first serve, call Mr. Wilson 725- 8761. COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES King St. E., 2 to choose from. North Oshawa, large com- mercial corner, owner retire ing, priced to sell. Rossland Rd. W., large com- mercial corner, excellent op- portunities for the expand- ing business man, call office for further details, 723-9810 ESTATE SALE 2 storey, 7 room brick, 5 minutes to down town, Large kitchen, living room, 4 rooms, hot woter, oll heot, 3 pc. ond | pc, both, private drive ond gorage. Asking $12,000. To inspect call Mr, Yeo at 725-6544, FOUR-PLEX Where in Oshawa can you get o large income gport- ment building fully rented, 4 suites, good income, cen- trol location for only $15,- 900. and only $1500.00 with easy balance. First time offered for sale, will sell quickly, Call Mr. Appleby at -- Selling Your Home A MUST ? List With GUARANTY. TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Call Now One-Year-Old 3-bedroom brick bungalow built-in vanity @nd kitchen aampean ds, Sedded and fene- ed lot. Avoilable Aprit ist. $1200 Oown Take over balance, N.H.A, mortgage opproximately © $1 month. Call owner. Telephone 728-7206 one poyments 00 per - 728-1653 AFTER HOURS { GILL COLLINS 668-8716 SOLD This Week '29---~Automobiles For Sale 725-6544 or 723-3398. PORT PERRY Three and one half miles north of Port Perry on paved rood, white frame bungalow, only three years old, 21 feet living room with fireplace. Modern kitchen, three bed- rooms, with closets, Large rec room finished in knotty pine and having' natural stone fireploce. This home hes approx, 1100 sq. ft. and the full price has been re- duced from $11,900.00 to $8,900,00, real value. Phone now. and ask for Mr. Rat- cliffe ot 725-6544, READ THESE TERMS FOR THIS 5-ROOM BUNGALOW - WITH GARAGE No qualifying necessary 11 year open mortgege $1000 Dollors Down $75 per month PRICED AT $10,500. PHONE BILL MILLAR 725-1186 To find out the location . T, Lamson Real Estate Ltd, Be eo cca ea ata Be sure to check cfied' nthe Ophea Themen Crescent, cam be financed. 1962 CHEYVRO! ne 723-9419. 1957 BUICK four-door auto, [matey pope reeks, radio wile eet liader, oN a A be Apply Meadowvale 1961 PONTIAG Vauseailan sedan, wutar| matic, radio, V8. take trade and. 725-8132. two-door sports coupe, at tom atic, 5 2 ma fadio, electrie washers, trim rings and 1957 BUICK four-door , radio with feet condition. "LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER BRAEMORE GARDENS RANCH BUNGALOW $14,385, FULL PRICE This home is one of the finest homes we have to offer for Sale, absolutely spotless, 1 year old, com- pletely decorated, separate dining area, Owner being transferred. Requiring only $1,960.00 down--one open N.H.A. mortgage for the balange, Better not delay on this one, cali Ed Drumm at 728-5123 or 725-9345. NORTH-WEST | have 4. lovely 3 bedroom bungalows, situated in dif- ferent sections of this resi- dentiol area, Down payments vary from $1,500.00 up, Please call Bill Johnston ot 728-1066 or 728-5123, SUBURBAN $14,500 HAVE YOU SMALL CHILDREN? This beautifully londscaped, fenced, three bedroom home is ideally located on a dead end street. Patio and won- derful area, for outdoor en- tertaining. Partiglly finished recreation room and ploy room. For information or ap- pointment to inspect call Irwin Cruikshanks ot 728- 5205 or 728-5123 LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario Building lots for Spring building, at 725-8761. OPEN EVERY EVENING _ ROOM for two ger'lemen, single Apply corner store, William Mary Street. Ti 728-2879, beds. and MODERN APARTMENTS Quiet Residential Street Convenient To Park Rd. North and King St. West REASONABLE RENTS For Information PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS 725-7272 728-9217 9 ELGIN STREET EAST -- Two fur- nished rooms, bedroom and kitchen, » built. wink, Suit couple. Adults preferred. Apply above FURNISHED bedroom, housekeeping privileges, large clothes closet, close to Shopping Centre. Suit gentleman. Apply 63 Grenfell Street or 725-8721. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m 82 PARK RD. NORTH '27--Real Estate For Sale WHITBY $10,500 immaculate two-bed- room bungalow. Large, fenged, land- seaped lot. Paved driveway, garage. Near public and high schools, Down paymemt $2,900. Telephone 668-3185. 1% STOREY resale in new home condi- tion, 22 ft. living room, 3 bedrooms, deep lot. $10,300. Low taxes, easy Mr. ten Joseph a terms, Boseo, WHITBY CLASSIFIED Li A gm er Rediateiy. Apply 3" Whitby. Available im: Green Street, DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, iterations, covers, . Fitting Toms. 95. ONE bedroom, apartment, basement | O35. | FOR YOUR NEW HOME CONSULT JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 723-7122 We are also home, office and for Oshawa specialists in store remodelling and District ~~ OSHAWA -- South east area -- brick bungalow built on « 65' lot -- 3 bedrooms, 15' kitchen, thermo-pane windows -- aluminum doors, oi! heoti , asking $12,700.00 Call Phyllis McRobbie Bowmanville 623-7159 or Whitby 668-5853. OSHAWA----Extra good value in this brick house, with 2 apart- ments -- excellently located neor Motors -- Income $125.00 Monthly. Payments $75.00 Monthly, Total price $10,100.00. Call into our Whitby Office to see the pions for bungalows, split-level, ond 2 Storey houses. ATHOL ST.--Immaculate bungolow, bullt on a 66' lot --- gorage -- extra large kitchen --- nicely landscaped -- Full price $12,500, Call Audrey Moore, Whitby 668-4088 or 668-5853. BYRON ST. S. -- Ranch bungolow with attached gorage --- large lot with fruit trees -- L shaped Living and Dining Room -- many, many extras. Coll the office for further information OLIVE HOWE, 218 DUNDAS St., E,, WHITBY REAL ESTATE 668-5853 a specialty. Mrs, one. SEPTIC tanks slasne. Walter 5 204 a Street West. Telephone werm and dry, i Tea 668-0033. BUY, sell or exchange used furniture RENT avail- and appliances, what have you? Goold Used F 215 Dundas East, Whit- by. 668-5481. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt serv- ice on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestaut 'Gtreet West. Whitby 668-2563 evenings. WHITBY apartment, three rooms, un- furnished, private bath and entrance, Whitby's Only Fuel Dealer Carrying A Complete Line of FUEL Blue coal, various sizes; Bar- becue briquettes ond char- coal, Cannel coal, stoker coals; hardwood and softwood slabs; Semet-Solvay Coke; Texoco Fuel and Stove Oils. SAWDONS" (WHITBY) LIMITED 244 Brock Street South Whitby 668-3524 first floor, range, refrigerator, heat and hydro, $70 monthly. 6°8-2776, BOOM and board to suit young gentie- laundry. Tele- man. Abstainer. Will do phone 668-4709. IF YOU'RE not using that sporting equipment anymore -- sell it for cash with an inexpensive Classified Ad. Just dial 723-3492 today. CAR trailer, size & x 7 x 1S" deep, wi 723-9968 or apply 551 Garrard Road THREE-ROOM heated wartment, bath. monthly. 300 High Street. Children wel- = Telephone 668-2336 or Ajax 942- YHREE-ROOM apartment, Verge "bal- coy, besutifully landscaped. ven- tently located. Fireplace, stove, refrig- erator, washer, dryer. Parking provided, ret West, 666-4728. OPEN HOUSE 982 COLBORNE ST. EAST EXECUTIVE RANCH WITH ATTACHED GARAGE AND PAVED DRIVE. VERY LARGE AND WELL FINISHED REC. ROOM, AND MANY OTHER FEAT- URES. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. This week end from 2 P.M. TO 9 Friday, March 8th, P.M. DAILY LOCATION -- GRANDVIEW GARDENS -- EAST ON KING ST. TO KEEWATIN -- NORTH ON KEE- WATIN TO COLBORNE, GUIDE REALTY, LIMITED REALTORS 16 SIMCOE ST. §. 723-1121 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED IT MAY NOT BE the house of your dreams but it may help your dreams come true, This thirteen room home ot present is bringing in a rey- enue of almost $200. per mo., as-well as providing @ five room apt, for owners. Call to-doy, for appointment to inspect 8 SUITE BUILDING -- good rental district neor South G.M, All apartments on lease, never vocent, hot wae- ter oll heated. Situated on a farge lot 100 x 177 with plenty of poved porking space ATTRACTIVE RANCHER -- 514% _ N.H.A, mortgage, L- shaped living and dining room, 3 lerge bedrooms, Alum. storms and screens, venetion blinds, Rotor T.V, Aerial. Wired for drier, F.A, Oil heot, lorge lot with double drive, PICKERING VILLAGE -- Anyone wishing to live here should take the time to in- spect this beautiful modern 5 room brick bungalow, complete in every detail. Close to schools. 707 EMERSON HOME AND INCOME With one N.H.A. mortgage, 5 room brick bungalow with o three room walk out bosement partment, separate both and entronce rents for $70 per month. N.H.A, RESALE -- 512% MORTGAGE, This ottroctive home hos 3 large bedrooms, hardwood and tiled floors, 4 pc. tiled bath, Oil heat, rec room partially finished, good bus service. HIBBERT STREET ---- You could move into. this im- maculate bungalow row and be hoppy. Good size living room, well appointed kitchen, bedrooms with good closet orea, 11 x 32' rec room. Low taxes. HARMONY HEIGHTS -- Do you went @ good home at a reasonable price? This 6 room brick bungalow in pop- ulor Hormony Heights hos oi! heat, paved drive, 6% mortgage. Cicse to both pub- lic and high school, LOW DOWN PAYMENT -- Do you like on older home with reasonable upkeep. Low taxes, low heating costs. Six room' brick home with hot woter of heating Taxes $170. Garage. Nice quiet street close to bus. AS WE LIVE WE GROW -- Perhaps your family has grown ond you need a larger home, Probably you have also progressed financially, and feel you con afford a better home, in a better lo- cation. In any case, here is © property that deserves your interest. Located in q fine section of Whitby, this split level, with attoched garage offers living room, with notural fireplace, dining « room, modern kitchen, 2 pe. powder room, ond den (or bedroom) on ite main floor, Up a few steps to three good sized bedrooms, and 4 pc. tiled bathroom. A beautiful home, and well worth your inspection. OPEN HOUSE -- 982 Col- borne St. E. this week end For fult porticulors call 723-1121 Open doily 9 a.m.to 9 p.m. After 9 p.m, call 725-3867 Irene Brown . Roy Flintoft 725-3454 Steve Zurba ... 728-0569 Tony Siblock .., 725-4362 Leon Manitius .. 725-8068 Phyllis Jubb .... 723-3240 Jean Peacock .. 725-4330 Lloyd Corson .. 723-2537 Dick Young .... 723-7183 Lucas Peacock .. 725-4330 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, !4 Simece St. S, METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. East Diol 728-4678 PATRICIA AVE. You'll like this 5 room bedroom --2 . loffer sells, 668-6196, a ae : im Bae nag two-door hardtop, motor "oon " defective. Best ae wae ie me fae one owner, dition, Can be finanesd. olier, Ajax, 942-2874, 1955 FORD Tudor 8 cylinder, A reel sharp car. Only Motors LAd., 200 Dundas West, 968-5893. 1930 CHEVROLET, two-door, . Good two tone, $395. Seaway Whitby, » padio, transportation, $75.00. air-conditioned plus finished rec room. Storms, screens, doors, poved drive, etc, This home is in immaculate sha and asking price is $12,000. with reasonable down pay- 725-5125, a wR: door i cluding 5 be After 7 p.m, 1962 FORD Fairiane fordor, 6 1964 PONTIAC ..| radio, ix, cone best cg T23 3 6, BWO hardtop. ai At NICOLS In WHITBY 1961 FORD = Fg Ny Maa $1974 4960 CHEVROLET. Belgir, Six ry ec Turgu just turn od toiles. | $1894 1960 PONTIAC Laurentian. Four doer, fully equipped. $1994 ment, Let us show it to you now. CHADBURN STREET 6 large rooms with built-in gerage =~ paved drive, large rec room, fruit trees, close to oll services. Asking $16,500. with reasonable down poy- ment. Call to inspect today. LOTS MacKenzie Ave. --- 63' x 114' ---- gsking $4500, -- oll prepaid services--lots for sole in all parts of Oshowo-- call now for first choice, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE and many i087" BUICK four-door sedan, elght- yi rade other accessories, low mile- age. Beautiful blue finish, $595, Seaway Motors Lid., 200 Dundas West, Whitby, 608-5893. i950 CHEVROLET sedan, imighed im a beautiful beige, w: s interior, Excellent 6-cylinder TLR : od | 11959 CHEVROLET Two door, fully equipped. $1459 & a engine with $1245, Seaway Motors Lid., 200 Dundas West, Whitby, 668-5693. 1960 THUNDERBIRD light biug finish, with for. Power brakes, D> metehing inter- i af i 1958 FORD V-8, stick shift, fully equipped. $1094 Seaway Whitby. Radio. Ab- imamacuiate condition, $2,695, Motors LAd., 200 Dundas West, (668-5893. real Po. would make a Whitby, 603-6893. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, one owner, 1 chean. © real economy. . This font pocoes car, $995. .» 200 Dundas West, ap if 1 962 vi hardtop, radio, 12,000 g F 92,425, 'Tolephone 725-1347, 1957 PONTIACS Twe to choose from. Dial 728-4678 Joe Mago Ken Honn Jack Lloyd Metcalf Dick Barriage GORDON OSBORNE Insurance & Real Estate 218 Dundas $t. E., Whitby PHONE 668-5431 208 COCHRANE ST, WHITBY-- $12,900 3 Bedroom Brick home with recreation room, welk in basement, 4 piece Bath votatit Parts and Service STATHAM B.A. SERVICE RITSON ROAD AND KING 723-4733 and 723-7712 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes end Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. RENAULT- PEUGEOUT-AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM B.A.~ SERVICE RITSON ROAD AND KING 723-4733 ond 723-7712 | BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, --- OSHAWA Uust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 $995 and $1094 - 1956 CHEVROLETS Four to choose from. $595 to $795 1957 CHEVROLET Four doer, $1094 Station clean os @ pin. large ivi room, paved street, 60 ft. frontage lot. Five per cent mortgoge, pay- ment only $86.00 with toxes included. EXECUTIVE HOME CENTRAL LOCATION In Whitby with 4 bedrooms, open fireplace extra wash- room, Therme pane win- dows, bright 10 x 13 dining room, play room, garage, etc. Full price $22,560 with low down poyment. 3 BEDROOM BRICK SUBURBAN Neer Whitby and Oshowo, with 90 x 160° fot,. Approx. 1500 sq. ft. of living area plus large recreation room. Spacious master bedroom with atteched washroom, Excellent workmanship and materials throughout, Full price $18,900 with $3,000 down, Bes)" 6 Fragen BOLAHOOD Realtors Ltd. Insurance 167 SIMCOE ST. S. Office Hrs. (9 A.M. to 9 P.M.) MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought & Sold FOUR BEDROOMS Two storey brick, 7 rooms, now vacant. Large rooms, well decorated, ready for you, close in area. Asking on $10,900;00 with only $908 down ,and easy terms. Call Mr, Appleby ot 725-6544 or 723-3398. ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES Guelph Street, 5 room brick bungelow designed so that the furniture con be arrang- ed in many different ways, Wel planed kicthen, 3 roomy bedrooms, 4 pc. bath, hard- wood and tiled floors, Large fenced yard, Asking $11,500 with substantial down pay- rent, Call Mr. Yeo ot 728. ~~ SPECIAL -- Owner says sell, brick and stone. bungalow with 514 rooms. Beautiful home in every detail, Consider all of. fers. Asking $13,900.00 with $1,000.00 down, Call Mr, Ronkine at 725-6544, ZION Holf storey home with two bedrooms and bath on first floor. Three unfinished bed- rooms and finished both on second, Basement has rec room ond natural stone fire- ploce. Double attached gar- age with breezeway. Close to school and paved road. Call Mr. Ratcliffe at 725-6544, IF YOU LIKE Clay brick, mahogany trim, colored fixtures, ceramic tile, storms, screens, prepaid serv- ices, schools and transporta- tion, all for a low low down payment --then you should see our models on Taylor avenue. The prices ore the lowest in town and best quolity. Prices start at $12,- 800.00, Call Mr. Gower at 725-6544. Mechanic's Chance ! 1955 PONTIAC $295 $195 1957 MERCURY $195 able to go VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. 156 King Street West Oshawa These cars need a little work, all are running and 1955 THAMES PANEL 725-3557 | SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 1955 PONTIAC - cee Se $774 YOUR VOLVO DEALER JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIRS and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa 728-0921 LUXURY CARS 1959 CHRYSLER loaded wth « ian oan a KELLY DISNEY USED CARS 409 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY----668-4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always Top Quality | $1994 1958 BUICK sedan. Century. Four door iia alc on: job. The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 668-4741 and 668-4025 3.50 PER DAY DAILY-WEEKLY MONTHLY PAY LESS WITH TILDEN RENT-A-CAR SERVICE 14 ALBERT STREET -- PHONE 725-6553 8:00 A.M.--6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M.--8:00 A.M 5.00 FOR 24-HOUR DAY PLUS 7c PER MILE INCLUDES GAS AND NECESSARY INSURANCE Deluxe model cars, power equipped, slightly higher rate. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE WINTER RATES NOW | | TRUCK RATES ON REQUEST x XXX § x x x XXX XXX XXX x WANT TO GET BEHIND A NEW WHEEL? GET YOUR CAR NOW WITH A LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED AXX XXX XXX! XXXX XX z BAAR ¥ Soe] x xX X XXX x xX xX xX xX LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA POEs XXXX X x * KARR x x x Xx x XXXX X X_X XK XX xX x Only $1194 1957 DODGE Royal 42,000 originel miles. Cor must be seen end driven to be epprecioted, Only $1094 1954 CADILLAC Sedon. Ful 8 real black (saa Only $594 ECONOMY CARS 1960 Vier deluxe 1958 Volkswagen $899 1957 Vauxhell 599 CHEAPIES 1955 Monarch, 2 door hardtop $294 1953 Ponties Hardtop $159 1952 Pontiac, ha 164 A real scarce pas My OVER 40 CARS FOR YOUR SELECTION $10 DOWN TERMS TO SUIT YOU NICOLS Motor Sales Ltd. 512 BROCK STREET NORTH Y% MILE FROM 4 CORNERS WHITBY 668-8001 (Continueo op Page 22)

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