DERG OE REN A APRA RL GEAR POD: 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusedey, March 5, 1963 OBITUARIES HERBERT E. BOWEN CAMPBELLFORD Mem- bers of Branch 103 ¢ the Royal|39___ Articles For Sale Cariadian Legion held a memor- ee permatie sew: 'ial service at Bennett's funeral > vigil a: 5150, off. Ful ergy hon i] ag * > 329. D Bridge Ihome Sunday. night for Her sien cie Taal INDUSTRIALS \bert Ernes , |D Coal pr l= ee pee {Pom Biect ; DRAPES, rose, i 49 Net | Dotasco jSere | Peay: |width each, One pair one width hers High Low a.m. Ch'ge | Dom Store Mr: Bowen was a veteran Of! Also one venetian blind 74 inches wi : | pome Tar the Boer War and World War 1 raWaRESS cues can 41% 40% 41% -- 4 Bxauis He was wounded in action and) tage rE yoncn Phage pe [Pam Play jreceived a war disability pen-ler. Reasonable. J. Burke, 316 Leslie Fraser sion. He served in the First eer sean FAG. [World War with the 49th and/MOFFAT range 30" fourburne!, PAg: 2ist Battallions. \ply 284 Oshawa Blvd, South, Telephone Born in Cannifton, Mr. Bowen}725.9738. chic bowie was the son of the late Sam/)i00 EACH platters, vesdtable "bowls, e\Bowen and Sarah Pickle, He|soup bowls. 20 Melmoc Seti relephone was a member of Christ Angli-|Sargeants', 725-3338. can Church and of the Royal) We buy, sell ana exchange used fur- "4 Canadian Legion " initure or anything you have. The Bell Phone Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe 'street Brazil i rt right In his earlier life he worked] south and 31 Bond Street East; 723-1671.) Bulent, at the old Gair Company pulp|ONE chrome dinette table, 2 chairs, 3 mill in Campbellford, retiring)a}most new, A top, erey. Gossip rborite Zabol wench with attached lamp, Telephone Cal Pow 1490 jabout 35 years ago. He lived in/723.1759, /Can Cem 99 {Can Cem pr 222 Sutton, Ontario, on the town nearly half a century.|AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, 5, 1963," Ada Maud) He is survived by his wife,|free estimates, Chair, table rentals. | Cl Levivik ed of Thomas yn Psten-ithe former Nancy Jane Young|"ltve Fox. 412 Simcoe North. Co Ft tp pig' peep f \BUY AND SELL, good used furniture sea' sinte (Freda), Sutton, and Leonard of /and three sons, David of Guelph, |B\y'apbiimces one, location oaly,| oy, 2%, ge gin 'Home. Gohan (128 5173). |Almon of Trenton and Donald| Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe sree Can Celan i $49) | . Bar-| Sout. : \C Cel 1 pr OYLER, Annie Elizabeth bogey doch aris yore |BUYING or selling furniture or appli /C Chem 2120 March 3, 1963, in Cran- id} | pgp A ces. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or) C brook, Kent, England, after a short ill-/There are six lc grandchildren 26: -2695. ness, in her wb Joes. Wee Syd ey and 12 great-grandchildren. CLASSIFIED "ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 13) Canadian Press Meshunge-Mares & ;. | Stock unless mar! . xr--Ex-| Copp Clark rants, Net change is\ Corby vt board-lot closing sale. (Crain RL |Crown Tr 11 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 100 814 The Th#--% 100 $17% 17% 17% 225 $14% 14% Fay 100 $60. 60 825 $13%-- 13% 134% -- %)| $4942 49% 500 49 600 $17% 17% 250 $10 10 740 $115 11% a $62 «6 $i4 317% $9 $57 By The Toronto Stock | rights, E: 'from previous u% 2 Stock Abitibi Alta Dist Alta Gas Alta Gas w 85 100 925 750 300 300 250 250 «250 $27% 27% 27% 765 (765 765 $20% 20: $4675 $23% 26% 1 6 25 ~ "| GL Paper 37% Fi%-- + "WiGr Woe @ 135, 135 | Greyhnd 6454 64% + 4) Hakwer pr 70¥e 70% --56\ Horne Pf 5-200 in Erie rte Imp Oil 13% 17% 57% 184 26% 6 34% 65 84 481% 17% 1% 19% vi 23: Bnk NS ris 8120 +% is. + "Inland Gas +6 |1 Bronze pr Int Nickel Int Util Interprov Inter PL 2% 4 64% 40% 6 B0\4 53% 9% 28% 28% 22% 22% 86a 85% {Inv Syn A 72° 72 --%\ Jamaica PS 13% 13% + "! Jockey C 10% 10% -- %| Labatt 4914 -49\4 | Lakeland 22% 22% + | LOnt Cem Se 8 8% {Lau F 125 310 310 8 | Lau F 200 a 7% 7% | Leland "6 Oem Ye Levy 110 110 |LobCo A 4 16% 16% 4 | LabCo B 63% 63% + %4| Loeb M 9 9% | Maclaren B 14 14 | Mass-F 5 $13 13 6 26 |Mass F rts 10817 30 11% 11% 4+ %/| Mass-F' pr 210 $103 30% 3044 -- Ki)" et Store p 250 $22 854 854 | Mon Food 54% 54 + %! Mont Loco 9 9 Mont Trst 600 590 600 +25 | Moore $234 23% 23% + Yi Nat Drug $3844 37% 33% + %! Nat Trust $20% 20% 20% ~~ | Noranda 3 80% 5344 % 320 320 «320 $15% 15% 15% 290 290 «290 240° 240 «240 $20% 20% $4014 40% $i0% 10% $16% 16% 38% 8 |FIRST Oshawa showing. New 196: Owen Barrow of! Thistle baby carriages, new models, 465 y 70 Husky w 7120 1218 503 100 $84 8% $17% 17% $22 «22 30 SBE can 103 100 $7% 250 $12% 100 $94 7 12% 12% 94 4 710 $15%4 1544 15% 100 $2642 2642 26% 926 $324 32 324+ % 600 210 outed oa ered Se a CNG ET Tt PELLET EI OT ccc te nw og Today's Toronto Stock Market Ogilvie Overland Overland pr Page Hers 492 + %\Pow Corp 175% + ¥/QN G 10 |QN | Price Br Revelstoke a Roya! Bnk 17% -- % Salada 9 Sev Art 4 57% + %!| Shawin 18% + Yi Shaw B pr | Shelt Oil | Steel Can 539 64% + %| Wood Wood J \Charter Oil 8% + %\C Dragon 814 + %*1C Mic Mae 17% -- ¥) Glacier | Gridoil |Home A Home B | Medal | Northcal 7% -- Ye Pac Pete Provo Gas +2 | Quonto 570 349% 4944 4914 -- %4| Ranger care tien ceil mace eee a eee es ~ 14 Net Gales High Low a.m: Ch'ge 750 $13% 18% 13% 40 400 400 400 . 200 8% Be Bh 110 621% 21% 21% 11 Net Stock Stock q Trans Can Triad Oil W Decalta 500 61 «661 G1 160 an Gas w 2613 45 259 4500 1 S57%% 57% 57 5 $18% 19% 13% Alex Glenn Ur Gunnar Har Min Heath Holinger Jacobus , | Jellicoe Jonsmith Kelley F Kerr Add Kopan "ab Min L Osu L Shore La Luz ~i 1134 11% 237 $11% 11% $1l% 11% 7 -" $l1% 155 20 105 115 +2 1 1 -- MN +5 23 11% 153 20 105 115. 23 11% 155 20 105 --2 115 12 Langis 10% + %)Latin Am 00 12 «12 5000 10% 10 5000 33% 33 Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge Listings Stock 200 «= «6 1000 116 11590. 8 5 16 «(116 pT ohh earl 1000 300 v Hs i Br 33 esohe.: 8. soece. 2 g +2 => = _ gesedses ptonk Baahauars tite) L $ 38 sBbgut8ecsasesteccseFs. a exSSeuS8eus * > gubbee i 13% 3% 207 715 «715. 715. 750 60. 60 500 zi0 235 ee 8 = + = > - 4+ 780 1000 5000 Teck-H 100 U- Asbestos 210 Un Keno 385 Upp Can 200 |Urban Q@ 1000 23 Sales to 11 a.m.: ub Sturgeon Taurean % - #isiusGSuysgceselecunds. s stoseunSiuakgstesssouety. wessdusStuakyceseceuedyes 737,000, tt Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge --t -1 +t --< FES +) 1 x SS5 Wa Be At he 19% 19% 194 + % 4000 2a 2 = H = = Sandford, on Sunday. Mrs. Grant Christie is in Toronto, i . wick friends on M - Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Steven son, Linda and Brenda Ormis- ton were guests at the C. Midg- ley home on Sunday. WORKS HARD. ' Lagat B.C. (CP) Magee een eis a operates her owe tistieae here. She fells and processes trees for market and handles deliveries in her truck. Thomson Kernaghan & Co, TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE OPERATING DIRECT LINE To TORONTO - MONTREAL 0 ontario 229°1104 No Steirs Te Climb RES. MGR. ERIC R. HENRY, 725-4308 : | | | Port Perry Church Choir Holds Meeting BY MRS. CHAS H. REESOR By MRS. CHAS. H. REESOR |_ PORT PERRY -- Port Perry PORT PERRY -- The annual|Public School recently staged a meeting of) the Port Perry/successful Ice Carnival in the United Church Choir was held|Community Memorial Arena, in the basement of the Church, under the direction of principal recently. Roy Cornish and his staff of teh, : Pea oe {gold with black band. Serial 15906469. | Placing third in the competition! Mrs, MacMillian and Miss John- It was | FURNISHED rooms in priv ladies preferred. Near hospital, Edward of Port Perry, and The Rev. lciting styles. Bonus Free mattress.|¢ Hydro 200 filled crib mattresses, 110 ] : ic ements ond (neral cortege then moved to a; pa gS hk. We') buy it for top cash. Telephone|C Ut 4% pr zl0 Royal Canadian Legion in)pontiac, push button, custom in the|Con MS $27 VACUUM cleaner, Blectrolux, ranner| IN MEMORIAM 2, pons |General Hospital was held Mon-|Plicators, chequ sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office There ie no parting from those we) Armstrong Funeral Home. \paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap We still walk side by side. Mount Lawn Cemetery. He always will be there Name brands at biggest dis- | S. Piper and/ ana Beverley mattress furniture lines. W. Kellar. ear husband and father, Chri 19.30 - 9.30. Telephone 728-9191. jmusical director, Mrs. Frank; It was the thirteenth annual LOST | : And make no outward show, Karmn's and Beli Telephone) In May of 1962, the Choir' gers on the ice, in costumes. 000K -- In loving memory of a Sk Teen ee ee ter. Cininch. Choirs, son were seen on the ice as the But the sweetness will linger forever and School Association was held| ward. Telephone 728-9148. | "Bowling Night" was held in the co good this yea 'Port Perry School 'Holds Ice Carnival Joanne Draper, Vickie Heayn David Jackson, Ronnie Evans. Rhonda _ Forder, Podres, Sherlyn Reader. |Ricky Evans, Ricky Short. Carnegie, Penny Rider. Garry Waller, Donald Waldensperger. | bara Hillier, Dianne Cox, Faye} Healey. } proceeds were/Phinney, Glen Sweetman, Ken r that $80 was); 4 sea r (Roger Moase, Larry Mark, \Barry Saunders, Girls 12 years and under: Anna Forder, Wendy Snooks, Sharon Baird. | Boys 12 years and under: 'Ricky Beare,. Larry Mark, Roger Moase. Girls 13. years and under: Anna Forder, Janice Porter, Sharon Baird. Boys 13 years and under: {Russ Stephens, Larry Mark, and under:|Lonnie Mark. ° Bobby Young,) Girls 14 years and under: Janice Porter, Sharon Baird, Girls 9 years and under: Janet|Anna Forder. ' Boys 14 years Charlotte Carnegie, Bill Beare, Russ .|Jamie Porter. nt ee Jettrey | Girls Senior Open: Pat Healey '|Anna Forder, Janice Porter. Boys Senior Open: Bill Beare, Fred Cox, Danny Cawker. Grade 2 Boys: Glenn McCoy,) Girls 8 years and under: Marlene Boys 8 years and under: Stephens, Girls 10 years and under: Bar-| Boys 10 years and under: Ron|' JOINS CANADIAN GROUP LONDON (CP) -- Probation rvine. officer Ruth Nicholson of Dart- A renowned research institute has found a unique healing rhoids painlessly. It relieves itch- ing and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissues. ° One hemorrhoidal case history after another re} "very strik- ing improvement." Pain was promptly and gently relieved... actual' reduction or tetraction (shrinking) .took place. substance with the ability to shrink hemor- - Among these case histories were a variety of hemorrhoidal condi- tions. Relief even occurred in cases of long standing, and most im- Announce New Healing Substance... Shrinks Piles, Checks Itch | Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink repair damaged tissue. less painful. It helps prevent im fection Ghichte'e ciel oft noid Principal cause Just ask your druggist for Pre- ion H Suppositories or Pre- » Bert, Cis, Doris and/Christ Anglican Church Con-|Large full panelled white crib, $27, eg a ¢c bo Eadie, all of England. jducted the service from the|playpens, $8.88; strollers, $5.88; spring eo ae LOCKE'S FLORIST jchurch this afternoon. The fu- Furniture, 20 Church Street. (eae Pet pr 100 Sti Li f b l \ Sti Li NG furniture 4 or appliances? | C Util 100 i Stirling 'for burial in Stiriin a Ng leenietery. Pallbearers Were cal Pikes, Ua debi ae Cl, Je - | y Store, rince Street. 728-9191 | Con ig my ume: | ea jmembers of Branch 103 of the --7------- special 1963 Chev. and| Con Bldg w 3000 Ye | i vial, $54.95,|Con Paper cn iin Neca hecomye gam eg Me 1 FUNERAL OF Pandire dt | . ' | JOSEPH WARD pet nga type, silver ao oe recently re-| |Joseph Ward. Trotter who died| Apply 116 Eastmount Street, 725-1879, ie |Friday, March 1 in Oshawa|\T¥YPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, ny aa a i ; ene ae, Cusstophes teawer: who day, March 4 at 2 p.m, in the three hundred new and used. We buy, Vere saiy Mart oie mst om Equipment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. love, ee Rey. W. Herbert of King|STUDENTS A super value, approx: oe on es gaiden | Street United Church conducted |™ate!¥ 630 sheets of letter size typing the service. Interment was in|ply Oshawa Times Office, Each dawning day # thought of him, {111 Dundas Street West. an ae hearts that loved bim The pallbearers were W. HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appil- Ho G. illiams ARS .jances, : --Ever eee Ban 80: Davids] fond W. Wohune & R. Craw: counts anywhere. We carry Restonic Genghiertatow Patgeres, |Your authorized GE Gasies Contact| Sader ths titi i the lteactiors ' y } Cal's, Ki at! ; S; conway -- In leving memory of 2 [verses ster" ones' 26" Krwes enue] Vater. the. lendetahip' the Soe. ee vores os M ] G \ |Hastings and the organist, Miss| event of tis kind and there were 1 nage in the,book of memories ap e rove |34--Lost and Found |Gloria Hastings, the Choir has|cver 400 pupils, ranging in age We remember you in silence H S G )ST -- Sum of money. Vicinity of/had a very successful year. from five years to the teen- Store = t rj 4 : . But what 3 meant to lose you roup [oitee. 7rieer Maree 2. Rewar" competed in the Musical Festi-' Several of the teachers enter "Ever remembered by wile and' daugh-| Sees Film ONE LADY'S Omeg atch, white|@l Which was held in Ajax, eq into the fun and Mrs. Bailey, ter Mae, | dear ve 793-3181, , A who passed away) By MRS. HARRY FREEMAN | Rewari. Telephone 7-S'S\________| A trip by the whole Choir was Three Blind Mice. Mr Taylor 1962. MAPLE GROVE -- The Feb-|BULOVA (lady's) gold watch, engrav-| di the O'Keefe Cent t ps 3 Aber eye city sear memory deer father reels mane tio ing on back, lost February 27-(Wednes-|Made to the O'Keefe Centre to went as the "Farmer's Wife". To remember my whole life through, 3 eting of the Home) day), vicinity Montrave Avenue. 'Re-|see "Carousel"'. In September a The financial As I treasure the image of you. at the East School. e home, | Port Perry Bowling Lanes iv. "i | fa daughter Alice 5 aed i g zanes. given back to the students in} Pr edie ny lic agaal Fathers' Night. 'aundry| 'The Choir accepted the invi- prize money. Alfred Allin, husband of the) jtation of Mr. and Mrs. Charles paration H Ointment (with @ special applicator), Girls 11 years and under:|ford, Kent, leaves England this! t of all, results were $0 facilities, Telephone 736-1856. Anna Forder, Wendy Snooks,|month to become director of the! igh that this improvement portan' Following is a list of the prize| Joanne Jackson. |Muskoka Childrens' Aid Society} was maintained over a period of -- Ini ofa J ] ur goad Gale Seton. whe ponses president, presided and Mel 36--Legal away. March 5, 1948. |Bourgeois to enjoy an evening's winners: | Gone, dear sathes, S2tt acme, |Goodmurphy gave the treasur. er's report. jawarded to Mrs. Cole's room The world can never fill. jand Miss Johnson's room. | ~ Ever remembered by wife Mary. bro-) The program consisted of an} tts Ann: Nelle and grandchudres. (illustrated talk by David| none, bag bag was "'How o Improve Your Memory." RIMAR MEMORIALS This was followed by a color- ed film, "Fishing Fantasies," MONUMENTS ON DISPLAY IN.OUR SHOWROOM. whose setting was in South Complete Monument ond America. Inscription Service. The next meeting will be 152 SIMCOE SOUTH | } | jof Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeMill, |Oshawa, | |held on March 13 at the West | School. | Congratulations to John Mc. |Guirk on winning first prize in |the public speaking contest| e sponsored by Bowmanville Phone 723-1002 Branch of the Canadian Legion| in the senior elementary class. | CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs. Bill Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cooney, Mrs. Viola Cooney, Trenton; Mr. Mr Melville ©. Bradley wish to expreas|and Mrs. Charlie Bailey, Port| their thanks ond sgureciation fer the Hope; Mrs. Robt. Davics,| many acts of kindness, cards of sym-|Moose Jaw, Sask., Mrs. Edith| See Ste aad' mete tesa Morton, Toronto, have been| thanks to Elder P. W. Manuel of thejrecent visitors with Mr. and| a ae eS Mrs. Harold Cooney and fam-| cient arrangements. ily, and also called to see Mrs.| The Bradley Family|Bianche Cooney in Memorial| yowsane - Mueete thanks te De. Hospital, Bowmanville. John 'inney, nursing want stay, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mills were| i Gubtwa 'Gensel teeta anes |Sunday visitors with Mr. and| friends and relatives for cards, tlow- Mrs. Gordon Shunk, and Mr.| ee a Tee MOM nd Mire. Roy Goode Port MORIN -- 1 would like to Sisak the Perry. : pe craig grer lag aw raat 'eo der | Mr. and Mrs. Eric Burton, ing my recent stay in the Oshawa Gen-|Oshawa, were weekend visitors eral and a very special thank Sl ee Gk te tre te ilaw, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bur.) --Adelird Morin ton. A | Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGuirk F Fl Virus Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stain-| or U ton, daughter Beverly, Ennis-| killen, were Sunday visitors with| SARNIA (CP)--Dr. Gordon L. her parents, Mr. and Mrs | Anderson, medical health offi-/paye Bothwell, Jr., and sisters. cer, said Monday the influenza|/Barbara and Nancy Bothwell. virus responsible for a 'mild; epidemic" in the local area has| Ch h G been established definitely as WMUTC roup being of the Asian variety. | "As far as I am aware, this is. the first time it has been of-| ® | ticially ientified ie Ontario,"'} Clothing | Dr. Anderson said. | eH | By MRS, LORNE JONES | He said reports from doctors BALSAM - MT. ZION -- The indicate the number of cases @re increasing, but the epide-| mic has not reached the serious stage. recently: Fifteen ladies answered the roll call with the All "Church" or 'Chapel', ; : | Mrs. Lloyd Wilson gave a schools in the Minto area have paper on The Church, followed been closed as one out of every |}. O readines one iy Mrsi seven students and one of every|y3ck" 'cmpringham and. Mrs. three teachers is bedridden with) Lorne Jones. influenza. It was decided to bring used R. J. Fanjoy, secretary of;clothing for the next meeting to the Queens-Sunbury school dis- send to missions. trict, has announced that the | MINTO, N.B. (CP) and family were Sunday guests - The rummage sale netted a} |Shields acted as secretary. Mr.|i will not be responsible for any debte|Skating on their outdoor skating, contracted in my name by anyone on or jafter this date, March 5, 1963, |my written consent. '| 'The attendance banners were |on *™ ™ Me#om RR 9 Burketon,|Choir sang at the Claremont) NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ANONA SAWYER, Widow, Deceased. All, persons hoving claims against the estate of ANONA SAWYER, lote of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 10th day of March, 1962, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Person- al Representatives of the said deceased on or before the 9th day of March, '963, full particulars of their cloims. Immediately after the said date the soid Personal Re- presentotives will distribute the ossets of the said de- ceased having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 14th day of February, 1963. JOY CAMERON and WALTER SAWYER Administrators b ytheir solicitors with their son and daughter-in-| M, F. SWARTZ & R. L. SWARTZ | Borristers & Solicitors 262 King Street Eost, Oshawa, Ontario. Tea, Bake Sale Held By Greenwood H-S By MAY E. BROWN GREENWOOD -- The Green- wood Community Centre held }@ successful dance in the Town-| Mr. Kerr suggeste' a meet- Greg Goode, Bob Elford, Gathers Used jship Hall at Brougham recent-|ing of representatives of groups Geer The Home and School Asso.) ciation recently held a Tea and \Bake Sale at the Greenwood; He was one of five speakers! School i The UCW held a social even- United Church Women met _atling at the church when all pres-|the the home of Mrs. Richard Dayjent enjoyed games and contests| tion followed by lunch. Unit Two of the UCW heldje word their February meeting at the! Mrs, D. home of their leader, Morden. The Church Board met on by the men on March 20. without | re- cently and made plans for the|cent become sick i annual Oyster Supper to be put/after arrival and I 'Kindergarten and Grade 1 rink Boys 11 years and under:\in Ontario. irls -- Comic: Debbie Wylie,} aula Jeffrey, Dennise Stein, | fargie Vokins. Fancy Dress: Several years ago, this Choirjrane, Pam Gosli made a long playing record of| Pierre, Sherry Boyce. sacred music, which was put on Original: Jili Dowson, Cheryl sale for the public. Tapes have|Rahm, Lynn Johnson, Carla been made of select Christmas |Bagg, Sherry Devitt. anthems which the; Choir used| Kindergarten and Grade 1 In their annual Christmas Ves-|Boys -- Comic: Chris Durward, per Service held in December.|Sherm Stoughton, Lorne John. | This service, containing both! son, Timmy Heayn. | traditional and the more modern! Fancy Dress: Wayne Dowson, Christmas anthems, was per-|Gordie Goode, Kevin Knight, formed with great success. |Gordon Carnochan. The narrator was Danny| Original: Peter St. 'Peirre, Reesor and among the soloists | Mark Kenny, Andy and Paul were Miss Diane Hall, Charlie|Litt, Greg St. John, Sammy jliastings, Kenneth Hallett and' Romanchoff. |George Mahafty. Junior 2 and 3 Girls -- Comic: A record of this event is now Sanda and Sonja Enge, Linda |being cut and should soon be Rice, Orene Price, Vickie Luke. available to those interested. Fancy Dress: Lori Mark, | The Choir is now planning a Rhonda Forder, Kim Neill, Julie jconcert of secular and sacred Hall. |Music to be held on March 2nd.' Original: Donna and Denna jin the Port Perry High School. |Ballard, Cheryl McGregor and | The nominations and elections! Karen Carnegie, Debbie Me- | resulted as follows: Neill, Sherlyn Reader, Marlene | Past president, Mrs, Howard Podres. | Hall; president, Mrs. Frank Junior 2 and 3 Boys -- Comie: \Godley; vice president, Mrs. David Litt, Donnie McNeill, }Allan Rahm; secretary, Mrs, Ronnie Redman, David Perry, |Charles Bourgeois; treasurer, Fancy Dress: Robert Step- |Glen Taylor; social convenors,|hens, Douglas Walsh, "David \Mrs. Howard Hall and Miss|Jackson, Billy Van Camp. \Linda Harris; librarian, Mrs.| Original: David Bourgeois, George Bernett; assistant li-|Neil De Shane, Laurie Williams, brarian, James Rider; gown Paul Bagg, Billy Jeffrey. convenors, Miss Ilda Linstead Intermediate 3 and 4 Girls and Ivan Pascoe; press, George Comic: Janet Baird, Debbie Mahaffy. ri Cathy DeShane, Wendy ~----| Harris. | Fancy Dress: Nancy Dowson, 'Faster Moving i ime gu Of Cattle i G An invitation last October, the p | United Church, Laurie Coch- | n, Linda St.) \Pickard and Brenda Webster, Dianne Panabaker, Patsy and CHATHAM (CP) -- Lawrence|Leslie Denure, Kerr, Chatham district beef, Thomas, |producer, Monday called for Intermediate 3 and 4 Boys-- | Speedier transport of feeder cat-|Comic: Jim Moore and Dean je from western Canadian|Beare, Allan Shaw, Michael jfanches to southwestern On-|Wren, David Carnochan ltario farms. Fancy Dress: Billy St. Original: Mary Lynn McMas- | Said Needed jter and Freda Stein, Linda Mary Lou! John, | Garry | Original: Peter Vernon, Jody responsible for moving the cat- olving ae Charles Nelson, . Neil e. tle to seel: means of 5 transportation difficulties, ar Senior 6, 7 and 8 irls Comic: gz the livestock day | Heather Stephens and Sandra hich officially opened Hall, Joanne Jackson, B etty 1963 agricultural: conven- | Cowieson, Anna Forder, week being attended here) Fancy Dress: Charlene Bour- jby southwestern Ontario farm. 8°0is and Brenda Geer, Dianne ~ Brown and Esther McDonald, Mr. Kerr said about 10 per/Linda Heayn, Sharon Baird, \cent of feeder cattle transported _ Original: |from the West leaves freight 8"d Lynne |cars in need of attention, 60 per, Thomas, n the 10 days Joanne Shaw another five ner. jheard durin program w: Beverly Carnegie McGregor, Darla Elizabeth Jefford, » Ruthanne Buck. | WEAR WRONG BADGE district has decided to keep the|{otal of $15. The aftemoon was|The police force of this. Lanca- schools closed for at least a Spent in quilting. week on the ddvice of Dr. E.; The trustees of the Mt. Zion) R. O'Rafferty, district public/church met recently to decide; health officer. {on how to dispose of the church) ished. The order has affected 14) Ronald Jones accompanied! schools where 7,000 students John Sommerville and Alex} are enrolled with about 90 teach-|eask of Greenbank to Califor-|OM/Y be worn when there is alis ers. Reports Monday set the! nia by car. figure of those infected at 1,000 students and about 30 ers. Mrs, Jane Carson and family} with relatives. Shire resort has just discovered that it has been wearing the wrong helmet badges for the| duction is in the West, three.|Mark, Ricky Ballard, Raymond last 11 years, The bades have| (ters of the consumers are Hillier, Barry Elford, a Tudor crown which should |king on the throne. A new stock|the cattle on low-value land in| Saunders bearing a St. Edward crown, teach-| visited in Toronto for a week|denoting a reigning queen, has|high-value, corn-producing land Litt, Wayne Dowson, Paul Litt been ordered BLAC<POOL, England (CP)| Cattle sustained their basic Jos-|Mark, Larry Emmerson. |to six per cent become sick' Senior 6, 7 and & Boys -- within the next few weeks. Comic: Ralph Prentice and Ontario importers of feeder Scott Kenny, Billy Hall, Lonnie jSes, in many cases, before the _ Fancy Dress: |Cattle come under their contro],|Brian McNab, T | He noted that while three-/ Larry Moase. |duarters of Canadian's beef pro-) Original: Bobby Bruton, Larry Ricky Walker, ommy McNeill, to the east. He suggested this| RACES | Supports the assumption that it} KP and Grade 1 Girls: Jane sound pracice to produce/Sonley, Laurie Cochrane, Karen| Andy jthe west and finish them on| KP and Grade-1 Boys jin the East. Grade 2 Girls: Margot Michie, THE HOTTEST IDEA IN HOME HEATING! Now Esso pays for all the service--you pay for just the oll! %* Now Esso pays for annual burner and furnace conditioning... % Now Esso pays for mid-season check of your heating equipment... # NowEsso pays for emergency service anytime... You pay for just the oil! Now--with Esso Home Heat Service--you get all the services you need, all year 'round, including Esso quality furnace off; weather-controfled delivery, budget terms--all for the price of the olf! CALL ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE TODAY! PHONE: 723-2679 Esso olf heat Is right with the times with more for you... more services... more velues!