Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Mar 1963, p. 11

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ae coun tek acponouter aise aati iecs elentaiede ~ ay 10-PIN ACTION dies: Carol Germond 148, Joan O'Brien 145, Doris Clark 136 and Audrey Parker 131. LANDER-STARK CLASSIC The Colts scored this week's only shut-out blanking the Jet: with another record breaking Frank Sobil, rounding into form nicely after recovering from his fractured ankle, roll- ed a 647 triple last w to edge Bob Richardson by din, for ithe top honors. This past week also saw 11 bowlers top the 600 mark, EASTWAY MAJOR LEAGUE It seems that we either have a feast cr a famine as shut- outs play @ prominent part in our scores each week. There were two recorded ihis week one by the Toppers and the Other by the Lotuses squad. Results -- Toppers 4, Ter- mites, 0; Lotuses 4, Oshawa Cleaning Contractors 0; Live|Walt Scott had a neat 640 for Wires 3, Holody Aluminum 1;|the losers. Corvettes 2 and Ontario Motor)' The Eagles, Sales 2. High Triples -- C. Andor 641 Richardson led the assault with a dandy 646, which included high games of 254 and 202. and a good 236 game, Bob Edgar was in good form with 614 to lead the Tigers to a headed by .V. i 1, The Flyers picked up two (218, 216, 207), J. Waldinsperger|games from the Royals with J. 580 (221), B. Joyce 578 (212),|Densholm best for the winners B. Borrowdale 564, B. Richard-'and Doug Keeler shining for son 562 (222), W. Scott (200), H. Blohm 555, G. Brabin| difference as the Chiefs tripped 551. (200), V. Trimble 549 ne second place Lions 2-to-1. G. Reid 545. TOP TEN -- B. Richard%on Cc. anes -- with an aver-| age of 1 MEN'S MONDAY NITERS |(234, 226), B. Edgar 614 (223), | season' |G. Brabin 610 (236), C. Andor Frank Sobil Has 647, Week's Highest Score performance. By .shooting 2,391 "4 the Colts broke their own high | ; team triple by nine pins. Bob/S George Brabin had. a fine 610 i T 240-1 decision over the Falcons.| pe, Trimble edged the Hawks 2-to-|¢™ 557|the losers. B. Welsh made the|} \646 (254, 202), W. Scott 640) 3M LET EPORS OD VOOM TOR My, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuseday, March 5, 1963] gle. For the Ladies, we have J. 3yurka 525 and M. Taylor 500 "nd we have a newcomer to the|% 300 club as Berniece Differ roll- od her first 521. triple this year, if : 3 i H Eye) $18 5 é i 2 é * i i g° 8 8 3 E B 9 < 5 = a ll =e j 3 Ete " F ge and Gadabouts tied 19-94, Aut Carwash 18-103, Sabyan Motor Sales 17-94, Lucky 13's 17-87%, Oshawa Cam- Centre 16-79, Wilson's Furniture os, ca. 11-76 and 'Spitaite 7 High A ie Men -- Reid 183, J, Briza "6. (1s), G, tieaer 172, G. McCormack and M. Katchaluba 171. -- M. Taylor . Gyurkea 156 (63), . Baxter 161 and F, Thames may be discontinued. Firms say that it costs more high average,ing longer afford it. and voting will March, oP ed ion Maren 20. If people nom- than £1,000 ($3,000) to main- tain the barges and they can RESULTS COUNT! _ REMEMBER WHEN... .? The West Point Military hockey "ga won fs. -- Raya itary ane. at Kingston, Ont., victories except for one tie. FORT LAUDERDALE, Fila. (AP)--New York Yankee mat- ager Ralph Houk isn't taking any chances on letting another Robin Roberts get away. Houk said Monday he will concentrate this spring on work- ing the pitchers he will have to decide whether to keep. He plans to let his big three-Whitey Ford, Ralph Terry and Bilt Stafford-work mostly against B teams in spring games. Houk let Roberts go last sea- son without throwing a pitch in a regular season game. The vet. eran, picked up by the Balti- more Orioles, went on to the comeback of the year. SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and inated can be contacted first week, we will have elections on the 13th, if not, then we will vote on the 20th. EASTWAY MEN'S LEAGUE Last week was a rough night on the league leaders as H and L Enterprises were trimmed by Progress Brand 3 to 1 and Me- Laughlin Coal were taken by Goch Supertest 3 to 1. Me- 592 (222), J. Waldinsperger 578 r.| (200), D. Keeler 570 (224), F. |Sobil 569 (224), G. Reid 566 |(214), B. Welsh 563 (207, 200), Standings -- Colts, Lions, \Eagles, Royals, Tigers, Jets, Chiefs, Falcons,, Hawks and Commercial established, reliable Ges Yes om cages og 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) Our top bowlers were in rare} form this week as F, Sobil pe: formed like a TV star wi me mpage og 647 (228, 223), while Reid and J. Waldinsperger| fin the sound barrier with) 18 (2 612 (233 a db 25) and (233) respec- Fiyers, Chuck' Andor rolled 502 (222),| OSHAWA MIXED LEAGUE Heong van . Mg ing sa, Teaee Mathie. See" he nao 548 (225), G. Williams Be P 5 ee ee ee ale ene Saas an rossley wi com-| 35 ¥ pleted the top ten. Gril a, Mixers. cv aaaae we Jackson Sand and Gravel are) Big six a Flyers 23 and Courtice still leading with 38 points, close-| Camps 2 ly followed by Millwork Build- ers Supply with 37 and Tuck | Tapers with 35. The others fol-| Richmond low, Sheriffs Tailors and En- gel's Men's Wear having 27 each. People's Clothing and Kin- loch's Men's Wear 26 each, In- dustrial Tools 25, Oshawa TV 24, Ma Union City Body 23, Dunlops 22, McCullough Lumber 14, Seaway ' Fords 10 and Baker Vending 9. sted! WOODVIEW PARK MIXED | Jets and Twisters |to take the Allsorts and reer ers for a 3-to-1 count. Don Clark pd spared for a Twister bowler and rolled the high triple for the men) EASTWAY MIXED LEAGUE 532 (200), Carol Germond was} High bowler of the night was high for the ladies with a single|Gord McCormack who rolled a of 185. Ray Cornish rolled well|633 triple and a terrific 267 sin- for the Jets, the first night back 1963 JOHNSON captain, and Keith Williams, public relations chairman. »Oshawa Times Photo. club secretary; (Back Row): Dave Nicholishen, treasurer; George Ward, team _ secre- tary; Pete Sheppard, team OSHAWA VIKINGS Rugby Club's new 1963:executive met last night to di their plans for the coming season. NAME 1963 EXECUTIVE Vikings Will Operate Two Teams Here Again Genosha Hotel was the site for -the fifth annual general meeting of the Oshawa Vikings Rugby Football Club. One of the highlights of a lively evening was the election of a new executive and officers for the ensuing year. After prob- ably the most keenly contested election in the club's history, the following members were yoted in: President, Terrence V. Kelly; vice - president, Bill Watson; club secretary, Bill Lockwood; treasurer, Dave Nicholishen; team secretary, George Ward; club captain, Pete Sheppard; public relations, Keith Williams. Three officers were also nomi- mated to manage the fields of entertai i expansion, Left-to-right, are shown above (Front Row) -- Terry Kelly, president; Bill Watson, vice- president, and Bill Lockwood, 'O04 - MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consult @ Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board the decision by the member-|mat for Canadian football, and ship to return to a two- team| can be basically described as ; system, beginning with the} being more fun to play, but per-|national sport in the world. spring schedule. jhaps less interesting to watch) Phone Bill Lockwood at 725- A prime reason behind this|than the national sport. |0361 (evenings) or Chris Krause move, was the club's embar-| In Canada, the popularity of/at 725-7311 (Local 538 (day- eas = veorang! wg hog "Rugger" has spread tremend- times). provide regular games to all the) ously over the last decade, espe- people who wished to play dur- cially in the area of schools| 4. bs eat yon ail ing the fall season. However, op-jand collegiates. Oshawa now Ona erating with two teams, the Vik-|boasts teams in three collegi- . ings again guarantee a gamelates, with the fourth school| April 7, Sun, -- Irish Ist at to any prospective player, with| presently abstaining. due to the| Oshawa. or without oe. bg lack of an imstructor. Pe a 13, Sat. In fact, the success s | Oshawa. sport is largely due to the fact| HARD WORKERS HERE | April 14, Sun, -- Deep River that it can be played after very|, Some of the students whojat Oshawa, little iniial instruction. have contributed to this inter-| April 20, Sat. est, are also Viking members. To he uninitiated, "R " iGisade "a an we si of six Horse ses 'o he wi . ugge! ° 'eam standings -- isters as it is affectionately known, is)! particular Tony Saramak,| April 27, Sat. -- Scottish 1st mbe Usorts peo just - aaline "betr-cee: Gerry Tymoshik, Ron McNight|/ and Nomads at Oshawa. =. ra = me 13 end and espécially Jim Hinkson, OUTBO D NOW ON DISPLAY tact" game, but more of a social May 4, Sat- -- Wanderers 1st i have communicated their keen-|and 2nd at Oshawa. ge ps fg ipo ness for the game through per- S ror OPEN EVENINGS pleasure, through participation in the second largest Inter- Women's High Average -- Bea Allen 162, 146, Shirley Bowers 145, Be Hutcheon 145, Nor- Glenda Thomson 143 -- Welsh at -- Rams at ot Averages -- Men: Curt Russell 163, Doug Trivett 5/158, Walt Dowe 155, Al Leavitt 155 and Bob »_Germond 153. La- tween the ages of 5 and 50 the May 11, Sat. -- Thornbury 7's opportunity of dispelling the| sonal contact. at Thornbury. anxieties and meurosis of mod-| Many young men who pass| May 12, Sun. -- Villains. at ern living through physical ther-|the age of elegibility for junior] Thornbury apy. There is little more men-jconference football, suddenly} May 1s, 'Sat. --Montreal 7's at tally satisfying than the pur-|find themselves left high andj Montreal. suit and eventual upending of|dry on the gridiron. They are| May 25, Sat. -- Toronto 7's at whoever happens to be carry-jeither good enough to play pro-| Toronto. fessional ball or otherwise they; June 1, Sat. -- St. Kitt's at Oshawa. June 8, Sat. -- Saracens ist at Oshawa. | FOR THE FIRST TIME | NOBODY ||GREAT CANADA-WIDE e o Senna end industria! Sites @ Leaseback e ne greg REALTOR 52% Simcoe N. 728-9474 ttem to emerge from the dis- cussion on club business, was Wininger Caps New Orleans Tournament NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- It| turns out that Bo Wininger, the! champion of the gteater New| Orleans open golf tournament | for the second straight time, | wasn't' joking after all. | A fast man with a quip, Win- inger had fun with sports writ- ers and fans in the early rounds of the $40,000 tourna- ment, saying they paid too much attention to golf's golden) trio -- Arnold Palmer, Gary Player and Jack Nicklaus. "Who's the defending cham- pion of this tournament?" he'd ask with a big grin. "Not those » guys. 723. 9311 | xine w. New GIANT SIZE Gillette Foamy Shaving Cream .98 Plus Dispenser of 15 Gillette Super Blue Blades 1,00 REGULAR VALUE 1.98 BOTH FOR ONLY freshment centre after the game, to explain to a cornered; To these young men and all associate just how you accom-|other interested parties, we sug- plished the feat. gest a phone call to the under) mentioned will pay handsome} The game itself although purely amateur, was the for-ldividends in satisfaction and) He proved his point in the fi- mal round Monday over Lake- 'wood Country Club's 7,000-yard course, wiping out Bob Ros- burg's two-stroke lead and go- ing ahead to whip Rosburg and Tony Lema by three strokes. Winninger posted a three un: ag 60 for a 72-hole total of The "s cheque of ie 400 was his largest of the a finished with a 74 for 282, tied with Lema, who fin- ished with a 73. Each got $3,050. Player came home sixth with 2@4. Palmer had a 290 total in @ six-way tie for 14th place. Al Balding of Toronto, only Canadian in the money, shot a! 7 Monday, his worst round of! 'ee gr magey BS gave Bald. @ score 4-73-71-75-- naceltoad $485. ne |=Ay PRICES! | No Matter Whether It's Furniture, Appliances, HI-FI, TV, Radios, etc. If You Don' t Buy It At Bad Boy's YOU PAY Too MUCH !! BAD BOY sa APPLIANCES Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 KING ST. E. AT TOWNLINE 728-4658 Wall Ming hide Sti Fil + hg REGULARLY $8.75 Giant Size Foamy @ Fast, convenient, refreshing way to shave. @ Rich Foamy stays moist the whole shave through. @ Contains K-34, the antiseptic that dite stroys harmful facial bacteria. Super Blue Blades @ Remarkable edges developed by radically new process. @ Fast, clean shaves with almost unbelieve able comfort. @ Shaving's so easy you hardly know there is a blade in the razor. 'Oshawa's Top Tire Wade 2 -- 750-14 4-ply Dominion Royal Endurance tubeless black walls and trades, installed .. . PAIR Free Snow Tire Remivel Included in Above Prices @ BUDGET TERMS @ No Red Tape--We de our own financing WHITE OR YOUR CHOICE OF EXCITING COLOURS Iso Save now 52. 45. A QUART on Matchin Catinh r WHITE _ OR a 2 -- 750-14 4-ply Dominion Royal Guard tubeless white walls and trades, installed . DOMINION TIRE STORES © Bruazes and rollers clean under the tap @ Dries quickly "Deal With Best and Get The Best' | Oshawa Wood Products LTD. SUPPLY LIMITED ! HEAD OFFICE & SHOWROOM OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6511 | COURTICE -- PH, 728-1611 PHONE 728-1617 LL USED TIRES 1.99 up STORES DOMINION 48 Bond West TIRE LIMITED (Corner of Church)

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