he bac. 4% ck, SNA ee rks pik ae Re ee ee A ee dhe Ne Ron hi eae Y PEO OSC IE OT I IES TOV Te Hy ; 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, 1, Marek 2, 1968 j ' Banks, which have been lend. The junior coppers were ex-was 148,028,720 compared with) Tre asury Bills Judge Se. s Time Seturdey 5 e ers of the industrial market for|tremely quiet but- junior golds) $48,826,475. : volving the importing of raw N 7 ection Ou s the last few weeks, led the|showed sporadic movements,| On index at. Montreal, indus- Sh S all Rise In Sugar Charges debit teoik aba: ova Scotia Bank market lower with many of thejespecially Hallnor, Pamour|trials were down 1.4 at 117.1, ow om ¢ judge was to have im- Ty S 5 lissues touching their low prices|Porcupine and Aunor which re.|banks 1.8 at 121.7, composite 11 By THE CANADIAN PRESS MONTREAL (CP)--Mr. Jus- posed sentence Friday on the } Issue hares Di Stock Mar ke aaa iene in Prot litles wiles ai 1140. | A somewhat tighter day-to- pele eee fo of 'Que-|companies, which p guilty) TORONTO (CP)--The Bank ts is year, 5 bss ec Su or says he , 15. that the 1p IMPERIAL LIFE JUMPS Western olls showed little ac-| Industrials' volume at Mont.|day loan situation was reflected) oa." more time to study the Jan, 15, But he said of Nova Scotia announces it will this week in treasury Dills yields charges involved so broad alissue 300,000 additicnal shares By GREG MacDONALD At Toronto this week the daily| Despite this downtrend other|tion among senior issues al- a ad A seey wpe res es F gpa ed B jem lightly to 3.09/°88¢ of three large Canadian! sions and were of such impor-lof stock 'at $45 a share. -\financial institutions tended to|though some juniors were ac. 3.65 on the 91-day|sugar refineries charged with a tance that he s more time] Subscription wert will be Canadian Press Stalf hypree a ge eth a re Lays stg Imperial life was|tive. Consolidated Mic Mac, week, while mining volume was Ler scr = an Mem s7eitrade restriction conspiracy in. S tear ts Seo tamed "otto bs tec tans ol i wae i Sf a the around $10,000,000. the star performer, jumping $30|Security Freehold and North-|2,982,245 compared w' 781,+|on the 182-day. 'Ns evs, Weneol: ih nting|Tatio of one for each nine held cone eral '3 og : | However, there were again|in one session following news|cal sold at their highest prices|177. The rate moved down to 3%|mained quiet, : the companies until March HA gr igge o of " ' e 5S omy | ae, a Puc falths Base blocks of shares inithat Gelco Enterprises was of the year. L : per cent early in the week but) Trading in longterm Canadali, snewer certain Crown repre: . . Pe are 2,700, ower ground this week. special - sized transactions that|making a bid to purchase 45,000) On index at Toronto, indus-| CRASH KILLS 64 went to 3% per cent by mid-/bonds was very light, withlgentations, if they ao desined, Shares outstanding, © ee eee lectin caly twolwere eo noticeable last. week, [epares Bt 6200 @ share. tclals wore down 4.88 at ts.t7'|_ GUATEMALA . (AP) -- Agiwet, WHR SAAny, money mee. ipilons, genscally 74 Devic. COBlin connpotion with the case; Mel. im Warn right to subseribe Raid Sear acai soon to| There were some 30 such} It was a ue aan Se - ape ay io Re Oe ie il ape dnery bus hs yg ~s <4 oo B eo - 'ans tak "io cs , AY, ye Bere atl aian't elaborate. pate ube es thee eh ith even the vola-/Golds gained 1, 82, lfair turned over and burn . 5 . hiatal Be wacy of making any Gab. aase eth, Ete Lok. wit tie. epooula i Thuty 'ay. killing 64 persons in-|curity dealers believe, is a tem-|1983, at 92%-02%. Investmen\| 'The companies are ,000 to $500,000 each, with|tile speculative issues showing) western oils 81 at 115.47, |Thury.a) ng 64 pers 0 lantic Sugar Company Limited, of Nova Sc forer tend in New York fr|mod. of he buying, coming inte action. Among senior t/"Vaiame a. Toronto was 18, (adie ene, pole sidparey unin," ele rele te, eae gape neta cc on an Tiros oe the last month, has also helped vd gg co a ' ~~ ee be a _ thelr lowest|181,511 compared' with 15,614,766|hurt, was 'accused of drunken\ket remained firm, making|with only --_ volume during) be oa og Pn liga Domi- wear Friday at $72.25, ahead ome lg og aaa a which 'are involved' in takes. 'prices of the year, last week, while dollar value|driving and speeding, small gains, though trade re-'the next month or so. nion Sugar ¢ any. $1.25, TO EVERYONE IN ONTARIO FOR THE THIRD TIME Over 60,000 People in Ontario Already Enjoy the Benefits of ihe health insurance plan Medical WILLPAYIN FULL se cours soovrsecsromu ennoe » BY ONTARIO DOCTORS. THE FOLLOWING DETAILS ILLUSTRATE THE WIDE COVERAGE AND THE BROAD RANGE OF PAYMENTS: Bened ww 100% of the Onteria Maticol Aewseletion'e Schedeke of Presi, 198 B DOCTORS' BILLS--For home, office and hospitai--drom the very first visit--general practitioner Mi MATERNITY--Covered after plan in forve for 8 months, miscarriage after 3 months. Both| _or specialist--without limit on the number of visits. ' husband and wife must enroll. SURGICAL OPERATIONS--as a result of sickness or accident, including anaesthetist's fees. a aan some examples p pean made for cparations aeons by a general practitioner, @ YOU ARE FULLY COVERED for both new and past conditions. assistant and anaesthetist: 1, NEW CONDITIONS=-Coverage begins immediately on the effective date of the Surgeon & Asst. Anaesthetist When operation is eae Wriet Fracture sesesessece§ 47.00 cecceccees $18.00 formed by @ Certified 2, PAST ya dt para sone (for which you have had treatment APPERGIX..csesereseeseee 10000 sseccecese 26,00 ae, ces advice PRIOR to the dete of your policy begin six monthe after plley's eve date Gall Bladder ..ecccedeeves IB.00seccoveres 85.00 will be made at the ape- Wi TONSILS AND ADENOIDS--Standard six month waiting period for removal of i cialist's scheduled rate. and adenoids. Wi PSYCHIATRY--Up to $25.00 for the first visit--$10.00 each visit for 100 additional visits. Mi MEDICALL DOES NUT COVER routine medical examinations or "check-ups" DIAGNOSIS--Including x-ray and laboratory expense to a limit of $50.00. No limit on necessary medicine such as vaccinations; expenses paid by Workmen'e Compensation or other . x-ray for fractures Sane authority; effects of War. 1. Man 'or woman 2. Man or woman 3. One adult (any age) 4. Both parents (any age) THES F L0 W ~ under 50 years of age 50 years of age or over and dependent children and dependent children under 19 years of age. under 19 years of age. $3.50 montht $5.00 month! MONTHLY RA TES Each person sn ne make Each person ys ce make sraninsncsies one malaise Only one enrollment form Only one enrollment form out a separate enrollment form. out a separate enroliment form. necessary for each family. necessary for each family. ARE ALL YOU PAY! FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, MEDICALL PREMIUMS ARE PAYABLE MONTHLY A MESSAGE TO | ici cctocon a ncon's coats ATTENTION | Srrerest eh vetacers, Pacis tees with we to qualify for grou this San i=... 2. SMALL BUSINESS |eeaase . No company address or association is A separate enrollment is required for PERSONS. } sme OWNERS ISwecmue ett NO AGE LIMIT, NO PHYSICAL EXAM, NO HEALTH QUESTIONS Do it WOW... Enrollment ends midnight, March 12th, 1963 | ENROLL Your protection begins on March 28th, 1963 TODAY { Med ds ernest eto Moda, ROME ota Cn, 10 lo SLE, Tere 8, On a Check ENROLLMENT FORM FOR : One Plan Only) wEDICALL PLAN WITH CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY! ' OSED IS $3.50 PLEASE PRINT W.4 i POLICY OWNER'S a on | Oa CL) ENCLOSED is $5.00 ' 1 FIRST NAME AND oO mooi «LL | tT ttt ETT TT] ENCLOSED Is $10.00 WRC OF Wr appleatay ENCLOSED 1S $13.00 "STREET ABORESS Here's All You Do To Join: 1. Fill out enrollment blank and attach cheque or money order for first month's premium. | t A. J z. Mt Os ervtomen frm to Sete, PSAEaet Reet Cn, 10 Rr, Tenet & Oot H (Cheek One Plan Only) ENROLLMENT FORM FOR MEDICALL PLAN WITH CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANYS ' -- IS $3.50 PLEASE PRINT W.4 20 me" CITT CLIETIT Ir ENCLOSED 1§ $5.00 5 mie a 30 moat CTT TTT TTT IITs ENCLOSED IS $10.00 ot ee 40 ENCLOSED IS $13.00 lunderstand that my cov- erage will begin March . . 28th, 1963. ea Dla Enclose cheque or -- | () [NUMBER money order for first pete 4 DERFOUNT | ST 4 oa a 2. Give them to your own insur- ance agent or broker or any Continental agent-- D 26 Or mail to: MEDICALL, Continental Casualty Company, 160 Bloor Street East, Toronte 5, Ontario, blank to your husband, wife or friend $ I "STREET ADDRESS tunderstand that my cov- erage will begin March = j-aiyy- 28th, 1963. Enclose cheque or td 1 money order for first "wONT | oa | VaR --" a] Loe verthoent month's premium pay- C1 [enitoren ableto Continental | 'SiGNATURE Casualty Cempany. PROVINCE | Ne more information needed. Continental will send you your Medical health insurance plan before effective dote of March 28th, 1963. | a month's premium pay- CHILDREN | able to Continente! anna Casualty Company. PreK eK eB Be OB BE EH ewe eee Peer Keen wee ee ee oe ewe Te ewe em HY LL baou