Pewee ~ Weg cant My PEO Roe Ps 12TH OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, March 2, 1963 "TIMES HOME Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity By. The Cansdian Press --------This Wee 1962-68 - --------This Week----------- 063 : ------This- Week ' by 90 to 286 on Stock Gales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low Gales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low Seles High Low Close Ch'ge mies this week. Issues un- ow Coal B 150 450° 450 450 Volume for the week was 15,181,511 shares, down from the previous week's 15,614,776, Total sales for the year to date are 154,430,282. (Quotations in cents unless marked 8.) WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO #8TOCKS By The Canadian Press -1 i) & i 2 ; 3 F 283 ws ey eg 3 Sgh gelegesdl Fusgsss8o8 $ beeeeCe ly sss 55 : gse 3 Lub Bak Bot = B8eg-5-355 3 s ------This Week------_---- 1963 Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low INDUSTRIALS é Fi: 2 233 2 "338 = ri i = g2sbuageteb=g 8 L s 59822882 3428885 ork s z vias *, Suc stent BEE ge Pte ssiesgesedes 2 3 2es. DESIGN No CH -716 ry House 1118 Sq.Ft. Garage. 216 Sq.Ft. 'ao > -- Lilek £2 & S858s2 SasS35S 3 - AH 2 > 1 + 3 & e28532 F Lk +t Fe eageticseegcecsB wc piSeegtcecceBOebsegtize, zbssufe-Scecpesccysyysf..88e,2 8st CT PATIO _ GARAGE. OPTIONAL) 108x'20° 2 = = 3 HG nal il eS BEt52°~ 8 3 = 33 sEsBBz oo. sks = - e8gz Sas eo > nS 2 ph gtubearse.des <8 Leiu! 3 E5855 g-8s= E 8 "i s2bbedsids asés 33 382a5 BeBewcree Bes so 288 Faas e738 4, 2 & S Z 82 Gg2! ns ' 8 s = age gs § Sage p88, ee8 gps Seaggtgs 53 88 8 s = = ssoe°3° BSESE*S B ---% W% 2774 255 $108 107% 107% --~ % 110 309107 «107 «+107 108% 1 3084 790 755 770. --30 975 755 1069 $19 18% 184% 19 17% Cc 2955 $204:20 2%+% 21% 19 J : 1 0% 105 100 609 600 600 +2 630 530 7850 65 62 5099 S46%e 464e 464+ % 48% 43% 3 160 35% 5% bag ed = 2e--ie BY WN" 435: 1% 1 +1 55 v ve b mee ake 420 912% 10% 11% +1% LteN A 23 8is% isy 5% 15% Pb sass Sih 154 154 -- % 25 $50% af od 100 $3188 SI 170 ar 7043 8834 7% a he Lakeland 12470 si 3é§ 2 8 38, Se8e 3 $2 sil seseidsssuzigse-, -isen8s DINING 8*8* re 23388 BEEPEREEGE ei eecpe rey i ea 33 e s a - ~ 5328 F : F beng! BE 3 wr B F g*x3 ageS8cegusbers.° .teguigs¥s-ct-ste_s £ 3 + = B58: == +f P= 3 88 iif my 5 3 POEELE z tg Sageseisies bgt ssxg¥ot-28ss24= 2 i age 3 ao "Ce = : sha a | | HOME DESIGN CH716 able at this Newspaper Of- Details, Landscaping, Color fice (or from address below) Selection, Interior Decorat- This Design features @ is the latest DESIGN BOOK ing, Furniture Arrangement, panelled picture and entitled "Canadian Guide to Custom Designing, etc., plus a large bay in the breakfast tome Planning and Design , ovér 100 popular and new de- nook. Bedroom windows are price $1.00, and is tax free. signs to choose from. Also in- high for added privacy. Util- This new edition includes in- cluded in this book are full ity room with separate door formation on Financing in details on how to order blue- ftom the rear vestibule could Canada, Building Construction _ prints. serve as an extra bedroom, study or den. There is provi- sion for an extra washroom in The Building Editor, ease tunis? Saars Tae, shows bric 8 'acing, but details for building in. al Cohawa, Ontatie, Zlcees oe weed eres, [) Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book house could be built on a 65- of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" foot lot. Standard Builders Mail reauests 10c extra. (Please make remittance Blueprints for this design No. GH 716 cost $15.00 for the first payable to The Oshawa Times). set and $5.00 for additional ate available in NAMIC ccccccccccccccccccccescccccesccescceccscscccecesess sets. Canada by return mail. (On- tario residents must remit 3 AMRIOED cocccrccccccccnccvcopevcccedccedseccccccccccenese per cent sales tax). Now avail- FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN ousSOGS edaebex & 8 8 233 +3 2 _" E53 $385 g858ees g £ 3 BF syrsradis.3 #38 uageyssestlsas > gf see EEE 3 F > 2283 a : Fe S2¥s 235 - 5 83 se § Beg ssesces's 8 Fs #7 perp tate shes eoscogbdesgysSgcs. pFegeSe=Bc-nc- 8B = 2 yee. [+ F SFSSESE sibitsts giseeedd 3 F Ps SEF, pEgueta-usesy -gobe sees 2 ERTETEE fp egsebags B T+++#1 11 | : tity 3 4 BetjcinSeues Petr 2 & ght agitts Beye bss, é Mia Begs 'Coch Will Coin Lake C Met 2 Rs 3 2 Se pcosb gers: ..nbeszrscccstecege 88-8. ghey Bests ce geusscgsc-e5..28u-g-s.c 8 » --) + + Lilettit+] Lette +s oh oe sets aes cif #28 BE nye $ Sere +++ s*. Coniagas Coniacram nm c Bellekeno Con C Cad C Discov Cc Fen Con Gilliés CG Arrow C Halliwell C Marben C Marcus C Mogul C Morrison Moshér £ s aoe 3 > Ba = t z 2 eastis. ahs 8 8 et "y 2 a i 3 SF serysese.rcsasrss S3e¢ Pi FS BBSSEE ee L = geesggeeebs8e ereesetagh 35 bTelelelet + ral : Litt Fee +44 EF igre af asic ge gig gese $2 Bogs: tasebEsesgs Fe wegggesets 4 = +1 +4 4 = 3 SS -anq 8 S238 s & SSBrrte = = 8 i. aEe Le ge $53 ip be ee FF ~385, 8282 - ESees8aut i se ap 43 bee 2"§. 23hs83* ++ Ssseqe' 5 of Sf2%st 2282 t TE a 2 1 ° it s se 38, .8Eegubs- L pad es 4 pte ~ oS Sse C Shawkey Conwest Ex Sin oc¥lustsevbeled az s x Cop Corp Cop Man Coulee Courvan Cowich Craigmt Crestaur Croinor 32 q Crowpat one Hath mm +% cn 9 beet + . 3 1106" 573 550 550 --45 895 525 BAreite ind P $00 $23% 25% 24+ W 29% 20% De Cour apogee 9° 5 Co) 70 170 693 73. 3 2 100 3824 1865 303 4772 Pow 7636 Cem ba 24 Sugar 760 Foils A 160 ndry 3095, Mait 510 ack A 15 ick B 755 Perm 1569 5S 185 153 1150 4555 gezagz8s ., betagske uae st tt, = a ot > Cc P Cc Pw Cnet le 4 pr CSL CSL Can w 83cc DULL SPOTS ON | ANSWER: To restore the|Building, Portland 4, Ore., for PLASTIC TILE |shiny surface to the plasticja copy of "Vacation Cabins QUESTION: There are sever.|tile where it has become dull) with Log Cabin Siding': Single al dull spots on the plastic tile|from the paint remover, try the| Copies are free on request. This on our bathroom walls. We re-|following method: Rub the af-jcontains simple plans and at painted the ceiling and got|fected area briskly with a paste|the same time request names some paint spatters on the tile.|Of fine powdered pumice and|0f dealers stocking logs. Popu- Where we removed the spatters| Water. Then polish with a thick/lar Mechanics Press, 200 ©. with paint remover, the tile| Paste . tog amie Gung = alg terete bg = water. a clean lishes ue-print for a log ee ne ee eth" cabin (40 cents). Following | leaflets available from the Su- | DULLED PLASTIC TILE |perintendent of Documents, THE HOME | QUESTION: The shine has|Washington 25, D.C. payment disappeared from my plastic|MUst accompany order; no WORKSHOP wall tile. Is there a way to get/St@mps: "Building With Logs lit back? It became dull when 1|No. A 1.88:579, 25 cents; "Cab. jused a cleaning solution on it,|{28" No. 120:2-a, 30 cents. |. ANSWER: Try polishing the |tile by quick rubbing with a REMOVING CALCIMINE jthick paste made of powdered; QUESTION: I have an older jchalk and water, then wipe with| home, The basement walls are \a soft, dry clean cloth. If shine|of rocks and cement, covered |jnot restored, try rubbing with|with calcimine on the inside. Pattern ||Paste made of fine pumice and|This keeps coming off in spots 380 | water, then polishing again with|and makes a mess. I want to first paste. take all the calcimine off. and | paint the walls. But I am hav-| STAINED HARDWOOD FLOOR |ing trouble in getting the calci- : QUESTION: On my hardwood Mine off. What is the best and " rah pots oe rs fo floors, I put some wax remover, grit to do this? | laking it was wax. It dried plied igh bra water ap- By RUTH W. SPEARS [thy oth coroa ey eemSlusually loosens calawine cosraint and igh vo famaelumes, which war a mistake i/et0ueh 40 it can be wiped oft Ww a shelves and brackets which found ag toot ai What to 0! o¢t one patch van ee are easy x cut with tret $3 oor? 2 ogg oS another area. For stubborn cat or power jigsaw. Pattern 380,| "ai ' which gives actual-size guides foot wide and two feet long, rarer g dined prego 5 for the shelf, small brackets,/>etween the dining room rug soda to the gallon Page ng Grestbrk pr Pe a 12% 19 + % 18M 134 158% 128 M4 U8 a lange bracket, and a comer 2nd the kitchen. (seed: tas & wine I of water 5 Sa 2960 831% 30% 314--% 3 Iso oo 73 TB bracket, is 50c. This pattern) ANSWER: Clean the affected|---- rush. eee | 1 5 Te a ey ee Jac ize i" yay yf Mic Mae sag a) Cy Wall Pagal tragpe'f a gl remove any finish Crush Int : WK M4 Biat Gis ae we we sey a0000 14 11 14 Ps poe AB a ; a variety of|down to bare wood by rubbi lay lar 7 O83 39 3 -- " 2 full-size designs -- all for $1.75.|with fine steel wool and naptha Thomson Ay ans Fa i fou ey aim woo ims as" iti" Dynamic" Send orders to The Home (being very careful of the fire Kernagh & 0 D Bridge 8390 : 1738 80% 9% 9% 4 U5 ane Rn gh The Oshawa hazard; be sure any pilot lights an 0, |) 1100 $1 +9) 198 110 lool Can SUB Sipe ions 18H -- 4 BOK -Keeley ta eh Sens, OM, | the = Pat gg heed MEMBERS OF THE Dotasco ™ ayrs 7, =e r fiuart Ou toe sap gate. amie area sti rkened, was' TORONTO 0 supte ion lay with vinegar, allowing to re- Pbrsnmicl gene strep Lime o" aun" 9: Suptest pee Moo 358" a58" ngs" aot main three to four minutes m pinecr LINE Magnes = - 808, 3 suplent pp 10 S101 101% 101% then wiping dry with clean TORONTO | MON . _-- cloth. If repeated treatment is @ TREAL yA TweE not efféctive, apply a solution 10 725 1 P * Tambtyn 441 818% 18% 10% + % tg\of one tablespoon oxalic acid ONTARIO i 104 | 2429 rt) done aie Seu os % eg "| (poison) in one cup water, al- No Steirs To Climb whd Cdn G S225 $74 7 <jlowing to remain four to five|] RES. MGR. ERIC R. HENRY, ';minutes, then wiping with 725-4305 jdamp cloth. If affected area @\bleached is too light, apply wood stain to match the rest jof floor surface; then finish to |match rest of floor finish, these fa Mga useful. The peed CONSTRUCTING LOG CABIN han kit has a handle foot rest over) QUESTION: My husband and) a roomy equipment space with|I would like to know where we) hs dk 0 sliding Hd, The under - window| could find out how to construct! : 1714 1714 --314 hamper takes up 7 by 24/4 log cabin. Where can you, B50 A GO a 6 inches floor space. Pattern 280/find plans and where can you | ™ 6 4+ % gives full-size js and CONn-|obtgin treated logs? struction of both. Price 50c. It s : } f 100 87% 7% 2 , also in| ANSWER: Write to the West.' ' " 4750 634% 4 600 495 480 the Fd gh Land hoe Hh ern Pine Association, Yeon! F ve] ' a5 8101 90 oe -- % ( 3405 193 180 wif 105 $104¥4 10446 10414 Ww 1000 $144 14 14 = Packet No. 10 for $1.75. | 150 B11% 11% 11% + % "19 10% 2361 $144 19% 19%~-% Send orde 1400 "87% 6% 1690 G Dev ' $10 12% 18 13% 12M Buying or Selling ! 82.32% Be Fy Bate lop whe ms 3b BB Eee: ee Maritime 74) 966% 64% 64% --1% ' 8 838 3% BW +h 3 34% Martin 1 7 667 Ot rn 3505 817% 17 17 -- % 18% 17 7. 38% 8% 9 7 30 $20% 30% 304 --% 30% 29 Globe 7 9 9 8 tt 5803 18% 18% 16% 19% 17 LTD. 753140 140 140 ' 2080 $2114 20 21% 4144 219% 19% year pr M848 RD 9 45 v 150 $97 869% 984 10% 94 © LLOYD CORSON, President lackay A 200 36% 64 614 ' Wetn pr 6 259107 107 107 + % Jil 100% @ DICK YOUNG Vice-President | BUA 1:31, (Cae Va GL Paper @Bil S17M 174 1758 + 1% ; West A wis 7609 810% 9% 10%--~ M4 11% 885 @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Tree: Power -- 2970 $20% 20% White Pass 300 88% BM. B4-- 4 - co. iTp. Fower w. 225 $00 99 910 <5 106 005 Ww 1488 80% 94 9% 4 ' : " " 1845 816% 15% 15% -- Met, 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA 725- 1334 N Cap 280 pr 125 $48% 48% 48% -- 4 Wawd A wt 2070 340-290 300 iy , Midrine 10 N Cap wt 805 105 -- 3 f 3 305 3 5 . y PHONE 723-1121 | Petr aT res os ap, Bete 0 ia : kas fap oe tt fw | Mmore go if OO "i Fe Sseuub B828 &. a bod FF Deer Hora Ot s D'Eldona 781 $19% 134 19% + % 13% 104% Delhi Pae 100 835 35 35) +% (3B 3AM Delnite 1000 $16 18% 15% +% 16 14 Denison 3100 425 400 400 40 385 Dicknsn 2620 832% 31% 32 3 30 Dome 1 40 40 --10 450 428 Donalda 15500 9 % th 6721 $21% 21 214 --% 29% 204 Dunraine + Wasamae 5 300 #000 sy Weedon dsSessecusseszky +. = ee on dake Sa8uves #8 =F '4 s85e8 Sagtelecacsuceecedy 38,38 p-sduec¥s ss -s: Bezs Fs 4 SEsa°S Bes Bge a F + 1+ es sSSegSsiss, sBepkus3eSevis ~s?g 200 285 285 28: 280 Duvan 2470 87% ™% Th---% 84 TH Werner 1 8 ft 41 51 4% W Malar 328103 103 103 42% 108 100% 5, Amphi 'West Mine 1225 485 480 485 460 600 430 st Mal "5 280 980 260 5 M0 W Surf I 200 814% 144 M+ 18K East Gull 208 2 Willroy 17720 68% 8% 84 --% 9% 8% Elder 3 W Beaver 2853 337 A 37 (35% ~--sCE ldrich a Wiltsey 800 175 160 165 175 155 El Sol th OM wh -- ras, , ais & =" F'west Tung | Rap Grip A Fatima st Reichhold ; : Francoeur Reid Lith pf 100 8504-504 50K 4 prac Revelstoke 4335 $54 5% 544% BY "Lp Revelstk pr 125 $20% 20% 204+ % Revenue pr 180 823% 23% 23% + Gnt Maset Reynolds pr $0 $93 93 98 42% Gl --_ 10 95% 54H 54+ een) VaeR reog? @ <8 233 £Eszeenkese Ses i fAaaanaaaaa Ss = aii {iti i *e g%> B58 + - seacbesosts- Fe def ¢ Bax. s83 8s SoeSsy bakes tas: 5 tht aa Pe eg a PEs t4 $3 134 ¢ Cogs =~ = ++ 1 Su+Foed 4 gusq j a F 3 = at $te+ tae 4 2. = a ggz 2 > 22 a +4 M 1225 495 475 (495 | +20 t Goldale on 8% 2 B4+1%H \ 1975 425 400 425 ---25 GF Mining 831% 31 8 " 1905 88% 8h BK 20 $1004 10014 1004 4 4 ; 7127 $73% 724 734 -- % 8% = 20 m 3085 $11% 114 11K--% Royalite pr 60 $254 254% 254 + % Russel, H 200 610% 10% 104+ % $144 14 thw 224 40 1 10! + ae saad pial 10 13 UM UM 7227 69% 9% %+ "a 9770 «31 «14 16 = 2790 945 (305 «395 5 «82030! Havage 6497 8 4551 330 255 330 +58 , antings 600 650 $54 5% SH+ H oof Lakes 0486 89% 8% O4--% 10% 8% Headway Heath High-Bell Hollinger 88298 a <s BE a OO5. ES" so s 4 eeax & Fi ib BP Beas -sHewes L Gunnar Gwillim si¢ . 2 2 s_ £3 eSteueeey, © sbi. 8 Sbgt bb sph sogscgl Lye § epebGs Bal et SEESERS< gts. .8 g ggrtls Sdce ghee ssety. s€ee.,0 g 5 [ert Pei Fi TEE n= 55558236 3sbcs ssbas. = Fargo Glacier Gr Plains Gridoil « sBeseus es F = z s a Ekesks - 58 28s s*y + = Tonk ceBhhs Sy hth apibecstbsgis sogBiiesicexseséyc sesiege Beeches Bees _peeseguitelic ec teietSvscege®2. cegtgce BBeyhs gecey % Ti -- Ye 59% 59% 24 40 «#0 105) «125 2 91 oS 134 1% + 4% 8 9 41 41 125831 826% 25% 25% 11118 814% 14% 7205 86% 6% S88. bid oe arid "3 3e,BBe gustxse, tents sie ie ed aitayttngee eat Ses "sFs sits Beans ee Pod te g Bsle= i 'ss » S i noi eo % geses 500 $12% 12% 300 $2242 224 22% g 3 3 Seuss = j++++4++ Fees 8 oF2 | 2? 4 Se, ¢ ccs = a i is 3328 &3 > - ' Sizeke sat > e-uSe.n 8 > - ae £38 6s ey Setunkeoc¥ e s 3 e@ferseve? > gesiteesé = SiaPor bE. = re use gebSessiiegis = esgseetSssesus Z sBseebSeressdzs 3 gubesgutGssts 8 brsttel stedilispeiel @ i + =