PE ORR TE wre ome por ° é * ster is being pushed too hard.jern what amount of exercise|the desire." Dr. Orban said his definition THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Merch 1, 1963. 93 M l F "Parents should encourage|they undertake. Pushing them In bee y nds cuaeneee Beige © aa is ve bay y do : -- V ; [ J and build up the desire in young|into just one more lap or se-|a coach he is pushing his ath-ja jay's work and still have 1 es p ea Or children y keep fit, But the|ries of exercises can do harmlete too hard, It is a conditionja reserve to undertake physi- without getting unduly tired./ber that marginal fitnessisn't desire, if it is there, should gov-ito the child and eventually. killinot recognizable in youngsters.jcal exertion in emergencies! 'But everyone should remem-'really enough. wien Lunch Hour Sojourn |; Sel od | | = i By BOB TRIMBEE During the spring, summer|prior to starting her training SASKATOON, (CP) --Dr. and fall months, Dr. Orban aug-| program in the fall of 1958. | 66 ® 99 . ments his daily running and]. "Her father has told me that Give e Wien | Asaiow Renett Oren, walking program with family|it allowed his daughter to go ad 4 e 1ve r ] y best-selling 5BX plan for physi- hikes and swimming parties, jall out immediately bo Lg | cal fitness, practises what he| An acknowledged expert in actual ski oe § : =. preaches. the field of physical fitness, Dr.| ¥45 A gee wh er wor! ' 'At least four times a week|Orban chose to make it a car- pionship victories. the 4l-year-old head of the Uni-/¢er 22 years ago. The eldest " aren erg versit of Seinaicnewen physi- He. had made ite grade, 90 Hg ok i ie Re hn "ait, cal ication rtment gives) starting fullback for the - i up his noon 'mesh in favor of ajchewan Roughriders and was ---- a | Hy: oo brisk two-mile jaunt through|prominent in hockey circles eer ota te doe an Glace wi the campus and neighboring|around his native Regina. His| League. ' ace fl edirttg( ti residential district. = y rg ee ee father * pore 190-pound . i | scholarship fr . ' sa eames "2 pBigee es of California at Berkeley. He th -- gig ro still think I'm a queer duck, es-|Planned to enter civil engineer-| 8mong the Jeag p pecially when the weather is|ing, but a i ogee ers. easant."" after hearing of his lengthy) ayoms PRESSURE aa who admits the| Sports background, persuaded) Dr, Orban says he has never routine is sometimes difficult to|m to turn to physical educa- pressured his youngsters inte maintain, says he's almost com-|" trai) that moment I had eeping worked at it my- self and if the youngsters pelled to keep it up. never heard of physical educa- Saad to tag A . pa' "J know it will do me g00d,/tion as a university career." |comed them. Only Pat (now 16 but some days it's mighty har A year later he was back inland a competitive swimmer) to get myself started. 1 musticanada and joined the navy.!actually follows the 5BX_plan. always remember, too, that it's! where he helped lead a service|The others have developed their a case of practising what l/teqm-from Halifax to the Cana-| own' programs." preach to my students. Once/dian junior football title. "I sort) 'The university educationist you start a fitness program the) of reversed the pattern, because] says his present work involves secret of success is to kecp all] went from high school foot-lthe ability of youngsters to gg lball to the Riders and later|maintain a training program. He doesn't = a oer _ played junior." "Tests so far indicate a young- each day he walks 1% miles) .Qieep AT PLAN ster up to 15. can adjust to ex- from his omy MO an in En route to obtaining his doc- cree 5 than ng cained Once this winter tour in|torate, Orban coached various athlete. The danger is that it's self doing his noon-day {our sthietic teams, He also worked difficul to tell when the young- 28 - below - zero W thias a playground supervisor in against 95-mile-an-hour ort 3 winds. a ck ts ae fitness ACADIAN came after graduating from Il- HAWA came toe The REAF, con] CLEANERS os cerned about the fitness of its BOWLING NEWS pilots in northern bases, asked Odourless Cleaning Dr. Orban to undertake a study H and devise a program to solve Shirt Specialists FRIENDLY 48 CLUB the problem, on e ee and Delivery bowler this week was Rose v| From this came ; ne ith 404. (230), | Dr. Orban said that less than © Drive in Service Over 200 -- Ba Maicolm 217, Ru be Lang 253. | @ Same Doy Service Lane 210 and Edna/six years ago many athletic mf aon Vie coaches scoffed at his fitness) Vaults on Premises : 5 < : took three points jresearch. One athlete who did pointe from| 0 ecto 'book -_ points| not was Anne Heggtveit of Ot- PHONE 728 5141 19, Bue tawa. She used a fitness pro- 299 BLOOR W. s -- Jokers 19, Team, Five Thisties 12, Go-getters 11, gram prepared by Dr. Orban pois i! Gatellites 11, Marigolds 10 and!~ Two Roses 5. BUSH LEAGUE were falling this week for s a ue we let's keep up the 'Cameron 666. (263), "250 -- K. Bent 289, G. Holbrook 377, "Bent 257, G, Oliver 296 and A, Bar- 2 vaW AUx. " -- J, Carey 460 (269), J. Ball) NICKLE PLATE LEAGUE Topping the scoring this week, we have J. Catton with 777. Following close D. Wilson 749, P. Dalby 704 Sosnowski 705. » BE. Wi » 6%, E. + RB. Wescott 629,) M. Cari 633, J, McGillvary 623, G. Daw-| son 61] and G. Fitches 605. -- D, Wyrozub 210, a.| wr 233, G. Bittner 225, R. LeBlanc} 28, B. MacDonald 206, V. Vasey 248,/ \. Vyfsehaft 212, R, Coleshaw 200, G. Mathieu 216, D. Gutsole 264, C. Albin) 25, 215, J, Yakemishym 256, M. Con-| way 202, J. Smith 272, L. Fogal 232 and G. Jessome 205, 208. | Lemon League -- K. Shobbrook #4. ALBERT STREET CHURCH LEAGUE tion with 11 po' ets 6, Lucky Six 6, Pikes 5, Jets 5, Pin Pals 5, Doves 4, Jacks 2. Men 600 -- Stan Gray was high bowl- . Venema 606 (266) and E. Jacklin (245). Men 200 -- C. Davis 24, F. Coleman ) / MT Me , BE. Hawley 239, 204, ' a .M, _ _ ™\ AD Hards 3, Jokers 1. Standing -- Sheliacers 10, Jeta| ts 8, Try Hards 8, Hot-Shots 7, 5, Fire-Balls 4, 1, Breezeway styling: Elegance with a practical purpose Mercury's exclusive Breezeway design is more than a distinctive styling feature. Because its rear window slants in under the roof, it stays clearer of rain and nines 4 (8); Gale Berry «18 (4 :| snow, Rear seat passengers enjoy more headroom, more shade. There's better (Bd; lag Reprod 412 (252); Dor- 1S 243) and Glad Luke astonishingly vibration-free ride. There's luxury, too, in every detail of Mercury's interior--with wall-to-wall carpeting, foam-padded seats and vinyl headlining- Colours are richly tasteful. Materials. reflect selegance. Even the handsome othy Bent ventilation too. Close the side windows, lower the power-operated rear window High Singles -- Gloria Robinson 247, oe WY « instrument panel suggests a car of prestige and power. You really get power, atti, Singion = Gloria Rapinges 41 and open the fresh-air controls--and stale air is swept Joyce Osborne 222, Lil Uson 217, Mar- ion Burr 213, Bea Colvin 210, Mable too, from Mercury's great V-8's! (Or pick the mileage- ec, "ora Burows 37, Pay quietly away, without drafts. Yet this exclusive Breezeway stretching "6", if you wish.) See how much more Mercury Mariaone "Girard" 3 and Anne Ter window is not the only luxury feature of the 63 Mercury. gives you at its surprisingly modest price. See your Fan, pina, Congrats, te For instance, cushion-link suspension gives you an local.Mercury quality dealer soon. Dut, Nettie Brown and Helen Virtue, SUMORESQUE BLIND LEAGUE Mercury Monterey Custom 2-door Hardtop, one of the Ford Family of Fine Products, made in Canada. Certain features and for this week was Pat oo (22, 713) 455; Ada Me- SLED SSS | pa BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. $0. 50) M08: iva, Focrest, (31, - 1271 SIMCOE ST. N. ; PHONE: 723-4675 (80, 0) 100.