acl THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, February 28,1963 19 | CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto | WGR-TV Channel 2~Buffalo' WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TY Channel 8--Rochester | CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto | CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie ae NO NOISE PLACE THE TOOLS QUIETLY ON BLANKET, LHAVE A NEIGHBOR I 00 NOT TRUST, a3y bs DAY EVE. 9.00 A.M. 4;:0° P.M. iat * M. ll--Romper Room 9--Line 'Em Up 9---Kiddo 8-2--The Match Game ; i Family Theatre O king Foster Spent, Wad ga re Fete Hate | G2-Scaniett Hil --My le Marg' prea pd a TS inte 4--Popeye's Playhouse | 4--Secret Storm i--Five O'clock Show | 2--Operation Alphabet 4:30 P.M. §:30 P.M. 9:30 A. 11--Huckleberry Hound 9--Professor's Hideaway) 9--Domino Professor's Hideaway 1-3 Show 7--Jack LaLanne Show Bozo ~ Popeye pat Pimpernell | 4--You and Your Family} 7--Jungle Jay Show +) 2--Leave It To The Hound Girls F i ; i j : 7 ile i j i FR iz: he bal an if ie 4 i He eZ Par # 'apt. b a Pee redagg oO rer eg A Mickey Mouse Club 3--Highway Patrol FRIDAY EVENING Ag eve and Features 5.00 P.M. H -M. ies @--Thursday Club 10:30 A.M {icFamily Thestre 6:30 P.M. 9Exchange ¢--Early show 1084-32 -News: Wee) 9.2 Play Your Hunch | 63--Razzle Dazzle 7~Day in Court 4--Five O'clock Show H : fl | | a t a E bat thr id Party ANd 9 'Theatr 9--Professor's Hideaw: Nees athe 11:00 A.M, 7--Early Show ~ 7:00 P.M. 11--Destination 6-3--Friday Island @--Leave It To Beaver| 9--Free And Easy 2-Capt. Sailorbird @--Highway Patrol ere ae 6:0€ P.M. 6--Seven-o-One «The McCoys ®--Punch and Johnny HY i zi 'fF § 38 3 z a § Es y j a r i ° a i i -- § Eee i rH : 8 ; a FEF 3--Romper Room POG psc 11:36 A.M. 3--Tombstone Territory 8-2--Concentration 2--Sea Hunt 7~Youfs For 'A Song . 4--Pete and Gladys 6:15 P.M. 6--Invisible Man 12:04 NOON aap RD 6.20 r,M s-giezine WM gaan ean | CROSSWORD. 8-2--Your, First Sports i 7 rgenerrory Ernie 2m. sat 1--Fa Theatre r Ford 'Fiuntley 'Brinkley AOROSS 42. Mend, asa 19.Slices REHEMSCOEE) pa accel ¢2--News 1, Heavy stick © bone 20, Bucket j PGE ané Pals 4--News With Walter Z DOWN r fort peye Cronkite 5. Cordial 21. 5 12-1! °.M, 7:00 P.M, 9. Clay rock 1, Follow 22, Any Le Sole ay! Pg on OO 10. Exchange . -- aan premiums . Mexican . piece ¢ 12:30 P.M. seo 12. Plate for rubber tree 23, Extra ior. ate. Beaver Sooreth or spr Manaare dood Eucharist 4, Lower than tires, - 9:00 P.M, Consequences 2-Bilence Please bread 5. Wishy-------- 24, Optical EIS BIniclals! 9--Lacille Ball 7--Father Knows Best 7:15 P.M. 18. Sanctified 6, Abyssinian illusions [SjeicsmEGIUelsIT ~My Three Sons pas rosin ring ote 7--News; Weather person Hamite 25, U- : ilicht" Bene News: Weathers 70 P.M. 14, Custom 1. Venice : shaped Yesterday's Answer ports 82--Who Goes There " er stree oar- o-Jech Paar vw 12:45 P.M. ie oe a WT Uaro's 8.U.8 border holder 33, Fix 8-2--Hazel (Guiding Light onl gy gos maa voite state 29, Detests 34, Monkey ee oo? 1:00 P.M. 4--Rawhide 17, Toward 9. Goad 30. Actress 36, "Flying [ft 3 Sy | 2 Buf BE pret Be z i ' i { B i | Hl 7 i 's I i iG E i hill : i l Z é i | Es F f t ak i at H i i Hi i j i i if HE 5 EAEGA THR E ts @2--Andy Williams 10: 11--Mid-day Mati : ' aynor och 8:00 P.M. 18, Music note 11, Pilfered Gayno 7--Premiere With Fred) g--Divorce Court Astaire 6--Alfred aanaeeny 4--The Nurses 3--The Untouchables 0:30 P.M. iJ 11:00 P.M. 11-8-7-6-4-3-2--News Sports %--Pierre Burton 11:15 P.M. 6--Viewpoint 11:20 P.M. U--Sports Scoreboard 4--8h ow 11:30 P.M. li--Press Beat 8-2--Tonight Show 7--Late Show 6--The Gallant Men 7:00 A.M. 7--Afternoon Show 4--Meet the Millers 3--Movie 2-Mid-day Matinee 9--People In Conflict 4--The World Turns 2:00 P.M. 9--Theatre 8-2--Merv Griffin Show 6--Chez Helene 4--Password 2:15 P. 6--Nursery School 2:30 ¥.M. 4--House Party 2:45 P.M. 6-3--Friendly Giant 3:00 P.M. 1l--Fun-o-Rama With Bugs Bunny 8-6-3-2--Loretta Young li--Mr, Smith Goes Te Washington 9--Dakotas 6-3--Country Hoedowa 8:30 P.M. li--Don't Call Me Charlie $-2--Sing Along With Mitch 7--Flintstones 63--True -- Host Jack Webb 4--Route 6 9:06 P.M l--lInspector Maigret 9--Sam Benedict 7--I'm Dickens -- He's Fenster Ambrose t 30 €.M, 8--Death Valley Days 7--77_ Sunset Strip 6-3--Empire 4--Alfred Hitchcock 19, Actor ---- Grant 20. Sometimes, a dog's name 21, Obligation 22, Rational 23, Washington, D.C. land- mark 26,On ---- and 16, Clean, transparent quartz 31, Extraordi- nary person: $8, Play on a. words MICKEY MOUSE ' EY Y 1, Y O, le 27. Appendage 28, Skill 29, Stringed instrument: mus, 30, Alcott heroine @ Development Paul Ristow } a-The, Price Is Right : ou ie co is a eR ee ae | --Educi a we 'ell The Tru 11--Toronto To: ' pores "9:30 P. Sater Latta' Youns ; ag, 52% Simcoe N. 728-9474 wiih oe 37, Think ~ 7:30 A. 39. River: Paris ll--Randy Dandy Show 9--Here's Looking At | %2--Jack Paar Show ie 10:30 P.M. 7~Rocket Ship 7 You 4--College of the Air | .2--Dr. Malone 5 40. More ume Cane hoty | to eTake Thurs" Publio| G--Canai Camere" -- | gg Gureellve, ORGANIST olin sini (ee fe ong turf ' LILA TREDWELL Appearing Nightly GENOSHA HOTEL Every Day Gracing More and More Driveways... WHY NOT SELECT YOURS TODAY AT The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 260 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA PHONE 723-4634 RESULTS COUNT! MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consult @ Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board AH'LL.GIVENO'MAH FUST, ), -THET YO'DONT BRAG TO MOON: \| P THEY ALL TRIED To GiT ME TO Kiss PURE, INNERCENT KISS, L, | BEAM McSWINE,DATELESS BROWN, 'EM--BUTAH FIT 'EM OFF, AN! BOYLESS BAILEY, LORNA GOON, > NATCHERLY, THEY'S BITTER. LANA TURNIP, MITZI MUDLARK, iS AN'BIG JANE! f ACADIAN CLEANERS Odourless Cleaning Shirt Specialists e Paerrd and Delivery LI'L ABNER Vaults on Premises PHONE 728-5141 299 BLOOR W. COMMERCIAL FOOD MART Canada's most complete food plan. Compare our food prices against all competition, FOR FURTHER DETAILS PHONE 728-7331 DONALD DUCK Sot rane ogre JAN'S GARAGE PHONE 725-4371 General Repairs Auto Electric Wheel Alignment & Balancing © King Poatares Syndicate, fae, 1968. EY JUL START IWSTALLING "S THOSE BEARINGS ae 'ies ? me ~ 1S NOW, MR.NEIL. 'Luphe F \ cee e. YOUR CLOTHES ; A f ld Ae BEST FRIEND "The Nicest Cleaning in Town" Phone 725-3555 Cae al "| SSS