Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Feb 1963, p. 20

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WATERFRONT SKYLINE -- BIRD'S-EYE-VIEW OF HARBOR w~vwre3wwe wy THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Pebruery 26, 1963 19| Henry House Unique Place The Henry House Museum, imaintained and operated by the/R. S. 4 |Oshawa and District Historical Society, has been opened to the public for almost three years. It was officially opened on May 21, 1960. li The building has been known|tario. las the Henry House for many years, being the former resi- dence'of Thomas Henry who had' purchased the house in 1850 and lived there for several years with his family of 12 children. ® Displayed at the museum are A several exhibits of household 'MR. BOB SHERMAN goods and utensils, dolls, toys, and clothing depicting life as it mm was in the perod 1850-1870. Cc 4 LL BOR eee © a : There are displays of farm|p.m. implements and furniture made in. this part of Canada, as well as a furnished kitchen and com- pletely. furnished rooms sym- bolic of this pioneer era. A luxury item and one of the «». next time you come to our store. In July 62 we took over ownership and management from well-known Mr. Ed. Wilson. Bob Sherman is my name .. . if you did not meet me yet. Together with my wife, and our competent staff, we will strive to serve you to the best of our knowledge, in the friendliest way, with the best quality merchandise. That is our aim for "63, and for many, many years to come, The spacious Oshawa is leased to the City. by the De- partment of Transport ' yearly basis. The large No. 1 hanger - most valuable and essential One is located in the Metro- politan Museum, one in the' Astor Hotel in New York City and the whereabouts of the fourth is unknown. asset at the Airport -- is owned Another imnaortaat, feation. a eM pe mare ab the soci e finding and was purchased by cade historic sites in the|1955 for $25,000 from the de- Oshawa area. partment. zTreland Studio Photo |, plaque commemorating the| , The club also leases other/i Credit Rating Follows You You wouldn't credit this, but -- there's a file kept on you in a city office, If yc. ask for credit in Alaska or Zanzibar, a fast check can be made on you -- whether you're from W:.. --'n or Ed- monton. Late payment of a bill A to decline business on a it basis with those unworthy of 'it. The Credit Bureau is ~**'at- ed with more the- 3"°° "9s in Canada and the United States. These Bureaus exchange information on consumers who have left, or come to, each com- in Oshawa can mean refi ered: Tin "a. IN OTHER WORDS, no mat- ter where you travel in the free workd, your credit rating follows close behind. Keeping tabs on delinquent) debtors, however, is just one function of the Credit Bureau munity. Thus the Bureau h- access to about 70,000,000 consumer credit records. But the Bureau does not re- commend whether you should be given credit. M>~-" -nts report how every customer paid his or her account. The Burc-: sim- ply records this information and makes it available to its :| members. You make your own Credit Record, The Bureau's recom- sometimes help members determine any customer's pres- Stores aren't its only mem-| 9; ware and building materia! deal- ent credit pay t=2its 2-1 worth.) ood from the sea makes up mly about one per cent of the bers. Credit Bureau reports are] world's diet, according to a UN used by banks, finance and loan! Food and Agriculture Organiza. companies, petrolem, hard-|tion expert. first carriage factory in Canada| Airport buildings, was unveiled at the farm 0! Ewart McLaughlin, Wednesday, August 30, 1961 by Colonel R. S. McLaughlin. most outstanding exhibits on display at the museum is a pianoforte, one of the four orig- inal pianos brought over from' esol Due to the | 'location, and the buyi and the e to the low cost location, power turnover, we can bring you furniture, beddin " lecebunidias and associated merchandise at the lowest prices in town. If you did not meet us yet, Drop in and see for yourself, and . . . just call with about 55,000,000 in West The carriage factory was established in 1887 by Robert Germany. ers, physicians and dentists. Even corporations use Bureau facilities to check the back- ground of prospective employ- ees, For instance, a man might ap- ply for a job at an Oshawa firm. After the firm finds out where the man lived previously, it could call the Credit Bureau. The-Bureau would then contact the Burec' in tho ctv whore the applicant lived previously and receive such information as criminal record (if any), educa- tion, various places of employ- ment, marriage status, military service, friends and associates and so on, But the Bureau does not give opinions, it gives only facts. about the Credit Bureau Staff doing any outside talking about you. They're sworn to secrecy. |The penalty for gossip ig re- .|lease from employment. DON'T FEAR GAME When South Africa's Kruger National Park wildlife reserve opened in 1926 almost every vis- itor carried a rifle for protec- tion--few now do. with, not 1000 and 1 GENERAL We study and read and OF BETTER SERVICE. satisfied if we sell COMFORTABLE, TO THE NEXT TIME. That's why we for 35 NEED FOOTWEAR? 55 KING ST. E. every possible shoe business ma tiodical, TO ASSURE YOU THE MODEL SHOE MAR. M, MARDER. A long time iti: and therefore our entire thinking is directed towards footwear. This is the only thing we are concerned other items JUST SHOES AND FOOTWEAR IN and subscribe to zine We are not just a pair of shoes" WE WANT You TO BE BE SATISFIED AND TO COME BACK TO OUR STORE go through great pains to make sure you're happy. It seems to pay off too... We've been at it ears now. WON'T YOU SEE WHAT WE MEAN, NEXT TIME YOU PREE PARKING AT THE REAR r of the most highly zen, is one mo' shoe STORE 725-1521 P.S. You don't have to worry |IK England by Jacob Astor in 1780. me Bob. "If You Need A Plumber Bad... You Need Him... GOOD" and that means... e@ CHESTERFIELD SUITES e@ BEDROOM SUITES @ DINETTE SUITES e@ Name Brand Mattresses e@ CRIBS and CARRIAGES e LAMPS, TABLES, wn CHAIRS, e MRS. BOB SHERMAN | To The Citizens of Oshawa and District WAYNE'S 78 Simcoe St. N. (Formerly Oshawa Appliances) BATHROOM * HOT AIR: STEAM & HOT WATER HEATING * HEATING SUPPLIES * Free Estimates On Any Complete or Partial Installation * . - - Have Been Appointed Exclusive Dealer in Oshawa - FOR -- GENERAL ELECTRIC ~ APPLIANCES Complete Stock on Display of New 1963 © REFRIGERATORS @ IRONERS | © Automatic WASHERS, DRYERS . © G.E. TELEVISIONS : MR. VAL METTE PROGRESSING WITH OSHAWA and always forging ohead is Mette Plumbing Company Ltd. Knowing businesses that do not keep up with the times, fall by the way- side, Mette Plumbing has endeo- voured to maintain a high stan- - dard of service, a complete shop of up-to-the-minute. plumbing eq- ulpment and plumbing fixtures of the best quality. Mette Plumbi offers all its customers guarant © G.E. ELECTRIC RANGES ETC. wor Pp. Next Time Make SURE It's a General Electric -- from -- WAYNE"S ' "We Service What We Sell" 78SIMCOEST.N. --- 723-1411 Ltd. PHONE 728-9491 Plumbing Co. CELINA ST. q

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