actions--large blocks of shares|down 1.53 at 593.35, golds .36 , } 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, February 21, 1963 V ee ke Tea ihe te s units _ compared with 511,479}to. 504,168. units from 437,319 in + BIL "lat 92.94 and b tals .19 its 1961 and 12 Large Volume |isi(st> 3 ceri jr /at2mt and base meas iv at! NET EARNINGS Motor Vehicle [sic sits" oer cnt pacding yur, an increase ' 000 accounted for much of the f 523,188 units: in 1960. ' = BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT On Atlas Steel activity in the stock, Rio Al-|t0. 114.43, Volume was 3,046,000 ty THE ee ee Sales Record : ger the on 1962 sales| wy DOG STARTS WEL, ' gom Mines Lid., in the process|shares comipared with 3,265,000 panies ry r ® TORONTO (CP)--Eyes were|of buying Atlas, is believed' res-)Tuesday. ended Dec. 31: 1962, $4,224,900, also reached a record high Of| re first police dog in New Zea- centred on Atlas Steels' unus-|ponsible for most of the buying.| tuason $1.90 a share; 1961, °$3,380,577,, OTTAWA(CP)--Sales of new/$1,784,460,000, up 15. per cent! ianq's capital city made a bril- isp ay Ing ually large trading volume as| Among other main list issues B Bay Mining led base/si.s3. ; motor vehicles in 1962 reached|ftom. the 1961 total and greater! ant debut. Jaf, an Alsatian, the stock market closed lower|Hayes Stee! and Huron and|™etals lower with a drop of %4| Jefferson Lake Petrocheml-\g record high 14.6 per cent by 13.3 per cent than the pre-\heined in five captures during id heavy, trading Wednes-|Erie each slipped a point, while|@8 Denison and Internationaljcals of Canada 'Ltd., year ceding high of $1,574,827,000 in) his first week. He swam a river hs | selma aig Klueainium dropped. %."Banks|Nickel each slipped ¥%. Falcon-lended Dec. 31: 1962, $618,900,|90ve the previous year, the)19¢0, to: canture' three 'nen Gull leer or erc an se Atlas, after 'Temaining un-|also moved lower. bridge and Rio Algom each|30.5 cents a share; 1961, $283,-|bureau of statistics says. Bulk of the 1962 increase was} leaped through a window to hold changed during most a the| Oshawa Wholesale A rose 1%,|Stowed fractional gains. 600, 14 cents. ; The year's total was 586,012'in sales of newcare. They rose|at bay two safe-crackers. aaah VANCOUVER (CP)--A build-jto work in Vancouver's Mer-|session, closed with a loss of|Canadian Westinghouse 1% and ing fashioned here to\chandise Mart. There's room|4 at 37 on a volume of 171,118} Abitibi %. Oe eight" out of buying.|for 240 parked cars. shares, Five special-sized trans-| On index industrials were 'Webb and Knapp (Canada) BUILDING CONVERTED \ Id. have scheduled March 15)" 7.0 ot i being converted wetALTH for the opening of the Vancou-|.-. former motor sales $1,300 i eee Pia 1 building near the city centre, rovide office and display space|S°Me 50,000 square feet or ren- tal space is available and Mr. for manufacturers' agents' TeP-| araercon expects the whole wide pot faa = ce © be booked by Novem- . -- ee . Ce meron: S. B. Anderson, manager of "We had a fantastic response -- oe 20 % re | e F property development for Webb smn Ona ad ee " placed," he and Knapp, says it is the first says. "'We had requests for full building in Canada devoted en- : ' - 3 : ' tirely to this merchandising sg ag en pag far away REG. opie eS eyo. TEN Workmen have dropped the : SS : : eo a But he sees possibilities for| ceiling of the former auto sales- : a 5 cial Offer ! Canadii ater mars in, Canaan, etlrom. and service centre and] aa e appeal for both buyer and a cn. 8 sce OL Onnnee 4 Until Sat., Feb. 23rd around the perimeter walls. In 4 ch agent. the centre, glass-enclosed dis- y It s N utr icious "It gives a chance for per-|play areas are available. oe s sons now operating blighted| The Vancouver mart will also and Delicious! : i | Onl 2 Da $ Left! areas," he says. "It eliminates|provide frontage for a restau- A AND YOU NG MEN S y y the hovels buyers too often had|rant, beauty parlor, flower shop : You drink a toast to your good to face and puts the displays|and barber shop. : ' : Fe under one roof." Mr. Anderson says his com- porn ray sie crag e i REVER IBLE The roof itself has been put pany has discussed the possibil- milk! It's rich in vitamins, so oaa COATS | GLEN EATON ity of establishing marts in keep plenty on hand for meals DIVIDENDS other major Canadian cities, al- and snack-time treats. Try our though no concrete plans have milk and other dairy foods been made. Winnipeg, a dis- soon By THE CANADIAN PRESS tributing centre, would be par- : : B. C. Telephone Co., common/|ticularly suitable. A re ) aA 55 cents, April 1, record March N S € L 16. ow nave--= Less Dominion - Scottish Invest- & rer geen egg wanna 'i osiery Industrial Acceptance Corp. | : Guernsey Gold 2% : hes 'Gayley.and Lord' i Ltd., common 2% cents, 4% per cent pfd. $1.12%, r cent ! 4 : $2.25 od 561, pte ae 29, Distributed Exclusively by Cotton Poplin record March 8. | e : - Johns - Manville Corp., com- . pe A coat on the go for the boy in the First quality nylons, seam- mon 50 cents, March 8, record | know! Handsomely tailored . . . superbly > March 1. |] CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS ah : ti iid practical . . . both sides in shower-resis- less and fully fashioned Revenue Properties Co. Ltd.,| ey ifs "Suoona. ; Ideal Dairy LUMhe , tant cotton poplin from Gayley and Lord. pid. Series A 3244, May 15, rec-|] BOWMANVILLE - SCARBORO || " SUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS A good-looking coat, 34 in length with styles. ap -- Bie Lid. Curtains, Drapes, Blankets, Rugs - ore? , by ao Pesos ye things Roget . ° ~ AB deni OSHAWA'S ONLY | s i slash pockets. Blue checks reversing to sag Fah rt come, April t, UNIONIZED SHOP } 5 DIAL 728-6241 ploin navy, brown checks reversing to hig | . beige, loden green checks reversing to "Sanitized" for day-long The White Pass and Yukon 723-4631 "AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR" a loden freshness . . . lasts through EATON Spotlight Sale Prices NM i D -FEB RUARY z Reg. 13.95 Save 3.00 Extra sales staff so you will : Boys' Sizes 6 to 12 be served. promptly and ef- : ficiently. i Extra help in telephone e room. . Ltd., common 15 cents, March 15, record March 1. ---- many washings SPARKLING NEW : EACH 1963 RCA VICTOR EY | Reg. pair.79 to 1.491 with Famous oe : | yaa bb 0 ne 6-09 EATON Special Price, pair NEW VISTA Il TUNER . ° | . | a5 .63 to 1.19 at a New, Low, Low Price EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 201 FEATURING NEW BIG : EACH AN PHONE 725-7373 23" BONDED PICTURE TUBE 4 5 Seti - Reg. 19.95 Save4.00 | * -- Young Men's Sizes 34to40. =|) Foryou wholiketoknit... With , Just Received : ' Approved Latest 1963 Model don't miss the Smart Compact Cabinet Styling... Li} 95 S SIMPLICITY | | gt jo & Automatic Dryer : EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 232 PHONE 725-7373 Demonstrations 189-95 $10 Down "| in EATON'S Fancy Goods zt onty 250|| TROPICAL FISH SPECIALS | Sxo==. 0 WITH WEEK Friday, February 22nd POWER oe ' Add to Your Tropical Fish Collection At Much Below Usual Prices! : -- from 1:00 p.m. until 9 LAVISH fe ae @ Mult. Heat tempera- WITH | : ee ture control Black Swords, Small Mollie, p.m., and Saturday, Feb- | FEATURES , : osc © Free Flow lint filter EATON EATON 10 00 @ Heater Element 4200 : Special Price, each Special Price, each ruary si from * a.m, until 5 p.m. watts 'aoe Black Variatus Moons Von Rio Tetra, @ Fully flexible EATON EATON Special Price, each Special Price, each ........ iJ © Control-Air system Mrs. Helen Genik, i ° " door - Slag Fish, Large Angels, Stylist and Knitting © Automatic overloa EATON EATON * im' protec, Special Price, each Special Price, each ........ @ Consultant for "Mary Maxti EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 PHONE 725-7373 will demonstrate the new bulky INVENTORY CLEARANCE OF DISPLAY ITEMS 'o38 outdoor knits... help you in Odds and Ends... Toasters, Clocks, REDUCTIONS 60% MEN'S SPORT JACKETS your ehoice of Goin percolators, can-openers,etc .. . UP TO ON SALE AT 6:30 P.M. FRIDAY AND ONLY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! and answer any queries re- PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS Y2 Price Clearance . . . Reg. 29.50! @ Soft wools, wool worsteds and various blends. @ Checks and stripes in predominant colours of browns or grey. @ Sizes 37 to 44 in regular, some short and tall in the group. a @ Broken colour and size range. EATON Special Price, each . .. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 429 garding short cuts to better knitting. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 224 TELEPHONE ORDER SERVICE OPEN MONDAY to SATURDAY 8.30am to 6pm. FRIDAY 8.30am to 9pm. Z 7