Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Feb 1963, p. 19

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OP IE SP AOD <r RBar ag hep Ne ie ammo iae n ose ' . . ® THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Februery 20,1963 19 ? | Great Capacity i * ee ir the annual meeting on Feb. ol eg certificate to her W h ans in ee ee Staples and Mrs. Chapevatong af tise ic examin- For Car as es Meet Feb. yh) Chas, Wood spent the weekend Pm Grade 2, with honors, at at the home of Mr, and Mrs,| Bowmanville. 5 By MRS. KEN GAMSBY A. Strike, Bowmanville. Visitors with Mrs. Ken Gams- The automatic car wash at; The Oshawa Shell - Handy j by were Mr, and Mrs, . Doug. eae es the One Stop Auto Service Ccn-| Andy is the first of a series of ry eee e bavi be Moy oben Gh Gameby, Ornageville; Mr. and t ill be able to-wash up tolits type: of. home-auto discount ly meeting of the direc -of/Toronto ai / y Mrs. Jin' Gamsby and Melanie Pe facie the Orono and District Credit|ings, Oshawa spent the weekend th 0 poe tg A bbe Tae ee Bs aon ben Union was held recently in the|with Mr. and Mrs. Car! Billings. ar pene sheer +i ogee a the anit could wash half the|automobile furnishings in one|©-OP Building, Orono, with) Recently Mrs. Kennedy, better| ronto, ' j Charles Gilkes presiding. 'Lala wedt tinee | 174 RITSON S. cars in Oshawa once a month.! location. known as a" sp The shopper can drive his car; Shell - --,! A ayers By digrns: l a. ia days in Toronto attending the| SURVEY GRAMMAR OSHAW A i i count home- sets i : : Ay | into 'the washing area at intlaulo centres, It has been, de-(cess of $23,000. There are 145|Clairol Institute of Hair Color-| LONDON (CP)--London Uni- reer joi , : : ing. This tri < i launched a 10-year ' it. is| veloped jointly by Handy Andy|members and 41 borrowers atjing This trip was made ex-|versity has C ro gl oe: A lounge of Montreal and the Shell Oil|present. pressly to gain more knowledge|survey of English grammar. ; i ill be i h s and vend-| Company. W. Farrow reported for the|and to keep on top of the newest Material for the survey wi (Ey ginctaes Specie coffee Credit Committee and said that) techniques in hair seni, Lola core ae og ong ; and cigarets, allows the custom- COW DISRUPTS GAME three loans were approved injtried and successfully passed anj pers, ooks ; | OPEN UNTIL 10 P.M. DAILY er to relax in comfort while the aia a ' | Plans were made|examination which will give her! grams. experts take care of his car. AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP) -- It} he| looked more like a Spanish bul-|elpaapannnn anna me oe cae FREE PARKING--FREE DELIVERY After passing through the ring than a sedate croquet lawn| ee 4 came' heck desk, helen a cow went beer on he - ; 7 ill well known to the trade and |" Pcches ve "| greens of {he Otahuhu Croquet} : FRESH, FIRST GRADE : ; Pemst wih sone pots to many Oshawa car shoppers |'"8 for him in front. of the line.) Gi) here, The cow charged ence in helping customers to for his efficient, knowledge- | The customer may also have} three women players who fled| BUTTER 2 Las. 1; 0 shop for their needs able service. - car hag over Y me-|to the pavilion for safety and} & i. ne i chanics in the Service Centre.|stayed there as the cow hat.) ih i ' witie Lint The service area can handle allltered at the building till it was| © fl (With 3.00 purchase of Meat, . Service Centre © pitch, xf ches ene: '| CIGARETTES =m 3.09 tiNERAL MANAGER at SERVICE MANAGER at the eres aeieinas One Stop new Contre is Bill Dragomotz, tion of the store. Special cou-| pons are given with each pur-| WEST SIDE GOES EAST ise a chase, and these may be re-| Moscow (AP) -- The Broad- in | 15-02, Modern Concept fires set sPsics| immoral Wes se, Sor | | | QHELL-HANDY ANDY || PEAS 6 'S<F 1.00 Ae |chandise, The car wash may|Will be produced for 'the first] : ax AYLMER CHOICE Tomorrow afternoon at 3.30)Limited will provide an all! aico he charged on a Shell credit time in the Soviet Union by the . 20.02. Q&e p.m. Alderman Walter Branch, round car and home shopping ard. National Opera Theatre in Yer- : O8 E-STOP AUTO CENTRE | PEAS 4 TINS resenting the Mayor, will of- ¢ ' Snnlatig < that cea ee : ; a eee ae : fidially open a completely new The new Centre will be staff- Specially " tra ned crews Of evan, Armenia, Grachya Kap- a. « sana euibiaa and originally designed '"'Onejed by competent' and ex-)Servicemen, using the most UP-\Janyan, the producer, says he ~ @ ; 1892.1 99 Stop Auto Service Centre" at|perienced management in all|to-date equipment and methods, was attracted by the musical's : f CORN 6 TINS &e King Street West and Stevenson! phases of the business. Every will enable customers to realize : . a9 "8 road in Oshawa pare has been taken to assure/ Significant savings im both time|humanity and vivid and novel o Ge gg : AD avumen cuores al 5 : : ; : : ; unio sn.tand money form ; hi te "i ¢€ Built by Personalized Con-/ customers of courteous, conven Bi te i US ie ae ' ce 4 9 tracting Services Limited andlient service under clean, attrac. a - We are pleased to have been : CORN i TINS . oR | "r g z = j . * . * ie designed by G. E. Lutnam, thejtive surroundings. _ a suppliers for this fine project ff) AYLMER cHoIce new Centre has excited nation- ame ---- oF | & e 4 15-02. 00 Gna weve of the fotute 1 Golden B ars | C ongratulations B Bi : PEACHES TINS #0 } merchandising for the conveni- AYLMER CHOICE 7 mer ame : - 20-02. $nutrasmodem automatic car Presented To i ee a wash with the latest in up-to- TO PE! date mechanized equipment. : : SS cies ateg ta : . ig 48-07. The ervice area is ei", BFOWNIES TOMATO JUICE tins 79° e ° Ms all but or eg rt 9 By MAY E. BROWN SHELL-HANDY ANDY Concrete Products Limited |i aYLMER CHOICE service probiems. e comp yi} GREENWOOD The First 4 ~ : 20-02. ind nar ag tig. le Greenwood Brownie Pack had/ 1089 NELSON ST. PHONE 723-2226 TOMATOES TINS 1.00 their first enrollment recently| cessories and many other items ae i : A AYLMER covering che whole tea of carJa,tne Greenwood United) OME STOP AUTO : CATSUP 070%, 1.00 home and outdoor life Mrs. B. Kearney, district/ | ATTRACTIVE SITE jcommissioner, was present to) || STUART HOUSE Ample parking space is pro-| enrol the new Tawny Owl, Mrs.| -jenrol the new. i ON YOUR 1 1 Chicken & Rice Soup Mix 4 xcs, 39° pitt: fac: carers om 8, ene Eocoe emt, De (ciheving It's Been Our Pleasure To | P Kas. roundings. Landscaping andj Betty Lee, Judy Lee, Bridget| STUART HOUSE ; ¥ 4 'ee a ( 12" other features will be completed] Clarke, Kathy Pegg, Rosemarie} | in the Spring that should make|Brooks, Debbie Fisher, Lita} ran pening FOIL 'WRAP q .00 this one of the most attractive Ly iol . arol Pe patel a Din us OLLS business properties in the city. ake, Susan Shewan, Jackie In aa uh the new trend,|Neal, Dawn Weatherston and : ah | TOILET TISSUE 2-ROLL 25¢ ; : PACK One Stop Auto Service Centre/Janice Skinner. | Golden Bars. were presented -- to Linda Thomas and Sylvia) e Store Answers |°%°*%su. enjovea « skatin THE | CHOICE FRESH & SMOKED MEATS in peony pet estat which se Various Needs |x FIRST LARGE SCALE =| qin: QMIOUS INGCKS. [ne sors tot ne, cacti PAVING , | WIENERS vee, 38° Mrs. Mary MacLean and BY LEAN BUTT ROASTS PORK _,,, 55° For House, Car daughter Beatrice have return-| ed after a yisit with relatives in - rn: a , | FRESH LEAN fome Centre at King street) Miss Linda Eastwood enter- : west and Stevenson's road is ajtained six of her girl friends SHOULDER ROASTS PORK 45 combination of many stores.jand her cousin Patti Brown of % a LB. The idea behind it is to provide -- * a birthday re- | MAPLE LEAR--YOUR CHOICE--7 VARIETIES everything needed for the house| cently on Saturday afternoon, TD. : and pron On its 10,000 square|Later Linda with her parents, hid COOKED MEATS REG. 29¢ PKG, 5/1.00 feet of floorspace, the shopper} Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Eastwood) ; SPECAL can buy all the furnishings his}had dinner with her grand-| PHONE 728-8132 Shoppers take their merchan-| CHUCKS OF BEEF ts. 39° chases. The. surroundings are re-| pa is cantomner choose the on. their INFRA RED HEATING if BURN'S PORK items he wants. | Half the floor space is devoted : COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE us, 49° hanie"al'ypes sewers | @ ANGEL STONE @ MANSONRY IN OSHAWA CHIGHEN BACKS 3m, 29° + serviced, BREAKFAST BACON IN THE SMART NEW | u. 58 under one roof." LIMITED | LETTUCE, crisp tender.......... 2/.29 Elects 1963 520 KING ST. EAST be Oy ERS. KEN GAMSBY Beef, Chicken or Turkey porn Mes a the choir Our Best Wishes opening. This imposing new auto centre presents one of the finest HEALTH AlDs DEPT, Hom tha' president, Donald! @ port in it's construction by supplying the new Natural Gos GILLETTE SUPER FRESH LEAN ho ight df heavy] mother, Mrs. G Eastwood i imitate SHOULDER PORK CHOPS 2.,; 1.00 china, STEERER ! The store is divided into sec- ms ss CHOICE. FRESH Kiaas, agg pg gyorg ° BLADE ROAST BEEF 49° ods, vit sle, Y a. is ; "store"; 'ante Our Congratulations accessories, hardware, toys, fur- | FOR LOCKERS 50-70-LB. AVERAGE niture and gifts, TO dise ee check-out _ There! me s s CHOICE BONELESS re salesmen t sles t ith amen wero | 6 Pea -HANDY ANDY Commercial Application BEEF STEW 2s 1.00 2 i | e tape! ONE-STOP AUTO CENTRE o no wen displays of various articl ; { Sn a aga BEEF HAMBURG 3 1s, 1.00 to retail sales and half to serv GRAND OPENING ing the family car. The porias posed, Customers may relax while H PRESSWOODS RINDLESS their car is being washed or! BY "What we t to st ,"" ex- plained General Manager Bill B th & M [ | B ildi 5 li BURN'S GARLIC SAUSAGE *Lutnam, "'i ye hav : evervthing. for the home 'and alne (Lelia DUIIGING JUppries SHELL-HANDY ANDY KOLBASSA. 2 iss, 1.00 everything for the car, here ze pata ' J . FKESH FRUIT and V; 81 KING STREET WEST PHONE 725-4761 ONE-STOP AUTO SERVICE CENTRE TOM ATOES ypobony Orono Church | si seeeseeeeees COllo pack .19 , i py Se CAULIFLOWER, good size........¢a, .29 orner of Stevenson Road an ing Streets Officers | BIRDSEYE DINNERS, frozen. .....¢a, .69 onone ss saat We would like te take this opportunity to extend our most sincere -- The Orono Unit Church Choir held it ! eongratulations and every good wish for continued success to the meeting in the got lk School ONE STOP AUTO SERVICE CENTRE on the cecasion of their grand SPECIALS IN OUR CLOTHING & The business part of the meet- new architectural designs in Oshawa. We are proud to have played ing commenced with remarks -to--- Staples. The treasurer's repor! Infra-Red heating system plus the Natural Gas water-heating system, BLUE BLADES 10 ee 50° ;Was given by Stella Carson. SHELL - HANDY ANDY Z 5 showing the bank balance at the Sturdy Screwdrivers .. .... 25 & .35 ea showing the | Dae ' i | Mrs. L. Bowins as secretary = i i w tne le a as secretary ONE STOP AUTO CENTRE White Rain Shampoo Reg. .75 . . 2 for .99 o-date repor' > year. . | i 'fon we escent fr 'Dona. | Stripe Toothpaste Reg. .65 .......... for .55 r the year 1963, s rds i Beas te oth fe oe fat cards And our Sincere Thanks to have been chosen Hols' Sera Pkq. Rea. 69 for .59 gee la ih cae tein ci to participate in the decorating of this new project. 3 Oe te? th view' tg ' idder std ter en Men's Handkerchiefs Reg. .25 .. 2 for .35 Donald Staples. ; lf BLEACHED President, Mrs. W. Irwin Dodd & Souter vice-president, Mrs, Cecil Jones; Sugar Bags Reg. 3/1.29 ....... Now 3/1.00 mae: Neamt LIMITED i= fund, Mr. UL. Bowins ete PAINT AND WALLPAPER | Shampoo, Dry, Normal, Oily Reg. .49 for .39 ' au in, rs. . ancock; Leaders of Sections: Soprano, CORNER OF CELINA AND ATHOL STREETS Mrs, C. Jones; Contralto, Mrs. 4 ; 5 See Our Modern Showroom With All the Latest In Gas Appliances L] W. Cobbledick: T ee 5 Mitchel; Bass, Rainey) be 107 BYRON STREET SOUTH WHITBY PHONE 668-5862 PHONE 728-9441 SHOP a SAVE AT GLECOFF'S Jones, Mrs. R. Morton; Music| | Dollar Sale This Week and Every Week Committee -- Mrs, R. Morton. |

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