first observing the safety rule, Do not wipe dry because rub-) Dust Clouds The Issue of unplugging the lamp. |bing creates static electricity Should your home be equipped) which acts hike a magnet for at- " H Li hti with such modern installations | tracting dust in the air. To pre- Ot Good ome 1g Ing jas luminous ceilings or corru-|vent leaving sticky finger prints gated plastic sheeting or panels|it's a good idea to wear rubber By ELEANOR ROSS | Then rinse well, Tie string to eee ova ; It in lighting in you: home |the center frame, and hang the|tlirough which light is diffused|gloves when handling these in seems dim and inadequate de-|shade to drip dry. Or blot well|for a daylight effect: here is aj\'itect lighting panels. spite good lighting fixtures and|with a towel and replace on the|tip for you. It comes from the \imany lamps, you may be a vic-\tighted lamp to complete dry-| professionals who install indl-/§ 24-HOUR SERVICE jtim of Household ce Ol ha lrect lighting. No SERVICE CHARGE ber One--dirt and dust that --Plastioy plastix-coated, parch-/prRip THEM DRY you of the watage you pay for.|men nd similar "hard"') They tell ri that. after wash- FOUR SEASONS Even the best of housekeep-|shades can be wiped off with)ing such plastic panels oT TRAVEL . ers is apt to overlook the im-|"dry' suds, made by beating alscreens, let them drip-dry be-| PHONE 728-6201 portance of keeping bulbs, | generous amount of soar or de-\fore replacing same. | Hib 4 Mba Gay PO tubes, shades and fixtures|iergent with a minimum of wa-|-------------- = clean. Yet, in most cases, alliter, Stim off the thick lather arson ean anna tanient atniaaeatis meta agee that is necessary is a simple|to wipe each shade quickly, | 1 ' i. |wiping with a sudsy cloth. \rinsing with a barely damp) } ; Bulbs and cel gaandige cloth as you go, 4 ' GIGANTIC 19-HOUR actually attract dust and so0il.| Pamn bases w . : orcs gowg sab Bl |So it is wise to make @ regu-|scct\ionat suds «wiping, atter| OSHAWA AJAX WEST HILL WAREHOUSE J |lar practice of removing each a sito Q . 3 fe 'light bulb from its socket and| THE FOOD SHOP SUPPER ON A SLICE wiping the surface with a cloth OSHAWA AND WHITBY PLAZA / well wrung out in suds--being i careful not to wet the metal a A Crusty French Bread, Base . |neck, Bulbs should . be thor-| GO Specials: Thursday, Friday and Saturday | oa ; ; oughly dry before replacing. TO J : h S | Decorative bulbs used in open) e | : ied , For Ground Beef-Cheese Supper stires*nesa rari atten, Ma Anous-Gravoonla! CUSTA P REG. $7¢ | wn. r e ion, especially if they are ol CARPET COMPANY | ; For # variation of an old) heavy duty aluminum foil |the carved or etched variety.| 282 Hira W. , 728-9581 we o setts fresh eggs end milk. dm . theme try serving ground beef) -- Strips of cheese for garnish|Use an old toothbrush to take ee Delicately spice sic WORTH OF TOP half loaf of ; ' 4 _\care of those dust-trapping cre- RUG & CHES » 58e ¢ served atop a hail loa a Combine first 10° ingredients.| \;.¢. o separate! : Doz. : 5 * 7 sed P gtih- ms "ex i jean v " French bread. Ppa aa ae | ut French bread in half Jength-| 3 a Myour eorpets in' your f QUALITY MERCHANDISE evaporated milk add flavorlwise, Spread meat mixture SHADY SIDE a a he FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR ~ Page to oye weight evenly over cut surface of each) Lamp shades can also be big plont "1 Q rag A k th me | ich will serve six to lhalf, Wrap aluminum foiljoffendens. It is safe to immerse| S at the Bakery with the large variety. ; for supper. Crisp radishes and) around crust side of bread,'a sewn fabric shade in a tub - te 9 ty. | FRIDAY, FEB. 22 * SATURDAY, FEB. 23 carrot sticks with a favored leaving top .uncovered, Place|or deep sink full of suds. After een ae : ! ce vent ni -- hot beverage are delicious "°\ 4, cookie sheet. Bake in mod-|removing any non - washable , withs"'. erate oven (350 deg. F.) 25 min-|trim, dunk the shade up and) s You will require: utes. Garnish with strips of|down in the suds and watch the! two-thirds cup (small can)|Gheese. Bake 5 minutes long- dir' literally float out. If neces- undiluted evaporated milk jer, To serve, slice across orjsary, repeat the job in a sec- iii 1% pounds ground beef diagonally ond batch of clean suds. a : 6 amd oa my [Canny ne WHEN | BUY ME " qj \ : St AT FOR MY FAMILY... 1% teaspoons salt " | 4 7 i. , oe 1 teaspoon dry mustard : h 1% teaspoon monosodium | * eihamate i1. LARGE-SIZE JUNIOR JAR ¥ teaspoon pepper | A bigger container for heartier 2 cups (8 ounces) grated pro- appetites. Just right fora cess-type Cheddar cheese | ; : 1 ibinch loat French bread | 'ddler's growing needs. THE STARS SAY le QUICK-TWIST CAP quick % turn and the See jar is open. Another FOR TOMORROW M% turn recaps the jar to Fine planetary influences now, refrigerate any unused encourage occupational and) portions. home affairs; also stimulate sentimental matters. Be a bit cautious in the latter situation, | i however. Don't take -- 3. hoe cpa Lp? '< mances too seriously. "8 " % spoon out baby's food... -- ee reat Mithbed right down to the last bit your horoscope indicates that,| in the bottom of the jar. as of this week, you yo an excellent month where business) and finances are concerned. Do/ 4, SHOP-EASY LABEL not 'go overboard in spend-| Variety names are right ' : : ! ing, however, since mid-April) at the top of the label ne | ; will bring some unexpected ex- to epeed selection save - ' penses. The rest of the year bacious ahonpin 'ine will have its wps and downs) Prec pping . cerned, but keep plugging and Jate 1963 will show fine --_-- Persona] relationships will be Kramers COTVETIICNCE August. Travel will be governed) ce r DOMINION, DOMINION quarantees that all meat and meat products , ' ig mment \nspected Meat and Meat Products n it sells comes from inisne thet are inspected by the Health of Animals ine aspects during Do ini ove Branch of the Federal Department of Agriculture. When I buy meat by fine these Minion Sells Only hy same months, and social life pee be highly stimulating plus. ee during December and January. at DOMINION I can be sure!" Avoid tension in September, FRESH CANADIAN BURN'S BRAND however, and extravagance in MEATY ; nA clbor on weedy & Prin meal appeal ORK LOIN LE PORK SPARE RIBS Lh. P URE P ORK tata or nding cmoieees| = FO)? ] TENDERLOIN EHD can cut Kaiaege Pe 4 ! O todd Lers ree : soweess POT ROAST " 5 SAUSAGE Serve Celery Often! Over 80 wonderful ways to keep your toddler's 1 Ib tray I Diff t W appetite bright. Gerber Junior Foods make it easy 'lh. C lh. if pecs spt small Cc n villeren ays to plan menus that will tempt even a "disinterested" | s u ACON Lb. link } eater. First off, they're seasoned to suit. the more | : BREAKFAST : : Crunchy oe Cooked) "grown-up" tastes of toddlers. And the evenly | Celery can be ved many i is just ri . c oan -- ad Pb b.coatation time " vag 4 minced texture is just right for tots who are learn 8 DELICIOUS FLAVORS WHITE PINK YELLOW POST'S CEREAL minimum. when used raw. Cut ing to chew. All are prepared by specialists who BETTY CROCKER'S DELUXE SCOTT FAMILY PACK Alpha Bils SHROVE TUESDAY, FEB. 26 anthee ". 1 sed to think that al! meat sold in Canada had to be government- inspected .,.that I could be sure it'came from healthy animals and wn had been processed under sanitary conditions. Imagine how shocked I _----| was to learn that this isn't necessarily true! That's why I switched to ml it into sticks, fans or curls for are wise in the ways of infant and toddler nutrition. 1 8 19-08. T il t Ti 4-ROUL c 10-02. REGULAR BUTTERMILK--BUCKWHEAT dipping into seasoned salt or C Ld M 37° 1) | e issue 43 i 33° NT JEMIMA favorite dip. Pack the stalks| Gm MAXCS 2s. ales Crispy Critters xe. a 16-02. peanut butter mixture. 2-Ib. . KING RE ; : | ' 13-02. GULAR OR BUTTERMILK Celery pinwheels can be a , ais oe Corn Syrup Tin 35° Detergent size 1.19 Sugar Crisp 43° AUNT JEMIMA made by mixing a favorite : # 3 cheese with mayonnaise into a j Y CR R ate the bunch and fill each stalk SFE sroxay eancy KRAFT VEGETABLE OR PEA BETTY CROCKE iat with the mixture, then press : 'ff CUT GREEN BEANS 10-oz. tin . | bd K ge Mey gel f = | CUT WAXED BEANS 10-oz. tin a fant - , refrigerator. Cut the celery ; 28-02. ; 74-02. c & 3-LB. crosswise to form a_ pinwheel ce S 2 35 M c and arrange on Iceburg lettuce. 7 for 1.00 4 PKGS, 47 > ou Ss TINS argarine Deal Pkg. When preparing celery as a % - hl small amount of boiling con- ge j : , 16-0Z, somme for a change in flavor | . CEDARVALE CLOVERLEAF PINK ALL STAR -- SLICED PROTEIN Table Syrup '. 35° Cooked oury marinated in a ae Horseradish 8-0Z. 23° SALMON 4 c 16.02, c 2 favorite dressing, can be a new j Ra i 4, 3 BREAD 29 taste treat when served on the ' - : -- Vo TIN LOAF GRAY DUNN--CARAMEL i salads, meat loaves, stews ' j 13-02 LaRas soups, Chinese dishes and rel ; ? ; , Ch B d "OZ. 0 il i PKG. ishes for flavor and texture. ' ss 3 oc. uas PKG. bd gi Vv e ts Box 47° MUFFINS + OF 6 25° ; s with nutritious fillings such as, | ---- - " P k M 23° a men wre aus andl BEEHIVE OXYDOL -- 37c OFF post's CEREAL 'ancake PRX xc. econverscation piece and are PKG. Panc ke Mi 3Ve-LB. BS° a IX sc spreading consistency. Separ- A sg : : Mix 'Em or Match'Em bunch. Tightly wrap in wax j i § paper and chill overnight in the HONEY POD PEAS 10-oz. tin .. CHEESE DINNER NUCOA -- 7¢ OFF main vegetable, cook it in a ty by BEEHIVE appetizer tray or vegetable sal- ' W f 7%-02. 25° ad. Add celery to soft gelatin mim) | DOMINION MINUTE OR INSTANT GENERAL BAKERIES ENGLISH alers Kae An individual stalk, eight in- § ches long will give five calories of energy and one pound, 82 @. j , ; se : G.B,-- 1 calories. Weight-watchers can 9 gay A , jee | ONLY AT DOMINION RICHMELLO ogg , is ic ' ' Oo » HAMB . ee a cs ygeroeone lt ' 6 Hi RICHMELLO PLAIN ip OR WHOLE WHEAT pains without adding many cal- Sneed | ¥*~ Donuts 19° Buns «:25° BREAD Ves, you can > ] i ) 4g ' i BDRIECT FROM SUNNY ISRAEL SWEET 1h Dagalcarti a ahd |B JUICY AND EASY TO PEEL Pe FS aways Alef JAFFA TOSS . ah meas from DOZ. yy, : | Babies are. our business...our only business! ORANGE DOMIMONL S oa BABY: WIFE PRESERVER Gerb er FOODS NO. 1 U.S.A. CRUNCHY TENDER AND CRISP Bristles limp on your hair- aie eaten Cate 8 LARGE - brush? After the next washing, ' | a STALKS SIZE dip it in a half-and-half solution 36's of milk and water, and dry in @ warm piace.