Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Feb 1963, p. 8

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g THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, , February 19, 1963 David Allen, nine, and Mary Louise, six years old, are seen with their sister, A HAPPY Linda Jean, centre, who cele- brated her first birthday last Sunday. They are the children TRIO of Mr. and Mrs. John Hus- band, Willow Park boulevard and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. John Husband. Osh- awa and Mrs. Herbert Mor- ris, Toronto. --tIreland Studio UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES THE STARS SAY MARY ELLIOTT SMITH Mission Circle The Mary Eliott Smith, Mis- sion Circle of First Baptist Church, held the monthly meet- ing in the home of Mrs. Edwn Pearson, Adelaide street east. The president, Mrs. Rchard Britton, opened the meeting with prayer. The devotonal per- iod was taken by Mrs, Sidney Canfield, Mrs. Angus Barton took the' topic, a talk on Our Baptist Witness in Western Canada. Mrs. Walter Nickerson gave a report on the 'Link and Visit- or'. The members were re- minded to attend The World Day of Prayer on March 1, at Centre Street United Church, 2.30 - 7 p.m. The place of meeting next month will be at the home of Mrs. Angus Barton, Connaught street. The hostess served re- freshments assisted by Mrs. Canfield. Mrs. N. F. Swackham- mer closed the meeting with prayer. DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA The Daughters of Isabelle held their regular meeting at St, Gregory's Hall recently with Mrs. William Eyre presidng. The meeting was opened by Chancellor Mrs. Frank Cope- land. February 24 was set for the Communon breakfast to be held at St. Gertrude's parish, with the Reverend A. G. Ques- nelle as guest speaker. The social bingo will be held on March 29 when members will be able to brng friends and prospective members. Also a retreat for April 19, 20 and 21 at Mount Cenicle, Hamilton, was dscussed. The Reverend John Myers of St. Gertrude's Parish gave a talk on "Our Place in Life -- Why are we here", The Regent reminded the bers that Lent is fast approachng and one should keep in mind the du- ties as Catholic women. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Ronald McKenna and her committee. HUMORESQUE CLUB . The Humoresque Club of the Blind held a business meeting on Thursday evening in the club room at the CRA building with Miss Pat McConnell presiding. The meeting opened by the singing of the club song and a bible verse for the blind. One minutes silence was held for Mr. Robert Munro, a former mem- ber who passed away. The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting work for the Dorcas will be on display. The pancake supper is to be held in the church on Shrove Tuesday, February 26. Mrs. Donaid Wilson, assisted by Mrs. James Howard, gave a talk on the work of the junior auxiliary, which is sponsored hy the Naomi Branch. There is a J.A. in Christ Church with three age groups, the Pussy Willows, the Sophomores and the Links meeting together to pray for, study and help, other children all over the world. Slides were shown of a play by the J.A.'s. Refreshments were served by: Mrs. Bransby Cook, Mrs. ledley Element, Mrs. Robert Galpin, Mrs, Mansell Gerrow. BETA SIGMA PHI (Gamma Epsilon Chapt.) The first February meeting of the Ontario Gamma Epsilon chapter was held recently. at the home of Mrs. Ronald Mc. Eachern, Northview ave. nue, Mrs. Irwin Patterson was and the correspond was read by the secretary, Mrs, James McConnell. A treasury report was. given by Mrs. Charles Lovell. The members decided to in- vite Mrs, Barbara Pollock to the next social evening. Mr Roland Cousins gave ¢} Valentine to each person pre-! {sent and Miss Pat MCconnell} baked and decorated two heart! shaped cakes for Valentine's| introduced as a guest for the evening. Mrs. Kenneth Young presid- ed over the business meeting. It was decided that the two best programs presented by the members during the year be submitted to the Beta Sigma "tt Program Presentation Con-| est. Mrs, Harold Ball "announced! that plans for the chapter's Spring Rushing program would ) Tactless Friends Crush Sorrowing Mother Dear Ann Landers: Recently, we lost our little girl. We have two married daughters and a teen-age son. This wee one was like a gift from heaven because she came so late in our lives. friends are making life. unbear- able. Within a week of the fu- neral they came in packs to ask if I had any clothing or toys "left over" for their nieces, nephews and grandchildren. Of course I didn't--we sent every- thing to the Children's Home '| immediately, Yesterday a friend brought| $3 over her grandchild who is the same age as the little girl we lost. The woman said, "I thought Vicki could be a substi- tute for your own little girl to- day." What in heaven's name is the matter with people that they have such poor judgment? Please tell me what to do. HEAVY HEARTED Dear Heavy Hearted: Where did you find these brainless dolts? I would not call them friends. For the sake of your! jown mental health I hope you will soon build up the courage to tell them how you feel. Dear Ann Landers: So--'"Un-| telling her. so. -- UNA VOCE' UNO ANIMO , Dear Una: Thanks' for the' cheers. If you don't mind I'l" -- up the beers and the pret- zel, Just one more word' to "Un«. derstanding Mother." Have a" statistic: The average age for. the unwed mother in this try is 15. This ought to clear your sinuses, Madame. o 'ear Ann Landers: I'm a high school senior whose prob... i .8 kids borrowing lunch: money and forgetting to pay it, back, This month I am' short» The word must have gotten around that I am a soft touch because all the kids seem' ta. come to me when: money, I'm not a fat cat, I don't" drive a car, and my dad is no banker. I don't know. why they think I'm loaded. The same kids. who owe me money buy candy bars and malted milks after school, They also seem to have money to buy gas for their cars. This makes. me sore, Please tell me if it is polite to remind people that they owe money? I hate to do it, but sometimes I think it's the only ~ pa way I'll ever get my dough back.--RED INK Dear Red: Some kids do for- get, so a reminder is in order, But if they don't come through after one nudge, make a men- tal note that so-and-so is a dead-beat and never loan him money again. It's amazing that some boobs will sell their 'most valuable possession--a good reputation-- for less than a dollar. derstanding Mother' thinks it! is just fine for a 14-year-old boy| to be playing kissing games, does she? She also seems to think kids who don't go along with the gang might develop an inferiority complex. Well, my sister had crazy ideas like that, too, and her son developed a pregnant girl friend and a messed-up life. After a while, kissing no longer satisfies the natural drives and then the little darl- Day and they were served with|Commence with two guest tes etn iaente ne ered With nights -- these being held Feb-| {ruary 26 and March 26. | The nominating committee elected to choose the officers for the 1963-64 chapter year con- sists of Mrs. John Matthews, Mrs. Mervin Perkin and Mrs. ; Ronald McEachern with Mrs. Refreshments served by Lion- P i s ettes, Mrs, Rufus Lambert ati) Se een as AY ON | substitute. Mrs. Jack Anderson assisted by gong for: the sveniig ion Rufus: Lambert. consisted of 'Slides on Travel" CHRIST CHURCH taken by Mrs. John Matthews (Naomi Branch) when she attended a YWCA By ESTRELLITA | Special prizes were given to} Mrs. Percy Mountjoy, Mrs.| Reginald Pike, Mrs. Dennis Deackenko, Mrs. Guy Forrest, Lion Jack Anderson, Mr. Charlie Lovell. FOR TOMORROW Maintain a down-to-earth at- titude in all matters now. Stick to routine wherever possible and} don't embark on new projects} or make long-range plans. Your ideas along these lines right now, while seemingly feasible, could prove highly unrealistic in the light of future' develop- ments. FOR THE BIRTHDAY PROMOTED WIGS Male vanity sparked the CROWN THE QUEEN OF HEARTS The Polish Youth Club of Oshawa crowned the Queen of Hearts at a dance at the Polish National Union Hall last Friday evening. The queen, seated, is Miss Wanda Kalata and left to rignt are Mr. Tadeusz Gardzinski, pres- ident of the club; Miss Marie Zmudzka, s oc ial chairman, and Mr. Joseph Lipiec, the queen's escort. Oshawa Times Photo CHILD GUIDANCE Picky Eater Doesn't Get Right Nourishing Food | By GARRY C. MYERS, Ph.D. | Ever so many. children of ele-| eat only a very narrow range 0.| nutritious foods, though may get enough calories to keep them going. And in these day when sweets are so easy to get between meals. and children are given so much money to buy them, the number of these un- dernourished children must be growing. A mother writes from Texas: "We have a boy of.six who eats barely enough to live on. I'm sure we did not follow your advice when he was younger and as a result he is a very poor eater. "He loves sweetsn of course,| but will sit at the table and just pick at his other food. He even him about a quarter-teaspoonful of a vegetabie prepared for the mentary school age choose to family, nothing else. Don't tell they|he can't have any other food seems not to know we have any Other food, except maybe the) meat that has been served to him first. : "We are guilty of watching him and telling him to eat. But if we didn't--we have tried it--} he would eat a smal! piece of meat and bread, drink his milk, and that would end every meai.| him he must eat it, merely that until he does. Use no other words about eat- ing. Let him chose, but make your word good. In case he chooses tc eat this small por- tion, expect him to finish his meal as he wishes. The next evening, proceed in like fashion. Once he gets to the point where he asks for a} 'second' of the once-refused food, allow him only a very small portion. Be glad if you see a show of| improvement after a week or two. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. Should one encourage the child to propound riddles and| tell jokes? A. Yes, indeed, thereby en- couraging him to acquire com- fortableness and ease of speech, cultivating his sense of humor and exercising him in useful so- New Yarn to Aid Women Who Stand A new man - made fibre which already has made a name for itself in foundation garments and swimsuits be- cause of its "hold-that-line" qualities is expected to be a boon as well to the woman who wants her support hosiery to be both fashionable and comfort- able. Hitherto available only in lim- ited quantities, Du Pont of Can- ada has just opened a plant at Maitland, Ont., to produce the elastic yarn known as _ lycra spandex fibre for the Canadian textile industry. It is the sec- ond plant of its kind in the world. Because of its strength, the yarn will permit light, sheer stockings which have the reten- tion quality once associated only with surgical or therapeutic ho- siery and the wearer can step out in fashion as well as com- fort. If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicaves that your affairs should be in pretty stable condition right now. This is the time, therefore, to make long-range plans where both your job and finances are con- cerned, and to set new goals of achievement for yourself. Ex- cept for late October and early November, each month prom- ises opportunities to make those plans come closer to fulfillment. Personal matters will be gov- erned by fine aspects -- espe- cially during late May and June. Domestic matters will be in the celestial spotlight during July: and August; social activi- ties in late December and early January» and travel in mid- year. Avoid nervous tension in September, however; extrava- gance in November and Decem- ber. Look for some interesting news of a business nature in early December. A child born on this day will be endowed with the qualities re- quisite to ,make a highly suc- cessful organizer, writer or ar- WIFE PRESERVER For a.different shower idea, ask guests to bring alarm clocks with their gifts. Hide each with a clock, set to ring at intervals; then the bride-to-be searches for each as the bell rings. SPURRED SUFFRAGE Norway's first major woman r0velist Camilla Collett (1812- 95) spurred women's emancipa- tion through her writing. KEY WOMAN Mrs. F. N. Swackhammer is the 'key woman" in Osh- awa for the World Day of Prayer to be held March 1 in Centre Street United Church. Christian women in 145 dif- ferent countries will circle the The February meeting of the Naomi Branh of the W.A. of] Christ Memorial Churh was held. recently at the church. Mrs. Stanley Lawrene opened the meeting with the WA pray- er. The seretary's report was) Edward Davies! read by Mrs. and Mrs. A. E. Powell gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Regin- ald Mouck gave a report of the Advisory Board meeting. There will be a joint study group meeting, on Marh 5, at 2.00 p.m, The members were asked to attend the March meeting when the other groups in the church will be invited to hear a talk by Mrs. E, B. Denison, who is associated with Strachan House world with prayer on that day. International Conference in France in 1959. Shown were the castles and countryside of Scot- land and England and many well known places in France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Germany and Holland. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ken- neth Young, 120 Hunter street, February 26. The prizes to be given at the bridge being held by the chapter on Tuesday, March 5, will be wrapped by the mem- |bers that evening. CHATTY NATION Canada ranks third behind the United States and Sweden in the number of telephones per capita but makes the highest something more exciting. How ings are compelled to think of much a part of the gang do you think junior will be when he has to quit high school to sup- port a wife and child? And what kind of a complex will he have when he finds he has a man's job to do before he fully tastes the joys. of boyhood? Parents who think 14-year-old kissing is just innocent fun are crazy. Three cheers, two beers and a pretzel to you, Ann, for "24-HOUR SERVICE 3 NO SERVICE CHARGE } FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 4 4 in Toronto. At this meeting the number of calls per person. golden age of wigs in the 17th and 18th centuries. Louis XIII of France started thr rush when he sported long black curls. CARPET COMPANY 282 King W. 728-9581 FO RUG & CHESTERFIELD CLEANING Our experts will clean your carpets in. your hotne_ or in ou, plant PHONE 728-6201 When they reach the counters, stockings of lycra.are expect- jed to find a place on the shop: ping lists of women who must stand a lot at their work, teach- ers, nurses, buyers and home- makers, for example, as well as those who suffer from leg fa- cial skills. tigue. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ! ! Any Make or Model @ Reasonable @ Prompt Service WARNER WILLIAMS SERVICE CENTRE 17-B BOND E. _ 725-3531 "When he is school, I give him fruit and milk. He is allergic to vitamin tablets, so his diet cannot be supplemented that way and I wonder what he is doing to his health by refusing to eat many foods: Carrots, beans, squash, cabbage, toes, squash, cabbage, toes, liver--the list is éndless. "This is a source of great con- cern for his father and me." Here's about the way I wrote this mother: | You parents have reason to! be concerned over the inade- quate diet of your son. But 'your defeat your own purposes. Mealtime must be a dreaded time for you parents and this boy, when it ought to be a time when you all enjoy lots of fun and conversation together. If you didnt do another thing but avoid urging him to eat or avoid talking about food, you hungry after| Don't Miss... €herney's FURNITO RE WORLD very concera has driven you to! \ would- after a week, be far) ahead. Whatever program you} follow, it will have to rule out! jawing and exhorting. Y and ou say you give him fruit | milk after school. These are | good foods, but they hardly help' him to be hungry for dinner. If possible, keep sweets and the like from him between me-' If he has much of them, then you will get nowhere. Suppose you cemre on the evening meal at first. Serve! G0 iF © SAT. GIGANTIC 9. Hour Warehouse Sale @ FRI. 10... --9... 10..-6... Skiing's over... its Red Cap time again | Time to enjoy that all-'round Red Cap Ale taste...time to get the satisfying deep- | down taste of Ontario's favourite ale! So, set'em up... snappa cappa Red Cap today! Carling Red Cap Ale

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