Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Feb 1963, p. 14

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The 74 - year - old rector of|native of Montreal, was sarod Building Permits 14 THEOSHAWA TIMaS, 3 d hd H d Queen's University was praised/as "a master perhaps without agin | OBITUARIES GNAGLANS FLONOLOSG testes a scoeoey ciel oe cae | Values Reported } FUNERAL OF as Heo ---- Pose vs fig zane writing." BIRTHS | RICHARD J, BROWN orld War when he reporte IN A NEW WAY | bd ports The death of Richard J.| to the country on the activities) : |mits issued by Canadian muni-| LS ne 7 ; Dr. Kismer, 77, was one. of| ; WILL, -- Bob and Shirley wish to an-|Brown, 61 Elgin street east, oc-| al j (@ | '@ | u I i ] of the Canadian poo oye At that |e original Group of Seven,|cipalities in December, 1962, de- of a son, 7 Ibs.) curred in Oshawa General Hos-; time he was a speci assistant) Teo gees ' hi 6 'cs., bern Monday, pee pital, Friday, Feb, 15, He was; ito Prime Minister Mackenzie His citation = a My is/clined 5.8 per cent. in value to 6 Oe ase as Luanne.Jin his 85th year. ve By ALEX MORIN was "a valuable recognition;as 'men dedicated to the com-|King, - - Pevisiege he ro -- ana' $144,326, 000 from $153,241,000. i Thanks to Dr. W. G. McKay. | A funeral servicre was held in) GypawA (OP)--The Canadaland endorsement of the council,| munication of ideas, whether by} among his other accomplish-| lans "to see this country in 8'the corresponding month in| , 'uneral! eer : et ; a : new way." j | LUKAS -- Joseph and Evelynn are|the McIntosh-Andeson Funeral (neil has honored three dis-jits work and the place it has,words, or paint, or musi ments, Mr." 'Brockington was! fe 45 the lbatioie, Mr. Statisties wet of happy to announce the birth of » son,/Home, Monday, Feb. 18, at 2 tinguished Canadians with its}been able to take in the life) "Jt is not only in the intrinsic recognized for. contriiutions altace a as couaees ta. | day, Febonry 1,8 tm. ao xing Wjireet Un ite aj highest award for arg g a pg ave [valie, but also in ie Pages the first chairman of the boar paging ry the cothuolgank stent! Permits issued for residential, Oshawa General Hospital, Many thanks' ter 0} & : ito Canadian culture and at the e gift is rg | eir expression e cre- the CBC, as ; jconstruction increased 10.2 per Se Hees set He eos OFF) Church, conducted: ihe service you tise announces it has re-|oeived since the council's estab-| ative efforts of these men are\ feos te ets een ene cat, sOmiulate.- more} = } 4 : 7 [lecturer in law at the Univer-| id C : 1 62,310,000 j MeKAY -- } in Pine Grove) voived a $4,250,000 gifi to extend|lishment in 1957. It was estab-iknown, By their manner they sty af Aihorte and'ke w leader than did Canada cent to $62,310,000 from $56,543, Kay (nee Susan Wiliott) happily Cemetery, d rt. agi tg field of sci-|lished by the federal govern-inave helped to imbue the Ca-| ; : } _ While thankful for the Canada 000, a year earlier, while those Sr ee oe diss ak Terceas Web| The pallbearers were A digas into the |ment with two $50,000,000 funds, 'nadian people uh se ack a ee oe penny Council's recognition, he urgeditor non - residential building : Mille, The three Canada Counciljone for university building) purpose, an ambition towards! e citation des S\ that everything possible be done dropped 15.2. per cent to $82, Hospital, First grandchild for|Henderson, Ed Hawke, Art) ; eine Mr. and Mrs, J, D. Elliott. [hae Denes ne Frank Mills : ners -- scholar-orator|grants and the other for 'scho-|hetter criteria," he said. eres tect dies ab civ te the mast range od Ps 016,000 from $96,698,000, OLIN -- Mike and Eleanor are happy|@nd Norman Rae. a W. Brockington, com-jlarship awarded annually from) porosing to Mr. Brockington| . , pecalus younger generation. ile it is °° ih : te announce the birth of their daughter,| Members of Lebanon Masonic} Bae Ghiwanens and|the $3,000,000 interest the fund! erring to Mr. ckington| yral bias and intellectual con-|fine to give old gentlemen a Value of building permits is- é a on Monday, February 18, 1963, at Osh-i7 o49e@ AF and AM, No. 139, Poser 2 | : s "Dear Brock" Gen, Vanier|viction, to the arts and humani- pat on the back, those on the sued in the month for Ontario: Jener'al Hospital, A sister for Bac-|\" Sins i oyajl artis rthur Lismer--joined the| produces. , Tb eae - Peay ; : ; | esol tong oln--agenl s apaaelaaty eld a_ service in the funeral) ae ibe? Sea Lists | Governor-General Vanier re-,called him "the master orator|ties. way up" needed it even more. with 1961 figures in brackets y 3 p.m., con-| s of 2 soht #9 j j eins TUMMONDS -- Gary and aturtn| home | SGA crshiptal Staster|named last year when the|ferred to the three medallists! among us tonight | Dr. Champagne, 71-year-old: DOUGLAS--para 3--22 was $59,743,000 ($80,826,000), Birkett) wish to announce the ar- . i frat of their daughter, Karen Marie, Tracy Glaspell. medal was first Rieger @ Ibs. 7 ozs., on Saturday, February) a C -General 16, 1963, at Oshawa Generai Hospital. | FUNERAL OF isented the medals WILES -- Wallace and Helen (nee} MRS. PETER CORMIER |bronze-cast dises four inches in are happy to announce the} High requiem mass for Mrs. diameter and weighing 1% , Paul Sherman, on/ Peter Cormier who died at the|pounds each--and the $2,000 'eneral' Hospital, | Oshawa General Hospital, Fri-jcash award that goes with wen, Kim and'day, Feb. 15, was sung by Rt.|/them. Rev. Msgr. P. Dwyer at 10) Council Director Dr. A. W. A HAPPY occasion ~ The birth of a.m., Monday, Pe a in the Trueman made the formal your child. To tell the good news to/ Catholic Church a OER : : sea friends and neighbors The Oshawa A nditedil the' Wieeat Tnteridec wards dinner an occasion to Times as near as your telephone |&regory the "reat, inter nnounce that a donor has pro- The 4 of birth just telephone 723-;was in St. Gregory's Cemete vided a $4,250,000 gift to enable neg tale ia te The pallbearers were vadian students to undertake sons, Isaac, Arthur, Edwa dvance studies in medicine, DEATHS \John, Cornelius and Bernard. | .cianee and engineering. | MRS. ARTHUR R. JACKSON | ipendiTy IS SECRET WAINWRIGHT, Frederick ' PICTON The death occur Yr. Trueman said. the action ho the Oshaw 7ON-i rad « Jan) Ip eo ard wry anual ce adedar Feb Tr red suddenly in Prince Edward! gr the donor--who asked that! eral Hospital on Sunday, Fe 5 i! gs a al at .;County Memorial Hospital at |); . identity. be kept secret -- Frederick Wainwright, beloved hi ' . band of Mabel, and father of Mrs. Earl| Picton, Fet f Mrs | Crawford (Nora), Oxdrift, Ont.; James! 4 mi hie resi-| FE. Wainwright, Vancouver, in his Toth) Atthur R. Jackson, 1a Pict Resting at the Armstrong Fu e, Simcoe: street, Picton.} ve i neral Home, Oshawa, pene Foca She was the former Madeline Surve 0 a : > b ' 2 ~ ene On Ieee Ochene Une |Anna Cronyn and was in het Cemetery, th year | REN EST eo Ee ALDER | Her sudden death, as a result| . LOCKE'S FLORIST |of a stroke, came as a shock to! Raise $173 Funeral arrangements and relatives and friends alike, as floral requirements for oll {she had continued to teach occasions jschool. Her husband is vice- a OSHAWA SHOPPING | principal of Mary Str "hool, F Sk CENTRE Picton, while their two sons or 1eTs 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE | Hugh of Peterborough and Alan, 728-6555 {of Oshawa, are also teachers Mrs. Jackson was highly re : as|federal government surveyors jgarded in her profession 4 4 IN MEMORIAM well as in' church and com-|have raised $173 to help two {n- munity activities dian skiers from the Yukon set- COLBOURNE -- In loving memory of} Service at the Whattam Fu-|tlement of Old Crow t pnd father, mest j.[neral Home Monday, Feb 18, |( ted Butte, Col., k The Classic RIVIERA was conducted by Rev. Verne} pé the North American ski We mourn for him in silence |Zufelt of Picton United Church.| championships | OTTAWA (CP)--A group of| GET MORE poGs VANCOUVER (CP) --Police dogs here have been' increased to 15, from six in 1961, They OTTAWA (CP)--Building per-|Have nosed out car thieves, bur- glars and prowlers and on one occasion helped to herd drunks irto the patrol wagon, ees: fonetee tates. A Kernaghan & Co. MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE OPERATING DIRECT LINE To TORONTO - MONTREAL onranio 725-1104 No Stairs Te Climb RES. MGR. ERIC R. HENRY, 725-4305 ng eae a cuaee tier week | Interment was at St. Ma "We have raised the money y en ear , ¥ While eters are Bvt | Ont to show our appreciation to the --EXver remembered by his wife and) family. Indians of Old Crow who have get helped us in the past during dif- . FRENCH -- In loving memory of »| I Sk t ficult survey operations in the dear mother, Jamesina, who passed | ce a Ing Yukon," said Hugh Munro, a @way Fibruary 19, 1961 nro, topographical surveyor with the You suffered with courage, '4 e Championships technical surveys department We knew not your pain, The two Indians, Mrs. Martha i | You fought to get well | But all was in vain | a oe . Benjamin and Ben Charlie, son oa | At Cortina lof the chief of the tribe at Old He takes only the best | |Crow, competed in the U.S. na- Sadly missed and lovingly remember- : pi ase : ; ' 4 by daughter, liean and soniniaw.| DAVOS, Switzerland (AP)-~|tional cross-country champion. Mee. {The International Skating Un-|Ships during the weekend at FRENCH -- In loving memory of alion decided Monday to stage| Franconia, N.H. et ace tot srentnotiec, James. the 1963 world figure skating} Frank Cooke of Ottawa, who 1, 1961. -- ig 5 | championships at Cortina; Italy choosing the Canadian cross- Renslent thought, a secret tear ias scheduled despite' the ab-|C Olympic ski team for Time takes away the edge of griet|Sence of an East German team | the Canadian Amateur Ski As- Pe es aes. book recy beet. George Haesler, secretary-gen. sociation, Would ro them to daughter-in-law Aileen, and grandchil-;eral of the International Skat.) C9™pete at Crested utte befor dren Ronny and jing Union, announced the deci-|'@king part in the: Canadian oe ~~} sion following a telegraphic p em ap jof the seven members of the; ©ke said about $600 is {SIU council. jneeded for them to make the i ,|Colorado trip, He said a $300 Its true what they say, Haesler ¢ MEMORIALS members > s GC contribution was received from fg bisa . P ie Yukon Monday and _ that ns ° i -- nn jcontributions now total nearly The Luxurious ELECTRA 225 MONUMENTS ON DISPLAY $500 | IN.OUR SHOWROOM. opening Feb. 28, ba j Complete Monument and | Michailchuch did not repli in Inscription Service. {time because Haesler at first] Lh) . 152 SIMCOE SOUTH | wrongly believed him to be at} tl the world speed skating cham-| Phone 723-1002 j}pionships in Japan. Whatever} CARD OF THANKS it. cos, ave" mace' The Stuff" | difference to the council's deci- JAMES I wish to expr N eere thanks to my many : y J IXISTS } friends and neighbors for the though' | ur ful. cards, gifts, flowers, visits and en-| The championships had beer aiiries about me while I was a. patient}in doubt following 'the at Oshawa General Hospital and later « ' ine While convalescing at home ; government's refusal to s PALM SPRINGS, CQALIF. (A Mrs. Harry James.|aside a general ban on non-es- furley, who only, vester- MARSHALL -- We wish to thank al seems, was proclaimed our relatives, friends and neighbors membe the Nort aseball's No. 1 pitcher, knows their kindness and sympathy in the Atlantic treaty alliance there is long x he of a dear wife, mother and grand nein . no longer any tomor- mother; to the Houd. Industries an Despite appeals from Italian'row for him. He must prove par grvsk oral eed hgg X international skating offi-|right now that he can still pitch lorai tributes; 'to the Armstrong Fu-|Cials, the Italian government|in the major leagues ai Home for their kin | tz it iti r aie gpa Day maintained its position that it} Nobody in the Los Angeles wonderful prayers and ig words, | WOUld not grant Italian visas to els' camp has worked any Mr. Fred Marshal the East German skating tea : : : jharder, but no one's future is j because it does not recognize! more uncertain than that of the |that government year - old right-hander who Turt Veteran, The East German team's ro i ct winter was sold condi- quest for special Western tr. mally by w York Yankees . documents was refused by the to Los An s. It was only ug 2 1 son, Allied permit office in Berlin | four years before Turley had The council's decision is ex. been named the major leagues' P pected to lead to the with.| outstanding pitcher asses way drawal of other Saviet - bloc) "Just because the Yankees teams from the Cortina meet. |84¥e UP On me doesn't mean OAKVILLE, Ont, (CP)--Hugh' a my. Career js over, 'Turley in: §. Wilson, veteran Ontario . while relaxing horseman and breeder, died in M K . after y hospital Sunday Cc enzie, "I'm convinced I've got Mr. Wilson retired 18 years : enough stuff to get by. It would ago, but for 40 years before S H be foolish for me to say that had raced thorough- } weeney ea still got th : Yeap peae pl the colors of the Ps a fi ab nh rite But idgef ie ld Stables, 'imported| AHLP tR sill strike the hitters out with and trained Irish hunters anal o1n ace my fast ball and I can mix it competed in major North! ... -.. up with a lot of sinkers and American horse shows with an NEW YORK (AP) -- Johnny) s : outstanding string of horses @"/McKenzie of Buffalo Bisons Turley appears to have com- His prize racehorse was the broke his first-place tie with! pletely recovered from an el- longshot Maternal Pride which| SU! Sweeney of Springfield In-| how operation which limited his upset the field with a victory nl Teag iy i ai Bn HOCKEY itch ng to 60 innings last year the King's Plate in 192 #ague scoring race last week,|spoRT--Ho Lung Supports Mr Sa : but he has a new co-leader in Mr. Wilson, born in Picker-| pi. teammate, At ton. ates ing, Ont., maintained a st i : p a horsés which Fucnaiag neal Stratton scored six points last) Ho Lung Supports a few to sometimes 25 horses on| Week to five for McKenzie and} his 350-acre farm in this town|?™,, '¥? for Sweeney. The! if P midway between Toronto and| Weeks pig - release to Sukamo § lans Hamilton | show McKenzie d Stat-; % po ctranstebeael ' x tied for the top at 68 points) TOKYO (AP)--Ho Lung, Red ee e Sweeney dropped from|Ch S vice - premier, said ae WINS TT if to fourth at lie} Monday the Chinese govern- NEW YORK (AP) -- Dennis! Marshall of Her: Bears tookiment firmly supports Indo- Ralston, tempestuous young ref.| over third place at 66 n r proposal for holding ugee from the te Cleland Mortson, of Hershey {5s ames of 'new emerging nk Ciesla of Cleveland jforces." yjons and Brian Kilrea of Spring-| The Chinese government and 'A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE : ? Wiitewall tires optional at extra cost. .6638 for d ndoor cham-/field are in a three-way tie for|people '* willing to play Bionship and established him-/fifth at 61. their part'? in promoting the self as the bright new hope of} John Ferguson of C a tion of President Su-} . the U.S, Davis Cup team. remained the No. 1 goal-getter|karno's proposal, Ho Lung a Be sure to watch "The Tommy Ambrose Show' The 20-year-old Univers of 31 while Stratton increased a reception Peking cele. end "Our Mon Hi on the CBC network end "The Dick Powell Show" on CFTO-TV. Check local listings for time and channel, Southern California junior from| ading assist total t ating Ney Day } Bakersfield,' Calif., Suspended; Denis DeJordy of Buffa Ho Lung said the proposal f . two years ago for unsportsman- y jeld.| W4S in full accord with "the de . hike conduct, exhibit d k le la ae ee 'i f th "7 Cxnibited remark-|ing 141 goals in 51 games for| Site of the peoples of Asia, Af i Sle control' of both his: shots |i gu ,£08ls in, 31, games for| sire of the peoples of Asia, Af 266 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. 103 Dundas St. E., and his temper in the 2'4-hour | leader continued to Ed New China news agency quoted : Phone 723-4364 668-5846 final match at the Seventh Reg. jimpe of Buffalo with 156 m m as say in a broadcast} anent Armory. utes, monitored here,

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