Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Feb 1963, p. 13

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[27--Real Estate for Sale 127---Real Estate for Sole | 28--Real Estate Wanted '29--Automobiles For Sale tio, storms, lewman Crescent. WANTED for rent, 50 - 100 acres farm Ph ee eaten ot berg he ae p.m. 1996 BUICK -- + Riviera hardtep,/ transmission, Selling Your Home bungalow at west Imita, bungsioe Mest «iy mis Asking PO SPRAY | --- Lovely: saneh| es radio, many extras, One owner, $600. 728-9617. ee eek oe A MUST $13,500. Wallace, 725-6297. Joseph. Bosco, . 728-7377. List With GUIDE REALTY imited, Realtors ay Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 BEVERLY STREET ---- Very Large kitchen, doin .and seporate din room, H. W. Oil iting. Finish- ed room-in basement. All in tip top condition. Phone us to inspect. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY -- 1.G.A. Supermarket -- Only $16.900. for this well equip- ped business, all equipment almost new, located in Shopping Ploza, good lease. TWO GOOD BUILDING LOTS on. Oshawa Blvd., just North of Hillcroft, $3, 000.00 each 38 TORIAN AVE., BROOK- LIN -- Ino quiet village, close to a eg This modern 5 room k bungalow is only 4 years ad exceptional volue, reoson for selling, own- er tronsferred, DESIRABLE LOCATION -- One of the choicest ----- lows we have. L: shaped liv- Ing and dining rooms, alum. storms ond screens. Venetion blinds, Rotor T.V. Aerial, wired for dryer. F. A. Oil | heot. 54%4% N.H.A. mort- gage. FOR a 1 xorey pad workshop x --~ Com- mercially zoned, will accept month to month tenancy $40.00 a month. Location North West of Oshawa, just outside Oshawa City Limits. Whitby Township. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, For full particulars After 9 p.m, call Roy Flintoff .... 725-3454 | «e+ 725-3867 +» 728-0569 . 725-8068 «++ 725-2320 Phyllis Jubb ... 723-3240 Jean Peacock .. 725-4330 Lloyd Corson ... 723-2537 Dick Young .... 723-7183 Lucas Peacock .. 725-4330 LLOYD REALTY GUARANTY TRUST Weinberger. 72-724, Joseph Bosco, Realtor 728-7377. LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER WHITBY Opposite the new ploza. Lovely 3 bedroom home with recreation room, Only $1300 down. and $90 per month. Call Bill Johnston 728-1066 or 728-5123. NEW BUNGAL' ATTACHED GARAGE $13,000 FULL PRICE 3 lerge bedroom, walk-out basement, forge kitchen, situated | close to Power store on Wilson Road, Call Ed Drumm ot 8-5123, BUNGALOW AND STORE 500 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY $2000, will set you up in business plus oy living quorters, plenty of parking, Building only 10 years old, ask for Bill Horner 8-5123. pena agp 4 real logy maker, fully in outstanding rental mg A... will consider trade, Mr. Hodgeons a Joseph Bosco, Real- tor, 728-7377 40 ACRES, mostiy pasture, smal} stream, pond, Price only $2500, down payment $500, Peter Feddema, Realtor Highway 2, East of Bowmanville. Tele- phone Bowmanville 3644, CENTRAL BUNGALOW A one owner home os trim and tidy as can be, Red brick Company of Canada Call Now 728-1653 AFTER HOURS BILL COLLINS 668-8716 XCLUSIVE AGENTS For 1969 VAUXHALL, four door, deluxe, one owner, local bady, sites origmal . $695. Oshawa Marine and Service, 1487 Hi E 1959 SINGER station wagon, very low) "i new. Private sale, Simeoe North, 728-0031, , woonre ln AM, Lf cama By The Canadian P: Toronto Stock Exchange--Feb. 19 tions in 11964 BUICK, very good condition, $100 lor best offer, Telephone 1720-7055. 30--Automobiles Wanted with dining room, fireplace, paved drive, garage and love- Castle Homes 1961 STATION wagon, Austin 850, One LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers went cars for Highest prices paid. Wilt ay a ee ee gestern tacky In god coodion. ly yard. Compact and com- fortable ot $3000 down. PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 728-9474 or 725-8152 evenings 52% Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Our specialty Trading old homes for new. Listing and Sell- ing oider homes. Buy- 'ing lots in the city. LLOYD REALTY (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario. METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 APPLE HILL Delightful 3 bedroom bungo- low with large kitchen, liv- ing room, carport, paved drive, ei decorated and landscape real value here at Si, 500.00 full price Call today. CONNAUGHT PARK Only $13,000.00 for this lovely 5 room brick bunga- low -- everything modern - BUYING OR SELLING $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD, 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Phone 725-1186 Bill Millar W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. ATHOL AND SIMCOE $1500 DOWN 6 ROOM BUNGALOW Custom built three year old home with many RENAULT- PEUGEOUT-AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM B.A. SERVICE RITSON ROAD AND KING 723-4733 and 723-7712 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Ik "'Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 11 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Ye A1% bas : g 8 + = aaa pg BEEks aqutys eepy e ngeigeeOayegensygtiyte & & FEE ef SEb2SsSEs ++ ' ERE i = FF FE z £2 > 3 1 S2gGSRS on ge ag scbagegeceges egugetsa FE "E b eS8Elhatinsszes 2 BE sgeyebSeegesgsebyugsessys Bayle S "BFE Fi ; i 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 32----Articles for Sale 31--Automobile Repair extras, beautiful mah- ogany kitchen with din- ette area, centre hall plan and coloured bath fixtures, POSSESSION FEBRUARY 28TH Don't delay -- Call Bill Millar Today! Phone 725-1186 29----Automobiles For Sale 1955 CHEVROLET Bel Air hard top, Rebuilt meter, transmission, radio, new battery, tires, body refinished and cus- iomized. $575. Telephone 666-8084, SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 YOUR VOLVO DEALER WwW sf. 'wer JAKE & BILL'S Real Estate Ltd. with rec room and fully tiled basement, gorage and all in this choice location -- Sure to sell -- Inquire today. NORTHWEST VALUE SPECIAL $11,900.00 -- 3 bedroom brick with poved drive -- HOWE & PETERS Realtors -- 725-4701 67 King St. E. -- 725-7732 APPLEHILL -- Inspect this becutiful home without obli- gation, consists of 3 bed- rooms, ultramodem kitchen, 1! Earle Al- ai 3 DISTRICT -- 2 fomily home completely self contained with 2 kitchens end 2 bothrooms, beautiful condition throughout, alum- imum storms ond screens, nicely landscaped lot 5 x 234 ft. Call Rolande Tierney 725-5207. $12,900.00 for this 40 acre home with 15 ft. deep 'ot 1 end with diving board. Call Joe Craw- ford 623-3672 to .see this exceptional gentleman's form. TRADE YOUR HOME for a brond new 3 or 4 bedroom bungolow or split level, some with fireplace, attached and 300. ft, deep Re. of all this is a HAR- MONY VILLAGE location just east * Donevon Collegiate. Cell Ron Drapok for infor- mation ot 725- 4701. BOWMANVILLE OFFICE-- 623-5212 oe. 4 bedroom home tm good condition about 5 miles from Oshawa, forced cir with oil furnace, 4 piece school on 2 $9,800.00 with Cal} Bob both, close to ecre lot. $1,000.00 down. Johnson 728-2548. ee with low down payment elled walls in den, wonder- ful view, 2 ocre lot, Coll Ron Hetherington 623-3637 or 623-5212. Lot 75 x 200 ft. with well $950. 00" es $375.00 down. 725-470 Lorge lot -- Ask us on this one right now. Must be sold! COURTICE Country 6 room ranch style home -- ye breezeway soe attached roge --- Pot labenoped. 'Call now for full particulars. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 Dial 728-4678 Jock Osborne Lloyd Metcalf John Kemp Dick Barriage Joe Maga Ken Honn GARAGE GENERAL REPAIRS and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa 728-0921 Renoult--Peugeout AUSTIN *. Parts and Service STATHAM B.A. SERVICE RITSON ROAD AND KING 723-4733 and 723-7712 BUILDING LOTS Several good building lots located between Oshawa and Whitby. Having 75' to 90' $2,000 frontages: prit¢e terms. 5 ACRE TO 10 ACRE LOTS TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. COFFEY AND BARTLEY OFFERS 2 GOOD BUYS 1958 CHEVROLET STAKE TRUCK % ton, 30,000 original miles. Like Brand New. Heavy duty oversize tires, transmission, $1,095 10% DOWN KELLY DISNEY USED CARS 409 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY -- 668-4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always Top Quality located in east end on No. 2 Highway. For further in- formation, call S$. Macko at SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED, daytime 723-2265 --- even- 1957 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE Fully equipped, radio, new rear window, Turquoise with white top, $1,195 ings 728-5868. S. D. HYMAN Real Estate Ltd. BUILDERS MODEL Available for immediate pos- session. Definitely different. Extra large fomily kitchen. Carport and Finished patio. Asking $5,000 Down. Call Lorne Hartford for further de- toils, SPANKING NEW 5 Room brick bungalow near- ing completion, N.H.A, Fin- ancing. Must be seen. Choose your own colours. Only $1221 down, Call Glen MacKinnon, ROSSLAND MANOR Reasonably close to all schools. 6 Room brick bun- galow with a corport in im- maculate condition. Owner soys SELL. Asking $14,500. Must be inspected. Call Doug Bullied. JUST LISTED 5 Room brick bungslow with all the i 't be re- placed the price of $12, 600.00, Monthly pay- ments of $87. include the taxes. Call Bob Stevenson and arrange an appointment. OWNER TRANSFERRED Scenic view and an environ- ment that wil. definitely suit your children, --. ed and decorated. hsp i ety home. Call Doug Bul- lied for further details, The Home Of _ Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 668-4741 and 668-4025 L. S. SNELGROVE co, LTD. REALTORS 723-9810 725-876) 43 PARK RD, S. FOR THE ECONOMY WISE $6,500. full price for a fully equipped family home of six rooms and garage on double lot, family size kitchen with cupboards, hot and cold water, dining room, living room, bedrooms ond 3 ONLY 10% DOWN Coffey and Bartley STOUFFVILLE, ONTARIO Telephone Stouffville 640-2600 HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE -- SERVICE MOTOR ° TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 Repair Your Car Poy only for use of tools, garage space and mechanical supervision, Lou's Garage. Clinic 955 DUNDAS STREET WEST Whitby 668-2893 32--Articles For Sale FENDER Strato Castor guitar, electric. Cost price $450. Sacrifice $195. Tele- phone Orono 160 J. SKATES Cuenrt Leading Skate Ex- ch for 10 years. New and ned. Largest assortment in town. DRAYTON CYCLE |s 204 BOND STREET EAST FUEL OIL -- COAL OIL FURNACES 24 HOUR SERVICE DIXON'S 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 DAY OR NIGHT BABY carriage, Thistle make, model, bronze and tan color, excellent Phone 723-1307, and mattress, four years old; painted » deluxe | Fruehaut condition, $25, Call before 6 p.m. Tele- sag NIAGARA cycle massager; large crib ss kitchen suite; single metal bed, Tele- Phone 723-2443, a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Pebrucry 19,1963 43° =Today's Stock Market 'u Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 3|2or® 190 918 8+ HK ' = a + = By e& a eed ous At on OG pe. bs & i +]+ Wee tee: : if é iif + *$ ¥ aes ie [+++ : a ssbonStotdebseushstesz Seas: 892 "e = FEE - i ePeee eg Eee Stl) + +e HF SRF FE Fifi ++ gouge leu ctesenstes gistGsStaesMGeheCEGa GS gee sete Sete gate gt a gPENE soe Sy + » pogiggsbtugeesces 2553 g2Ese eget ggg) 2B -gybs - ees xEg°Cge a = B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, HONEST Cal's Furniture bat. and Appii- counts anywhere, and Beverley mattress furniture 8, Your authorized GE dealer, Contact Mad Road. Open 12 hours daily, 9.30 - 9,30. Telephone 728-9191. tele-| Hard ances, Name brands at biggest dis- Ls We carry Restonic He Honest Cal's, on King Street East at GUN (old antique) wanted, Also old cartridges, Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa. x cooking. $2 bushel. Oshawa Oisnenaes 725-3445, SOUTHERN Spy apples, loveiy tor eat. 7. ing 01 If bushel or $3.95 a 382328 sSegSegu sey gy Sasgoseeey Puy she ese sor guesses Bogets ogee y ae & Ss sua Ld 3 288 as ae iF i SSSSSBSee SBI Salen sshsE WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- paid vr anything you have, The Ci South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. GUITAR Harmony arch top, electric, blond finish plus case, strap and Gib- Ie Aaa All in good . BUY AND SELL, good used furniture bya appliances, loca' ding Post Stores, 446 Simcoe stret pa wre Ad and Appliance| Store, 4 Prince Street. 728-9191, bin li + - Hl + = Sueseetiund --e Ss de building, usable for car lot,' office, etc, 12' x 12', Ingulated. Canis athe to be moved from prem- ises, 728-1238. 16 MM CAMERA 3 lens turret head, magazine load. Mint condition. Tele- Phone Whitby 668-2582. BUYING or selling prbrron i or Fo ances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263. 263-2695. BOATS Boots; Grew-Cruisers, veler, Mason, O.M.C., Motors; Evinrude, Penta. MARINE STi -- & SUPPLY Brooklin, on '655: 3641 Tra- Larson Volvo- TELEVISIONS Rebuilt sets, all makes, Guar- anteed. One year warranty on eg tube. We also rent PREMIER TELEVISION 339Y2 Simcoe St. South piece bath, forced air, oil furnace, all this for $1,500 down and $75.00 per month, nice location in Port Perry. WANTED One buyer for Real Value in a brick bungalow, just a few years old and most of the work has been done, nice lo- cation, close to schools, in- spection and offer welcome. SMOKE SHOP AND | VARIETY STORE A going concern with large turnover, a real opportunity for the bright business man. BUILDING LOTS We still have a few serviced building lots ot the lower winter prices. Come in and test drive THE NEW RAMBLER 63 Six To Choose From At: ABNER'S ESSO SERVICE 1003 Brock St. S. Whitby USED CARS 1962 Bel Air 6 cylinder Automotic. 1959 Dodge 2-Dr Automatic. Call now to see our selection of bungalows priced to sell with reasonable down pay- ments. Htp. Call 723-9810 or 725-8761 HOWARD McCABE 28--Real Estate Wanted 1959 Roggler Clossic Stan- Will arrange to have you in- spect the three Fa homes thot have just been listed, Down payments to suit your budget ond N.H.A, mort- gages for the balance, IF YOU NEED A HOME THEN CALL 728-6286 Paivase will buy or seat s-bedroom dord 6 cylinder. bunagolw or me, erably north - Oshawa, Substantial down payments, No| '926 Studebaker 6 cylidner, |Tealtors, please. 725-8636. Automatic. BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 1959 STUDEBAKER LARK Two-door, economical 6 cyl- Inder engine and reclining oi. 1958 PONTIAC COACH. Two-door, 6 cylinder auto- matic transmission. White- wall tires. New car condition. $1,295 1957 BUICK. Four door hard- top, finished in light blue and white. Complete with $995 1957 PONTIAC -- Four door hardtop, V-8 engine, auto- matic transmission, custom radio, whitewall tires. Must be seen to be appreciated, $1,245 1955 MONARCH -- Four WE NEED YOUR HOME WANT YOUR HOUSE SOLD ? WHITBY CLASSIFIED CALL Whitby's Only Fuel Dealer Carrying A Complete "ie of FUEL Blue coal, vorious sizes; Bar- becue briquettes and char- coal, Cannel cool, Texaco Fuel and Stove Oils. SAWDONS' (WHITBY) LIMITED 244 Brock Street South Whitby 668-3524 LLOYD REALTY |. (OSHAWA} LTD. REALTOR 101 SIMCOE ST. N., 728-5123 door sedan, V-8, Stick shift, $199 1954 ZEPHYR,. Four door, six cylinder. A real economy $79 1953 CONSUL. Four door sedan. It runs, too. SCHOFIELD - AKER LTD. Over A Quarter Century Of Continuous and Reliable Service HAVE YOU A HOME YOU WANT SOLD? WE HAVE ALL CASH AND TERM BUYERS. BUY, sell or exchange used furniture AVON Need immediately, ladies in the Rural area with ambition to earn money. | Good income, part time. Write: P.O. BOX 512 OSHAWA and appliances. What have you? Goold used furniture, 215 Dundas East, Whit- by, 668-5481. WE CAN AND- WILL VALUATE YOUR HOME PROPERLY WE ARE PREPARED TO ADVERTISE YOUR HOME AT LEAST ONCE EVERY 10 DAYS. SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, telephone 060-2563, DRESSMAKING: oe costs, d-esses, alterations, slip covers, «tra) sting ® speciality. Mrs. Toms, M $2372. FOR RENT -- Three-room unfurnished heated apartment, heavy located. Adults > Telephone 668-4877. wiring. only, $36 m PORTABLE) television in perfect WE WILL NOTIFY YOU EACH TIME IT IS ADVERTISED EFFICIENT MORTGAGE DEPARTMENT {IF REFINANCING IS NECESSARY, PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE IS AVAILABLE MEMBERS OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD Call Daytime 723-2265--Evenings 725-1726 'thom. $115. Apply 210 Trent Street { | 1953 FORD. Two door Coach, Radio and whitewall tires, $125 1953 FORD. Two door Coach V-8 engine, automatic trans- mission, whitewall tires, $165 1953 CHEVROLET -- Sedan delivery. Ready for the road. $49 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 668-4741. 668-4025 725-6457 SPECIAL 1963 SCOTT ALUMINUM BOAT 12 ft Car Top Model. 7% h.p. fishing Scott Motor. COMPLETE $499 OSHAWA MARINE AND SERVICE 1487 Simcoe North 728-0031 140 ASSORTED television tubes, brand new $199. Free tube tester with cash sale, Telephone 728-6781. MOUTON dark brown coat size 18, Ex- oe condition, $50, Telephone 725- ELECTRIC Spanish $160 new, selling. for $100" Dust pack-op 0. Dual pick-up. . Three- way volume 725- t = #5 Sgenagtag ts -nppeeguysttay Pen fod Ss s = 222222 agpye z bits sxe k y can tadios, special 1963 Chey. - Pontiac, push custom in dash, complete with aerial, ds6.08, gd Tire Store, 48 Bond West. a A super vi approxi. mately 630 sheets of letter paper (news print) Faget only $1.00, Ap ply Oshawe Times Office, Whitby lll Dundas Street West. alue, . Chair, table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. BABY crib grey roxatone with plastic mattress, $20. Lioyd baby carriage, $25, a Speedy Lawn 1 roller, 728-8830, FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, 9 cuble ft. ery g00d condition, 98 Nassau bs r telephone 725-7706. THREE meat slicers, two pop coolers, four desks, nine swivel chairs, Cleating out. Make an offer, Terms, Hamilton's, Whitby 668-5049. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, du- McCULLOUGH LUMBER CO. LTD. Complete line of Building Materials oe io FIRST" ----o chequewnriters, 5 ree hundred new and used, We buy, bend Hamilton Office Equipment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. rent, " service. Chrome high chair, $8, 'ati excelent |W washing VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, Free bgg orengg einen it ma-' Rentals. "Wallace Vacuum Ser- per Call anytime, 726-0591, i ei bie ciel eee ene Soeur sogeoreeSegyys Seyyh gene he.g- seb gu ougee ges .ryyesouys he sug oous rE aL 4 i x eee SeuRbesy sp galeyseuastaeseseteunas 3 es SEE SUesEOgtERE 1 Ss 2. gg FE isre tittittitiits Deert tere eae faites S¥ysuek F Hey sgbesausteis , sBixtazesl z Eesasesgetes Ssh gebesetyduct Po & rekem i gate if & i gbdescBaseuceSiscuge gBeescbasscgySksgege H SyseGeRee8eestensd E gBhansBiceley Si sege g # Hl oe a pl 3 SLLSbER ve lieth, eG MB 9 +11 FF SF KE L f 3 aaega sare a RK a a Sev Soh Lt i i + Foebs ..8- ~ 444 50* seneBepes.scbarted stgrFesetoecekiear gegubecangsospeetoSstusrag free tiutees E F En bb Ha re | a 5 8 2. PK ad 2 i Fy i s i b stitution Hit ec $2259 Fb gehau§eeshhe,be8eseedaa Fs3sl owe eeiel sacks Fale ge esieshe sedecaeeeseeeiek iets FREEEFER Hoel i i : jy ih diss hie) L ss Pb rat ."" qs #77 bee + #tlte © = ek PegttgudgsnBahelss sigs ocaFoe¥rgcgoseysts 8 vetse Sauey Be Roches BRost ye gnuGa Fakes peak ocas egessgoenyssel vo Fauscvegelescss oeBerer Fe Seg eBtondgenBeghalasesgskocayougrgeg.scusss¥ vez sue L i ane i eebbdsesiugesslae$iighee cia iiedcietcelesed sosbutsd8bisszsfesbulis psbcbedtbdeeruSeu8acre soxScbrdsSisszs Genteur i F a Ci 2 ms eo . ro ° Ly 1270 SIMCOE ST. N. (West Side) 728-4688 DRAPES Modern Designs Abstract, Colonial, Provincial ond Floral Patterns. Custom Made ONE fully equipped liquor cabinet, Hike new, cherry wood, Apply 101 Craydon Road, Apartment No, 5, Whitby. What's My Line? Buying and selling used tur- niture and appliances. For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call ot the store 16% Bond W, Expertly Installed M and C DRY GOODS 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE TV'S AND STEREOS DISCONTINUED LINES, OOR DEMONSTRATORS, rREE All Oil Burner Service Free and guaranteed if you purchase "White Rose' uni- fined furnace oil from WESTERN OIL CO. DIAL 725-1212 34---Lost And Found LOST -- girl's brown shoe on Steven- son's Road North bus, 4 'o'elock, Fri- day or Ridgeway school and Rossiand Road West, 725-1492, WOULD the gentleman who took the wrong charcoal suburban coat at Cane- dian Corps on Saturday aie contact for exchange of same. SLIGHTLY MARKED CABINETS ALL BEING CLEARED AT WORTHWHILE SAVINGS COVERED BY NEW WARRANTY AND OUR EXCLUSIVE ONE YEAR FREE SERVICE ELECTROHOME CLAIRTONE LOST: "= bone handied c: knife, February Wednesday, 13, vicinity a Warren -- and 1967 Food Relief Plans Endorsed OTTAWA (CP)--The National Sentenary Administration held its first board meeting Monday and endorsed a project by 75 Toronto Bible Club members to raise 000,000 for foreign food' relief in 1967, The administration, headed by John Fisher, met to pass its corporate bylaws and resolu- other sums for major projects: tional M @peawelay A principle biculturalism in aad aspect of centenary tions, formally establishing it- self as a Crown agency to co- ordinate federal, provincial and the British North America Act of 1867. "Think big" might well be the slogan for the administra tion, Mr. Fisher told a press ising The administration anning a competition to symbol. LOST part spaniel, ake Pup, greyish black, vicinity of Stevenson Road North *|the executive posed with a five- R.C.A. VICTOR ADMIRAL PARKWAY Television 918 SIMCOE N. t 723-3043 | Cornish of RR 2, Whitby, Pe ag ag. for checked is wne nathe fe Jone on or. after this date , February 16, | 1968, without my written consent, Donald G. Cornish a centenary Mr. Fisher and members of foot long gavel presented to him some years ago when he was known as Mr. Canada on NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS - Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada ear ended Dec, . $1: 1962, 000, $1.33 a Ltd., year $13,361, share; 1961, $13,857,000, $1.38. Jockey Club Ltd., year ended: Nov. 30: 1962, $1,172,519, 19 cents per common share on 4,686,483 shares; 1961, $1,168,075, 23 cents on 3,905,407 shares. Trans Mountain Oil Pipe Line Company, year ended Dec. 31: 1962, $7,961,918, $1.06 a share; 1961, --, 712, 82.5 cents. any|tbe tourist promotion and lec- ture circuit in Canada and the United States, DIVIDENDS as bo ge Hil, wags Rad Baldwin Street, will Mg igen nepoe me any aebts my name aay One 00 Or after tle dain Feber, consent |ary 19, 1963, without my r---- | TO AID HUNGRY George C. Metcalf of Toronto presented the administration pro- d by a privately-or- NO. Just the lowest pric Free estimates -- So WRITE 1 GRADE ALCAN ALUMINUM SIDING NO GIMMICKS -- NO PUZZLES es in the industry. tistaction Guaranteed Nothing To Pay Until June TO:-- Canadian Building Products Co. 57 BONNIEWOOD ROAD, SCARBORO, ONT, ganized group to mark the cen- tennial. It is a plan to raise $1,000,000 for food relief to hun- &ry peoples, sponsored by the Hustler Young Men's Bible Class of Toronto, of which Mr, Metcalf is a member, The fund- raising campaign is to start May 4 tor "a gift to Canada on its birthday to alleviate hunger abroad." Though the administration will have about $20,000,000 to By THE CANADIAN PRESS British American Bank Note Co., common 50 cents, March 15, record March 1. Hugh Russel and Sons Ltd., class A 15 cents, March 15, ree ord Feb. 25. Investment Foundation Ltd., six per cent pfd. 75 cents, com- mon 60 cents, April 15, record March 15. Robinson, Little and Co. Ltd., class A 25 cents, March 1, rec- ord Feb. 15. Holdings Lid., class A 10 cents, plus five cents extra, March 15, record March 1. give out in support of lastii local projects to be in the centennial year and Steel Co. of Canada Ltd, common 17% cents, May 1, ree- ord Aprii 1, >

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