1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 18, 1963 OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS and aa % pee ie RZ? Gea Noo] 3 r %, D. PEE SNEEZY, PIONEERED NATION STUFFED UP? i * ' * » M. Si. 8. § ; ' Heffering S DWEE] | ou. ee Se, snc acs 22 alana "we se , ' 'Li Giower tm, |The first settlers in Australis aruk 305, 266, 215, Billie be this cold weather landed at Sydney Jan. 26, 1788 le od on ast' mew Cai john (handicap . Keep en : Of last section -- Blowers|~"0OW commemorated by Aus- Into Third Place 7 . Pca Wale Sine iat it, Go "ont , i sa ie : ce Gnas eae Far: The Al Heffering Imperials,points, Hatch Sheet Metal 33; i ing' i ; - ; A 207, Blinot five - pin club moved into a real Heffering's Imperials 30; Ben loodwand. nyohak m0, Ae Lambe m1, line tending position in the stand-|nett Trophies 30; Walter Luke . i Lai' S10 Dewell $06, 3. . mS. : ' ing in the Willowdale Men's Ma-\29; Aprile Lanes 27; Bad Boy ; ; mae 4 ne 4 ._B. ae release 215, CA COLD CAPSULES -- jor League, when the Imps took/ Appliances 26, with many of the q Lemon Leaguecd -- Some new: names 5 EEN HELPI Tin boat senitio ue le ai she petits troas the Bad Bay ot ee: eS oe cl ti weak pe mond "ae = 3 neat 3 a LER SRE | Only 45¢ -- family size 800 --s reco + a torrid) 22 the Hetfering club could Team ; Fred Pechaluk set 4 torrid|come up with another big win . pace for the Bad "ied Sapien this week, their chances of a : 3; Bu 67, 66, Let's all try next week, eh? bat oe Mite support Playoff spot would be very pro- vk ; WEDNESDAY NGRT LADIES from his mates and it was a|™Sing. ; . The 3rd section was a close win for Heffering's boys, 1261 to 1117. - Dick Adams 273, Bob Gal- lagher 258 and Jim Casselis 256, SINGLE VISION were the big hitters for the Imps in this game. 7 Heffering's pets took the second game by almost the s same pattern with 1267 to 1117 P for the Bad Boys. The losers' score was identical to the first game and Heffering's total also was almost the same as the pre- vious effort. Gerry Bennett 293, Bob Gallagher 261 and Jim Cas- sells 257, were best for the win- ners. Smarting under the double re- BIFOGA LS verse, the Bad Boy outfit went all - out ol the eee whe " S eo z almost made it but for a bril- : liant finish by Bob 'Gallagher, in | $ q 5 : " PRECISION / anchor, with a smashing 348) a XY OUND LENSES ee. » J game. The team totals for this| ester vy om en S vate u on en one, Heffering's 1257, Bad Boy : me Its | 0 Appliances 1218. Three - game} Complete with frames, lenses ' s ; | ae 4 Complete with frames, lenses and case. tetals were, 3785 to 3542. | and case. The 7 - point pick-up by Hef-| L fering's moved the club into a : : tie for third position in the _& 4 standing, which is most en- couraging. Bob Gallagher was the top Heffering trundler of the night with 258, 261 and 348 for 867; ' é | SLIM ELEGANCE IN COTTON! Jim Cassels also had his share of the glory with 256, 257 | | Ordinarily 2.95 231 for 744; Dick Adams 273, 4 4 | Ordinarily 2. EATON 205 and 233 for 711; Gerry Ben- SATISFIED CUSTOMERS--Your ' cee ee Spotligh I 238, 293 and 175 for 706 : : potlight Sale, nett 238, 293 and 175 for 706. You Can't Buy Finer Quality Glasses at this price! ' Fashioned of fine, double-woven ¢otton. pair Canadian Mutual Funds lead : . the 16 - "he "ie with 7) e Your choice oF 65 styles, shapes ond pi ? Half pique seams. Sizes 6 to 7% in y ] 29 F a colors i @ All glasses complete with single vision jndividually . . @ No middleman's profit ground to your exactyneeds, including white, tint or | : j white, black, beige and brown. NHLLEADERS | *""™ o Sepsie. tomenebly.prest No Appointment Needed We Fill All Occulists, By THE CANADIAN PRESS z Standings: Chicago, won 27, i P.S.1. and Optometrists FINE LEATHER FOR SPRING lost 15, tied 14, points 68. = me ha Points: Bucyk, Boston, 59. Prescriptions. j j : ' pay EATON Goals: Mhahovlich, Toronto, Hy | ; we | A classic design that will enhance and Spotlight Sale, U.S. Trade Mark Registered : ' i Opticians -- Over 3,000,000 Setistied HOURS: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily ] : ef MB highlight your new-season wardrobe. poir Assists: Beliveau, Montreal, nee a r f ie Hal. Oh on 17 BOND STREET EAST Cyan Wen. Th We Nee t ee iy "| Choose beige or black in sizes 6 to 7/2. 99 : . 0, : ~ ee 1 : Pane Malate: 4. cag' | 2nd FLOOR PHONE: 728-1261 | ° Penalties: Young, Detroit, 210 Branches in many principal cities of Canada and U.S. -- Founded 1904 minutes (NHL recond). | | WOMEN'S CHILDREN'S | MEN'S SHORT LEATHER GLOVES . JACQUARD MITTS LINED LEATHER GLOVES Much Below Usual Price! REG, 1.29 REG. 5.95 Imported from Europe. Elegant de- Imported from Germany. Warm, Smart, slip-on style, imported from sign in soft, unlined leather . . . woollen mitts with gay jacquard F smartly detailed with shaped cuff designs in predominant shades of Sweden. Sturdy fethier, warmly lined and knobbly motif on. back. Sizes red, green, brown or navy. Sizes: with knitted cotton and wool. Sizes 6, 6%, 7, 7¥% and 8 in black or 4 (to fit 5-6 yrs.), 5 (to fit 7-8 yrs.), small (8-812), medium (9-9Y2), large brown, 6 (to fit 9-10 yrs.).* End-of-season (10-10%) in black or brown. End-of- clearance. season Clearance. EATON Spotlight Sale. pair EATON Spotlight Sale. pair EATON Spotlight Sole, pair 3.39 . . EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 202 PHONE 725-7373 Shapely strapless styles for glamorous low-cut fashions! 'Exquisite Form's' 'UP KEEP' Bandeaux and Longlines designed to give you a new and lovely shapeliness beneath your formals and late-day fashions. Cotton-and-lace cups are foamed rubber padded and under wired to siay securely in place. Fine nylon"leno' sides and back. Elastic band beneath the bandeau midriff and edging the waistline of the longline. White and black. The best reason inthe world forowning [| / 2, ga? eee ies ee adequate Life Insurance Y SO /) eo, geo, \ cach 8.95 Is there anything that means more to a man than assuring a happy ' : 1 : i 9 2.--Bandeaux -- Sizes A, B and C cups, 32 to 36. and secure life for his wife and children? Is there anything more . * y f ' satisfying than the knowledge that he has provided enough life Londo ife e 4 \ y . 4 7). ' ae UX\\ Stl eS \|. ae. ies Sahl" Ens na insurance to take care of them, in case anything happens to him? Insurance Company . . . ' . Nd é Today is a good day to talk to a London Life representative, Head Office: London, Canada tayo Sg > s 1 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 ; ! i a PHONE 725-7373