sa Fo get en efig PEPE Be SAB He OP) Oe ue ee ony ed sneer sesn=s Bond Prices | Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity a y : | | | £28608 os 2e8% 37 Z i Hy 3 @tock . Auto Production ll L Up During Week Fa ower ronewne Was tauaen Se : vec 4 aes ees ee es "| TORO! (CP) -- Canadian} By THE bein 784? ce pas See eT tellea motor ~ vehicle production this) Prices of Canadian bond mar- Volume for the, week wae 1,706,418, up trom week is estimated at 12,393)kets this week drifted lower in Year" date "ane 1048.90. Tea caios tee. the units compared with 12,805 last|quiet trading, -- me gists Yiweek, says the Canadian Auto-| The treasury bills average WEEK'S --. Msrcovcet --_---- STOCKS mobile Chamber of Commerce.|decreased to 3.66 per cent on agua Production consisted of 10,350|the 91-day bills compared with Pag Brg a Close Ch'ge cars compared with 10,920 last|3.72 per cent last week and to d 2,043 trucks compared|3.77 per cent on the 182-day "posal poet - bills compared with 3.85 per Bae cent. Production to date this year Avdae joensen" Wa ia is estimated at 86,567 units com- Biri at 3% os ant at pared with 65,597 in the corres-|week's end. ponding period last year--made| On the government market up of 74,006 cars compared with|the 334 . per - cent 1965 issue 56,020 and 12,561 trucks com-|closed unchanged from the pre- pared with 9,577. vious By he cage potict gon nies|cent ssue wa: Pig gan y-hy Heat to. date |97.15, the 544-per-cent 1976 issue with figures for last week andjat 102% and the 4%4-per-cent the corresponding period last|1983 issue at 92%. year in brackets, was: PB? the a Petes be rovince ntario 514-per-cen' Fg gy lla 2, 1982 issue was trading around (1,513), 9,904 (5,947); Ford 2,573 99%4, and the Province of Que- (2,917), 18,736 (15,083); General|bec 5% - per - cent 1987 issue Motors 5,356 (5,639), 39,552 (32,- around 97%. "1017); Studebaker 180 (177), 981| The corporate market was (570). : mainly unchanged. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) ; > + oe we b pSpedeesecussusSutercksere secBeges Sse ouscrysese apie ese g ful + * estes 5 3 saree t setae Z rie dsagt E eee 8 Byes. § tg5eyf z kia Betsy} i itt wp? aa ze [+444 strssis = ( a3 z g abl: tubes h Beseges. tks F pieree BEE oBeoeae F srebeGeghyotar F geseee 2 > ig hg es wp" 1 ++ » * PE ppeeeey eft Hi sf <3 RE st ' as #2 sé +++ oss eo ty I ghagh.She58es-088, | 3% gegen S¥g%6 Bs 3 * de, aa | gz gti, setts + 8° sss gee 28 oy +S - ae g ooBBloBesgys i i Seeluacdusadeis 88 3: syoutts goekSy & = z Geewdyddeguceibiolye sHpPUngguNage, tgty igi af § 328 seaey-Soe cbse osets ebebistoysctags tank BissSen.ogbs ? r 2 £8 = i [ gid eles > j HB 882 sksessEsuotan gee gbsenggis 2828 gkgbssrsBsouasre i tfe Ba gee tz + ee =F 5 Abbe *1bssie gitpeghBared. ..kszeFcogegeseas ob ge gesks.888z8. Bovbs. cor Ber sossegus, owtet.ssgzysssuades Sg2 teks! FS g2°5y 3 Peet Rp RESEaE Es 8 4 gugtiege secteurs¥sohuvas .gusssbosieaner F > ti++ l i eee ALL gi ass, $3r8. res Beysskso¥ ste cgereb Ste gus § esteeagylled eecdlavdl,Useeleest 3 +1 FF & = tf = goE**3-* 383 ? ee £° 3 * Ber sBo8egses S és be Sssooubees8. poFezes HE 4 a és g oe by + + Leletleer Q xi 5S euussatss HG pedbysrrsbiige o 58 o§sez8essoskened a. os eF ttt Fe +111 shit ats * 24000 5700 4656 630 600 620 10 306 Sl 6300 SLC 7600 340 355 335 +5 9150 22 2233 20 +1 and D B35 FS gegeddgargeks se syegeas h Bsksk FRR ¢ E 8 glEEtEse3 tt $ ++] e* Besy Sgse = gaat, +L) BasBesey oie Reuse E E Sisteeglelisalyt alle 2 eete 3S ~ ghee: gbSeyos EET EE TS if s ag i a> Hy i : g x3 Fi 8 sage a $ ee7 tol F i ++1] Sexx Pa if * : 3 ef the 32--Articles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale ; : A 710 $16% 6% 16%+% - ph Analog King i Somer Bs 10 $102%4 102% 102% Chapel on Monday, February 18 NO. 1 GRADE ALCAN PR eet te at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Ce- 7% $51 50% Sl- + =| ALUMINUM SIDING eh Be $8 7% NO GIMMICKS -- NO PUZZLES : MOIS $18%% 17% 18M Just the lowest prices in the industry. ante 101% 101% Free estimates -- Satisfaction Guaranteed 600 325 300 Nothing To Pay Until June 2 $6 hs WRITE TO:-- Bath P oet0 $178 ITA 17% 240 $52 51a 5" | Canadian Building Products Co. Me am panel BC Grtenes 57 BONNIEWOOD ROAD, SCARBORO, ONT. | IT'S fun to read "Personals". Don't} LEISENAAR, Lolkje (Laura) miss it. 'Turn back to Classified today|34--Lost and Found 2008 425. 375 410 a : 00 Late | : [LOee: Lady's bisck weliat, Teueere 150 921% 21% 21% ,|POP cooler, ice cream cabinet, in| evening, agge gon a rg Hoe bi ' 175 $92% 90 @A+1% 9214854 and | perfect guaranteed, Apply 505| CKLB Bidg., or rally 40 $54%4 53% 594+ he 5 53 ;|Amderson Street, Whitby. 668-3276. --o papers. Urgently needed, 67302 $30% 30 20% 2. the| CONTINENTAL bed, %, complete with| liberal reward. Please phone 723-7609. : a'so% + OSIM , |neadboard, like new; chest of drawers; | $924 96% 92 vanity dresser with bench. Telephone 36--Legal 90% | oes \I hot be responsible for any debts REFRIGERATOR, Viking, 11.7 cubic| contracted in my name by anyone on foot, large freezer. Very good condition.|or after this date, February 15, 1963, $100. Telephone 728-9944 after 4. | without my written consent. -- Lorne G. Bray, Raglan. " he NG CON OF EE Ss ae? Terms. Oshawa Sewing Centre, Ont., will not be responsi any Street debts contracted in my name by any- ee poe ee one on or after this date, February 16, CAR radios, special 1963 Chev. and/ 1962, without my written consent, Pontiac, push button, custom in the --Donald G. Cornish dash, complete with aerial, $5%.95. Doi wa et Pee NOTICE TO CREDITORS LOCKE'S FLORIST VACUUM cleaner -- al makes, AND OTHERS arrangements and rashes, hoses, guaranteed rebuilt ma- In the Estate of ae eee eee | KENITH Y, SWITZER, OSHAWA SHOPPING = |aomne hunting? Get your supplies at Retired, Deceased. CENTRE re Ee Ai penne havi. cats , Oshawa, Guns, am om, jack- i 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE eis, boots, ete. Call now /25-0311. aay ts ene oF Kenith 728-6555 TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dup-|. Y, Switzer, late of the City Hosaers. d new and used. We buy, of Oshawa, in the County of three . . MW sell, , service. Hamilton Office| Ontario, Retired, deceased, IN MEMORIAM 3 esioment. 157" Brocx Sou, Wnity. BUY AND SELL, good used furniture} Who died on or about the and appliances. One location only, 16th -- hgh git Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe Street} are hereby notified to. sen HARTNETT -- In loving memory of Siymg Officer F South. 723-3271. in to the undersigned Person- missing February 16, 1944. SELLING furniture or appliances? al Representatives of the said page im the book of memories We'll buy it for top cash, Telephone Gilently turns today, Blake's Furniture and Appliance) deceased on or before the Store, 24 Prince Street. 728-9191. 4th day of March, 1963, full 21-INCH MOTOROLA television. Pic-| porticulars of their claims. ture tube under warranty, $85.00. Tele-} Immediately after the said , | Bone. 686-5152, date the Personal Repres- TFLEVISION, Admiral, console, 21 inch entatives will distribute' the screen, excellent condition, $70. Must assets of the said deceased sell, 50 Ferguson avenue, telephone, ;: s Brooklin 665-4525. having regard only to claims TIRES -- three reguiar 760 x 15 tube.| Of which they shall then have less. One snow tire 670 x 15. Telephone} notice. +: ee 5538 i z : 2 3 get8i5hs BExbs 5 iF aaae oR g FE : 3 FBEte ei é BEF sce SBages 2h 1 26700 10% 93 1% + % 19000 8 1% 8 500 68 88 688 2017 $1l% lh 11% + % 1 3S 3 +5 3615 12% 121 Wi --3 26500 7 6 H+ 775200 15 lhe UA+% 4100 146 15 bh +h BERGE: ts Besesh8 HE 2 Sgabeeee [+++ i 8 oRS ESS SER EC es se F & = Se ee Ee gBe B23 ab Iaeo¥ Prati ry bb 2 Zr S8ye ab8etus 3g | t ° e 5 i Gaggbigaes ie oko FE S8scy3 GEebzad 1+ Eres eagecsdcars. +h1 es & § Beud. Eves Slo gestes B .geeetasesace E bag ee shit BE "i Bare agtte a ¥ ggseeses F i in 3 Boa eeatee wa 3 : th 55 ef geee BEF rg? 2 | 5 $E%5 BEETEy § BEB ob +aES FFSOS SE S283 gesge PEST ; FE 1+ see5ue eI H °F ? degdgst 8 a a a EeeEL era BE°08 Ly 3 ++] dy gsdeesé 3 y | # 8 SueySSSuogs. ¥ = ran is Ltt SSKES FFF KSEE ESS Ezigis 5 tH BOM 999g ROPE 5 +1 + fdas Ry FS H 3 suS. tiusytBigorees PEEEE BEE u Ab lege, b ots 9] az EE 3 wgorB.e tittl | 2F Buys ethe See geek : tell dt si 1 ob etesseass 83 - gelgessi gBtoe Steps bosessse Stoe.~Kst Es £ £ | st Hf eget s§ BUS orhoo He kessa. sig set Soy sescesccussscade , cyuus, Ses 88s [i Gdsblevdudenebdg¥ctetey Viegiseitici FH Atit) = | = = iii i Lit se RE abgye 2 é gt FS SE SEES gag ht Mec Resseyte tuoes oESCoeeE Set au SORsests SBuwe Pesyy B £552 zs z > > 2 id Fe L s§ 28eyg5 & pbklLbiek 2% 3 rs ah CPEs renee giary y! 8% ecccac ge t & geese ty 2 & : i t L hts FoZe¥e ts PELTy SevsneouSsesrhsstentebeens. ses, 0stauesetssesReseekse Pgesegavexy bs g zi g z getgssng ee geeSead = Fogeetsb cbs, enFe ou sBesssyts Fda<00 g E fixe> bee85 eegdths gtey sey Sob Fagg <4 it Fs e FF | - 4 # é = g BegSgatrsous~E iif ++ § : ES pSg°8s gigsyotaynees é #28ge* 5 gests. geghystgese 4 FS "3 = 2 i |: : I : SG-835 i see ssb ys Ugsudes, agg FaslaSgudsessases ds z BBlaabo Sebebasesisess BecdeSecasrexsceds | 33 3 § 2 3g BbSab88e Peer 3 = l = Ll FFSE ; > Sa ~ . om Siagy Shes yate e +hh+ 1 2 & a3 :. z 3. # ill = aa Bu. t Bsugytt, B+ | = gf geese aseiee a ss g Ff : >a 1+ § Pe § s e = F z ti 88 ge #s° LA = z . g R g L t 4 gY pebgrep lap souyetigyyBud b & & » 2 nS ge goussgsleg ses. Sagge. atSERBe - 2 a. Ba geeges 85 Ps ae =z if . i 3 = 8 a s838) 3743 +ttee sts"S git! sks & = & s s = > ge 4 és n $2 Eg i \I Ss J i # e oy FSse s = 38Ba8 gubss BunbEeQ oe Pt e288 s8Seeeee £ Pi i + - RF if a8 Ps = FS - F L Ff 23, w> Fs l++ es leit + * as 58198828 sey8s 8 é s --) b ausagdeget 2e8Sq 8. Seu3 B58 geskegagse ga%yyet Hh b SURaokoe SubEs By8SgGeu BegssSunssgeszacads ss Beer Seay BUSenkoe 8585 : i fy Bes = 3 " ' j gb gsi ge8teekss Be ghalestiets ga eggonoasans 5 t geagbgeSés Byes igen BeungekSs g~Z8e88-so5 32 Fax 5 ro ++ 2 ++ Sgebes ifs Fey EF Bees! gas 8 as! af aug8 os 38 Eyl \ * * st ak SE z* FF BLE * fe = ca we at ~ = BFcESu ake 2 sSee x: B°8 3 3 at Rg>8 + 3 Seuss BEBE 8 i ? 5 gteghgnd a $8 = hd tg * +|+ we et the dee. OFFICE bubiing, weetie for one lot,| Dated at Oshowa this 31st --Ever remembered and little|taxi office, etc, Ye ited. racy y v maak as ke x foe oppor day of January, 1963, ieee, 120-1006. RLING and MeINTYRE -- In loving memory of|i¢ sm CAMERA 3 lens ee ee & dear father and husband, Robert G.|I\ ting eed Miata, heeds! EDGAR FRANK BASTEDO, Melntyre, who passed away February phone Whitby . 668-2582. acct, 16, . You're not forgotten, father dear. GUN (old antique) wanted. Also old ; ici rong ever shall you be; 4 cartridges, Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa. Penne cnt eastEnd, long as life and memory leet |SUYING or selling furniture or appl. Bawisars- ond Soleion, " Fat dg oleae remember thes. ances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or fon Reg. 20 Simcoe Street North, by wife Annie and 263-2695. DRUMS, Ludwig Classic,' black pearl} Oshawa, Ontario. MeINTYRE -- In loving memory of|and chrome, includ bass tom-tom, - a dear father who passed away Feb-|snare Avedis Zildjian cymbals. $425. Tuary 16, 1960, After 5 p.m. 723-4974, Deep in our hearts the memory is|/iq Foor Fibregiass Runabout with con- NOTICE kept vertible top, powered by -40 hp Evin- Of loved and will f % 4 SEES etre CES) TO CREDITORS ae AND OTHERS McINTYRE -- In loving mmory of a ow ane Robert -- who pass- . Aged rarecha rersente record player away 5 4 | dou! speakers, value $79. Sacrifice Ever remembered by son Raymond|for quick sale, $55; one grey kid fur In the Estate of nd daughter - ia - law Betty, grand- jacket, size 20, $25; one reversible skirt ANONA SAWYER, Gu ey! Ph Fi i 19 y. \size 5 é table t; riter, : % Va -- 100 IBN like sew, $63; One. Sklar aavenport: Widow, Deceased. of 8 tk act SBO! -- In loving memory of good condition, $50. Telephone 723-1921.| All persons having claims : W% W%+% 16 16% 443) EE lager gp ine see encore' CHESTERFIELD, maroon, in good con-| against the estate of ANONA ; 0 40 30 0 oes Pd ais0 310% "de 16, 1959. -- dition. Suitable for cottage or recrea-| SAWYER, late of the City 0 0 10% 9% 918% 18 3 2 115 $51% 51% Sleep on, beloved, tion room, $30. Telephone 728-5367, of Oshawa, in the County $29% Wy 2% Sleep and take thy rest; ANTIQUE platform rockers, plain rock- io, Wi zt i 190 199 190 --S 195 $34 4% 35 We loved well. jer, refinished walnut and fauhiaaeey patella Widow, deceased, 315 4% M4K--% 16 zi ie But Jesus loved thee best. {Upholstered and cane chairs. Brand who died on or about' the : 2% 150 160 150 -10 160 110 Lovingly remembered by wife, Clara new oval coffee table. Telephone 725- 10th day of March, 1962, 175 $42 41 2 3 and family. | 1550, i are hereby notified to Send " % 60 6 21288 $19% 19 1985 §20 1 125 $5% 25% 1035 $18 175% 17% 1200 375 375 f : a Sky +i ee 8s = BR ag ogee my BE 2 . tlt ex Fe 88 pe Fx ke & Note B } i E seesageelgesy te g388Hy Bars 8 Exedy Bees $ g q - Saglsss g aSeser Sésee Sx bb Pets Sdugghs sgh Eoe8 o88c5 28 a5 Poo * an y> g 3 g 335% gored uggs eas atey! 8 = 38s * Sei zebee gestey ze F FREE 3 ; 3-855 ogee a SEER eases 8 ag be ¥..8 gtynt Ls! = gees #32 33 1+ +]+ FE FFESB 2 = & ~Syuskso Baar obgybese Sass : gEcgee myskds 88 cag RUBE SEB ees > 83 8 + ES sasy , g & 3 g z z s 4 SSeS GSe3y oe Lbges tele Pe ugadés BF cus saseates a8 r : 5 Feud Fy 3 3 sSery ott ze ae = + = ace! naga EE y* i E x8 shy age 3 uge38 weysy, BRE aes oy 8 segedede,. 2 SE8SREs 58 cesSh ES sSeER 3 g3a5 g¥yBoseds ef S3ER | es £ a wee eS "> BS +1 +444 FF 8 3 Ui cee fag *e 9 & Fs SgaBeeggs Bszerse sith y i Lgl Lb 3 Fg Lan ts 8, wbehSs88 | # s weed) rgs8hs., Gg asustigid srgdeeihecs ¥ eystéa., Ef = * 8 * os eo seesk? 75 $60 58 : edi ' a : 10770 918% 13 SELLECK -- | |14® ASSORTED television tubes, brand} in to the undersigned Per- Sy code | grew of a!new $199. Free tube tester with cash! sonal Representatives of the hd 4 seed away February 17, 1953. r sale. Telephone 728-6781. ____| said deceased on or before Seag © 8201 $49% 49 49% + % 375 d jothing can ever take away MOUTON dark brown coat size 18. Ex-| the 9th day of March, 1963, 16815 $19% 16% 18% --% 21% 16% Suptest 50 $1014 101% 101% + ¥4 holds dear, cellent condition, $50. Telephone 725. full particulars of their pr 100 $7 re Switson 300 140 MO 140 +10 7 5% 1874. ----| claims. Immediately after the Soo wn sn" Py oe mn iad of McCULLOUGH said date the said Personal 6% H4+% 6 61 270 $18% 18% 16%--% Representatives will distribute 'ices 3 6% 6% 6% 6% LUMBER CO. LTD. the assets of the said de- m § ' a. ° a Complete line of ceased having regard only to pid 225 $481 48% -- % Pty a Building Materials claims of which they shall Dom B%4---% 14% 1% "WHERE SERVICE then have notice. 1285 $22 18% 18% 1% 10414 2253 195 200 --8 360 COMES 1" DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, ' eof 3 ra oes. tua im a ow 1270 SIMCOK ST. N so a day of February, Dover Se 12 1% 100 ie a . . SO 50 --% ihn Side) JBY CAMERON ond oes MA ae a0 'st OM Ge = Me 8-4689 WALTER SAWYER Bey Wash p ino $20 "20° a0 "oo sas we wine 33--Moarket Basket by their solicitors Eddy Match 350 to $3 ar as oe M. F. SWARTZ and Emco - $1l% ao lhe -- % 1 FRESH G i nf Emp Life MEMORIALS QUALITY EGGS Bh ahs ary lea rauue 5 aha ot ae i: 26% King Srteet East, MONUMENTS ON 'DISPLAY pa OMGIS Mancast_U ey 3 + - gap Beget > fa te 34°F = Bee Sy sels -Eesuse ezuode eesBueud ey = 3 sissy gusts .e8 es 8 rer 8 3 bbs "ays vests Be = e sebagnd 8 ssebeged. yuitlys Fy 3 _s #E o 55 Bug SS 58 pee: ogres edocs 2 aiB : seal esbinpetendelte = e8Ee Se. 2" 528 * SBe 30 (8 Oshawa, Ontari 4 18035 Corp 23 pst 20% Man Bar IN.OUR SHOWROOM. FOR SALE F ae 2k "a 3 BU ie 55 waa Complete Monument and 4 s 5% Inscription Service. Wholesale only. Delivered Thomson 4 0. aarecs 152 SIMCOE SO T twice a week. Maritime "a Kernaghan & Co, |) Fs. Martin Log > pe BoBBBussadstosesse a5 58p2u2ae LbLbguts g Phone 723-1002 Egg Grading Station cel Mattgmi TELEPHONE MEMBERS OF THE ; qos ae me Wat Maybrun CARD OF THANKS|_SUNDERLAND 267 |} qoronro srock exchance ff oi eae Be al Siem ne, Meken : -- ae LINE A, \ dar? w. 2830 $14% 19% 14% res x3 ; 350 335 1125 $12% 12% 12% -- . 34--Lost' And Found TORONTO - MONT Prue 1975 87% TH yy 7h, w 1200 120" 13" 1a) MUNRO -- amily of the late wou ihe genie | - NTREAL 4335 $346 33% 34 700 25 25 25 . Robert cere s Wishes to express! y rong chareous oinrhn yor pe Baap 1 210 $100% 100% 100%4 " ths 190 520 $39 37% 38 + % 40) dian Corps on" Saturday" aftencoon, 725-1104 Gen. Bal 25 $104%4 104% 104% + %% 104% 103% 4655 $17% 174 17% ddr 32 8 caase contact for exchange of same. ONTARIO ° = i 10% 10% --% 12 10% bss Poe $194 18% 19 + % 19% 1 ? S70 $154 15 363. No Stairs To Climb oe et Rie S350 é eEsteB8geuens88c. cs ghsaeszny se 8g 5 genBekSen 4 a, sxpsbieRiqactax us F BE Bgks BeBe eesdesutSarces ++ sfieke <cg3Sh g j : By 5 gE8 z aoe Aon | 827 P 4% 6 $99 99 «99 32250 83 LOST -- Golden bi ; 74 and will al-|short tail, female, tin, Couetanion. north | RES. MGR. ERIC R. HENRY. 67 ek we eis! sat 54 7 : Prebeg ee west, Whitby area, Finder please phone | 725-4305 GS Wares 360 $8% 8 os. 100 19% 18% end secaity | o00-st0e Mewecd | GS Wares pe 235 906 o oo os WhitePaes too_ - 200 ie ir i RRSe. \ "8" 51 "5 i i SB8aKRoSe & i z Bees }+++ i Sksez rs £F = ageis ne 2 Saase bEnegsgesrstog geo eeguyr baie 8 BE 33°