ee 1Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Febrwory 14, 1963 SUCCULENT HALIBUT STEAKS Seasoned Lemon-Butter Sauce Is Kitchen Sorcery With Fish The affinity existing between demons and fish isn't a new fact and it's inevitable that those appreciative of fine food will continue to laud the com- bination. Many varieties of fish,|pars properly prepared; have a na- turally mild flavor. This delicate taste is brought Gut but not ov ed when the distintcively tart fruit is used wih discretion. Lemon Butter - Broiled Hali- but Steaks are an admirable example of the interplay be- tween these opposite taste sen- gations. The seasoned lemon end butter "'sauce" permeates through and mellows as theljyice and ment guaranteed to yield flaky, eucculent steaks. Today's recipe has a surprise twist -- the refreshing touch of mint, a ourprisingly pleasant THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA ANN LANDERS She Proved It Dear Ann: A woman who 'wrote to you wanted to. know Blondes Are Sexier Is it wrong for a girl to be considerate of her parents after riage?--R.N.C, r R.N.C.: It's indeed ad- mirable of a bride to telephone days 'is two calls too many. You overdid it, Chicken. He's got a right to wonder about such frequent contact. Dear Ann Landers: 'I'm a sol- dier who is stationed near a small town..I met a girl at the USO centre and we had one accent for white-fleshed, bland fish like halibut. However, for those whose tastes -- or kitchen supplies -- are limited to more conventional fish seasonings, ley and Worcestshire sauce may be used. The effect, how- ever, will be peppier than with mint. 1% to 2 bbs. B.C. halifiut steaks ¥Y% cup butter or margarine tenn Hr of J gg % eens oe ge mint leaves 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind salt and pepper Preheat broiler. Meanwifle, melt butter, blend ih, lemon): rind, paprika and mint. Arrange halibut steaks on greased, preheated boiler pan. Brush top surface with a lit- tle of the lemon butter. Season with salt and pepper. Broil two to three inches from source of heat, about three minutes. Turn steaks. Brush again with lemon butter mixture, season with salt and pepper. Broil another 3 to 5 minutes or until fish just flakes easily when tested FOR TOMORROW Somewhat adverse aspects make it advisable to avoid emo- tionalism and petty bickering artistic pursuits should find in- spiration under fine stimuli, with a fork -- about 10 minutes total cooking time per inch Serve immediately with any remaining lemon but- now. Those engaged in strictly jal went bay pad alia ed (1 tablespoon finely minced parsley plus 1 teaspoon of Wor- cestershire sauce may be sub- stituted for mint» if desired.) UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES OLD COUNTRY CLUB The Oshawa and District Old Country Club Ladies met at Simcoe Hail on Monday evening for their regular meet- ing. Mrs. George Holtom pre- sided in the absence of Mrs. George Day. Nineteen ladies were present and Mrs, Holtom welcomed visitor Miss Emily Mackie and new member, Mrs. Ivan Shep- hard. Mrs. Gordon Cormie read the minutes of the previous meeting and the treasurer, Mrs. Brian Whitmarsh, gave the fi- nancial report. Mrs. Lillian Day informed members that tickets had been obtained for an out- ing to the O'Keefe Centre in March. Membership applica-/™@&' tions for the Overseas Wom- en's Association were collected by Mrs. Anthony Haylock. The Valentine Dance is to be held at the UAW Hall on Satur- day and Mrs. Mrs, David Boakes, Mrs. Gor- don Cormie and Mrs, Lawrence Robertson volunteered to work in the kitchen at the same event. The raffle prize, a bowl of artificial fruit, was won by Mrs. W. A. Holland. Miss Mackie showed a selec- tion of movies taken on her tour of Europe. There will be no regular meeting of this group Henry Davey,|. plain brown. He said, '"Men like' to date blondes but they don't want to be married to them." I agreed and we are getting along fine. No other,man ever looks at me now.--THE OLD RESEARCHER Dear Researcher: I am happy to have the results of your sur- vey. A woman who has dyed her hair every color on the chart is fortunate that she has any hair left. If you had continued your research, you might also have learned how men feel about bald-headed women. Dear Ann: Two weeks ago I married a wonderful fellow. We spent five glorious days in Flor- ida on our honeymoon. We never' had any serious spats during out two-year engage- ment, = I believed this was good we would get wrod well together after mar- Weil maybe I was wrong. We had the biggest fight of our lives on the third day of our honey-|# moon, The reason: I telephoned my mother three times. My husband said he had no idea I was such a mama's girl. I'm very close to my parents and see no reason for him to be upset. I just wanted my folks again. The girl grounded for a month. I see the girl at the USO cen- tre very often and I'm dying to take her out again. She says her folks would never allow it. I'm willing to go to her house and apologize but she says I had better stay away because her dad is still sore. Must people pay forever for one litthe mistake? I'm sorry and I want to square things. Can you help?--P.F.C, Dear P.F.C.: Sorry, but I can't work up much sympathy for a guy who brings his date home two hours late and then swears at the girl's father. Everything has a price-tag and you'll have to pay for your big mouth. Next time don't let your tongue go on active duty when you brains are on fur- lough. MAKES PROGRESS REGINA (CP) -- Concert pi- Practical Homes First Choice By Women When House Hunting By PATRICIA RUSAK TORONTO (CP)--Women are far more pr when it comes en's division of real estate board. "That would be a_ lovely house if we didn't have to live _jevery day" is a comment made '|by women to Mrs. Brunke. The everyday little things that influence a woman's choice of a home are such things as a door directly from the garage into the house for bringing in groceries, an entrance through which service people can go into the basement without pass- ing through other parts of the house, and especially if she has a main floor wash- Women consider whether the furniture they already have will be appropriate for their new house. "If they have been ac- customed to modern design and furniture, they are hesitant about older and colonial styled homes." "Women are also tired of be- (ng chauffeurs and want to live near libraries, schools, shop- ping centres." KITCHEN IMPORTANT The kitchen is one of the most important factors in a women's choice of a home, says Mrs. Brunke. "If a woman likes two houses that are about the same price, she will probably choose the one with the nicer kitchen." Although women are practi- cal, they usually ask for houses that are "different" or "sneaky."" They also look for charm in a house, says Mrs. Women notice this difference right away." Mrs. Brunke was trained as a dietitian but switched to real estate eight years ago b it is well-paying and she can work from home, on her own "Many people just see me floatng from lunch to an ap- pointment and then home and! think my job is all glamor. But theré's a lot of hard work," she says. When she first started selling, she worked from eight o'clock in the morning until midnight, day after day. To sell real estate, a woman must have the ability to pick herself up after disappoint- ments and keep going. "When first starting, people may go as long as six months without making a sale. When just beginning, CONNECTIONS HELP Robert Johnston of the firm in which Mrs, Brunke is a sales agent says that in addition to a pleasant personality and op- timistic temperament, some sort of connection -- business, church or social--is a great help to a woman. But although she has to be able to go out and find the pro- duct as well as sell it, he says an overly-aggressive personality would not be suited for the work. "People are very sensitive their homes 'and dcn't like to feel that they are being pushed .into something." Mrs. Brunke was the first of five Canadian womem to be- come a fellow of the Canadian Institute of Realtors, by suc- bree ory Pd omen in- cludes study of architecture planning stitute of Reattors are women, she says. 24-HOUR FOUR RSEASONS | TRAVEL PHONE 728-6201 one tablet rREE with every three ... Lavender, Red folie, or Lotus For a limited time only, Yardley offers you 4 tablets of Lavender, Red Roses, or Lotus Soap for the regular price of three. A thrifty way to enjoy a lovely bath luxury--$1.75. LIMITED TELEPHONE ST. N 723-3431 Brunke. "When you walk into some houses, you don't feel anything. When you walk into others, you co as though you would' like to get to know the people that anist, Dierdre Irons, who won the Winnipeg Symphony Orches- tra concerto concert at 13 and played for the CBC orchestra with Sir Ernest MacMillan at 14, has made her first appear- ance with an orchestra outside Regima Symphony Orchestra to know I war thinking of them. Jan, 27 and 28. Winnipeg. She played with thejf' live there or did live there. 364 Wilson Rd. RUDY'S 3 "r2s5001 Oshewo's Only EXCLUSIVE HAIRSTYLING FOR MEN me featuring: @ Halrstyi @ Hair Colouring @ Trichology @ Perms Shop Glazier's and Save GI Always. Free Parking in March. created ful management of time and ey ao Skye ee 5 s set g Lee ii | patie ie q ah A child born on this day will be sensitive, agreeable in per- sonal relationships and could succeed @s a most versatile writer, FACTORY CLEARANCE =| FURS! New Fashion 1963 Styled Furs of the Finest Quality at the Lowest Prices Ever! _ Many HALF At... PRICE OR LESS! STARTED THE 'Y' The Young Women's Christian Association originated in Eng- land in the 19th century, and Canada's first ag at Saint MARTEN'S FURS 75 KING STREET EAST Opposite Hotel Genosha 15-denier Fashion Magic and Sweetheart é NYLONS © Seamless mesh in new leg flattering, fashion perfect colors, styles for day and evening wear. 400 needle, Guaranteed first quality dupont nylon. BUY NOW AND SAVE Continue Their GIGANTIC WINTER Final Clearance Wind-Up. . . Shop Early For Best Selection... : Save! And Avoid Disappointment! 15 doys aIZD, plenty! . . . Hurry for best CLEAROUT PRICE RANGE Ladies' WINTER COATS -- Final aca et cost price and man selections. below cost. How you will seve! ... end sa 'ou will not be disappointed. Values to 69.98. LADIES' REDUCED UP '/2 OFF @ Open « Budget A Double bed size 70" at 6.50. pr. SPECIAL, Pr. CAR COATS Prices slashed for final clearance . . . alj at a small fraction of normal price. ALL TO ND EVEN MORE! Account .. KNITTING YARN, 'ompare 4.88 ted, beige, grey, pore at 39¢ for COATS, COAT SETS CAR COATS SNOW SUITS Prices drastically reduced to "Give- away" prices. . Shop on Easy Terms at Glazier's @ Always Plenty of Free Parking at Glozier's @ Family Allowance and Payroll Cheques Glady Cashed LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIALS! FLANELETTE BLANKETS. Sturdy Canadien make. x 90". C in your choice of white, pink, bige, yellow, green, CHILDREN'S All of 100% crimp set nylon blue. Com- turquoise, powder 1 ox. ball 3 FOR TERRY TOWELS. In o@ host of ettrentye pastel shades. Size approximately 22" x 45" Compere at 98¢ each. SPECIAL, ea, COTTON SHEETS. Picin hem, sturdy quolity for fong use. Size 84" x 96". Compare ot 2.98 each. SPECIAL, eo. rt INFANTS' PLASTIC PANTS. A good sturdy make, waterproof. Sizes S.M.L. and Extra Large. Com- pore at 29¢ cack. 19¢ OR 6 FOR 1 00 « SPECIAL, eo SPECIAL MEN'S DRESS SHOES. In broken sizes end ranges, but most sizes in the lot. Values to 14.98. 5. 99 CLEARANCE, Pair PURE LINEN DISH TOWELS. In attractive stripes, Size about 16" x 28". Extre absorbent. 59¢ Compare ot 98¢ pr. SPECIAL, pair COTTON PERCALE PRINT. 36 width in o@ host of as@prted patterns and designs, 3 YDs, 1 Compre at 59c yd. SPECIAL, Ladies! Be First! DO YOUR DECORATING EARLY ! TO HELP YOU PRESTON'S HAVE A STORE-WIDE PAINT AND WALLPAPER PLUS ALL THE TOOLS TO DO THE JOB! ALL Tone-Craft offers @ range of colors and tones to delight the most discrim- inating decorator, Tone Cafe 20; \ 'READY PASTED WALLPAPERS In all the most fashionable patterns v and shades. i hes love them a 6 50% OFF COMPLETE ROLLER SETS 1.19 ALL BRUSHES 20% OFF Let's Get at it Ladies! ... Preston's staff will help you with your COLOR SCHEME -- either AT THE STORE or AT YOUR HOME. .. NO OBLIGATION. chi OR 0S 90064065355 E985 24555 005 +o 6 24 2B oe a) -- baggage tS ae For work or casual a wash In your choice of black, royal blue, one. brown. Sizes 10 to 20. srciat 1.99 LADIES' NYLON HOSE. Guaranteed first onettys seamless mesh in attractive 3 nae Sizes 8Y, to 11. Compare IRS at 89 pr. SPECIAL, 1. 49 GLAZIER'S SINCE 1925 ACROSS FROM 498 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH sourt siteae weno. 725-3411 Shop Glazier's and Save (MM Always Free Parking 48. -. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PRESTON PAINT & DECORATING SUPPLIES 19 BOND WEST (Use city parking lot corner Bond and Church Sts.) 723-4922 yidg 2944 -- Ses aADg pup ss01z0/5 doys ES 6urys0q 0014 = EE 2405 pur 5 7 a & 4 A - g 5 = < 5 3 ¢ S < & N 3 o s = "n a & =< Au i-} | o $ ---- "" S = < e oe S uy |: " ee @ N a} 10 is a "wn SRS Ss FSET AAT AATETAVAR LLY