@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 12, 1963 ANN LANDERS a Boy In Curlers _ Needs A Quick Left ' Dear Ann Landers: Your ad- vice is fairly good most of the 'time but you are wrong once in .a while. Recently you told a «mother not to put curlers in her 'son's hair because children who are treated like members of the opposite sex sometimes develop 'homosexual tendencies. I would like you to know that I've been putting curlers in my son's hair since he was three years of age. He is eight now and just loves to go to the beauty shop with me. When I make an appointment for my- self I make one for him, too. I'll have you know that my son is all boy. He's not a rough- neck but he's no sissy either. He likes model airplenes and ships, and never misses a war story on TV. He also enjoys masculine sports and even plays on the Little League baseball team. So, you see, Ann Landers, you don't know everything. -- A MOTHER WHO IS RAISING AN ALL-AMERICAN 'BOY Dear Mother: You're right. I don't know everythtig. But I do know that an eight-year-old son should not be sitting under the dryer in the beauty shop next to his mother. If this All-American boy of yours goes to Little League practice with curlers in his hair you'd better teach him how to fight. Dear Ann Landers: My wife's mother is dying of cancer, The doctors say she can't live more than a few weeks. My wife is taking it awfully hard. Her mother lives two thousand miles from here and the trip would be expensive. Her sister has written that their mother is under heavy sedation and sometimes she doesn't recognize members of the family..She has suggested! that my wife not come now, but wait till the funeral. My wife agrees this would be best. Frankly, I don't think my wife should go now or to the funeral, She is a nervous person any- way and this ordeal would make a wreck out of her. Further- more, our children are small and I would have to arrange with the neighbors to take 'he baby when I am at work, It would also mean that I'd be do- ing the laundry and cooking, Wouldn't it be more sensible to use the trip money on some- thing we need? We need plenty. What is your advice? -- SPO- KANE DAD Dear Dad: I don't know what you 'need' but there are mighty few things as importent as sending your wife to her mother's funeral. 2 If you deny her this trip be- cause you think it would be more sensible to spend the money on something else, you'll regret it. Dear Ann Landers: I'm 17 and live with my father amd step- mother, I don't mind working around the house, in fact, every girl should do her share, but 1 don't think it's fair that I have full responsibility for my four- year-old stepsister, Betsy. If I want to go anywhere after school or on Saturday or Sunday |I have to take my little step- sister along. My stepmother says she is cooped up all day and needs some relief. I hate to plen for a date on weekends be- cause if my folks decide to go out I have to cancel my plans and stay home with Betsy. If you say I'm wrong I will change my thinking and never complain again. I'd appreciate your answer in the paper.-- MOTHER TO MY SISTER Dear Mother To Your Sister: Make Child's Birthday By ELEANOR ROSS To a child the two most im- portant and exciting days of the year are his birthday and Christmas, Comes the big holiday and some mothers of course, go all out, But many a youngster has his or her birthday shrugged off because Mother isn't feeling too well or the house has just been done over, or there is some other obstacle to celebra- tion, But the wise mother, even when there is a valid excuse, does everything to see that her \child has a gala birthday, These are the occasions that create sweet memories for the years ahead, when the early carefree days are long since gone, The wise mother makes an effort to have a pretty party for each of her children's birth- days, not overdoing things, of course, but keeping within the budget and the house facilities. FUN PARTY She knows a birthday party is looked forward to for weeks and so she tries to make it a fun party for the birthday child and guests. The fun should be planned so that all the young guests can participate. One way to help make the party a success is to invite guests of approximately the same age, so that they can do things together. For. instance, six to 10-year- olds usuatly enjoy making | An older sister should help with the younger children. It's part of being a useful, contributing' member of the family, But '"thelp" does not mean full re- sponsibility. You should not be expected to take the little girl with you after {school nor should you be asked to cancel weekend dates to stay at home with her, In an emer- gency, teen-agers should willing to make sacrifices, but every weekend can't be an emer- gency. / A blouse with the silk look, styled like a shirt. Illustrated -- Sizes 12 to 18 green, grey or brown Other styles available from 2.98. A slip always a welcome gift especially if its easy- care Arnel, lavishly lace trimmed, styled by "Gaylure". Illustrated -- Sizes 32 to 42 in white, black or aqua, Other styles available from 2.98 to 3.98 Slims man tailored of stretch "Aspen" for a perfect fit by "Gaytown". Ilustrated -- Sizes 10 to 18 in black and pastels. Nylons "Walker's Very Own" first quality sheer mesh and plain nylons boxed for gift giving. In the newest fashion shades, UW/ALKER'S Oshawa Shopping Centre et Your own little dove will sing with pleasure when she receives a Valentine gift from Walker's wonderful selection of blouses, slims, slips, jewellery, hand- bags, and dresses. 398 298 88 3 pr. for $3 728-4626 His Happiest Of Days things, so let them have the joy of creating some of the refresh- ments or favors to take home after the party is over, Crazy animals can be made from pipe cleaners, with gum drops for hands, feet and head; licorice sticks can be bent to form human shapes, Funny faces are easily de- signed by using large chocolate- covered peppermint patties with tiny marshmallows for features. Marshmallows put together on toothpicks can be made into an outer-spaceman or some other figment of a child's imagna- tion. There's really no limit to the fun and do-it-together spint of accomplishment this age group can have without too much wear and tear on mother or the living room, TIME TO LEARN A birthday party, inciden- tally, is a good time to teach a youngster the rudiments of good manners and of hospita!- ity--no matter what the age group. Having the young host or hostess greet the party guests as they arrive, thank them for any gifts and be at the door to bid them farewell and to thank them for helping cele- brate the birthday. WORK HARDER HERE MONTREAL (CP) Mrs. Fanny Kramer, principal of a Hebrew parochial school in Rio de Janeiro, visited Montreal rel- atives she had not seen since they left Poland 33 years ago. She noted: "Students here take harder courses than in Brazil." A Little Method Saves Much Energy On Big Wash-Day Take stock of your general housework techniques before spring cleaning time creeps up. If you can establish some short- cuts in your day-to-day routine you can adapt them to your larger seasonal projects, Re- member that every extra step and minute you take to do a particular job means mis-spent energy. Laundering is a good exam- ple. Wash days can be lots easier on you if your equip- ment is placed so that you can move in one direction from one job to the next. The logical pro- gression is; sort clothes, re- move stains, pretreat. clothes, wash, dry and iron them, your equipment isn't placed so that it conforms with this se- quence, see if your husband can't move things around so that it does. MIS-SPENT ENERGY Use as few products for as many different jobs as you can, for the movement required. just to reach up or down and pul out another package is a proven energy robber. Take launder- ing again, You can do beauti- fully with a detergent and sal soda concentrated. The latter facts as a water softener, a pre- treating agent and soap or de- tergent extender. After sorting the white from 364 Wilson Rd. | RUDY'S 3e"2s5021 | Oshawe's Only EXCLUSIVE HAIRSTYLING FOR MEN | Barber Shop | featuring: @ Hairstyling e@ Hair Colouring @ Hair Pieces @ Trichology @ Perms the colored wash, that with the heavy soil from that with the light, check for stains and then for those hard-to-remove rings around collars and cuffs of blouses and shirts. Your wash-|' ing results will be better if you pre-treat- these rings ~ damp- ening them and then brushing with dry sal soda, TO PRE-TREAT For more extensive pre-treat- ing, such as that required to brighten and soften white goods that have grayed from washing scum, load them into the wash- ing machine, add three table- spoons of sal soda concentrated and let them go through the regular cycle without soap or detergent. Then wash in the usual way, adding three table- spoons of the sal and less soap or detergent than you normally use, for remember the sal soft- ens water and soft water kicks up more suds, Tf you suffer from hard water problems, it's wise to add sal to the rinse water, too, to help cut the soap or detergent. It's also advisable in hard water areas, to occasionally run your machine through its cycle with sal soda alone or get rid of the mineral deposits that cling to the interidr of your washing machine, | | | CARPET CO 282 King W. 728-9581 RUG & CHESTERFIELD CLEANING Our experts will clean your carpets in your home or in ow tt Se Sa ess eo De + SSE SED -- PRESCRIPTION fpjtdes24 CHEMISTS CITY: WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. [530 SIMCOE ST. 5S | PHONE 723-2245 OSHAWA | PHONE 725-3546 [ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 | ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA Longer cab life with double panel roof. Two walls of heavy gauge steel make the roof and upper back panels more rigid for maximum protection and better insulation. Better fitting doors with heavy hinges. Six large bolts hold hinge solidly in place for smooth, pos- itive door action. CABS New mounts effectively dampen vibra- tion. New shear-type rubber cab mounts give you longer cab life--more comfort. BUILT BETTER 10 LAST LONGER Double wall cowl adds exceptional strength to cab. Thisconstruction gives greater strength also serves as air chamber for heating system, (series 920-980), : each adjustable Instruments are easy to read. Designed for easy read-at- a-glance use, GMC instruments are setin a no-glare panel for greater safety--better visibility. Solid cab floors have extra strength built-in. GMC cabs are built on a rugged structure of heavy, box-section sills and cross-members, You'll get longer and better serviceina GMC cab. Check the EXTRA VALUES in every GMC FROM |}, to 60 TONS BUILT FOR EVERY TOUGH JOB! THE CLIFF MOTORS LIMITED 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE 723-4364 Be sure to watch "The Tommy Ambrose Show' ond "Our Man Higgins" on the CBC network and "The Dick Powell Show' .on CFTO-TV. Check local listings for time end channel, G-8638 H. DICK PONTIAC-BUICK LTD. 103 DUNDAS EAST ACS PHONE 668-5846