14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 12, 1963 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Fridey Saturday 8 to 12 Call the Direct «Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY ___|TV--Radio Repairs TV TOWERS AND Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E. OSHAWA 728-678) TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget. TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 Well Drilling--Digging WELL D iGING, deepening, cleamng Tile supplied, cement or galvanized Gordon May, 728 0394. W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE 668-2563--668-3809 WHITBY, ONTARIO 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST P.O. BOX 329 BILL LEMON WELL DIGGING Com- 20--Room and Board WHITBY -- Greenwood crescent, 913-- Furnished room for Beets or cele man, board akin, Reasonable, Whitby, 668-5747: LARGE comfortably furnished room for lady or gentleman, parking facili- ties, conveniently located, gx0d meals, adult home. 'Telephone 728-3350. | EXCEPTIONAL boara, 17--Male Help Wanted LICYNSED. mechanics, good wages and benefits. Must be able to work,on all makes of cars. Write Box 320, Osh- |25--Apt. & Flats For Rent STERLING Avenue, two-room apatt ment, private entrance, heat lights = wal iter ¢ |"Telephone 725-7970. SELF-CONTAINED bachelor apartment, two large completely en Froome with sink, cupboards, Near Suit | two. Waeeind entrance. Perrine SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOMT YOUNG man for mailing division, me- chanical aptitude an asset. Minimum Grade 11 education preferred. Benefits. Must be able to work evening shift. Apply in person to D. A. Houlden, Genera] Printers Ltd., 57 Simcoe South, Oshawa 't1GHT CLUB BAND w |for professional jPhone Waiter, 668-5126 | after $140 Per Week Any man. young or old can make a minimum of $140 per week with us if he will work and follow instructions. Complete training furnished ot our expense No travelling. \L board, private room| adults home, for gentieman, Monday to Avenue |hOND. EAST, 34 -- Privat . room apartment, upstairs, E rb om and] Stove sipped, Suit couple or two girsl. board: for gentlemen, close to Duplate, |App has | Dm. Ae evenings, | Single beds. lunches packed, parking.|KING | West, 200, Four-room Telephone 725-7043, |apartment, private entrance and bath ~ #15 FOR seven days, for two gentle./'00m, also one furnished housekeeping men willing to shave, single beds, laun- 0M, suit one or two willing to share, ary, 'central. Telephone 728-3396. {ELGIN. WEST Large three-room ROOM able for two quiet gentie-|*Partment, unfurnished. Centrally le men, working days, in private home, | cated. Telephone 728-5429, Apply 35 Gibbon Street. | At BRO Con MiNfeD FOR POLEMY I OF EGYPT, ABOU! 250 B.C SHOWS AM EAGLE MUCH LIKE AMAL OM UNCLE SAM'S SILVER: [Building Trades |Mortgages - oe MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first Interest at 79 Open mortgages No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages' ond Agreements purchased, Moneys for second mortgages Fast service. M. F, SWARTZ 262 King St. East Oshawa, 'Ontario 723-4697 FIRST Mortgage LOANS Residential Property Warwick Mr. Vessey 728-1653 GUARANTY TRUST Company of Canada Accountants LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Certified| SPECIALIZING in roofing and repairs. Public Accountants, Suite er: Osh-| All types of remodelling and building awa Shopping Centre, 725-9953. \Free estimates. Call Harry 723.2413. ALBERT HOSMER carares account- ant, 323 King Street West, Oshawa. \Cartage nnd tc Manone \JOHN'S MOVING AND STORAGF WILSON and SURROWS, chartered| Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Accountants, 114 King Street East, Osh- tog enaippes and insured. Telephone) awa; Ronald F. .. Wilson, CA; Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-7554. BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting| Dressmaking pet celeng w ey ere ee | DRESSMAKING, alterations, pant cufi- ing, aig drapes. ycmrige ts a | But 7 Park Road South 5 wes gg altera fui 4 Telephone 282-9345. a pant cuffing. Reasonable rates. " msatinta Mrs, Eldridge, 67 Montrave, 725-6476 YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND 0) sed 'Tru | ALTERATIONS, | pant cuffing. Apply pie Anglo rere rapt Stre Olive Avenue or telephone 723-4928. . Oshawa, 728 . HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. C iFuel and Wood' __ ee tered Accountants. 172 King Stre 'ACTORY hardwooa cuttings. East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725.3509. _| stoves, fireplaces, furnaces, ete. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and livered, 723-1325. Go,, Chartered Accountants, 728-7527 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, ol 'Household Repairs WH 2-0890, Whitby MO 8-4131. RAYMOND B. PROSSER, "CA, Charter- ed Accountant, 906 Centre Street North, Whitby. Telephone 688-5447. mortgages 0 BRIGHT, cheerful one- and two-bed- room suites in new modern building. | Large sliding glass doors lead to patios jand balconies, Tastefully decorated, jmaterial drapes, master TV antenna, ejpaved parking. Five i (Ae ee centre 22--Storage Space and Garages STORE, 1000 feet. Simcoe South. Amp! king, $175 heated. Schofieul- Aker - si id off ls fil vowsesin ime SIMCOE | ST. NORTH 942-0760; Oshawa, HA , charter ~ Lawson Road, West| EXPE AN f iL1OPE nen AND WOMEN WEAR THEIR, SCARVES \\ DIFFERENTLY. MEM LEAVE (HE, \ RIGHT ARM FREE® WOMEN LEAVE Tiff LEPT AR and Ajax Shopping mediately. Ajax, 723-9358. |2000 SQUARE feet of lav ailabie. Numerous company benefits, 64 King HOW MANY FILTERS FUNCTION WW THE KIDMEYS For appointment call 723-3911 between 10 and 12; 1 and 3 Sales Career Well established Osh- awa Branch Office for a large National Firm desires to contact a local mon, 25 to 45 years old for sales posi- tion, Sales experience desirable but not nec- essary: Excellent start- ing salary with oppor- tunity for advancement. Group benefit includ- ing hospitalization. Life insurance and Pension Modern one. bedroom apart- ment. Available immediately $70 monthly. Telephone 725-5433 or 725-2267 aie KINGS COURT APARTMENTS AJAX of storage space! Immediate possession, Forty foot ceiling. Suitable for furniture, ete. | Reasonable. H. Glecoff, 174 Ritson | Road South, Oshawa. Dial 125-3445 |23--Wanted To Rent EMPLOYED woman desires } . ately bed + sitting room .and kitcher, com.letely furnished, in quict home, North GM plant. 728-7696. bse SNERAL MOTORS einployce to Oshawa, rey -bedroom house, preierrcd, nt essen in desirable residential area 7ood = references Write Box 329, Oshawa Times c SEP! § UP For A DANCE IN PAPUA. NATIVE DANCES AY COASTAL VILLAGES START EARLY IN THE EVENING AND LAST TILL SUNRISES 2,000,000. Guaranteed Repairs Ranges, Washers, Dryers, etc. PEDZIKOWSKI Repair Service 15 Years with Thor DIAL COLLECT BLACKSTOCK, 986-4342 Instruction HARVEY DANCE ACADEM\ Baton, |tap, RAD Ballet, Highland ister) now. 424 King Street West PRIVATE teacher, student years' experience. By Act_now. 16---Female Help Wanted BABY week 11--Articles For Rent WHEEL CHAIRS Hospital beds, bedside also and trans. requires three- or recreation room Appliance Service WHITE Sewing Machines ALES ---- SERVICE TOWN TOGGERY AJAX 942-5911 Auto Parts eee "SAVE AT WESTERN -- SERVICE CENTRE Repairs to All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West -- 728-1607 J'FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" sitter wanted. Four days per Monday and Friday 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, 4 p.m to 11.30 p.m. Telephone Whitby 668-8652. WOMAN "to mind four pre-school, beginning p.m., $20 weekly, 72: to 9 RESPONSIBLE WOMAN to look after e: nonmth-old baby while mother five days weekly. Telephone Mr invalid walk- commodes, slenderizing roll-away Srilehee machines beds FOR SALE OR RENT 725-1644 a ~ Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Punch Bowls Wine, Cocktail Glas Roasting Pans Coffee Urns Sargeant's Rentals 725-3338 12--Articles Wanted SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. children, three No Lease Required 7.30 a.m. to 5 186, evenings 6 COUPLE desires smal! house or "apart ment, central. 0 ris early in March. Telephone 728- ONE OR fet BEDROOM home, for cou,le, in aes: Close to bus stop Telephone 725-3: 24--Houses For Rent FOR RENT -- Six-room farm house on Base Line, half mile east of Ajax.| Telephone Toronto OX 9-8504 aft i TWO HOUSES, hot water, inside plumb-| ing, coal furnace, East of Sklar Furnl-/ --/ture plant. Service road, Whitby, 'Jele-! Phone 668-3926, |FIVE-ROOM, two-storey insul brick [detached house ,garage. Private drive, hardwood floors, hot water oil heaving Available now, Apply Box 230, Oshawa (Times. {PLEASANT SIX-ROOM bungalow, five-acre level lot, near corner Ger- trard and Rossland Road, $90. Tele- Phone 728-5509 after 6 Approximately 10 miles from Oshawa é Opposite large Shopping Centre near schools, churches, ete. Large One Bedroom $73 Two Bedroom $79 TELEPHONE AJAX WH 2-2001 OPEN for inspection DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS 9 AM. TO 5 P.M. GOVERNOR MANSIONS 110 Park Rd. N., Oshawa counsellor interview required 939 WAITR with experience for David's Drive-In Restaurant, Dundas Street West, Whilby. 6re-4066 FULL TIME cashier required for eve- ning work. Apply Mrs. Wilson, Gen osha Hotel Musical Services ne pipe and and repair Joseph Hiddink electronic Instruments Phone All inquiries in strictest confidence. Reply to Box 349, Oshawa Times,, giving qualifications Brandy, es reed LILLL N | Dancing School Bali jongan tuning re-school kinderdance.. Eridays s, Satur-! jdays Masonic Temple. 723-7 |MUSIC LESSONS, classical and ~ popu lar, plano accordion, violin, guitar, sax, |Nursing Homes ophone, clarinet, drums, etc. New used instruments. Alta Mu SUNSET LODGE. NURSING HOME 453 Simcoe Street South, 7 ed SELL your business the quick, easy way Reach spects fast through tar-} reaching, inexpensive Classified Ads } Licensed accomodation for rivate and semi-private pat- warm rooms, ~ LEARN TO DRIVE | + ND KELLY, Barristers, Soli-| a ay a 114 King Magen fei'| Oshawa Driving School 723-2278. Residence Phones. J. M DAY or EVENING | 7253308. Terence V. Kelly, | 2. Lote Models, Standards Automatics, Dual Controlled OSHAWA AND WHITBY CALL 728-0091 Money tc to Loan PAY ALL PART TIME | |GIRLS-WOMEN | Two Intelligent Young Men 23 - 38 For interesting and educa- tional work, must have neat appearance, busin- ess-like manner, and show sufficient initiative and enterprise. In return we are prepared to offer re- numeration to commen- | surate with ability, Profit sharing and all company benefits. For interview Oshawa office hours daily. Must have voice. No exper- ience necessary. Day time or evening hours available. For eppointment call 725 - 6902 Until 9 p.m TODAY ONLY RECEPTIONIST Cleanouts, Deepenings, Work in our 'DIAL. 728-0911 1--Women' s Column PE R Barristers FOR LEASE Lower Duplex KING STREET EAST Lorge modern, five rooms, living room 15' x 20', no- tural fireplace, wall to wall broadloom, dining area off ents. Lovely Reasonable Bowrenville. °623- 5813 |Optometrist Cc. H. TUCK, RO, | Pay accounts at Bank or 74 Burk _|examined at home. Dial } | Wants cors for -wrecking | MANENTS on ) special . Page Hair.| Parts for sale, also scrap iron } g, 39 Pine Avenue. Telephone} and metals, etc bought | 63. | Open Soturday all day. Phone 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. 13--Business Opportunities -- WHITBY STORE including two apart-! week Ment brick home in terrific area, Own-| trade. Mr. Hodgson, Realtor, | ¥. T: SALMERS. BA, Barrister, Solici-| tor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street North./ Office 723 723-1101. Residence, 725-5542. BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solici- tor, 3% Simcoe South. 725-9592. Resi- dence (| RRRRDRESS aS Sa alee RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 52% Simcoe North. 728-2891. . Please 2--Personal Dominion ---- Invalids' IF YOU have a drinking problem, write) er ane Whitby, or call 668-3034 or! ptometrist. downtown Street. 725-4587. Painting and Decorating RIDE TO TORONTO | wanted, DODD & SOUTER +1 and University, Telephote 728- 2102. 728- | RALPH JONES, BA and TH GREER, Associate Barristers eitors, 130 King Street West Mortgage loans available. BRUCE V. / MACKEY, BA, Barrister.) Solicitor, Notary Public. Mortgage! funds available, 36% King Street kast 7 63 Soli 728-6246. YOUR BILLS Have Only One Low Monthly Payment GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soli-| citors, etc., 114 King Street East. aes CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperh Gyptex, Full Walt ianging Murals Spray Painting a 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS 668-5862 NIGHTS 725-7426 PAINTING AND DECORATING PEN FRIEND fellowship canada wide -- Are you interested in Christian growth RESTAURANT good line of SeUpinont location. Fur calling Howe 'and in the home? The Bible is a rich, jwarding book, jewel of wisdom, | vealed with a guidance of the book of ther |life. May I assist you in the wo.k love? Send self-addressed stamped STORE SPACE on Church Street, first n and first: foor aham, En-' Salon all envelope for free inform fellowship letter. John K niskillen, Ontario 728-6408, Joseph Bosco, 7377. re-/ seating for 41, re-, and fixtures, particulars by Realtors 725-4701 excelient we Peters, for rent, Suitable 72 , equipped ether bus: _ Phone business FOR DOCTOR'S OFFICE Must be able to assume full responsibility office Yyou- tine "opportunity, | of Beauty Tele. for iness : Reply in writing, stating age telephone Mr. 723-4641 between a.m. and 4 p.m. only. Berger, 10 modern kitchen. Three bed- rooms, one large, two me- dium. $140 per month, in- cludes heat, all electricity, NOW LEASING OSHAWA'S FINEST ELECTRICALLY HEATED LEARN MEAT CUTTING hot woter and lawn main- tenance, Possession April 1. To see call Bill McFeeters, APARTMENTS FOR INFORMATION PHONE DAYTIME 723-2265 Schofield-Aker Limited $50 to $5,000 | WITHOUT ENDORSERS OR BANKABLE SECURITY LOANS LIFE INSURED 723-2273. Residence Phones: J. Greer, QC. 725- + Terence vi | Kelly, BA, BCL, 728-5! ITALIAN GROCERY STORE and peor dpe Only $5,000 cash with $3,000: orth of stock included. Owner leav Call Tony Siblock now, Realty Ltd 16 Simcoe South STORE for rent, ~ downtown ~ Oshawa, \approximately 22 x 55, full basement | Apply 238 Kaiser Crescent, 7 | DIAPER SUPPLY | PICK-UP AND | DELIVERY SERVICE Low No Reol Estate Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be. in ae Oshawa, Feb. 18th, 19th, MODERN GRILL 20th. Phone Genosha Hotel | | | } on these dates for appoint- } Daytime 723-2265, Evenings AFTER '5:30 P.M 725-1726 | Henry Stinson ory hg | Steve Macko Bape Flats For Rent es Hall 728.5513 ment, c:mpletely Bill McFeeters 725-1726 [eluded. 'Privace'entrance,, selcomain-| REQ Aker 725-0201 Ralph Schofield 728-3376 497 Ortono Ave off ilo East -3211, Evenings 725-5494. { |SIMCOE STREET SOUTH -- seven EXCLUSIVE AGENTS SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED education, experience and | Personal Service - To | 20 men needed for class; in Oshawa and surrounding Dis- trict day or evening. Being formed offering _ practical training in the highly paid field of meat cutting, mer- chandising and self - serve Act now PRACTICAL MEAT CUTTING and RETAIL SCHOOL Please write 1425 DANFORTH AVE. Sar fanparan ackiank: TORONTO, ONTARIO oy Givus cas i IO der AS _ be fast and accur- e INSTRUMENT | Whitby 668-8181 | | MECHANIC LADIES Pca -- Have you ever thought | Modern Tire about selling Manufacturing Plant Fully experienced on time AVON.? cycle and steam pressure pneumatic controls. Steady | Ht costs nothing to find 16--Female Help W | 6--Female Help Wanted .| out the details. Write position --~ shift work, Ex- cellent program of company Ud paid medical, hospital, life ae eee and pension plan, PO. BOX 512 _OSHAWA DUE TO EXPANDING BUSINESS APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE Second full-time "typist Dunlop Canada Ltd. Whitby 668-3361 and receptionist required. APPLY IN WRITING TO $78.50 PER WEEK LLOYD REALTY SALARY or DRAW YOUR CHOICE references BOX 327 _ OSHAWA TIMES EXPERIENCED Stenographers and Typists Required i. Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client park-) ing available. 725-4716 or 725-4717. LOUIS 5S. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli- aitor, Notary, Alger Building, 37 King Street East. 723-4943. Mortgage monies available. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available yl first morigages. 29 Simcoe Stree North, 725-3566; Charles C. MeGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC AUMPRREYS YCHYN and wiLL-| MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, rit Ki Street East, Oshawa; R. 3, QC; G. S. Boychyn, BA, ; . A. Hillman, LLB. Office 721-5177; 725-1173; Residence, 728-4326; Whitby, MO Reha 725-5203, NHA and other} ch unds available at Realtors two-room "Garge) "apart- furnished, refngera-} hydro Baor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey ment Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home } . Made Pies and Desserts. | ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 SUPERIOR | Mattes end' ba. 3--Pets & Livestock FINANCE, LIMITED 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH "'The Fastest Growing All- 725-3887 BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for ss training, t Canadian Loan Company"' Plumbing and Heating _ aida, "read Broad, 114 MBING and aeating supp in Street East 17 SIMCOE ST. N. |Phone 725-3521. Harold i " RABBITS for sale. Red and white. For} 725-6541 | Plumbing, Heating and Enginee ning.| fryers or pets. Also stec! cages. 'Tele DAILY UNTIL 5:30 P.M Simcoe Street South. __ Phone Whitby 658-8549 iter p.m TYPES of 1 repairs and remodel- GERMAN Shepherd puppies, three| WEDNESDAY UNTIL 8 P.M SATURDAY UNTIL 12 NOON new and used materials, Reason-| months old, black and tan, registe ed.| rates, Estimates free . Dial Sired by German import, quality stock | OTHER EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT 723-1193, J. Foley, Pickering days 942-4953, evenings 942 Ir (REPAIRS and remodelling of ull types, 3893 17 OFFICE IN-ONTARIO Mortgages new and used materials, Reasonable AMERICAN Cocker 'rates Free estimates 1334 Mc- registered, parti-color, Grath Plumbing and He: Telephone 723-1739. PRIVATE and corporation monies to loan on all types of mortgages; mort- 725- -- ae rom apartment, above store, mewly decorated. Private enstraace. Heated, }$100, monthly. No -smail children, Please. 725-6544 or 723-2398, Call Mr. \Appleby. John A, J. Bolahood Ltd. | : OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN ALL PLI 'i 4 Investment AL ae ling, jable or Machinery ae wolved ONALD barristers, Solicitors, Money to loan. Henry Block. 723-4697, Resi- Puppies, old.} ; Spaniel Notaries. 10 weeks %% King Street Hast jal 7 P. Solicitor. Money to loan King Street East, Oshawa, D BLAKE DODDS, | King citor, 28% Telephones: oe 723-2201; dence 72 CREIGHTON, | DOC, Barristers, jes Public, Bank of Commerce Build- ing, 5 Piaicos Street North, Oshawa, Residences: T. K . M. Drynan, Qc, Murdock, 723-4768. Mortgages and agreements of sale bought, sold and arranged 311 WILSON RD, $ Phone 725-3521. Hafold H, Stark, Ltd.,/weeks old, one male. one female Eg I23% Plumbing, heating and Engineering.'each. Telephone Whitby 668-4401. EL. 723-2139 istered. Telephone 263-2: cas ALL WELL . PETER PAN DAY NURSERY Resi-| chased. Creighton, Drynan and Mur.| day to Friday, all or haif-day doch. 'See heading "Barristers."') | But if you insist Apply ALL PLUMBING and heating" supplies. MINIATURE POODLES, - black, 255 Simcoe Street South, -- --_--_--------- BOSTON TERRIER Pup, female, reg- 14--Employment Wanted | t.| gages and agreements of sale pur. mn 7 nas a | 581 area acheter aid j 5 Farmer's a Simcoe Street North. 728-2604 CASH for good first mortgage at 7 per! on the best Call FARME: Rs -- "heed Dominion or eve! DRYNAN AND MUR- | tires? Solicitots, Notar. requires cent interest. W. McAuley Realtor. 26 ; Cail Bill, EXPERIENCED woman" interest. W. McAuley Realtor, 28 } wens ; 723-2512 residence, Whit GUSCOTT PLUMBING 651i eferences if resentative.' housework by the day Prince Street nici her Tibet aasnin. sc tebaalh required, Telephone 723. 668. | CASH on the spot. Highest prices f n Sale| Qo d HEATING Limited 'for dead and crippled farm stock First A ND WILL GIVE day agreements purchased |Telephone Collect. Hampton Colfax MY home or yours a 3-272], Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Telephone 725-0133 Hennick and Hennick, K cence 149 'ing Street E. ast 723. 7232. rere ibs See Ge RENTS vee REGISTERED Arabian registered '4 horse 'MONEY TO LOAN mo) btud fee 839 neome tax Glover's Road C Low Interest 11--Articles For Rent Valuations Arranged : : HESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, | Want-Ads Don't Residential tke new. Why pay more? Our rates! | : reasonable, Satisfaction guaran- | City and District } Cost-They Pay | Summer Properties Vacant Land ra RENTALS Members OF ALL KINDS | Ontario Brokers Association SANDING MACHINES -- 1 MMERLAND oh tek tetas lene see James 0 Malley ie pee i : : ers CONST. LTD. 723-7122 LIMITED Oshawa Shopping Centre PLUMBERS TOOLS --- pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- Oshawa and District Home North Remodelling Specialists pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- 101 Simcoe St. N., Classified Ad Rates PER WEEK Hd pipe threading dies, vainters eoumenr -- QALARY or DRAW. Oshawa | 25 WORDS OR LESS Better described offers get faster results FAINTERS aluminum exten- : } Cash zee YOUR CHOICE | SALESWOMAN sion ladders, steel scaffolding, compress- ers, spray guns, wallpaper steamers, tarpaulins, blow 4.13 torches, propane torches 5 } 3 consecutive days 2.25 2.48 WELDING EQUIPMENT To Serve as a lf not paid within 7 days, " charge rate applies. Acetylene welding outfits, For Cameras and Professional listings only, 3 lines per month 8.50 Ph hi (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements.) otograp Ic Each additional line per month 1 g Count each word, initial, jeg or abbreviation as one word Equipment Box number SNe ISe | Knowledge of photogra- phic equipment and pre- | vious sales experience will be helpful { | | care to children in | Fully experienced. | | c St & and 207 Sim S.--725-5132 Barristers, 31 Rug-Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered re-styled. Free estimates. See our material for re-covering, Dalton Up- holstering, 75 Charles Street. 723-7212 CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- |covered like new. Get the best for tess at Modern Upholsterers, 1422 Simeoe) South. Cal) 728-6451. Free estimates | stallion and on = stallion (Paio. SEWING TEACHER Bill Leggette, 725-9783 and required, perma- 70 nent position, all benefits, includes va | eation with pay. Training by company Apply in person, Singer Sewing Ma-} chine Company, 14-16 Ontario Street, Oshawa. TWO EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES One part time. One full time. Steady Days APPLY MANAGER MALL RESTAURANT Bookkeeping BOOKKEEPING services, veturns, statements prepared. 3. Services 668-8252. Building Trades rd ALL YOUR BUILDING require-| ents and repairs. Cupboards a spe sant Call Bill Vroom, Whitby 668-4118) ALL TYPES of building repairs, roof- ing, chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks,! stoops. Gordon May, 728-0394 PLASTERING New work, remodeling. basements, rooms. A. Woods, 5092. YOUR local chim Cc built and repaired, gas linings installed, furnaces vacuumed. Free estimates 723- f | | es 10 Bond repairs,; recreation 1; evenings call 7. 2439 and a representative will call jobligation. Kennedy Upholstering Ltd. Sales and Service OUTBOARD MOTOR _ REPAIR SERVICE SCOTT MOTORS | McCullough Chain S | _ SALES & SERVICE | OSHAWA MARINE SERVICE Simcoe North 728-0031 aw by WGce Brookes LOOK-SMOCKING By ALICE BROOKS Add color, glamor with) jsmocked pillows of absoueet !corduroy, antique satin. | EASY smocked piltows,| | Worked on reverse side. They| Jare luxurious! Patte ern 7385: jtransfer; directions 13% - inch} | ; 10 x 17 oblong; 13! Exotic, side - 1 fs oma "eg : - fashion's smartest topping for Sew ts (coins) for Skirts, slacks, Bermudas. ide ites (ao as lease) it in an: Indian-inspired border to Alice Brooks, care of The ore brilliant solid cottons, lOshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont.,/Extra-easy sewing. | Needlecraft Dept., Ontario resi-;_. Printed ie ons er ldents add one cent gh -- tae Psi saad inly P/ N M-| Aico gga ' [Print Oy Ay NOM FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in 1963's Biggest Needlecraftic¢ms (no stamps, please) for ow stars smocked accessor-|ttis Pattern. Ontario residents s -- it's our new Needlecraft|20¢ 2 se ge a Catalog- Plus over 200 fresh- plainly SIZE, 4 Sere " to-you "designs to knit, crochet, PRES" best SS nine Aa sew, weave, embroider, quilt.) " Ra caien4 (OSH.) LTD 112 Oshawa, Ontario--725- 3568 Simeoe St + 1487 To serve asa 'Surveyors FLIM AND TR jLand Surveyors, 111 iPhone 725-688! | DONEVAN .AND FLEISCHM tario Land Surveyor. Commercia {print. 11 Ontario Street. 725-5332. Food Consultant Charge EASY-SEW TUNIC By ANNE ADAMS slit tunic -- Experience Not Necessary Steady Work and Part Time Work TELEPHONE MR. HOWE 128-7331 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. Food Consultant Tailors ae LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR) Experience Not repairs to all makes| i radios. Thompson Elee- 723-9792. Fred ost hole auger STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Ltd 223 King St. W., Oshawa Phone 723-3224 9am. Until 9 p.m. error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising faccording to its proper classification. In the cose of display advertisements, The Times will not be held responsible for more space than thot iri which the actual error occupies. The publishers. endeavour to reproduce all ac tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertis @ any inoccuracies in ony form. are contained therein. Smart Business People Sing the Praises of Oshowa Times Cla Ads. 200 amp. electric welders. BUILDERS EQUIPMENT | for all tailoring require jack hammers, hand trowel Word ads 5 p.m. day previous | ments use our experienced | water pumps, portable heat- > Cancellations and Corrections--8:30 a.m. day ot publication. next to Bus Station) Phinevkig Bhdi pth ea Part Time Work APPLY PERSONNEL REGULATIONS TV--Radio Repairs DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE blaster, power tamper, power price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in-which | jnow! | MR. 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