Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Feb 1963, p. 5

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| WHITBY And DISTRICT | HENRY HIGH NEWS Maureen Liddle Voted New GAA President torious, winning six of the 11)faster, closer game, was won by} teHnry 31-23. By SUSANN SCHILLING AND MARILYN ARCHER At an assembly Feb. 6, the entire student body and staff of Henry High were privileged to listen to Mrs, W. Branch 0! Oshawa talk about her recent visit to Russia. Much was learn ed about living conditions and culture in Russia today. Many of. the students were ehocked to hear of some of the! traditional practices in Russia such as crowded housing, fe- male laborers and educaticnal procedures. Mrs. Branch was thanked on behalf of the student body by Barry Goode, presi- dent of the Student Council. Henry High's wrestling team downed the Winston Churchill team Jan. 28 by taking three of the four bouts. Henry's team met their fifth opponents of the season, January 30, Anderson, once again. Henry emerged vic- UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES FAITH BAPTIST WMS Faith Baptist. Church WMS held its monthly meeting Thurs- day at the church. President Mrs. R. Fallow opened the meeting with a hymn and pray- er. She also gave the scripture reading. A solo was sung by Mrs. R. Jolly accompanied at the piano by Mrs. A. Campbell. During the business meeting, it was an- nounced that the next meeting would. be held Feb, 21 in the form of a "Work Night" at the church at 8 p.m. Regular WMS meeting will be held Thursday, March 7. Min- utes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. B. MacDonald, fol- lowed by another solo by Mrs. Jolly. Mrs. Fallow introduced the speaker for the evening, Mrs Bob Roxborough, who spoke on "Missionary Work." The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. A. Campbell and Mrs. I. Baker. FOUR LEAF H. AND 8. bouts. ior basketball rom boys' Henry played against tams fought hard for a point team won by a 40-8 score. Last week, electicns dent, secretary and the Girls' Athletic The present GAA voted Maureen Liddle, dent; Johanna Wensing, tary, and Hazel Bentley, dent Council representative. Jan. 28, Henry High's girls' basketball teams played host to the Pickering teams. The sen- iors easily overwhelmed the Pickering. seniors to win by a 28-8 score. The junior game, a presi- secre- Stu- Catherwood favored the par- ents with a selection of songs which were enjoyed by all. Guest speaker for the eve ning was Raye Carlaw who spent two years in Germany as a teacher on loan to the Cana- dian Government. Mr. Crlaw is now a principal's assist in several schools in Whitby. / He showed slides and made comments on Germany which were extremely interesting and informative to everyone pres- ent. A. MacNaughton thanked Mr. Carlaw for making the meeting so enjoyable The meeting was adjourned and a social half hour was en- joyed with refreshments served by Grade 2 mothers. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, March 6. ST. MARK'S COUPLES CLUB St. Mark's United Church 4 W's Couples Club held its month. ly meeting at the church hall. Presidents, Mr. and Mrs. M Miller, opened the meeting with a worship period followed by a short business meeting Plans were made for the an- Feb. 3, the bantam and jun- pasketball teamMs| Henry, The senior Anderson Street High. The ban-| Anderson's _ girls teams Feb. « 6, basketball played by Henry fe 25-24) this seascn, The score continu- win. The junior gamejajly changed in favor of one was less exciting as the Henry|team and then the other during jthe first half were game, held for the positions of presi- third quarter Henry High pul student|ed ahead. This lead was main- dent council representative for tained throughout the last quar--by John Tran and Gerd Luke, Association.|ter to bring Henry a 24-19 vic-'Tom Humphries members tory. The junior game, although the senior end. of of Near the kept the lead, excellent game was 23-15 for Henry always was also an The final score Honry. Friday, Feb. 8,' the Hi-Lite sponsored a dance aimed at raising funds for use on this year's year book. Extensive campaigning has started to sell a record number of Hi-Lites. Two People Hit By Tear Gas May Lose Eyes NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) Two persons shot with tear gas , lead in their best of three series) challenged)ing the Shell boys 5-3 in the ; nior game WAS!.econd half of Sunday's twin the best exhibition of girls'))i1) the Stoneman. Tran's goal was the |-|lone marker in the first period.) _'mand of the: play and took a 5 guns during fights are in danger of losing their sight, police said Robert Stewart, 19, of Smith- ville, Ont., was hit in the face by a discharge from a'tear gas weapon during a scuffle at Ni- agara Falls, N.Y., dy. Four hours later, Michael Kyle, 30, of Welland was: hit in the eyes by a tear gas dis- charge during a_ street fight here. Stewart returned to Canada and was admitted to St. Cathar- ines General Hospital. He was transferred at noon to a Toronto hospital. Police said a group he was with was fighting with another group believed to be from Ni- agara Falls, Ont. Kyle was taken. to Greater Niagara General Hospital. early Sun- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Februcry 11,1963 § | Sunocos, Ottenbrite's Win Playoff Openers By DON TEBSLE {Shellmen in the Arena Sunoco and Ottenbrite's minutes of play. : Men's Wear Sunday afternoon FIRST GAME SCORING claimed victories in the first} FIRST. PERIOD round of Whitby Mercantile| . Durno's, Elmer Tran League's playoff hockey. | (Stoneman) ..-++++++ . | WHITBY BOWLING NEWS WHITBY MEN'S LEAGUE LADIES' CANDY LEAGUE | Wednesday Night Points for the day -- Allsorts| Point Melody Grill 19 Gas | s --- Melody Ti ' 1, Gumdrops 0, Humbug § |Munn's Press 0, Dunlop 2. Miff- Jelly Beans 1, Life Savers 3.\:1. 1 Hoffers 3, Jakes 0. Drews| Lolipops 1, Maple Buds 4 and!) '\iiiwork 1, B. and R. Trans-| Peppermints 3. _ |port 3, Ramblers 0. Bathurst 2;/ | Triples over 500 -- G. Wiles!Mittons 1. Honyockers 2, An-| 707; J. Handscomb 662; B. Pas-\drews No. 1, 1. Legion No. 4, 2 30 a vet ggg 627; on; |Legionnaives i | spurge "| Pelesho ;. G. Sandfo: +] i al The Sunoce squad grabbed a| SECOND PERIOD |D, Moore 575; D. Kehoe FT a gl i sel ote Late 6-5 win over league champions) 2. Sunoco, Humphries \T. Shaw 564; I. Barnett 561; | Hengerson 734: G. Hodgson oa Durno's Garage, giving them a) _ (John Tran, Gord Luke 4.01) 5, Gates 551; S. Labanovich 531; |) Craggs 28: J MoConk | one game lead in their best of| . Sunoco, Middleton ... 12.10 47 Lintner 504; M,. Farquahar 724: D. Grant 721: D. Rey ds three series. | 4. Sunoco, Middleton ... 17.57) 593; G. McEachern 502 and P. 718. O ie tae yno. | Ottenbrite's took a one game| " or. eer Davies 500. ' ' ; : | Singles over 200 -- B. Pascoe 323; J, McConkey 313; BE. Shep-| pe hp Bape eee ggg 96,266, 210; G. Wiles 261, 241, 205; |perdson 310; D. Reynolds 299; | aie aS "1, Mothersill 255, 203; R. Pele--G. Hodgson 293; D. Grant 290,| THIRD PERIOD _ shok 255, 222; M, Farquahar|275: Bruce Henderson 288: E. 7, Durno's, Townsend ... 1.35943: J, Handscomb 236, 215, 211;/Hutchinson 283, 250; J. Clark . Sunoco, Tran M. Brooks 232; T. Shaw 232; G.\277; T. Vandermale 272, 268: F (Humphries) ... 4.00/ Sandford 231; I. Munns 227; D./Coughlin 271, 254; C. Moore 271: Sunoco, Tran Moore 212, 210; J. Gates 208; Young 270; D. Purdy 266: (Humphries, Luke) .» 12.51 Gough 206; I. Barrett 204;|H. Huntley 265: J. Mifflin 265: Durno's, Mussleman M. Lintner 204; P.'Davies 203;) D. Craggs 264, 251; R. Mus- (A, MacDonala- Tran) 14.34 5° Labanovich 202; J. Pickardjtard 264; B. Shearer, 260: 1, Sunoco, Everett _ 202; J. Ward 201 and G. Mc-\Reed 256: G. Mifflin' 258: 0| (Middleton, Harrison) 16.10 pachern 200. |Moore 254; Don Denyer 259. SECOND GAME SCORING | Grace Sandford was the win- ---------- ------------ a FIRSD PERIOD 'ner of the free shampoo and) No Scoring |wave set donated by Hi-Fashion. | SECOND PERIOD | . Fleming's, Lundmark (Rowland) eoee Ottenbrite's, Neil .... last two 'ok An over Fleming's Sheii ve defeat- 6. Elmer Tran opened scoring in the first period of the 9 Sunoco - Durno's contest, op Durno's on a pass from Ernie seeeee 10, On a beautiful passing play| evened the score early in the second period. | Lynn Middleton put the Arena) squad out in front 31 on two unassisted goals. | The score was tied up again 9 near the end of the period when 3 Al MacDonald tallied twice in a row, GET FIRST TV KINGSTON (AP) Jamai- ays sacarge | €'S first television station, to| MEN's MAJOR LEAGUE be operated by the government-| Some of the best ~~ ofjowned Jamaica Broadcasting aioe ae ihe season was seen at the lanes|Corporation, is expected to be- yiniacateony yon 3 Tuesday night. Hillcrest Dairy|gin broadcasting in August. send, Seymour) 13.40 ,attled all the way for two, ------ - = 35 6.09 Four Sisters Drown In Icy Lake Waters | BABYLON, N.Y. (AP)--Four) pital in good condition. Dead * */ little sisters, the eldest 10, were| were her sisters Louise, 3, Mary drowned in the frigid waters of a lake Sunday when the ice on which they had been frolicking off-duty policeman waded | into the icy waters and rescued Singles 50.-- L a fifth girl who told him her +s ag Peon * TOON stats were unable to hold onto the edge of the cracking ice and had slipped beneath the surface. | Patrolman Paul Barnard, 23, Antiseptic Bath For KIDNEY | after 21 twice as many Women as men | | are made miserable by common urinary | irritation caused by a germ, Escherichia Coli. To quickly combat the secondary aches, muscular pains and disturbed sleep caused by Kidney and Bladder irritations, try taking an internal CYSTEX antiseptic for & Bete CYSTEX tablets with a glass of water. In addition to its cleaning anti- septic action, OYS' pain reliever for Rheumatic Pains, = ache, Backache, and muscular pains. Get CYSTEX from druggist, Feel better fast said he was feeding ducks on ithe edge of the lake when he; 4 | heard a cry for help. r He rescued Lorraine Corri. = |dan, 11, of Babylon, The bodies = lof her sisters were recovered ~ later, Lorraine was admitted to hos- = Ann, 5, Patricia, 7, and Kath. «~ leen, 10, ave a Police said the girls were °- some 15 yards out on the lake when the ice caved in. The * depth of the lake at that point was said to be 10 to 15 feet. 0 DECORATING For FREE Advice and Color | Schemes in your Home or in an our Modern Store. Cal 603 For Dey or Evening Appointments DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Days PH. 668-5862 Evenings PH. 668-5066 Your Friendly C-l-L Deoler and LADDER | IRRITATION few days. All you do is take TEX is also ananalgesic 4. Fleming's, Rowland points from Seaway Motors. (Roberts) 5 mi A THIRD OERIOD Sel Hines 781, Des Denyer 711, . Ottenbrite's, Bremmer Manny Swartz 731 and George (Townsend, Seymour) Olliffe 765 were the big guns) 6. Ottenbrite's, 'Townsend for Hillcrest. For Seaway it was) (Bremmer, Seymour) Bill Grylls all the way with 863 7. Ottenbrite's, Moffatt and Mel Tripp's 735. (Barnes) j The Mercantile team, the hot- 8. Fleming's, Lundmark test club in the league this .sec- (Rowland, Christie) .. tion, closed the draw on Jordan ----s |Brothers Food Market for two points. Jack Brown of the Merc's was top shooter with 738 followed by Bill Jordan with a 704. For Jordan Brothers it was Percy Swee' with 767, Ed Brush 726 and Doug Rowden 708. Brown Electric took two points from Bassett's with M. McMas- ter 763 and E. White 724. For Bassett's again Dick Adams with) a big 875 and: Don Dafoe 718.) White's Insurance taking two} points from Burtinsky's were) led by George Hubbard with! |three consistent games but fail) ed to break 700. | Early in the final stanza, Durno's once again took com- one-goal lead as Bill Townsend found the target. John Tran scon evened the score and put the Sunoco team ahead again on passes from Tom Humphries and Gord Luke Durno's Ken Musselman tied the score once again on a pas-|-- sing play started by Al Mac- Donald and Elmer Tran. Jim Everett gave the Sunoco men their goal lead which they hung onto, in the dying minutes of play, to win the first game and 1913, died at his home in of the playoff series. Lynn wactarn Bnol: San pale Middleton and Dave- Harrison pata England Sunday, aged were given assists on the win- ning goal. There was no scoring in the first perioc of the second half of the double header, but both goaltenders were called upon several times to make sensa- tional saves on hard 'sfiots, fired from point blank range. Both teams scored twice in 12.0 12.30 13.55 18.40 WON OPEN FIVE TIMES LONDON (Reuters) --J. H Taylor, '"'gramd old man of Brit- ish golf" who won the British Open five times between 1894 Son of a laborer, he started his golfing career as a caddie and rose to become one of the greatest golfers of all time. He won his first British Open when he was 22--the first Englishman to wn the title. Taylor was the last 'survivor of a great trio of golfers, com- pleted by James Braid and Dave Kelly, Knob Hill WIN! 0.H.A. Metro Jr. "A" Hockey WIN! JUNIOR HOCKEY Some lucky seot holder will A boy's or girl's bicycle. A hockey stick autographed by The Toronto Maple Leafs Twe tickets to the ; Hockey Game between The Toronto Maple Leofs and The New York Rengers. WHITBY DUNLOPS vs KNOB HILL FARMS WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA TUESDAY, FEB. 12th Game Time 8:30 P.M. ADMISSION--REGULAR' PRICES PRIZE NIGHT Win! N.H.L. Feb. 16th Bill Collins, Whitby Dunlops the second period, with. Bill Brueckle and M. Reeson Harry Vardon, who between J- Lundmark and Mac Rowland doing the honors for the Shell- men. Pat Neil and Ron Brem- mer counted for Ottenbrite's team. Ottenbrite's broke the 2-2 deadlock in the last half of the final period, on goals by Brem- mer and Jack Townsend. Bob Moffat netted the clincher. Bill Lundmark scored for the them won the open 16 times.\Were best for Burtinsky's but On 10 occasions Taylor scored 2/80 failed to break 700. Brethst Braet a ] a hole in one. GENERAL ELECTRIC FEVERISH, SNEEZY, STUFFED UP? | SAVES SALES & SERVICE TAMBLYN Four Leaf Clover Home and School Association held its regu- lar meeting Wednesday at Hill- top School. President William Hicks was in the chair and opened the meeting with the Lord's Prayer followed by min- nual 'Stew Supper" to be held Wednesday, March 13, with Mrs. Clarence Freek as general convener assisted by Mrs, Les- lie Reed. Guest speaker for the eve. ning, Bill Jenkins, chairman of Both were believed shbt by pen-like weapon using a .410 shotgun shell loaded with tear gas. Police said John Thomas Clary, 19, of Niagara Falls, Ont., has been charged with as- FREE Have your furnace cleaned free and guaranteed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase 'White Rose" unified fuel oil from Western Oil Co. When a cold strikes, Insist on-- BUCKLEY'S COLD CAPSULES Kenneth Trustee Finance Committee Trustee Matthews, chairman utes of the December meeting. F ; 5 Mr. Chailice's room of Clover; Whitby and. District Planning Lane School won the banner 20ard, spoke on "Town Plan. and book money for most par- pl Deed ne followed by a ents present. question and answer period lg Bud Crawford intro- At the close of the evening a duced the guest speaker, Mrs.|S0Cial game was enjoyed fol- Adamson, president of Picker. owed by' refreshments being ing Council, who spoke on the, Served. work being done in the council ei eetG Members were sorry to learn that Mrs. William Hicks was ] B d confined to Ajax Hospital. They 00. Oar wish her a speedy recovery. . Being "Founders Night" Mrs N Off Horseman, first president of the ames cers association, cut the seventh an. Whitby Public School Board niversary cake donated by Mrs. ,has named its 1963 officers and Lorne Atkinson and served with committee chairmen. Following coffee by co-conveners, Mrs. is a list of the board officers, Hope and Mrs. Taylor. committee chairmen and mem The next meeting will be bers: held Wednesday, March 6 at) Chairman, Trustee Clover Lane School. Hobbs; vice-chairman, Thomas Edwards. - Fed oo ngeagge ed : Management Committee Salvation Army omen's Tr g shair' Home League held its weekly cee wheres: PI gg in 3 meeting Thursday evening at Matthews the citadel with Mrs. Earl and Property Committee her group in charge. of the Trustee Perry, chairman devotional. Trustee Mitchell and- Trustee This was followed by 'Work Moss Night". The members are busy making articles for the forth- M coming spring sale of fancy Trustee Egan and Trustee articles and: homebaking, date Mitchell : to be announced later : Athletic Committee Refreshments were served by _ Trustee Hoag, chairman; Mrs. Ear! and her group. Next pee Edwards and Trustee meeting of Thursday, Feb. 14, "a7. | 3 will be in the form of a-'Valen. Special Building Committee tine Party" with Mrs, Marion Pl pag ome hg ee 5 ' i Trustee erry, rustee opbs oc men fer group ip and Trustee Matthews 4 Curriculum Committee 'PEE : Trustee Matthews, chairman HILLCREST H. AND S. frustee Hoag and Trustee Egan Hillcrest Home and Schoo ' j ; Bylaw Committee Association held its monthly = Ap aos hair: tine Ww Srohigget ¥Y Trustee Edwards, chairman meeting Wednesday, February Trystee Egan and Trustee 6. The meeting was opened by Moss Mrs. James White. Various re- "School Extension Committee Ports were read and approved. Trustee Hoag (management) Attendance banners were pre- Trustee Moss (property) Trus sented by Mrs. Johnson's class tee Matthews (finance) and for Junior and to Mr. Cather- Trustee Mitchell (by motion) wood's class for Senior. Pupils Chairman of the board i of Mr. Bulloch and Mrs. chairman of this committee BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:55 and 8:20 WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8:20 Driven by hate, they stalked the great war prize of the Pacific! TORPEDO RUN ALSO--2nd FEATURE ATTRACTION "TEENAGE MILLIONAIRE" Starring JIMMY CLANTON--DIANE JERGENS saulting Kyle with intent to | maim, The fast results will please you. DIAL 725-1212 Serving Whitby, Oshewe end surrounding aree. e@ FREE PICK-UP @ FREE DELIVERY (Whitby) Ltd. PHONE: 668-2081 Only 45¢ -- family size 89c, PORT WHITBY TEXACO Pete Hubers, Prop. FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY General Repairs Dunlop Tires 668-3471 100 VICTORIA W. (at Brock) METRO FISH and CHIPS and GRILL WE FRY HALIBUT ONLY TABLE SERVICE TAKE-OUT ORDERS FREE PARKING SPACE YOUR ous PANTS ~ SLACKS ~ SKIRTS Cleaned FREE with.a minimum of $3.00 worth of cleaning FREE Pick-Up & Delivery in Oshawa, Whitby and Surrounding Areas PH. 668-2582 for a driver to call DANDY CLEANERS Blair Park Plaza-Whitby Try us once and You will be pleased Open 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. BLAIR PARK PLAZA Dundas & Lupin Dr. Whitby MERCURY AUTO BODY COLLISION-CUSTOM BODY WORK MODERN EQUIPMENT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED COURTESY & SERVICE 324 ASH ST, PH. 668-8522 24-HR. ROAD SERVICE WwW. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Funeral & Ambulance Service You don't have to play @ sport to be @ good sport 110 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-3410 CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! 4 SPORT This Programme Presented Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! GOOD SPORTS Support home town sports HOME TOWN SPORTS Support the local suppliers of FUELS and BUILDING SUPPLIES 24 Hr. Burner Service SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCK ST. S. DIAL 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments +» « of Distinction 668-3552 Whitby GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE Authorized Fina Centre Dealer Tune-ups. Licensed Mechanic Tires and Batteries & Accessories PICK-UP. & DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY Weekly Events! CALENDAR -- of -- By The Local THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS HOCKEY METROPOLITAN JR. "A" LEAGUE Tuesday, Feb, 12, at 8:30 pm. Unionvi vs. Whitby Dunlops at Whitby Arena Whitby le Knob Hill Farms Friday, Feb. 15, at 8 p.m., ot Maple Leof Gardens. Sunday, Feb. 17, at 2 pm. at Maple Leaf Gardens. BASKETBALL BOYS' MM LAKESHORE COSSA LEAGUE Wednesday, Feb: 13, at 5:30 pm at Ajax High School. Friday, Feb. 15, at 5:30 p.m at Clarke High Scnoo!l Dunlops vs -Osnown Generals Nhithy Dunlops vs Neil McNeil Henry High vs Ajax High Anderson High vs Clarke High GIRLS' INTER COLLEGIATE BASKETBALL Wednesday, Feb. 13 Courtice High vs Anderson High, Wednesday, Feb. 13, Henry High vs Dunbarton High at Dune barton High School Friday, Feb. 15, SKATING Wednesdoy, Feb. Friday, Arena Henry High vs Ajax High at Ajax High School, 13, B to 10 p Feb, 15, 8:30 to 10:30 pm , adults only, Whitby Arena adults and children, Whitby Saturday, Feb. 16, 2 to 4 p.m, children 14 years and under. WHITE'S B.P. 616 Brock St. Whitby N. 668-8241 GENERAL REPAIRS Licensed Mechanic Snow Ploughing FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY OPEN 7:30 A.M. -- 10 P.M. YOU MONEY BIG SAVINGS on BIG SIZES PARFINOL 40-0Z. REG. 1.39 80-0Z. REG. 2.59 98° 1.78 HMUDNUT EGG CREME SHAMPOO 2.00 VALUE 16-0Z. 99° ORNAL CAPSULES -.97° ».2.34 VI-MIN-C 30's REG. 1.98 1.49 .« 2,99 VO5 SHAMPOO ¢c 7-02. 15-02. fhe DRISTAN 24 rusts QB 100 rus 2eO7 BUFFERIN 36 1 c 00 TABLETS e BAN DEODORANT TABLETS SPECIAL 86° BROMO SELTZER FAMILY SIZE 74° ECONOMY 1.18 : AGAROL 10-02. SPECIAL 16-0Z. SPECIAL 88° L.13 JUMBO REFILLS 250 SHEETS REG. 98¢ 74° THRIFTY WRITING PADS -. 34° MIXED NUTS JUMBO 14-0Z, TIN RESDAN "$02. SPECIAL 10-0Z. SPECIAL 98° 1.54 FOR THE BEST IN NEWS While It ls News HAVE THE OSHAWA TIMES DELIVERED 668-3703 HOOKER & SONS LTD. No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of Brooklin 1960 CHEVROLET -- | 795 BEL AIR SEDAN General Motors Dealer For CHEVROLET---OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS CORVAIR BROOKLIN 655-4811 George H. Harding | Construction Co. Ltd. General Contractors And Builders 411 Fairview Drive, Whitby 668-3566 TRENCHING AND COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE NIVEA CREAM 4-02. 15- 98° = 2.48 JAR e COUGH SYRUP BENYLIN JAR c 67° «oe LIB TRI-VI-SOL 158 ee. SPECIAL LIQ cu 2.99 SPECIAL DELUXE HAIR DRYER hair swiftly, comfortably, jout mussing, has large od- justable vented cap to fit all sizes. Flexible hose detaches for easy storage. Lightweight only 2% pounds. Special vents for drying nails. Guaranteed one full year. REG. 15.95 9.91 LIMITED TIME SPECIAL 6 KING ST. EAST 723-3143 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-5101

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