16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, Februery 9, 1963 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) 32--Articles For Sale 32--Articles for Sale SITE Lord bab ootnone TH. GUN (old antique) wanted. Also old cartridges, Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa. AWNIN , Prompt service, Sonics oo. Chair, table - rentals. core Fox, 412 Simcoe North. BUY AND SELL, 'good used q, furniture ling Dial Oshawa 723-9761, FRESH water supplied, 24 hour service. rs RANGETTE, apartment wave, $45. Pull out oven, perfect work- condition, covered elements, 23-4825, B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat. teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele-) Rainy Budget Plan. 725-4543. BOYS' bicycles, a and 28", Each $15. Good Gaspe Avenue, 725-9239. size, Heat-| 1963, i of "Stewart" drums, 6 weeks old, A super value, approxi Sntely. 630. ects ter size tras paper (news it) o 'Oshawa orm Times i Office, Whitby & Dundas Street West. $125, 6 Me atts Street before 5 or telephone 723-2066. BUYING or selling furniture or appli- ances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or 263-2695. BARGAINS for baby! Fabulous clear. FHOTOGRAT ERC equipment, includes printdryer, trays, etc, Used eins! carriages $19.63, spring filled "eri mattresses $6.86, large w! enamell- ed cribs, complete Boy Mtnattresses $94.88, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. very little, Complete outfit 980. After 5 p.m. telephone 728-1362, 1059 CABIN trailer, 13 foot, A-1 condi- tion, Reasonably priced, Apply 319 Hill- side Avenue, Morgan and staff on 4th past NAMPS are Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity ------This Week WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS By The Canadian Press --_----This Week name for your child lh be a veal pleasure and others will want to know your choice, Name your child an quick-' ly as possible and use the ual name in an Oshawa Times Birth An- nouncement. Just call our Classified Department, give the facts, including) the name, and we will publish a Birth' Notice in the next edition, Just dial 723-3492, TREMENDOUS savings! Smooth top @ mattresses, half - price 929.75; mattresses, regular | oq, $79.50, halt price | $39.75, Flake foam SEAL coat, size 18; new dinette set, ang table; porcelain kitchen sink; chairs, arenes, Miscellaneous ar- Malan 725-316! DEATHS a ad cents, bunk beds, . Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church St, aa aaa range and Bete ae DRUMS, 7 Classic, black pearl and chrome, includes bass tom-tom, snare Avedis Zildjian cymbals, $425. After 5 p.m, 723-4974, A 7 BiRcatt private party, selling home, furniture must go, stove, get erator, rugs, lamps, chairs, chest, Very reasonable. Brooklin 655-3498. SELLING furniture or appliances? We'll buy i for top cash, Telephone -|Cal Blake's Furniture Coe aa! Store, 24 Prince Street, 728- COWLING, Francis John hi (Mrs, Sidney Hockaday) Howard, Whitby, Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the chapel on Monday at 2 Shanes RUGS, Wilton, wool triple twist, green, 6x 6 ft, and 9 x 17 ft. with underpads, recently cleaned, $35 and $85. Tele-|; phone 725-0579. VACUUM cleaner cag Free Parts all makes. SMITH Corona portable Terrier om condition, $65, Telephone 725-3746. reduced $115, Barons' walnut finish, 424 Simcoe Street Home Furnishings. South. brushes, hoses, guaranteed rebuilt ma- chines. "Rentals, Wallace Vacuum Serv- - foe, Call anytime, 728-0591. GOING agg Get your supplies at Dominion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West, Oshawa, Guns, wmmuniti on, 'jack- ets, boots, etc. mal now 25-6511, ARBORITE covered sink cutouts from kitchen counters, many sizes, colors and patterns, Ideal for small table tops. 50e and up. Phone 668-5306 after six. GENERAL Electric heavy duty range, ven Good condition, Ts.ephone between 5 and 6 p.m. 728-6116. WE buy, sell a used furni- ture or Fotos you have. The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. CAR radios, special 1963 Chev. and bn age push button, custom in the complete with aerial, $54.95. Dominion Tire Store, Bond West. 725-6511, BATH aber $25; toilets, basins dry tubs, $13; pressure system: pumps (repaired), Fag heate: ou' and boats, Chinn's, Park WE are moving! Entire stock to clear. 2 per cent to 50 per cent off. Extra specials. Boys' sport coats, $5; Men's nee, blankets 99 y' ing gowns, $235. Mercantile Dept. Store, 105 Brock North, Whitby. HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appli- ances, Name brands . biggest. dis- CAR radio, custom built to fit 1955 Buick, aerial included, $25 or best offer. Telephone 725-2166 afternoons. LINED drapes, set of 4 pairs, single panel, various lengths, floral with grey background, good condition, $35. Tele- ne 723-9465, PRIGIDAIRE complete single bed, carriage. Apply refrigerator, rangette, wa: 105 Court Street off .| Bruce Street. PIANO, apartment size, new, peautiful ra FUEL OIL -- COAL OIL FURNACES 24 HOUR SERVICE DIXON'S 313° ALBERT ST. 723-4663 DAY OR NIGHT counts anywhere. We carry and Beverley mattress furniture lines. Your authorizd GE dealer. Contact rah: Pa Rev Street East at Varcoe's Open 12 hours daily, 9.30 9.30. vaelepbens 728-9191, 16 MM camera, 3 lens, turret head, magazine load, mint condition. Tele- phone Whitby 668-2582. What's My Line? Buying and selling used fur- miture and appliances. For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. NEW LOW COST JUICE EXTRACTORS Many Beneficial Uses THE CARMIC COMPANY 723-7688 VACUUM CLEANERS FILTER QUEEN New and used Trade-ins Other Makes. FILTER QUEEN SALES (OSHAWA) 323 KING ST. WEST 728-7552 33--Market Basket DIONNE, ee (Pete) st in the Oshawa Gen- or of the late Eva Eleanor Craddock and father of Mrs. Philip West (Agatha) of Oshawa, Robert Dionne of Oshawa and brother of Mrs, James Floyd (Au- drey) of Courtice and Russell Dionne of Oshawa in his 72nd year, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with high requiem mass in St, Mary's of the People Church, Stevenson Road North on Monday, Feb. 11 at 10 a.m. Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery, Osh- awa, (Friends are asked not to call at the funeral home before Saturday). (Knights of Columbus prayers will be 'held at the Funeral Home Sundey at 8 p.m.) JONES, Edna Viola At the Cedars Nursing Home, Colum- bus, on iowa Feb, 8, 1963, Edna Viola Rodms formerly of Oshawa, beloved wife 'ot the late William Ar- thur Jones, dear mother of Mrs. O. Anderson (Olive), Lambeth: Rae R. Jones of Whitby, inher Resting at the W. C, Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the chapel Monday, Feb, 11, at 2 p.m. Temporary entombment Union Ceme- tery, Oshawa, Burial later at Little Britain Cemetery. Minister, Rev. J. Smith. Sunbeam Chapter No. Order of the Eastern Star will hold a service in the chapel 7 m. HOWDEN, Charlotte Stalker In Oshawa Hospital on Friday, Febru- ary 8, 1963, Charlotie Stalker Cunning- ham, beloved wife of the late William Howden and loving mother of Mrs. J. R. Thom (Margaret Greta) in her 82nd year, The late Mrs, Howden is resting at McIntosh - Anderson Funeral Home, Service in the Chapel Monday, Feb. 11, at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. RIDING, William In Oshawa General Hospital on Satur- day, February 9, eh: William Riding,| FRESH GRADED QUALITY EGGS FOR SALE beloved Lena A. Cole and hoon father of ner, Frederick Riding of Anderson Funeral Street East for service in the chapel on Monday, February 11, at 3.30 p.m. In- terment Union Cemetery. Wholesale only. Delivered twice a week. Egg Grading Station TELEPHONE SUNDERLAND 267 eR es All Oil Burner Service Free ond guaranteed if you purchase 'White Rose" unl- fined furnace oil from WESTERN OIL CO. DIAL 725-1212 DRAPES Modern Designs Abstract, Colonial, Provincial and Floral Patterns. Custom Made Expertly Installed M and C SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE TV'S AND STEREOS DISCONTINUED LINES, LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements ond floral requirements for all occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 IN MEMORIAM FLOOR DEMONSTRATORS, SLIGHTLY MARKED CABINETS ALL BEING CLEARED AT WORTHWHILE SAVINGS COVERED BY NEW WARRANTY AND OUR EXCLUSIVE ONE YEAR FREE SERVICE ELECTROHOME CLAIRTONE R.C.A. VICTOR ADMIRAL PARKWAY WOLFRAME -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Harnett (Bert) Wolframe, who passed away two years ago today, February 9, 1961. Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break but all Re vain. To have, to love, and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart. The years may wipe out many things, But this they wipe out never-- The memory of those happy days When we were all together. --Ever rememebred and sadly missed by wife Mabel, daughters Doreen and Edith, WOLFRAME --- In loving memory of my father, Bert Wolframe, who 150 78 2195 $29% BY 2%-- % 118 $107% 106% 107% --1%s dy *5 REEEEEEEEE ait gcoerey 17 : Py pie ed Analog Analog w Anthes Imp A 450 $16 16 16 Anthes B 10 $102% 102% 102% +1 3569 $10% 9% 10 + % 815 $8% 310 $11% tim. Pages % 10$100 100 100 6275 $18% ze OM +1% 1130 $23% B%-- % 180 $101% 1bise 101% -- % , 37% 325° 300 235 +25 20000 170 150 150--10 $67% 64% 6 --2% $75% 72% 73% --i% 405 «380 30 6 $17% 17% 853% 51% $9 9% $3544 3% cenbgugedd? 4 S copanpoprere Bigck shoo"? u> > 3 328 soe ggtene : : BESSe et -- 4 Z >43° w rf sieoREcEES, says Qeeseeeet PazEegeey hee ; 3 : Be P acer gyi tt ay> Est ie S84 415 $16% 16% 675 $18% 18% 16) 24097 6% oe Be 3 $82 F g auBgeNgcegzutegeeest F Sa38 esaitebes Sse S 4 S gis eked Es ebEy gs 8s Be vt ere sbb8erccuss apeelveg lege tileges Lite Ss ¥ # 3E i = aets 8 ggusesus Bg Ish $ é92 ae = a28, Se Libel S"Gesx x . : 8 oo3 FR aa ty gabe = 437 $16 85% 5% 375 $18% 18 4 6 8! 3957 $00%4 0% oe Jha 8009 3605 200 125 §950 5100 6895 6350 1000 1450 705 9925 2504 faclaren MacLeod MB PR Magna _ her u 40 M Leaf Mi = 677 M Lf M pr Mass F 22687 1456 829 sags Bg 00 290 285 290 coer "acl bere $50 Parker Pbina Pembina pr Penmans PC Jewel PC Jwl A 335 325 325 415 $10% Psd an 68 205 36% gd $15% en +% 170 160 = 165 $57) Me 30% -- 5 siz 11% 11% +1 99% %% % $6 5% Sie -- % 30 25 25 (IS ---5 oom +" 180 --18 10% -- $5% oh 195° = 180 -- a LtoN jmeve 4 $ll% 11% Ss 6 --1 $12% 12% 12% + ty 10 $104% 0444 104% + "tad 12% 12%- % 400 385 +35 $31% 30% Wh--% Low Close Ch'ge nigh tow Low ea 6% 6% 5 1% 10% $15% tine 8 mat as rtrd 8 8% 47% 32 SO 31% 440 nw 20% 20%---1% UA% Pagid Btock gegtites E.ssuge Bralorne Broul Reef Brunswick Buff Ank Cable Sadamet Camp Chib Camp RL C Tungsten C Astoria Cc Dyno ri Malart Delhi Pac Delnite Denison =85 Bgaveua' er G8ee88S B eotgrdugrens®, ct Seged8s 2 & astcndgassees se Gegsdes bj BUNS goeRe woZGBBsrarest SeSe~grnsbaroogteseka+ekus 5 +++4+ + SubsoussaSss~98 8 Ss Ee C and Ge ioe a % 40 os 2 lg ig Ang x en th en +i 92 9 9 +2 47 8 8 102 iL 8 9 & 8 --2 $ll% 11% lk*-- % 30 6} 130 121 14 ---6 6% 6 6 12 +2% --1%K 19% 18% 164--1% %& @ GC --8 uw lK% UA--*% +1 +h" BBLS skRaeee LESBLatfu0eda BRSSSab Lacan 5208 57 S57 ST $13% 10% 12% +1% 460 45 440 $30% 29% 30 + % ll 8 % +1% 9 %% 8--h E to K z. 7 7 269 255 265 +10 209 204 24 --S 120 101 116° +10 2% 1% on +2% +5 £. s > 58S gUS po Bye SSgeUr asses feustdy Seve8.sse i-4 warksuSegeess8 oe Ssve8is ------This Week--__-- 1y6s Bales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low yauseell gbtuats o8-tg AH 32 2 guagh. 58s EERE TEL 2 38882 a 5 Rew Seis sitelf FF ae ee abi PEERTEE "¢ a": i = + 3 re * - eo bezterabis sgl a a bhi bie + Fe ggbegcfenBgoese sees i rs gglsen Sensors ses essgst. 88s gglsendsc t a +1 ee eevee * This gbh sat guSbaeeagg sas onseé segecsususiurencBeae. eeeguissSc.esgussryszeet oy BEB soe. 3s = +441) ae -s8iuasug8esse, So°sE gs@Sussugsire, S885 S85nu se £88 oSsE8 8.58 SEINE, ue? gis . t ae 2eee _a8s 1 ob _ugaa Ss > gsey_Ssae > mupt 2 ws sgelue RyssSeSecs: usse sag pSesutaks b dgobitee b bf givssda@ects prghegededecaccuvas ole yep8.s = oe = saa Tok 4 =] 3 i Souagacy > Bae Suase83es. sBapsGscbsong see .cgsse SSxsocdearst.3.g88syscasest an Oo g¢85 SuesbFGawes. cgtory SyesbBis BSgtorg sz gbe8 Bee ae E88 # esses = ES See8 * ¢e 3 eo + g geeibbcolas os so ste 5588 ugdy ake "ee ae away two years ago, February 9, 1961. There is a face that haunts us ever, And a voice which brought us cheer, And a smile we'll forever remember 165 165 +5 175 155 26558 87% 6% H--% Th %-? Sp3we$91¥a -- 89% 8x% MH 6i% ait og Television = DRY GOODS 12075 Glenn Uran 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 INQUIRE About Our CASH and CARRY PRICES McCULLOUGH'S BUILDING SUPPLIES 1270 SIMCOE ST. N. (West Side) 728-4688 SPECIALS VARIOUS MAKES -- DRYERS RE-CONDITIONED 918 SIMCOE N. 723-3043 34--Lost And Found LOST boys' glasses, dark rimmed glasses in grey case, vicinity of Done- van High School and Verdun Road last Saturday. Prescription. Telephone 723- LOST -- Lady's folding glasses, pre- scription, white metal, Marquisite. Vicinity Shopping Centre, bowling, Lob- laws. Liberal reward. 725-4276. beige leather with | pearl clasp, valuable papers, money, identification, ete, Left in bus Tuesday, February 5, Reward. 668-3214. SONY transistor radio, black case, address inside "Taylor 668-5612", lost vicinity Shopping Centre bowling alley Wednesday. Telephone Whitby 668-5612. 36--Legal I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, February 7, 1963, without my written consent. -- Ernest Roy Parker, 326 Verdun Road. I will not be responsible "for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, February 8, 1963, without my written scvnsent, -- Mike Kostrzewa, 249 Hillside Avenue. (Continued on Page 3) CARD OF THANKS When in silence we dry every tear. ~--Always remembered by Tom Mabel. FLINTOFF -- Today brings back sed memories of our dear mother, S, Ger- trude Flintoff, who passed away Feb- ruary 9, 1958, Please God, forgive a silent sear, A fervent wish our mother were here. There are others, yes, we know, But she was ours and we loved her so Dear God, take a message To our mother in Heaven above, Tell her how much we miss her And give her all our love, --Too dearly loved ever to be forgotten by daughter' Betty, son-in-law Ernie, grandchildren Bobbie and Dawn, FLINTOFF -- In loving memory of a dear wife and precious mother, S, Ger- trude Flintoff, who passed away Feb- ruary 9, 1958, five long years ago today. There is never a day that passes by But my thoughts reach out to you; Never a joy that comes my way But I wish you could share it too. I miss your smile and cheery ways. Please God, just let her know That I down here do not forget, I love and miss her so, --Sadly missed and lovingly remember- ed by husband Roy. FLINTOFF -- In loving memory a dear mother, Gertrude Flintoff, Bi passed away February 9, 1958. We do not need a special day To bring you to our mind For the days we do not think of you Are very hard to find, If all the world were ours to give We'd give it, yes and more, To see the face of mother dear Come smiling at the door. --Too dearly loved ever to be forgotten 75 SEMI-A UTOMATIC $65 up FULLY-AUTOMATIC 85 up One Yeor Warranty LAMBERT -- The Lambert family wishes to acknowledge with deep appre- ciation the kindness, sympathy, cards and beautiful floral tributes extended by our » friends and at the passing of Mrs. John R. Lam- bert. We especially wish to thank the staff of the Oshawa General Hospital, Rev. R. Love and the Mcintosh-Ander- son Funeral Home for efficient man- agement of the services. Dr. W. Bald- win and staff of pagan Clinic. john R. Lambert h' Beverley, son-in-law Bill and Billy Jr., and RIMAR MEMORIALS MONUMENTS ON DISPLAY grandchildren Nancy, ie. sagaagaa EF é 39% ' 4678 914% we 4%--% 2260 475 40 450 --25 af 21 6 56 75$174 174 973 $26% 6S 8 + 728 $21% 21% 21%4--~-- % 18% 7 +% 7146 $39% 38% 38% --% 26780 $20 19% 2 + % 40 $109% 106% 108% -- Ys 180 $109 109 4+ % 1125, $174 17% 1M % 105 $17 17 «7 238 $7% 7% Th--% 205 mS $25%6 09 a0 R4+ hh 1057 $10% 10 a 19% -- % D Bridge 8045 $20% 19% 19% --a Dom Elect 315 $13 12% 13 +% Dom Elect w 800 89% 825 9890 Dofasco 7038 oe a +% Dom Lime 100 36% 64 6% one Lime w 1000 215 210 ny +15 285 $8% Rapid Grp Rap Grp A Reichhold Reitman A Revelstoke Revenue pr Rolland A Rothmans Royal Bank Royalite 1325 Salada Sayvette Selkirk A 61 8755 $10% a 0 l+% 425 $12% 11% IM--% lo 610 15% 1% + % + presi $144 14% M%--% Shell In wts x3067 Shaw A Com Shaw A pr Shaw B pr = 120 Shully's Ind 1540 Silverwd A 1148 Simpsons 3548 SKD Mfg 3150 Slater Steel 985 Slat SU pr 970 Somville pr Southam 1395 Stafford 670 St Pav Steel Can Steinberg A Ster Tr Stuart OW Suptest ord Switson Tamblyn 786 4710 130 215 21000 11050 6390 $14% 14 40 $93 | 3003 $2744 27 2+ % 530 = 550 575. % 4 444 + % $474 47 47% +1% Se 5% Se + % $13 12% 1Wh--% $324 32 315 905 «315 --S $10% % 10 --% $184 18% 60 $2 52 52 86 UAW +h 410 17% 17% + % 130 +5 +1 363% 61% 62% --l%e 3-4 60 6 --l% 223 199 206 +5 $27, 22 «27 +8 Mu--% 3 +% 4" 4% +h 10% 10% + % +% 13 9% --3 6 858 23% 14% 13% 27% 3% 65 530 1865 $29%4 2% 24+% 30 2 1289 $44 6 44 32% -- % % Goldale GF Mining Goldray Granby Grandroy Granduc Guich Gulf Lead Gunnar Gwillim Hallnor Hard HardMin Hasaga Hastings H oof Lakes Headway Heath High-Bell Hollinger Howey Hud Bay Hugh-Pam Hydra Ex Irish Cop Iron Bay Iso J Waite Jacobus Jaye Expl 625 Jellicoe 10673 Joburke e 18550 Joliet 9538 Jonsmith 95500 Joutel 30300 5777 Jowsey ¢ Keeley F 326800 iss 33500 25600 6000 5025 3786 4680 2212 4500 92829 6700 7700 4700 24100 259200 Labrador L Dufault Lake Li Latin Am Leitch Lencourt Lexindin LL Lac Lorado Louvict "yndhst Lynx rn) #3 843~ ag$e goles Hy kel bb Bg83 88 = Sser ae < Stzysbe ayeds S8gge # Eyetge sobs ahs Lag SH UbRsleESesee ees a5y get nghds 8esaasse8ssseys resgy8eso bes l FF Ba kSasuSe3s +11 so ALL 2 UIUShb Uigdabp 8 BEeSsogSSaseesssioy Ssefes aegee8 8 Be esha eFFsees ses B22 73 giz Fee ese Neué * to 10% 10% s8eou8as 8 = raged w © gyyey® uy Sus . se $ geeks Bw esécie sageds. agbeSielsen' IN.OUR SHOWROOM. Complete Monument and Inscription Service. PEDZIKOWSKI SERVICE and SALES 70 Lakeside Ave. Caesarea Call Blackstock Macassa Macdon Macfie 1575 10% Pac Pete 22197 sine li lkw--% 369 630 --20 Pac Pete wts ongar$ % ™% Pamoil © 127723 47% WA+ 13% 1%-- % MacLeod a sm mg 28% --1% 50% 50% 50 Madsen cs %+ agnet Malartic % + Phillips 19 7 Maneast U Man Bar Manoka MS Maralgo Marboy Marcon Maritime Martin Matatch Mattgami Maybrun Mcintyre McKen McMar McWat Mentor Merrill Meta Uran Midrim Min Corp Mo 10% ' PL 24% B4%+% ws 1500 3s wt bad Trans-Mt i 14 -- Trans PPL $5614 WAM Se --1% Turnd 1016 $17% 17% 17% Un poe pr hgh = 200 465 ie Un Ace 2 pr 465 $9 9 152 SIMCOE SOUTH Un Gas 7001 16% 194 + % Phone. 723-1002 986-4342 32--Articles for Sale ie i a TORK Um eee 2950 4 +% U Corp B 1925 3 NO. 1 GRADE ALCAN Thomson ne mae ae 4 ALUMINUM SIDING Kernaghan & Co. ere Bae ai Vie G Tr 350 65 6644 +2% Vulcan a 405 4055 405 --10 NO GIMMICKS -- NO PUZZLES sauce creer ectseie Just the lowest prices in the industry. : Wainwr 70 55 55 --15 Walk GW rat $59% 58% 3uU--% 465 465 n ; : OPERATING DIRECT LINE Free estimates -- Satisfaction Guaranteed To Nothing To Pay Until June ee Wat Equip 800 475 --15 WRITE TO:-- onrtatuo 725- 1104 2200 200 200 200 --5 6200 $154 14 4% --% Canadian Building Products Co. |} res. war. eric R. HENRY, 57 BONNIEWOOD ROAD, SCARBORO, ONT, CLANCY --.I would like to take this opportunity to thank my friends and neighbors for their lovely cards and deeds of kindness, also K of C for fruit and Oshawa Hospital staff, and Dr. Kane. --Pat Clancy Fam Play Fanny F Fed arms ed 33 gSidasSeresaee' Bsckssy 3 35 $1044 104% 104% 2723 $l% % 11% 100 37% 7% $32 Westeel s 400. $ 3 13 W Copper 700 120 «+5 W Cop wts 4300 23 W Pacific 4685 $18 17% 17% --% S $18% 18% 18%-- % Weston A 658: Weston B 10328 $21% 20% 2%-- % Wstn 6 pr 50 $109. 109 109 +1 Wet A wts 5610 $10% 10% 10% -- % White Pass pred S8% 8% 8% + % Wood Alex 275 275 = 275) 64+25 Wood J new 3970 Or % %---Kh OH 385 slits 10% hy Bi S833 4% 50 85310 148 iw ry -1 148 2 2% 3% +1 26 10% 10% 10%--% 1% WY" S 8 8&8 87 «83 states 675 365 540 (540 565 490 Mt Wr 0 4 es 38 m5 +10 U8 a Multi-M - Wilshire 212 215 +3 235 Murray 15 5 ---3 " a i9 --2 a * Nama Cr ue W +h 5% 5% Westcoast VT 3759 $14% 13% 13% -- % 725-4305