Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Feb 1963, p. 15

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ees Vel BE ESN LAGI Eel PCa Sea rn eT CEG AE NA LAG POE LE 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent 25--Apt: & Flats For Rent |26--Rooms For Rent |27--Real Estate for Sole _|27--Real Estate fer Sele |27--Real Estate for Sale 29---Automobiles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, February 8, 1963 15» ) rnished + wingle room. house, bath,| FARM, ab, hetes, hous 'Acres, houshe, darts, good)$9.800, -- FOUR-BEDROOM homie. Sa Renault--Peugeout i : sb FEMALE backsioe 0p art men | TARED-BOOM tu apartment MASS oveniences." 'Adull, femnly. 97 te baal ira, smal feream, goed| condition. Near Egensville. No mort:|acre, ons, enand Down, AUSTIN 29--Automobiles For Sale |29--Automobites For Sale to hospital, two girls or working all on i, 500, Sinai owe mages. | Will -\son, 728-2548. Howe and" Peters, i 'aerate Shin ret or te pee cours rvatable "immediatly, Web| weekly. Telephone 725-0006. se ior, Bow-|room home, vieiaty of Oshawa. 'Apply | Realtors, Parts and Service ce hein ah Mee uae Peter Fi BROCK STREET EAST, 151 -- furnish-|manville, Phone 623-3644. 217 hanta 8 Sireet. IMMACULATE fiveroom NHA re-sale jie -- Private first| witSoN Road South, 102, basement |ed double room, suit two, willing to swe DOWN, north-west area, NHA rely 29M. living room ato and leases STATHAM 1954 SENTRE STREPT, i reom: bath, a shi . Telephone 3405. , hose apartment: at :|apartment, Kitchen, | dedsltnd toe a JOHN A. J. salt, SRA®, fell ies eee, Sor: fara Nek many ike io Mery i BA. SERVICE =| ard J bathroom , ey PD tind screens. Pi vers a Tre tire Sedroom, with all ules. Aes cd recom. Gall Mz, Yeo|Bosco, Realtor, 738-7377. RITSON ROAD AND KING '|VARCOES Road, furnished -|Adults only. Apply 313 French Street, BOLAHOOD 'at 725-6544, John A. J. Bolahood Ltd. nished, four room self comained apart. -/81X eh aghome mond. bane 'erm pers 723-4733 and 723-7712 fp-|ment, all © svennais Close to schoo! CLEAN, furnished room for rent, PRIVATE SALE -- Whitby, three-bed-|three Ibedroom: . kitchen, a : 2 bus, Telephone 723-4598 private home, Prefer lady. loosed Realtors Ltd. Insurance Ce NENT ee tor ens |ariveway.. Cnstral Pork 'Blvd. at "cing. ~ KELLY DISNEY Hitti P sel Pa itting F : if = E | Park Road South, Telephone 728. STERLING AVENUE | -- "Two t00m |= 167 SIMCOE ST. S. One, NKA Sores. 4 ite oe USED CARS i tr: heat,|/27----Ri tigiis and water supplied, Child "wel. 27 eal Estate For Sale Office Hrs. (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) SALLY'S SPECIAL -- owner transfer- 409 BROCK ST. S. _|eome. Telephone 725-797 duplex for sale, fully equip- 59,200, with VERY Easy terms. Six-|red, lovely decorated bungalow, with WHITBY -- 668- 4291 Mortgages ios RAVINE Road, is lores inc ope ped, private agreed C7 'ten Arrongeds' Bought & Sod 'om. Goble rerka panelled living | broadiaors carport id paved ne. Core bought and sold USED CAR Abe ig tion, Cl to fi ear . \ a * 'Son Washing mach "| telephone 728-0881. BUNGALOW bender, T8-7244, Soeeph Bosco, 'Realtor. |725-6297. Joseph [Trade up vane SOUTH END -- Two-bedroom apart- 4 room bungalow in eastern BRIE Vey bw dow 1200 8Q. FT. STORE with + Always Top Quality ment, equipped iitehen, bundy facili- ' for early suburbs, immaculote condi- |36500 FULL PRICE. low dowAlrut basement, furnace and washroom, a VALUES i : i 4 ee ge 2 ik park payment to reliable aw on this tidy able ae S55 Sonny MTelephone| tion. Has three room base- /pungalow on Patricia Avenue. | Mr. og met y eee a ons to ell. ¥)2,000, "1725-5808. SPRING ment apartment with modern = at" 728-6408. Joseph Bosco Real: by seg oe Coffe THREE-ROOM apartment, stove and a kitchen, bothroom and sep- ok Sach eae. bo magy 0 70-7377. y stainers, Bg iggy Sern gars 6 BUILDING 356. ge he Pac DON'T Peot 28--Real Estate Wanted Beg wall-to-wall broadioom,|P.m. 723-4671. to sell, Call Mr, Ratcliffe at and frigera: 'and laundry facili- , oh, LOT wanted in Whithy, will pay cash! ESe'iataderamt exon ake eanatae| choose your lot | 7A" THIS catia ae Bartley Se away near shopping centre, i monthly. a HASERS Do it Li ho} with Bill ment spertment, s 72a8-4700_efter_4 and builder NOW Nido EU BUNGALOW Horner, for fast notion. 726-8123, List -- We have several new list- Y CHADBURBN -- $50., spacious three with Lloyd then call. your mover. Lloyd , wagher and dryer 3 lh wath th good view ve masing un- Mortgages arranged. ings, if you are opproved, | Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., 101 Simcoe Off Varies mows employed couple, $60, Tele-|furnished, All facilities 'ineldued. Pri. call us now ond toke advan- FOR $14.900 Street North, Oshawa. ers MOT R ' phone 723-2505. vate bath and entrance, Bus, school Armstrong & Sons | tage of the excellent terms WILL pay cash for 6 or 7 room modern and chureh close. wae E BEDROOM © COMFORTABLE threecoom basement Pickering 942-2401 Mrs Rankin' 725 Po igg But For $13,500 brick home, north of Roséland, vieltity ? Good Buys APARTMENT IN BLDG. | apartment with three - "Parking apace) = WANTED 'ai once for Sscaaae paver. Z 200 DUNDAS WEST | $ ALL CASH $ Stove, refrigerator, broad- | s67.50 monthly, 623-245 It i Steal re on loom, parking, laundry foci- | osHawa acEvaRD . NORTH, 200-- GUIDE REALTY cee fate. 926. "e Sant. apie aces ee hea Fe! 1960 PONTIAC WHITBY Foe CHOON Dare WS Sant IRE ISCHOFIELD-AKER | lities $89 monthly. h rtment, built-i ink -- ---- i WOE Bork Ra N' Apt. 9, |cupbontds: tile floors," $3. monthly, Limited, Realtors Bog ~~ ps Mace REAL ESTATE PARISIENNE FOUR DOOR down. Liens paid off. bove add f : | CALL 728-4224 papas cer: twee eee | 16 Sincoe St, &, 728-1124 LIMITED REALTORS kitchen face the front of the WANTED ppp net Padi = 04 (After 5.30) wauke "BOOM self-contained heated home B finish, | il 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY fins eg wars oe thier NEW 5 ROOM BRICK HOME Over a Quarter Century of . / Have lorge down payment ronze finish, low mileage. apartment, _ pri trance, 668-8001 : aparimenk, heavy duty wiring, TV eut-| ----G0ed size living room, 3 Continuous and Reliable Will consider down payment for 3 bedroom bungalow. $1725 WELLINGTON let. Cupboards and sink 1p itene| bedrooms, tiled kitchen, al- Service Preferably with garage, Any é : Apply 513 Richmond Street e | uminum doors and windows. AS LOW AS $700. orea considered. No Down Payment Required, 1961 FALCON 100 CARS WANTED STREET BOOK STREET HAST, 8 -- Sie Excellent location, close to TOP VALUE HERE Teleph 725-1186 Write full perticulors, price to'. | B New Car? ¥-| schools and transportation. elepnone id 1959 FORD juying « New ed gentleman, Parking, $6. weekly $14,500 asking $2,500 down B 214 ie) h Ti | TUDOR beautiful fieldstone "Ted" F Central. Telephone 728-6697 Good terms. Vendor will | ; ; Ox snawa imes Sell your used Cor to "Ted Whitby MERaTY STREET. Ot Se Ta | carry one morigons balance one mortgage. Mees! | Bill Millar ee PICKUP eteagethag ae ton finish, complete with in- Talk "Cash" to the New 9 " be de a We. me : bungalow just -- complete | eae gine, custom cab, radio, fo terior and exterior trim Car Dealer and "SAVE" One and Two Bedroom eve ysnee cou aera Apply| RITSON ROAD SOUTH -- 2 ee ork ying aA CASTLE HOMES Listings Invited bed ie ele el packages. raves pag bel ag TED CAMPIN MOTORS above address separate apartments. 7 room pee cast Ala esas eave (ER ust Ke by ? up to miles e APARTMENTS SIMCOE NORTH, 498 -- apartment 1. -| brick, F.H.A. Oil heating and bath with vanity, beautiful HOME ON FIVE Real Estate $1 295 Don't miss this buy! Two to 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Five-room, two - bedroom, unfurnish-| priceg gt only $11,900 large modern kitchen with choose from, each New Building with Balconies e sont ere stove and refrigerator y J , plenty of dining area, living ACRES Department No Down Payment 31--Automobile Repair Available March 1. Telephone 728-906:| --1 poom, 2. STOREY room completely separate, $1595 7 Telephone Pickering ve tle Cee icaiart spinon BRICK -- With poved drive oil heating, attached gorage. Comfortable two bedroom GUARANTY TRUST HOUSTON'S GARAGE ' private entrance, heated, laundry room| nd garage. Will trade for To sell quickly. Cal Steve home. Excellent market ger- | and SERVICE STATION Whitehall 2-240! free parking, adults. 723-9433. Macko, daytime 723-2265, in: len i small home on outskirts of den land, fruit trees, small Company of Canada 0 BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- AUBERT STREET, Ti -- TwoTeom uP-| town. evenings 728-5868. fruits, etc., on well travelled _-- y 1961 FALCON PLETE BRAKE SERVICE steirs apartment, refrigerator, | stove SIMCOE AND paved road. Good revenue 32 King Street East ; MOTOR TUNE-UP AND KINGS COURT tupaned naa Loblaws °s e. Adults Nagios LAND a ABERDEEN AREA he --, yied eg 1 728-1653 Stouffville STATION WAGON beautiful GENERAL REPAIRS ARE to shopping centre. rice ong Roa rontage. 7 3 ABERDEEN STREET is -- Four' drastically reduced. 91 | WANTED ONE EXECUTIVE 000. Terms. Telephone 640-2600 | blue, meteltic Bes Bt oF ee monthly, Heat, hot water supplied.| g@cres--$15,000. Good terms. 4 AFTER HOURS yada oe thee aie: This 723-7822 APARTMENTS Available now, 725-6865, ene 5 who likes on older home, be- LARGE HIGHWAY FAIRLEIGH AVENUE, 184 -- Three-| BUSINESS -- With modern cause he oppreciates ao gro- Telephone Bill Collins 668-8716 |28--Real Estate Wanted | " is a8 good as new. 32--Articles For Sale AJAX room heated. apartment, private bath} 3 bedroom apartment, twe cious vestibule, desires o HOME - alent and entrance, $65. Available now, winding staircose, a dining ; ] eet nd [EER HEME "| blocks om Er Coren on | Mata" a all ht | Fie bedroom bathe WE NEED YOUR HOME $1795 | SKATES < King Street. Suitable for any . A ' 4 FULLY FURNISHED apartment, kitch- friends on a festive occasion, rooms, living room with -fire- Oshawa's Leading Skete Ex- ' k f ss. W - i ' ; A Approximately 10 miles eos Pens 9 pad oe Masih ert a huge living room with plece, lerge kitehén - din- 9 chon e bal 10 years, Now from Oshawa | Telephone 725-9306, chanee, cheery fireplace a home ing area, bright and modern, R and Used, Largest assértmen' BOND EAST, 74 -- Private. Three dt where his children and him- walk out from basement to * 1961 COMET in town. Opposite large Shopping Centre [room apartment, upstairs, heated. ' es self can laugh and play, and good garden. Extra lots aveil- ioe lovee Bhowping Centre, | seem, tesa acy cats twa god WORKING MAN'S HOME pelt Can lavoh.ond Bley, ond. | . Sete £10,800. Open to: offer CALL FORBOR SEDAN. Immeeu- DRAYTON CYCLE Apply above after | p.m. and eveni Monthly payments of only : M ¥ 4 =r Large One Bedroom $73 | #IMOOE NoRTA -- one bea sert:| $60 including both interest | {pet wish to be quiet with | Terms. Conteet late white finish with beau 204 BOND STREET EAST heir own thoughts. Th | tiful réd intériér, equipped NEW LOW COST nf f | for th i 4 abu eel Two Bedroom $79 hove. Weltbie "ininetionly. ele ale lod ON Rate lovely home sits majestically DOUG ANDREWS with automatic Lipinlioe si phone 728-1804 or 728-3945. Asking enly $7,950. Call new well back from the street on radio, etc. This dutomobile JUICE TELEPHONE BRIGHT, cheerful one. and two.bed- j ih tot a beautifully tree studded BROOKLIN is Tike 'now, en cate fe taw motera warhas.| °° nepects lot. Truly some of the nicest EXTRACTORS AJAX WH 2-2001 Large siding sles dongs lead to patios | NEED A LOT FOR A RANCH coment! and shade dite PHONE 655-3195 (OSHAWA) LTD, REALTOR $1695 Many onatielal: Ushe ai drapes, ma antenna.| HOME? -- Here is the op- meer Mating pe atecies hen puis Si te Pinoy egy 135 900 with substantial down 101 SIMCOE ST. N., 728-5123 THE CARMIG COMPANY: Oshawa's Finest Jaen. shopping centre and school.) + frontage just outside the ee ee Owner moving te IJ, A. WILLOUGHBY | S.A. forces this sole. For } | Park Lane A ts 26--Rooms For Rent von cue aot i wronatan coll Bill & SONS LTD., 29--Automobiles For Sale _ 29----Automobiles For Sale 1960 VOLKSWAGEN TELEVISIONS Sth Or EE i cFeeters eying. 723- rer : pts, Pear en soup or | Setar" Bike" | AG EGLINTON AVE.E | The Home Of |e. sitThiii"nit Miss] ta hewicareenet ¢ | Sint St aria 10 min. from Downtown | | Romi plant, parking. Apply 7. Ritson = THs eoptiean © room Gute VOLKSWAGEN, 1954, In very good con-| fully guaranteed, Two to ek Road South afier 5. galow with bright cheerful IVE AGENTS FOR | TORONTO, 12. aia aed tL ise ue A picture tube. We also rent Attreetive two bedroom suites, [SINGLE ROOM for gentleman. Parking kitchen, 4-pce. ceramic tiled ier BUILT HOMES | é Good Used Cars $1 Bunton foen, Whitby. 'Telephone chose from each. and buy ppace available, $7 weekly, Telephone} bathroom, large rec room, : "Before You Buy tee out DuILE folly vena A. $995 PREMIER TELEVISION' HARDTOP: fully" sauiphed, | Telephone "668-5893 | NICOLS MOTORS ETD, bs. _| Situated on o quiet street, IN BEAU VALLEY : ' ' y Spacious grounds WARM: "clesa single room, very "cen-| close to schools and bus. Governor Mansions Apts., LLOYD REALT Y Give Bill A Try" | Ceorer mans cer. Low mileage. New wh ee tral, 5 |eondition. 1 ntry, 83250. Tek Prestige location Apply "02 agin. Street Co gentleman. Asking $12,900. 110 Park Rd. N. |pnome 7a Leaving ou je- Private baleenies |TARGE, "nicely" furnished Fedaiing| For full porticulars coll 723-1121, 360 King Street West | eRe ge | BILL WHITTICK lise VOLRBW AGEN, Vee Mu £1 1956 MONARCH DRAPES ; {tom push-button transistor radio, Rea- Elevator service room. close 'te shopping centre, suit |" 00, daily 9 arm. 19 9 pm. | Free Parkin | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER |trmabie for quick sel. Apply 216 Park Controlled entrances phone 723-4912. MOTORS LTD Road. North, Mader Desi | PPE ALE A Biot to ena je R HARD- odern Designs -- age ges a Ral | on | WOR ARER Tete, _ aaer, ne rings MUCH We on grey Abstract, Colonial, Provineial Paved Parking fee Afar telephone GEORGE BLYLEVEN 146 BROCK ST. N. ao aly er aya White Rose, 1600 King} and white finish with rich and Floral Patterns. oe ps close be fie: WHITBY Street Rast. matching meatier, Oe " Custem Made CENTRAL, nicely furnished bedroom, 1 very easily be mode ios) FORD Galaxy sedan, automate, one-owner car and is in ime Don Howe leon a eile REAL ESTATE BROKER late, Duplex, Brick home in 668-4741 ond 668-4025 It eeu: why * Must see meculéte eandition: Expertly Installed i ' good condition ine mort- -------------- ~ -- 723-2911 Ff \ stainer, near bus stop, Parking, 725-3879 ; 1956 PONTIAC 8 cylinder, automati Evenings 723-9692 SuUhGa STRERT. 110 = tee Waal MAPLE GROVE aed le. us wi Q UALIT Y seen et Good ai gaol. $645 M and C bedrooms. Private entrance. Gentlemen rr rn Howe and Peters Realtors |preferred. Apply above address. _ CALL 623-5300 728-5123. toa FREFECT, "weohanleally,s00 sound, DRY GOODS --|DEARBORN AVENUE. = r ines block heater, After 6 |Rarelehed "or ungu fplahed rooms, ye) In first class rural district along Highwoy 2 self service grocery $1,300 DOWN CARS |pm. evenings. telephone 708-1200, ne 1956 FORD 74 CELINA STREET OPEN (Aas referred. 68: M eerenen eet: gece gin full line of equipment and fixtures. Net. profit over $9,300 FULL PRICE ie PONTIAO Laurentian: 'fear doar, 1 a yeor. Stock available at invoice price. This store 5 b | ils mayo 4 . tomatic, radia, one owner: : : am SHAWA MOREL Jormery Tremea| combined with White Rose service station and gorage, plus a ca Tor $60.00 1962 PONTIAC -- em po Saag sae PHONE 723-7827 for inspection gah Mote. sp wate Tea ete | yl eupes. is he on ave ocre ot an, Business is going monthly on one open mort- LAURENTIAN COACH .-- |i961 PONTIAC Laurentian, four door " water heated, tele- 0 be so 'or health reason of .owner. Excellent opportunity for ihe i hardtop, automatic, Cherrywood lor, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS | vision. Telephone 723-97 the right party. Substantial down payment required. Give us on gage Low toxes. Lot size Rédie. Standard trenamission one owner, ow. 'ileage. Fully omulp: $595 INQUIRE | 50' x 214'. Call Ed Drumm d. Telephone 725-943: ffer, |ped. Telephone 2. 9 AM. TO 5 P.M. furnished am rasan Weare errr at 728-5123 or 725-9345. 1961 FORD 1982 FORD COUPE "Hot Rod". Can be About Our GOVERNOR | Genkiesn Avey Shove | CUSTOM BUILT FALCON, Two POOR ne noon at 1510 Simeoe Street North. 725- METEOR d cou RT STREET ,200 -- Two furnis OGIO. MANOOGS UTNyMs 961 wagon, Austin 850, One ere men eres! GUIDE REALTY LTD; REALTORS |. stueraraciney! ee (erage arcana 19 CASH and CARRY MANSIONS Saw STREET, T ] | od caoremints and one 1 "hadi 1961 | i956 BUICK -- Super, Riviera hardtop. eld Mc Page bo PRICES aned hieieikanniog oe partly io 6 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-1121 room apartment, Monthly in- LAURENTIAN SEDAN ----- |power steering, dynafio, transmission,| pholstery and white top, 110 Park Rd. :N., [sete eee Come $945.00. Her water el | Rodi, =--, Automatic. "Very [Fale meny Saws On oro OS] Vb snaina, sutematie. wee | MCCULLOUGHT'S ELGK STREET FAST, 23 -- Single Announces heoting, Coloured fixtures in Sasi BGNTIAD Laweias, eh aar,| [-, Whitowelle,, ots: Truly, © Oshawa ane ginsiownrpote nr 4 bath, refrigerators, stoves, 1959 CH EVROLET |6 cylinder, automatic, power steering, beautiful cor, BU | LDING washers and dryers included. power brakes. $1,895. 'Telephone |p. 723-7614. i 725-8132. NOW LEASING [ster emer scnamities| OPEN HOUSE-789 JASMINE CRES. | sete'ca uta | et toromiion -- nats ESTE ar i $799) SUPPLIES absta only, elep! ne | shan i] ~ or - 725-1 i . , ELECTRICALLY HEATED | 16-45%. ont (BEAU VALLEY) 5123. 1959 CHEVROLET ti, ARE ER Sas CHE 1270 SIMCOE ST. N. . |1987 MERCURY 14 ton, 6 cylinder, 4 ft. i APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVELY | LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) | CONVERTIBLE -- Radio -- high plywood, box, Good! cond ion, geod) 1956 PLYMOUTH Wee FOR INFORMATION | FURNISHED ROOMS OPEN THIS WEEK LIMITED Automatic 'Clean and Sharp' | 668-5076. PHONE DAYTIME 723-2268 ou FONTIAG GEN AT Garvan cm | SEDAN Tu-tone block and "Db Onrr FTER 5 . Available in private home. 101 Simcoe Street North 1959 PONTIAC kine, | flow Shit radio, whitewalls,| turquoise, six cylinder engine, SPECIALS Call between 5 and 7 p.m. Oshawe, Ontario el MN ae Se autemetis transmission, 6te, VARIOUS MAKES Henry a 725. 0243 | Henny Sion 7280203 | 82 PARK RO. FROM FRIDAY - 2 P.M, | --sovserrevme ~ | Hain kas aca ee 8545 | DRYERS Ce Hal eee NORTE : a Saas ee i cFeeters | _ Directions: East on Rossland, North on Oshawa 1959 CHEVROLET iaeces anes. 8000 Gneras' belenoe' 4140s spn ag ROE 620) | ~ PONTIAC INN | Blvd. to Open House METCALF GEGAN--Resic ~~ Stotderd |Seial apie aae's Se tone RE-CONDITIONED aip one Rooms, Single and Double | ee Real Estate Limited Transmission. | TILDEN 1956 CHEVROLET $75 up EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Television, Dining Room | tone black ond | SEMI-AUTOMATIC SCHOFIELD-AKER j Lunches Packed. O p E N We E pgs i slices ape CAR AND TRUCK sli rio and vaitewatl, $65 up LIMITED | 725-0078 EC GIBBON STREET WAGON. | Standard | Trans- RENTALS ompletely reconditioned. FULLY-AUTOMATIC ission. "The Cle 3s! 2 bedroom brick bungelow Ptrient ' pai Sead (All Makes aad Models) $545 $85 up WHITBY CLASSIFIED | GREENWOOD HEIGHTS breceeway-and stusted cn's | 1957 CHEVROLET ary on oe re large londaceP et wore only 6 | SEDAN--Radio--Automatic. ~~ SPOT CASH 1955 BUICK SEDAN PEDZIKOWSKI THIS WEEKEND yeors old. This home features PAID F SERVICE and SALES ee meters taree-reom CENTRE South, ¢07, Aparement c. . eree creepy large a 1958 CHEVROLET ae OR FOUR peek. a 70 -- Ave. tor. room apartment . pri- chen, lorge living room wt 5 od clean cars, Trade ui two tone réd an ck fin- esarea os eet a i da gala oe al se - " 1:30 TO 8:00 P.M. DAILY conohad nity FO Shays piri or down. Liens paid off, g ay radio, int aeunen, Call Sieshetick john Street West. Fon RENT: Large furnished room Tor N. H. ; with bar, for inspection of DODD MOTOR SALES Ce ee | 986-4342 ae ie caainined arrose |S poard optional. Telephone | A. Homes Built By A. R. Jeffery Cons. this home call for oppoint- | TRANSPORTATION 314 PARS RD, SOUTH $545 --$EMICANNUAL ener. Reason. |; ET ment. _ Sis rect. "Aguile only. [tt pare een bain, inant 2 Homes ready for FRENCH STREET SPECIALS BUYING OR SELLING CLEARANCE |i "Telephone TV'S AND STEREOS Many Other TRNOUNGING New Bina Sewing Bo le at he ce 2 ar | Immediate Occupancy! For $12,500 you can be the 1951 CHEVROLET TED CAMPIN Te a ates. waar eaeaeed.|TOS, RENT -- Tusonreom, waters $ . owner of this 7 room brick SEDAN $49.00 DISCONTINUED LINES, Ba entrance." Telephone G-S776, | 11,595.00 with $595.00 Down home with finished recreation ¢ MOTORS ; FLOOR DEMONSTRATORS, ' ? Goold! a } / ' room, this home is in spot- Fine Buys SLIGHTLY MARKED CABINETS PTIC tanks cleaned. Waller Ward,| you" Goold a rush 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA -- Weptene " ah boreal Maen ine. 1959 BEDFORD VAN) "Gust East of Wilson Rood) From ALL BEING CLEARED AT ey [FOR RENT: Three room sell-contaln-| $11 295.00 with $700.00 Down Very central. $399.00 BEA en Ma A. 6 td covereD BY NEW WARRANTY Whitby's soy Mr" says" arek el : BELLA VISTA GARDENS YOR Oe Fone Your FORD Dealer | ~ ANo OUR EXCLUSIVE ONE Only Fuel Dealer --|Soun. init, "ov-sor FOR AN HONEST DEAL JAKE & BILL'S YEAR FREE SERVICE conyna'A orpe Beige Sh «gq 3 BEDROOM DETACHED fe ee te =e "ones ARACE, | euectroHome ine o ® specialty. Mrs. Toms. 8-2372. about April first and with ) and CLAIRTONE ewspri r in co ta bles AUTO E fe nese Gtroremee scrsx BRICK BUNGALOWS ipsam pratign | TED CAMPIN | .s'Rison nats: Oshevo | SEAWAY RGA, NIGTOR becuse brikettes and. chor [Ree Besettne Saas more "With the new 1963 Holanda Kitchens" ones 8 ones ES ee MOTORS 728-0921 ibitpicsiis coal, carmel coal, stoker per roll on King St. E. open Satur- S coals; hardwood and softwood ant watios Dae te alsa Direction: Ritson Rd. S. to Wolfe St. then left doy from 1.00 P.M. till 5 hei "FARPRIII sia @} slabs; Semet-Salvay -Coke; | mt ° eaers| 2 blocks-to mode! hemes. P.M. at Bella Vista Gordens. 607 KING ST. EAST 1959 CADILLAC MOT R LTD. _ PARKWAY Fuel ond Stove Oils. | specials, 85; Men's| COUPE DE VILLE cA Texaco Fuel and Stove Oils. ere Mbarkas, 98.58: EXCLUSIVE AGENT OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE OSHAWA Golden Brown. Fully equipped. | 200 DUNDAS WEST Television SAWDONS! __Sicrcsntie "Dep Store, "108 Brock Dial 728-4678 Just East of Wilson Rood 2900 918 SIMCOE N. (WHITBY) LIMITED ee reer enw claviiiea was "Fors la LLOYD METCALF Real Estate Ltd. | je es 723-4494 phir WHITBY 723-3043 at ae atts." home. car, furniture, almost eartins| 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 | Kan Hank Lloyd Metcalf Residence 725-5574 601 Ke 2344 EAST Telephone 668-5893 you need see the Want Ada De & (Continued on Page, 16)

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