Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Feb 1963, p. 14

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' i -- Leopards 18; TS 14, Elephants 12, Monkeys 8, Panthers 7 and Rhinos 7 BROWN'S. LUMBER & SUPPLIES | "DO-IT-YOURSELF HEADQUARTERS" NEW HOMES & - amsvraniatantar th <fgehanenlad sc ath ay Team Standing -- Karse Carswell 24, are Soci' ey. Cee ee -- j McKinley 20, Irene Hele 17, Fred S 7 16, Belle Fox 15 and Nick Nichols 10, | Tia", 046 2 . high triple é % OSHAWA BOWLING NEW : i PUAES SAREE OL Bie, Bryant. 69. (ose, ri hod . 196. Team Standings -- Wigglers 18, Bilis) 223, Dave The points follows: Nu 3 fi i : JA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, February 7, 1963 i REE : | i i F il i | i z 8 I z i ep rH ed 'i F) 2 E arke [ a g i k ge : ig rf "s Hy M%, Tenners 17, Howlers 14, Hucksters| Bert Randle 14, Beavers 14, Anythings 13, Jokers 18, M Castors 18, Hubbabbs 11, Easy Aces 10, ag es vigeye 9, Tom Toms 7, Fleas Hl 8 5 a 3 e828 eng 2 i : g H i A | i "MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUE 222) followed by Nancy McKay with 750 BE be) i - if lf ge Bob Carswell followed with 643 (232, 240) heading Bud Ellegett 643 (237, 216),| High -- Len '6 who| Joanne McKay 616 (220, 209), Bob Both- Irene Campbell 425 (213, lqualified woll 614 (24, 217), Belle Fox 610 (259) Bertha Sutherland 415 (203, Dat and Ron Hele 600 (241, 251). Tonkin 410 (215), Rose Stovin Singles -- Karse Carswell Ll Porter 248, Frank Grant 235, 212, Lenore Robbins J : E fi pf pf ; : E i i : 2 a2 - i 2 i fl i fab $= ae j : 3 B ) I 37 j uf s& a) fe é ; age i 8 BUILDING MATERIALS 725-4704 436 RITSON N. (Where Pevement Ends) E i #3 [i ra i a li a Hy § z «8 ze pes } LY : E 4 Louis Inge} Dorothy Points Taken Lity Rae Ci ag Irene Hele's 2, Fred Porter 4, Ey. Bill 207, Clough 5, Stew McKinley 6, Nick'234), Madeline Morrison 666 (248, 216,1Blyth 204 and Joyee i F girls were having foul!959 and 219, 201 respectively. Last, but |0. Ss NVN SS , , 7 w N\A '4 'i atch it ae we can't lnot least is Scotty Vann with 600 (220), . ' \ . . SESE pq Attention an skiers! | CANADA'S GREATEST TIRE VALUES! Don't Miss This... . with ? have 7 each: Burrows and Hickey have 5 each; Watts are trailing with 3; Korkush is last with 3. sea potty Bagh at 3 Starting Feb. 8 -- 4 p.m. Wrube! 5 Hi i e Sukaliey xe Ber Weemene. 210, Pen 20% t 40% OFF nette Burrows 206, Fred eres ae (@] re ] (@] Temon Leaguers -- Cecitle Collette ON NATIONALLY ADVERTISED Basi 8, Jon nat 0, Be SKI EQUIPMENT ! ! Dede Lame 91, 86. What's happening, NEIGHBORHOOD LADIES President Helen Anderson led the s ere ae ree ene ot | ® BOOTS--La Dolomite ome Ba Hall 46 (216, 343). @ LADIES' and MEN'S @ 4 Manila 604 (213, 208). '. © POLES ¢ Ski Top Carriers | Reg Be nee ety +74 Sum tether aes we! § Everything MUST GO!! won tthe 0 Cab thr wee bat | 151 KING ST. E. OSHAWA Mieke Howard 204 and Daa 4. hanyi 88, 88, 90, Jean Bialek 58, Kids? No lemons next week. We need s o = ¢ SKIS--Laminated Imports $27). Other triples were: Ellen Burrus Yvonne . J A » Eve Clark 61 (20, 225), Molly DePratto 611 (27,/ @ Dolly Swanger 610 (257) and Kay Pearce 254, A t ! Ski Sh Dp mammaire 'Millie Bilida had a nice 756 (233, 251, LUCKY DRAW | We 77Ne 2 NEW ... (Not Retreads) fay pga ae CLASS NIGHT ee ee | AEST... (NOt Rene Friday! AS: pate \\ Bi» \MEEE FOR COMPACTS and STANDARD CARS We'll see N an ' ; Use the the very ver" Ya np a set Coupons. For Lateak 3 "Ds re 600/13 FREE a est eee <5 oe. | AIR 3 9, 600/14 Ceiling and FF y mm" : ! 620/14 INSTALLATION ane SS. (14s | : B 670/16 | With cLass! could win , 'oh : Vee 160/14 "A" TRADE | fae h a s : \ 400/8* | not more than a. the $25.00 f é . : *Trailer Tire | two-thirds worn A> Lucky | 4 y Y¥ Lee \\\3 ag AND MANY eae oe Draw !" fg oe ao [ eg OTHERS Add $1.10 For Tubeless REC RO ™M | = NS W555; FOR BIG CARS 4q CLASSES | [ie 32\\ eRe: Pisa THIS WEEK: iN ) Gq Ls pif FREE How to Apply Ceiling & Wall Tile | & is 800/14 INSTALLATION There is @ right way and « wrong way to do almost everything. At this class you'll x J 50/14 j ONLY o WITH GLASS > see how to eliminate the "wrong way" in applying ceiling and wall tile, Experienced, trained factory representatives along with our own very capable staff will shew you : OAS ee <a ¢ AND MANY | 9 ot inp . sy GUARANTEED, (Gms orvers L. tie on | \\ just how to apply ceiling and wall tile the "right way" .. . and you'll be surprised and Road Hazard ¢|iES Add $1.30 For Tubeless : how simple it is to go about both tasks. Visit our class this Friday . . . it's our lest one . . . if you have missed the previous classes we'll be only too pleased to help you with 27 laormation. Both Mr. and Mrs. are most welcomed. You could win @ veluable $25.00 gift certificate too! THIS FRIDAY, FEB. 8th--8 P.M. SHARP YOU COULD BE THE WINNER! iver cuss wont. A 25.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE WINNERS of LUCKY DRAWS Ist Closs--Miss Debbie Zwicker, 421 Stevenson Rd. N., Oshewe 2nd Cless--Mr. Ron Gambell,' 601 Resmere" Gahent 3rd. & Last Class . . . To be drawn this Fridey, you could be thet winner if you're ot our Ree Reom cless this Friday. Build Your Rec Room Now... No Down Payment... No Payments Till May '63 MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 1279 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6291 Open Doily 7 a.m. till 6 p.m.--Fri. till 9 P.M. So ee OSHAWA Fred A. Smith Co. Ltd. 115 Simcoe St. 728-6272 PORT PERRY TILL 9 P.M. QUEEN ST. 985-2824

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