Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Feb 1963, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Manager: Rae Hopkins Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 BIG SISTER CELEBRATES HER FOURTH BIRTHDAY Teresa Marie, at left is cele- brating her fourth birthday today. Helping their big sister celebrate her birthday are Wayne Michael, who is one year old and Lisa Jane who is now two-and-a-half. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacDonald, Cedar street. Their grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Barry, of Chatham and Mr. and Mrs, John MacDonald, of Whitby. --tIreland Studio Photo BOY LOSES EYE Cowboy Acquitted Of Criminal Negligence A charge of criminal negli- gence causing actual bodily harm against an East Whitby cowboy was dismissed by Mag- istrate C, W. Guest Tuesday. Lawrence Baker, 20, 35 Bar- clay road, Toronto, had elected trial by the magistrate and pleaded not guilty. "Court was told Alexander La- Salle, 12, son of the owner of Little Buckaroo ranch in East where Baker worked, had his eye taken out Dec. 3, a after he was by at a doctor de- scribed as "a small blunt object that had travelled at high velocity". Baker said he, Alexander, Ken LaSalle, 15, amd another boy were in the ranch barn the night of Nov, 29 when the accident oc! . He said he and the elder La- Salle boy were using German air rifles, owned by the boy's father to shoot at rats in the house when he turned around to look for Alexander. "The gun went off, and Alex screamed," he told the court. Alexander said Baker had said something just before the gun discharged hitting him in the eye. He said he couldn't re- member what had been said. Baker said before he and Ken returned to the house, all the boys had played in the barn shooting grain at each other. He said Alexander used a Dr. S. H. Witzel, an Osnawa eye surgeon, told the court Alex- ander was taken to Oshawa General Hospital after the imci- dent where later, his eye was removed. He said a hemorrhage set in Dec. 2 indicating the boy had no sight left in the eye and it was taken out Dec. 3. : Magistrate Guest dismissed the charge because of a direct conflict of testimony. He ad- vised Alexander's father to 2 spreader, and the other , Alexander's friend ha gone home on his bicycle. In direct testimony Baker stated he had eight pellets when he first came out to the barn. He said he gave two to Ken, shot two imto the air and two into the hayloft. Under cross-examination by Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck, he admitted this only made six and said he must have counted wrong. : He denied saying anything barn when the other boys came in. Baker testified he had used up all his cartridges and he and Ken were on the way to the when he turned around to look jat Alexander as the gun went off, and said he was positive nothing was in the gun at that time. make sure the guns are locked| 'up to insure no further acci- dents occur because of them. SMOKIES BEATEN WINNIPEG (CP)--Winnipeg Maroons, nomads of Canadian senior hockey, upset the world hockey championship - bound Trail Smoke Eaters 5-2 before about 7,000 fans Tuesday night. The loss was Smoke Eaters' Fired Blank Sentence Is Merchants Ask Brighter Business Area A brighter business section for Whitby was advocated by the Retail Merchants Section of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce this week. In a letter received by Town Council a request was made that: "The cost of purchasing and installing new fluorescent light- ing in the downtown section of Whitby be included in your bud- get for 1963. "Samples of these lights were installed on Brock street north and south in the latter part of 1962 and definitely improved the lighting of this part of the busi. ness section." Councillor Desmond Newman, chairman of the protection to persons and property committee said that recommendations as to street lighting would be made to council by his committee. He proposed, and Councillor Paul Coath seconded, a motion that the letter be forwarded to his committee. MANY ORGANIZED TOKYO (AP) -- A total of 8,790,000 persons, or 36 per cent of Japan's work force, are members of labor unicis, the labor ministry reports, This is six per cent higher than in 1962. Whitby's Victorian Order of Nurses branch members, board of management mem- bers and interested town citi- zens Tuesday afternocn at- tended the 49th annual VON branch meeting. Nurse Ruth MANY CITIZENS SHOW INTEREST IN VON BRANCH Bowring, left, is shown greet- ing Mrs. W. J. Hare, branch president, Mrs. D. A. Wilson, branch vice - president and | Mrs, T. Sloan, branch treas- urer, at Tuesday's annual gathering. --Oshawa Times Photo Town Council Monday night moved to aid other Ontario municipalities in their quest to prevent pollution of provincial fresh waters by the use of mineral-based detergents for washing purposes. Council voted this week to endorse a Wentworth County Council resolution calling on the Ontario Government to en- act legislation which will pro- hibit the use and sale of mineral- Suspended An Oshawa man was given two years suspended. sentence Tuesday after police testimony revealed he had threatened to kill a 17-year-old boy. Oshawa Police Det. Sgt. John Powell told the court Karl Piotrowski, of 23 Gibb street, who pleaded guilty to threaten- Ing had fired a blank shot at the boy from a passing car one day. Sgt. Powell said Piotrowski wanted the boy to resume relationship with him after the \boy had declared his intention to stay away from the man. Magistrate C. W. Guest urg- ed Piotrowski to take psychia- tric treatment while he is on suspended sentence. A further charge against the man, of indecent assault against a male was withdrawn by the crown attorney, Couple Marks second in four games on a pre- tournament, cross-Canada_ tour. Trail meets the Ontario Hockey| Association Senior League Ti- gers Thursday night in Kitch- ener. MARRIED IN HART HOUSE CHAPEL In a recent ceremony in Hart House Chapel, University of Toronto, Geoffrey Norman George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman George, Whitby, took as his bride Antje Marie- Luise Schnabel, daugher of Mr. and Mrs, Carl denry Schnabel of Ashburn. BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:55 & 9:50 Complete Show 8:35 WHITBY Last SHELLY Adult CO-STARRING WINTERS Recommended es Entertainment ALSO -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "SECRET OF DEEP HARBOR" 'Starring -- RON FOSTER -- MERRY ANDERS Canada Builditg _ Award Total Cited TORONTO (CP) -- Canajian construction contract awaré in | January totalled $227,297300, |down $2,815,700 from Jantry last year, says Southam-Mic- Lean Building Reports. Figures by categories wer: Residential $75,914,600, up §, 846,500; business $63,3% 1800, down $25,212,900; industri $14,019,100, up $5,517,900; en | | 50th Anniversary A 50th wedding anniversary celebration was held Saturday, Jan. 26, for Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Puckrin at their home on Pick- ering Beach road. Mr. and Mrs. Puckrin have lived in this area since they were married in 1913, At that time Mr. Puckrin was operating a business with Fred Disney, on Dundas street west, where the Times office is now. They later moved to a farm on the Base Line where they lived until the farm was taken over by the government for Defence Indus- tries Limited. They have seven children, all of them in attendamce for the celebration Saturday: Tom of Whitby, John of Willowdale, Herb of Blackwater, Susan, RR 2 Whitby, Mary (Mrs. Beaulieu) and Florence (Mrs. Pettit) of RR 1 Whitby, and Lorna (Mrs. Mesher) of Whitby. Also 22 grandchildren were in attend- ance, ' They were presented with two easy chairs by their children, a rug and two cushions by the neighbors, and many other love- ly gifts, including seven floral arrangements, to honor Mr, and Mrs. Puckrin on this special oc- casion. 7 Some 125 guests called during the afternoon and evening from Ajax, Pickering, Whitby, Osh- awa, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Audley, Brooklin, Port Perry, Little Britain, Blackwater and a niece, Mrs. Keith Ritchie, came from Douglas. Congratulations were re- ceived from Prime Minister Diefenbaker, Premier Robarts and Labor Minister Michael Starr and John Yaremko, pro- vincial secretary, who sent a framed certificate of congratu- lations. Ajax Man Gets 18 Months For Contributing What Magistrate C. W. Guest neering $73,493,100, up $12,03: 800 The Ontario figure wo: #110) 240,000, down $3,603,700. BACKWARD FOLK The small African nation of Togo is inhabited by both so- } phisticated and primitive tribes- called "one of the most despic- able crimes" ever to appear in Whitby Court netted an Ajax an 18 months in jail Tuesday. Kenneth Edward Kerr, a ga- age owner, had pleaded not iqilty to a charge of contribut- announced Tuesday. based detergents in the prov- |ince. The Wentworth County reso- lution further called upon the provincial government and the Ontario Water Resources Com- mission to inform the citizens of Ontario of the seriousness of detergent pollution im Ontario waters, without further delay. Wentworth County Council |pointed out it is alarmed about the detergent pollution because: The basic cause of this pollu- tion arises from the fact that most detergents marketed in the province have a mineral !base (phosphorous) which can- uri not be broken down and fied by natural or artificial purification methods. Pollution from mineral-based detergents does not dissipate but rather has a cumulative effect causing such serious problems as the algae build-up in many lakes and other inland Town Council Moves To Prevent Pollution waters with its consequent. ill effects. Other jurisdictions, such as Germany, have solved the de- tergent. pollution problem by prohibiting the use of mineral- based detergents. Detergents can be produced with equivalent cleansing prop- erties by using an organic base instead of a mineral base, as has been done in Germany and in some parts of the United States, the resolution pointed out. Deputy-reeve George Brooks said the facts outlined the mo- tion had been confirmed by people who knew the problem. He added that the County of Ontario was also in favor of the motion and that there was not much else that council could do other tham endorsing it. Councillor Desmond Newman said he understood the deter- gent manufacturers were try- ing to develop new kinds of products which did not cause algae growth. He stated, "We being." ed out that a recommendation would only be made by council and the legislature would act upon it if they so wished. The mayor said that water pollution was a problem and that a fan- cannot force an industry out of Mayor Stanley Martin point- GENERAL ELECTRIC |] Family Monet ©) STAFFORD BROS. | ROS, LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Created To Individual Requirements SALES & SERVICE Serving Whitby, Oshawa and surrounding area. @ FREE PICK-UP @ FREE DELIVERY (Whitby) Ltd, PHONE 668-2081 Mayor Martin told -council the water intake for the town was quite close to the outlet at | the harbor mouth. | "The government is dodging away from the ssue," Reeve Everett Quantrill said, 'we are doing no harm in building up a body of protests to let industry know of the danger. | Councillor George Bevan sup- ported tndorsation of the mo- tion and said that West Ger- many means to ban these deter- gents by 1965. :Mayor Martin echoed Reeve Quantrill's words when he said the government appeared to be stalling on the issue. He said, 'In spite of my great love for the present govemment, I feel it could have done some- thing about this just as it could have handled the fluoride ques- tion differently," A motion that the Wentworth County motion be endorsed was proposed and seconded by Deputy-reeve Brooks and Coun- cillor Bevan, The motion was adopted. FREE and guaranteed troub! le-free all winter, if uu purchase "White oil from Western tastic amount of detergent was carried into Lake Ontario from Toronto alone. Rose" unified fuel Oil Co. DIAL 725-1212 Have your furnace cleaned free | ARNOLD'S 115 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY Just North of the Four Corners OPEN THURS. 'TIL 8 -- FRI. 'TIL 9 -- WED, 'TIL 6 P.M. ALL MEATS FRESH CUT FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECTED PLANTS SIRLOIN WING T-BONE Steaks 75i Choice Rib STEAKS lb. 69¢ Rump ROAST Beef Ib. 79c [ROAST BEEF tb. 68c FRESH HAMBURG STEAK 3 ibs. WHITBY PERSONALS _ Mrs. A. Ashton, Athol street, is opening her home this even- ing to the members of Co-op Guild for their monthly/meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Fitzgerald and their son, Eddy, spent last weekend in Westport visiting Mrs, Fitzgerald's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Muldoon. On Sunday a family dinner was arranged for Carlyn's birthday with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs, H. Palmer and uncles Bob and Bill. Palmer of Whitby attending. Impaired Driver Fined $50, Costs A reduced charge of im- paired driving from one of drunk driving against a Reach Township man eamed him a $50 and costs fine or 10 days Tuesday. Magistrate C. W. Guest gave Ronald Cliff two weeks to pay the fine, after he pleaded not guilty to the original charge. Two police officers said Cliff was observed driving near Man- chester, Jan. 27, and veering his car over the centre line several times. They said when stopped, he smelled of alcohol, staggered slightly and had red-rimmed) eyes, | Both OPP officers said the| man was "in no condition to| drive a vehicle." | Defense counsel Terrence V.| Kelly said these. statements Substantiated the reduced charge of impaired. ESKS SIGN COACH EDMONTON (CP) -- Len Younce, line coach with Sas- katchewan Roughriders for the last three years, has been signed as an assistant coach by Edmonton Eskimos, the West- ern Football Conference club Younce, who played his college football at Oreson State and then joined New York Giants of the Na- tional League, came to Sas- katchewan in 1960. His term there ended when Bob Shaw, former end with the WFC Cal- gary Stampeders, was ap- pointed head coach of the Roughriders succeeding Steve kg to juvenile delinquency in- |®iving a 13-year-old girl. Owen, Town Council W. C., Benevolent Rebekah Lodge held a most successful euchre last Friday evening in the IOOF Hall. The winners were: Door prize, Mrs. Al Foster, euchre prizes Mrs, Sadie Kelly, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Ida Simpson, Mrs. Lottie Plaskitt, Mr, Howard and Mrs. Smith. Lunch was served by Mrs. Greta Campbell and Mrs. Wanda Tizzard who will be in charge of the forthcoming euchre Friday, Feb. 8, at the IOOF Hall at 8 p.m. | Carlyn, daughter of Mr. and/ Mrs, Fred Courtney celebrated DECORATING For FREE Advice and Color Schemes in your Home or in our Modern Store. Cell... For Day or Evening Appointments DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Days PH. 668-5862 Evenings PH. 668-5066 Your Friendly C-I-L Dealer FRESH WIENERS FRESH BRAISING RIBS 1.00 SLICED RINDLESS f Breakfast BACON lb. 59c BONELESS CORNED BEEF 99: FRESH BUTT PORK CHOPS LEAN STEWING BEEF MINCED SHOULDER STEAK SLICED MAC & CHEESE LOAF DUTCH LOAF CHICKEN LOAF PORK ROAST her seventh birthday Saturday. For the occasion a party was arranged with the following guests: Avril Pascoe, Gail Bin- der, Caroline Stubbins, Doreen Short, Norman Bouffard, Jessie Connors, Gary Spencer, Doro- thy Boucher, Carlyn's sister Valli and brother Shawn. Mrs. Courtney was assisted by her daughter Valli in serving. Whitby Lions Club is holding its annual "Valentine Dance" at Club Bayview Friday, Feb. 8. Chairman of the dance is John Townsend, and co-chairman is Lou Sherlock. There will be a door prize, spot dance prizes} and lucky draws. A buffet lunch} will be served and refreshments will be available. Ambulance Grant Request To Get Further Study The future of an ambulance service for Whitby is still under | debate. At the Jan. 23 meeting of Town Fu- jneral Chapel, operators of the jonly ambulance service in the jdistrict, asked council for a $5,000 subsidy in default of which the, "service would be |curtailed in some degree". | The finance committee which |deals with the problem reported jat this week's council meeting |that, John Town appeared be- fore the committee in connection with a request for a subsidy for the ambulance service. "Your committee recom- mends that this matter be given further study and be referred to \the County Health Unit for fur- ther consideration". Reeve Everett Quantrill asked why the Health Unit was in- volved with the matter. Coun- cillor Paul Coath, chairman of the committee; answered that the Municipal Act gave power of subsidy in these cases to the county authority. BIG 32-OZ. POLY BOTTLE TO CLEAR -- ONLY 19° ENAMELLED, CHROME TOP, 4-PC, ~ Cannister Sets REG. 8.95-- CLEARING AT 3.97 ' $ ALL GIFT WARE ITEMS _Y% PRICE 20% OFF All Hockey Sticks,: Sweaters, Pants, Shin Pads, Shoulder Pads, etc. « P Boys' Head Helmets, Swedish For a crystal clear aquarium Aquarium Pumps Fully enclosed in rubber for silent operation. ow" 6.49 TROPICAL FISH Specials !! NEON TETRAS, GREEN SWORDS, ZEBRAS ¢€ 3 rx 99 Hockey Specials BUDGIES Assorted colors, talking strain. CLEAROUT 2.97 RUBBER > Insulated Boots Perfect for the outdoorsman, full lace, steel arch supports. REG, 12.95 ONLY ; MEN'S > Reversible Coats Suitable for hunting or street- wear, Reg. 23.95 and 29.95. snow 16,97 19,97 > > 4 4 4 4 « 4 4 style. High impact poly. Now 2.97; 4.47; Senior size. Reg, 7.95 NOW 4 « ¢ } SHOT GUN SHELLS § REMINGTON & PETERS } 20% OFF PUUVUCUCCCC CUT. BOYS' Hockey Gloves All ee: armoured thumb. Reg. 5.95 2.97 ONLY Senior Gloves, all leather fibre fee 9.95, ONLY 6.97 4 ore 103 BYRON RTSMAN' CORNER ST. S. WHITBY

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