2 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 6, 1963 GOOD EVENING -- By JACK GEARIN Captain Bad SIU ALDERMAN AVOIDS "CONFLICT" CLAUSE Alderman Thomas Rundle has resigned as a member of thie three-man Oshawa Harbor Commission to avoid "any possible 'Conflict of Interest'? which might arise as a re- sult of his work with the two bodies -- Council and the OHC. » Mr. Rundle finished fourth with an impressive total of 7987 votes in Oshawa's aldermanic race last December, his first time out as a candidate for public office. "Mr. Rundle, in making his retirement announcement this week, said that he will still be able 'to do the Commission's Iégal_ work. {. The retirement decision was a big one for Mr. Rundle to njake as he has played an important role in the organization of the Commission preceding and following its establishment Pon 1961. The other two commissioners are Chairman Jackson and Fred Malloy, City Council appointee to the Federal group which operates under supervision of the De- partment of Transport, << Mr, Rundle, a member of the City's Finance committee, ig the only lawyer on Council, NOW IS THE TIME TO THINK OF SUCH MATTERS ' FEDERAL ELECTION NOTES: » Here's hoping that Harry W. Jermyn, Federal election re- thrning officer for Ontario riding, has his machine well-oiled in this upcoming campaign and that there will be no such confusion as existed in the final vote result last June, 'The final result was clear- ly established by 11 p.m. -- when Mr, Jermyn closed his By ROBERT RICE OTTAWA (CP)--Captain John Misenes Tuesday gave the Sea- farers' International Union of Canada a clean bill of health-- then tore it up by admittin; that shipowners on the Grea Lakes are terrified by irrespon- sible and illegal tactics of the union. The 42-year-old marine super- intendent of Scott Misener Steamships of Port Colborne dramatically reversed his testi- mony about the SIU unde cross - examination before the federal labor inquiry, The handsome mariner, whose father heads the $25,000,000 fam- ily firm that ranks fourth among the Canadian lake car- riers» was the second shipping official to appear as a witness before Mr. Justice T. G. Nor- Ontario Vote 'Delay Seen By MacDonald TORONTO (CP)--The defeat of the Diefenbaker government Relates Tactics ris's investigation of labor strife and shipping disruptions. Commission counsel Charles Dubin asked the witne ss whether the Misener firm had experienced "'bullying tactics, unfair strikes, illegalities and improper pressures'? in recent years. / | *No sir," said the witness, who under oath, described the SIU as a responsible union. "©aptain Misener,"' said Mr, Dubin, "are you serious?" "T think I am, sir," the wit- ess replied, somewhat startled. Yes, I know I am, sir." Then Mr, Dubin began to re- count incidents of wildcat work stoppages that hit various ship- ping ines, as SIU crews walked off their ships for "prayer meetings" to gain SIU demands. The lawyer showed that some of Canada's top shipowners feared union reprisals if they testified before the Canada La- bor Relations Board in 1961 on SIU. recruiting methods. He built up a picture of keenly competing shipowners protest- ing and pleading for govern- ment action against the SIU, then making peace with the un- jion and its president, Hal C. 'Banks, sri ain ceranilmetae debtedness for the years 1954 to 1960 In subsequent evidence to the committee, Finance Minister Nowlan said the law says tex files are secret and they should not be turned over. Dr. Maurice Oltivier, chief parliamentary law counsel, said in his opinion the 1951 act. that gives the auditor-general access to all government documents takes precedence over the se crecy provision in the Income Tax Act, Revenue Files | Finally Given To Auditor OTTAWA (CP)----The revenue department has finally turned over the tax files that Auditor- General M a x we11 Henderson wanted to see. This was revealed in a report of the Commons public accounts), The taxpayers have never committee, tabled in the House|been identified, though Mr. Tuesday by committee Chair-|Nowlan has said some of the man Alan Macnaughton (L--|cases of withholding mo 1o Montreal Mount Royal), meet tax debts involved s. In his annual report a few weeks ago, Mr, Henderson com- Plained that he was denie* 2c. cess to three taxpayers' files in December, 1961, on the instruc- tions of then revenue minister Nowlan. Mr. Henderson said he wanted the files because money owing the three persons had been withheld by the federal treasury board to reduce their tax in- GENTLEMAN HOUND' VANCOUVER (CP) -- Sim- bia, a large Alsatian dog, was freed the court here despite' admission by its owners that it had bitten a man during a land- lord - tenant argument. Magi- strate Lews Bewley said the dog had acted like a gentleman and merely made a holding bite on the man's leg. COMING EVENTS BINGO, Bathe Park, Eulalie Avenue, BINGO y, 2 p.m, Euchre, Saturday, 8) Union Hall, Bond Street -- - TURKEY SUPPER | 'Wedrccayr tober Albert St. United Church: | 7:30 P.M. 20 Games -- $8 and $10 SATURDAY, FEB. 9 | 4:30 to 7:30 P.M. Adults $1.50 Children 75 N.U.P.S.E. 728-5276 Ladies Auxiliary No. 1 CANADIAN corp. | Rummage SALE --------____--__--_ ASSOC. : ; ee wooo da paetan Gane" eee: wa RI., FEB. 8th, 1:30 p.m, ber of Parliament for Kinders-|!ature from 1920 to 1934. ' | STEELWORKER'S HALL ley in the House of Commons One of his five children wes) LADIES AUXILIARY | NOVEL BINGO sisag 100M Che 'aunolaian of aes during the Second World) NOVEL BINGO ; D ANCE THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 FRIDAY, FEB, 8th Frank L, Bastedo, he was born ot ST, GEORGE'S HALL GOOD FOOD PIPING PRACTICE festival in Toronto Feb, 9-28, The festival, billed as the world's largest annual music competition, will feature more headquarters -- but several polls still remained to be heard from and the clean-up was not completed by the following noon. "Gome of Mr. Jermyn's DRO's phoned their final tabulations in to the Party headquarters instead of to him. Now is the time to think 'of such matters, not the day following the next Federal election. CITES THREATS raises the prospect that a pro-| The lawver aad it made 6 vincial election in Ontario could|,, ; | be delayed until later this year,| Tather terrifying picture" --| Donald C. MacDonald, Ontario| With shipowners threatened by -liHegal strikes, fearful of uni leader of the New Democrat Ral strikes, TOArt union Party, pia di hechpaatedialudine retaliation, subject to sudden He said in an interview Tune Seer vines heal bet tit ber day night much will depend on|yr Dubin, was "all because of how quickly a federal election irresponsible 'and illegal ac- ie possible tions" by the SIU against ship- "Tf it was left until the latter) venny sis ere , ' part of April. . . it raises the 'an Bo ad admitted Cap- vd sener. Prospect that the provincial) He also testified that the election wouldn't come until!,,; : ' " Misener line signec its latest later, perhaps in the fall,"') Mr. Rareement with the SlU--which Share-The-Wealth 6---$40 Jackpots Marianne Marustic of Toron- onto's McGregor School rhythm band concentrates dur- ° ing practice session for the 20th annual Kiwanis music --neeperneeegeenareieenanenensneeinens New Lieutenant Governors Named By PM than 25,000 vocalists and mu- sicians from communities in Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba. --(CP Wirephoto) in Southampton, Ont,, and at- tended Wetmore Hall Law me th sie School in Regina, He established HARRY W, JERMYN MacDonald said. FISHER LAUDS "WHITE COLLAR" TYPES "Tt used to be the Drys and Wets that opposed each 'other in our Party ranks -- now it is the Trade Unionists and the old dyed-in-the-wool CCFers. If you need a stronger organization -- and you must need it, if the NDP is to gain power -- you need 'white collar' types: The way they can bind diverse groups together is outstanding. They are also good workers at election time when the chips are down and smuch campaign work is needed. They have helped me tremendously. They can also help you." DOUGLAS FISHER, MP, PORT ARTHUR, at the Osh- awa Area, UAW Education Institute banquet, VAW Hall fast Saturday. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME STARTS APRIL 2 Two Oshawa builders -- Jess Hahn and his son, Bob -- were introduced to Premier Joseph Smallwood of Newfound- land at the recently-concluded annual convention of the Na- tional Homebuilders' Association in Halifax, N.S. The Habns are native Newfoundlanders, Herman Kassinger also attended. . . . Mayor Lyman Gifford paid tribute Monday night in Council to the late Miss Gwen Roberts, secretary of the Oshawa Tennis Club, fatally injured in an auto accident last Saturday. His Worship's commentary was made follow- 'ing receipt of a letter from the club signed by Miss Roberts. ... Alderman Norman Down traditionally puts up a squawk each year when Council passes the Daylight Saving bylaw with some such comment as, 'The cows don't change their milking time, why should we change our municipal time ?" Mr. Down, a farmer, was noticeably silent Monday night when the measure passed again, DST this year starts at 12:01 a.m, Sunday, April 28, and continues through until 12:01 a.m., Sunday, October 27. NORMAN MILLMAN'S UNIQUE SERVICE Norman C. Millman _ still serves the cause of better Municipal Planning: for Oshawa quietly, efficiently since 1946 when he first joined the Planning Board. How many hours of dedicated service has he rendered the citizens, without remuneration, since that time? The « total would seem incredible to those unacquainted with the 'work of Mr. Millman, affectionately known to hundreds as "The Father of Oshawa's Town Planning." He displayed foresight and able leadership as chairman of the Board from 1947 to 1955, a period of rapid and orderly development of the City, He was chairman in 1951 when the City annexed approximately 10,415 acres of West Whitby Township, which deal tripled the City's acreage and brought along new growing-pain problems. Since that time he has : been one of the key architects of an official development plan to allow for the future orderly development of the City. Mr. Millman 'was retired by GM in 1950 after 30 years' : service during which he served in a number of official * capacities, including that of Products Service manager. He was awarded the Military Cross and the Air Force Cross as a pilot and flight-commander with the Royal Fly- : ing Corps in the First World War. : He was loaned by GM to the Federal government in the Second World War, first as a director of Automotive De- , sign and later as director-general of the Army Engineering * Branch of the Department of Munitions and Supply. There was a reminder of Mr, Millman's fine contribution + to the City's growth the other day when he turned up for a * dinner-meeting of the Oshawa C of C's Commercial Affairs committee. Although Premier Robarts has been noncommittal, there has been widespread specula- tion that a general election will be called in Ontario in the spring or early summer. However, a well-informed po-| litical source in Ottawa said a provincial election in Ontario, scheduled prior to the impend- ing federal election, is a strong possibility. The source, who is close to the Ontario Progressive Conservative party, said that such a step had been planned by Premier Robarts in the| event of a federal election. | | A minimum of 57 days is re-| |quired to organize a federal) election, but an Ontario election} can be called on about 30 days' notice. \ OTTAWA (OP)--Three new lieutenant - governors, al) law- yers, have been named for Newfoundland, Nova eh cut working hours but left pay rates untouched--after being as- sured it was similar to a con- tract signed by Canada Steam- ship Lines, Saskatchewan. ; a law practice in Kerrobert, Sask,, in 1915, and became mayor of the town six years later, He represented Kerrobert Breaktast, Lunch, Dinner BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH Hotel Lancaster _ He said there was no negotia- tion or bargaining before the contract was signed last June. It will expire May 31, 1964. Prime Minister Diefen! announced Tuesday night Fabian O'Dea will become li tenant - governor of Newfound land March 1, the same day tha' Henry P. MacKeen becomes lieutenant - governor of Noval Scotia and Robert L, Hanbidge becomes the viceregal repre- sentative in Saskatehewan, ker a INTEGRATE SCHOOLS NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters)-- Only one of Kenya's 28 Euro- pean primary schools still has its doors closed to non-white children. The government has recommended full integration but left ih to the individual school committee to decide, The colony's fot@mer exclusively Canadian Navy: will succeed Campbell L. MacPherson whose term expired Jan, 25 but was extended to Feb, 28. Mr. O'Dea, sean integra 44, a St. John's lawyer, was WEATHER FORECAST European secondary schools in January, educated at the University of fe qu ------|Toronto, Dalhousie and Oxford. He was Newfoundiand's Rhades| Scholar in 1939 and_ attended) Forecasts issued by the Tor-| onto weather office at 4:30 a.m, Synopsis: Colder weather moving into northwestern On- tario will continue southeast- ward into southern Ontario to- night. Amother disturbance expected to move eastward from the Prairies today to cross Ontario Thursday, bringing more snow to northern regions and a return to milder weather in southern Ontario. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake Huron, Western Lake Ontario, Windsor, London, Hamilton, Toronto: Becoming cloudy with a few showers. this nis ie as snowflurries tonight. Mainly cloudy Thursday, becoming milder during the afternoon. Winds becoming morth 20 to- night and easterly 15 Thursday. Eastern Lake Ontario, Geor- gian Bay, Algoma, Haliburion, Timagami regions, North Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste, Marie: Cloudy and colder tonight and Thursday with occasional snow beginning Thursday afternoon. Winds becoming north 20 to- night and east 15 Thursday. Cochrane, White River re- ing over again Thursday with snow by afternoon and continu- 'ing cold. Winds becoming north /20 this afternoon and east 15 to }25 Thursday. | Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Thursday 25 30 POLE TRIP HIS AIM | WELLINGTON, N.Z. (CP) | Walter Nash, veteran New Zea- : P.E.J. MP Given St. Kitchener . Wingham .. Hamilton .... Colder Tonight, Cloudy Thursday, evening. Cloudy and colder with) gions: Clearing tonight, cloud- Senate Position : OTTAWA (CP)--Appointment » of Dr. Orville H. Phillips, Pro- | gressive Conservative MP for Prince, P.E.I., to the Senate 'was announced Tuesday night * by Prime Minister Diefenbaker. land labor leader, may fulfil his ambition to visit the South Pole despite the fact that he's 80, The United States Navy offered him a trip to Antarctica but, says the leader of the opposition in Parliament, he is too busy this . . North Bay ; Oxi im tne ha cig i He 's married with four chil- dren, | LAWYER SINCE 1921 Nova Scotia's new lieutenant-| governor has practised law in| Halifax since 1921,. interrupting it to serve with the Canadian) Artillery in the First World War| and the Halifax Rifles in the | Second World War. He is 70.| The father of two children was born in Glace Bay, N.S. and got his education at St. Andrew's College in Toronto,| McGill University and Dal-| housie. He succeeds Maj.-Gen,) yE. C. Plow. | Mr. Hanbidge, 71, has been) Sudbury 15 Earlton .ssoscsees Kapuskasing «++. White River....+.s Moosonee ... eis Timmins Sault Ste. Marie... Mount Forest Observed Temperatures Low overnight, high Tuesday Dawson 47 teen . | THERE 1S A BETTER DEAL Regina for YOU in Winnipeg . AUTO INSURANCE Lakehead .. well over | five, vegte" pr iee'}) IN TROUBLE WITH YOUR We Are Now Authorized To Give You Quamediateo. Insurance And File Required FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY CERTIFICATES To Protect or Recover Your Driver's License IMMEDIATE COVERAGE Also available for UNDER-AGE DRIVERS Notice to Car Dealers FinanceCompanies and $ulesmen! We Ingre the Car IMMDIATELY - « « for fability, Collision and Comphensive. ;Sault Ste. M 1000 New Customers White River. laced thelr car Insurance with us Kapuskasing North Bay... oe ee in 1962. Why not investigate and seve money. Sudbury ... | SCHOFIELD-AKER | London Ottawa . Montreal ... Quebec .. Halifax Muskoka .. LIMITED Windsor 360 King West 723-2265 360 KING WEST MONTHLY PAYMENTS WAILABLE Call Us For Fast Sefce YOU ARE SAFER W' SCHOFIELD,KER LIMITED | ONE 723-2265 AFTER HOURS CA ' e@ Don Ellison 725-6687 @ Ralph Schofield 7 @ Paved Parking For @ GaPsborne 725-7294 76 Cars @ } 54 SIMCOE ROUND SIRLOIN year. He says he may find time) next year. HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS e¢ The appointment of the 39- ' year-old Alberton dentist was : the fourth Senate appointment > announced by the prime minis- * ter Tuesday. | The three others were former works minister Walker of Tor- « onto, defeated in the 1962 gen- ' eral election; Rheal Belisle of Sudbury, Ont., member of the Ontario legislature for Nickel ~ Belt; and Professor Paul Yuzyk of Winnipeg, professor of Slavic studies and history at the Uni- . versity of Manitoba. HOME RE - SALE SPECIALISTS CALL 728-5123 LLOYD REALTY (Oshowe) PERRY DAY OR NIGHT 723-3443} Realtor 101 Simcoe North | IS THE TIME To have that carpet or chesi- erfield cleaned professionally in Oshawo's Original Carpet fi) . where ff Cleaning Centre . . fully guaranteed satisfaction is assured, Phone 728-4681 RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST, NOW FRESH PORK END } LOIN FRESH PORK LEAN, MEATY BLADE SHORT CUT Ist 4) PRIME RIB ECONOMY--6 & 7 PRIME RIB BONELESS SHOULDER POT ROAST BONELESS ROLLED BRISKET 69: | lb 793; lb > 593) lb ¢ $ DEVON RINDLESS 693} Bacon 49: | FRESH PORK BUTT PEAMEALED sHoutver 493: COTTAGE ROLLS ST. NOR E GOLDEPW + S Ib Ib , FIRST, CH! 24 Pi C I 39 69 Cc b > Ib KILLED READY +3 Ib. av. ni Monster BINGO Thursda EXTRA BUSES - DOOR PRIZES oo May be doubled or tripled $210, IN JACKPOTS Door Prize $15 TO - NIGHT LIONS BINGO 8:00 P.M. JUBILEE PAVILION Saturday, Feb. 16, EXTRA BUSES mee FREE ADMISSION Attention All Members of Local 222 ! CIVIC ARENA COMMITTEE THE GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, 730pNC To Explain The Project A SCALE MODEL WILL BE ON VIEW LANTERN SLIDES WILL BE SHOWN . SIGNED: THE EXECUTIVE BOARD OF LOCAL 222 OSHAWA JAYCEES y, Feb. 7th 20 GAMES AT $20 -- 5 GAMES AT $30 $26 0b b 1 $150 JACKPOT ' ER LINE PLUS $50.00 PER FULL CARD 2 -- $250.00 JACKPOTS $10 PER LINE PLU $200.00 Pon rate LL CA SS Sta Bl Gata ey OA UN oh EARLY BIRD GAME gigas Red Barn, Oshawa ADAIEION EASTVIEW PARK LADIES' AUXILIARY SKATING CARNIVAL For Members Only TO BE HELD $1.50 Couple--Refreshments "JACK DODD'S 5-PIECE BAND" FERNHILL PARK VALENTINES' BOX SOCIAL Members and Friends Invited Ladies to Bring Decorated Box Lunch SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 2 p.m. Prizes, Boys' and Girls' Races. Best Costumes ' Fun- est Costumes, Hot Dogs, Hot Drinks, Etc. On Sale. LAN FOR A HEALTHY FAMILY OUTING" ATTENTION 2 The Canadian Concert Association Presents COS! FAN TUTTI-MOZART by The Canadian Opera Company at FEATURE R. S. McLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE | FRIDAY, MARCH Ist - 8:30 P.M. Reserved Tickets $2.50 at Henderson's Book Store Saturday, February 9th W 4 OOKSIDE TIVE RA FEATURE 239: 21: 39 7 Jot eS HITBY BRASS BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY WEDNESDAY, FEB. 6th EARILY BIRD GAME -- SHARE-THE-WEALTH Bus Leaves Oshawa Terminal -- 25c Return $200.00 SPECAIL $20 EACH HORIZONTAL. LINE -- $100 FULL CARD $100 ADDED IF WON IN 52 NOS. OR LESS 5 GAMES AT $30 -- 20 GAMES AT $20 TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES Ist. 53 No.. 2nd -- No, 57 -- $30 Consolation $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD Door Prizes Children Under 16 Not Admitted