08 eI ree yNes CPE EPO RPT SIE TORT KG CTP EVE Se eH Oe Om 28--Real Estate Wanted :|WELE pay cash for 6 or 7 room ted north of eel ay Mg A rae Sane: : WE NEED YOUR HOME' WANT YOUR HOUSE SOLD ? CALL =5| LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD. REALTOR 101 SIMCOE ST. N., 728-5123 29--Automobiles For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale enced « % ton, 4 914.100, | 6S CHEVROLET Bot Ale, tour deos, MR i Shoe Gent » enero' Recooasic. "Aner"8"'pim|tren $0 Tetohowe aber 4, Woy PRICES SLASHED. | Buy NOW---SAVE $$$$ Ontario Motor Sales Ltd; ) BEST BUYS! . . . LATE MODELS -- 'a 27--Real Estate for Sate ' 27--Real Estate For Sale fe ira bate ea Sori SPRING BUILDING LOTS OFF STEVENSON ROAD - ALSO DUPLEX LOTS ate i] FEE ft REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 $1200.00 DOWN Live practically rent free in this good duplex -- 4 large rooms plus extra large sun porch down and 3 room apt. oF tele H i i CALL Bill Millar 725-1186 CASTLE HOMES Private apartment, three rooms, b a th, refrigerator and range, available Mareh Telephone 723-3229. 1, $75, F ' aL ROAD NORTH -- Complet three-room : i tor and laundry facili- vellate Snmetiotnty, 728-5282. ely apartmect, pri- CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 MeLAUGHLIN BLVD.--Six ge 1 * ation: ondition, excellent loc le Only $40,900, with low down payment. KINGSDALE AVE. -- Five bedroom, two storey brick home, huge living room with Bre hacen end oa Close to ite! and trans- portation. Only $14,900, with terms, one mortgage for the balance, MARY ST. ----- Five bedroom, two storey brick home, 500 sq. ft. new family room with ber on main floor, modern kitchen ond attached gor- age. A real family home. $18,900, with terms, LOTS FOR SALE ---- In beau- tiful. Crestwood Subdivision, King St. East. Watch this crea grow. Ideal for owner nts under N.H.A. whi i i" en orren roe maton! . Heat, hot water Available now, 725-6865. i AVENUE, 484 -- Three- Builders' terms. STORE FOR RENT -- 500 sq. ft. in new modern build- ing, downtown location. Ideal for. hairdressers, barber shop or offices, FARMS ---- We have o wide selection of choice farms in the Oshewa crea, or com- muting distances. For infor- mation on Charles Naylor - 728-2857. : After 6.00 p.m, call -- Wes, Elliott .... 728-0581 Ches. Naylor ... 728-2857 Carl Olsen .... 725-3412 ; 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 Fy a t i ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Avaliable in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH PONTIAC INN Rooms, Single and Double Television, Dining Room Lunches Packed. 725-0078 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Realtors Ltd. Insurance 167 SIMCOE ST, Ss. OFFICE HRS. (9 A.M. to 9 P.M.) MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought & Sold SEVEN ROOMS $9,200.00 only with $1,000 down, Ist mortgage for bol- ance. ly deeorated brick home, Court street vicinity, in excellent condition, to in- spect coll Mr. Rankine ot 725-6544, BRICK BUNGALOW Whitby North, Only 3 years old, $12,000. just $1,500. down, 5 room, 3 bedrooms, 4 pe. tiled bath ond panelled finish 35 ft. rec room with bor, professionally landscap- ed patio, complete storms & screens, Call Mr, leby. at 725-6544 or 153-3998. ONLY $1,500.00 DOWN Modern brick bungalow fully decorated, back yord shrub- bery, sizeable lot. Ist mort- goge ot 542%. Must be seen an I} Mr. Ratcliffe ot 725- 4, 6%2% N.H.AA. 642% We promise you a well de- signed and planned 3 bed- room split-level for the low price of $13,700.00, feotur- ing large spacious rooms, dining-room and walk - out | door to patio. Oi! heating, storms ond screens, parti- tioned rec room, one warranty. Only $1,050.00 down. For appointment to ro) Pa Mr, Gower ot 725- OWN PLENTY -- SPEND LITTLE Your children and wife will smile, everyone will be happy, this attractive 6 room bungalow. Pleasing, bright modern kitchen, imagine -- only $9,500.00 -- Drew St. To inspect, call Mr. Yeo ot 725-6544, up. te entrances, 2 baths, 2 kitchens, large lot, e, close to bus, etc, Asking $12,000.00, Try us with an offer. PRINCE ST, & BROCK Just o nice walk to down- town, close to St. Gregory's = 6 good sized rooms, alumi- num storms, screens and doors, oil furnace. Home in excellent , See this now, Asking $8900.00 with ble dow: nN pay vt. NASH ROAD Attractive 5 rooms on 50' x 285' lot --- forced air oil heating, storms, screens, at- tractive layout, A real buy ot $11,000.00 with os low as $1500.00: down. BUILDING LOT Eost end -- 63' x 114' -- all services prepaid, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Joe Maga, Ken Hann, Jack Osborne, Lloyd Metcalf, John Kemp, Dick Borrioge. GUIDE REALTY Limited, Realtors 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 ONLY $11,700. Ranch bun- galow in North West section. You should be the proud owner of this home. Carries for $96.00 per month, in- cluding taxes on 5% N.H.A. -- Hurry and call to- lay. ONLY $10,500. Just off Park Road North, Close to ail schools and bus, This six room home in excellent con- dition, has four bedrooms and very large kitchen. Call to- day and inspect. DOWN TOWN -- 2 storey six room brick with garage, only a few minutes from Four Corners. This is a large well kept home. Asking only $12,900 with low down pay- ment. $70.00 per month cer- ries principal and interest. 6% N.H.A, RESALE--CEN. TRAL PARK NORTH, PRICE pp ope ny beey four year r) x room brick bungalow. Over 1,100 sq. ft. attractive- ly decorated, 4 pe. tiled van- ity bethroom, _ recreation room. Hollywood -- kitchen, oodles of cupboards. Alumin- um storms and screens, hedged lot, carries for $78. @ month principal and inter- est, $12,900. INCOME HOME-- 8 room, 2 storey brick, only 5 mins. from downtown. Low heating costs. This home hos two bedrooms on main floor. Lerge kitchen and living room, 2 bedrooms up with kitchen and living room, Call today for inspection. GLEN FOREST ST.--One of the best buys we have. This six room brick bungalow has all double pierson windows and screens, 4 pe. tiled van- ity bathroom. Large modern family kitchen. N.H.A, 6% mortgage, carries for $74,22 a month, principal and inter- est, Don't delay, call now to Inspect. JAMES ST. 4 room bungalow in good condition, Just the house for the small family and asking only $7,800, full price. COLLEGE HEIGHTS AREA-- $8,500, FULL PRICE--Toxes only $132.00. If you ore looking for @ comfortable and spotless home AT A PRICE, Call us to inspect this one. Large modern kitchen, oil heating and you can grow your own vegetables, the gar- den is 293 ft. deep. KING ST, EAST -- 6 room full two storey executiye home in excellent: condition $17,900 includes all extras. Cedar lined closets, broad- loom, rec room, mirror over fireplace, extra bathroom. biG Tower, hot water heat- ng. WHITBY CLASSIFIED RENT: Brock Street North, @4:/FOR RENT -- Three-room unfurnished apartment, ground Open Daily 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. After 9 p.m. coll: Steve Zurba, 728-0569 Tony Siblock 725-4362 Leon Manitius 725-8068 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Irene Brown 725-3867 Phyllis Jubb 723-3240 Jeon Peacock 725-4330 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 for early SPRING BUILDING choose your lot and builder NOW Mortgages arranged. Armstrong & Sons Pickering 942-2401 MOVE IN FOR $690 DOWN Six room brick bungalow, . mear King and Stevenson Road. Plenty of room for your family. Carrles for $72. Monthly, Plus Taxes. Telephone Bill Millar 725-1186 CASTLE HOMES Live better electrically In A Medallion Home LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER RETIRING SOON? 1 hove a lovely two bed- room bungélow with dining room, large kitchen, oil heat. Large garden, low taxes. Payments only $60.00 per month, with $1,300.00 down. Call Bill Johnston now ot 728-1066 or 728-5123. NORTH-WEST $10,800 FULL PRICE 3 bedroom brick bungalow only four years' old. Low down payment -- one open mortgage for balance. Ask Ed Drumm to show you this of value tonight. Call 728-5123 or 725-9345, ELIZABETH STREET 3 bedroom brick bungalow with nicely landscoped lot. Very central to schools and shopping. Payments of only $72.00 Interest and princi- pol on one N.H.A. 6% mort- gage. Down payment open to offer, Hurry call Irwin Cruik- Parte at 728-5205 or 728- GRACIOUS LIVING $13,500 6 room brick only 3 yeors old, This is truly one of the , best bungalows, | have had the pleasure to offer for sole, nctural birch, cupboards with double stainless sink, gleam- ing oak floors, spend many hours of reloxation in the natural wood panelled re- creation room, Carries for only $92.00 monthly includ- ing taxes. Hurry call 'Bill' Horner now ot 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario ~~ OPEN EVERY EVENING -- 28--Real Estate Wanted LOT wanted in Whitby, will pay cash! Telephone Whitby 668-4118. DO it now! List your home with Bill Horner, for fast action. 728-5123. List with Lioyd then call your mover. Realty (Oshawa) Lid., Street North, Osha Lioyd 101 Simcoe wa. For full particulars call 723-1121 Listings Invited Real Estate Department GUARANTY TRUST Company of Canada 32 King Street East 728-1653 AFTER HOURS TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. YOUR VOLVO DEALER JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIRS and 728-0921 AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa 1962 OLDSMOBILE HARDTOP COUPE. Fully power equipped, Was $3385 New $2995 1962 ENVOY 1962 CORVAIR Demonstrator. MONZA SEDAN, 102 HP. Wes $2445 Now $1775 ga Seen See SPOT CASH PAID FOR or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 Good clean cars, Trade up Renoult--Peugeout AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM B.A. SERVICE RITSON ROAD AND KING 723-4733 ond 723-7712 Wes $2245 Now $1995 1961 CORVAIR COUPE. 102 H.P. Four speed and radio. Was $2145 Now $1795 1962 CORVAIR COUPE. Automatic transmis- sion. Wos $2045 Now $1895 1961 CORVAIR Soe ens Was $1845 Now $1695 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" KELLY DISNEY USED CARS 409 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY -- 668-4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down __ Always Top Quality WHITBY The Home Of Good Used Cars BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N, 668-4741 ond 668-4025 1960 CADILLAC 1960 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN. Automatic COUPE DE VILLE -- Fully DELUXE SEDAN. 1959 M.G. Magnette equipped. 4 radio, Was $4195 Now $3695 Wes $1795 Now $1585 Was $1245 Now $995 1959 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR SEDAN. Clean as a pin. Was $1445 Nlow $ 1245 1959 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR SEDAN. With radio. Was $1395 Now $1195 (Continued on Page 24) A eeee*eg 2% = "eoodeee™" WANT TO GET BEHIND A NEW WHEEL? CET YOUR CAR NOW WITH 4 LOW-COST, LIFE-INIDUED nie TA PLA LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BEST BUYS! . . . STATION WAGONS 1957 CHEVR STATION WAGON. Dark STATION WAGON. Four door a7 CHEVROL Blue Metallic. " Four door Deluxe. odel. A Was $1995 Now $1745 Was $1445Now $1295 Was $ll45 Now $895 1960 CHEVROLET 1959 CHEVROLET BEST BUYS! . . . COMPACT CARS 1960 CORVAIR 1960 V, SEDAN -- With radio. ee a ig ps. Pasion Was $1385 Now $1195 Wos $985 Now$795 Was $985 Now $795 1960 ENVOY DELUXE SEDAN. Swan white 1957 VOLKSWAGEN 1957 VAUXHALL and blue. DELUXE SEDAN Was $995 Now $795 Was $695 Now $445 Wes $795 Now $395 1960 RENAULT FOUR DOOR, rodio. $735 1959 FORD $1695 1958 BUICK Automatic transmission, radic $1045 1957 METEOR V-8, Automatic transmission $795 1956 PLYMOUTH TWO DOOR 6 cylinder, redic. $439 1955 CHEVROLET V-8 engine, stick shift, $495 FAIRLANE TWO DOOR HARDTOP V-8 engine, automatic transmis- Specials REDUCED! REDUCED ! VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. 1959 VAUXHALL FOUR DOOR $645 1958 PLYMOUTH V-8 engine, automatic transmission, radio. $545 1957 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR HARDTOP, 6 cylinder, automatic transmission, radio. $895 1957 DODGE TWO DOOR HARDTOP, V-B, stick shift. $665 1955 THAMES VAN DELIVERY $225 1954 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR, rodio $245 , BEST BUY! . . . LATE MODEL TRUCKS 1959 CHEVROLET HALF-TON PICKUP == Fleet- side Body. Was $1075 Now $895 | 1960 CHEVROLET } ae PICKUP, Four speed. Was $1195 Now $1095 1960 BEDFORD VAN 1957 CHEVROLET ' SEDAN DELIVERY Was $595 Now $375 Was $495 Now $285 BEST BUYS! . . . 1958-1957-1956-1955 1958 CHEVROLET 1958 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. 1958 PONTIAC } Four door sedan ---- Radio. Automatic trenemis» * FOUR DOOR SEDAN. Custom radio, Was $1485 Now $1295 '9s $1395 Now $1195 Was $1268 Now $995 1958 PONTIAC Bd DOOR -- New cor con- Was $1145 oo 1958 METEOR 1957 BUICK so = Wor cm ae Now $995 Wes $995 Now $775 Was $1280 Now $1095 1956 METEOR 1956 DODGE HARDTOP COUPE. . Customized. SEDAN Was $195 Now $95 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN shist Was $595 Now $395 Wes $275 Now$145 1955 PONTIAC oN 283. V-8 Engine. Floor OPEN 9 A.M. UNTIL 9 P.M. SATURDAYS 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. i a na si Telephone Bill Collins 668-8716 27-----Real Estate For Sele _ FOR YOUR NEW HOME CONSULT JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 723-7122 Dick Young 723-7183 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 MORE TO CHOOSE FROM rams Select Your Best Buy Today From The Big Selection On The Big Lot ! Ontario Motor Sales Ltd: 140 Bond Street West, Oshawa Telephone 725-6501 SEPTIO tanks cleaned. Walter 204 Chestnut ' Street West. telephone! Whitby's Only Fuel Dealer Carrying A Complete Line of FUEL Biue coal, vorious sizes; Bar- becue brikettes and char- No Down Payment To Reliable Parties VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. 156 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA --~ TELEPHONE 725.3557 SAWDONS' (WHITBY) LIMITED 244 Brock Street South Whitby 668-3524 s'|We are also specialists in home remodellin For Oshawa and District. : ia Sis sh EP SB MEMR REIT te on ns as